Defiance Pilot Production Begins…

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Syfy and Trion Worlds are thrilled to announce that production on the Defiance™ pilot episode commences today. Combining a star-studded cast with an elite production team, this groundbreaking transmedia experience is poised to unite TV and massively multiplayer online gaming for the very first time.

Defiance stars Grant Bowler (True Blood), Julie Benz (Dexter), Jaime Murray (Warehouse 13), Tony Curran (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Blade II), Stephanie Leonidas (Mirrormask,BBC’s Dracula), and Graham Greene (Dances with Wolves), plus recent additions Mia Kirshner (Not Another Teen Movie, 24) and Fionnula Flanagan (Lost) as fascinating characters whom you’ll get to meet in the game.

Defiance also reunites much of the Battlestar Galactica production team, including visual effects supervisor Gary Hutzel (Battlestar Galactica, Caprica), composer Bear McCreary (The Walking Dead, Battlestar Galactica), and writers David Weddle and Bradley Thompson (Falling Skies,Battlestar Galactica). Rounding out the team are language and culture consultant David J. Peterson (Game of Thrones) and three-time Oscar-winning costume supervisor Colleen Atwood (Alice in Wonderland, Chicago, Memoirs of a Geisha, Edward Scissorhands).

The landmark pilot is directed by Scott Stewart (Legion, Priest) and written/executive produced by Rockne O’Bannon (Farscape), Kevin Murphy (Desperate Housewives, Caprica, Hellcats) & Michael Taylor (Battlestar Galactica). Kevin Murphy serves as showrunner.

Watch this space for more exciting updates on the game’s development and news from the set.

Defiance™ E3 Trailer: Bringing two worlds together

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Watch the action-packed new Defiance trailer from Trion Worlds, featuring players fighting side-by-side with a rugged hero whose fate will be written across both the game and the TV series. Witness as scores of Ark Hunters converge on a dynamic Arkfall event, preview the online shooter’s intense cooperative gameplay and array of future weaponry, then follow as the story steps seamlessly into the weekly series on Syfy.

From game to series (and back), see how your actions will shape the world of Defiance – and the future of transmedia entertainment.

Defiance is headed to San Diego Comic-Con

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Defiance is taking over San Diego during Comic-Con! From the airport to the streets of the city, convention-goers will be able to spot Defiance everywhere they turn – and when you do catch a glimpse of one of our posters (or perhaps something even bigger), take a picture and post it to Facebook or Twitter for a chance to win a trip to the Defiance Premiere next year! Facebook fans can enter by posting a picture at and tagging our page, and Twitter folks can tweet to @DefianceWorld and use #DiscoverDefiance in their tweet for a chance to win.

Conventioneers will also be able to spot Defiance at the Hard Rock Cafe right outside the convention hall. We’re taking over the entire restaurant and turning it into Defiance Cafe, complete with game stations so you can get some hands-on time with the upcoming shooter while you wait for your food and drinks.

Defiance will also be hosting a panel on Friday night at 6:45 pm PT in Room 6DE with special guests from both the show and the game: come with questions (or, if you can’t make it to the con, tweet them to us and we’ll try and get as many answered as possible. We’ll also be retweeting cool pictures – so get there early so you have a good spot.) We’ll post a replay of the panel after it concludes, so don’t forget to follow us at @DefianceWorld and

Rules for Discover Defiance Sweepstakes

PAX Prime Live Stream

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Defiance gameplay


It’s that time of year again, and convention season is in full swing.  Next stop for Trion? PAX Prime!  This year’s show is another chance for members of the Community to get up close and personal with members of our development teams, community managers, special guests, and more.  We’ll also be showing some never before seen gameplay of Defiance, End of Nations, RIFT: Storm Legion, and the newest game in the Trion catalog – Warface.

Can’t make it to Seattle?  Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.  Thanks to the miracle of live streaming, you’ll be able to catch all of this year’s festivities and fun from the comfort of your own Labor Day weekend barbeque.  Just tune into from 10:30 AM until 5:30 PM Pacific, August 31st-September 2nd to make sure you don’t miss a thing!

Trion at PAX 2012

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It’s that time of year again, and convention season is in full swing.  This weekend, Team Trion will be heading to Seattle for PAX Prime. This year’s show is another chance for members of the Community to get up close and personal with members of our development teams, community managers, special guests, and more.  We’ll also be showing some never before seen gameplay of Defiance, End of Nations, RIFT: Storm Legion, and the newest game in the Trion catalog – Warface.

If you’re going to be at PAX 2012, be sure to come by the booth to meet the team and pick up some of the awesome swag we’re giving out.

Don’t forget to clear your calendar Friday night for our annual PAX party of epic proportions.  We can’t post the information publically, but be sure to stop by the booth to score an invitation and directions from a member of the Trion team.

Can’t make it to Seattle?  Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.  Thanks to the miracle of live streaming, you’ll be able to catch all of this year’s festivities and fun from the comfort of your own Labor Day weekend barbeque.  Just tune into from 10:30 AM until 5:30 PM Pacific, August 31st-September 2nd to make sure you don’t miss a thing!

Meet the Dev Team: Nick Beliaeff, SVP of Development, Trion Worlds

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Today kicks off our “Meet the Dev” series, where we sit down with members of the Defiance team and get to know them a little better. Our first interview is with Nick Beliaeff, SVP of Development at Trion Worlds and a key player in the creation of Defiance.

Elizabeth Tobey: Let’s start off by telling our readers a little bit about what you do at Trion Worlds.

Nick Beliaeff: I’m Nick Beliaeff, Trion’s SVP of Development. Recently, I’ve been very focused on Defiance and have been acting as the Executive Producer for the past year, but my role changes over time to fit project and company needs.

Elizabeth: What does a typical day look like for you, in the role you’ve been filling on Defiance?

Nick: Imagine the tallest ladder that you can think of. The day involves working everywhere from the bottom to the top rung depending on what’s needed. I need to know whether to veer left or right, and if, for whatever reason, the team can’t resolve an issue themselves, I help figure out what the best decision is. An EP position really works with the higher-level stuff, so it’s not like I sit with an artist and go, “Oh, that should be blue,” right? No one needs that sort of feedback. You know, “More cowbell.”

Examples of some of the things I’m dealing with now include a press visit to the Defiance TV set in Toronto, a cool Trion game day in New York and talks with some big companies about product placement in the game world. It’s really important to us that they are additive to the game and that they help make our near-future world seem that much more believable. We want to avoid crassness, so it’s about creating that fine line where product placement really contributes to the overall immersion of the world. That’s been a big thing for us.

We are also talking about our beta plans and making it awesome for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. The team gets really focused on the thing they are working on at the moment, so it’s my job to take a step back and show them the bigger picture and the finish line.

Elizabeth: Can you talk a little bit about what it’s like to work on something that’s multi-platform as well as a game and a show at the same time?

Nick: Console is the main development platform for us, which makes sense in two big ways. The first is that both the show and the game are living room experiences.  So someone can be sitting on the couch with their loved one watching the show, and then when the episode is over, they can “go deep” and find out more about something that was mentioned on TV. All you have to do with Defiance is press the input button on your TV, load up the game, and you are there.

The other thing that’s really driving that is the game itself. We wanted to create something that’s really lasting, and game mechanics are at the core of staying power. We’ve got a near-future game set after a war with seven different alien species. There’s an uneasy peace, but there is so much upheaval and havoc that guns are very prevalent. And gunplay is visceral, dangerous, and lethal, so the gameplay needed to reflect that. Other sci-fi settings had guns, but they had a die-roll mechanic for gameplay, so you’d feel like “hey, I’m shooting at you – I’m right next to you pointing the gun at your head, but I missed. What?!”

We didn’t want that, we wanted “I point at your head. I shouldn’t have to roll a die. I should have a headshot, and there should be an awesome reward for that skill.” That’s why we decided to make this a shooter. And as a shooter, we knew it made sense for this game to be on consoles.

Elizabeth: Changing gears, what do you play outside of work?

Nick: Oh, wow. I’m a sampler. I’ve actually been playing a bunch of Conquest on RIFT (I have to give some props out to the home team). The new version of Magic on the iPad is awesome. I played the living daylights out of the Xbox version, which I thought was really good, and this one is really awesome. Unfortunately, this is also probably a comment on how much time I actually have to spend playing games because we are in the home stretch of Defiance. There was a hundred-foot building branded with a gigantic Defiance ad in downtown San Diego (our own back yard) during Comic-Con and our ship date was in thirty-foot-tall letters, so, yeah … no pressure. What the hell were we thinking? Why was that a good idea?

I’m also an inveterate board gamer. That’s where I sort of grew up, so I’m trying to find things that my family will actually play with me. I just picked up Summoner Wars and that’s pretty fun, and Ticket to Ride (everyone loves that). My daughter loves Apples to Apples more than everyone else, but we play that too, right? It’s a little barter system.

Elizabeth: Thanks for being with us – I’ll let you get back to Defiance so you can live up to that thirty-foot-tall ship date!

Meet the Dev Team: Brendan Thorne, Content Designer

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It’s time for the second installment of our Defiance “Meet the Dev” series. This time, we’re talking with Content Designer, Brendan Thorne.

Elizabeth Tobey: So how about you start off by telling us who you are and what you do for Trion.

Brendan Thorne: My name is Brendan Thorne, and I’m a Content Designer at Trion. I make a lot of the missions, events, and encounters in the game. It’s my job to figure out how we’re going to tell the story, what the players are going to do, and to come up with compelling action – and reasons for action – that fit the new shooter MMO genre. I think players are really tired of “Collect ten bear spleens” gameplay, so we’re totally NOT doing that. It’s my job to make cool stuff that actually works for both a shooter and an MMO that plays on consoles and PCs.

Elizabeth: So what are your strategies if you’re not collecting bear spleens?

Brendan: Well, take killing for example: in a traditional MMO it usually takes a long time to kill things. In a shooter, it’s over in a couple of seconds. So you can’t have missions where a player goes out and kills ten Orcs just-like-that. That doesn’t work. Combat in shooters is about working with your environment, taking cover, and dealing with waves of guys coming in – so we’ve built missions in Defiance around events. Each mission is a big, scripted, scaled-up event that you have to play through to complete a task. You’ll get radio calls, be rescuing people, planting bombs, and doing all sorts of cool things like that as part of our missions.

Elizabeth: How long have you been at Trion?

Brendan: Since April of 2011. It’s exciting to be working on a pixel-perfect shooter MMO. We don’t have a lot of go-to examples for how content should play because no one has really done this before. How exactly do you make missions and content for thousands of players at the same time in the same world, ensuring that a) it’s fun, b) no one has to wait around for spawns or in queues, c) it has to work on PCs and Consoles, d) we make awesome TV show tie-ins, and e) there’s enough to do? It’s a huge challenge, and I think we have found a great solution. I think players are really going to enjoy the game

Elizabeth: What are some of the things you’re most proud of since you’ve started at Trion?

Brendan: Well, like I said, our main task is to create content for a shooter MMO that’s totally different than traditional MMOs. So we’re not killing bears, and we’re not picking up rocks off the ground for perpetually dissatisfied NPCs who want ten more rocks. We’ve had to figure out what kind of content works best, and what those missions and events should be. For instance, I’ve been working on some really elaborate scripted missions that are a lot different from what you’ve played in most MMOs. There’s a mission where you rescue somebody from these docks, and you’ve’ got to cover them from up in a tower with a sniper rifle while they try to escape. I made it in a way that you don’t have to snipe if you don’t want to. If you’re the kind of player who likes to charge in with a shotgun and melee everybody in the face, you can do that. First and foremost, we’re making an open-world shooter that accommodates all different kinds of play styles. You should be able to complete the mission the way you want to, regardless of your build and approach.

Elizabeth: Is there a difficulty in scaling from one person to a group of people?

Brendan: Yeah, and with shooters it’s particularly difficult because people have different guns and you don’t know what build they’re using. But we’ve come up with a dynamic scaling system that allows us to handle multiple groups of players that enter an area, all without making it too overpowered or too trivial. And we have some pretty cool server technology that we’ll reveal as we go along that will handle all the players. I think it will fundamentally change the way that people think about how MMOs need to be structured.

Elizabeth: What are you currently playing, other than Defiance?

Brendan: I’m playing a lot of DOTA 2, Diablo 3 – wow for sequels! I’m actually teaching my wife to play Left for Dead, which is really, really fun, although she doesn’t seem to understand that Molotov cocktails are to be used on the zombies and not me. And then I’m playing a lot of Once Upon a Monster with my daughter, which is really cute, but she keeps picking Elmo every time and forces me to play Cookie Monster. It’s so unfair.

Elizabeth: Other than gaming, what do you like to do in your free time?

Brendan: My wife and I actually play a lot of board games and card games. And while I beat her at almost every video game, I cannot for the life of me beat her at board games or card games. Like, seriously, I cannot win – she’s just too good at them. I also spend a lot of time playing with my kids: my daughter’s four and my son is one, so I’ll take them to the park and I’ll make up games with them. For instance, I made up Zombie Tag with my kids. So you’ll get like 30 kids on the playground and one person starts as the zombie and they have to walk around saying, “Braaaa-ins!” and chase the other kids! And if they tag you then you turn into a zombie, and now it’s your job to get the rest of the kids, until there’s only one left and then the next round they get to be the zombie. My daughter tries to be a zombie as fast as she can, because she has more fun. I’m so proud of her.

Elizabeth: And I think that’s all we have for today. Thank you so much for your time.

Help us play games and heal kids in Extra Life 2012!

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It’s October, and that means it’s time for another Extra Life event to benefit Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. This will be the third year that members of the Trion Worlds team have participated in this event, and if you were a member of our Community last year, you probably remember how much fun everyone had helping us raise over $35,000 for charity.

This year, we’re back for another 24 hour binge of online gaming, cool new prizes and in-game awards. To top it all off we’ll be broadcasting all of it LIVE via our very own channel. Be sure to tune in and join us as we get a little loopy in RIFT, End of Nations, DEFIANCE, and Warface. We’ll be playing live with members of the Community, answering questions, and having fun for a great cause – all at the same time.

Meet the Dev Team: Trick Dempsey, Narrative Designer

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It’s time for another “Meet the Dev.” This time we’re going to be finding out about Defiance Narrative Designer, Trick Dempsey.

Elizabeth Tobey: Let’s start with your name, title, and a bit about what you do.

Trick Dempsey: My name is Trick Dempsey, and I’m the Narrative Designer for Defiance. My job of late has consisted of organizing: getting ten thousand or more lines of voice-over recorded by twenty-some-odd voice capture artists in a studio in Burbank, and getting that all done in three months’ time. Normally, though, my job entails deciding how we are going to tell our story and what tools we are going to use to do so. Primarily, it’s making decisions like “Wow, this is a heart-wrenching emotional scene, we should point a camera at it and have a character talk, use facial animation …” and so on. Or looking at a scene that we want to deliver background on game politics and deciding what form that might take. Is it an informational radio broadcast you overhear? Or maybe you pick up a diary of a little girl who’s dying of Vysudium poisoning and we’re going to pull at your heartstrings. It’s figuring out the best way to get you emotionally involved.

Elizabeth: What’s it like to actually go into the studio and record?

Trick: What’s neat is that we cast a lot of very experienced people. It sort of ended up as a reunion cast of the Ouran High School Host Club anime series. Not entirely true, but a shocking number of them have a lot of experience inside of voice acting for things like anime. Cartoon voice actors are amazing. They do twenty voices and maybe six of them sound like cartoon characters, but the other fourteen of them are really fantastic-sounding, well-realized characters that you believe as soon as you hear them. That level of voice actor allows you to get a lot more bang for your buck. Some people might also start to catch on that the voices they are hearing are some of their favorite characters from animation. You’ll also get an emotional reaction and response to a character because the player will feel, “I recognize that voice, this is somebody that I want to help.” It’s almost like having a repertoire at a theater company.

Elizabeth: What’s the coolest thing you’ve done, either recently or earlier, on Defiance?

Trick: Probably the coolest experience I’ve had lately on Defiance was playing after voices were added. Unless you’ve worked in game development, you don’t really know what it’s like to be fighting bunches of mute zombies. However cool they are, if they’re hopping around with their Uzis or whatever, they open their mouth and they’re not saying things. Then all of the sudden you’re playing the game a week later, you’ve done the recording sessions, you’re exhausted, and somebody hops up behind you and is like, “I’m gonna kill you!” and you go, “Oh, they’re trying to kill me. I can respond to this, I can kill people, and I’m not fighting mute zombies anymore. This is great!”

Elizabeth: What’s your favorite thing about the job or working at Trion?

Trick: My favorite thing about Trion is that we are encouraged to have a life that is not inside the office, and we’re allowed to bring that life back in to the office and talk about it and be inspired by it. Last weekend I shot a trailer for a fantasy film to raise funds on Kickstarter. I go to LARPs up in LA where we go camping for three days and get dressed up as elves and orcs and all sorts of crazy things. We actually get to play other games and go “Wow, you know what? That feature, that’s a great feature! Do we have anything that accomplishes that effect? Do we need to add something?” We have the time to sit and analyze and enjoy playing games.

Elizabeth: What sort of things do you enjoy outside of making video games?

Trick: A surprising amount of LARP and making costumes. Also watching anime because now I’m starting to recognize a lot of the voice actors and have faces to go with their names. Aside from that… I’m an amateur novelist, and I’ve done some work on what is hopefully not a terrible fantasy movie. I did stunt work ten years ago, and now I’m doing stunt work again.

Elizabeth: Outside of Defiance, what games are you playing right now?

Trick: I just started playing Catherine, which has made me decide that I don’t think Japanese screenwriters should be allowed to write relationships anymore, without seeing or consulting a therapist. Prior to that I’d been playing Red Faction: Guerilla over again which is old school, I guess. It’s outdated but fun – you blow a lot of things up. There are not a lot of big games out that I’m playing; I’m on a bit of an indie game kick. I’ve also been reading a lot of Game of Thrones, which I recommend, but if you like the plot to move forward in your books, this is not the series for you.

And that’s it for this installment of the Defiance “Meet the Dev” series. Be sure to drop by the forums to discuss Defiance with your friends, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get all the latest news and updates.

Meet the Dev Team – Special Edition: Nathan Richardsson, Executive Producer

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As announced last week, all-star gaming industry veteran, Nathan Richardsson, has joined the Defiance team as Executive Producer. We were lucky enough to get him to sit down and share with us a bit about who he is and what he brings to Defiance!

Elizabeth Tobey: Can you tell the folks at home who you are and what you do at Trion?

Nathan Richardsson: I’m a mildly insane Icelander that missed the meeting about taking myself very seriously but did find myself working on serious spaceship business once. I’m involved in general game development at Trion as VP of Development, but my primary focus is Executive Producer of Defiance.

Elizabeth: What does an EP do? What does your day or week look like?

Nathan: Besides being responsible for everything that is Defiance, like ordering pizzas and pointing seriously at the pictures the artists create and asking for more blue, an Executive Producer should be making sure that there are great people on the team and that they have what they need to fulfill their responsibilities.

The week is usually packed with meetings (surprise!), but I try to make sure that they are 30 minute meetings and that most of them are either spent in 1on1s with team members or dealing with obstacles that need to be cleared. For me, being an EP involves active listening, facilitation, and clearing blockers so we can achieve our goals. I think a big part of leadership is simply being there for someone.

So while the core duty is leadership and vision, people are often surprised that it’s not all about jumping around in a spandex suit, dancing, and pointing in the direction where we all should be going (while looking strikingly handsome). It’s about leading in the direction we should be going, and having people trust you. Otherwise you’re just a guy pointing somewhere. And then nothing happens. I can do both quite well.

Elizabeth: We’re closing in on the release of Defiance. What are some of the things you’re focusing on right now?

Nathan: Defiance is so massive that we still have quite a few things to take care of. It’s easy to get derailed. The most important part right now is keeping our content and feature pipeline flowing so we can ramp up alpha and start beta on all three platforms. Then we can get solid feedback and go through our polish phase.

We are also planning all the features and content to be deployed in the years after we go live. It’s a pretty ambitious schedule, but since we have the entire team working on Defiance after we launch as well, I think we can deliver some amazing experiences.

Alongside this, there is the operational side of everything Defiance. Making final adjustments to our game operations platform and our server hardware and hosting so we can start beta. I’m trying to keep us focused on distribution, sales, and marketing as well since they are very tightly integrated into the game. I’m also personally pointing at some pictures of the collector’s edition items that we’re creating.

Elizabeth: What is the most exciting thing for you about this project?

Nathan: I think, with something like a massive online co-op shooter experience on three platforms that’s integrated with an international TV show the size of Battlestar Galactica, the lunch options and weather here in San Diego really stood out for me.

The cast and crew of the show didn’t exactly hurt either. When I found a team that understood launching an online game is basically when all the fun starts, and that you can constantly evolve the game and expand to even further platforms, that was exciting. Still, the lunch and weather really got me.

Elizabeth: How about the scariest thing?

Nathan: The size of the freaking bugs here.

Elizabeth: What’s it like making an online game of this scale for consoles?

Nathan: It’s immensely fun. There are a ton of challenges as there aren’t that many groups out there that have created a game the way we’re doing it. From the features we have, to the content, the server architecture and how people interact, to all the dirty details on how to make the interaction with the console platforms work, there is a lot of uncharted territory for this kind of large-scale co-op and player-versus-player game on consoles. I enjoy that kind of work.

Elizabeth: What were you doing before you came to Trion?

Nathan: I was making games with an Icelandic company called CCP before this, involved with EVE Online, DUST 514, and The World of Darkness. Before that I was in telecommunications where I was involved with a lot of new things back then, like Video on Demand, fiber optics, DSL, gaming services, online communities, and even gaming tournaments. Gaming has always been in my blood but so has product development, so when I got the opportunity to work on EVE, I took a loooong time to think about it. Almost like, three seconds.

That isn’t exactly true though. Both companies were great and I learned a lot. I have very strong feelings towards them – I stayed almost eight years at both. I guess that’s part of my personality.

Elizabeth: What games are you playing right now?

Nathan: Last game I pressed play on was League of Legends. There’s also Paper Planes, some Firefall and I need to do more of Faster Than Light and Borderlands 2. I also end up buying an unhealthy amount of games on Steam that I still need to start playing. And then there is my Blood Angels army that I have to paint so I can start the new Chaos Marines in Warhammer 40,000. Oh, and if Hawken would give me beta access, the bastards, I’d be playing that as well.

Elizabeth: Outside of work (and games!) what do you do for fun?

Nathan: Eat, drink, love. Or, you know, I love travel and being with family and friends. I also watch way too many movies and television shows.

Elizabeth: What’s the next item on your agenda when you head back to your office?

Nathan: Sleep. It’s midnight and I was fortunate enough to have a great dinner with Syfy and other partners, so I just have to wrap up a couple of things, then head to bed. I intend to watch a Sons of Anarchy and a Revolution episode first though. Or fall asleep trying. Then it’s a fresh day, starting with a series of 30-minute meetings with my managers and four 1on1s, then checking in with the community team, the video team, and also our game platform team.

Elizabeth: Last question: What’s something we don’t know about Defiance, that only you could tell us?

Nathan: That I intend to infuse Defiance with the rich heritage and cuisine of my homeland so that I get my own species. Titan zombie-mech rotten sharks.

And that’s it for this installment of the Defiance “Meet the Dev” series. Be sure to drop by the forums to discuss Defiance with your friends, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get all the latest news and updates.

Meet the Dev: Emily Taylor, Design Producer

Originally published at


Elizabeth Tobey: Let’s start off with your name, and your title, and how long you’ve been at Trion.

Emily Taylor: Emily Taylor, Design Producer, and I’ve been with Trion since March.

Elizabeth: How would you explain what you do to a fan?

Emily: With difficulty! I was actually hired for a different position than what they interviewed me for, so it’s all been a little bit of a discovery. In general, the producer’s task is to make everyone else run smoothly and give the impression everything’s working without problems. Basically, our job is to make people wonder what we do all day. Because if the project is going so smoothly, why would they need us, right? So that’s what I aim for, and that could be anything that comes up. It’s completely different from day to day. I could be writing design documents, proofreading stuff, interviewing candidates, providing playtesting feedback, working with marketing on upcoming campaigns, talking with the QA department about issues, identifying ways to streamline our business systems, or just baking mac and cheese for people who are working overtime. That’s all happened, and lots more too.

Elizabeth: Since the home stretch can be the most frenetic, what have you been doing most recently? What are some of the things that have been the biggest challenges or the things you’re most proud of?

Emily: Well, like I said it changes every day, but a big part of my role is helping keep communication flowing within the team and between departments. Communicating effectively is even more important for Defiance than for other games I’ve worked on because of the additional tie in with the Syfy show, which adds an entire other level of communication that has to happen. That’s been really interesting, figuring out how that relationship will work most effectively, because it’s something that I don’t think any game and show have ever tried to do together. Usually, when there’s been a show or movie based on a game, or a game based on a movie or show, one has come first and then everyone already knows what it’s about. In this instance, we’re developing the same universe at the same time, so it’s a lot more difficult and a lot more challenging and also a lot more exciting to figure out what are we going to do and how this is going to work.

Elizabeth: Are there any big differences working with a TV network, as opposed to an external developer, or any of the other kind of collaborations you’ve had to oversee?

Emily: Our writing teams are very different – we plan things in a very long-term fashion. In TV, plot points can sometimes change a week before recording – in that way, they have a lot more flexibility. It’s been a challenge for both groups, Syfy realizing how far in advance we need to agree on things and us trying to give them the flexibility that if they do want to make a last-minute change, it’s not going to screw things up for both of us. That said, before I worked in the game industry I worked in the entertainment industry. I worked for Sony Pictures for nine years, so it’s not an entire shock; but that doesn’t necessarily make it easy either!

Elizabeth: What’s your favorite thing that you’ve done at Trion? What’s it like working here?

Emily: I’m really enjoying it; it’s a really nice team. I knew quite a few of the people here before I joined, and I’ve got to know some more great people since arriving. I guess the biggest thing that struck me as different compared to companies that I’d worked at previously is just how many of the folks on the Defiance team have families and children. It’s a lot more… I don’t want to say “old,” that’s the wrong word, but more of a mature group of people than I’ve worked with on other games. It’s interesting just seeing everyone rush home to their kids every night. It’s good to have that balance.

Elizabeth: What kind of games are you playing outside of Defiance?

Emily: I’ve been playing a number of things. RIFT I’m dabbling in, I still play EverQuest 2, which I worked on for a while. Minecraft has been an obsession, so I build ridiculously complicated things in that. Right now I’m building an enormous cathedral with stained glass windows, but I’ve also constructed roller coasters that play music as you run along them, a big winter castle made all of snow, all sorts of things. I play a bunch of smaller games. Little iPad games. I recently picked up a bunch of old ’90s games from a website sale. So I’m playing the original Dungeon Keeper again. I love that game. Working on Defiance is keeping me pretty busy, but when I have time to play games I will pick up anything that strikes my fancy at the moment.

Elizabeth: Beyond gaming, what do you do when you’re not at work?

Emily: I like to cook a lot. I enjoy crafting and doing things with my hands. I’ve always been fairly creative, so I find making things with my hands very relaxing when I don’t want to be staring at a computer screen. I’ve made a number of costumes, for example; there are photos of me dressed as a dalek from Doctor Who from Comic Con this year. But cooking is great as a hobby because you get to do stuff with your hands, you end up with something delicious, and then people eat it, so it doesn’t sit around your apartment collecting dust. So I’ve been having people over for dinner every couple of weeks, which is socially enjoyable and tasty as well. And I often bring in cookies or cupcakes for the Defiance team, which always brightens up a long work day!


Elizabeth: Final question: is there anything you’re most excited to tell or show fans about Defiance that we haven’t gotten to yet?

Emily: I think in the trailers that have been shown so far, they’ve tended to focus a lot on the shooting aspect, which is reasonable because it’s a shooter game, but there are a lot of other things to do, too. I’m looking forward to people actually getting a chance to play the game because it’s a lot of fun. Even just driving your quad bike around is so much fun – it’s hard for that to come across in the trailer. I can’t wait for when we start getting people in the beta and have them get hands-on and see what it really feels like.

Elizabeth: That’s all the questions we’ve got for today. Thanks so much for taking the time to talk with us.

Meet the Dev: Jason Stone, System Designer

Originally published at

Elizabeth Tobey: Can you start by telling us your name, your title, and how long you’ve been with Trion?

Jason Stone: My name is Jason Stone, I’m a systems designer, and I’ve been working for Trion for almost four years now. When I came on board, the design team was actually only four people.

Elizabeth:What’s it like to be part of a team that’s grown so much?

Jason: It’s been really cool. We’ve had a lot of good people from the very beginning, but we’ve continued to acquire staff with amazing amounts of talent. It’s been incredible going through that whole growth and hiring process, and it’s been interesting to see how the game has changed as a result. We’ve clarified our vision and seen what’s synched with the show and what hasn’t. The game has changed a lot, and it’s always been for the better. In some ways we’re making a very different game from when I first came to the project, but I’m really happy about what we’re doing now.

Elizabeth: What are some of those major changes?

Jason: One of the big changes was adding action elements to the game. Earlier in the project we thought we had some limitations on what we were going to be able to do with shooting mechanics. A good example would be the shooting in Mass Effect 1 – there’s some dice rolling going on behind the scenes. Getting to where we had pixel-perfect shooting was a huge step because it meant that, hey, we are actually 100% true shooter. There’s no accuracy-role-versus-dodge-roll-versus-you-missed or whatever. It’s all based on user skill, and it combines really well with the action game features we built in.

Elizabeth: So what’s one of the most exciting things that you’ve gotten to do or that you’re most proud of?

Jason: I think I’m most proud of how much fun people have driving vehicles around because I’ve done the vehicle tuning. It’s still rewarding every time I see people driving around on the quads and catching air and really enjoying it.

Elizabeth: You haven’t brought this up specifically, but sometimes people say, “I got to make something fun,” especially with something like a vehicle. What goes into trying to design something fun?

Jason: I’m very practical or pragmatic in the sense that I’m very hands-on and focused on the experience that I’m trying to give the user. I always start by asking “What about this would be fun?” “What would they want to do?” For example, what do players want to do with quads? They want to take corners as fast as possible, do huge burnouts, skid to a stop, and hit sweet jumps. Okay, so what do I do to make that possible? What can I do to make that feel great? The same applies to weapons, where you start with a general idea and then ask, “What are the player’s expectations going to be?” It’s important to look at real weapons, but also at how people perceive them. There’s a lot of information you can gather if you look at the way a weapon responds or fires, but it’s not necessarily what feels good when you put the same kind of weapon in the hands of your videogame character.

Elizabeth: What are you currently playing outside of Defiance?

Jason: I just picked up a new indie game called Endless Space. It’s a 4X game. I’ve been playing Dragon’s Dogma on the console and some Battlefield 3. That’s mostly what I’ve been playing lately. I still play a lot of Forza 4.

Elizabeth: Outside of gaming, what are some of your hobbies?

Jason: Anything with an engine. I just recently sold my motorcycle and managed to convince my wife that it made sense – not that it made sense, that it was acceptable – to have three cars with only two drivers in the house. So I bought a Mazda Miata just this past weekend. That’s going to be my new weekend toy/track car.

Elizabeth: Thanks for taking some time out of your schedule to tell the Community a bit about yourself.

And that’s it for this installment of the Defiance “Meet the Dev” series. Be sure to drop by the forums to discuss Defiance with your friends, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get all the latest news and updates.

Meet the Dev: Bill Trost, Creative Lead

Originally published at

We’ve got another installment of our Defiance “Meet the Dev” series. This time, we’re sitting down with Bill Trost, Creative Lead on Defiance.

Elizabeth Tobey: Let’s start with your name, title, and a bit about what you do.

Bill Trost: Hi, my name is Bill Trost. I’m the Creative Lead for Defiance.  That means l’m the person who’s in charge of the overall Defiance IP. I’m the primary contact with our partners at Syfy and make sure Syfy and Trion’s efforts stay coordinated. I deal with all things Defiance, and keep track of not only the game’s story and how the game plays out, but also the show’s, as well as working with any other external partners.

Elizabeth: What is it like to work on a game and a show together?

Bill: It’s pretty crazy. Nobody’s ever done this kind of thing before. We’ve been working on it for four years now. Luckily, the partners that we have – both on the network side and in the writing room – are all super creative, super easy going people. We’ve been able to really collaborate and build Defiance into the best online game and the best TV show it can be.

Elizabeth: So to someone who’s pining to be a game designer, what’s your day look like?

Bill: An Outlook calendar full of meetings! Lots of discussion, lots of phone calls, lots of conference calls and video calls. Lots of talking with designers, artists, speaking with the people at Syfy, and making sure we’re all on the same page – that we’re all working toward a unified idea of what Defiance is all about and that it’s all connected.

Elizabeth: What were you doing in a previous life, before you came to Trion?

Bill: I’ve been at Trion since 2007. I was one of the people who founded the studio here in San Diego. Prior to that, I worked for eleven years at Sony Online in its various incarnations. I was one of the co-creators of the original EverQuest, and worked on EverQuest for a good seven years. I did a lot of other projects at Sony over those eleven years, as well.

Elizabeth: I’m sure you have a couple of answers for this one, but what’s the coolest thing you’ve done so far with Defiance, or what’s the thing you’re most proud of?

Bill: The coolest thing, I think, is that we’ve come up with this amazing new science fiction world that people are going to really dig and that has lots of room for us to add cool things in the future. Since we’ve been building this concept from the beginning to be both a TV show and a game, we’ve left lots of room to explore. Our vision is very long-term. So, while we’re coming out in April of 2013, we have lots of plans for how much more of the world we’re going to explore, both in the future of the game as well as in season 2, season 3 of the television show. We’re all such big sci-fi fans, and no one’s ever had this kind of opportunity to have a massive online game and a television show based on this original IP that they’ve had a huge hand in creating. It’s kind of a dream come true.

Elizabeth: What’s life like at Trion? What do you like about Trion, especially since you’ve been here since the beginning?

Bill: The thing that makes Trion most fun is the people. I think that was true from the beginning and it’s true now. As far as Trion San Diego, the people who came here at the beginning of this project, we’d all worked together before, and we all liked working with each other. That’s why we came to Trion, to be able to continue to work together. I think with the team we’ve built up, we’ve been very fortunate. We’ve got a lot of super-experienced people who’ve shipped lots of different kinds of games. We had serious online game experience but now we have people coming in with action game experience and console game experience. It’s made for a great combination.

Elizabeth: Outside of work, what games do you like playing other than Defiance?

Bill: Right now, I’m pretty limited. The one I’m playing that I need to get back to is the episodic Walking Dead adventure game. I think that’s it. I’ve played through the first episode and I downloaded the second episode, but I haven’t had a chance to play it yet. I thought that game was really well done, really cool. I like the mood that they set. Before that I guess the last full game that I really got into was Dead Island. I guess there’s a theme there.

Elizabeth: Besides gaming, what do you do with your days?

Bill: My wife and I have an eight-month old puppy named Bailey that takes up a lot of our time. She’s an awesome rescue dog. They tell us she’s part hound/part terrier, but that could be just about anything. She’s a handful, but she’s lots of fun. And I’m a big sports fan, so I’m looking forward to the rest of the football season and weeping over the baseball season.

Elizabeth: I think that’s all I got today. Thank you so much for your time. We’ll let you get back to your Outlook calendar.

And that’s it for this installment of the Defiance “Meet the Dev” series. Be sure to drop by the forums to discuss Defiance with your friends, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get all the latest news and updates.

Meet the Dev Team: Ashley Ruhl, Cinematic Designer

Originally published at

Welcome to the latest installment of our Defiance “Meet the Dev” series, where we introduce you to members of the Defiance team and share a bit about who they are and what they do. This time we’re talking with Cinematic Designer Ashley Ruhl.

Elizabeth Tobey: Let’s start off with your name and your title and what you’ve been doing recently on Defiance.

Ashley Ruhl: I’m Ashley Ruhl, a Cinematic Designer, and I make the cut scenes in the game. Right now I’ve been working on different zones in Defiance.

Elizabeth: How long have you been with Trion?

Ashley: Since March of 2012. I’m pretty new.

Elizabeth:  We’re nearing the end of a development cycle. What has it been like to jump in and hit the ground running?

Ashley: This is actually the second time I’ve joined a game that’s been this far along – the first was with BioWare for Star Wars: The Old Republic. At this point with Defiance a lot of the game is already set. The rest of the team is putting in the story and working with the gameplay. It’s more appropriate, I think, for the cinematics to go in at this point. The world and the lore are established, the characters are there, so then we just layer in the story and work from there.

Elizabeth: What’s the most exciting thing you’ve done recently?

Ashley: I like doing monster intros and reveals of really big bosses. I enjoy creating scenes where a dramatic boss first appears, and he looks super-intimidating. So then when you kill him it feels super-satisfying because you’ve seen how ominous he looked in the cinematic.

