The Ultimate Video Game

Will You Be The Designer?

Imagine the ultimate video game. It is unlike any other game you’ve ever seen. this game is so exciting, the sweat literally streams down your face as you play. It’s so gripping, you pass up meals in order to play one more game. It’s so challenging, even the fastest shot on the block can’t roll it.

In this game, the graphics, sound and game play are so good, there can only be one name for it—The Ultimate Video Game.

Someday, somebody’s going to design that game, and it might as well be you. We’re going to give you that chance. here’s the deal-you send us your description and drawing of The Ultimate Video Game and if we agree, we’ll not only print it in a future issue…we’ll also submit it to the major video game companies. Your Ultimate Video Game may be their Ultimate Video Game, and who knows—maybe next year we’ll all be playing that game.

Contest Rules

In 200 typewritten words or less. send us your description of The Ultimate Video Game. Enclose one drawing of the game playfield. One entry per person. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number so we can reach you. Sony, we cannot return entries. All entries become property of Fun and Game Publishing. Entries must be postmarked no later than December 31, 1982. Void where prohibited by law. Send entries to: Electronic Fun, 350 E. 81st St., New York, NY 10028

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