From the Editor…
This issue marks one year that COMPUTER GAMING WORLD has been in existence. On the cover of this issue we take time to do a little celebrating and enjoy a piece of birthday cake. The past year has been dangerous, tense, and challenging. But most of all, it has been rewarding. The response of our readers and the industry in general are the "power pills" that have kept us going when the “hosts” of problems have attacked us.
Each issue has increased quality and added features. This issue is no exception. In addition to new layout features, we have added another new column, MICROCOMPUTER MATHEMAGIC By Dr. Michael Ecker. Look for a regular Atari 400/800 column beginning in our next issue. Look for the STAR MAZE contest in this issue.
Editor: | Russell Sipe |
Asst. Editor: | Kirk Robinson |
Operations: | Suzanne Sipe |
Art and Layout: | Tim Finkas |
Typesetting: | Comarco Inc. |
Printing: | John McCoy Printing |
Cover Printing: | Monarch |
Cover Art: | Tim Finkas |
COMPUTER GAMING WORLD Is published bi-monthly by Golden Empire Publications. Inc., 1337 North Merona St., Anaheim. CA 92805. Second Class Postage Paid at Anaheim. CA 92803
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Computer Gaming World, P.O. Box 4566, Anaheim, CA 92803-4566
COMPUTER GAMING WORLD is available at game stores, computer stores. and through subscriptions. The subscription rate for one year (six issues) is $12.50. Canadian subscriptions add $5.00. Outside of United States and Canada add $14.00 (Foreign air). All payments must be in U.S. dollars, made by check drawn on a U.S. bank, Visa Card, Master Card, or money order.
Psalm 9: 1-2
We can be contacted on The Source (TCL920)
Our phone number is (714) 776-4979