Elizabeth: Is there one boss that’s your favorite?

Ashley: Probably the Motherload. He splashes through the water and emerges through this giant smoke field. He’s literally 10 times the size of the player with sparks coming off of him and stuff. It’s really cool.

Elizabeth: How long does it take to put something like that together?

Ashley: It depends on the scope of the cinematic. Sometimes it’s really simple – just “Hey, meet me up here, we’re going to this place.” And sometimes it’s much more complex with multiple characters and settings and objects that they have to interact with. So it can vary between a day to a whole week, going from the blocking to the rough pass to the final. Working with art and VFX to get all the pieces together can take a while.

Elizabeth: What’s your favorite part of working at Trion?

Ashley: I really like how much ownership I have over my work. Because we have a small cinematic team, I get to interact a lot with the other departments. It’s my responsibility to make sure I get all the stuff I need to make the cinematic really great. I enjoy having that responsibility and that level of control.

Elizabeth: What games are you playing, other than Defiance?

Ashley: Star Wars: The Old Republic; I’m playing a lot of PvP. Mass Effect multiplayer, Mass Effect 3, SpaceCam, and Quantum Conundrum. Still making my way through that one.

Elizabeth: When you’re not playing video games what do you do?

Ashley: Recently I’ve been making a lot of video game-related costumes. I just finished a Commander Shepard cosplay for Comic-Con, actually.

Elizabeth: That sounds awesome. Can you get us picture to share?

Ashley: Absolutely.

Elizabeth: Well, I think that’s all. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us!

Meet the Dev Team: Guillaume Colomb, Senior Cinematic Designer

Originally published at

Welcome to the latest installment of our Defiance “Meet the Dev” series, where we introduce you to members of the Defiance team and share a bit about who they are and what they do. This time we’re talking with another member of the Defiance Cinematic team; Guillaume Colomb.

Guillaume Colomb – Cinematic Designer

Elizabeth Tobey: Let’s start with your name, your title, and how long you’ve been with Trion.

Guillaume Colomb: My name is Guillaume Colomb, I am French so that’s a French name. I have been with Trion since March of this year, so just a few months. I’m a Cinematic Designer.

Elizabeth: What have you been doing since you joined Defiance?

Guillaume: Well, Ryan Ebenger [Game Designer] was the only guy working on cinematics before I came on board. His role was to build a team, so I was the first hire. Now we’re up to four cinematic designers in our group.

Elizabeth: Is there anything that you’ve been working on that’s been particularly challenging or cool?

Guillaume: There’s a part of the trailer we created for E3 this year that has some of the things I did. And the stories aren’t all written yet, so it’s difficult to know where scenes I work on will show up. The challenges so far tend to be more technical. I used to work on single-player action-adventure games, but now the task is building a new kind of MMO, where you can have a cut scene but other players can be there and still not see what you’re seeing. So we have to take all the players, all the timelines, and all the various ongoing events into account. Working on a MMO is completely different.

Elizabeth: How are you solving some of those problems?

Guillaume: Our main challenge is that we are limited by what we want to do. For example, a building will always be there, it can’t be destroyed. It will always be there and always look the same. We can add smoke and fire, but it will always be the same building because someone can be there before and after you and the world has to be the same. So I’d like to find solutions where we can still have interesting cut scenes and work within those limitations.

Elizabeth: You mentioned you used to work on single-player games. What did you do before you came to Trion?

Guillaume: The same thing, cinematics. I’ve been working on cinematics now for eight years, I think. Mostly directing cut scenes in single-player action-adventure games.

Elizabeth: What’s it like working at Trion?

Guillaume: Remember, I used to live in France. I arrived in Philly a year ago. With the immigration process taking as long as it did I couldn’t work for almost a year, so it’s nice to find a job in gaming. This company is very nice and it’s in California so I don’t think I could’ve wound up in a better place.

Elizabeth: So other than Defiance, what games are you playing?

Guillaume: I don’t have a lot of time right now with all the moving and my wife is pregnant. I did play The Walking Dead recently. I really enjoy that kind of game, ones that have lots of narration and are story-driven, so it was interesting.

Elizabeth: Other than games what do you fill your days with?

Guillaume: Looking around, hiking, discovering the place, the food, the beer, the beach… things like that. Mostly now it’s getting ready for the baby. Exciting times!

Elizabeth: Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us today.

Meet the Dev Team: Luke Sigmund, Lead Systems Designer

Originally published at

Welcome to the latest installment of our Defiance “Meet the Dev” series, where we introduce you to members of the Defiance team and share a bit about who they are and what they do. This time we’re talking with senior game designer, Luke Sigmund.

Elizabeth Tobey: Let’s start with your name, title, and how long you’ve been at Trion.

Luke Sigmund: My name is Luke Sigmund, and I’m Lead Systems Designer. I worked on RIFT for about a year, and I’ve been here on Defiance for about six months. I was at our studio in Redwood Shores before moving to the San Diego studio.

Elizabeth: What’s it like working in different studios?

Luke: It’s pretty similar, actually. I like it better down here because San Diego is warmer and cheaper. But working on RIFT was really great, and all the people up there are awesome. Acclimating was easy here because I worked at SOE [Sony Online Entertainment] and still know a lot of people in the area.

Elizabeth: What is your overarching job on Defiance?

Luke: When I started here I was working on arkfalls, which are dynamic content sequences that spin up in the world. Arkfalls include really big boss fights, hellbugs, stuff that emerges from pieces of Votan ships that fall out of the sky, things like that. I created big dynamic events that basically take over a zone. So day-to-day I was prototyping stuff to see what’s really fun and what isn’t, and moving from there.

Now I oversee the Systems team making sure all the itemization, balance, UI, AI, and all that gets done and meets the goals we’ve set out.

Elizabeth: What is “fun” is so subjective - can you define the art and science of determining what is fun?

Luke: We start with the core player experience we’re trying to build, and we say, “All right, we want a player to be able to play these events a bunch of times without it getting repetitive or boring.” Then the process begins: I make something, play it a bunch of times and see if it feels stiff or too familiar. If it’s not matching up I say, “OK, what can make that better?” It’s a really iterative process.

Elizabeth: Have there been any parts of the game you’ve needed to change completely or decided to scrap?

Luke: Scrapped is a strong word, but right now we are actually overhauling the way we do itemization and weapon stats to get more overall variety and more balanced play experience.

Elizabeth: What’s the coolest thing you’ve done so far?

Luke: This might be kind of nerdy, but I’ve been overseeing HanSoft, which is the project management software. Getting the design team working in HanSoft has been the coolest thing I’ve done to date. I lay out everything and HanSoft provides us an overall vision of all the stuff we have to make and how long it’s going to take. That feels really good.

Elizabeth: What’s it like working at Trion?

Luke: It’s great. All the people here are really nice and everyone’s really welcoming. Everybody here is pretty senior – they’ve worked in the industry for a long time – so you get to meet a lot of people with different perspectives, different experience. Across the design team, people have worked on games that I really, really liked, and not just games that I also worked on.

Elizabeth: What games are you currently playing, besides Defiance?

Luke: I’m playing League of Legends, mainly, because it takes all my time.

Elizabeth: So how about when you’re not making games or playing League of Legends?

Luke: I have three dogs, two boxers and a miniature pinscher, so my fiancée and I spend most of our time training them and hiking and hanging out with them. We also started organic farming in our back yard, so we have this big plot of crops. We’re growing squash, cucumbers, carrots, and green beans. We were growing baby spinach, but the cucumbers killed them. We bought a bunch of seeds so we grew everything from scratch, and now it’s like the squash plant is prehistoric size, it’s gigantic. The leaf is bigger than my head. It’s unbelievable. I’m going to get some overalls though, so I’m like a real serious farmer. It’s important, I think, to look the part.

Elizabeth: Well that’s all I’ve got. Thanks for taking the time to answer some questions.

Meet the Dev Team : Anthony Garcia, Senior Lore Designer

Originally published at

Welcome back to our Defiance “Meet the Dev” series, where we introduce you to members of the team and share a little bit about who they are, and what they do. This time, we’re honored to be joined by Tony Garcia, a Senior Lore Designer whose vision is helping shape the world of Defiance.

Elizabeth Tobey: Let’s start off by telling me who you are, your title, and how long you’ve been at Trion.

Anthony Garcia: I’m Tony Garcia, Senior Lore Designer, and I’ve been here since March 2008, I believe.

Elizabeth: That’s a long time!

Anthony: Yeah!

Elizabeth: So, Senior Lore Designer is a cool title … what does that mean, exactly?

Anthony: That title’s changed as we’ve gotten larger and larger. Basically, my specialty is building worlds – that’s why I was brought on board. They had the high level concept, and when they needed more detail, that’s when they hired me. I create the entire universe, define detailed technologies, factions, and all sorts of things.

Elizabeth: How do you do that? That can’t be an easy task.

Anthony: No, especially since we’re also working with TV. Don’t get me wrong – everyone at Syfy is great to work with. It’s just that things that are easy and work well in games aren’t the same as for a TV project. There’s a lot of back and forth. The world’s changed quite a bit from when I first came on board, to fit both of our needs.

Elizabeth: What’s been most challenging?

Anthony:  I’d say the timeline. And not just the work timeline. I’m talking about the fictional timeline as well. We would go back and forth about when events would take place in the overall chronology and what would work best for both of our projects. It’s hard for other people to see, but I have concepts locked into their own timeline when I create worlds, so any little modification could affect tons of content. There were a lot of changes going on, so a lot of things were in flux. Keeping track of everything was really complex – and almost confusing at times – up until Syfy was ready to start writing treatments for episodes.  Once that started, we knew where we stood and how solid the ground was.

Elizabeth: What are you most proud of, or excited by, of what you’ve worked on in Defiance?

Anthony: It’s hard to name one thing, because I know I touched everything when I look at the world.

Elizabeth: That’s something to be proud of.

Anthony: Helping to develop the game world stars was really important. Some MMOs, like other games I’ve worked on in the past, have tons of characters that you could interact with. We wanted to treat Defiance more like a TV show, with a small ensemble of stars. They all had to be different, with their own personality traits and different roles in the world. That was a really big thing. Working to finalize the crossover schedule between the TV show and the game was really satisfying as well – determining what’s going to run the entire season, and what’s going to actually weave from game to show, and show to game. Even though we still work on an almost daily basis developing those links, we have a pretty firm idea of all the things that could happen throughout the entire season.

Elizabeth: Skipping from what you do at work … what do you play for fun when you’re not playing Defiance? Do you play a lot of games?

Anthony: Oh, yes! I play a lot for fun, but I also do some research. I’ll delve into games I don’t even want to play. Right now, I’m playing mostly for fun. I just completed The Walking Dead: Episode 2. I loved that. I love anything with story, so that was great.

Elizabeth: Two of my friends are designers and writers on Walking Dead, so I’m happy whenever somebody says they enjoyed playing it. I just want to call and tell them.

Anthony: I’ve gotten so much joy out of those little episodes that Telltale [Games] has done – more than what I’ve gotten out of most games that I’ve paid a lot for. I can’t wait for the next one. It’s the kind of zombie game that I’ve always wanted to play. I like action games, too. I’m also playing Battlefield 3 right now.

Elizabeth: Whatever makes you have fun, right?

Anthony: Oh yeah, I play any type of game if it interests me.

Elizabeth: So, outside of gaming, what do you do for fun?

Anthony: I work out a lot, though maybe not as much as before. That used to be my big thing, always going to the gym. I have a little girl now, so I like just spending time with her. I think it’s more valuable to take her for a little walk or to Sea World, or wherever. That’s fun to me now. We probably do a 5K run every month, and she’ll go along in her stroller. But it’s mostly that: working out, camping – if I can work it in – and just spending time with my little girl … that’s about it. That’s a lot of time, actually.

Elizabeth: Those are the most important things. Well, that’s all I’ve got. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to tell us a bit about yourself!

The Media Descends on Defiance

Originally published at

Members of the gaming media descended on a special showcase of Defiance, taking a deeper look at the game in development than ever before. Take a look at some of the write ups that came out of the event for more information on Defiance!



This is just the beginning and there’s more details in store! Stay tuned to the latest information the Defiance Facebook and Twitter page!


Advanced Mission Beta 1 FAQ

Originally published at

The Defiance team has been getting a TON of questions about the first ever Defiance beta. We’re sharing the top questions and answers so take a look!

Q: Where do I download the beta client?
A: Details about the beta will be communicated via email to the address on your Trion Worlds account. Please make sure to add to your Safe Senders list to ensure delivery!

Q: Is the beta under NDA?
A: Yes, the Defiance beta test is under NDA. Please keep all details regarding the Defiance beta out of public channels, as players who break the NDA will be removed from future Defiance betas.

Q:  I received a Defiance beta code; what do I do next?
A: IF you get a beta code, go to the Apply Code page at Once you  have been accepted into beta, you will receive a beta invite email which will take you through the rest of the simple steps to access and download the beta client.

Please note, if you have already received a beta invite email, you are signed up for the beta and DO NOT REQUIRE a beta key.

Q: What platform is the Defiance beta for?
A: The first beta is for PC players. However, future beta tests will include PlayStation®3 and Xbox 360® players, so stay tuned to for further details.

Q: Where are the beta forums located?
A: The Defiance beta forums are located at:

The forum will be accessible once your beta access has been confirmed via email.

Gameplay Trailer : Massive Co-op

Originally published at

Lead the charge in to huge co-op battles across the open world.

Click the image to be taken straight to the video!

Preorder and Live Action Teaser

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We’ve gone live with our preorder information that details all of the available preorder options as well as revealing that Defiance will not require a subscription to play!

Gamers can choose from multiple game bundles, digital and physical, starting at USD $59.99: Standard, Collectors, and a very limited number of Ultimate editions. Each package allows players to delve deeper, and more quickly, into the persistent futuristic universe where the survival of Earth relies on your skills as an Ark Hunter leveling up in massive co-op battles and fierce multiplayer combat.

Defiance is scheduled for release in April 2013, and can be pre-ordered online and at major games retailers in North America. Information about the European pre-order will be available shortly.


The new live action trailer can be viewed here – (Archivist Note: With the Defiance YouTube channel scrubbed the linked video is embedded below)


Defiance gameplay

The Defiance Dodge Challenge(r)

Originally published at


Navigating alien terrain and evading (or running over) potential danger in your vehicle is a big part of the Defiance game experience. Early in your Ark Hunter career, you’ll earn a quad ATV that opens up your ability to cover the expansive world of Defiance. Vehicles and fast travel points ensure that players are focused on joining the action rather than worrying about going from point A to point B. Multiple vehicles and vehicle types are available in Defiance, from fast solo vehicles like the ATV to a fortified personnel carrier known as the Cerberus. The Challenger is the fastest vehicle in Defiance, and the most coveted.

The Defiance Challenger is a powerful and agile vehicle, perfect for the devastated ruins of future San Francisco. Remnants of the present time are still evident; from the collapsed Golden Gate Bridge, San Quentin prison (now a fortress), and the sunken bog of Fisherman’s Wharf. Technology from our time is also evident in Defiance, and that’s what set the stage for the introduction of the Challenger into Defiance.

Getting the Car into the Game

There were three key areas for getting the Challenger into the game:

  • Art & Animation
  • Vehicle Performance Design
  • Audio FX

We picked up a decked out Challenger R/T Classic, took the car for a drive, some reference shots, and ran one very unfortunate Hellbug. Once the team got extensive hands on with the car, we factored in a lot of different characteristics, from handling, speed, acceleration, styling, and sound into designing the in-game version. Varying styles from sleek to gritty were concepted and evaluated, and after several iterations, the following version was implemented into the game.


All told, the process took about two months from evaluation to implementation. Plus, we are still fine tuning the driving and physics charactertics for balancing.

The Challenger will be available to players as an unlock. You’ll have to prove your driving prowess first in order to qualify!

Defiance Challenger Photo Gallery





Enemy Intel : The Mutants

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We’re releasing a series of videos over the next few weeks to help you better prepare yourself for the world of Defiance. This first video is highlighting some particularly nasty enemies: The Mutants.

You can see the video by going directly to our YouTube page – or by clicking right here!

Who are The Mutants in a nutshell? They are the remains of the Earth Military Coalition and now they continue to fight on despite being mutated. Beware the mutants, though they are mindless they still pack a punch.

Ark Hunter Rewards

Originally published at

Greetings Ark Hunters!

It’s time to start your career as an Ark Hunter. Ark Fall codes have begun appearing all throughout the world of Defiance. Some of these codes are quite easy to find, while others may present more of a challenge or require keen eyesight.

Your objective is to collect the Ark Fall codes as part of your Ark Hunter Training. As you advance in training and enter more codes you will unlock in-game bonuses. These bonuses range from extra inventory slots to a small bonus in a weapon proficiency. The most discerning Ark Hunters who fully complete training will have their characters start with a bonus perk.

Head to the Ark Hunter Rewards page to start claiming rewards!

Advanced Mission Beta 2

Originally published at

Advanced Mission Beta 2 is coming on February 8th at 8:00 AM PST and running through February 10th at 9:00 PM PST. You’ll be taken to the San Francisco bay area and get to explore the future world of Defiance as an Ark Hunter.

With beta 2 we’re opening up a new area as well as some coop instances for testers to go through and explore. Click here to head to our beta page and get more information and to sign up for the beta!

If you played in beta 1, you don’t need to download anything new but you will need to log in and patch your game prior to beta 2!

Release Date and Live Action Trailer

Originally published at

Defiance™ will be launching on April 2nd and is a one-of-a-kind transmedia experience; players and fans can experience Defiance on the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, or a Windows PC and become part of the online world ahead of the April 15th debut of the Syfy TV show.

Helping set the stage we have now released the full version of our Ark Hunter trailer that encompasses what life in Defiance is like for the everyday Ark Hunter. Keep your eyes open during the trailer since there might be extra incentives for those keen eyed Ark Hunters. Click here for a direct link to the trailer!

Defiance - Live Action trailer

Meet the Dev Team: Nels Nelson, Senior Game Designer

Originally published at

Welcome back to our Defiance “Meet the Dev” series, where we introduce you to members of the team and share a little bit about who they are, and what they do. This time, we’re honored to be joined by Nels Nelson, a Senior Game Designer whose vision is helping shape the world of Defiance.

Elizabeth Tobey: Can you start off by telling us your name, your title, and how long you’ve been at Trion?

Nels Nelson: I’m Nels Nelson, and I’m a Senior Game Designer. I’ve been here for about four and a half years.

Elizabeth: What exactly does a Senior Games Designer  do?

Nels: Well, I’ve been here since the very beginning, and the job has really evolved over the course of the project. The core of what a designer does is lay out the framework of what the game is going to be and help direct everybody else as they’re implementing things, make sure that everything’s going as planned, that sort of stuff. One of the biggest changes has been the game’s scope. When it started out, we had about ten or twelve people on the team, and now I think we’re pushing a hundred. At the very beginning we were just building a prototype, and now we have a huge playable game and a launch date, so it’s grown quite a bit.

Elizabeth: So what are some of the things you are most proud of, or excited about, since you’ve been here?

Nels: I would say the shooter combat that we have in the game is probably the most exciting thing, even though I’m not responsible for a large part of it. We’ve been able to hit, I think, what players are going to expect, people who are coming from your triple-A shooters. They’re going to feel pretty familiar picking up and playing our game, and their first impression is going to be a good one.

Elizabeth: Does working in tandem with the TV show kind of throw a wrench in your design process or give you more freedom?

Nels: I think it actually gives us more freedom because the show is able to handle a lot of the character story-based stuff that’s difficult to do in the game. It can get expensive if you try to work too much story into a game – it takes a lot of time and can kind of tie your hands. By allowing the show to tell a lot of that, we can make the game more about the player’s story and what the players are doing and experiencing together, which is very dynamic. That way, the show can focus more on the, “Here are the stories of the characters you’re meeting in the game” aspects.

Elizabeth: How does being cross-platform help or challenge you?

Nels: I would say the biggest thing it helps with is focusing on moment-to-moment gameplay. Shooter gameplay is standardized on consoles as far as mechanics, what to expect, how controls work, etc., so we can use those as a base to make sure players feel comfortable coming in. Then we can layer on a lot of abilities and online content afterwards and not scare people away by putting the massive and evolving aspects front and center. So I think it’s actually kind of helpful for us to be on console – as designers it forces us to focus the gameplay to accommodate the limitations of the platform.

Elizabeth: Other than Defiance, what games are you playing?

Nels: I just finished the recent Spider-Man movie tie-in game, and I’ve been playing the new Lego Batman. Played a bit of Spec Ops, which is a recent shooter. Those are the latest games I’ve been playing. I play a lot of console action and shooter games, so pretty much everything that comes out on console, I pick up and give a shot.

Elizabeth: Other than gaming, what do you do in your spare time?

Nels: To start, I have a big family at this point. That’s one of the casualties of getting older, so I spend a lot of time with them for sure. I do a lot of reading, go to movies, take care of my dogs and that sort of thing. Nothing terribly erratic or out of control, nothing too crazy. When I go home in the evenings I rarely use the computer at all. I’m just in front of one for so much during the day!

Elizabeth: I think that’s all we’ve got for today. Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions.

Preorder Information and Answers

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We’ve had a lot of questions about our different editions and we want to lay out the information for you again. Listed below are all of our preorder options and accompanying images for each bundle.


We have also started a Preorder FAQ in our forums where we will take direct questions and tracking down direct answers. You can directly get to the FAQ by clicking this link and we encourage you to head to the forums and ask us questions.

You can choose from multiple game bundles, digital and physical, starting at USD $59.99: Standard, Collectors, and a very limited number of Ultimate editions. Each package allows players to delve deeper, and more quickly, into the persistent futuristic universe where the survival of Earth relies on your skills as an Ark Hunter leveling up in massive co-op battles and fierce multiplayer combat.

Defiance is scheduled for release in April 2013, and can be pre-ordered online and at major games retailers in North America. Information about the European preorder will be available shortly. We have not released any information regarding our European Ultimate Edition, so please stay tuned for that!

These are our digital preorder versions: You can preorder these at or at the local online retailer of your choice. If you are having trouble finding an edition at your online retailer, contact us at  or message us at @defiancegame on Twitter for more help!


Defiance Pre-Order ($59) Bonuses Include:

  • Outlander outfit helps you blend in with the locals
  • Iron Demon title lets potential enemies know you are not to be messed with
  • Retailer Exclusive pre-order weapon that gives you a leg up out of the gate
  • 3-Day XP boost helps establish you on the battlefield
  • Beta Invitation – get in the game early!


Defiance Digital Deluxe Edition ($99) Includes:

  • Rare VBI Sentinel Shield helps you never let your guard down
  • In-game title:  Badlands Drifter
  • Ark Infiltrator outfit – look good while crackin’ skulls
  • Hydra heavy weapon helps you bring the boom early
  • +5 Increased inventory space – don’t leave home without it
  • 30-Day scrip boost – more everything!
  • 30-Day XP boost – level up faster!
  • Lock Box – sweet random rewards!


In addition to digital editions, we also have physical copies of the game you can preorder. You can pick these up both in stores and online. The major difference between these editions and the digital editions is that you  will get a physical box with the game and goodies inside: you can pick these up at as well as at the retailer of your choice (both in-store and on their online site!) Again, if you don’t see an edition at a store of your choosing, please contact the Community Team and we’ll help you out.


NOTE: The European collector’s edition and the ultimate edition do not include the bonus DVD. These images are of the PC version but all versions are the same! There is no monthly subscription!


Defiance Collector’s Edition ($99) includes the Digital Deluxe items and adds the following:

  • Unique Defiance Collectors Box
  • CD soundtrack – from legendary composer Bear McCreary
  • Exclusive Art of Defiance book – unique stills and never-before-seen renders
  • Exclusive Hellbug statue
  • An official Von Bach Industries contract
    • Defiance Post Cards and stickers
    • Bonus “Making of Defiance” DVD
    • 7-Day scrip boost
    • 7-Day XP boost




Defiance Ultimate Edition ($149) adds the following to the Collector’s Edition:

  • Exclusive Defiance Messenger Bag
  • Exclusive in-game title: Pale Wars Ronin
  • One Year Season Pass (All DLC) for Xbox 360, Windows PC, and PlayStation®3 1200 Bits


View a complete breakdown of all of the Defiance platform editions here:



*Xbox 360, Windows PC and PlayStation®3 system versions do not have a separate monthly subscription.

Meet the Dev Team: Matt Mowrer, Writer

Originally published at

In today’s installment of our “Meet the Dev” series, we are talking to Matt Mowrer, a writer on the Defiance team.

Elizabeth Tobey: Hi, Matt – let’s start by telling our fans who you are and what you do.

Matt Mowrer: My name is Matt Mowrer – I’m the writer on the game side. When I arrived they already had the story somewhat mocked out, so I started by developing aspects of the overall storyline. Now I’ve been taking that story and turning it into dialogue that we’ve been recording. I write all the cut scenes, as well as a lot – if not all – of the in-mission dialogue, and then piece it all together to make sure everything makes sense and moves the story forward. I direct recording sessions and work with voice talent to help make sure that what I wrote is being delivered properly. Then I’ll collaborate with cinematics to make sure they understand what I was trying to convey in my scenes, so it will look awesome when they do their cinematic stuff.

Elizabeth: What do you like to write most, either gaming or other projects?

Matt: I am a huge horror fan, so I really enjoy horror movies and writing horror movies and trying to make what is generally a poor genre better. I like to create – I hope I’m creating good characters – and it’s been fun to come in to a project where a lot of work has already been started. All the characters were conceived by the time I got here; I just took them and sort of molded them into something that I could relate to and get into. So it’s been fun to take someone else’s work and develop it further. It’s a great team feeling, like we all made something awesome. The main Defiance character that I’m really into is John Cooper, who’s a super badass. I’m hoping others will feel the same.

Elizabeth: Does working in conjunction with the show make writing the game easier or more complicated?

Matt: That is a good question. I came from the show, actually. I was a creative consultant with Syfy, then this job opened up and offered more creativity. That first job was half creativity and then half sort of managing details like meetings and emails. This is a hundred percent creative, which is great. The difficult part is just the differences about how each team goes about doing things. For instance, there are limitations that Syfy has that we don’t, and there are roadblocks that we have that they don’t. It’s hard to take all those limitations and create something awesome out of them. It’s been going really well. I saw the teaser trailer today from the show and it looks amazing. So I was very, very stoked to see that. I think there are going to be some good connections between the two. I think this is going to be pretty rad for people.

Elizabeth: So other than working on the game, what are you currently playing, in terms of video games?

Matt: I just started Bulletstorm, and that game is ridiculous! It’s amazing how over-the-top the swearing is – which was somewhat unintentional from what I understand – and it just makes it that much better. They have invented word I’ve never thought of. So, that’s what I’m playing now. BioShock is amazing as far as writing goes. The same goes for Red Dead Redemption. The writing in that is great, and the voice acting alone in that is some of the best I’ve heard – so hopefully we can equal that.

Elizabeth: So other than games, what do you do? What are your hobbies?

Matt: I play hockey. I’m a big hockey fan, which is rare for a Californian. Hard to do out here. I also have a motorcycle I like to ride. I have a baby. I don’t know if that’s a hobby, but she’s pretty awesome. I just moved to San Diego, so it’s all fairly new to me. I don’t know what else. Maybe movies? I love movies. Westerns and horror movies are two of my favorites.

Elizabeth: Thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions and tell the Community a bit about yourself. We can’t wait to see more of what you write for Defiance.

Defiance Avatar Collection

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We’ve got an awesome Microsoft Xbox 360 avatar collection available right now for you to begin customizing your avatar. We’ve got everything from Hell Bug pets, to Defiance clothing, and even some VBI options as well for our more dedicated Ark Hunters! Check out the Xbox 360 store for more details and to get your very own Hell Bug pet!

Here’s an example of the Defi Shirts on both female and male avatars :



Of all of them though – the Hell Bug pet really stands out and makes for an awesome addition to any collection.

Advanced Mission Beta 2 is Open

Originally published at

We’ve just opened up the second Advanced Mission Beta for Defiance. Please join us and explore the starting area as well as a new zone – Madera. Take a look around and enjoy your weekend in Defiance!

Meet the Dev Team: Josh O’Brien, Senior Level Designer

Originally published at

Welcome back to our Defiance “Meet the Dev” series, where we introduce you to members of the team and share a little bit about who they are, and what they do. This time, we’re honored to be joined by  Senior Level Designer, Josh O’Brien, who is responsible for the world environment experience in Defiance.

Elizabeth Tobey: Tell us your name, title, and how long you’ve been with Trion.

Josh O’Brien: My name is Josh O’Brien, I’m a senior level designer, and I’ve been with Trion for just over a year now.

E: What have you been doing in the last couple of months? What have been taking up most of your days?

J: Most of my days have been taken up by working with the combat designers to help ensure that our playspaces in the open world are up to triple-A standards and are super fun for one person or a group of 30 or 40 people rolling through it.

E: What are some of the key aspects of making an area fun and accessible to that many people?

J: One of the key aspects is having multiple ways to approach a given encounter and giving the players a toolbox that they can pick what they like from, and then just going in and having fun.

E: Is there anything that you’ve been working on that you’re particularly excited about or proud of?

J: Yeah, there’s a lot I’m proud of. Our final area, our final zone, has a lot of really good points of interest that we’ve taken all the mistakes from the previous zones and hammered them out, so our end level content is going to be pretty good. Also, downtown San Francisco is going to be a cool area to run around in; destroyed buildings, fighting through TransAmerica building is going to be pretty cool to swing some of that. Alamo Park is pretty cool, too. And next we have fighting on the new Treasure Island that we’ve redone and made alien, that’s going to be pretty exciting, as well.

E: Other than Defiance, what are you playing for fun?

J: I play a lot of Borderlands, and I play Left 4 Dead 2 – pretty much those two games. I like the co-op shooters.

E: What are you doing when you’re not playing and making games?

J: Trying to get my five-month-old to sleep.

E: Is there one thing that you’d like to share with the Defiance Community, or something that you’re really excited for them to see?

J: Just to say that Defiance is like nothing I’ve worked on, it’s like nothing else made, it’s a totally new experience and it’s really going to kick ass. It’s going to rock.

E: And that’s it for today. Thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions for the Community.

Enemy Intel: Raiders

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These scavengers are homicidal zealots who terrorize the outlands. Check out this latest intel video for tactics on how to take them down!  Click here to be taken to our YouTube channel to see the latest intel video.


Enemy Intel – Scrappers

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Scrappers are hostile robots constructed from scrap metal and salvage technology driven, some say, by a higher artificial intelligence.  Check out the enemy intel trailer by heading to our YouTube channel.


Hell Bug Valentine

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Happy Valentines!

Live Stream Schedule for this week

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Howdy Folks!


This week we have another live stream scheduled at 4:30 PM PST on Friday February 15th. We’ll be showing off some more of our competitive multi-player including freight yard as well as showing you a couple of things we haven’t shown anyone!


We’ll be debuting a couple of our challenge missions so make sure to follow us at to get notified when we go online.


When : Friday, February 15th @ 4:30 PM PST

Where :


We may even have a few Ark Fall codes and other surprises too!

Meet the Dev Team: Gary Stelmack, Senior Combat Designer

Originally published at

Welcome back to our Defiance “Meet the Dev” series, where we introduce you to members of the team and share a little bit about who they are, and what they do. This time, we’re honored to be joined by Gary Stelmack, who is responsible for the combat experience in Defiance.

Elizabeth: Let’s start with your name and title, and how long you’ve been with Trion?

Gary: I’m Gary Stelmack, I’m the Senior Combat Designer, and I’ve been with Trion for about 10 months now.

E: In the 10 months that you’ve been here, can you talk a little bit about what your main duties are and what you’ve done for the game?

G: I’m basically overseeing combat, in general, which is a really broad area, so I get to deal a little bit with AI, a little bit with our weapons and our shooting model, kind of everything that goes into what makes running around in the world and shooting things fun. So we’ve been doing a lot of work to get our pacing right and get our feel for the player power level up into a really good feel for the experience that we’re trying to project in Defiance.

E: What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve encountered in the past couple of months?

G: Well, one of the big things is working on a massive online shooter. You’ve got a lot of situations where you have to compensate for lag or performance issues or even just latency back and forth to server centers, and you have to build your combat around the concept that it may take a little bit for the fact that you’ve shot to go out to the server and for the server to come back to you.  We kind of adjust the pacing to take that into account, so we’re not a Call of Duty pace-wise because we may have a little bit longer, so we give that bit of error margin so still feels really good to the player, but we can still convey that you’re more powerful than what you’re facing out there in the world, that you’re a little bit better and a little bit more heroic.

E: So Defiance is a shooter, but it’s also multi-platform. How do you make the experience fun for both mouse-and-keyboard and console controller?

G: Well, there are actually a lot of tricks you can do with the controller. You can adjust both the responsiveness of the controller to capture that same kind of feel. You can also do certain things with aim assist, with snapping the targets a little bit. The important thing is you do that subtlety so that it’s not, hey, the game is helping you out, and you’re really looking to compensate for that precision on the controller while not completely eliminating the player’s skill. So it’s a really fun balancing act that you have to play with to keep that balance back and forth.

E: What were you doing before Trion?

G: Prior to Trion, my entire career was spent at Red Storm Entertainment working on Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon. I was there from the moment Rainbow Six launched, so more or less, the entire duration of both those series.

E: So other than Defiance, what games do you play?

G: One of my favorite ones that I do a lot of playing is actually RIFT. It was one of the big things that made me look at Trion as a company to come to was just the quality of RIFT as an MMO. I’m heavy into a lot of the other shooters that are out there on the market. You know, Call of Duty, Borderlands, you know, all of those that are out there right now. Most recently I finished Max Payne 3, so I try to dip into a little bit of everything. I’m also a really big fan of online flash games because you can see some really innovative, really creative stuff that people are doing there as well.

E: Beyond the world of gaming, what do you do with your days?

G: Well, one of my big hobbies that I like to do is stained glass, the Tiffany-style stained glass which is a lot of fun. It was actually something that I got into about two years ago, and that’s always a really big fun creative challenge, because being a designer, I’m artistically challenged, and so it’s fun to figure out how to build things like that. I’ve always been a work with my hands person, so now that I’m out here living in an apartment I don’t have my wood shop all set up, but hopefully I’ll be able to get back to that. I’ve also got a lot of pets that occupy my time.

E: Thanks so much for taking some time to answer our questions.

Ark Hunter Chronicles Teaser

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We’ve just released a trailer for our upcoming series about our Ark Hunters. The Ark Hunter Chronicles will focus on the three Ark Hunters from the live action trailer to give you the background story of how this group of Ark Hunters came together. Head to our YouTube channel to get more information!


Click here for a direct link to the teaser! 

Ark Hunter Chronicles Episode 1

Originally published at

The first episode in our Ark Hunter Chronicles mini-series is now live. This first episode is about setting the stage and getting to know the background of our trio of Ark Hunters.  Make sure to check back every week to see the newest episode.


Click here to head to our YouTube channel to see the very first episode. 

Defiance Live Stream – Friday 2/22

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Join us again this Friday as we stream from our closed alpha. We’ll be doing more focus on Observatory and Shadow War this time around as we’ve had more requests to see the competitive multiplayer. We’ll also have a special  guest joining us so make sure to subscribe to us on our Twitch TV channel to see when we go online!


When : 4:30 PM PST

Where :

IGN Walkthrough with Defiance

Originally published at

IGN recently sat down with Senior Producer Rob Hill for an extended walk-through of Defiance and now it’s live for your viewing pleasure. Check out the video and let us know what you think!

Click here for a direct link to the video walk-through. 

What is an Ark Hunter?

Originally published at

In the world of Defiance you play the role of an Ark Hunter, a specialist in survival, combat and tracking who braves dangerous frontiers to locate and retrieve lost relics of alien or advanced origins in return for great financial rewards.

You are an Ark Hunter in the world of Defiance and you are on not only a story mission, but you control what you want to become. Do you want to try to be the best sniper around? Would you prefer to be the biggest baddest guy around using EGO abilities? What if you want to have the fastest quad in the bay area? These are things you can control and things you can decide upon once you get in to the game on April 2nd.


Enemy Intel – Hellbugs

Originally published at

Born from the Arkfall and subsequent terramorphing disaster on Earth, this subterranean species is especially challenging!  Check out the Hellbug Enemy Intel trailer by visiting our YouTube Channel HERE!



Ark Hunter Chronicles Episode 2

Originally published at

Episode two in our Ark Hunter Chronicles mini-series is now live. Arkfalls to Shadow Wars our Ark Hunters show us how it is done in a highly competitive environment. Make sure to check back every week to see the newest episode.


Click here to head to our YouTube channel to see the very first episode. 

