Defiance 2050 Guide

Radial Menu

Pressing Xbox Controller Menu Button will bring up the Radial Menu where much of the game’s functionality and information can be accessed. From here select one of the options on the dial to see the associated Screen, or use Xbox Controller B Button to exit the menu. You may also press Xbox Controller X Button to exit the game and return to the Character Select screen, or Xbox Controller Y Button to close the game on PC.

Most Screens have multiple pages, or tabs, and they can be naviagted forward with Xbox Controller Right Bumper or back with Xbox Controller Left Bumper.

Clockwise from the top the pages are:


The Character screen includes tabs for Loadouts, Class Tree, Synergy Matrix, Boosts, Stats and Inventory.


The Goals screen includes tabs for Pursuits and Contracts.


The Map screen displays the current map. This is usually the overall world map, but inside of co-ops, arenas, competitive multiplayer, inside arkbreaks and certain mission instances you will see a map unique to that location.


The Intel screen has a single tab that groups information into an expandable tree.

Defiance Store

The Defiance Store screen includes tabs for Store, Claim Items and Redeem Code.


The Settings screen includes tabs for Gameplay, Video, Audio, Controls, Account and Chat.


The Settings screen includes tabs for , Competitive and .


The Social screen includes tabs for Friends, Clan, Chat and Search.