Arnie Katz
Executive Editor
Bill Kunkel
Senior Editor
Joyce Worley
Technical Director
Henry B. Cohen
Strategy Editor
Frank Tetro Jr
West Coast Editor
Les Paul Robley
Associate Editors
Bill Heineman
David Lustig
Contributing Editors
C. Ross Chamberlain
Steve Davidson
Leigh Goldstein
Tom Hirschfeld
Charlene Komar
Will Richardson
Roger Sharpe
Captain Sticky
Rick Teverbaugh
Editorial Assistant
Lisa Honden
Art Director
Ben Harvey
Graphic Consultants
Creative Concepts
Los Angeles
National Advertising Director
Jim Bender
6215 Rustling Oaks Drive
Agoura, CA 91301
(213) 873-3416
New York
Advertising Manager
Ann Martino
235 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10003
(212) 777-0800
Advertising Representative
Milton Gerber
2607 North Prindle
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
(312) 398-3032
Kathleen Carter
Jay Rosenfield
Arnie Katz
Editorial Director
Bruce Apar
Executive Advertising Director
Bruce Mishkin
Production Manager
Laurie Ann Devereaux
Circulation Director
William D. Smith
Frank Emmi
Arron Epstein
David Febland
Arthur George
Beirne Lowry
Neil McPheeters
Cover Illustration
Mark & Stephanie Gerber

ELECTRONIC GAMES (ISSN 0730-6687) is published monthly by Reese Publishing Company, Inc., 235 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003. Application to mail at second-class postage rates pending at NY, NY and additional mailing office. © 1982 by Reese Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved. © under Universal, International and Pan American Copyright conventions. Reproduction of the editorial or pictorial content in any manner is prohibited. Single copy price, $2.95. Subscription rates : one year (12 issues) $28; two years (24 issues) $48; Canada, one year $32; fore ign, Air Mail only, one year $64. Address subscription orders and correspondence to ELECTRONIC GAMES, P.O. Box 1128, Dover, NJ 07801. Change of address takes 60 days to process; send old address label, new address and zip code. All material listed in this magazine is subject to manufacturer's change without notice, and publisher assumes no responsibility for such changes. Membership in the Audit Bureau of Circulations Applied For. Printed in the U.S.A.
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