Defiance Competitive Multiplayer Trailer

Originally published at

Packed full of fierce multiplayer action, out of this world alien-tech weaponry and gigantic infantry and vehicular battles, the Shadow War trailer gives a brief glimpse of what’s to come from one of the biggest games of the year.


Watch the full Defiance Competitive Multiplayer Trailer HERE!

Defiance Live Stream: Co-Op Scrap Works

Originally published at

Join us this Friday as we kick off our Defiance Live Stream! This week we will take a closer look at the Co-op instance Scrap Works and do some open world exploring.

So make sure to follow us at to get notified when we go online.

When : Friday, March 1st @ 10:30 AM PST

Where :

Have a question you want answered in this weeks live stream? Post them in the comments below.

Enemy Intel – 99ers

Originally published at

Once human miners, these crazed Cyborgs are fearless and very territorial.  Check out the Enemy Intel trailer by visiting our YouTube channel HERE:

Meet the Dev Team: Kurt Klockau, Senior Environment Artist

Originally published at

Welcome back to our Defiance “Meet the Dev” series, where we introduce you to members of the team and share a little bit about who they are, and what they do. This time, we’re honored to be joined by Senior Environment Artist, Kurt Klockau, whose team creates the look and feel of the alien environments found in Defiance.

Elizabeth: Tell us your name, title, how long you’ve been at Trion, and a bit about what you do.

Kurt: I’m Kurt Klockau, I’m the lead environment artist, and I’ve been with Trion since the San Diego studio started about four-and-a-half years ago. My general job is to run the environment team, so I have eleven or twelve guys now, and I do everything from making sure that assets are created on-time, making sure they’re of the right quality, interfacing with Design to figure out what they need from the Environment team, doing scheduling, general risk management, that kind of thing, and every once in a while I actually get to do work. I’ve done all of the terrain textures that are in the game up until recently and I worked with the lead terrain guy a lot to make little vignette corners and things like that in the game so that everyone knows what direction they should be going.

E: What’s been the most exciting environment, terrain, or scene that you’ve worked on?

K: I really enjoyed working on the wasteland stuff. We kind of have the two major looks: we have the northern California look and we’ve polished that, but the wastelands was a complete change. It’s a very alien sort of environment, where the northern California look was more kind of traditional, so I really enjoyed doing the terrain textures for that and working through that, and we’re still working on that, but it’s been cool so far.

E: Outside of Defiance, what have you been playing lately?

K: Recently I picked up Dead Island and I’m enjoying that, and then I picked up the new SSX, and so when I want a complete change from destroying zombies I have been snowboarding. I love the SSX series. I’ve played a handful of them and they’re a nice break from what I normally play. And then the next game that’s on my list is Arkham City because I still haven’t gotten a chance to play that, but I loved Arkham Asylum.

E: Other than gaming, what fills your days?

K: I play a lot of guitar, I’ve played guitar since I was six. I play blues for the most part. We go to the beach a lot, being in San Diego. I’m also into a lot of retro things, like I go to a lot of tiki bars and I’m in to the whole retro scene, too.

E: That’s all for now, and we definitely appreciate you taking the time to answer our questions.

Ark Hunter Chronicles: Rain of Death

Originally published at

Episode three in our Ark Hunter Chronicles mini-series is now live. Some are expendable and some are worth saving. The ones you do save… they’ll follow you anywhere. Make sure to check back every week to see the newest episode.

Watch the Ark Hunter Chronicles: Rain of Death Here!

The Defiance Season Pass is HERE!

Originally published at

We have unveiled the first details around our Defiance Season Pass.  Players who want to save cash on the first 5 DLC packs rolling out after launch can now pre-purchase the Defiance Season Pass for $39.99USD. Gamers will get a massive amount of content including a new playable alien species, new weapons and vehicles, missions, and rewards, plus two bonus items, an exclusive digital Hellbug combat cap and a Lock Box.

The Defiance Season Pass can be purchased for $39.99 (PlayStation®Network) / 3200 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE) / $39.99 (PC). Once purchased, the content packs will be automatically available as they go live.

Defiance Now Available on Steam!

Originally published at

Defiance is now available for Pre-order via Steam! Get your Pre-order in for either the Standard Edition or Deluxe Edition and alert your friends to unlock special pre-purchase rewards.  Get all the details HERE!

Defiance: Unique Weapons and Modifications Trailer

Originally published at

With a variety of weapon types and thousands of upgrades you can create your ultimate weapon within Defiance. Check out the Weapons and Modifications trailer here:


Limited Edition Red Dodge Challenger Pre-order Bonus!

Originally published at

Pre-order Defiance for either PC, Xbox 360 or PS3 and receive the Limited Edition Red Dodge Challenger SRT8! This offer is only available as a pre-order bonus and all retailers will provide the Limited Edition Red Dodge Challenger SRT8 with your pre-order.


Pre-order your copy of Defiance here:

Need more details around the  Limited Edition Red Dodge Challenger SRT8? Join us here: 

Ark Hunter Chronicles: All in your Head

Originally published at

Episode four in our Ark Hunter Chronicles mini-series is now live. Can you even comprehend the things you will have to do and the actions you will need to take to succeed… Do you have what it takes to be an Ark Hunter?

Watch the latest Ark Hunter Chronicle episode Here!

Final Defiance BETA Event Details!

Originally published at

We are proud to announce the third Defiance Beta weekend which will take place on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3! Our Advanced Mission Beta 3 release will be NDA FREE! So feel free to talk about Defiance on our official forums here:

Note: The Alpha NDA is still in place and content around Alpha will remain under NDA until further notice.


Advance Mission BETA 3 Dates:

PlayStation 3 North America: March 19th 8:00am PT – March 25th 9:00pm PT

PlayStation 3 Europe: March 20th 8:00am PT – March 26th 9:00pm PT

PC Global: March 22nd 9:00am PT – March 24th 9:00pm PT

Xbox 360 Global: March 22nd 8:00am PT – March 27th 8:00am PT

The final beta, which is not representative of the final game, will let players explore the Mt. Tam and Madera regions with Co-op battles on Angel Island and the Cronkhite Bunker. For Ark Hunters looking to test their might in some competitive multiplayer action, the Freight yard and Observatory will provide opportunities to prove themselves worthy of Von Bach Industries’ recruitment.

Thanks to a partnership with Dodge, we revealed last week that players pre-ordering Defiance will also get an exclusive in-game red Dodge Challenger at launch, in addition to the previously announced pre-order reward items. The Dodge Challenger is the fastest vehicle in the game and players in the BETA will get to test drive it first by competing in the Dodge time trial challenge located in Madera.

Defiance is scheduled for release April 2, 2013, and is now available for pre-order. If you’re looking for a guaranteed invite to the final BETA you can get your key by pre-ordering now.

Also! PC players can now pre-order their copy of Defiance from Steam here:

Defiance Live Stream (3/22) with Grant Bowler!

Originally published at

Join us this Friday as we kick off an EXCLUSIVE Defiance Live Stream! This week we sit down actor Grant Bowler, star of Syfy’s upcoming Defiance TV series and go hands on within Grant’s character Nolan in our Defiance Beta.  We will also host a live Q&A with Grant to answer both your Game and TV show questions.


Make sure to follow us at to get notified when we go Live!

When : Friday, March 22nd @ 3:00PM PT

Where :

Have a question about Defiance you would like answered during our Live Stream? Post them Here: 

Defiance Xbox Live Beta Date Extended!

Originally published at

Last week we announced the details for our Advanced Mission Beta 3 across PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 (Details Here). However, due to unforeseen circumstances we were locked into only allowing Xbox 360 users access to the Beta on March 25th – March 26th. We pushed to try to get more time because of feedback from everyone here within the community and Microsoft helped make that happen.


Please see the below revised Beta dates and times for the Xbox 360 Beta.

Xbox Live AMB 3 Details:

Xbox 360 Global: March 22nd 8:00am PT – March 27th 8:00am PT

Ark Hunter Chronicles: Risk Versus Reward

Originally published at

Episode five in our Ark Hunter Chronicles mini-series is now live.  Winning is not a goal, but a process. A process that will never be over… Do you have what it takes to be an Ark Hunter?

Watch the latest Ark Hunter Chronicle episode Here!



Originally published at

I don’t usually kiss and tell, but we’re lifting the NDA for Beta because we want to hear from you. You make us want to be a better game. Share your experiences, post videos, get some gifs on the forums, tweet. Wherever you say it, we’ll see it and love you for it. Yes – even on Google+.

  • This is just the beginning. We’re building a massive world and Beta is only part of what you see. For us, launch is when the fun starts. We patch to respond to your feedback. Like in a relationship, we put effort into making it work.
  • We’re also doing DLC and guess what: much of the content in them will be free for everyone. We don’t split you away from your friends and have you pay us to be alone in a dungeon. That would be weird.
  • Your feedback has already led to improvements in our enemies and their AI (no Skynet yet, promise, kinda), combat systems, tutorials, stories and missions, rewards, user interface and of course, weapons. Don’t forget our massive co-op boss battles either, or Shadow Wars.

We really do appreciate you helping us out in Beta and are dedicated to continuing this relationship and making this world a better place. You are a big part of what will make Defiance even greater. This I promise you.

Nathan “Oveur” Richardsson
VP Development, Executive Producer and proud member of the 150 person Defiance team

Oh, and there is only one way to get that Red Challenger, and that’s through pre-order. You know you want to check it out. Click it. Cliiick iiit!

Red Hot Dodge Challenger Pre-order Bonus Trailer!

Originally published at

It is one thing to cruise around Defiance in one of our many vehicles, but it is another to speed around Defiance in a brand new exclusive Red Dodge Challenger SRT8. Get your hands on your Red Dodge Challenger SRT8 when you Pre-order before April 2nd, 2013!

  Defiance: Dodge Challenger Pre-order Bonus Trailer! 

Interested? Check out our pre-order offers here:

Defiance: Welcome to the new Age

Originally published at

Welcome to the new Age! Defiance is now available on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC today. Make sure to check out the full length launch trailer below!

Join the Fight! Snag your copy of Defiance at your local retailer or directly from Trion Worlds


Defiance: Welcome to the new Age Launch Trailer!


The Day of Defiance is here, what beautiful baby of ours it is

Originally published at

This day has been long coming. Sometimes you hear sayings like “it takes 9 months to have a baby” and “9 women can’t make a baby in a month”. Those more familiar with the matter have pointed out to me that this was closer to “9 months of giving birth”, hit me over the head and said I should stop using sayings I don’t really understand. It’s the Icelander in me, sorry.

This first day of launch of Defiance, a PC-PS3-XBOX360-massively-online-tv-show-connected-third-person-open-world-shooter, has been as awesome as we expected it to be. And by awesome, I mean we’re neck deep addressing all the issues that come up when you scale something up to a million people from a test environment of thousands.

And we expected to be doing that. All our team is here, 150 people, all on it and will be in the next weeks because that’s what you do with massive online games. Keep the team, update, patch, fix, improve. We notice, we listen, we honestly do. Of the issues that we are working on right now, these are an example of the highest priority for us.

  • Connectivity – Being able to connect, patch and play. This has a number of things that can be plaguing you depending on platform and what version of the game you have. We’re on it like a shark during winter solstice.
  • Pre-order items – WHERE ARE THEY?!?!? We have a number of cases where they aren’t being delivered to you. We know. They haven’t disappeared nor will they. They might pop up suddenly over the next hours, the next time you log on or tomorrow.
  • Bosses and Arkfalls – They might be very difficult as they scale and the rewards not in any sane correlation to what they should be, being this difficult. You’re right, it’s not right. On it.
  • Chat and VOIP – This isn’t broken, we just believe people should use their psychic abilities more. Can you hear what I’m saying to you right now? Yes, exactly. We’re working on it.

But one thing which you may or may not be accustomed to. We may take down our servers to deploy patches or improvements to them. We do this far more frequently than others. This may be frequent and annoying during the first days of launch but believe me when I say this, we’re doing it to make your experience better.

“You may ask yourself, “where is my issue on this list of yours you inbred viking trying to fool me with humor and shark?” Don’t worry, we have a long list of issues logged based on your feedback through Customer Support, Forums, stalking you in-game and server data. But those four are an example of those that are affecting the largest number of people. You can however comment further here or provide further detail to help us out with those issues.”

At the end of the day – which btw, our day never does, we’re here 24/7 – we reach around each other and are happy. Happy that our voyage is just beginning, from today, with you onboard. We appreciate the trust that you are showing us by coming with us and we will address all these issues.

Ave Arkhunter,

Nathan Richardsson

Day 2 in the life of Defiance, little bit of humble, little bit of cautious

Originally published at

I thought, why stop with more insight what’s happening with Defiance, inside my head and with the team. Actually, we should probably skip my head and focus on Defiance and the team.

It’s the second day in the life of Defiance, you saw our focal points yesterday and to elaborate on what happens here. We try to be in a position to respond to change and react to feedback. That means we frequently re-prioritize and re-evaluate, we course-correct. Some of you might know this as being “agile”. I prefer “wtfisgoingonnowletsfixdatshiinao”. Sorry, stay away from my brain. Got it.

The reason this is about being a little bit humble and little bit cautious, is that you might see us talk about very serious issues in a way which might make it look like we don’t take it seriously. This is not the case. We do believe that if you can’t make fun of yourself, take yourself too seriously and everything is doomed, you will have no joy or passion for what you do anymore. And that will get reflected in the experience you receive. We hope you understands.

With that being said, you will now see our top four issues today, as opposed to yesterday. Some may be have addressed to a large extent, others have gone down in priority because of others have come up are more critical. That does not mean the issues from yesterday are off the list, they are still there, but I hope you get better insight into why we can – and do – move.

  • Game Server Crashes – Let’s be sure to not confuse these with us taking down the server to apply updates. This is totally different and started getting much worse, especially for XBOX in the last 24 hours. You will experience this as disconnects but just tonight, it has ended with full server crashes. Twice. No amount of whiskey, dances of tango or foxtrot can fully convey our (calm professinal) rage and frustration over this.
  • FKN LAAAAG – Icelandic technical term which usually translates quite well to most other languages for some reason. This started showing up yesterday when scaling up certain platforms well beyond anything we’ve had before and we ran into glass ceilings. We don’t like lag. We hate lag. So we respond to it fast. You should also note that lag manifests itself for many reasons, ranging from networking to game servers. So especially if you are on XBOX, grab whiskey and take a dance or two, the game server problem above is causing this as well.
  • Patching woes – If you are experiencing this it’s for very different reasons. It’s depending on platform and location which is why we’ve been working with our content distribution networks and service providers to address this, identify where it’s happening etc. There is a thread here you can contribute your information to which will help us. If you can’t patch, you can’t enter the game and play. That’s like batshit level serious for us. We want you ingame just as much as we do. And it’s not just so we can stalk you while cloaked. Honest.
  • Client crashes – Like, 120hz. And others. We’re already deploying some of these out. We don’t like these crashes. The reason this steps into this list is that after these two days, we got enough information from you to identify and summarily fix certain crashes. You see, we often rely as much on your feedback as we do on our internal testing, because we like to listen to you (especially when you are in a good mood) and our internal testing never comes close to all of you hammering our code when you’re playing.

Some other notable things which you should keep in mind:

  • Pre-order items and other keys – If you haven’t gotten your pre-order items or are having problems with your key not giving access. Make sure that where you bought it, you got all your codes. This can be the pre-order code (sometimes on your receipt), your game access code, third extras code and the code for launching nuclear missiles. In case it’s the last one, please contact your nearest police station as you might be in trouble. In case of the other ones, make sure you enter all your codes.
  • Link your Console Account – There were problems both with the Arkhunter website and the account linking but that should now be solved. Head over to account linking to claim your rewards! Like most items, such as pre-order, you claim them ingame afterwards in the store.
  • Try out Shadow Wars and PVP maps – This should not all be about what’s wrong or sadness. If you are one of the very very very many that are ingame and not experiencing the issues above, this message is for you; try it out and let us know. If you don’t like it or can’t, please, also let us know. Our interest in high velocity impacts to grin area and vicinity is considerable.

That being said. I’m watching as we speak a large number of our operations team around the XBOX servers which just crashed again. That is no small feat, the XBOX cluster has more cores than an army of gold farming bot runners would know what to do with. But they will persevere, as they always have and won’t stop till they’re up again. The servers, not them, you pervert.

We’ve already pushed out a PC client patch to address crashes and a server update last night and we have another juicy server update for everyone in about 16 hours or so.

Ave Arkhunter,


Nathan Richardsson

Executive Producer Defiance

Theme of day 3, don’t do the same thing over and over and expect different results

Originally published at

This is very much how we’re operating with our largest operational issue right now, the XBOX lag. We are constantly trying new approaches and changes to hone in on what is the cause. This isn’t a single bug or one problem. It’s not a programmer making a spelling error somewhere or someone stumbling over cables.

The XBOX cluster is a very complicated but wonderful beast, with very many moving parts. We are fiddling with all these moving parts, we take down the cluster, we reconfigure, add hardware to different functions, do server code updates, analyze network traffic, change the load balancers, change server protocols, move gateways around, poke the sgörneebörní (that denoted the end of my technical prowess).

For short, we have a lot of people analyzing, monitoring, watching constantly so many different types of logs, server metrics, dials and blinking lights (I’m on the blinking lights detail for some reason). We have external professionals as well, from networking specialist to Microsoft swat teams helping us out. That’s why you’ll see a XBOX client patch later tonight, it’s one attempt to change something which will remove the need for one of the load balancers amongst other things. Fewer moving parts, less things that can blow up.

We’re incredibly sorry for this state. This was by no means foreseeable. If this was just Game Server code, it’d be easy to diagnose. It isn’t. This is intra-server protocols between the entire cluster. But we’re on it. We didn’t scale these servers up from 2 people to 10s of thousands of people by luck alone.

But if you’ve been following how we do things from our last blog, here is the overview of today’s focus.

  • Continued XBOX issues – Lag and server crashes. Our server operations team is throwing everything and the sink at it. We even had to stop one of them from throwing a kitchen sink at a server. Yes, we’re frustrated. Don’t ever think otherwise. We even employ “eat your own dog food” and have people play on XBOX instead of other platforms.
  • Disappearing items!? – This has started to crop up. Now, this shouldn’t be confused with a database crash during last night, this is something far more complicated but is connected to the Salvage Matrix but probably not the cause. Rather an underlying error which happens more with the use of the Salvage Matrix. We started seeing this happening more and more and have a team investigating this. We might disable the Salvage Matrix to minimize this problem while we find a solution.
  • Game Server Crashes – We still have too many of these over all platforms. They will result in you getting disconnected, you can usually reconnect but sometimes they don’t crash “gracefully” and stay in a zombie mode. Now, I know we all like zombies. They can be good entertainment but not the best for deep conversations. The same happens to Game Server Zombies. You keep on getting directed to them and get messages that say the service is down etc. and then in a little while you’re fine again.
  • Connectivity and patching – Back up top again. We’ve gotten a lot of data so keep it coming. Some people are even finding they have to “patch” the entire client again. We’ve cleared up a lot of log-in issues, connectivity, we’ve gotten reports of much better patching speeds but we can do more and better. Keep letting us know. It helps us help you. Special note though, if you have a Beta client installed still, uninstall it. This applies to all platforms. There are edge cases we’ve gotten reported which can cause serious problems in installation and patching.

And of course, this list keeps on to change based on what we solve, improve and new issues that may emerge. We adapt. Otherwise we will die. Not being on the list does not mean we’re not working on it. These are highlights and insight.

On that note, giving you more insight into today and some indication of what’s coming up.

  • Huge client patch coming – Client patches are very risky to deploy so we employ a more rigorous testing process before we distribute them. We can very easily revert a server patch. Depending on testing and certification, we should see that around the 15th, hopefully sooner, possibly later. It currently has 8 pages of patch notes, listing fixes and improvements.
  • Good batch of improvements – We’re happy that we’ve been able to keep a good stream of fixes and improvements just through the server updates. Client updates are much difficult but we did manage to address a set of crashes and the 120hz. That’s all ongoing of course so there is more to come, especially in today’s update and tomorrows as well.
  • Your boosts are not in vain – We’re looking at ways to make up to you all these various server problems and launch issues. We know your boosts are running while you aren’t able to play. Not just because you said so but because the few of us that do go home occasionally, try to play from there and come back even more frustrated in the morning. We don’t feel for you. We feel with you.
  • Customer Support – They are really heavily loaded but are crunching through. Remember also when submitting to them your PSN ID/Gamertag so they can act quickly. We’ve been streamlining our setup based on incoming issues, doing systematic fixes and updates when possible but also remember, they are one of our most vital feedback channels. They see everything coming in, parse it and report it so we can react on it.

You’re still here and read all that? I thank you for that. This feels almost like writing a diary now. I should mention that I have been feeling sad lately, then immensely happy, then frustrated but in the end I’m excited and ecstatic that I’m here. Because this is what it feels like launching this little game, an emotional rollercoaster. Maybe your feelings are similar.

I’m now going to run to deploy a client patch to the XBOX and another round of updates to the XBOX cluster as it just crashed. So we’re using the opportunity to deploy a client patch and do one reconfiguration since we had that planned for later anyways. Then it’s back to watch the blinking lights. Hey, why did I get the blinking lights detail? “Are they blinking still?” … “Yes”. Something’s awry.

Ave Arkhunter,


Nathan Richardsson

Executive Producer Defiance

An Introduction to Defiance Contracts

Originally published at

Defiance has contracts that you can choose to complete for extra rewards.  Contracts are found in your EGO menu in the “Goals” section.  Contracts refresh on a daily or weekly basis, and the amount of time left to complete them is displayed beside the details.

In this image you can see I have 3 days to complete my ‘Shadows of the Past’ Contract.

Once a Contract is active, your progress on the requirements will automatically be applied. Progress also pops up on the main HUD as you get updates (very similar to how Pursuits update).

Contracts expire/refresh at 19:05 UTC (which is just past noon pacific time), on Mondays for the weekly contracts.

There is a scale of rewards for the Contracts, so even if you don’t completely finish the full contract goal you can get a partial rewards.  Any progress at all gets you the lowest level reward; over 50% gets a silver level reward, and totally complete gets the highest gold level reward.  Rewards are scrip, ark salvage, and reputation with one of the factions in the world of Defiance. There are special vendors associated with each faction.  These faction vendors sell items that may not be available on normal vendors, at a cost of scrip plus reputation.  You can see your current standing with each of the factions on the “Stats” section of the Character menu.

– Sledgehammer70

Dear diary, it’s the fourth day, it’s been amazing but why do we still have lag?

Originally published at

I’ve asked myself this question 3,289 times today. Don’t get me wrong. Most territories and platforms are mostly doing great by now. I know very well some of you still have outstanding issues, bugs or customer support tickets waiting. I didn’t say everything was perfect. Then we’d be playing all day ourselves.

But little time for that. There are problems to be solved, this is what we signed up for, gaming is what we love doing and we’re incredibly sorry that you have to go through these issues now with us. That’s why we don’t have problems sitting here now on a Friday night hammering through this still. We want to live up to your expectations and in some cases, we obviously aren’t. And I’m sorry for that.

But the world is conquered by eating an elephant in small bites accompanied by martinis. And here are todays bites, some of which are stuck in our throat:

  • US XBOX – Our battle with this server cluster continues. I’d put swearwords here but I think you can hear me in your head right now. You will have noticed some great server moments in the last 24 hours, some not so great. We continue to re-configure, deploy fixes, roll some back, try something different, measure, analyze. There’s just so many of you shooting so much. If you could just be nice and all get along. Hellbugs have feelings too you know. This is by far our top issue. We’ve thrown a ton of more hardware at it (we had reinforcements ready), changed client-server protocol to remove load balancing setups to have less moving parts and a host server code changes.
  • Game Server Crashes – These are the service not available and service timeouts you see. Today’s server code update alone had 9 different game server crash fixes. Some happened rarely, others were quite frequent. It all adds up. You should see less of service not available and the timeouts now although just tonight we’ve spotted a few other ones
  • Connectivity and patching – This one is still on the list. There are so many new players joining us and we even have a few of you which are still patching. We’ve deployed patches, reconfigured contend distribution networks and continue to do so based your reports of where you are in the world having problems.
  • Chat & VOIP – Back on the list again, we have some fixes for this, both that we can do server side but also client side. Unfortunately client patches of this nature can’t be deployed till the 15th as mentioned yesterday.

I’m not listing here individual gameplay items, such as general balance, mission changes, enabling or disabling missions or side-missions (such as due to exploits). That doesn’t mean they aren’t important, it’s because this is always important and constantly going on with a dedicated team. I did list Arkfalls, simply because that affected so many of us. Now to the happy part. We all enjoy happy endings. Like in the Fifth Element. Always makes me cry.

  • What’s our DLC plan? – I’ve seen a lot of you mention this and this is material for an entire blog post because there is so much I want to talk about. However, let’s be short. There are at least 5 DLCs this year. They all have a free and paid component. We do not want to segregate our playerbase so we always want everybody be able to participate and play with friends. The free part is features and content, the paid part is essentially, say, access to a new playable species with a bundle of stuff with it. The upcoming TV tie-ins aren’t DLCs that cost either. It’s all yours.
  • More updates enroute – Today fixes some disappearing item cases, more Arkfall loot love, mission and side-mission updates in addition to all the optimizations and bugfixes we deployed to improve the server crashes. Our patch around the 15th is in testing and on its way into certification. We anticipate to update our servers with code updates daily. XBOX of course more frequently till we fix it. Which we will.
  • Another big patch? It’s Friday night and it’s tricky to rock a rhyme that’s right on time. We have a patch around the 15th but we’ve already started work on the massive patch that’s coming roughly 2 weeks later. There are so many things we can’t fix, add or improve right away and have to be part of a larger client patch. That’s why we have two planned. After that you should see a nice shiny DLC.

The summary is, we have the cavalry out, we’re not giving up till we make this an awesome experience for you and as I mentioned yesterday, figuring out a way to make it up to you. When I find a way to make it all work, I’ll let you know here first. Promise. Besides of course just fixing the damn thing.

I hope I’m not still in your head swearing. That wouldn’t be very nice of me. Especially on a Friday. If it was Thursday, it would probably be fine.

Again, our apologies. After 5 years of creating this, it saddens us and frustrates us that you aren’t getting the great experience we strived to create. The upside is that it makes us quite determined to get you there.

Ave Arkhunter,


Nathan Richardsson

Executive Producer Defiance

Day 6, Improvements, Improvements, Improvements, Niiiice! WTF?

Originally published at

There we go! The only thing that prevents me going from mildly insane to insane is that I’m seeing improvements and progress. I know, some of you still encounter issues and we won’t stop till it’s all dealt with. We’re still taking down the servers to deploy code fixes or reconfiguration at a pretty rapid rate.

Some platforms and regions will experience this even two times a day, like XBOX in North America. Most other platforms and regions get these much less frequently and have had their servers running pretty great since launch.

So why do I say improvements? How can I say this when I’ve had X problems? We update and we see the effect of changes. How often do we update? Every day now since we launched. What do we measure? Everything. From forums and twitter to player behavior and server metrics. And my psychic gimp in my cellar.

One of those is that there have never been more people playing on XBOX in North America than tonight, without having 23,000 tweets about lag. There were actually only 23. That and our metrics indicated the same. There are hundreds of thousands of us Arkhunters out there playing and every time we make it a better experience for one more person, it makes me cry tears of joy. In our case, minor improvements end up improving it for thousands at a time. I always find that amazing.

So while we continue to keep our eye on XBOX in North America, which keeps on growing as I write this, these are our priorities:

  • Game Server Crashes – Get disconnected or timing out? That’s most likely a game server crashing. It disconnects you and usually you can come straight back in. You might also encounter those zombie servers, which just give you that the service is unavailable. You will be feeling this more in instances and PVP matches.
  • Disappearing items & Salvage Matrix – Have you had your items disappear mysteriously? Were you in the Salvage Matrix at the time? There is a connection. If you are in the Salvage Matrix and on your way to a match or instance, you have a higher chance of this happening. There are other cases but this is the most common case. You can of course contact customer support about this.
  • Chat & VOIP – Yes, this isn’t going off the list. We know. We hear it. We see it.

If you’re still experiencing issues with client download, patching, connectivity, customer support is the right people for you. Issues reported are getting very few and those that are having problems, please don’t hesitate to contact them. It not only helps you get set up, it helps us narrow down on edge cases and gather information of the last spots that have problems.

In the last update I mentioned that there is a DLC on the way after our two upcoming fix and improvement patches. I also noticed that in the following discussion, there was debate about what resources did what and when. This is a pretty common misconception and understandably so. Game development is very complicated on this scale.

The short version of it is that not everyone can contribute to everything. As much as I’d like to, the engineers would not let me touch code with a ten foot pole despite me having ultimate authority here and telling them of my mad skills (I made webpages once). I think they are right though, just between you hundreds of thousands out there and me.

That being said, we prioritize our development team in general categories just as we prioritize what individual issues we work on. If a person has anything in the highest category, that person works on that before anything else. This is how it looks right now.

1.       Full Cluster Crashes
2.       Game Server Crashes
3.       Live Gameplay issues
4.       Upcoming patches
5.       DLCs

I also told you the other day that I was working on my omnipotence so what we also did to keep better focus on Live issues is that we moved the kick-off that was supposed to be tomorrow Monday for the next DLC, back a week. It only involved a relatively small part of the team, mainly artists and designers but I figured I’d give you some insight into how we actively prioritize and pivot here. And if you suddenly see Space Unicorns in PVP matches as a result of me and the artists trying fix server crashes, don’t blame me. Just enjoy the moment of Space Unicorn-ess.

Since we’re all full of lists here, we should probably close this blog with another list which summarizes a couple of things.

  • Great progress in the last week, some still outstanding and we’re on it
  • Patch in a week with improvements and fixes
  • Patch about 2 weeks after that with more improvements and fixes
  • DLC moved out to provide further focus on fixes

But now I jinxed it. As I wrote that last bullet point, a part of North America just disconnected due to what looks like one of our network providers having a hiccup. I estimate that as about 3000 twitters souls worth of disconnects. Yes, those “WTF” moments do still happen as I mentioned earlier. Usually with perfect timing. We’re now investigating this but you reconnected pretty fast again but some of you might not have been load balanced properly so you’re experiencing lag now.

We have good leads on our top issues, better visibility and signal-to-noise ratio after this week, and I’m confident that our woop-to-wtf ratio will improve considerably in the next days.

Ave Arkhunter,


Nathan Richardsson

Executive Producer Defiance

How To : Redeem Your Pre Order Bonus Content

Originally published at

As the Defiance team works day and night to send out all of your pre-order items and gear, we wanted to share a few hints that could be helpful to players.

Edition redemption codes and instructions: Check the back cover of your game manuals for redemption instructions and a unique redemption code. These codes unlock the Standard, Collectors, and Ultimate edition digital items.

Pre Order Redemption codes and instructions: If you pre-ordered directly from Trion Worlds you should already have all of your pre order items.

If you pre ordered from a third party (GameStop/Wal-Mart/Amazon/Best Buy) you should have received your redemption code to unlock all of your pre-order items at the time of your pre-order. Please contact your retailer first if you have not received your pre-order code.


Red Dodge Challenger pre order vehicle: Everyone who pre ordered the game before April 2, regardless of which retailer you may have ordered from, will receive this vehicle. Your Dodge Challenger is tied to the same pre order code mentioned above, so be certain to check for your code or contact your retailer if necessary.

Remember, if you purchased the game on or after April 2nd you will not receive any of the pre order bonus items above.

Redemption Help: If you have a code that is 20 digits then that is a PC code that you need to log into your Trion account at and enter your code under Account Management . If you have a 12 or 25 digit code then you need to enter that code on your console when prompted after you start the game .

If for any reason you cannot get a pre order code from your retailer please contact our Customer Support team at and they will assist you as best they can.

Day 29 – It’s tricky to rock a rhyme that’s right on time so here’s a patch to address that

Originally published at

Yeah, rhymes aren’t my strong suit. But does beatboxing count? Doesn’t matter, can’t do that either. I think the people that walk past my office right now and are looking at me strange might be because I’m listening to Usher sing Climax while I write this blog. That, I have headphones and I’m singing it with him.

On a far more serious note, we’ve made great progress in the last days. We deploy server code updates twice daily now, most aggressively to exterminate the game server crashes but also we’ve started deploying more and more gameplay fixes. We’ve addressed a large part of the server crashes in the last 3 days, now it’s one big cause left and quite a few one-off crashes.

We’ve been chasing that big crash for more than a week now. It’s a memory corruption which we’ve had an exceptionally difficult time chasing down but we have engineers on it, now armed with even more tools from the internets and dubstep. We heard that works great with game videos so we apply it to game engineers. Success must ensue. Or hilarity.

Why do we call it the big crash? It’s pretty much responsible for the rest of the game server crashes. So that’s why our current list of issues look like this:

  • Game Server Crashes – This has improved quite a lot and is now mostly visible around instances and PVP, where the “big crash” likes to show itself regularly. We’re working on exterminating them all.
  • Disappearing items – This one is still happening and we’ve chased down some situations where this happens but there are more. As always, detailed information on what exactly you were doing when you lost items are appreciated, when and where, whether that be on the forums or in a customer support request.
  • High priority gameplay issues – we’ve started working more off this list, ranging from Shadow War changes to balancing changes. There are quite a few of these in our upcoming client patch. Yes, client patch! Yay!

Client patches are difficult beasts to handle. Small with isolated fixes can be deployed somewhat rapidly but if they are serious client patches, like srsly serious, it’s a huge effort. One of those is scheduled to hit Monday or Tuesday for PC and XBOX 360 and as soon as possible for PlayStation 3 following that (it’s logistics, I can’t change it). We’ve been doing our best to get it into your hands as soon as possible, therefore the discrepancy.

I’m going tease a little bit and give you the draft patch notes. They are incomplete, we haven’t put our nice explanatory voice into them or highlighted the big wins, they are buried in there for you to discover but we’re all gamers, right? We’re pretty sure you’ll appreciate this small heads-up and apply your gamer eye to them instead of take these as the Final Truth to Fight Over™. I’m going to regret publishing these, aren’t I?

Many questions will come up, such as, “why isn’t my problem fixed?”, “X is more important than Y”, “the most important thing is this, why not fix this first?” and “am I right to be afraid of pressure cookers?”. Some of these I can answer straight away. There are issues which are not on this list which require much larger changes to address than could fit into this patch, would have been too dangerous to change (server explode kind of way), didn’t have a clear resolution or simply, or the right fix might not have made it in time for the cut-off date.

That’s why you get the opportunity to comment right now. It won’t change this patch, it’s almost impossible. It’s on rails. But you can chime in on future patches. So don’t hesitate pointing out the issue you feel we should be addressing, we love constructive criticism. In most cases we know about it and it’s in the pipeline but as they say in Iceland, sometimes “it lies in the eyes upstairs”, sometimes it doesn’t. I’m sure you understand.

Ball so hard moth … uhm, sorry got carried away singing. I meant of course, Ave Arkhunter.


Nathan Richardsson

Executive Producer Defiance

I think our relationship could use some Boosts

Originally published at

Like in all relationships, it’s give and receive. We’ve asked a lot of you lately, going through some difficult times during our launch. While you’ve been very understanding and patient with us, we still feel we can do more. More than addressing the issues with servers, improving the client, deploying patches and preparing a long road of massive free (and paid) DLCs, more than evolving the future of Defiance with you.

You might have had disconnects, unable to log in early on, long time to patch, wrong keys, pre-order items missing or simply had to read through my blogs while waiting for the servers to come up after code deployments.

It’s been rough, we know. So your account now has a gift from us, to you. To make good, to show you that we really appreciate what you’ve gone through with us. It includes;

• Exclusive Launch-Only In-Game Title: Daredevil

• 1-Week Weapons Skill Boost

• 1-Week Scrip Boost

• 1-Week Loot Boost

• 1-Week XP Boost

We hope this shows you that we do appreciate you on this journey of Defiance, trying out something new, trying something different. The first episode is on Monday and honestly, we’re pretty excited doing something that hasn’t been done before. Well, the brutal honesty is that we don’t know what to feel. Scared, excited, nervous, giddy, ecstatic. Normal, I think. I’ll tell you after the weekend.

* Although gift has been applied it might take time to properly activate on your account because of caching.

Until next time Arkhunter, may your skills continue to be mad and your aim true.

Nathan Richardsson

Executive Producer Defiance

The Armistice Festival Has Begun!

Originally published at

Ark Hunters! Join us this week and participate in the Armistice Festival and remember those who lost their lives in the Pale Wars.

The cataclysmic Pale Wars were a period of bloody inter-species conflict that brought terror and destruction on a global scale to Earth. The inspirational Battle of Defiance, in which the Defiant Few united in their refusal to fight and continue placing innocent lives at risk, sparked a worldwide social uprising calling for peace. This movement eventually pressured the Earth Republic and the Votanis Collective into a ceasefire, and encouraged other nations and city-states to lay down their arms.

