Christmas Wish List
“…And on the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, five Quest for the Rings; four Weird Birds, three Freeway hens, two Mr. Turtles and a cartridge in a pear tree.” These may not be your idea of the ideal Christmas gifts, but what can we say? We didn’t have time to contact all of you so we call up the following stars and pros instead. Season’s Gamings!

Aileen Quinn, Star of Annie: The two games I’d really like would be Centipede—the arcade game—and Pitfall! by Activision. They’re really neat. Especially Pitfall! I like the way Harry jumps onto the crocodiles.
Marty Ingels, The voice of Pac-Man: May all your life be pellet-rich, With fruited dreams come true. And Christmas days be wacka-white, While all your ghosts are blue.
Michael Blanchet, Author of How to Beat the Video Games: After nine months of being in charge of a video game arcade room and then coming home to play and write about home games, what I’d really like is a long vacation on an island where there are no video games.
Cathy Garver, Star of the Spider-man cartoon series: If I could create my own game machine, I’d like one that could talk but not talk back. I’d like to see an adventure game in which I could be any one of the characters.
Tom Snyder, WABC news anchorman: I’m addicted to Donkey Kong so what I’d like for Christmas is a ColecoVision. This way I wouldn’t have to go down to the arcades every time I got the itch to play.
Todd Rodgers, Gorf world champion: What I’d like to see is an adventure game in which I could see the action from all points of view. For example, if the game featured a fire-beathing dragon, I’d like to be able to see the screen through his eyes.
Spencer Christian, star of ABC’s Eyewitness News: I’d like to be locked up in a room with a Pac-Man machine. I love Pac-Man. I can’t get enough of it. In fact, I only hang out with athletes who love Pac-Man also.
Al Miller, Senior Designer at Activision: I want a complete sen-surround, tactile, feedback experiential game device with a direct brain interconnect and alpha state control.
David Crane, Senior Designer at Activision: After a hard day slaving over a hot microchip, I want to be able to come home, sit back on my bed and play video games. So, I want a remote control, Atari-compatible video game system, so I can play without having to get up. In the event that I do have to get up, I want a pair of tennis shoes.
Andy Breyer, Asteroids champion: I’d like a game system—either cartridge or disk, it doesn’t matter—that allows whatever type of game I’m thinking of to appear and be played.

ET, alien: I want a phone.
Mario, carpenter and high-hurdler: I tell you. Just once in my life I’d like to climb to the top of those stupid girders and get Betsy out of the clutches of that crazy gorilla. I haven’t had a home-cooked meal in months.
Donkey Kong, ape: Frankly, I’d like to meet a nice girl. Then I could settle down, go to work for her father and quit this low-paying, thankless job. I’m just a middle class, family ape at heart.
Pac-Man, dot: I’m full. For Christmas I’d like to stop running already and get some rest.
Ms. Pac-Man, lady dot: I’ve had enough pellets to last me a lifetime. I’d like to join a health club, take some of this excess weight off and go to Studio 54 or Europe or something.
Pitfall Harry, big game hunter: I’d like some weapons. It’s tough being a lost in the jungle without a gun or a knife or insect repellent. You try it. See how you like it.
KC Munchkin, smiling dot: I think what I’d like most of all is to have a date with Ms. Pac-Man. Pac-Man just doesn’t appreciate her. If she were my girl, I’d never make her work for a living.