Jeff Rovin
Technical Editor
Jim Clark
Electronics Editor
Lawrence Levine
Computer Editor
Martin Levitan
Arcade Editor
Richard Meyers
Senior Writers
Randy Palmer
E.C. Meade
Staff Artist
Nona Bailey
Jeff Rovin
Technical Editor
Jim Clark
Electronics Editor
Lawrence Levine
Computer Editor
Martin Levitan
Arcade Editor
Richard Meyers
Senior Writers
Randy Palmer
E.C. Meade
Staff Artist
Nona Bailey
John J. Pittari
Mary Janet Coppola
Franklin J. Heiny
Editorial Assistant
Christine Whitlock
Research Assistants
Michael Alexander
Samuel Lawrence
Steven Vincent
Leslie Rovin
Robert Robles
Business Consultant
Richard Stevens
Michael Schneider
John J. Pittari
Mary Janet Coppola
Franklin J. Heiny
Editorial Assistant
Christine Whitlock
Research Assistants
Michael Alexander
Samuel Lawrence
Steven Vincent
Leslie Rovin
Robert Robles
Business Consultant
Richard Stevens
Michael Schneider
The Keyboard Eye On Close Up: Videogames, the Inside Story Part II Focus On: Videogame E.T.s V.I.P.: Cliff Robertson Supergaming Cinema: Halloween III Conquering: The Incredible Wizard Preview: New Games Conquering: Pitfall Conquering: Haunted House Arcadia: The Exidy Experiment Conquering: Robotron 2084 Conquering: Zaxxon Computereyes: Ulysses and the Golden Fleece Meet the Original: Zaxxon Input: Letters from Readers Print Out Championship Videogaming: Readers’ Strategies Star Words You Read It Here First
Videogaming Illustrated is published bi-monthly, in February, April, June, August, October and December by Ion International Inc., 32 Oak Ridge Road, Bethel, CT 06801. Subscription rate: 6 issues for $15.00 and 12 issues for $28.00. Canada & elsewhere $19.00 and $36.00 respectively. Second class postage paid at Bethel, CT and at additional mailing offices. © 1982 by Ion International Inc. All rights reserved. © under Universal, International and Pan American Copyright conventions. Reproduction of editorial or pictorial content in any manner is prohibited. No responsibility can be accepted for unsolicited material. All editorial & subscription inquiries should be addressed to 32 Oak Ridge Rd., Bethe l, CT 06801. Agency: CSA Inc., Danbury, CT 06810.
E.T., the star of what is fast becoming the most popular film of all-time, as rendered by award-winning artist Vincent DiFate. E.T. is soon to star in its very own videogame, details of which can be found in this issue of Videogaming Illustrated.