The ratification of the Pale Wars Armistice marked the official end to that dark chapter in Human/Votanis history. Although there are still many disagreements between the Earth Military Coalition and the Votanis Collective in areas of land ownership and technology rights, the fragile peace has allowed the people of Earth to begin the slow process of rebuilding and starting a new future together.

Armistice Festival celebrates that historic day, with celebrations throughout many of the safe zones of Defiance.

But not all festivities can be enjoyed as the peace within San Francisco is being dampened by Mutants, 99ers, Raiders and Dark Matter troops. We need you to keep the Bay area safe and handle the following emergencies: “Burn, Baby, Burn”, “Armistice Celebration”, “Blood of the Heroes” and “Uninvited Guests”. Complete these tasks and then celebrate your victory by lighting some of the Armistice Day lanterns.

We also have 2 new Pursuits – “Peacekeeper” and “Memories of the Armistice” – that need to be completed in the Bay area to reveal hidden items and rewards.

For those of you on the hunt to complete all festivities, we have hidden 4 new Data Recorders around the Bay area that relate directly to the Armistice. These and all items above can earn you exclusive in game titles and rewards!

We plan to see you around the festivities and will be looking for your new titles.

Across the Badlands

Originally published at

After every episode of Defiance we will be hosting “Across The Badlands” which will take you inside the show and game up close with team that brings you both. The first episode airs tonight after the show at 8:00 PM PT on our TwitchTV channel at

In our first episode we’ll talk about the Armistice Festival being celebrated in both the show and the game. The original armistice cease fire marked a key date in the history of Defiance and proved that Earth had become a new world.

We’ll also be talking about the episodic content within the game of Defiance and our hosts will go in-depth on the TV-tie in missions that include Nolan and Irisia.

Finally we will have a special interview with Executive Producer Nathan Richardsson as he discusses the launch of the game and this very important date both for the show and the game.

Make sure to join us tonight on Twitch at 8:00 PM PT at for Across the Badlands and join in the conversation via Twitch chat.

Defiance: The Salvage Matrix

Originally published at

Over the next few weeks we will be walking you through different aspects of Defiance and highlighting how some of the key features of the game work. We will be rolling out both blog entries and video walkthroughs with the developers, so please let us know what other content you would like to see covered in the comments below.

Today we are going to jump into the Salvage Matrix that allows you to customize, breakdown and simply modify your weapons within Defiance.

The salvage matrix is accessed via the character section of the EGO menu. It allows you to add mod slots to weapons, add mods into mod slots, and salvage components from old weapons. Note that in order to modify a weapon using the salvage matrix, you should unequip it and remove it from loadout slots.


In the Salvage Matrix, you have the following options:

Break down unwanted items to resources
Select the item (weapon or shield) you want to break down. The number of resources you will receive and the time it will take are displayed.

Attach mods to weapons
If the weapon you’ve selected has mod slots, and if you have mods that can be used in those slots, you can select which slot and which mod to add. Time and costs are displayed.

Remove mods from weapons
If you have a weapon with a mod or mods already attached that you do not want, you can strip off the mod or all mods. All mods will be lost. Time and costs are displayed.

Retrieve mods from weapons (This option becomes available to you above EGO rating 250.)
If you have a weapon with mod(s) already attached that you want to keep and use on another weapon, you can choose to remove the mods, but the weapon will be lost. Time and costs are displayed.

Add mod slots
If a weapon doesn’t already have the max number of mod slots, you can add one. Which slot is added will be random. This is instant. Each additional slot you add costs more.

Different actions take a different length of time to complete; during this time you cannot use the salvage matrix for anything else, so you can close the menu and come back later. A timer on the salvage matrix page shows a countdown to completion:


Originally published at

The meaning is that either you intend to do good things but fail to take action or you intend to do good things but when acted upon, it has unforeseen bad consequences. Tuesday was a mixture of both so I found this saying very appropriate.
The good intent was to deliver you all the most awesome patch ever, as fast as we could, to maintain the steady pace of improvements and get them into your hands.

Why is that failing to take action? Because I could have pushed less and said “no” and had it longer in testing and prepared better. This would have caught some of the issues we see.

Why were there unforeseen consequences? Because when applied to our Live servers, we saw things broken there but weren’t broken on our test environments. This we would not have caught with more time. It’s rooted in how we develop and test.

Put simply, our enthusiasm got the best of us and we’re making up for it by fixing what we can, as fast as possible. Well, as fast as safely possible. We have a thread where we’re assembling known issues, some embarrassingly old, some new and sometimes more embarrassing. It’s not for lack of trying to fix them. Defiance is simply a pretty complex beast and what’s fixed internally turns out to still be broken externally (Mental note; bring back Alpha/Test).

We’ve had a lot of big days during the voyage of bringing Defiance to you, our game launch on April 2nd and no less our show premiere April 15th. There were other days, of despair, joy, hilarity and exhaustion but days like these make it all worth it. The day where we did a total makeover of the design director’s office to a pink Justin Bieber cathedral was pretty nice too. We’re kind of like proud parents, yet still like kids ourselves, from a professor analyzing in-depth the progress and game mechanics to a gamer simply enjoying the experience of it all. From those of us that look at the glass half-empty to those of us that drank the other half to tease them and create the glass dilemma in the first place. We’re people with very different backgrounds and our emotions are accordingly, all over the place. I can go from sad to twerk in a heartbeat.

Suffice to say, we had our TV show premiere that went awesome and were full of excitement to give you a patch to fix all the things. We fixed literally, hundreds of issues. We also broke a couple of embarrassingly big ones. We’re incredibly sorry and frustrated and we know the only thing to make this right is to fix it. So we are. We’re just not deploying them before we’re sure it’s fixed. A day in Defiance is never simple. Some days are bigger than others but it doesn’t mean the small ones are any less interesting.

Today will be known as the day I twerked in hell. It was almost perfect, save for the heat of the few issues that got through. The message is simple though, we’re here, all the time, making Defiance better.
I mean, she deserves it. She might not be the best yet but nobody puts baby in a corner.

Ave Arkhunter,


Nathan Richardsson

Executive Producer Defiance

Across the Badlands: Episode 2

Originally published at

It is that time again! After every episode of Defiance we will be hosting “Across the Badlands” which will give you an inside look at both show and game along with introducing you to the teams that bring both alive. Join us for the second episode which airs tonight after the show at 10/9c on our website at

In our second episode we’ll talk more about the Armistice Festival and the cool things you can do around the game world. We also take a look at how Earth was terraformed and what that means for both the show and game.

Showdown Throw down is here! Kicking off the first Showdown where our host Greg Laabs (OverloadUT) takes on Elizabeth Tobey (Dahanese) in one of our many in-game time trials. Who do you think will win the race?

This week we will have a special interview with Creative Lead, Bill Trost who will answer questions fielded by our Defiance Community earlier this week.

Finally! We would like to remind you we will have a live Q&A plus a Defiance game giveaway at the end of the show! So make sure to tune in and try to win a free copy of Defiance.

Make sure to join us tonight at 10/9c at or on for Across the Badlands and join in the conversation via Twitch chat.

Shadow War – Open World PvP

Originally published at

Shadow War is Defiance’s massive open-world competitive battle that allows you to test your skills against other players without the limited boundaries of a specialized competitive map. Queue up for a Shadow War match through the Matchmaking section of the EGO menu, or via the Quick Menu:


If a Shadow War is already underway in your area you will be added immediately; if not, details of the queue status will display underneath your health bar. When the match is ready to start you can either manually enter the match immediately, or await automatic deployment when the countdown finishes:


There are two teams in Shadow Wars, vying for control of between 3 and 7 key locations in the region. Once you enter the shadow war you will still be in the open world and still in the overworld region that you queued from, but you’ll notice you are now wearing your Competitive gear. This outfit does not affect your stats at all, but indicates which team you are on. As you earn rewards in Competitive play, you can unlock special outfits that show off your accomplishments. You can choose which Competitive outfit to display during Competitive play in your character EGO menu, on the Loadouts page:


Your own team will be represented by the color blue in the score UI, and the enemy always displays as red.
In Shadow War, the goal is to capture and hold as many of the objective points as possible. Once the Shadow War begins, not only can you shoot and kill other players, you can also run them over with your vehicle. In addition, you will find that the Cerberus truck may sometimes appear near an objective point and can be used during the Shadow War. This is a heavily armored vehicle that seats three people: one driver, and two passengers who can use the vehicle’s weapons to attack enemies. Control of this vehicle can grant a tactical advantage, so keep your eyes open for it!


Note that although Shadow War takes place in the overland, any active missions you have in the region will be suspended during the match and you will not be able to progress them until the Shadow War is ended.
While the Shadow War is active, the positions of your own team are indicated on your map with small green icons. Larger letters show the objective points and the color (blue or red) shows which team controls them. However, enemy players do not display an indicator so stay vigilant.


Should you be killed during a Shadow War match, you will have the opportunity to switch your gear around before rejoining, and you can then choose where you wish to respawn. You’ll have the choice of respawning at any objective point that your team controls. In addition, if a member of your team is currently driving a Cerberus vehicle and has an empty seat, you can choose to respawn in that vehicle and instantly rejoin the battle with the Cerberus’s guns at your disposal.


As with all types of Competitive play in Defiance, rewards and skills you gain in Competitive can be used in Cooperative play, and the reverse is true also. The Shadow War ends when either the time runs out, or a certain number of points are scored by one side.

Shadow War takes place in the same open-world region that you queue up in, so take advantage of your exploration of the world during cooperative play to get a feel for the land and learn its strategic advantages! In fact, if enough people on your current game server queue for Shadow War, it will be kicked off without moving you to another shard. Others on that game server will see the Shadow War taking place and can act as spectators (or queue up and join also), or can ignore the battle going on around them and continue in their cooperative exploration (they cannot be harmed by Shadow War participants if they haven’t joined). If not enough people on your local game server queue up within a short period of time to kick off a local match, then you will be moved together with others queuing from other game servers to start a Shadow War in a new game server.


Across the Badlands Episode #2

Originally published at

Episode # 2 is now live on our YouTube Channel – give it a watch!

Greg Laabs
Mat Everett

Elizabeth Tobey

Technical Director
Boris Amchislavsky

Creative Director
Brice Cox

Script Writer
Greg Laabs

Elizabeth Tobey

Boris Amchislavsky

Makeup Artist
Elizabeth Tobey

Wardrobe Designer
Greg Laabs

Shark Wrangler
Nathan Richardsson

Sanity Checker
Arturo Castro

Expert Technoviking
Nathan Richardsson

Hellbug’s Makeup Artist
Brice Cox

Hellbug’s Personal Assistant
Lance James

Hellbug’s Caterer
Elizabeth Tobey

Hellbug’s Driver
Greg Laabs

Hellbug’s Trainer
Boris Amchislavsky

Hellbug’s Stunt Double
Mat Everett

not Lance James

Translations from Icelandic Provided by Lance James

Serious improvements, serious business

Originally published at

This blog is a serious blog. I will be covering how we incorporate player feedback in an upcoming blog and our roadmap in another in the next days, but let’s get the serious business out of the way first.

Quite a few things to mention, as our team is working diligently, allowing us to achieve a lot every day. Our challenge is releasing all that to you in a safe manner, so here is an overview of what we have addressed and what is about to go out.

General game server crashes. This was being caused by a memory corruption issue which we‘ve spent weeks trying to isolate – and we did it. Earlier this week, our crash profile vastly changed to 10% of what it was. You can now play Shadow Wars, PVP, Co-op instances without crashing.

PC Server issues. First Europe, then in US which in both cases were issues our databases. Hasn‘t happened again and further measures deployed to prevent similar things from happening again. We‘re incredibly sorry for this but we couldn‘t have prevented them either. With the amount real-time transactions we have, edge cases can disrupt a large amount of players.

XBOX Server issues. Massively improved. Not done, don‘t worry, but much improved. We also have lingering issues which are more traced to client performance in large engagements and they can often appear like server issues.

Playstation 3 and the big patch. It‘s enroute and in final internal testing today and over the weekend. It should come live Monday if all goes well. It will have all the server side changes PC and XBOX have recieved as well.

PC cheats and hacks. Yes we take them seriously. Very seriously. We have a team from many departments constantly working on this. From engineering, to customer support, security, networking, business intelligence and game design. I‘m happy to report that we‘re now banning far more people, whether they successfully do it or just attempt to.

Our tools, detections, reporting and pre-ventive mechanisms have iproved considerably in the last two weeks after incrased focus on them. Some have been deployed, more is being deployed today, more coming. I know that some players linger in there for a while before we ban them but sometimes we just allow them so we can watch them. We like to watch.

Disappearing items. Tough nut to crack because they are for us as they are for you, disappearing and we aren‘t able to reproduce it outside the scale of our live servers. But now we‘ve made progress in addressing it by refactoring the item system itself based on our investigations, and that‘s been deployed yesterday. It needs tuning and we‘re not finished but keep us posted on how and where they happen moving forward.

Loadout issue, Emergencies, Freight Yard, balancing and so on. Fkn Frgt Yrd. With crashes and other large issues out of the way, we can start looking more at gameplay issues that require server engineers to investigate as well quality of life. Freight Yard being one. Unfortunately for Freight Yard, I don‘t like it anymore and have other maps coming up. Unless it starts working, then I might reconsider. Same applies to emergencies, balancing, items, economy, things which require a big patch to release to you. They have been progressing and investigated and we‘ll deploy them as we deem it safe to do so.

That‘s not all. There are so many things we want to fix, change or improve based on player feedback, how people are playing Defiance after launch. This would be a really long blog if I went into everything we want to do and are doing. So I split it up. I can be pretty clever sometimes.

I‘ll be covering that, how we incorporate player feedback, an important part of our development process and following, a look at our roadmap and how we do our DLCs, which include free and paid components. In case you were wondering, I did move our DLCs back to focus on addressing Live issues and that‘s still the case. That doesn‘t mean we stop planning and revisiting our goals. Nor that we shouldn‘t give you insight into them.

Because that‘s the question that plagues us all. What happens now and what happens next. Now is serious. Next is sexy. I can‘t believe I wrote that.

Ave Arkhunter,


Nathan Richardsson

Executive Producer Defiance

Across The Badlands: Episode 3

Originally published at

We are back! Join us tonight in our third episode of Across the Badlands as we give you an inside look at both show and game along with introducing you to the teams that bring both alive. Across the Badlands episode 3 kicks off at 10/9c on our website at

Tonight we take a closer look at Hellbugs that have been found in St. Louis and the introduction of new Hellbugs in the Bay area (Coincidence… I think not!). Also we will discuss ‘Hellbug Season’ that our Arkhunters are able to checkout in-game as of today.

We also have a special interview with Linguist, David Peterson who invented the languages of Defiance. David will answer questions fielded by our Defiance Community earlier this week.

But that is not all… We also have the full details for our ‘Most Wanted’ contest. Would you like to get your likeness in Defiance? Simply login and play Defiance on Xbox 360, PC or PlayStation 3 and complete the outlined objectives to win.

Finally! We would like to remind you we will have a live Q&A with Greg Laabs and Mathew Everett! So make sure to tune in and submit your questions.

Make sure to join us tonight at 10/9c at or on for Across the Badlands and join in the conversation via Twitch chat.

Defiance: Most Wanted

Originally published at

Nolan and Irisa crossed from game to show. Now it’s your (first) chance to follow: Outgun the competition from April 29 – May 12 to see yourself in an upcoming episode of Defiance! We’ve started our contest now so click here to go sign up – .

1. How will the winner be chosen?
The ark hunter earning the most Ark Salvage per hour during their time played over the course of the contest will win. Only players who register for the contest and complete both “Most Wanted” Pursuits will be eligible to win.

2.How do I enter?
Follow the contest registration steps above, then complete the “Most Wanted: Rogues Gallery” and “Most Wanted: Competitor” in-game Pursuits between 12:00am PDT April 29 and 11:59pm PDT May 12.
Where can I get the Most Wanted Pursuits and what do they involve?
The new Pursuits will be available in the Goals section of your EGO menu starting 12:00am PDT April 29. “Rogues Gallery” tasks you with eliminating various Mutants, Raiders, 99ers, and more, while “Competitor” pits you against other ark hunters in team-based PvP and Shadow War modes. Each Pursuit also requires completing a weekly contract. Contracts are accessible from power rating 250, and weekly contracts reset at 11:00am PDT on Mondays. For more info on contracts, click here.

3. What can I win?
Artists from the Defiance series will render the winner’s likeness into a special place in an upcoming episode!

4. How can I get alerts for future crossover contests?
Subscribe to the Defiance newsletter! You’ll get early info on upcoming contests, content, and offers from Defiance. To subscribe, log in to your Trion account, check the Defiance box in your “Newsletters” tab, and click “Save.”

I listen, therefore I am

Originally published at

And by “I” I don’t mean “I”, I mean Defiance. To survive I must adapt. I also mean that we incorporate feedback into our development process when I say listen. That feedback comes from many different sources and the challenge for the team here is processing it, prioritizing it, getting it into development and then released into the hands of the players.

This is different from direction. We have goals for Defiance, we have direction, and we have an identity for what Defiance is. These evolve over time, are implemented and then we gather feedback. Feedback can both affect direction and goals before we implement anything, or it is feedback on something that already exists in Defiance.

Does that mean we act on everything that we get through feedback? No. We process it and take it into consideration but it doesn’t mean it’s in line with what’s best for the game. (See also previous point on direction and identity.)So why discuss this now? I felt it relevant since we’re revising our development plans this week!

We gather feedback from a wealth of internal and external sources, the most obvious being;

Watching you. You should know by now we like to watch. Game logs, behavioral data, interaction with UI and game systems. We have a metric jekkton of these. This is incredibly valuable in establishing trends and patterns but in itself it’s not “the truth”.
Asking you. Email surveys, in-game surveys, focus tests. We do that so that we get structured as well as unstructured data straight from the horse’s mouth. We want to get public testing back so we get more feedback because we crave it.
Listening to you. No, we’re not in your chat channel. It would have to work properly first. But we do look at various forums, comments to articles and videos, snailmail and when you send us psychic readings from sheep intestines as the proof in the pudding.
Seeing your issues. When you submit tickets to customer support, we not only categorize it to see where many issues are that plague you, we look at qualitative data as well. Contrary to popular belief, all caps does not make things more legible nor increase the speed of which we can address your issues but we get the message, because we still read it and we understand the frustration. We play too. We lose items. We throw monitors out windows. We get it.

Some are also taken from external sources. Just this morning I read comments over at Massively and some were about my tongue-in cheek writing, frequency and how we don’t do anything. I totally understand that doing is more than saying, which is why we waited a while with the most recent blog, so that we could cover all the things we had done and were about to do. As to the style of writing and frequency, this is how I am and I’d rather we communicate more than less.

To give you an example of feedback gathered, here is material from the source of all truths, forums. We applied some of our fora whora techniques and find very strong signal around these. Some are even taken directly from your posts when processed so you might recognize your own words there.

Are these things all new? No. This is always a moment in time that we’re looking at. Have we thought about them before? Some we have, others we haven’t. Some are already ruled out, others are on the roadmap, and others are still under consideration. But that’s not the point. This example is what you were saying at that point in time. That’s the valuable information and relevant for today when we enter planning this week.

So this example list doesn’t mean that these are all getting implemented I’m afraid, it means we as a team do read through them though. We go through a list like this and take it into our roadmap planning this week, along with processing other data and feedback. We revisit our plans and adapt.

Player vs Player:
– More settings = Ability to limit weapons, powers, EGO Rating / Perks
– MORE MAPS! (Didn’t see this one coming)
– Better Loot that’s unique to PvP
– Vehicle based PvP
– Spectator Mode
– Private Matches (Clan vs. Clan)
– Tournament system

More PVE Content:
Group/raid instances requiring 4/8/16 players and a room temperature IQ with legitimate fights and unique loot tables.

Bulk Buy:
Buying multiple items from a vendor such as key codes.

Mark all equipped items (All Loadouts)
Mark weapons that are equipped in any load out within the inventory screen or Salvage matrix.

Scalable UI:
A way to scale the UI for both PC and Console.

Group Waypoints:
Group/Party waypoints and the ability for any group member to set them.

Auction House: (Player Economy)
Implement auction house

Player Storage:
Offer the ability outside of character inventory to store items.

Clan Storage:
Add some sort of clan wide storage/bank

Weapon Stats / Scaling on Common thru Legendary:
Tweaks to EGO scaling and weapon rarity scaling

EGO Rated PvP:
EGO-based PvP matchmaking system, ie 100-199, 200-299, 300-399, etc as well as open-ego PvP option that would have no criteria, would allow EGO/weapon scaling without unbalancing PvP

Group Size:
Group size cap raised and adjusted to match PvP team requirements (8 and 16 and higher for Shadow War)

Clan Queuing:
Clan queues for competitive maps (allow clans to queue 8 people from their clan to play true competitive play)

Improved Chat Options:
Permanent chat window (optional), as well as fix the chat window.

Open World Bosses:
Random world (shard) boss spawns

Incentivized Co-op:
Co-op loot tables or randomized loot upon completion

Searching for Group:
Pickup search system to go with 4/8 dungeons/instances if implemented, as well as option to go into them with a premade group of 4/8

Weapon Mods and Vehicle Mods Professions:
Weapon/Mod crafting (maybe even vehicle?)

Trade Options:
Ability to trade ark salvage

Loot Gratification:
Flashier weapons/armor variations

Open World PvP:
Specific zones that are “contested” or similar, in which have the option to become flagged for PvP against any players in that region who aren’t grouped with you or in your clan. Duels, w/ option to bet scrip/resources/items on duel (not required)

Arkfall Loot Tables:
Those who perform better should get better loot.

Bulk Buy/Sell:
Allow bulk selling/scrapping (select multiple items and then sell/scrap, rather than having to go through the command for each item)

Improved Clan Features:
– Option for clan leader/officers to set a ‘clan waypoint’
– Option for clans to purchase a base/hub that could be fast traveled to from the quick menu at any time. Could be bought with scrip and contain various vendors.
– Clan sigils/ outfits

Improved Phasing & Grouping:
Better phase management with friends and clan mates

Competitive Play:
Ranked ‘arena’ games (Match made 2v2, 3v3 etc. with tracked true skill matchmaking)

Dynamic Events:
World/shard-wide dynamic challenges that occur occasionally for clans/players; most experience gained by one player in x time (1 hour, 24 hours, so on) most Arkfalls completed, etc. with small rewards for winners

Now, all that being said, what should you take away from this blog? Nothing. We do however want something from you. We’d like to see comments on this blog that either show you agree with some of these items or mention others that should be there. I would also like you to use the voting option. See a good comment? Up-vote it!

Following this, we will give you insight into where we’re heading with Defiance and how our DLC strategy is.

Ave Arkhunter,


Nathan Richardsson

Executive Producer Defiance

Hellbug Season Has Begun!

Originally published at

Ark Hunters! Join us over the next 3 weeks for Hellbug Season! The Bay area is in need of your help to end the infestation of a new Elemental strain of Hellbugs. Start off by hunting down new Hellbug Arkfalls that are appearing to be the source of these elemental Hellbugs.

Make sure to check your Contracts as factions will be requiring your assistance in clearing out Hellbugs for in game rewards. We also have 2 new Pursuits – “Thinning the Herd” and “Unconventional Methods” – ready to be completed in the Bay area to reveal hidden items and more rewards.

Stay tuned as more around Hellbug Season will be revealed in the coming weeks.

Weapons and Weapon Skills

Originally published at

Weapons in Defiance are a huge part of the way you can customize your character and play style. From in-your-face damage-dealer to healer to long-range sniper, your choice of weapons affects your play style more than anything else.
There are many types of weapon in Defiance, which can be divided into broad categories based on the skill needed to use them. Your skill in each weapon type can be seen in the character section of the EGO menu, under Stats:


The more you use weapons of a particular type, the more skill you gain with that weapon. Gaining skill level with weapon types improves your use of that weapon. The weapon skills list displays what bonuses you have earned already, and what you will earn with the next skill level. In the example above, level 3 Detonator skill has granted +2% fire rate and +2% radius, and reaching level 4 will make the reload time 1% faster.

In your inventory listing, there’s a lot of information to be seen. Here’s an example of some weapons viewed in the inventory section of the EGO menu. The icon for the weapon matches the weapon skill types as shown above, so you can see at a glance which weapon skill is used. The white “E” triangle at the far left indicates which weapons are currently equipped.


Another obvious difference is the color of the weapon name. This indicates the weapon’s rarity, as follows:
• White: common
• Green: uncommon
• Blue: rare
• Purple: epic
• Orange legendary

This does not necessarily mean that a blue weapon is always better than a green one; that will also depend on the weapon level, your skill level in that weapon, mods on the weapon, and the situation it’s being used in among other things. However, this helps give a rough guide to the weapon’s rarity and resell value.

The weapon’s power level is also shown beside the icon. You must be at least this power level to use the weapon (it will show the number in red if you are not). The higher the weapon level, the more likely it is to have additional mod slots, stats, etc. If there’s no level number, that’s a weapon that can be equipped at any level (often weapons gained from missions, for example).

Directly underneath the weapon level, some weapons display a series of squares and dashes. These indicate available slots for adding weapon modifications. Each weapon has between 0 and 4 mod slots, indicated by the squares, and if there is a mod in the slot the square turns white. In the image above, for example, the Votan Pulser has three mod slots, two of which are filled. The VBI Sniper Rifle has two empty slots. El Diablo has no mod slots at all.

On some weapons, just below the weapon icon, you can see a small symbol. In the example above, El Diablo has a small flame, and the Votan Auto-Fragger has a blue electrical bolt, and the Slickshot has a purple syphon swirl. These are nano-effect types and add an additional effect to the damage done by that weapon. The nano-effect type has a chance to be applied with each shot (or melee damage) and adds additional damage as follows:

Fire – Lights the enemy on fire for a short period of time, damaging them while they are on fire.
Radiation – Increases the amount of damage that enemies take while affected by it.
Biological – Slows down enemies and reduces the damage that they do while they are affected by it.
Electrical – Stuns the enemy and other nearby enemies for a short period of time. Removes the player’s HUD, if used on a player.
Syphon – Takes life energy from the enemy and uses that to repair your shields and increase your health.

Finally, on the far right at the top of each line there is a notch which may be filled by a yellow tab marker (in the image above, shown on the Votan Auto-Fragger). This is simply a handy indicator of items that are newly added to your inventory, so you can easily find what you’ve picked up recently. Once you click to inspect a new item, the yellow tab will disappear.

Weapon mastery

In addition to weapon skill, which applies to all weapons of a particular type, weapon mastery allows you to become a master with one particular weapon. For example, the weapon shown on the right has been used more than the weapon shown on the left:


As the weapon is used, its owner gains mastery of that specific weapon. Once the weapon is fully mastered, a bonus will unlock which will be displayed beneath the progress bar. What exactly the bonus is, does not get revealed until it is actually unlocked. A mastered weapon no longer contributes to weapon skill.


Dodge High Speed Challenge Weekend!

Originally published at

Join us in our first Dodge High Speed Challenge weekend! Players can log into Defiance and speed into a new Paradise daily contract and race against the clock in return for access to the Paradise Faction. Once a player has acquired access, there will be a new Paradise merchant that will sell multiple colors of the exclusive Dodge Challenger that will include modified stats. The Paradise Faction merchant is only available during these Dodge Challenge weekends.

Dodge Challenger Paradise Faction Merchant Color Options:
– Dodge Challenger Plum Crazy
– Dodge Challenger Bright White
– Dodge Challenger Billet Metallic

The Dodge High Speed Challenge events will only be held every few weeks, so take advantage of them each time they are activated to claim Paradise Faction!

Start Date: Friday, May 3rd 12:00pm PST (UTC Friday 7am)
End Date: Monday May 6th 12:00pm PST (UTC Monday 7am)

Note: The Paradise merchant will be pushed live in the next 24 hours, you’re able to complete Gold and gain the Paradise merchant rep for access to the Dodge Challengers.

Across The Badlands: Episode 4

Originally published at

We are back! Join us tonight in our fourth episode of Across the Badlands as we give you an inside look at both show and game along with introducing you to the teams that bring both alive. Across the Badlands episode 4 kicks off at 10/9c on our website at

Tonight we take a closer look at Adreno and how it affects the community of Defiance within the show and how it is used in-game. We will also provide more details around the Most Wanted campaign that has less than 6 days left to complete.

We also have a special interview with Game Designer, Trick Dempsey who will answer your questions for the community in this weeks show.

Finally! We would like to remind you we will have a live Q&A with Greg Laabs and Elizabeth Tobey! So make sure to tune in and submit your questions.

Make sure to join us tonight at 10/9c at or on for Across the Badlands and join in the conversation via Twitch chat.

Weapon and Mod Synergy

Originally published at

Synergy effects can be gained by obtaining and equipping multiple items that belong to a set. At present, there are two types of synergy: weapon-weapon, and weapon-mod. Weapon-weapon synergies require two weapons with the same synergy to be equipped, which will activate that synergy effect. Weapon-weapon synergy has only 2 parts to the synergy set as shown in this example, which shows that you get the synergy effect when you have equipped 2 weapons with Synergy: Nano-Executioner:

Weapon-mod synergies require a weapon and attached mods with the same synergy. In weapon-mod synergy, the more matching mods are added to the weapon, the more powerful the synergy bonus that is gained. Example of some weapon mods with synergy effects:

Weapon-mod synergy lists 4 levels of synergy effect. The numbers indicate how many matching mods must be added to gain the effect. (The synergy bonus is in addition to the normal bonuses that the mods individually grant.) For example in the image below, this weapon has two mods with Synergy: Scavenger so would have +2% item drop chance. If a third Synergy: Scavenger mod were added to this weapon, it would gain an additional +10% nano effect chance against out-of-combat targets.

Weapons and mods with synergy are rare but can be obtained throughout the world. Many of the factions in Defiance also sell special synergy types not available elsewhere. Faction vendors require you to spend reputation as well as scrip; this is earned by completing Contracts for the factions (listed in your EGO menu “goals” section).

You just keep coming back for more! But now what? Let’s talk potential.

Originally published at

Usually, one would argue that’s not a bad thing and we’re thankful for you coming back again and again, and, more importantly, staying with us. We’ve had a number of posts on how we’ve addressed our issues and offered insight into those we still have left.

It’s good to see that we have made great progress since launch and we have teams continuing to make improvements and fix bugs. At the very least, the feedback and numbers indicate that you are happier. No, we haven’t forgotten about keycodes drop ratios, extended downtimes or Freight Yard. We know we aren’t perfect yet.

But what’s stated by players and critics alike, whether they love or hate us, is that we’re taking known concepts and doing something new, we’re fun, and we have potential. That’s not an excuse for not being perfect, but I’m certainly not going to complain about trying something new, fun and having potential.

Defiance is the game that everyone will love” – Said nobody. Ever.

Some comments I’ve even enjoyed quite a lot and yet I’m happy that sentence never came up. It’s not us. We’ve been likened to a good B-movie, being about as deep as a bag of chips but great fun. As having issues, but always dragging you right back in for more … I have no problems with these, because we knew Defiance would be polarizing. We aren’t part of any mold, but we can always do better. Personally, I’d like to get to the two-bag of chip depth category or at least, add some salsas for various textures. We’ll be a party in your mouth before you know it. Your favorite B-movie.

As proof of us striving towards being better we have another major update coming, known as the TV Tie-in or Patch 1.020, and it’s coming out this month. It has further bug fixes, improvements, as well as new TV Tie-ins – one of which will utilize a new open world game mode called Sieges. Details are obviously slim, but it’s a crossover event so that should give you an indication of what this game mode entails in future DLCs.

Which incidentally this blog is intended to be about, the future. That potential.

We do our DLCs a bit differently with Defiance. Every time we do a DLC, of which we have 5 planned within the next year, we have a free component, a paid component and a store update. The free part is for everyone. We want people to be playing with their friends; we don’t like to isolate players.

That doesn’t mean there won’t be exclusive content in the DLCs, quite the contrary. The difference is that you can usually bring your friends with you. The catch is that they can’t directly benefit from all of it, like DLC specific loot or gain abilities.

Here is an example: The first DLC which we delayed to address live issues but is now en route I am calling: ENTER THE CASTITHAN till marketing comes up with a better name. Why Castithan? Why, it’s because you’ll be able to play a Castithan. Nifty. Here’s the tentative list of items:

(or imagine flashy name that evoke deep emotions)

You get this when you buy the DLC for $10:
– Access to play the Castithan Species
– Access to a new Story Mission Line with new Battle Arena Game Mode
– Access to the new Castithan Battle Arenas
– Castithan Charge Blade & Ceremonial Mask as a reward from Story Mission Line
– A unique version of the Raptor, a new 4 player truck of doom
– A unique Castithan version of an outfit
– A Charge Weapons Starter Pack
– Access to New Pursuits
– New Xbox and PS3 Trophies and Achievements

You get this in the DLC for free:
– Access to the new Charge Weapons Class and Castithan Blades
– Access to Sieges, a new Open World Game Mode
– Access to the new Monolith Major Arkfall
– Access to a new PvP Map – Military Academy
– Join a friend into the Battle Arenas Game Mode
– Duel your friends and neighbors in the Duels Game Mode
– Enemies, lockboxes, and events can drop Charge Weapons
– Select a new voice for you character
– Multitude of game improvements from UI to content

You can buy these individually from the store:
– New Mods that tint the color of your Castithan Blade
– Lockboxes have a chance to get Charge Weapons
– More versions of the Raptor, the new 4 player truck of doomed compensation
– Character Customization changes: Appearance change, name change, or everything change

This should give you a good idea of how we build up our DLCs and how we separate them into a free, paid and store component. And that’s on top of the improvements we do, like the redoing of the Salvage Matrix. That thing is like performing autopsies right now. Which … I wouldn’t know how to do of course.

But you get the idea. We take in feedback, we’re agile, we adapt. Things I talk about will change. That I do promise you. Doing the right thing for Defiance is more important than a line item in a discussion between you and me in a blog two months previously. But we prefer this discussion to be more open and liberal. You might not be used to that so I figured I’d point it out. Thanks for letting me share some insight with you, now comment away!

Ave Arkhunter,


Nathan Richardsson

Executive Producer Defiance

The Irathient Vagabond

Originally published at

As Hellbug Season continues events from St. Louis have a new addition crossing from show to game. The Bay area is on alert with the arrival of Rynn.

Rynn finds herself crossing the Storm Divide, but she is unable to escape her past. Her crimes have captured the attention of current Bay area natives, and they will stop at nothing to capture her.

Jump in game this coming Monday and seek out Lawkeeper, Jon Cooper as he locks in on Rynn’s whereabouts. Complete the new Episode Mission ‘The Vagabond’ to reveal Rynn’s new objectives and to unlock more missions and rewards.

Remember Hellbug Season isn’t over just yet… Keep destroying Elemental Hellbug Arkfalls, complete the new Emergencies and tackle each Pursuit for unique rewards and titles.

Join us as the new Rynn crossover content will go live on all Defiance servers Monday, May 13, 2013.

Defiance: Bonus Loot Weekend!

Originally published at

Make sure to log into Defiance this weekend to take advantage of our first Bonus Loot Weekend! What is a bonus loot weekend you ask? See the full details below.

Bonus Loot Weekend: Players have an increased chance to earn rare loot items for participating in a variety of game activities that offer loot drops or when they unlock a lockbox during the scheduled time period. The loot categories are weapons, weapon mods, shields, and grenades.

So get your friends online and play Missions, Side Mission, Co-op Maps, Arkfalls, Emergencies, and much more for your chance at Bonus loot for this weekend only!

The Bonus loot weekend kicked off today at 12:00pm PST and will end on Monday 5/13 at 12:00pm PST (UTC Friday 7pm – Monday 7pm).

Across the Badlands: Episode 5

Originally published at

We are back! Join us tonight in our fifth episode of Across the Badlands as we give you an inside look at both show and game along with introducing you to the teams that bring both alive. Across the Badlands episode 5 kicks off at 10/9c on our website at

This week we focus in on Rynn and cover off both aspects of Show and Game and what she is doing within the Bay area. We also take a closer look at some of the details around the first DLC headed for Defiance.

Make sure to join us on the US PC servers for Challenge Hour! (Time frame to be announced during the show) We have a new Fan Find of The Week and much more!

Finally! We would like to remind you we will have a live Q&A with Greg Laabs and Elizabeth Tobey! So make sure to tune in and submit your questions.

Make sure to join us tonight at 10/9c at or on for Across the Badlands and join in the conversation via Twitch chat.

