
Hobby & Industry News


COMPUTER GAMING WORLD has a new address! Our new mailing address which should be used for all correspondence except United Parcel Service and common carrier deliveries is now:

P.O. BOX 4566
ANAHEIM, CA 928034566

Our business offices and shipping address will be:

1337 North Merona St.
Anaheim. CA 92805

The Cornsoft Group (6008 N. Keystone Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46220). in association with SEGA Enterprises and Sierra On-Line, has produced the official FROGGER for the TRS-80 Model I and III. According to Cornsoft, the actual Frogger music and sound effects have been incorporated into the TRS-80 version.

Hayden Publishing Company has announced the formation of the HAYDEN SOFTWARE COMPANY. The president of the new company is Oscar Ray Rodriguez. Mr. Rodriguez was previously the president of American Business Systems.

Hayden Software Company (600 Suffolk St. Lowell, MA 01853) is sponsoring a contest based on HSC’s first arcade release. KAMIKAZE. Finalists will be flown to San Francisco for the finals. The winner will take home $5,000. Details are included in the Apple II game which sells for $34.95.

Edu-Ware Services has released the second game in their EMPIRE Gaming Trilogy: EMPIRE II: INTERSTELLAR SHARKS. The trilogy will be completed by EMPIRE III: ARMAGEDDON which is scheduled for a February 1983 release. All three games run on the Apple II. Interstellar Sharks sells for $32.95.

Broderbund Software of San Rafael. CA announces THE ARCADE MACHINE CONTEST. Purchasers of The Arcade Machine, a do-it-yourself arcade design package, can win prizes up to $1.500. Starting January 31. 1983 and every month thereafter through June 30, 1983. Broderbund will select a game designed using their TAM program as a finalist. The finalists will be eligible for the Grand Prize of $1,500 worth of software or hardware. The runner up will get $500 worth of prizes. Details are in The Arcade Machine documentation or may be obtained by writing or calling Broderbund Software, 1938 Fourth St., San Rafael, CA 94901. (415) 456-6424.

Broderbund has released two of its Apple games for the Atari 400/800. DAVID’S MIDNIGHT MAGIC pinball game (see issue 2.2) requires 48K (disk). GENETIC DRIFT (see issue 2.1) requires 32K for the disk version and 16K for the tape version. DMM sells for $34.95. GD sells for $29.95.

BOMB ALLEY, Gary Grigsby’s game on Malta and the Mediterranean, will be out at the beginning of December. It will be an Apple game. Gary will begin work soon on a game for the ATARI 400/800 based on WWII carrier combat. Don’t be too anxious, it will be months before we see it. He will also be working on his NORTH ATLANTIC SEA MODERN NAVAL game.

SSI will be flooding the ATARI 400/800 market in the next weeks with several titles, CYTRON MASTERS (disk and cassette), GALACTIC GLADIATORS (48K disk), and THE COSMIC BALANCE (48K disk). The Atari version of COMPUTER BASEBALL is up in the air. Don’t expect to see it for a while. The IBM PC version of THE WARP FACTOR has been delayed and will now be out by Christmas, “hopefully”. On the other hand, the PC version of TIGERS IN THE SNOW should be out by December 1. It will require the color graphics card. 64K. and cost $39.95.

The updated COMPUTER AMBUSH for the Apple is back in the production cycle — “could be out in January” says SSI President Joel Billings.

Two other game projects at SSI are GALACTIC ADVENTURES and EPIDEMIC. GA will be a two disk adventure game based on the universe found in GALACTIC GLADIATORS. In EPIDEMIC (48K APPLE and 64K IBM PC) falling meteorites spread epidemics throughout the earth. Your job is to stop the epidemics. Look for both games in December.

The Grand Stand Company (4231 Bluebell Ave., Studio City, CA 91607) has released a furniture quality JOYSTICK FLOOR STAND. The stand is designed to eliminate wrist and elbow fatigue as well as improve finger dexterity. It can be adapted to any popular joystick. The basic wood version sells for $34.95.


In referring to the game RENAISSANCE and AMOK (Vic-20) on page four of our September — October issue, we incorrectly referred to the manufacturer as United Microwave Industries. The correct name is UNITED MICROWARE INDUSTRIES (3503—C Temple Ave., Pomona, CA 91768.) We said that RENAISSANCE, while basically a one-player game, can be played by two players. The game itself does not have a two player mode. However, through the use of a game utility, you can play the game between two humans. It simply requires that you request a “change of sides”. In this manner the computer will relinquish each turn to the human players.

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