Star Words

Helen Hayes

Star of Stage and Screen

“I can’t bear to think about entertainment becoming entirely electronic. Maybe I’m just too old to take up things like that, but I’m really depressed about computers in general. I think it’s terrible that hundreds of thousands of computers are being used in our schools. In losing the ‘little red school house,’ we’re losing our humanity.”

Bette Davis

Legendary Actress

“I think without doubt that videogames are absolutely horrendous. Mentally they’re horrendous.

I think it’s better that families play real games together. Checkers. Scrabble. Monopoly.

I think it’s ridiculous to try and play those games or others like them on a TV screen. If I were bringing up children today I wouldn’t allow it. I think it’s terrible on their eyes; I don’t think the next generation of people are going to have any vision I Half the time they’re in there playing those games they should be outside playing other things. Or reading books. I’ve heard that people think they are therapy: come on. Let’s have aggression with one another and get it out of our systems.”

Patricia Neal

Star of The Day the Earth Stood Still and Ghost Story

“I think they’re great! I mean, I love the older games like Monopoly and Scrabble, and I’m very good at marbles and bridge.

But videogames are good for one. Some of them force you to use your mind, and you get rid of your aggressions through them. Even detractors have to admit that it’s better to play those games than to beat each other up.

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