Defiance: Weapon Mods

Originally published at

Each weapon in Defiance has between zero and four mod slots; additional mod slots can be added to a weapon that has less than 4 slots by using the Salvage Matrix. Weapon in your inventory list will display small green squares next to the name under the level indicator that indicates their mod slots; these squares turn white if a mod is in them. In the example below, the VBI Sniper Rifle has two empty mod slots, the selected Slickshot sniper rifle has one filled mod slot, and the other weapons have no mod slots:

Examining the weapon details also shows you which mod slots it has, beneath the weapon’s description:

Weapon mods can be added into available mod slots to improve your weapon. They are a reward from most side missions; they can also be purchased from some vendors around the world. Weapon mods come in a variety of types and power levels, with higher level numbers indicating a more powerful modification.
There are four general categories of weapon mods:

1. Barrel: Generally affect damage and accuracy – Examples include: Increased damage per second, increased critical multipliers, increased aimed damage.
2. Magazine: Generally affect reloading or ammo capacity – Examples include: Improved reload time, increased magazine size.
3. Scope: Generally affect accuracy – Examples include: Increased aim accuracy.
4. Stock: Generally affect stability – Examples include: Increased melee damage, improved recoil.

Weapon mods can only be put into the matching type of mod slot on your weapon; for example, you cannot put a Magazine mod into a Scope slot.
In addition to adding regular bonus effects, some rare mods have a Synergy effect also. When put on a weapon with a matching Synergy effect, they grant an additional bonus.

Across the Badlands: Episode 5 Now on YouTube!

Originally published at

Did you miss Across the Badlands this week? The Fifth episode is now available to watch on our official YouTube channel. Join us as we talk about how both Show and Game connect each week.

Catch up on all episodes of Across the Badlands here:

Hellbug Season Continues and Rynn’s Arrival

Originally published at

Hellbug Season is in full swing and Rynn has arrived in the Bay area. Make sure to jump online and complete the new Episode Missions, Pursuits, Emergencies, Arkfalls, Contracts and collect the new Data Recorders while you can!

Need the full details on the current Hellbug Season and Rynn crossover content? Keep on reading as we have you covered below.

Episode Missions:

The Vagabond: A dangerous Irathient fugitive has been spotted in Paradise, and Jon Cooper hires you to track her down. Little does he know, Paradise is about to be pulled into conflict with a branch of the Earth Republic military.

Piper Investigation Part 1-4: Rynn and Cooper have reached an uneasy peace as they investigate the rogue E-Rep unit lead by “Hammerhead” Gretch. They hire you to infiltrate rogue E-Rep camps and gather intel about their activities.

Paying the Piper: With the intel in hand, Rynn and Eren decipher the purpose of Gretch’s operation: to resurrect the failed “Project Piper.” Together, Rynn, Eren, and you must breach Angel Island and put Project Piper to rest once and for all.


Thinning the Herd
– Kill an Electric monarch
– Kill 5 Incendiary Warriors
– Kill 10 Electric Archers
– Kill 10 Radioactive Skitterlings
– Defeat a Syphon Monarch

Unconventional Methods
– Complete the “Svushinnira: Thinning the Herd” for Paradise Territory
– Complete the “Svushinnira: For Profit!” for Soleptor Enterprises
– Complete the “Svushinnira: For Science!” for Top-Notch Toolworks
– Complete the “Svushinnira: Just Business” for Von Bach Industries

Silencing the Piper
– Complete the mission “The Vagabond”
– Complete the mission “Piper Investigation, Part 1”
– Complete the mission “Piper Investigation, Part 2”
– Complete the mission “Piper Investigation, Part 3”
– Complete the mission “Piper Investigation, Part 4”
– Complete the mission “Paying the Piper”

Faction Contracts:

Top-Notch Toolworks Weekly: “Svushinnira: For Science!”: Collect 10 samples from Hellbug Emergencies
Soleptor Enterprises Weekly: “Svushinnira: For Profit!”: Harvest 20 samples from Hellbug chrysalises
Von Bach Industries Weekly: “Svushinnira: Just Business”: Gather germ cells from 10 Hellbug monarchs or matrons
Paradise Territory Weekly: “Svushinnira: Thinning the Herd”: Kill 100 mutated Hellbugs



Exotic Goods: Brave a thriving Hellbug nest to harvest chrysalis samples for Varus
A New Pair of Genes: Take on a Monarch in order to collect samples of his DNA for Rosa and Eren.
Smells Like Victory: Harvest samples straight from pheromone secretors for Von Bach
Thinning the Herd: Help a group of Echelon Mercs clear out a Hellbug Nest to assist Cass in purging the land of this menace.

Across the Badlands: Episode 6

Originally published at

We are back! Join us tonight in our 6th episode of Across the Badlands as we give you an inside look at both show and game along with introducing you to the teams that bring both alive. Across the Badlands episode 6 kicks off at 10/9c on our website at

This week hosts Greg Laabs (@OverloadUT) and Mathew Everett (@Sledgehammer70) talk about Van Bach and discuss a bit more about Varus from both aspects of Show and Game. We also take a closer look at some of the details around Sieges and the first DLC headed for Defiance.

Interview of the Day is back with Defiance Music Composer, Bear McCreary! Join Greg as he sits down with Bear and asks questions directly from the community.

Finally! We would like to remind you we will have a live Q&A with Greg & Mat! So make sure to tune in and submit your questions.

Make sure to join us tonight at 10/9c at or on for Across the Badlands and join in the conversation via Twitch chat.

Defiance: Store Update

Originally published at

Looking to customize your character within Defiance? Check out the newest store update and grab your new outfit, headgear or vehicle skins with Bits while available. Each of the below items are now available on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

CBMC Marine
CODA Knight
Special Ops Hero

CBMC Marine
Forest Tracker
Highway Crime Lord

Vehicle Skins:
A-Tex Growler Camo Grey
A-Tex Growler Camo Orange
TMW Hannibal 800R VBI Orange/Black
TMW Hannibal 800R VBI Black/Grey

Defiance: Intel

Originally published at

The EGO menu has a section called “Intel”, in which you can find useful information about the world of Defiance that you may wish to refer to for reference.

Intel comes in several categories; the first three categories will unlock as you discover the items within them (the Help category is always available).

Data Recorders
• These devices can be found around the world, both in outdoor regions and in co-op maps. They contain audio recordings which can shed light into the events and history of the region and the factions within it. For example, this one is found in the collapsed tunnel at the far north of Mount Tam.

• There are over 70 data recorders available at launch, and as new events occur in the world through episodic content and other updates, more will continue to appear.

Personal Intel
• As you complete the main mission line of Defiance, you meet key characters and participate in important events. You (and your helpful EGO) also gather information from what you observe. These recordings can be accessed in the Personal Intel section of your Intel menu.

• Occasionally, intel videos can be unlocked by completing Pursuits. These can give you more information about aspects of Defiance, such as the enemies you may encounter in your travels.

• Help intel gives an overview of the world and systems of Defiance. If you come across a term you’re unfamiliar with, try checking the help intel for a quick summary!

Defiance: Rewind Week is Almost Here!

Originally published at

Did you miss out on the Nolan and Irisa Episode Missions at launch? We have you covered this coming week, as these missions will be coming back to the bay area. Join us in game starting Friday, May 24th through Monday, June 3rd to catch up with the prerelease episodic missions that took place leading up to the kickoff of Defiance on Syfy.

Starting on Friday, the ‘Meet Nolan’ Episode Mission will appear once you complete ‘Raiding the Medicine Cabinet’. The identifiers for these missions are noted by a star icon on your in game map.

If you have completed the Nolan and Irisa missions previously, these missions will NOT show up for you during this Rewind Week. We are working to allow future Rewind events to allow all players a chance to replay this content.

We look forward to seeing you in game this weekend and all of next week. Make sure to post your thoughts on the Nolan and Irisa missions in the comments below.

Dodge High Speed Challenge Weekend!

Originally published at

We are back with our second Dodge High Speed Challenge weekend! Players can log into Defiance and speed into a new Paradise daily contract and race against the clock in return for access to the Paradise Faction. Once a player has acquired access, there will be a new Paradise merchant that will sell multiple colors of the exclusive Dodge Challenger that will include modified stats. The Paradise Faction merchant is only available during these Dodge Challenge weekends.

This weeks Dodge High Speed Challenge is located in Madera.

Dodge Challenger Paradise Faction Merchant Color Options:
– Dodge Challenger Plum Crazy
– Dodge Challenger Bright White
– Dodge Challenger Billet Metallic

The Dodge High Speed Challenge events will only be held every few weeks, so take advantage of them each time they are activated.

Start Date: Friday, May 24th 12:00pm PST
End Date: Monday May 27th 12:00pm PST

Store Update and Bit Bonus

Originally published at

Get more Bits for your buck! You’ll get bonus bits from your normal bit purchases starting 12:01 AM PT Friday until 11:59 PM PT Sunday. This sale is only for PC and Xbox customers.

The $5 pack will have 25% bonus bits.

The $20 pack will have 50% bonus bits.

The $50 pack will have DOUBLE bonus bits.

For this store update we are focusing on our Engineers throughout the world of Defiance. We’ve got Engineer themed outfits and head gear for you choose from.

Scrapworks Salvager outfit and head gear


Field Engineer outfit and head gear


Workshop Engineer outfit and head gear


Play Defiance FREE on Steam This Weekend!

Originally published at

You read that title correctly! Play Defiance exclusively through Steam this weekend only for FREE! Oh What? Yes…jump on your PC, head over to Steam and get access to play Defiance all weekend long for FREE.

Simply click the ‘Start Here’ below to head to Steam for your FREE weekend pass and register a Trion Worlds account!


If you find yourself enjoying the FREE weekend, make sure to snag the full version of the game for 30% off. This deal is only available through Steam and will expire at the end of this weekend. But that is not all! If you purchase the game directly through Steam your progress you made during the FREE weekend will carry over into the full version of the game.

So to recap! Play Free, Sweet Deal, Saved Progress and Conquer the World! Well maybe not the last part… But here are the specific details again.

– Buy the game for 30% off this weekend only on Steam!
– Carry over all progress made in the free trial!
– Complete missions, pursuits and contracts!
– Customize unique weapons and vehicles!
– Explore the vast Bay area landscape earning rewards as you go!

Note: If your purchase Defiance via Steam and you are playing the Steam Free weekend version, you will need to log out of the game and close the game client after purchase, so the game will update to the full version properly.

To activate your Defiance Game for the Steam FREE weekend follow these steps:

1.) Click the install option and launch your Steam Client and copy the provided CD key.

2.) Press “Account” option on the game client.

3.) Register or log-in to Trion Worlds.

4.) Apply ‘CD Key’ under the ‘Apply New Code‘ section and click ‘Apply‘.

5.) Now head back to Steam and launch Defiance and login with your newly created Trion World Account.

6.) Enjoy the Game until Sunday at 1:00pm PT

See you in the Bay this weekend.

Defiance Community Manager

Sickness Hits the Bay!

Originally published at

A mystery sickness is spreading across the Bay area! In an effort to find out what is happening, triage centers have been established at both Top Notch and Shandu’s Consulate. No one knows what this sickness is just yet, but possibly you can help Eren find a cure.

Join fellow Ark Hunters in game and complete 1 new pursuit and collect the 3 data recorders to boost your EGO rating.

Hunting the Cure
– Find Data Recorder “Subject Douglas Rivers”
– Find Data Recorder “Quarantine Recommendation”
– Find Data Recorder “Stage 4 Outbreak”

Data Recorders:
– Subject Douglas Rivers
– Quarantine Recommendation
– Stage 4 Outbreak

Defiance: Episodic Content

Originally published at

One of the exciting features of Defiance is its ability to change the content we see in the game world from one week to another. Changes can happen smoothly and immediately without requiring server patches and down time; one minute you may be driving around as normal, and the next minute you may see a brand new mission line become available, or a horde of all new enemies invading. In Defiance, we call this type of dynamic game content “Episodic Content”, and the most high profile example of this is of course the game content that ties into the TV show content.

If you’re new to Defiance EVERYTHING is new and it may not yet be easy to tell which is the Episodic Content and which is not. So here’s an easy way to tell:

The star icon above EGO’s head, rather than the normal exclamation mark, indicates a special Episode Mission that will only be around for a limited time. You can also see these on your map, which helps you find them:

If you’ve been playing since launch, you may already have noticed some of these. When the game launched, you may have encountered the ark hunters Nolan and Irisa fighting at an arkfall in Mount Tam, and then you may have met them again at the Crater Bar in Madera.

Besides Episode Missions, there are many other ways you may notice Episodic Content changing the world in other ways. New time trials, challenges, hotshots and similar events may also become available. The selection of daily/weekly contracts offered may change to match an event’s theme. Additional data recorders may become available for you to find and learn more information about the particular event or the world in general. New limited-time Pursuits may be added. The look and feel of the world may change, with new actors, new decorations, new enemies, new overland encounters, new loot. In the coming months you may even find new arkfalls or even entirely new types of combat introduced. And, of course, it’s possible that we’ll see more of the stars of the TV show visiting the Bay area during or after the show season.

Since the Defiance TV show airs on Monday evenings, if there is a change to Episodic Content that ties into the show it will typically change over between 11 and noon (pacific time) on a Monday. However, there will also be other non-show related events to enjoy and timing may vary. Keep your eyes open in game and check the patcher notes and community updates regularly to make sure you catch all the fun!

Across the Badlands: Episode 7 Now on YouTube!

Originally published at

Did you miss Across the Badlands this week? The 7th episode is now available to watch on our official YouTube channel. Join us as we talk about how both Show and Game connect each week.

Catch up on all episodes of Across the Badlands here:

Challenge Hour: Hulker Challenge Winners!

Originally published at

During Across the Badland Episode 6 we gave the community a new challenge to take on after the show aired. For those of you who haven’t been tuning into Across the Badlands here are the details.

At the top of the hour following Across the Badlands the Challenge Hour begins. You simply login to Defiance and execute against the challenge provided for one hour and try to beat everyone else who is participating.

This last week Greg and I set the Challenge Hour to target Hulkers within the game. We even kicked off a side bet that the community would only reach 6 kill (Greg’s Vote) or 9 kills (Mats Vote). But the community has proven us wrong… again.

The results are in and we actually have 2 winners for this week’s challenge. So please join me in congratulating Rhett Kazuhara and Shwartz who killed 18 Hulkers each in 1 hour.

Stay tuned for future Challenge Hour opportunities outside of Across the Badlands as we want to make sure our global fans have a chance to participate.


Mathew Everett
Community Manager

Defiance: Bonus Loot Weekend is Back!

Originally published at

Make sure to log into Defiance to take advantage of our Bonus Loot Weekend! This Loot weekend comes to you adjusted based on your feedback! What is bonus loot weekend you ask? See the full details below.

Bonus Loot Weekend: Players have a 25% increased chance to earn loot when they participate in a variety of game activities that offer loot drops during the scheduled time period. The loot categories are weapons, weapon mods, shields, and grenades.

So get your friends online and play Missions, Side Mission, Co-op Maps, Arkfalls, Emergencies, and much more for your chance at Bonus loot for this weekend only!

The Bonus loot weekend kicks off Friday at 12:00pm PT and will end on Monday 6/3 at 12:00pm PT.

Defiance: The Plague Trailer

Originally published at

Something sinister has infiltrated its way into San Francisco. This is your new mission… Find a cure and prevent the same thing happening in the town of Defiance.

Watch the new Plague Trailer Here!

Plague Sieges Have Started…

Originally published at

The Plague has broken out and stage 4 of the sickness is spreading across the Bay area. Jump into Defiance to help find a cure and stop the plague from spreading across the badlands into the town of Defiance.

Need the full details on the current plague content? Keep on reading as we have you covered below.


The Plague Sieges: Eren has set up vaccine synthesizers across the bay to create the cure, but plaguers keep disrupting the operation! The synthesizers are set up wherever a high concentration of ark materials can be found, but they require someone to come start them up. When the synthesizers are activated, plaguers move in to attack.

Sieges are open world events that, unlike Arkfalls, take place within some of the built-up areas of the Bay Area. Each siege features multiple capture points which together with your fellow Ark Hunters you must keep control while hordes of enemies seek to wrest them from your grasp.

Your personal goal in each siege is to get as high a score as possible, which requires a combination of defeating enemies as well as holding onto the capture points. Sieges only stay active for a limited period of time, but the more time your team holds the points during the Siege, the higher your score, and the more of the points you all hold, the faster that score increases.


Those poor souls that have reached phase 4 of the outbreak are beyond saving. These people must be put down.

– Hunt down afflicted in each region of Paradise.
– Reward: Med Tech Buggy

Curing the Masses
Eren NiDen has discovered a cure for those which have not yet progressed to phase 4 of the outbreak. The vaccine synthesizers must be protected, or Paradise will fall before the whole world is consumed.

– Complete vaccine synthesizer sieges.
– Reward: Special Bio grenade “Biocharge Ex-12X”


Internment Camp: Help some ER soldiers regain control when some over zealous rebels attempt to liberate their plague infected loved ones.
Triage Center: Defend a makeshift medical center as it gets over run by the Afflicted.
E-Rep Soldier Camp: Join in the fight as ER Soldiers try to defend their camp and their lives from the unceasing attacks of the Afflicted
Dark Matter Outpost: No one is safe from this plague, not even the Dark Matter. Witness one of their camps being attacked.
Checkpoint Troubles: Help a lone surviving Echelon soldier fight off the Afflicted that are attacking her checkpoint station.
Gridlock: A stretch of road filled with wrecked cars holds a deadly surprise for any Ark Hunter foolish enough to go exploring.
Car Trouble: A pair of Ranchers attempted to clear the road and got caught in an Afflicted Ambush. It’s up to the player to save the day.
Spreading the Disease: The player gets to witness first hand what happens when plague infected Raiders bring the disease into some of their drill machines. It’s not pretty.

Across the Badlands: Episode 8

Originally published at

We are back! Join us tonight in our 8th episode of Across the Badlands as we give you an inside look at both show and game along with introducing you to the teams that bring both alive. Across the Badlands episode 8 kicks off at 10/9c on our website at

Have a question you would like answered during this weeks Across the Badlands? Head here to get your questions submitted.

Defiance: Competitive Maps

Originally published at

Competitive maps are available under the Matchmaking menu. In these events, ark hunters are pitted against each other in tests of skill and endurance. Match size and objectives vary depending on the map.

You can participate in all available competitive maps at any power rating. Once you enter, you’ll automatically be put into your Competitive gear. This outfit does not affect your stats at all, but indicates which team you are on. As you earn rewards in Competitive play, you can unlock special outfits that show off your accomplishments. You can choose which Competitive outfit to display during Competitive play in your character EGO menu, on the Loadouts page:

Your own team will be represented by the color blue in the score UI, and the enemy always displays as red.

– Scenario Type: Team Deathmatch
– Players: 6v6
Setting: The collapse of international trade following the Arkfall left most commercial docks derelict and untended. Soon, however, they found new life. Waterfronts once meant for shipping and construction have been repurposed to support drawing life from the sea. The shipping business may be dead, but the fisheries carry on.

– Scenario Type: Team Deathmatch
– Players: 8v8
Setting: With the founding of the EMC (Earth Military Coalition), the United Nations constructed dozens of high tech observatories to scan the stars for more interplanetary visitors. With the start of the Pale Wars, these became symbols of humanity’s resistance: the vigilant eye to the sky. Ironically, only a few of these structures survived the Arkfall, as most crumbled into ruins like the society they were designed to protect.

Freight Yard
– Scenario Type: Capture and Hold
– Players: 16v16
Setting: Terraforming has hobbled the shipping industry. Routes via land are often impassable, while the tempesphere blocks almost all air travel. However, the ocean paths still endure. Many freight yards have been repurposed to support a coastal trade industry, but the constant threat of Raider attacks keep these communities from truly thriving. These businesses are often one intercepted transmission away from complete annihilation.

Defiance: Store Update – Outfits, Headgear & Vehicle Skins

Originally published at

This weeks store update is all about ferocity and aggressiveness on the battlefield. We’ve have 3 new outfits, 3 new headgear options and 2 new vehicle skins. Check them out below and head to the store and customize your ark hunter.

Ekaru Predator: (Outfit & Headgear)

Lone Wolf: (Outfit)

Urban Warrior: (Outfit & Headgear)

Coda Commando: (Headgear)

Duni Sherratu Race Blue/White:

Nomad Woodland:

Get Bonus Bits on PlayStation 3!

Originally published at

Get more Bits for your buck on PSN! You’ll get bonus bits from your normal bit purchases starting 12:01 AM PT Friday until 11:59 PM PT Sunday. Get up to double your favorite Outfits, Headgear, Vehicle Skins or lock boxes this weekend only.

The $5 pack will have 25% bonus bits.

The $20 pack will have 50% bonus bits.

The $50 pack will have DOUBLE bonus bits.

This sale is only for PS3 customers only.

Defiance: Bonus XP Weekend!

Originally published at

Need that extra push to unlock content or to reach that target EGO rating? Log into Defiance this weekend to take advantage of our Bonus XP Weekend! What is a bonus xp weekend you ask? See the full details below.

Bonus XP Weekends is where you the player can earn 25% bonus XP for participating in a variety of gameplay activities (shadow war, missions, arkfalls, etc) during the scheduled time period.

So get your friends online and play Missions, Side Mission, Sieges, Co-op Maps, Arkfalls, Emergencies, and much more to earn your 25% Bonus XP for this weekend only!

The Bonus XP weekend kicks off today at 12:00pm PT and will end on Monday 6/10 at 12:00pm PT.

The Plague: Launching the Cure

Originally published at

The Plague is at its peak in the Bay and Eren needs your help to lock down the cure. Jump into Defiance at 12pm PT and for the rest of this week and complete the new Mission and secure the final Data Recorder.

Need the full details on the current plague content? Keep on reading as we have you covered below.

Launching the Cure
Eren has received a call from the town of Defiance, and they are having a problem with the plague as well. Eren has located an old EMC bunker that has a functioning ICBM. She needs to launch a care package of vaccine to the town of Defiance.


The Plague Sieges: Eren has set up vaccine synthesizers across the bay to create the cure, but plaguers keep disrupting the operation! The synthesizers are set up wherever a high concentration of ark materials can be found, but they require someone to come start them up. When the synthesizers are activated, plaguers move in to attack.

Sieges are open world events that, unlike Arkfalls, take place within some of the built-up areas of the Bay Area. Each siege features multiple capture points which together with your fellow Ark Hunters you must keep control while hordes of enemies seek to wrest them from your grasp.

Your personal goal in each siege is to get as high a score as possible, which requires a combination of defeating enemies as well as holding onto the capture points. Sieges only stay active for a limited period of time, but the more time your team holds the points during the Siege, the higher your score, and the more of the points you all hold, the faster that score increases.


Those poor souls that have reached phase 4 of the outbreak are beyond saving. These people must be put down.

– Hunt down afflicted in each region of Paradise.
– Reward: Med Tech Buggy

Curing the Masses
Eren NiDen has discovered a cure for those which have not yet progressed to phase 4 of the outbreak. The vaccine synthesizers must be protected, or Paradise will fall before the whole world is consumed.

– Complete vaccine synthesizer sieges.
– Reward: Special Bio grenade “Biocharge Ex-12X”


Internment Camp: Help some ER soldiers regain control when some overzealous rebels attempt to liberate their plague infected loved ones.
Triage Center: Defend a makeshift medical center as it gets over run by the Afflicted.
E-Rep Soldier Camp: Join in the fight as ER Soldiers try to defend their camp and their lives from the unceasing attacks of the Afflicted
Dark Matter Outpost: No one is safe from this plague, not even the Dark Matter. Witness one of their camps being attacked.
Checkpoint Troubles: Help a lone surviving Echelon soldier fight off the Afflicted that are attacking her checkpoint station.
Gridlock: A stretch of road filled with wrecked cars holds a deadly surprise for any Ark Hunter foolish enough to go exploring.
Car Trouble: A pair of Ranchers attempted to clear the road and got caught in an Afflicted Ambush. It’s up to the player to save the day.
Spreading the Disease: The player gets to witness first-hand what happens when plague infected Raiders bring the disease into some of their drill machines. It’s not pretty.

Data Recorders:
– Vaccine Delivery
– Subject Douglas Rivers
– Quarantine Recommendation
– Stage 4 Outbreak

Challenge Hour: The Plague Tremblers

Originally published at

We are happy to announce our ‘Challenge Hour’ application is now live! Head on over and sign up with your in-game username and Trion Worlds account to enter this week’s Plague Trembler Challenge.

What is Challenge Hour?

Challenge Hour is a new application that kicks off at the outlined time. You simply sign-up here: and execute against the challenge provided for one hour and try to beat everyone else who is participating.

But wait! We have even better news! Have your friends sponsor you for the upcoming ‘Challenge Hour’ for a chance to earn 20 of them a FREE copy of Defiance! Yup, you heard me right, have your girlfriend, best friend, friends or a stranger off the street sponsor you for a chance to get them a free copy of the game. (The first 20 users who sponsored the winner will also get a FREE copy of Defiance PC-Only)

Note: We will be hosting ‘Challenge Hour’ weekly and the time frame when the Challenge takes place will change weekly.

Check out the full details on Challenge Hour HERE:

Across the Badlands: Episode 9

Originally published at

We are back! Join us tonight in our 9th episode of Across the Badlands as we give you an inside look at both show and game along with introducing you to the teams that bring both alive. Across the Badlands episode 9 kicks off at 10/9c on our website at or on our official Twitch.TV channel

Defiance: Challenges

Originally published at

Defiance Challenges are a special kind of mission available to ark hunters. These fall into three categories: hotshots, rampages, and time trials. Ark hunters may compete in challenges multiple times to test their skills and earn a spot on the leaderboards.

In addition to practicing your skills and getting your name on the leaderboard, you can earn experience and scrip, as well as some additional valuable rewards depending on the challenge. For instance, hotshots and rampages reward weapon mods if you score highly enough. Some hotshots specifically reward mods for the type of weapon that you use in that challenge, so they can be a great way to pick up weapon mods for your favorite weapon type as well as practicing your skills. Time trials reward you with scrip and experience, and completing a series of pursuits based around the time trials will also earn you a sleek black Dodge Challenger.


Hotshots are a test of skill and strategy, in which you equip a special weapon provided for the challenge and test yourself in specific situations. For example, put your sniping talents to the test as you rescue escaping workers in the “Bolinas Sniper” hotshot, or enjoy the massive power of a rocket launcher as you lay down fiery death upon swarms of invading hellbugs in “Dam Defense”, or use your pistol marksmanship to destroy the flocks of chickens without harming the farmers in “Reservoir Chickens”.

Hotshots are indicated on the map by a crosshairs symbol.

Mount Tam
– Desperate Times
– Draw the Line
– Reservoir Chickens
– Crystal Defense
– Dam Defense
– Bolinas Sniper
– Sharpshooting Savior
– Moonshine Shack
San Francisco
– Preemptive Counterstrike


Rampages are a test of stamina and endurance. Using a special weapon, you’ll soon discover how long you can hold out against the incoming enemies. These high-speed, fast-paced challenges are not for the faint of heart.

Mount Tam
– Draw the Line
– Hellbug Extermination
– Minigun Mayhem
– Hamburger Hill
– None
San Francisco
– SMASH!!!
– Dark Harvest

Time Trials

Time trials are a type of challenge that can be found in each of the overland regions of Defiance. Time trials are indicated by a stopwatch icon on the map:

As of launch, there are 14 time trials available:
Mount Tam
– Tranquility Sprint
– Bloodbath Run
– Demon Run
– North Point
– Coastline Course
– Tiburon Uplands
– Muir Processing
– Mine Alley
– Miwok Hills
– Ridgeline Racer
– Barnstorming
San Francisco
– Wasteland Circuit
-Communications Breakdown
– Suburban Chaos

In addition to the above, there are limited time High Speed Challenges sponsored by Dodge, in which you drive the Dodge Challenger and have a chance to gain Paradise faction in addition to the normal time trial rewards of scrip and XP. These time trials will only be available at certain times, so keep an eye on the community news to find out when they’re coming up!

There are a number of pursuits tied to time trial races, including a series called “Pedal to the Metal” parts I through V. These require achieving a gold medal in all 14 permanent time trials, as well as completing a number of other challenging prerequisites. 1080-degree spin in the air while on a vehicle, anybody? But for those who manage to complete the full set of five pursuits, the reward is a stylish black version of the Dodge Challenger to show off your skills as a racing pro.

Defiance: Emergencies

Originally published at

Emergencies are special events which can happen anywhere in the world. Due to their unpredictable nature, they bring with them increased risk and rewards.

When you approach an emergency in the world, you will be alerted by EGO warning you, as well as the name of the emergency appearing at the top of your screen while you are in the area. Underneath the name of the emergency is generally an objective indicating what you need to do in order to complete the emergency.

Emergencies are widely varied in nature, and you can come across them in almost any part of the open world. Emergencies reward XP and are a very good source of scrip.

Look for the limited time Plague Emergencies listed below.

Internment Camp: Help some ER soldiers regain control when some overzealous rebels attempt to liberate their plague infected loved ones.
Triage Center: Defend a makeshift medical center as it gets over run by the Afflicted.
E-Rep Soldier Camp: Join in the fight as ER Soldiers try to defend their camp and their lives from the unceasing attacks of the Afflicted
Dark Matter Outpost: No one is safe from this plague, not even the Dark Matter. Witness one of their camps being attacked.
Checkpoint Troubles: Help a lone surviving Echelon soldier fight off the Afflicted that are attacking her checkpoint station.
Gridlock: A stretch of road filled with wrecked cars holds a deadly surprise for any Ark Hunter foolish enough to go exploring.
Car Trouble: A pair of Ranchers attempted to clear the road and got caught in an Afflicted Ambush. It’s up to the player to save the day.
Spreading the Disease: The player gets to witness first-hand what happens when plague infected Raiders bring the disease into some of their drill machines. It’s not pretty.

Dodge High Speed Challenge Weekend!

Originally published at

Join us for our Dodge High Speed Challenge weekend! Players can log into Defiance and speed into a Paradise daily contract and race against the clock in return for access to the Paradise Faction. Once a player has acquired access, there will be a new Paradise merchant that will sell multiple colors of the exclusive Dodge Challenger. The Paradise Faction merchant is only available during these Dodge Challenge weekends.

Dodge Challenger Paradise Faction Merchant Color Options:
– Dodge Challenger Plum Crazy
– Dodge Challenger Bright White
– Dodge Challenger Billet Metallic

The Dodge High Speed Challenge events will only be held every few weeks, so take advantage of them each time they are activated to claim Paradise Faction!

Start Date: Friday, June 14th 12:00pm PT
End Date: Monday, June 17th 12:00pm PT

Defiance: The Manhunt

Originally published at

Echelon mercenaries are combing the bay and putting up posters. They are on a manhunt for an ark hunter named “Nolan”. Lawkeeper Jon Cooper and his new ally, Rynn, don’t take too kindly to this intrusion, and they want to know more. Find out what trouble Nolan’s gotten himself into, and see if these mercenaries are in over their heads.

Want the full details on the Manhunt content? Keep on reading as we have you covered below. Content will be live at 12pm PT


The Manhunt – Rynn is worried about Echelon’s sudden increased presence in Paradise. She needs you to look into their activities at each of the locations they have been spotted at.


Rynn’s Discovery – Complete all ‘The Manhunt” activities to unlock the Title “True Friend”

Data Recorders:

– Nolan Contract
– Where’s Nolan
– Intel for Coffer Gray

Across the Badlands: Episode 10

Originally published at

We are back! Join us tonight in our 10th episode of Across the Badlands as we give you an inside look at both show and game along with introducing you to the teams that bring both alive. Across the Badlands  kicks off at 10/9c on our website at or on our official Twitch.TV channel

Defiance: Raptr Rewards!

Originally published at

Looking to get your hands on Defiance? Raptr has you covered with their new Raptr rewards program for Defiance. How do you qualify? Signup for Raptr and start earning reputation to qualify for the rewards.


30% Discount – Get 30% off the PC title from Trion Worlds store.

Watch these Defiance rank rewards now as they are going live on 7.3.13 just in time to defend San Francisco for the Fourth of July:

Amateur Starter Pack – Every Ark Hunter needs an extra hand once and a while. Get ahead with an XP boost, Loot Boost, Script Boost and a Tier 1 Lockbox.
Dedicated Raptr Duni – Get the Orange Raptr Duni Shetarru and cruise in style.

Elite Drifter Pack – Upgrade your threads with new Drifter Headgear and a new Drifter Outfit. And an additional Tier 1 Lockbox with you.


Full details on the Defiance Raptr Rewards program can be found here:

Challenge Hour: Hellbug Monarchs

Originally published at

We are happy to announce our next Challenge Hour! Head on over and sign up with your in-game username and Trion Worlds account to enter this week’s Hellbug Monarch Challenge.

What is Challenge Hour?

Challenge Hour is a new application that kicks off at the outlined time. You simply sign-up here: and execute against the challenge provided for one hour and try to beat everyone else who is participating.

But wait! We have even better news! Have your friends sponsor you for the upcoming ‘Challenge Hour’ for a chance to earn 20 of them a FREE copy of Defiance! Yup, you heard me right, have your girlfriend, best friend, friends or a stranger off the street sponsor you for a chance to get them a free copy of the game. (The first 20 users who sponsored the winner will also get a FREE copy of Defiance PC-Only)

Note: We will be hosting ‘Challenge Hour’ weekly and the time frame when the Challenge takes place will change weekly.

Check out the full details on Challenge Hour HERE:

Defiance: Recruit-A-Friend

Originally published at

There has never been a better time to get your friends playing Defiance. We have just launched our Recruit-A-Friend campaign that allows you to unlock sweet rewards for recruiting and playing with friends. Unlock the exclusive Headhunter Title, Inventory slots, Hellblazer Nomad Truck and Tier 3 Lock Boxes. To top it off, if your refereed friend wants to play on PC they can get an additional 30% off the game through Trion Worlds.  How do you unlock these rewards you ask? It is actually very simple.

1.) You need to own a copy of Defiance across any platform and have a valid Trion Worlds account. (Xbox 360 and PS3 accounts need to be account linked)

2.) Head on over to

3.) Ask your friends for their e-mails or simply post your recruit link via you social media channel of choice.

4.) Watch your rewards unlock as your friends play the game. (Friend accounts on Xbox 360 and PS3 need to be account linked)

For a full list of rewards see the below:

Across the Badlands: Episode 10 Now on YouTube!

Originally published at

Did you miss Across the Badlands this week? The 10th episode is now available to watch on our official YouTube channel. Join us as we talk about how both Show and Game connect each week. 



Catch up on all episodes of Across the Badlands here:

Defiance: Most Wanted Winner

Originally published at

Just over a month ago we kicked off the first ever in-game crossover competition to get your likeness within Defiance. Fans of the show and community members from the game set out to take on the challenge and today we would like to announce the winner.

Congratulations to winner Zachary P. for raking in an incredible 173,383 ark salvage/hr – that’s 109,969/hr over the average Ark Hunter haul! You’ll be seeing Zachary’s likeness in an upcoming episode of Defiance so keep your eyes peeled.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Most Wanted contest.

Defiance: Co-Op Maps

Originally published at

Co-op maps are available under the Matchmaking menu. These scenarios are intended for 4-player groups, and will challenge you to complete objectives in a confined, cooperative environment. Many of the co-op maps also have data recorders within, which you can examine to learn more about the history of the area.

Mount Tam
Liberate the Lost
– Power Rating 200 OR
– Complete Mount Tam Storyline Mission “Kith and Kinship”
Mutants are dragging New Freedom crash survivors deep into Delta Bunker East for some assuredly vile cause. Discover their purpose, thwart their plans, and rescue the captured.

Soleptor Excavation
– Power Rating 400
The Raiders have stolen Ridgecrest mine from Varus. He needs a team of operatives to breach his excavation site and recover the valuable technology within.

Explosions 101
– Power Rating 300 OR
– Complete Madera Storyline Mission “Breaking into San Quentin”
Varus wants the Raiders squatting on 101 Keys eliminated once and for all. He is recruiting a private assault team to escort an Echelon demolitions expert through the deadly stronghold to blow the place off the map.

Island of Lost Soldiers
– Power Rating 450
Cass is contracting some ark hunters to uncover what happened to the E-Rep recon team sent to the long-abandoned EMC facility on Angel Island.

The Motherlode
– Power Rating 400 OR
– Complete Marin Storyline Mission “A Bullet for a Badman”
There are rumors of a motherlode hidden deep within Mine 99. Gather a team and uncover the 99er treasure horde.

Commandeer Cronkhite
– Power Rating 500 OR
– Sausalito Storyline Mission “Seize the Day, Control the Future”
The Raiders are embedded in Cronkhite Bunker, an abandoned EMC bunker and armory. They cannot be allowed access to the dangerous weapons left inside. Work with Torc to break their hold of the bunker.

San Francisco
Scrapworks Salvage
– Power Rating 500
Cass has tracked a massive arkfall into the Scrapworks salvage yard. Dark Matter arrived shortly after. It’s time for some ark hunters to do what they do best.

Defiance: Bonus Loot Weekend

Originally published at

Make sure to log into Defiance to take advantage of our Bonus Loot Weekend!  What is bonus loot weekend you ask? See the full details below.

Bonus Loot Weekend: Players have a 25% increased chance to earn loot when they participate in a variety of game activities that offer loot drops during the scheduled time period. The loot categories are weapons, weapon mods, shields, and grenades.

So get your friends online and play Missions, Side Mission, Co-op Maps, Arkfalls, Emergencies, and much more for your chance at Bonus loot for this weekend only!

The Bonus loot weekend kicks off NOW! and will end on Monday 6/24 at 12:00pm PT.

Are you enjoying the Bonus Loot, Bonus XP and High Speed Challenge weekends? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Across the Badlands : Episode 11

Originally published at

We are back! Join us tonight in our 11th episode of Across the Badlands as we give you an inside look at both show and game along with introducing you to the teams that bring both alive. Across the Badlands  kicks off at 10/9c on our website at or on our official Twitch.TV channel



Join us this week as we share some more insight in to the alien traditions, share some of the Challenge Hour winners, and we talk about some upcoming game content!

Challenge Hour – Hellbug Archer

Originally published at

We are happy to announce our next Challenge Hour! Head on over and sign up with your in-game username and Trion Worlds account to enter this week’s Hellbug Archer Challenge.


What is Challenge Hour? Challenge Hour is a new application that kicks off at the outlined time.You simply sign-up here: and execute against the challenge provided for one hour and try to beat everyone else who is participating. But wait! We have even better news! Have your friends sponsor you for the upcoming ‘Challenge Hour’ for a chance to earn 20 of them a FREE copy of Defiance! Yup, you heard me right, have your girlfriend, best friend, friends or a stranger off the street sponsor you for a chance to get them a free copy of the game. (The first 20 users who sponsored the winner will also get a FREE copy of Defiance PC-Only) Note: We will be hosting ‘Challenge Hour’ weekly and the time frame when the Challenge takes place will change weekly. Check out the full details on Challenge Hour HERE:

Bonus XP Weekend

Originally published at

It’s bonus XP weekend! Get in and get playing for a boost in you XP this weekend from June 28th to June 30th.


Have fun !

New Outfits Available in the Store

Originally published at

We’ve got some awesome new outfits available in the store – with my personal favorite being the Liberty Heavy Trooper.


EMC Scout Outfit and Headgear 

EMC Scout


EMC Loyalist 

EMC Loyalist


Liberty Heavy Trooper

Liberty Heavy Trooper

Across The Badlands #12

Originally published at

It’s that time for Across the Badlands #12 – join us tonight as we see how the show and the game continue to interact and crossover.


Across The Badlands


We are back! Join us tonight in our 12th episode of Across the Badlands as we give you an inside look at both show and game.

Across the Badlands kicks off at 10/9c on our website at Or you can join the conversation live via our Twitch channel at

Defiance: Volge Incursion

Originally published at

Reports are rolling in from across the bay as people are going missing and settlements suddenly lose communications. Even the Raiders show fear as the dire warnings mount. Strange and deadly scouting parties are rampaging across the bay, and only one explanation stands out: The Volge….

Volge Incursion

Get the full details on this weeks live Volge content below. Content will be live at 12pm PT

Volge Examination
– Kill a Trooper
– Kill a Bomber
– Kill a Viscera
– Complete 5 Volge emergencies


Clearing Volge Battle – Assist E-Rep soldiers as they defend their camp from a vicious Volge assault
Clearing Volge Boobytrap – Help some miners turn the tables on the Volge by setting up some traps and then witnessing the explosive results
Clearing Volge Kill Raiders – A small Raider camp gets invaded by a Volge hit squad. Let one side clear out the other and then sweep into clean up the mess or take them both on at the side time if you’re ballsy enough to do it.
Clearing Volge Miner Defend a Mining Camp from the Volge Troopers that have come to steal their crates of Gulanite
Road Volge Checkpoint – An ER road Checkpoint is getting overrun by Volge and only your assistance can turn the tide
Road Volge Traffic – Volge are in the process of hijacking a supply of Gulanite.

June’s Challenge Hour Winners

Originally published at

The results are in – we have official winners for last month’s Challenge Hours! Congratulations to all those who entered our Challenge Hours and kudos to those who succeeded in securing the top slot each week.


Challenge Hour will continue every week through the summer. To learn more visit We will be posting new challenges each week on the site and announcing via the forums and through The current challenge, slated for Wednesday, July 3 at 3 PM PDT, pits Arkhunters against Biomen. Good luck!




June 7th “Kill Hellbugs” challenge:

Winner: Era  with 5687 kills

Era had 4 Sponsors back him and earned a signed art book!


June 14 “Kill Tremblers” challenge:

Winner: Era  with 108 kills

Era had 20 Sponsors and earned a signed art book, Hellbug statue, and a small and large Hellbug plushie!


June 22 “Kill Hellbug Monarchs” challenge:

Winner: Vyxxi with 126 kills

Vyxxi had 20 Sponsors and earned a signed art book, Hellbug statue, and a small and large Hellbug plushie!


June 29 “Kill Hellbug Archers” challenge:

Winner: Edgar Arkwright  with 256 kills

Edgar Arkwright had 3 Sponsors and earned a signed artbook!

July 4th Holiday Sale

Originally published at

We’ve got an awesome promotion to correspond with the July 4th holiday. Now through July 7th you’ll get 50% off select outfits and headgear. Get in-game to check out the sale and check out the new outfits we have available!



Badlands Crime Lord

Outfit 180 90

Headgear 440 220

BC Crime Lord

Naval Hero

Outfit 560 280

Headgear 280 140

Naval Hero

Highway Crime Lord

Outfit 240 120

Headgear 440 220


E-Rep Spy

Outfit 240 120

Headgear 120 60


Forest Tracker

Outfit 880 440

Headgear 440 220

Forest tracker

CBMC Marine

Outfit 560 280

Headgear 280 140


Enemy Intel – The Volge

Originally published at

With very few weaknesses this world conquering species is a great threat to all living things.  Check out the enemy intel trailer.

Across The Badlands #13

Originally published at

Episode #13 of Across the Badlands is bringing you folks a little something different. We’ve got extra information about both the show and the game.


Make sure to tune in as we 10/9 CT on our Twitch TV Channel as we talk Defiance and we look down the road on whats coming down the road.

Rewind Content

Originally published at

Play most of the content from the Season 1 crossovers for a limited time. Content from Nolan, Hellbug Season, Rynn, Plagues and more will be live for a limited time. Hop in game and check it out!

Play The Game – Join The Show

Originally published at

Play your way onto Season 2 of Defiance the show!

The first Season of Defiance the Show has come to an end but your journey continues. Replay all of the Defiance cross-over content in the game from July 8th through July 30th  and enter for a chance to have your character written onto the TV show. Get started now by heading to this link : Play The Game – Join The Show


How will the winner be chosen?

The top 10 ark hunters who complete the most arkfall events during the time period July 8th 10am PST to July 30th  10am PST will qualify to have their character written onto the show. The top 10 players will have their characters submitted to a Facebook voting contest. The top 5 players from this vote will then be submitted to the writers staff at Syfy. The final winner will be selected by Kevin Murphy, the lead creator the TV show.


How do I enter?

Follow the contest registration steps above, then complete the most arkfall events during the time period July 8th 10am PST to July 30th  10am PST will qualify


What are Arkfall events

Arkfalls happen in the game daily and are random events where players can salvage the most loot.  When the event occurs the player will be notified on his player map.


What can I win?

The winner will have his/her character appear on the next season of Defiance the TV show. The writing staff will create the characters back story and give the character an appearance on one of the episodes.


When will winners be announced?

Top 10 finalists will be notified by email on August 2nd. The finalists will then be announced via Facebook on August 9th. Final Winner will be selected By September 15th


How can I get alerts for future crossover contests?

Subscribe to the Defiance newsletter! You’ll get early info on upcoming contests, content, and offers from Defiance. To subscribe, log in to your Trion account, check the Defiance box in your “Newsletters” tab, and click “Save.”

Challenge Hour: Dark Matter Enforcer

Originally published at

We are happy to announce our next Challenge Hour! Head on over and sign up with your in-game username and Trion Worlds account to enter this week’s Dark Matter Enforcer Challenge.

What is Challenge Hour?

Challenge Hour is a new application that kicks off at the outlined time. You simply sign-up here: and execute against the challenge provided for one hour and try to beat everyone else who is participating.

But wait! We have even better news! Have your friends sponsor you for the upcoming ‘Challenge Hour’ for a chance to earn 20 of them a FREE copy of Defiance! Yup, you heard me right, have your girlfriend, best friend, friends or a stranger off the street sponsor you for a chance to get them a free copy of the game. (The first 20 users who sponsored the winner will also get a FREE copy of Defiance PC-Only)

Note: We will be hosting ‘Challenge Hour’ weekly and the time frame when the Challenge takes place will change weekly.

Check out the full details on Challenge Hour HERE:

Favorite Defiance Character?

Originally published at

With Defiance Season 1 wrapping up on Syfy we have seen a few characters come and go from both TV show and game.  With that being said, we would love to know which character or characters you have enjoyed within Defiance.
We would also love to hear your thoughts on what characters you would like to see crossover into the game. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below

Defiance PC Trial is LIVE!

Originally published at

Explorer the terraformed Bay area within Defiance by checking out our FREE PC Trial. Starting today, you can access our Defiance PC Trial by logging in to your Trion Account or by creating a new account.



With the FREE PC trial you get the following:

– Time limited access to the full game!*
– 200 EGO rating cap
– Ability to carry over all progress, rewards and purchases made in the Defiance Store to the full game once purchased**



Your free trial will start as soon as you sign up, so make sure to download the client immediately after signing up.

* Trial starts upon completion of account creation or log in, time is limited to 72 hours.
**Defiance Store purchases can only be carried over to PC Game accounts.

Defiance: Bonus Loot Weekend

Originally published at

Make sure to log into Defiance to take advantage of our Bonus Loot Weekend!  What is bonus loot weekend you ask? See the full details below.

Bonus Loot Weekend: Players have a 25% increased chance to earn loot when they participate in a variety of game activities that offer loot drops during the scheduled time period. The loot categories are weapons, weapon mods, shields, and grenades.

So get your friends online and play Missions, Side Mission, Co-op Maps, Arkfalls, Emergencies, and much more for your chance at Bonus loot for this weekend only!

The Bonus loot weekend kicks off NOW! and will end on Monday 7/15 at 12:00pm PT.

Challenge Hour: Volge Trooper

Originally published at

We are happy to announce our next Challenge Hour! Head on over and sign up with your in-game username and Trion Worlds account to enter this week’s Volge Trooper Challenge. Can you win your friends copies of Defiance and yourself some epic Defiance rewards? You won’t know until you try!


What is Challenge Hour?

Challenge Hour is a new application that kicks off at the outlined time. You simply sign-up here: and execute against the challenge provided for one hour and try to beat everyone else who is participating.

But wait! We have even better news! Have your friends sponsor you for the upcoming ‘Challenge Hour’ for a chance to earn 20 of them a FREE copy of Defiance! Yup, you heard me right, have your girlfriend, best friend, friends or a stranger off the street sponsor you for a chance to get them a free copy of the game. (The first 20 users who sponsored the winner will also get a FREE copy of Defiance PC-Only)

Note: We will be hosting ‘Challenge Hour’ bi-weekly moving forward and the time frame when the Challenge takes place will change weekly.

Check out the full details on Challenge Hour HERE:

Defiance Headed to San Diego Comic-Con

Originally published at

Join both Syfy and Trion Worlds as we head to San Diego Comic-Con and take over Mary Jane’s Café Defiance style and kick off an exclusive Panel with both Cast and Developers on July 19th. If you plan to head to SDCC this year we have outlined all the cool Defiance incentives and goodies below.

  • For the second year in a row, Syfy will transform Mary Jane’s Café into Café Defiance. The immersive experience into the world of Defiance will feature hands on opportunities for Defiance Game by Trion Worlds, video displays and social/interactive elements.  In between bites at Café Defiance, customers can win a Defiance prize package by tweeting Café photos using #DefianceSDCC.
  • Two of the Dodge Chargers featured in Defiance will patrol the streets of San Diego, enticing participants to enter a sweepstakes for a chance to win a Dodge Charger. Attendees can enter the sweepstakes by locating the vehicles and tweeting a picture of either car to #DodgeDefiance.
  • Defiance Castithan Charge Pack first look with Senior Producer, Rob Hill and Social Media Manager, Greg Laabs on live on Friday, July 19th at 2:00pm PT.

Defiance Panel Details:

Friday, July 19

  • 10:30am – 11:30am, Defiance — Earth has changed, and entertainment will never be the same. Join Rob Hill (Defiance Game Senior Producer) Grant Bowler (Nolan), Julie Benz (Amanda Rosewater), Stephanie Leonidas (Irisa), Tony Curran (Datak Tarr), Jaime Murray (Stahma Tarr), Jesse Rath (Alak Tarr), Executive Producer Kevin Murphy and more from Syfy‘s groundbreaking multi-platform series as they discuss the overwhelming success of Defiance (the show and game) and share exclusive details from the second season.  Moderated by Maureen Ryan, TV Critic for Huffington Post.

SDCC Day #0: Mary Jane’s Café

Originally published at

Defiance has taken over downtown San Diego and we are offering live gameplay, giveaways and much more! Check out these images of Mary Jane’s Café that has been 100% taken over by Defiance and Syfy.



We were on site tweeting at you to be the first to snag a Defiance Hellbug Plushie. This was the first winner of the day:


We also had a chance to meet Defiance community member @Antonio Jones who also snagged a Hellbug Plushie and a picture with Sledgehammer70.


But to top off Day #0 of SDCC we ran into the first Cosplay revolving around Defiance. Check out John Masuzumi’s Hellbug hat.


Stay tuned for more coverage from San Diego Comic Con, and make sure to follow @DefianceWorld on Twitter for their live Tweets during the Defiance Panel on Friday at 10:30am PT. Along with out Live DLC coverage on Twitch.TV’s Live SDCC channel on Friday at 2:00pm PT


For full details on all the events at SDCC this year for Defiance head on over here:

Summer Store Update – Beat the Heat

Originally published at

Beat the summer heat with our latest vehicle store update!  Stay cool in latest Nomad model, or catch some great air in a new A-Text Growler.  Don’t let the scorching temperatures get the best of you, all Dunis come with free air conditioning!

Jump into Defiance and secure your new vehicle today!

A-Tex Growler Camo Yellow


A-Tex Growler Camo Dark Green


TMW Hannibal 800R VBI White/Cyan


TMW Hannibal 800R VBI White/Red


RM Nomad V6 Camo Black/Brown


Duni Shetarru Green / Black


Duni Shetarru Yellow / Blue


Dev Blog: Castithan Charge Pack and the future of Defiance

Originally published at

Ok, time to write the introduction blog.  Hello.  My name is Chris Lena and I am the new Executive Producer for Defiance.  I have been working at Trion for over three years and started on Defiance last November (almost exactly 6 months before launch).  My background is a long history of working on massively multiplayer games both live and in development which has driven home the fact that those that play your game are not just customers but partners.  That there is a back and forth, a blurring of developer and player, that doesn’t happen with other games and is one of the main reasons that I love working in this genre.  But enough about me, let’s get down to business.


Our first DLC is coming up and we will be revealing that release date soon…it will not be out this month.  Fine, we will tell you that it will be in August but don’t’ tell anyone else.  Ok?  I know I can trust you.  We did want to get this out sooner but we had some launch issues to take care of first.  We will get into more of that later.  As a reminder, this DLC is all about the Castithan.  There is the playable Castithan species, Charge Blades, Arena game modes, a new Story Mission line, and more!  And don’t worry, we still have our planned total of 5 DLCs that we will be releasing throughout the first year of the game.


Although there are a lot of details to talk about with the first DLC I don’t want to spend all of my time doing that.  That can come when we announce the date.  Don’t get me wrong, it is important to continue to add content to the game and the DLCs are a great way to do that  but in my first blog I want to emphasize what is happening with the current live game.  Defiance is not even four months old and we have put in a lot of fixes and improvements but we need to do more.  That is what I want to talk about.


I know that many of you play without any issues but too many of you are encountering problems that you should not have to experience.  We need to make sure that when someone logs into Defiance that the only frustration they have is getting hammered by the Volge.



We have added a massive amount of content to Defiance since launch – however all of that content introduced a bug that could potentially cause a “Critical Error” when patching. The only solution was to either restart your console or reinstall the game. Neither of those solutions are acceptable. In this upcoming DLC we have fixed all known occurrences of this “Critical Error” bug.  Also, we have taken this opportunity to introduce a new loading bar that will more clearly communicate where you are in total patching progress.  Also, on PC, we have already pushed many patcher improvements live and will continue to do so.


Grouping/Chat/Social Features

There are a lot of different kinds of problems here.  There are issues with groups of players entering into a Co-Op Map and not all of them ending up together or entering a Co-Op Map that was already under way. We have this fixed and it is making its way out to Live soon.  There are fixes and improvements to voice chat and quite a few changes to the chat window in general.  We also realize that there are quite a few problems with the way Clans are working and we are digging into those as well.


Connecting to Regional Servers

Defiance has two clusters of regional servers – one in Europe and one in North America. With the DLC we will be adding the ability for console users to select which regional server you connect to so you can play with your friends regardless of your location (some forum users have referred to this as “Region Locking”).  However, any characters you have are attached to specific regional servers so if you are currently playing in Europe on Xbox and you decided to play with your friend in Canada then you will have to start a new character.


Other Stuff

There are a lot of fixes that are going to be making their way onto the live servers but I will leave that to you and the patch notes of the future.  Everything else is just talk.


In a general sense, I believe that everyone is better off if we interact more with the people that are dedicating their precious time to playing our game.  The forums are the easiest way to do this but we will figure out other ways as well.  The Defiance Team understands that there are a lot of good games out there competing for your time and we truly appreciate you carving out time for Defiance.


Onward and upward!

Chris Lena


Executive Producer – Defiance

Defiance Now Available Starting at $9.99

Originally published at

Keep your Monday nights filled with Defiance on PC, Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 by kicking off your own story within Defiance. There has never been a better time to start playing Defiance because now you can secure your copy for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 for $19.99 and on PC for $9.99.

With the Castithan Charge Pack DLC just around the corner, get your Ark Hunter ready for Dueling and Arenas along with Volge Sieges…

Purchase Defiance Here:

On the fence about purchasing Defiance? Why not try before you buy! Play our Defiance Free PC trial and if you’re enjoying the game, purchase the PC version and continue where your trial account left off.

PC trail details here:  

Dodge High Speed Challenge Weekend!

Originally published at

The Dodge High Speed Challenge weekend is back! Players can log into Defiance and speed into a Paradise daily contract to race against the clock in return for access to the Paradise Faction. Once a player has acquired access, there will be a new Paradise merchant that will sell multiple colors of the exclusive Dodge Challenger. The Paradise Faction merchant is only available during these Dodge Challenge weekends.

Dodge Challenger Paradise Faction Merchant Color Options:
– Dodge Challenger Plum Crazy
– Dodge Challenger Bright White
– Dodge Challenger Billet Metallic

The Dodge High Speed Challenge events will only be held every few weeks, so take advantage of them each time they are activated to claim Paradise Faction!

Start Date: Friday, July 26th 12:00pm PT
End Date: Monday, July 29th 12:00pm PT

Challenge Hour: Dark Matter Bulwark

Originally published at

We are happy to announce our next Challenge Hour! Head on over and sign up with your in-game username and Trion Worlds account to enter this week’s Dark Matter Bulwark Challenge.


What is Challenge Hour?

Challenge Hour is a new application that kicks off at the outlined time. You simply sign-up here: and execute against the challenge provided for one hour and try to beat everyone else who is participating.

But wait! We have even better news! Have your friends sponsor you for the upcoming ‘Challenge Hour’ for a chance to earn 20 of them a FREE copy of Defiance! Yup, you heard me right, have your girlfriend, best friend, friends or a stranger off the street sponsor you for a chance to get them a free copy of the game. (The first 20 users who sponsored the winner will also get a FREE copy of Defiance PC-Only)

Note: We will be hosting ‘Challenge Hour’ bi-weekly and the time frame when the Challenge takes place will change as well.

Check out the full details on Challenge Hour HERE:

Ark Hunter or Volge Hunter?

Originally published at

Have you been hunting down the Volge within Defiance? Well now you can hunt them down in style! Check out the new Volge headgear in the Defiance store. We have released 3 options to match up with your outfits of choice. Along with 2 new outfits to allow your Arkhunter to stand out within Defiance.

Ice Volge Helm:
Ice Volge Helm

Tribal Volge Helm:
Tribal Volge Helmet

Volge Helm:
Volge Helm

Urban Commando:

Omega Recon:

Challenge Hour is 2 Days Away!

Originally published at

Our next Challenge Hour is just a few days away! Make sure to sign-up and get sponsors to win both you and your friends Defiance prizes.


What is Challenge Hour?

Challenge Hour is a new application that kicks off at the outlined time. You simply sign-up here: and execute against the challenge provided for one hour and try to beat everyone else who is participating.

But wait! We have even better news! Have your friends sponsor you for the upcoming ‘Challenge Hour’ for a chance to earn 20 of them a FREE copy of Defiance! Yup, you heard me right, have your girlfriend, best friend, friends or a stranger off the street sponsor you for a chance to get them a free copy of the game. (The first 20 users who sponsored the winner will also get a FREE copy of Defiance PC-Only)

Note: We will be hosting ‘Challenge Hour’ bi-weekly and the time frame when the Challenge takes place will change as well.

Check out the full details on Challenge Hour HERE:

Castithan Charge Pack DLC is coming August 20th!

Originally published at

That’s right: we have a release date! Defiance’s first DLC will be available for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 August 20th.

Haven’t been following the news about what new things you’ll get in the Castithan Charge Pack DLC? Let’s review:

  • Play as a Castithan (you can even convert your current character if you’d like!)
  • Battle against the Volge in massive Siege battles
  • Access new Battle Arenas and earn a Castithan Blade reward
  • Duel other players in best-of-three matches
  • Drive the Raptor Truck, Defiance’s first 4-player vehicle
  • Fight with the new charge weapons, including pistols, shotguns, and sniper rifles
  • Plus: new pursuits, new story lines, and more

You can pick up the Defiance Season Pass here to be ready on release day!

Dodge High Speed Challenge Weekend! (August 16-19th)

Originally published at

The Dodge High Speed Challenge weekend is back! Players can log into Defiance and speed into a Paradise daily contract to race against the clock in return for access to the Paradise Faction. Once a player has acquired access, there will be a new Paradise merchant that will sell multiple colors of the exclusive Dodge Challenger. The Paradise Faction merchant is only available during these Dodge Challenge weekends.

Dodge Challenger Paradise Faction Merchant Color Options:
– Dodge Challenger Plum Crazy
– Dodge Challenger Bright White
– Dodge Challenger Billet Metallic

The Dodge High Speed Challenge events will only be held every few weeks, so take advantage of them each time they are activated to claim Paradise Faction!

Start Date: Friday, August 16th 12:00pm PT
End Date: Monday, August 19th 12:00pm PT

Defiance’s first DLC, the Castithan Charge Pack, is now available!

Originally published at

The first DLC for Defiance, the “Castithan Charge Pack,” is now available for download on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360!

Ark Hunters will now be able to gear up with Charge Blades and Charge Weapons and fight the Volge in our newly returned Sieges mode. And that’s not all – we have duels, a playable Castithan race, and new storyline missions.

Check out our full length Castithan Charge Pack Launch trailer now to catch a glimpse of what’s new in the San Francisco Bay Area today

We are headed to PAX Prime!

Originally published at

PAX Prime is taking over Seattle from Friday, August 30th through Monday, September 2nd. Join Elizabeth “dahanese” Tobey and Greg “OverloadUT” Laabs as they roam the halls of the conventions, finding cool stuff and bringing RIFT and Defiance goodies to any fans they find.


We’ll be teaming up with Twitch on their official channel at each day at 1 PM PDT. Check out the full schedule:

  • Friday, August 30th @ 1 PM: Check out what’s new in the world of Defiance and talk about the future of the game
  • Saturday, August 31st @ 1 PM: AMA with Elizabeth and Greg!
  • Sunday, September 1st @ 1 PM: Greg and Legit preview the upcoming RIFT 2.4 Infinity Gate raid

Be sure to follow us on twitter at @RIFTGame, @DefianceGame, and @TrionWorlds as well as Greg and Elizabeth’s Twitters for all the sights and sounds of PAX Prime 2013. They’ll also be posting locations of ad hoc tweetups throughout the day so you can come snag codes for a Toxic Hellbug Mount in RIFT and a code to download the Digital Deluxe edition of Defiance on PC.

See you in Seattle!

The Dodge High Speed Challenge Weekend is Back

Originally published at

The Dodge High Speed Challenge weekend is back again by popular demand! Gamers can log into Defiance and speed into a Paradise daily contract to race against the clock in return for access to the Paradise Faction. And once the access is secured, you can head on over to a new Paradise merchant that sells multiple colors of the exclusive Dodge Challenger. The Paradise Faction merchant is only available during these Dodge Challenge weekends – so don’t delay. Head on in and start racing.

Final Screenshot for Red Dodge Challenger (1280x800)

Dodge Challenger Paradise Faction Merchant Color Options:

  • Dodge Challenger Plum Crazy
  • Dodge Challenger Bright White
  • Dodge Challenger Billet Metallic

The Dodge High Speed Challenge events are only held on certain weekends, so head on in now to make sure you nab a rare color Dodge Challenger for your own!

Start Date: Friday, September 6th 12:00pm PT
End Date: Monday, September 9th 12:00pm PT

Pick up a boxed copy of Defiance, get sweet loot in RIFT!

Originally published at

For a limited time: get a Ghost Hellbug mount, Votan Fragger weapon transmog, and $5 in RIFT Store Credits when you buy a physical copy of Defiance!


This offer applies to Standard and Collector’s Edition boxed copies of Defiance on PC, Xbox 360, and PS3, and is valid while supplies last – so hunt down yours and wield the loot of the future, today.

Check out the full details of the promotion here!

Follow These Steps to Claim Your Loot


1. Log in to your Trion account at

2. Click the APPLY CODE tab.

3. Enter the product code found on the back of your Defiance manual.

4. That’s it! Defiance will be ready for download and your RIFT loot will be delivered in-game within 24 hours.


1. Activate your copy of Defiance by following the instructions on the back of your game manual.

2. Log in to Defiance.

3. Open your Settings menu and select ACCOUNT: LINK ACCOUNT.

4. A unique code will be displayed. Enter it at

5. That’s it! Your Ghost Hellbug, Votan Fragger, and Store Credits will be delivered in RIFT within 24 hours.

Good luck, fellow Telarans and Ark Hunters. We’ll be waiting for you in game.

Save 50% on Defiance at Gamestop!

Originally published at

From September 11th til the 18th, console versions of Defiance are 50% at GameStop. Prices are good both online and in stores – and PC copies of Defiance are just $9.99!

Plus, when you buy a physical copy of Defiance (on any platform) you get free RIFT loot: a Ghost Hellbug mount, Votan Fragger, and $5 RIFT Store Credits.

See you in game, Ark Hunter!

Announcing our latest Challenge Hour Winners

Originally published at

After (far too many) weeks of suspense, we’re excited to announce the winners of our last two Challenge Hours!

First up is ScSessions for taking down the most Dark Matter Enforcers. There will be glorious loot in the future for our champion and twenty loyal sponsors.

Our second winner is DC Diesel, who successfully downed the most Volge Troopers in a one-hour period.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Challenge Hours. We’ll be back in September with a new offering: be sure to keep your skills honed and your aim steady.

Deeper dive into new arkfalls on Trion’s Friday Livestream Extravaganza

Originally published at

Friday is fast approaching – and that means another Trion Friday Livestream Extravaganza of awesomeness.

On September 13th (that’s tomorrow!) at 1:30 PM PDT (click here for a world clock translation of that time!) we’ll be starting off by showing our new RIFT 5-man dungeon, Realm of the Twisted Dreams with OverloadUT and Dahanese.


We’ll take a brief break at 2:30 PM to chat with the community (bring your questions!) as we switch on over to our internal Defiance server where we’ll show off an extended look at the new arkfalls that are coming to the game with our future second DLC pack.

Want to know the moment we go live? Follow us at – we broadcast our extravaganza every Friday starting at 1:30 PM PDT. You can also follow us at @RIFTGame and @DefianceGame on Twitter for livestream and other news.

State of the Game Update

Originally published at

Ark Hunters!

It’s been quite a journey since the launch of Defiance earlier this year, and the recent release of the Castithan Charge pack. With the team’s move to Trion Redwood Shores just about complete, we have the opportunity to make Defiance into the gameplay beast that it always promised to be. Shooting, driving, and chasing down arkfalls are each entertaining as hell, and that’s a great foundation to build upon. Defiance has incredible potential, and it is going to reach that potential come hell or waters that are high.

I’m Trick Dempsey, the Creative Lead for Defiance, and I’m presently packing for my own move up to the Redwood Shores studio. We have a fantastic team working there to improve the quality of the game, and bring new dynamic content to the world.

Right now, we’re making the game better in phases and fixing our weapons is first on the list. We’re tuning our weapons so that each one is a viable and attractive choice. Weapons are a fun and exciting part of the shooter experience, and we’re going to make certain that all of them have their own special breed of fun. Not only will we be working on the core balance of the base weapons, but we’ll be assuring that our rarity and mastery bonuses apply to each weapon they can appear on. Higher rarity weapons will always be accompanied with celebration and never disappointment.

Parallel with weapons improvements we’ll also be addressing our shields so that each of them has a valid tactical advantage. The Respark Regenerator feels great, and we like that too. We’ll be improving the other shields to make them competitive and desirable as well. For example, the Ironclad and its ilk are going to see a significant buff in order to make them into a valid tactical option. We think that games are the most fun when there’s more than one “right” strategy.

Our inventory interface needs serious improvement. Our current interface has a large number of loadouts and limited inventory space that makes it difficult to make decisions quickly and leap right back into the game. We’re making incremental improvements to this interface as we improve the significance of gear resulting in a much smoother process.

Defiance is an online game and that means it’s supposed to be a social experience. but, we think things are too quiet. Frankly, chat (both voice and text) operate with less-than-stellar reliability. We’re also updating a variety of systems to create a far better social experience throughout the game. We’re going to clean up that experience considerably, both from a convenience and a reliability standpoint.

Objectives and UI
A solid, intuitive UI and clear, identifiable objectives are crucial to a good experience in game. We’re going to update the objectives and UI elements surrounding contracts so that they will serve to better pull ark hunters into the same locations. Defiance is a blast when other players spice up the action, and we’re going to improve the flow to cooperate and compete with other players. You’ll know where to go, what to do, and why the objectives are updating.

And Beyond
That will bring us to our second DLC, which you saw a sneak peek of during PAX. It’s going to be an exciting expansion with arkfall interiors, new boss encounters, and useful power-ups called spikes and stims. It’s a big update and I look forward to sharing more details soon.

After that, we’re putting a major focus on the chase. EGO, gear, and weapon improvements as those are needed to be a core part of the ark hunter experience. Not only will ark hunters improve over time, but their loadout and gear decisions will matter. Choosing to specialize in spitting out flaming death will obliterate flesh and blood opponents, yes, but that may not be the best way to handle a two-ton mechanical juggernaut. The New Frontier is a dangerous and unpredictable place, and only the most adaptable ark hunters survive.

Good Hunting.

Trick Dempsey, Creative Lead

Creative Lead Trick Dempsey Q&A on this Friday’s livestream

Originally published at

On Friday, September 20th at 1:30 PM PDT we’ll be streaming a preview of our upcoming 20-man raid in RIFT: Planebreaker Bastion. Dungeon devs Cyzo and Halvon will also be attending to answer your questions and give you some insight into how they designed the raid.


We’ll also be streaming Defiance starting at 2:30 PM PDT. We’ll be joined by Creative Lead, Trick Demspey, and OverloadUT will try his hand at the arenas in game.

See you this Friday at!

War with the Volge

Originally published at

The Volge are a world-conquering species once thought left behind in the Votanis System. Their emergence on Earth came as a surprise and terror to all, as did the shock troops, mayhem, and carnage that followed.


While the Volge’s motives remain a mystery, their prowess in battle is legendary, and their hunger for ark debris grows stronger day by day. Their latest assaults – Volge Sieges – target key recovery operations across the new frontier, and for 15 minutes every hour, they’re the deadliest and most rewarding hotspots in Defiance.

If you’ve yet to see (or survive) these catastrophic raids, get up to speed with the briefing below!

You’ve got 15 minutes to outlast and outblast elite Volge troops for epic loot. Bring your guns, bring your friends – the more Volge you destroy, the better the rewards.

Towers Quarry, Bathhouse, Mutant District, North Point Mine, and Kinship Plaza.


Volge shock troops. Murderous Troopers, Bombers, and Viscera attack in increasingly difficult waves.

• The Volge are assaulting special beacons that should be defended at all cost – the event ends if your beacons are destroyed!
• Defensive turrets help you protect the beacons. Upgrade your turrets with ark salvage to destroy invaders and unlock advanced waves.
• Kills you make at or near beacon capture points will award bonus loot.
• More players = more stages = more loot! The faster you defeat each wave of Volge, the more stages you will unlock. 


• Rewards are granted individually based on a personal score that scale with stages completed, objectives completed, and your contributions to both kills and healing.
• Loot includes Scrip, Keycodes, XP, Volge Lock Boxes, and more!

Join Trick, Greg, and Elizabeth on Friday’s Livestream

Originally published at

This Friday, September 27th, we’ll be playing Defiance with Creative Lead on the game, Trick Dempsey. Join Elizabeth “dahanese” Tobey and Greg “OverloadUT” Laabs at 2:30 PM PDT as we battle through the Bay Area and make our way to the arenas to test Greg’s skills. We are also already fielding questions on the forum for Friday – so if you want to ask Trick or the team a question, post it there.


Before the Defiance broadcast, we’ll be playing PvP in RIFT. The RIFT stream begins at 1:30 PM PDT (in another time zone? Use this handy converter!)

Be sure to follow us at to be alerted when we go live – and see you online tomorrow!

Trion Worlds Plays Extra Life

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Trion Worlds is gearing up for the Extra Life charity gaming marathon and aiming to make this year’s event bigger and better than ever before. The fun starts today as we kick off our fundraising for children’s hospitals and begin preparations for November 2, when we’ll come together for 25 hours of non-stop live gaming to benefit those in need across the country.


Join the Trion Worlds team now or Donate to Extra Life!

Whether you join the Trion Worlds team, donate to the cause, watch our marathon live stream, or game with us in Defiance and RIFT, we’ll be there with you the entire time – with new tricks up our sleeves and special rewards to give away before and during the big event! Here’s a rundown of just some of the cool stuff we have planned:

We’ll have special Defiance and RIFT events all weekend.

We’ll be revealing more details on all the particulars in a couple weeks, but if you like rare loot and boosts, you’ll like what we have planned. Oh, and Corgi Rifts will be back in force.

We’ll be granting unique titles to Extra Life gamers.

Everyone who participates will receive the title “The Charitable”, and players who clock 25 hours of game time in Defiance and/or RIFT over the weekend will receive an additional unique in-game title.

  • First time at Extra Life? You’ll become “The Sleepless”
  • Joining us for a second time? You can rock “The Insomniac”
  • This your third year gaming with Trion? “The Committed” is our new title for 2013

We’re rewarding folks who help us hit our team goal.

Trion Worlds team members who hit fundraising milestones starting at $25 will receive in-game goodies in both RIFT and Defiance as special thanks for helping out with this awesome cause.

We’ve got sweet loot for donors, too.

Want to help a good cause, but not up for 25 hours of straight gaming? Fear not! The Trion Worlds team is taking donations. Over the next few weeks (and during the event) we’ll add more in-game rewards for participants. We’ll also be distributing prizes to top donors during the event, live on the stream.

Come game with Trion on November 2nd.

Elizabeth “dahanese” Tobey, Greg “OverloadUT” Laabs, and Deb “Morgana” Davis will be streaming Defiance and RIFT throughout the marathon on the official Trion Worlds Twitch channel. The team will also be taking suggestions on other games to play: anyone for a 3 AM Spelunky co-op run?

Can’t wait? Plan your Extra Life marathon now by registering with the Trion Worlds team or as an individual participant (but really – we’d love to have you!) and prepare to game, hang out, have a ton of fun, and raise money for a great cause.

Tier 4 Lockbox Update!

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Ark hunters,

Recent improvements in Votan synthesis tech have enabled a significant improvement in the rewards from Tier 4 Lockboxes. Tier 4 lockboxes will now reward gear with rarity of rare (blue) or above. Additionally, the Tier 4 Lockboxes provide the best opportunity to earn Legendary gear of all of the available lockboxes.


Tier 4 lockboxes will provide:

· Two weapons of rare or higher rarity

· One gear roll for rare or better gear including a chance of earning a charge blade

· One gear roll for rare or better gear with no chance of earning a charge blade

This service provided by Von Bach Industries: “Solving today’s problems with tomorrow’s weaponry.”

Good Hunting,

Trick Dempsey, Creative Lead

Changing Damage Reduction

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Two weeks ago, Trick Dempsey wrote a State of the Game blog post giving a broad road map for what’s going to be happening in the world of Defiance in the coming weeks and months. Since then, the team’s been busy. Today, we’re talking about the changes that we’re making to damage reduction in Defiance.

The way Defiance works now, there are a variety of perks, weapon masteries, and shield bonuses that players can combine to make themselves temporarily invulnerable. Invulnerability, while sometimes cool, is not something that adds fun to our world (and in many cases severely detracts from said fun.)

The team went into the game, took a long, hard look at some of the math that made these combinations possible, and have changed the way the game works so that invulnerability is no longer a viable option. With this change, players can only benefit from one damage reduction source each from shields, perks, and weapons. Within these sources benefits will no longer stack; instead, the best damage resistance generated from each source is selected, then combined with the best from each of the other sources.

Here’s an example: If a player has both the Detachment perk (12% damage resist after kill) and Juggernaut perk (15% damage resistance after melee kill). Players will only have 15% damage resistance after a melee kill, not 27% due to stacking Detachment and Juggernaut. Mind, if you have the legendary weapon mastery for 12% damage reduction while reloading, and you reload after that melee kill, you’d still have a brief resistance of 27%. This could be magnified even higher by adding a shield bonus.

We also want to extend out thanks to folks in the community who worked with us to point out these exploits and were integral in our efforts of fixing this problem. Thank you for your time and your patience.

Update about this change’s timing: In the interest of improving the quality of the damage reduction update, we are going to need to delay it until our next code patch. Without a code update, the damage numbers displayed when fighting another player would be inaccurate to the damage done. This would cause players to see damage done to opponents then see it quickly restore as the damage difference was transmitted from the server. By waiting until we can update the reported damage functionality, we are preventing confusion once the damage reduction update goes live. Thanks – and we will let you know when that patch is coming!

1.104 Patch Notes

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Defiance is getting a patch! Here are the details of what’s upcoming in our 1.104 update later this week:

  • Fixed an appearance error for female characters wearing Echelon Specialist armor while on Team 2 in Competitive PVP matches.
  • Seriously improved the overall value of Tier 4 Lockboxes. They will no longer drop any uncommon (green) gear.
  • The pursuit “Volge Violence” no longer requires CS assistance to complete.
  • Volge Battle Rifle Gun MK II-IV now drop from Volge Sieges…for real this time!
  • The interactions of a player who becomes incapacitated are now properly cancelled.
  • Players can now earn new rewards by replaying the main storyline quests.
  • Suspected fix of North Point Siege Stage 5 from stalling out.

Contract Update

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Greetings, ark hunters!

We’re making some improvements to the contracts system that you should be aware of. First, we have renegotiated with our partners in Von Bach Industries, Soleptor Enterprises, and Top-Notch Toolworks. They now provide much clearer instructions for the contracts they offer. Due to this new clarity, EGO implants will be able to guide their hunters to the locations necessary to fulfill these contracts.


  • Contracts for Von Bach Industries, Soleptor Enterprises, and Top-Notch Toolworks will now appear on the map and mini-map.
  • New contracts for Von Bach Industries, Soleptor Enterprises, and Top-Notch Toolworks replace old contracts and direct players to complete conflict sites and other events.

Expect these upgrades coming in a future patch. We’ll be alerting you with more details as the final testing completes.

Good hunting!

Trick Dempsey, Creative Lead

“Von Bach Industries, providing practical solutions for impractical problems.”

Friday’s Livestream Extravaganza Schedule!

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Friday is rapidly approaching once more, and you know what that means: another Friday Livestream Extravaganza with Trion Worlds! We’ll be streaming live at starting at 1:30 PM PT. (In another time zone? Us this handy world clock to find your local start time!)


Here’s the full schedule for this week’s stream:

1:30 PM – Mayhem in Mathosia begins in RIFT. Join Greg “OverloadUT” Laabs and Elizabeth “dahanese” Tobey as they quest on the EU shard, Zaviel.

2:30 PM – We’ll be on the Defiance Alpha server checking out the new Contracts with Greg and Elizabeth as they are joined by Creative Lead, Trick Dempsey. We’ll be talking about upcoming game improvements and answering questions from chat.

Want to know when we go live? Be sure to follow our Twitch channel to get an email as soon as we’re on air.

Challenge Hour Winners: Dark Matter Bulwarks

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The numbers have been crunched, the kills tallied, and we’re proud to announce the winner of our Dark Matter Bulwarks Challenge Hour!


Congratulations to Kryptalsyk, winning the grand prize with 266 kills.

This challenge was a close one: second and third place were close behind. Kudos to Madnug with 251 kills and mytherial with 221 kills.

EU Special Livestream this Friday!

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This Friday we are moving our live stream schedule up by a few hours and playing with the Europeans on our EU shards. We’ll be streaming live at starting at 11:00 AM PT. (In another time zone? Us this handy world clock to find your local start time!)


Here’s the full schedule for this week’s stream:

11:00 AM – Mayhem in Mathosia is still raging in RIFT. Join Greg “OverloadUT” Laabs and Elizabeth “dahanese” Tobey as they quest on the EU shard, Zaviel.

12:00 PM – Join Greg and Elizabeth as they complete contracts and run missions in Defiance and chat with the community.

Want to know when we go live? Be sure to follow our Twitch channel to get an email as soon as we’re on air.

Feature Spotlight: Dark Matter Arkfalls

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 Weapons hot, ark hunters – our series of feature spotlight posts continues with a look at Dark Matter Arkfalls, four hell-raising dynamic events that went live alongside Castithan Charge Pack DLC.


A new breed of Minor and Major arkfalls are raining down across the Bay Area. In each event, you’ll race against time to defeat increasingly difficult waves of Dark Matter soldiers, destroy arkfall cores, and – in the Major “Extraction Force” battle – take revenge on The Monolith itself.



  • Scaling waves of Dark Matter infantry including Enforcers, Snipers, Monitors, and Bulwarks.
  • The Monolith – a massive, armored assault mech developed by the Votanis Collective.


Dark Matter Arkfalls last a maximum of 20 minutes (Minor events) or 60 minutes (Major events). Be sure to find them using the red arkfall icon on your minimap before time runs out.

Objectives are unique to each arkfall.

  • Minor “Extractor” and “Mayhem” events are slug-fests against Dark Matter waves.
  • The Minor “Obliteration” event is a race to destroy an arkfall core.
  • The Major “Extraction Force” event is a multi-phase battle against Minor arkfalls, Dark Matter troops, and The Monolith.

The Monolith cannot be defeated until you destroy its unique attack points.

Each Dark Matter Arkfall has two nodes you can use to boost your EGO.



Individual rewards include Scrip, XP, and Keycodes, plus Lockboxes for defeating The Monolith and completing the Extraction Force event.

Watch the spotlight video.

Defiance 1.105 Patch Notes

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Defiance Patch 1.105 is headed to a PC, PS3, or 360 near you tomorrow. Here’s what’s in the update!

  • Faction Rewards
    • Lower power rating Thorn Liro faction rewards no longer cost an arm and 4 billion legs.
    • The epic weapons available from Von Bach now have the same faction bonus damage and recoil as other faction rewards.
  • Loot Improvements: In an effort to consistently improve their value, the following improvements will apply to all future loot rolls. These even apply to lockboxes and siege rewards.
    • Rarity Bonuses:
      •  All randomly generated weapons in the game have a point where they shift from low level rarity bonuses and appearances to higher level ones.  This was previously occurring anywhere from EGO rating 1675 up to 2325.  The jump now occurs at EGO rating 1000 for all weapons.
      • Common: All weapons of at least EGO rating 1000 now gain a Common (white) bonus.
      • Uncommon: Except for shotguns, Uncommon bonuses will no longer grant boosts to Melee damage.
      • Rare: Previously, the Rare bonus was reserved for Ammo/Melee Nano procs.  The Nano ammo bonus is now rolled separately, and melee mods have been removed.  All Rare rarity weapons will now provide a weapon stat boost.
      • Epic:
        • Removed all bonuses that modify self-reviving cool downs.
        • Removed all bonuses that increase melee damage by 200% when self-reviving.
        • Legendary:
          • Except for Infectors, all weapons now have a chance to roll an increased damage % bonus for their Legendary roll.
          • BMGs now have Legendary bonuses.
    • Volge Battle Rifles
      • Volge Battle Rifle drops now have random Rarity, Mastery and Synergy bonuses and can be traded.
    • Mastery Bonuses:
      • Except for Shotguns, all bonuses to melee damage have been removed.
      • Removed all bonuses to the cool down of Self Revive, and bonuses granted when Self Reviving.
      • Single shot Pistols, Rocket Launchers, Detonators and Sawed-off Shotguns will no longer roll Rate of Fire or Clip Size bonuses.
    • Synergy Sets:
      • Single shot Pistols/Rocket Launchers/Detonators and Sawed-off Shotguns no longer roll the Veteran, Rolling Thunder or Cannoneer Synergy Set.
      • Only Shotguns roll the Brutal Synergy Set.
  • All Uncommon+ weapons now gain a boost to their base damage.  This scales based on the rarity of the weapon.


Making weapons more fun in Defiance

Originally published at

Greetings, ark hunters!

One month ago, I posted a State of the Game address and talked about where Defiance was headed. Of all the things the team is working to fix, making weapons more fun was first on our list.

Today, we released Patch 1.105 and have taken a giant leap forward in delivering on that promise. We have hugely improved the fun factor of all new weapons in the game. This update is a major overhaul of how weapons work: we took a long, hard look at bonuses and rarities and reworked the system so that now, whenever you pick up a new gun, you know exactly what you are getting: and when you find uncommon loot, it’s guaranteed to be badass.

Our thinking for this patch went this way: for ark hunters, weapons are the primary means of interacting with the world. They are an extension of the person and his or her personality. We want you to feel the thrill of anticipation every time new loot drops and excitement when that loot is an epic or legendary weapon. In short, newer and rarer weapons should always provide ark hunters with more power, more bonuses, and more fun. That’s what Patch 1.105 is all about.

Let’s get into the meat of this update and what it means for you. Our previous system had some quirks that led to weapons receiving bonuses that didn’t always make the most sense: single-shot rocket launchers could have bonuses to their rate of fire and sniper rifles could provide chances to light enemies on fire (cool) with melee attacks (uncool). Weapons also sometimes had effects that weren’t satisfying (like a self-revive bonus. We’ve never heard someone exclaim “man, this bonus is great! I can’t wait to die now!”) As of today, you’ll never have to worry about getting these bonuses on a new weapon.

We’ve just completed a revamp of all our weapon rarity bonuses to assure that future weapons consistently provide thrilling effects. All weapons will now come with effective and fun bonuses.

Here’s an example to illustrate the bones of what Patch 1.105 is all about. In this update, we wanted to make sure that the rarer the weapon, the more awesome it is, guaranteed. The picture below shows how the same gun (a VOT Pulser) gets stacked bonuses and becomes more powerful and interesting: increased rarity weapons each deal more damage than their predecessor. Rarer weapons are better. Period.

This will be true with all weapons and rarities, and the damage rarity bonus is retroactive: it applies to all weapons ever created. Period. blog1

Click for the full size image

Now, let’s break down what means and get into the nuts and bolts of what we’ve done.

We have five levels of weapon rarity in Defiance. For each level of rarity (from common to legendary) a weapon  gets a rarity bonus roll appropriate to that rarity level.  This ends up making really sexy guns, like this legendary BMG. Because it’s the most uncommon (and therefore the most coveted) level of rarity, it gets a bonus roll for each category of rarity. This Rainbow of DeathTM ((patent-pending)(not-really)) describes is what makes this weapon different from another in its class and that orange stat is what will always make it better than one from the weapon rarity tier below it.


This legendary Votan Spanner kicks ass. It has a meaningful and satisfying legendary bonus now. Because of Patch 1.105, it and all rare or better weapons now has a rare bonus.

The most important thing about this Votan Spanner is that each of the five bonuses affect the performance of the weapon and each of them changes it more than the last. An epic Votan Spanner will be pretty darned cool, but it will never be as cool as this legendary because of that final orange stat.

There’s one more thing to note about the above legendary BMG. This weapon also has a common bonus (that white stat up at the top of the stack). That’s new, too. All new weapons will have this common bonus after a player hits EGO rating 1000. (Before Patch 1.105, this common bonus only occurred with assault rifles. It was an awesome perk, so we applied it to all weapons. Instant fun).

There’s another important change in Patch 1.105: we’ve vastly improved on the way weapons receive randomized rarity rolls. This Volge Battle Rifle, benefiting from Patch 1.105, raises hell like none before thanks to new and improved randomized rolls:


So, my fellow ark hunters, go and share this new knowledge with your rivals and allies. May your violent discourses be brief and victorious.

Good hunting.

Trick Dempsey, Creative Lead

Trick Returns for This Week’s Friday Livestream

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This Friday our livestream moves back to its regular time. We’ll be streaming live at starting at 1:30 PM PT. (In another time zone? Use this handy world clock to find your local start time!)


Here’s the full schedule for this week’s stream:

1:30 PM – Autumn Harvest has begun in Telara! Join Greg “OverloadUT” Laabs and Elizabeth “dahanese” Tobey as they explore everything the season has to offer in RIFT.

2:30 PM – Join Greg, Elizabeth, and Trick as they play Defiance on the European servers and chat with the community.

Want to know when we go live? Be sure to follow our Twitch channel to get an email as soon as we’re on air.

Join Team Trion Worlds for Extra Life: Great Loot for a Great Cause

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Extra Life, a charity gaming marathon that raises money for children’s hospitals, kicks off Saturday, November 2, and Team Trion Worlds will be there with bells on!

Our team is now over 240 members strong and packed with fans and developers of RIFT and Defiance. Together, we’re trying to raise over $50,000 for Team Trion Worlds by gaming for 25 hours straight.

We’ve partnered with the awesome folks at Extra Life to make this event bigger and better than ever. Read on for an overview of everything that’s going on!

Game with the Trion Worlds Community Team

Elizabeth “dahanese” Tobey, Greg “OverloadUT” Laabs, and Deb “Morgana” Davis will be streaming RIFT and Defiance throughout the marathon on the official Trion Worlds Twitch channel. The broadcast begins at 9 AM PDT on Saturday, November 2 and runs until 9 AM PST on Sunday, November 3. We’ll also be giving out awesome loot throughout the show.

Special Events in RIFT and Defiance

Corgi Rifts will be popping up all over Telara throughout Extra Life weekend, and ark hunters will be able to track down a unique Extra Life vendor with awesome loot. In addition, we’ll have ramping experience and planar currency boosts all day (and night!) to help all our marathon gamers get through those last few bleary-eyed hours.


Fundraise for Team Trion Worlds, Get Sweet Loot

We’re working with Extra Life to reward Trion Worlds team members who reach the following fundraising milestones:

  • $25 milestone: Dwarven Smithy Hat in RIFT and Extra Life Lockbox in Defiance
  • $75 milestone: Toxic Hellbug Mount in RIFT
  • $150 milestone: Exclusive Extra Life Night Owl pet in RIFT and Exclusive Extra Life Scalpel Blade in Defiance
  • $500 milestone: 1 Year Patron Pass in RIFT for the first 10 team members and the prefix title “Kindhearted” for all who hit this goal!

Extra Loot for Extra Life Donors

It’s donors like YOU who have made all the above perks, goodies, and boosts possible. Team Trion Worlds has already raised 22% of our goal – and we fully intend to keep fundraising right up to the end of Extra Life!

  • We’ll be awarding prizes hourly to the top donors to Trion World team members.
  • We’ll be giving out multi-use codes on our live stream as we hit key goals (think $50,000, $75,000 – the sky’s the limit!).
  • Rewards include community favorites like the Helm of the Demon Lord and Tier 4 Defiance lockboxes. We also have two exclusive, made-JUST-for-Extra-Life-donor items: the Night Owl (RIFT) and Pink Scalpel (Defiance).


Unique Titles

Everyone who participates will receive the title “The Charitable”, and players who clock 25 hours of game time in Defiance and/or RIFT over the weekend will receive an additional unique in-game title.

  • First time at Extra Life? You’ll become “The Insomniac”
  • Joining us for a second time? You can rock the “Sleepless” prefix.
  • This your third year gaming with Trion? “The Committed” is our new suffix title for 2013.

Join the RIFT Extra Life Guild …

Look for TW_dahanese, TW_OverloadUT, and TW_Morgana on the Greybriar shard. We’ll be part of the Extra Life guild. All are invited to join this guild and play the night away with us.

… or Just Join Extra Life!

I’m sure by now you can tell we’re all about Team Trion Worlds (we weren’t kidding when we said we were going to make this the biggest Extra Life in our company’s history), but the most important thing for us this weekend is that we raise money and help sick kids everywhere.

That’s why we partnered with Extra Life this year to send out RIFT and Defiance starter packs to everyone who signs up to participate in the event. That’s right: Everyone who signs up for this year’s Extra Life will get a free copy of Defiance on PC and a RIFT Starter Pack that includes a 40% XP Potion, Chocolate Horse Mount, and a Screechling Pet to keep you company throughout your gaming marathon.

And there’s still time to enroll. Register with the Trion Worlds team or as an individual participant (but really – we’d love to have you!) and prepare to game, hang out, have a ton of fun, and raise money for a great cause. We’ll see you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 9 AM PDT, November 2!

Join Trick, Greg, and Elizabeth for another Friday Livestream Extravaganza

Originally published at

Join us this Friday for another afternoon of livestreaming! We’ll be streaming live at starting at 1:30 PM PT. (In another time zone? Use this handy world clock to find your local start time!)


Here’s the full schedule for this week’s stream:

1:30 PM – RIFT developers Daglar and Dead Simon join us for a no-holds-barred question and answer segment.

2:30 PM – Elizabeth and Trick are here to answer all of your questions about Defiance, while Greg will tour some Emergencies in San Francisco on the US PC servers.

Want to know when we go live? Be sure to follow our Twitch channel to get an email as soon as we’re on air.

Celebrate PC gaming with Trion all week!

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To celebrate RIFT’s return to Steam, we’re kicking off a week long promotion to celebrate Trion’s PC Gaming Week. Starting today through Friday, November 1st, we’re offering limited time sales of some seriously epic loot.

Want to know more about what’s happening in RIFT and Defiance this week? Check out the full details below!


  • Starting October 26th, Jackpot Lock Boxes will be available in the store for a limited time. These lock boxes contain four rare-or-better pieces of gear and a 50% chance at getting ANOTHER lock box worth of gear.
  • Epic Mod Hoards are also making their debut in the store on Saturday. This mod hoard contains four never-before-seen epic-tier mods to trick out your ark hunter’s gear.
  • 25% boosts are activated in Defiance right now! Ark hunters will have a 25% boost to the chance of loot dropping AND a 25% XP boost AND a 25% weapon skill boost through November 1st.

While this is PC Gaming Celebration Week, all these new Defiance bonuses are happening on all platforms until November 1st!




  • Pick up “Regulos’s Trove” lockbox between now and November 1st for a chance at Raid 1 Accessories – you could also unlock the black squirrel mount and be one of the first people in RIFT to ride around Telara on the world’s coolest giant squirrel.
  • For a limited time, 160% XP potions will be offered in the store. That’s double the XP boost of our normal potions!
  • Epic loot in the Dungeon Store just got a little more awesome with limited time Raid 1 Rings.
  • 20% boosts for everyone! All Currency and XP will have a 20% boost. That means add 20% to Player XP, Planar Attunement XP, Guild XP, Favor, Prestige, Dungeon Currency, Planarite, and Zone Event Currency. Have other bonus potions? That’s fine – they are stackable!

Enjoy the loot, and have an awesome celebration week!

Arkbreaker DLC Pack is Coming this December

Originally published at

The title says it all: Defiance’s second DLC pack, Arkbreaker, is coming to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC this December!


We’ll be updating the blog over the next couple weeks with more information about what’s in Arkbreaker: stay tuned and let the countdown begin!

Plague Sieges are now live!

Originally published at

Greetings ark hunters, With Halloween just around the corner, we’ve been fielding requests from ark hunters who are eager to celebrate the holiday. Today, we’ve got a special treat for you: the plague is back in the Bay Area!

With today’s patch, Plague Sieges and Plague Emergencies have returned after their long hiatus. The Viral Hemorrhagic Fever outbreak can only be curtailed by your intervention. Cull the infected from the population and assure the vaccine is synthesized and sent to its destination. Plague Sieges will be popping up all over the map in hour intervals for ark hunters to fight as well as Emergencies that can be found throughout the world on an ongoing basis.DEF_Plague_Siege_306_night

Some of you might be asking “why haven’t the ‘Plaguers’ been back to wreak havoc sooner?” Here’s the deal: when we first launched the plague sieges, they were a pretty good first run! Then, as we watched them play out on the live servers, we spotted a bunch of ways to make them really awesome. We wanted to improve their pacing, for their scoring to be better, and give them the ability to expand over time.

We’ve now completed all that work and now the “Plaguers” will permanently lay siege to ark hunters everywhere.

Today’s a particularly special day for me because the “Plaguers” hold a special place in my heart for a few reasons. Their purity of purpose creates a sense of expectation. When you fight the infected, you know what you are getting into. They certainly aren’t easy; tremblers can present a massive threat. You know that you will be under direct melee pressure, and this makes the fights more movement-oriented.

I also look forward to seeing how strategies adapt now that charge blades and weapons have been added to the game and am excited to see how people adapt to fighting the infected once spikes come into play in our upcoming second DLC, “Arkbreaker.”

Happy Halloween, good hunting, and good luck. You’re gonna need it.

Trick Dempsey, Creative Lead

Join us for another Friday livestream!

Originally published at

Join us this Friday for another afternoon of livestreaming! We’ll be streaming live at starting at 1:30 PM PT. (In another time zone? We have this handy world clock to find your local start time!)
Here’s the full schedule for this week’s stream:

1:30 PM – Join Elizabeth and Greg along with Nick “CaptainCursor” McDowell as they explore the updates in RIFT 2.5 and quest on Ember Isle. We’ll be playing on the Greybriar shard and would love for you to join us in-game!

2:30 PM – Greg will be leading a Death March starting at The Crater on the North American PC platform. We’ll be deviating to fight Plague Sieges as they appear. Trick will also be in attendance to answer questions about Defiance!

Want to know when we go live? Be sure to follow our Twitch channel to get an email as soon as we’re on air.

Join us for an Extra Special Friday Livestream Extravaganza!

Originally published at

We have a super special livestream extravaganza planned this Friday. Please join us starting at 11:30 AM PST (in a different time zone? Use our handy world clock!)

We will not only be awarding the finalists of RIFTScene’s “Dress the Night Away” costume contest, we will also be showing off our brand new project for the first time ever.

Here’s the full schedule of events:

11:30 AM PST: Join Greg as he shows off the ten finalists of the RIFT Scene Costume Contest. Chat participants will be able to vote on the grand prize winner whose costume will be sold for a limited time in the RIFT Store!


12:15 PM PST: What is Trove? You’ll find out with Greg and Creative Lead on the project, Andrew Krausnick. [Archivist Note: This is the only cover-like image from official Trion channels in 2013 and while unimportant to the history of Defiance that image has been placed here in lieu of the missing one referenced at time of blog capture.]



12:45 PM PST: Greg’s back on The Defiance EU PC servers! He’s going to start at The Crater and lead an impromptu Death March south and west as he chats with players.


Using Data to Help Make Better Games

Originally published at

Over the past decade, data has been increasingly important in making game design decisions. Social games are among the catalysts for this change in thinking, primarily to hone in on the best ways to monetize their titles. Among core gamers, that’s created a perception that using game data = evil.

At Trion, we use the raw power of data for a very different purpose: we want to build a better game experience.

By understanding our populations and play-trends, by coupling the immersion of our development teams in-depth knowledge of our games with the analytical power of our in-game data, we have more information to use in making better, more fun online games.

By making a better experience, everyone wins.

I’m the head of a group of talented gurus of the data at Trion Worlds and today I’m writing about how we extract and use it to help our development team make our games bigger, better, and more fun with each update.

Let’s get into how the sausage is made in this data factory. To do that, I want to lay out the basics of the tools we use to crunch the numbers.


At Trion, we have 3 different main sources of data for any of our games. We have the game databases that store everything that the game cares about, like your characters, our platform database that contains all details about your account and a log event system capable of capturing live in-game events as they occur.


For the purposes of our analytics, the persistent character record is often as deep as we need to go into the game databases. The character record is shredded out of the game database and placed in a replica that is at most up to 5 minutes delayed. Some of the things within that record are: character id, user id, server, character name, current level, total coin on character, profession, last active date, total seconds played to date, and so on.

This is the source that we’ll generally go to in order to answer questions like “how many Rogues have played in the last 2 weeks” or “of the players playing in the last 2 weeks, what’s the plot of their level ranges?” Other interesting things can be done with this, like getting the longest played duration of all characters across an account to help us understand class preferences across the world.


This is the repository where all of the account level data is stored. This is the master record of all things that relate to the status of the account (such as knowing if people have opted in to receive update emails and whether or not an account is banned).

This is also how we know which language to talk to people in, which games the account has access to, and so on.. We can blend this data with the others to compile e-mail campaigns, or when we want to determine what products and services players have purchased, and so on.


The event system is a truly massive beast. It’s where we record the majority of in-game activities. Logins, logouts, experience gained, player killed, monster killed, etc. There’re a lot of very detailed things that can be gleaned from the event logs. More than just for analysis, this is also where GMs look when they need to answer petitions from the game.


Using elements of all of these, one of the most useful things we’ve created is something that’s simply called the “Daily Activity Report.” It’s a monster that belies the simplicity of that name.

This blends data from all of those sources above, to not only tell us how a game is doing day-to-day, week-to-week, but it also breaks down the every in-game activity by user.

That’s really powerful. This report rapidly became an important guide for designers in letting them know how much their parts of the game were being played.

The designers are the experts on why, and we don’t pretend that data has the answer to that – But we can answer key questions for them, like how many, and how often, to help them in their decision making. We see something like x number of users played Rift yesterday and of this base, y% participated in a normal dungeon, whereas z% participated in PvP. Depending on the timeframe, this might tell us which is the prevailing activity in-game.


In late 2011, we did a deep dive to find out why players were leaving RIFT. We found a very interesting fact: there was a higher rate of players leaving between levels 7 and 14: players were getting through the tutorial and into the main world but not progressing much further. We took this information to the development team who went into the game and look a hard look at what was going on in areas we had highlighted. The team found that by spreading out our large groups of creatures, we could make running paths less congested and more manageable to a new players. We also modified the quest flow to minimize backtracking and improved the flow and difficultly of the early experience. While the design team did the heavy lifting to research and implement the gameplay decisions that improved the Freemarch and Silverwood experience, that work would have been far more difficult without being identified by the power of our data.


Shortly after Defiance released, the data team went to work crunching the numbers on what was and wasn’t working in the game. After some digging, we found that “We’re on the air”, a mission in Defiance where you protect the local radio station, was the most abandoned mission in the game. We sent this and other data points to our development team and set them to work. This resulted in making a far less frustrating and more fun mission: we changed the structure and flow and changed the encounter from a solo mission to a group engagement that you could take on with your friends. Instantly, the mission became more fun – and the data reflected the hard work the dev team put in to make it happen!



From the Daily Activity report, it was easy to determine that the most frequently embarked upon activity was the act of harvesting artifacts. Between 40% and 60% of our daily active users chase artifacts (and by chasing, I mean harvesting). When so many people are avidly hunting for something, there’s only one logical conclusion: give them more of what they want. Using this data, the development team decided to add more artifacts to the world in a variety of interesting ways. We added the Autumn Harvest event and added a lot more artifact drops from world events. As you can see from the graph below, players really dug the added Artifact hunting we gave them:


* Artifact Event includes both World and Zone events


The Extra Life event occurs annually, where players get sponsored to play a number of hours in-game which results in donations to various hospitals. Trion Worlds has been a participant in Extra Life for the last 3 years running and I’ve been required to pull the participation figures for in-game perks that players earn. The primary goal of players participating in Extra Life is to play a total of 25 hours during the event’s window. For this particular event the window was Friday at 6pm thru 12am Monday morning. To service things like this, I use the Logout event, which unfortunately requires that the participants had processed a logout event after having played the required time (this may create problems for users who don’t log out for days after the event). We aggregate seconds played for the players generating a logout event, where the session’s time would’ve fallen into the event window. A list of users who’ve exceeded the 25 hour threshold has a batch entitlement applied to their account (an entitlement is a bundle of products that we might grant to someone that might include in-game achievements, titles, items, etc.). So for all of you out there who played in Extra Life, this is the work that goes on behind the curtain to get you your titles and other goodies. I’m crunching the numbers right now!

This blog only scratches the surface of how we use data everyday at Trion Worlds but hopefully has given you a good overview into what kinds of questions we ask every day as we work to expand and improve our games. From special events like Extra Life to marketing efforts to changes in core gameplay, we use data to help our experts make the best choices for your game experience.


– Barish Orhon


Originally published at

The Defiance Arkbreaker DLC gives rise to a new breed of hunter – one who can call ark modules down from orbit and plunder what lies within.

Arkbreaker is slated for release this December 10 for console and PC to enjoy an all-new mission line, cold fire weapons, interior arkfall instances (including the 20-player Volge Warmaster boss) plus new content that’s free for all Defiance players: Stims, Spikes, Co-op missions, and more!



Race against Dark Matter to secure an ark-brain interface with the power to call down arkfalls. In the wrong hands, it could be used against ark hunters across the New Frontier. In your hands, it will yield incredible new technologies from arkfalls you bring to Earth.


Call down all-new arkfalls and battle your way inside. Explore interior environments holding new and advanced weapons (and Volge enemies ready to defend them!).



Discover cold fire sniper rifles, pistols, and assault rifles in player-summoned arkfalls, plus 20 new advanced-tech weapons that put a spin on your current favorites.


The world-conquering Volge Warmaster is serious business – for 20 players – for 7 minutes. After that, this final boss of our new major arkfall will teleport back to the Volge. Defeat the Warmaster before he vanishes to earn some of the best loot in Defiance!



Everyone who gets the Arkbreaker DLC pack also receives the Volge Engineer outfit and increased daily and weekly log in bonuses.




Team up to play through all of the missions in Defiance and dive into co-op versions of single-player instances!



Grant ammo, increased damage, and shield power to allies with hi-tech ground Spikes. Once planted, Spikes radiate benefits to nearby players for a set duration or until destroyed.


Get juiced with special hypospray Stims that provide healing, speed and strength boosts, or an EGO power refresh. Like double Overcharge? Inject away!


Mark items as favorites to have them jump to the top of your inventory, and sell or break down all non-favorite items at the press of a button.


We’re rolling out daily and weekly log in rewards plus Contract revamps, continued combat refinements, and more. Stay tuned to the Community blog for the latest DLC and Defiance info.

Join us TODAY for our Livestream Extravaganza!

Originally published at

Today is Friday – and that means another Friday Livestream Extravaganza! Please join us starting at 1:30 PM PST (in a different time zone? Use our handy world clock!)

Here’s the full schedule of events:

1:30 PM PST: Greg and Elizabeth will be traversing the new level-60 Hammerknell Chronicle in RIFT. You can read more about it here.


2:15 PM PST: We’ll be showing off Trove again and answering more questions with Courtland Istrom from the dev team.


2:45 PM PST: Trick joins us to answer questions about Defiance’s latest DLC, Arkbreaker, coming out December 10th. We’ll be showing off Arkbreaker’s Volge Warmaster boss fight! You can read more about him here.

Awesome Weapon Sale Through December 1st!

Originally published at

Good news, Arkhunters: a new shipment of advanced technology has reached Paradise!

Today through December 1st, Full Synergy Mod Hoards and Weapon Kits are available in the Defiance Store.

Full Synergy Mod Hoards will provide you with a full random synergy for a random weapon type.

Weapon Kits, however, take it one step further! They provide you with a random weapon with a full set of uncommon or better mods.

Be sure to visit your local vendor today to trick out your weapons. You’ll need ’em – the Volge Warmaster is coming for you on December 10th.


Join the Defiance Public Test Server Now!

Originally published at

We’ve flipped the switch and are proud to announce that the Defiance Public Test Server is now live! Head to a PC near you to download the Alpha Test client and be one of the first to check out the Defiance Arkbreaker DLC.

To get started, head to, select “Manage Games” and pick “Defiance Alpha Test” from the drop down menu. Please note: you must own a copy of Defiance on PC that is registered to your Trion Worlds account to play on the PTS server.

We look forward to hearing about your early exploits calling down Arkfalls and facing off against the Volge Warmaster. We’d also love your feedback on our alpha test forums!

The Evolution of Co-op in Defiance

Originally published at

Standing high on a ridge overlooking Bloodbath Gorge, Mace Rockgroin checked the action on his Von Bach Industries light machinegun. His allies stood around him as they listened to Cass give them the news. Karl Von Bach was trapped in Delta Bunker, surrounded by a horde of hideous mutants, and there was only one way in.

They’d been through hell together, the four of them: the Pale Wars, the Arkfall, and even the New Freedom crash. Together, they could overcome anything.

“No,” he said, “this is something I have to do on my own.”

So he hopped onto his Terrestrial MotorWorks quad, and he charged on into eternity…

He was buried across from Iron Demon Ranch, on his tombstone was inscribed:

Mace Rockgroin

Jan. 12, 2013 –
Nov. 11, 2046

Ark hunter.

You see, when the stakes are high, when there is only a sliver of hope for the whole world, when Nim just really has to die, that’s when ark hunters need to band together.DLCBlogImg

We’ve put a lot of work into the cooperative elements of Defiance. If you ask me “hey, Trick, what is Defiance?” I would respond: “Defiance is an open-world, cooperative shooter.”

“So why, then, does it split me from my group when I do certain missions?” you might respond.

With our upcoming Arkbreaker DLC, I can finally respond: “It doesn’t!”

We’ve unlocked all of the missions which previously required players to leave their groups. Now, players will be able to play through the whole main mission line with groups of up to four players. If you had trouble with Dogtown Mine or the Dark Matter Base, then fear not. You are not alone.

So, my fellow ark hunters, hop on your quads and call your friends, it’s time to smash some Dark Matter Nims! Not only that, but any time you complete one of our formerly solo mission maps, you will unlock the ability to replay it in the co-op matchmaking menu. And, for those that missed them, you can even go back and play the maps from the episodic adventures: The Heist, Paying the Piper, and Launching the Cure.

Grouping up for these battles provides more than just more bullets to throw at your enemies, but it also provides an opportunity to use our new spikes to their fullest effect. Spikes provide a benefit to all ark hunters in a fixed area, which can lead to some pretty unusual strategies when four hunters try to take down Santana Murphy, Project Piper, or even Nim Shondu.

There are big things on the horizon for our cooperative elements. I and the rest of the Defiance team hope you enjoy this small taste of what is to come.

Join Trick on MMORPG for an AMA this Wednesday

Originally published at

Trick Dempsey, Defiance’s Creative Lead, will be answering questions on MMORPG Wednesday afternoon!

You can learn more about the AMA now on MMORPG’s site.

See you there!

Arkbreaker Spotlight: Summoning Arkfalls

Originally published at

Summoning arkfalls is at the heart of our Arkbreaker DLC and an ability that players have asked for ever since we saw Sukar pull down a ship in “Razor Rain.” It gives you control over new dynamic events in Defiance, letting you call down everything from minor arkfalls to a 20-player major arkbreak complete with a Volge Warmaster (and his epic/legendary loot).
It all starts with the first mission line in Arkbreaker: a plea for help against Dark Matter forces who’ve discovered a way to communicate with remnants of the Votan arks in orbit. They’re chasing ark-brain interface tech – the same you saw on TV – and in Dark Matter’s hands it would wreak catastrophic damage across the New Frontier.

In your hands, the ark-brain interface will help guide ark modules out of orbit and decelerate them before impact, allowing you and your allies to explore their intact interiors. Each arkfall can be piloted into select impact sites throughout the world, and each arrives with a host of unique enemies who will try to claim its riches for themselves. Just plant a beacon, lock, load, and watch the fireworks begin!

All of our new arkfalls and arkfall interiors will go live (for Season Pass holders and everyone who purchases Arkbreaker) this December on PC and console.
Until then, you can read up on everything else coming in Arkbreaker here and tour the DLC content in our live stream preview this Friday!

Arkbreaker Spotlight: New Volge weapons

Originally published at

Arkbreaker debuts Dec. 10 with a new arsenal of cold fire weapons!
Each interior arkfall instance offers something new, from cold fire assault rifles, pistols, and sniper rifles to 20 powerful advanced-tech weapons that put a spin on your current favorites. Preview new Volge weapons below and read more about Arkbreaker here.


Cold fire is the terrestrial term used to describe the unique plasma-based weaponry employed by the Volge species. An anatomical catalyst lets the Volge bond masses of bionetic plasma molecules to a weapon’s metallic volium munitions. This creates powerful cold fire particles that impact with plasma blasts accompanied by intense sub-zero discharges. Reports of cold fire weapons adapted to work independent of Volge anatomy are spreading throughout the new frontier.



The Lightning rifle was designed for sudden, quick ambushes. When charged, this rifle launches cold fire warheads at incredible speed.



The Thunderer hurls cold fire warheads which briefly burrow into targets before detonating. It has risen to newfound fame since Indogene scientists developed a way to replicate its effects.



The Typhoon assault rifle fires quick, two-round bursts of charged cold fire projectiles. These unstable warheads explode on contact, distributing their payload to a tightly concentrated area.

Join Us for Another Friday Livestream

Originally published at

Join us tomorrow for another Friday Livestream Extravaganza with Trion Worlds! The show will start at 10:30 AM PST (in a different time zone? Use our handy world clock!)

Here’s the full schedule of events:

10:30 AM PST: Greg and Elizabeth will be exploring this week’s Gift of the Fae: Intrepid: Drowned Halls.


11:15 AM PST: We’ll be joined by Doug and Jon, two of the Trove devs, to talk about the recently-implemented crafting system as well as something we’re all waiting for: pets!


12:45 PM PST: Come play with us on the Defiance Public Test Server, where we’ll be calling down arkfalls and trying our hands against the Volge Warmaster!


Heads-up! Next week’s Friday stream (12/13) will also start at 10:30am PST. The following week will return to our regular 1:30pm PST time, and will be our final livestream of the year.

Update on Defiance’s Second DLC, Arkbreaker

Originally published at

Today, I come bearing some good news and some less good news (and then some good news again!)

The good news: Defiance’s Second DLC, Arkbreaker, officially passed certification with both Microsoft and Sony!

The less good news: Certification isn’t the last step in this process. The final step of getting DLC into your hands involves further setup with the platforms’ online stores. For PS3, this requires several weeks of lead time. In short: Arkbreaker is not going to be able to get on the PSN Store on December 10th.

The good news again: We’re working with our awesome CS team and will be activating the Arkbreaker DLC manually for all PS3 Season Pass holders on December 10th! This will give Season Pass holders access to everything in the DLC: the new mission line, the ability to call down arkfalls, access to use the new weapons (including Volge cold fire guns!), the Volge Engineer outfit, and bonus daily login rewards. Also, for a limited time, we’ll be granting Tier 3 Lockboxes to all PS3 users who buy the DLC on the PSN Store when it does launch – it’s our way of saying thanks for your patience and for your support.

We’re working hard to get this all sorted as soon as possible and will post updates here and on our official forums and Twitter when we have news. Until then, thanks. I hope to fight alongside you in an arkbreak very soon.

Elizabeth Tobey
Director, Global Communications

Arkbreaker Out Now for PC, Xbox 360®

Originally published at

Become an Arkbreaker and guide your own arkfalls to Earth in our second DLC pack, live today* on PC and Xbox 360®!

Get Arkbreaker to enjoy an all-new mission line, cold fire weapons, interior arkfall instances (including the 20-player Volge Warmaster boss) plus new content that’s free for all Defiance players: Stims, Spikes, co-op missions, and more.

*Arkbreaker will launch Dec. 17 on PS3™ in North America. Our European PS3™ launch date is awaiting confirmation from SCEE (Sony Europe).

Season Pass holders – Arkbreaker has been automatically added to your account. Just log in to access all of the content shown below!



Race against Dark Matter to secure an ark-brain interface with the power to call down arkfalls. In the wrong hands, it could be used against ark hunters across the New Frontier. In your hands, it will yield incredible new technologies from arkfalls you bring to Earth.


Call down all-new arkfalls and battle your way inside. Explore interior environments holding new and advanced weapons (and Volge enemies ready to defend them!).



Discover cold fire sniper rifles, pistols, and assault rifles in player-summoned arkfalls, plus 20 new advanced-tech weapons that put a spin on your current favorites.


The world-conquering Volge Warmaster is serious business – for 20 players – for 7 minutes. After that, this final boss of our new major arkfall will teleport back to the Volge. Defeat the Warmaster before he vanishes to earn some of the best loot in Defiance!



Everyone who gets the Arkbreaker DLC pack also receives the Volge Engineer outfit and increased daily and weekly log in bonuses.



Team up to play through all of the missions in Defiance and dive into co-op versions of single-player instances!



Grant ammo, increased damage, and shield power to allies with hi-tech ground Spikes. Once planted, Spikes radiate benefits to nearby players for a set duration or until destroyed.


Get juiced with special hypospray Stims that provide healing, speed and strength boosts, or an EGO power refresh. Like double Overcharge? Inject away!


Mark items as favorites to have them jump to the top of your inventory, and sell or break down all non-favorite items at the press of a button.


We’re rolling out daily and weekly log in rewards plus Contract revamps, continued combat refinements, and more. Stay tuned to the Community blog for the latest DLC and Defiance info.

This Week’s Friday Livestream Starts at 10:30am PST

Originally published at

Join us tomorrow for another Friday Livestream Extravaganza with Trion Worlds! The show will start at 10:30 AM PST (in a different time zone? Use our handy world clock!)

Here’s the full schedule of events:

10:30 AM PST: Greg and Elizabeth will be exploring this week’s Gift of the Fae: the brand new chronicle Planebreaker Bastion Aftermath.


11:15 AM PST: We’ll be joined by Courtland from the Trove dev team to talk about what’s new in Trove, including the much-anticipated Cornerstones!


12:45 PM PST: The Arkbreaker DLC is here, so we’ll be playing on our European servers to see if we can take down the Volge Warmaster!


Heads-up! Next week’s Friday stream (12/20) will return to our regular 1:30pm PST time, and will be our final livestream of the year.

Inside Trion: Enter the Warmaster

Originally published at

New in Arkbreaker, players can delve into the depths of major arkfalls and do battle with our new boss: the Volge Warmaster. He’s big. He’s mean. He’s here to ruin your life. Even beyond the lore of the Defiance universe, he’s got a long and storied history.
The Warmaster


In 2011, we hosted a behind-closed-doors demo of a mission called “The Tar Pit.” Players met the 99ers and helped “Rosa the Riveter” reactivate the defenses of her machine shop (old photos of this demo can be found online in the deep, dark recesses of the internet). At the end of this demo, we showed off our first arkfall and teased a battle with a giant enemy called “The Volge Colonizer.”

A lot has changed since then. Rosa is no longer a cartoonish Norman Rockwell character, the Vulge enemies were renamed to Volge, and we cut the whole plotline that made Rosa and Eren responsible for creating the 99ers. But the Colonizer – an asset just dying to be a featured boss – survived.

Over time, the Volge developed into rampaging battle machines, and we renamed our mega-boss “The Warmaster.” We wanted to ship him with the launch of the game, or to add him to the Castithan Charge Pack, but we’d yet to create a fight to fit the epic greatness of this crystal-covered murderous space-gorilla.


New Features

The Warmaster sat on the backburner for a while as there were features we wanted to add before developing his large-scale battle. Most of these features had to do with targeting. Keen-eyed observers of the Hellion, Elite Volge Bombers, and even the Monolith will have noticed that they only attack one target at a time. They can swap targets rapidly, but any single ability can only target a single player.

This technical tunnel vision presents problems when trying to bombard a large group of players with a single attack. We handled it with the Hellbug Matron by having it fire multiple projectiles at an area, but it’s never truly aware of player positions. Like most NPCs, it would pick a hated enemy and then choose an appropriate attack based on the relationship between attacker and target.

The Warmaster, unlike previous enemies, can track multiple targets at once and use a single ability to target some or all of them. This is how it uses its shard rain ability to threaten an entire arkfall interior at once. Additionally, it has a beam breath attack – the first of its kind in the game – which can sweep the entire room (or be avoided by jumping over it!). Since all of these attacks are highly telegraphed, we challenge our ark hunters to choose between movement, which will make it harder to deal damage, and taking a large amount of damage which may incapacitate them.

The Warmaster has a secondary goal: he needs to be powerful enough that players cannot consistently defeat him. One of the big reasons for relaunching our alpha test servers was to find out how easily players could kill him (as much as we try to simulate real progression, we can only know the actual combat effectiveness of our players by letting them loose on the content!).

When we sent the Warmaster to alpha, we knew we releasing an underpowered version – but we wondered by how much? We adjusted his health and damage once in alpha, and, by the time this is posted, we’ll have done so again. He’s not intended to be a sure kill, even in an Arkbreak filled to the brim with ark hunters. That’s part of why his rewards, even if you fail, are still quite good. Fighting him is always going to be worth the time, but beating him is REALLY worth your investment.

The odd thing about our push for the Warmaster to be the most challenging enemy in Defiance is that it’s made his fight our first game event with a hard-fail condition. And the most exciting thing about making such a daunting new enemy is that the systems that went into creating him open up worlds of possibilities for new content.

On that note, my fellow ark hunters, now is the time to show the Volge that we won’t roll over and die so easy. It’s time to face the Warmaster!

– Trick Dempsey

New Endless PC Free Trial

Originally published at

Good news, ark hunters: we’ve lifted the time limit on our PC free trial. You can now try Defiance free for as long as you like (with an increased EGO Rating cap of 500!).


  • Just log in (or create a new account) and download to play.
  • Go hands-on with the latest game additions and improvements.
  • Check out Arkbreaker DLC pack features: stims, spikes, co-op dungeons and more.

Click here to get started!

Inside Trion: The Hunter’s Arsenal

Originally published at

“Bullets are a chump’s racket. Any mook can rain death with lead and plasma, but only an ark hunter can use arktech to win a fight.”
—Raizar Zandijur, VBI Contract Representative to the Earth Republic

With the introduction of the Arkbreaker DLC, the action in Defiance changed forever. We discovered, through gameplay and through player feedback, that we could do more to keep a dynamic player-action-driven feel to our combats. Additionally, we wanted to periodically interrupt the usual power fantasy with moments of desperation. To accomplish this, we’ve introduced stims and spikes and revamped the way grenades work in game, making action more varied, frenetic, and fun.



In many ways, stims are the simplest of our new ark hunter gear. Stims allow ark hunters to gain an instant boost to their performance. The danger and difficulty in stims is the difficult choice as to which one to equip at any given time. Choosing to be able to heal yourself fully means that you’ve denied yourself a chance to restore your EGO power or resist knockback and hit harder. The best ark hunter must balance stim usage with play style, changing according to the nuances of the fight that lies ahead.


Grenades are now an object in short supply in the New Frontier. Ark hunters may equip a single stack of five grenades and throw them in more rapid succession. To balance out the power of being able to rain fiery death down on your foes, ark hunters must now pick up more grenades to resupply. This can be done by prying them from the cold, dead hands of your enemies or by purchasing them from vendors. This gameplay change makes grenades more deadly but also more precious: an ark hunter must seriously think about the precise moment to throw for maximum damage.


Spikes are the most dynamic of the new ark hunter tools. When placed, spikes create an area which benefits all allied ark hunters within it, thus transforming the battlefield into a series of places of power and no-man’s-lands. Ark hunters congregate around these pillars of power which grant them super-human durability or damage or even unlimited ammunition. This creates islands of violence and battle lines which would not exist without the decisions of the ark hunters.

The enemies respond in kind to spike deployment by sending more firepower at the high concentrations of ark hunters. This presents a danger to the spike itself: if it is destroyed prematurely, its benefits will end, which can leave the ark hunters in a tight spot. Ark hunters must work together to strategically place spikes as well as protect them in order to gain the ultimate upper hand.

Scarcity and Improv

Ark hunters constantly ride the dagger’s edge between life and death: the addition of resource scarcity makes this danger all the more real when placed into the combat equation. Spikes, stims, and grenades add a huge amount of power to the ark hunter arsenal, but power always comes with the seductive possibility of becoming dependent and thus, vulnerable. This can be dangerous when that power is in a limited supply: run out of an integral part of your arsenal in the middle of a fire fight might end in your downfall.

Luckily, all kinds of spikes, stims, and grenades drop from enemies with great frequency. Any of these items may be picked up on the fly and used immediately. Now, more than ever, ark hunters can improvise. Maybe you run out of your favorite frag grenades, but if an enemy drops bio grenades, you can improvise: swap your loadout, change your mindset, and continue on your path to victory. It’s a deadly and exciting thing to improvise in combat and, in the wild world of Defiance, it can quickly become a necessity.

Good hunting,

Trick Dempsey
Creative Lead

Join us Friday for the Final Livestream of the Year!

Originally published at

Join us this Friday for our final Livestream Extravaganza of the year! The show will start at 1:30 PM PST (in a different time zone? Use our handy world clock!)

Here’s the full schedule of events:

1:30 PM PST: Greg will be getting in the holiday spirit by seeing everything that Fae Yule has to offer. He’ll be playing on Faeblight as TW_OverloadUT should you want to join him in his merriment!

2:15 PM PST: We’ll be joined by Andrew and Adam of the Trove dev team to talk about Trove’s journey so far, and what we can expect as we enter the new year.

2:45 PM PST: Trick is back for our final livestream of 2013, and he’ll be taking live questions from the chat!

Be sure to tune in to the Trion Worlds Twitch channel. After the holidays, our regular livestream schedule will return on January 10th, 2014.

Quick Note on Videos, Let’s Plays, and YouTube

Originally published at

With the recent issues going around with monetized game videos, and a new group of video makers getting involved with our games, we’ve had a spike in questions over the last couple weeks. Are we okay with our games’ content being used? Are we okay with people monetizing videos?

Here, with as little legalese as possible, is our answer.


We think of streamers, Let’s Play-ers, and people who make their own videos around our games like extended family. We’ve encouraged and supported them since day one.

We also love that we’re in an era where people can make entertaining video content from games and make a few bucks, or even a make a living doing so.

If you run into any difficulties with content removal notices when you make videos or streams using materials from our games, please do drop us a line at our communications@ email address if there’s something we can help with. We’ll get your back as best as we can.

Happy holidays, everyone!

Scott Hartsman
CEO, Trion Worlds

Holiday Bonuses are Here!

Originally published at

Log in and rejoice, ark hunters: We’re adding a 25% bonus to loot drops, XP, and weapon skill gains now through Jan. 1.

Enjoy the special bonuses alongside new Arkbreaker DLC  content and prepare for much more to come in 2014!

Happy Holidays,
The Defiance Team

Meet Rixty, a new online payment method

Originally published at

Rixty is an online service that allows you to make purchases without the use of a credit card – and now it’s an accepted method of payment for Defiance!

You can use your Rixty account to get Bits, and it’s easy to refill with Rixty cards, MoneyPak® cards, coinstar machines, Western Union, or at stores at 75,000 stores in the US and nearly 500,000 locations worldwide.

Check out for more info.


Introducing Defiance’s Next DLC: The 7th Legion

Originally published at

When the world fell apart, one group kept their courage. Guided by the teachings of the Code of Bushido, the soldiers of the 7th Legion marched across Canada gathering survivors as they went. From one outpost to another they marched until finally they found a city which did not fall: Manhattan. There, they made their stand against the darkness, and Commander Yoshida Hiro called an end to their long journey. Now they have come to Paradise. What dread news could this herald?


Coming February 2014.

It’s 2014: Let’s Celebrate with a Friday Livestream!

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Join us for the first Friday livestream of 2014! The show will start at 1:30 PM PST (in a different time zone? Use our handy world clock!)

Here’s the full schedule of events:

1:30 PM PST: It’s viewers choice on Faeblight with TW_OverloadUT. Join him and direct where he goes and what he does!

2:15 PM PST: We’ve been working hard on Trove over the holidays and have quite a bit of new stuff to show you – including your own creations!

2:45 PM PST: Trick will be joining us again to talk Defiance as we hunt for loot in the Bay Area.

Be sure to tune in to the Trion Worlds Twitch channel. See you then!

Inside Trion: Let’s Chat!

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Since the launch of Defiance, one of the most frequent requests we’ve gotten is to improve chat. Over the past few months, the team has been talking to ark hunters about the good, the bad, and the ugly of our chat interface and working to overhaul it. Today, I’m excited to give you a look into our upcoming chat and UI improvements.

In short: we’ve trimmed the fat. Previously, we tried a “kitchen sink” approach to chat, which obscured the core functionality and made the experience frustrating and clunky while in the heat of battle. Today, we have a cleaner, sleeker, and more useful chat to roll out for Defiance fans. Without further ado, I’d like to introduce you to our new chat functionality.

Old and Busted: This is how the chat interface used to look

Old and Busted: This is how the chat interface used to look


New hotness. Click to view the screenshot in more detail.

See that screenshot? TrickCastithan is chatting right now. That’s the new full chat interface, free of the commands/emotes/etc. that bloated the viewport in the previous iteration.

We’ve also divorced voice chat from text chat: there’s no reason to keep those two tied together, bogging each other down. The voice chat channels now appear in the top-right of the screen alongside the mini-map. The voice channel you are speaking in is clearly indicated and can be swapped on the fly, but channels will also light up when people speak in them. (So you can know where that strange voice is coming from.)


Let’s look at the small chat window in more detail: Everything is now tabbed. The small chat window can be activated the same way as the old quick chat system, allowing you to quickly change tabs to the conversation you need without seeing extra babble that could distract you.


Changing the channel you are speaking in is easy as well. You just click the channel you want (or press left on the directional pad) and voila! You have swapped your text chat channel.


You can even add additional chat tabs in the Chat Settings menu to suit your specific play style. You can see that I’ve set up a tab where only Whispers and EGO Calls will appear in my chat.


Hopefully, you like what you see here, and are pounding on your screen saying “when do I get to use this?!” The Sedge Hat that TrickCastithan is wearing is your release date clue: all this will be available with the 7th Legion DLC coming out in February! And we’re not stopping with chat improvements: We’re taking even more steps to improve quality and ease-of-use for Defiance – so stay tuned – you’ll be hearing more from me as those head into the home stretch.

Good hunting,

Trick Dempsey
Defiance Creative Lead

Bonus Weekend: Jan. 17-19

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Log in this weekend for a 25% bonus to all of the following:

  • XP
  • Loot drops
  • Weapon skill gains

Happy hunting!


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The New Frontier is at war in the next Defiance DLC pack coming early this February. Empires grow, and displaced evils look for new victims. As a member of the 7th Legion, you’ll fight to liberate Paradise with new weapons, armor, and more!



Yoshida Hiro’s 7th Legion marches for the Bay Area armed with the latest E-Rep  weaponry and defenses. Prove your worth to join their cause, battle against the enemies of a unified Earth, and reap new rewards.


An outfit, gear, and title start your path to becoming an honored member of the 7th Legion.


The 7th Legion has developed a unique fighting style expressed in its new weapons and synergies.


Wield hybrid Human-Votan tech shields designed to take down enemies on the New Frontier.


A new chat system debuts with 7th Legion DLC, plus INCURSIONS: a new kind of dynamic content invading the bay area!


7th Legion is the third entry in our Defiance DLC series. Preview the Castithan Charge and Arkbreaker packs out now for PC and console, or get the Defiance Season Pass to unlock all five first-season DLCs!

Inside Trion: 7th Legion DLC

Originally published at

At first, we only helped Humans. Soon, though, we took all kinds. We kept marching, like a city with feet, toward Calgary and Winnipeg. Both were gone. Finally, as we neared Chicago, we found her signal. Funny – we probably would have stopped there, settled down … and missed Azumi. Left her holed up with the staff at VBI, transmitting into the dark, hoping that her father would come.

Now and again she’ll laugh about bushido, the code, the “samurai” nickname (something the troops first used, for all things, to mock my pride). But it stuck – not just for me or the others with roots in Japan. It’s a way of life that fits this world. It got us through the wastes, after all. It will carry us to the New Frontier.

– Yoshida Hiro, New Frontier Radio “Hiro’s March Retrospective”


The launch of 7th Legion is coming up fast. Prepare with our behind-the-scenes Q&A with Creative Lead Trick Dempsey, who walks us through the background and inspiration for the latest Defiance DLC.

How’d you choose the 7th Legion, and where did they come from?

The 7th Legion dates back to the Arkfall – to the disastrous period following the destruction of the Votan colony ships in orbit. As an event, the Arkfall is both incredibly important to Defiance and one that’s hard to imagine (together with our partners at Syfy, we’ve crunched the numbers on just how catastrophic the Arkfall was, and it’s pretty grim).

Envisioning the death of billions of people and the reshaping of a whole planet is still a little beyond comprehension. But it’s one that we want to publically explore, and the 7th Legion provides us with a window into that time – a look at one of the organizations that rose from the ashes of global catastrophe.

As far as where they came from: the group of frontiersmen who became the 7th Legion were camped in the Yukon when the arks exploded. They watched as the Votan ships fell to Earth, thinking all was lost, hoping for a last chance to see their families. Of course, it was a chance that would never come.

What did they do after Arkfall?

The entire group rallied around Yoshida Hiro and the code of bushido. At first, it was an easy way for members to relate to Hiro’s ancestry, but as they moved south and east, inland from the irradiated coast, survivors flocked to the group and legend of a new “7th Legion” spread.

What sets the Legion apart from other survivors?

It’s a group that’s distanced from other factions like the Earth Republic, the Votanis Collective, and Von Bach Industries. Sure, they’ll use VBI weapons and Votan tech like when it benefits them, but their culture and beliefs diverged after Arkfall. You’ll see that in their weapons and gear, their unique synergy set, in current/future plotlines, and so on.

Talking bigger picture, the Legion reminds us that this world is “post-post-apocalyptic”: enough years have passed since the Arkfall that factions are more worried about emerging alliances, identities, and politics than basic survival. And, you know, more so than any other faction, they embrace the “Cyberpunk Western” character of Defiance (one of my favorites!).

What’s next for the Legion?

They’ve come to Paradise, and Hiro himself is on the coast to recruit ark hunters to carry on their mission. His connection with the Earth Republic and VBI allows him to bring in new weapons and defenses augmented with some of the Legion’s mythic flair. Of course, he won’t trust just anyone with 7th tech. Ark hunters hoping to join the Legion will have to prove themselves worthy!

Join us for Friday’s Livestream at a special EU Time

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Our regular Friday livestream will be at a special European-friendly time this week. The show will start at 11:00 AM PST (in a different time zone? Use our handy world clock!)

Here’s the full schedule of events:

11:00 AM PST: RIFT 2.6 is just around the corner. Join Greg and Elizabeth as they talk about everything new in RIFT 2.6, including a first look at the Bounty Hunting system.

11:45 AM PST: It’s time to reveal the Gunslinger! Tune in for a first look at Trove’s new gun-toting class.

12:15 PM PST: The 7th Legion DLC is playable to everyone on our Alpha servers. Greg and Elizabeth will be hopping on to play the upcoming DLC with the community.

Be sure to tune in to the Trion Worlds Twitch channel. See you then!

Season 1 Crossover Rewind

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Prepare to watch and play your way through Defiance as it was meant to be experienced! We’ve brought back all crossover content – from your first encounter with Nolan to The Plague and beyond – to celebrate the Defiance Season 1 catch-up  On Demand and on


Start in the game to meet Nolan and Irisa before they leave for the New Frontier, then follow (and take part in) their adventures as you watch and play Defiance Season 1 side-by-side.

Learn more on the Crossover Rewind page.

7th Legion is coming Feb 4 on PC and Xbox 360!

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It’s official: The 7th Legion DLC will be releasing on Tuesday, February 4th (yes, tomorrow!) for both PC and Xbox 360. PlayStation 3 Season Pass holders will also be able to play the 7th Legion DLC on February 4th. The standalone download for PS3 will be available on the store Feb. 18 in North America and Feb. 19 in Europe.


Want to know more about 7th Legion? Check out this preview of the DLC, and this Inside Trion post for more insight in to the lore behind the 7th Legion.


Originally published at

The New Frontier is at war in the Defiance 7th Legion game DLC pack out now for Xbox 360® and PC.* Empires grow, and displaced evils look for new victims. Join the elite forces of Yoshida Hiro to liberate Paradise with new weapons and armor while walking the path of bushido. Click here to learn more.

*All Season Pass holders have received automatic access to 7th Legion on their platform of choice. Non-Season Pass holders playing on the PS3™ can purchase the DLC pack Feb. 18 in North America and Feb. 19 in Europe.


Free Content

7th Legion launches with additional free content for all Defiance players including Incursions – a new kind of dynamic content invading the bay area – plus a refined chat system and more.

Introducing Gunslinger Trials, our next DLC pack

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Ark hunters,

The world of Defiance is a big place with lots of story to tell and many unanswered questions: What is the Biodyne Project? Who controls the Earth Republic? Today, we’re excited to announce an update that may answer many of those questions for you. For months we’ve been putting together a juicy story update for Defiance. We have had a lot of narrative threads we’ve wanted to explore since our initial release, and we’re proud to finally reveal our next DLC: Gunslinger Trials.


Gunslinger Trials picks up after the disappearance of Karl Von Bach and during the expansionist push of the Earth Republic’s Terrestrian Party. Ark hunters will face three new mission lines, each presented by a different member of Von Bach Industries.

  • Azumi Yoshida – Former COO of Von Bach Industries, and acting CEO.
  • Uvan Johaar – Senior Technician at Von Bach Industries.
  • Raizar Zandijur – VBI Consultant to the Earth Republic.

These stories are told with eleven new cutscenes and over three hundred new lines of dialog. Ark hunters will uncover a conspiracy to steal EGO implants, the revival of the Biodyne project, and even the rise of a new political power in the Earth Republic. Working for Von Bach Industries is not without its benefits: Ark hunters who help the organization will be rewarded with new gear created to the specifications of each of the VBI leaders. Do you prefer the EGO-enhancing properties of the Yoshida weapons, or the danger of Raizar Zandijur’s weapons which push his “Ultimate Warrior” philosophy?

While betrayal and intrigue are the core of the story, Defiance is a tale told in bullets and blood. Gunslinger Trails will also add nine new arenas that challenge up to four ark hunters in a tactical race to reach the high score. Hunters will not only be graded on the pace at which they kill, but also their capacity to work together. Bonuses are scored for coordinated fire and for attacking enemies who are debilitated by nano-effects. Additionally, all existing Thorn Liro arenas will now be available to groups as well. Do you have what it takes to face these challenges?

Stay tuned for more in depth information on Gunslinger Trials in the coming weeks. We’ve got a lot to talk about before the DLC hits Xbox 360s, PlayStation 3s, and PCs everywhere this March.

New Scoring System & Co-op Arenas!

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Our Gunslinger Trials DLC is right around the corner, and it adds a new feature that significantly improves the feedback and balance of existing and future events: Scoring.

What does this mean for you? Better co-op, better rewards, and more reasons to play with your friends. How and why did we make this happen? Read on for all the details!

Improved Leaderboards
Instead of sorting players by damage done, Gunslinger Trials’ leaderboards will sort by revamped score values that translate directly into rewards. Each point earned will contribute to XP, scrip, and keycodes. Gone are the mystical calculations determining who earned the top rewards and who did not, and that makes everything more fun.

Improved Leaderboards

Additionally, scoring gives us the opportunity to present moment-to-moment feedback about success (and failure). While you will earn a “Hard Reset” bonus for stunning a Dark Matter Bulwark, you will also suffer point penalties for extraction and incapacitation. Strategies which revolved around repeated extraction will now result in very low rewards indeed.

New Incentives
Another reason we implemented scoring so broadly was to provide rewards for behaviors we had no other way to reward. Key to this strategy are two scoring events: “Teamwork” and “Opportunist.”

Teamwork rewards players for dealing damage to the same target. As players pour bullets into a Viscera, for example, they’ll see Teamwork points accruing in their score window.

Opportunist is a bit different, rewarding bonus points for dealing damage to an enemy that is debilitated by a nano-effect. This even extends to bio grenades and pyro grenades. Both these grenades now turn their victims into big bags of bonus points.

In addition, we’re exposing and restructuring the rewards players get for reviving allies. Each time you revive a new target in a single event, you’ll be rewarded points for doing so. As such, there’s no benefit for reviving the same poor sap over and over. On the flip side, reviving a large number of unique allies will now reward a lot of points.

Group Arenas
Group Arenas
Until Gunslinger Trials, arenas were something of an oddity in Defiance. They encouraged and rewarded a limited set of strategies – and not the kind we wanted to reward. So we revamped them with mechanics that support group play and give players a much greater variety of strategies to succeed.

After Gunslinger goes live, you can battle through any arena as a group, sharing kill scores while receiving individual rewards for skill shots and special events (this does mean that a group of four players will DESTROY any of their individual scores in arenas prior to Gunslinger Trials!). The new arenas also present a wider variety of challenges and environments and give opportunities for all types of players and play styles to shine.

On top of all this, they also contain story elements and objectives. They’ll feature all-new combat encounters in environments both new and familiar, from the interior of a newly crashed arkfall to a fateful showdown with Dekuso and his newly upgraded Raider minions.

Good hunting,
Trick Dempsey

Introducing Community Managers Scapes and Ocho

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Ark hunters, meet your new Community Managers: Evan “Scapes” Berman and Eric “Ocho” Cleaver! They’re new to the Trion Worlds family but have been growing and championing online game communities for more than 15 years combined.

Here’s Evan who will be taking lead on the Defiance and ArcheAge communities:

Greetings, fellow ark hunters! My name is Evan “Scapes” Berman and I am a Senior Community Relations Manager here at Trion Worlds.

I began my gamer life with an Apple IIC playing memorable two-tone titles held on floppy floppies. First embarking online when ISPs charged per minute and Geocities was tapping into the urge to Facebook before “social media” was a term, it was only natural that my love of multiplayer games would lead to a position at Flagship Studios, taking me away from editing commercials for advertising firm Crispin Porter + Bogusky and across the nation to join a new industry.

Originally a Hellgate: London fansite operator, I used my new official role to liaise between players and developers for the improvement of the game. Most recently, I championed the TERA community as one of the first employees at En Masse Entertainment, grew a vast army of mech pilots for Khang Le’s twitch shooter HAWKEN for Meteor Entertainment and Adhesive Games, and ushered in a new generation of independent developers onto Microsoft’s next generation Xbox One console as part of the ID@Xbox team.

I’m elated to join the talented team here at Trion Worlds and thrilled to meet you, our passionate players. My inner gamer, forged in late nights of progression raiding in MMOs and practicing headshots in FPS titles, is proud to be working on RIFT, Defiance, Trove, and ArcheAge. Feel free to tweet at me on Twitter: @Scapes

Next up, say hello to Eric who will be taking lead on the RIFT and Trove communities:

Greetings and well met! My name is Eric “Ocho” Cleaver. Much like Evan above, I too started my computer gaming on the venerable Apple II series, although mine was a IIGS. I’ll do my best not to hold his inferior system against him. This was the start of a long love story with computer games, much to my parents’ dismay at the time. They have since come to admit that “yes, you can maybe make a living with those games you play.”

The introduction of MMOs completely changed my way of gaming though, and playing anything else these days is a rarity for me. Of course the main games I’m playing right now are RIFT and Defiance, but I’m hugely excited to see ArcheAge and Trove as well.

Over the last several years I’ve worked in community on a number of games, including City of Heroes and EverQuest, and now I’m hugely excited to be working here at Trion Worlds with all of you folks. To me the most exciting part of the MMO world is you, the players, because you’re every bit as much a part of what makes our games great as our development teams are.

So hi and nice to meet all of you. I’ll have a lot of questions for you all, so don’t be surprised if I poke my nose in your conversations on our official forums, Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else our games are discussed!

You’ll be able to find Evan and Eric posting on the official forums, chatting via socials, and previewing upcoming game content in videos. Feel free to call them by their first names or forum handles, and be sure to let them know about the best Defiance livestreams, cool player-made content, and what you want to see next in the game.

See you in the Bay Area!

The Trion Worlds Community Team

Gunslinger Trials Out Now For PC, Xbox 360

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Gunslinger Trials Out Now

Team up and battle through new Co-op Arenas in the Defiance Gunslinger Trials DLC pack out now for Xbox 360 and PC!* Take a stand in Gunslinger’s VBI story missions and reap rewards from the most powerful weapons manufacturer on Earth. Click here to learn more!

* All Season Pass holders have received automatic access to Gunslinger Trials on their platform of choice. Non-Season Pass holders playing on the PlayStation 3 can purchase the DLC pack March 24 in North America and March 25 in Europe.

Free Content

Gunslinger Trials expands Defiance arenas for all. Enjoy co-op gameplay and an all-new scoring system across nine unique venues. Read more about the changes here.

Bonus Weekend: Mar. 14-16

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Bonus Weekend March 14 - 16Log in this weekend for a 25% bonus to all of the following:

  • XP
  • Loot Drops
  • Weapon skill gains

Happy hunting!

Get a Bonus Tier 3 Lock Box with Rixty or MOLPoints

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From now until March 31, all PC players* who make a Defiance purchase of $20 or more via Rixty or MOLPoints will receive a bonus Tier 3 Lock Box!

Simply make your purchase in-game or online using Rixty as your method of payment, and you’ll receive a code by email (within 24 hours) to redeem for your Tier 3 Lock Box.

Best of luck!

* Promotion is PC-only.

Announcing Arktech Revolution, Defiance’s Fifth DLC Pack

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Arktech Revolution DLC Announced

Ark hunters! We’re proud to formally announce our next DLC pack, Arktech Revolution. Defiance’s fifth DLC introduces an arkfall’s worth of new features as well as revolutionary updates to core gameplay elements. Welcome to the new age!

EGO Rating Cap Increased and New Perks Added

While you’ve been hunting and modding the finest extraterrestrial equipment arkfalls can provide, your EGO has been working on upgrades of its own. Arktech Revolution introduces an increased EGO rating cap to reach along with new powerful perks on the EGO grid and a higher EGO unit cap to claim them. We’re just getting started, read on to learn how EGO is changing in other ways!

EGO Rating Progression and New Enemy Difficulty Tiers

EGO rating is about to mean more than ever before. For ark hunters, a higher EGO rating will now impart a much larger effect on damage, health, and shield capacity. Similarly, the damage output of weapons will now scale based on their power rating. Got your very favorite gun already modded with epics? We’ll also be adding a new Salvage Matrix function that can increase a weapon’s power rating!

New Dark Matter Designs

Not to be outdone, enemies will now be more difficult to match players’ new DPS potential. In addition to the difference between standard and elite enemies being more pronounced, new enemy difficulty tiers featuring enhanced abilities and updated designs will be introduced. Ark hunters aren’t the only ones who have been benefiting from arkfalls! (Did we mention they drop better loot too? Because they do.)

Expert Co-Op Maps and Dynamic Event Scaling

With all-new levels of raw power at your disposal, team up with your fellow ark hunters to tackle new expert versions of all co-op maps featuring the new enemy difficulty tiers! Defeating these challenging instances will not only reward you boasting rights but also new special tokens that can be spent to purchase legendary weapons and mods directly from certain vendors.

Looking to mentor your lower-level friends returning to Defiance to sample the changes in Arktech Revolution? We got you (and them) covered! Events will now dynamically adjust their difficulty based on the players participating in or joining them. Enemies will not only adjust their levels and quantity but their difficulty tier as well with upgraded enemies changing how they look for easier identification. Low EGO rating players will be able to stand in fights with these high-level foes by means of a special temporary buff.

Damage Type Overhaul and Armor Plates

We’re not done yet, wasteland warriors! Prepare to theorycraft because your equipment loadouts just got a little more complex. Defiance’s weapons damage types are getting a major overhaul to increase their impact on gameplay.

  • Incendiary: Deals increased damage to health and less to shields.
  • Electric: Deals increased damage to shields and less to health.
  • Syphon: Steals some health from shield damage and lots from health damage.
  • Radiation: Deals a percentage of damage directly, bypassing armor plates.
  • Bio: Deals increased damage to armor plates.

Wait, what are armor plates? We’re glad you asked! Armor is a new damage-mitigating buff granted passively by shield equipment and temporarily by perks, stims, or spikes. Unlike shields, armor does not regenerate when excessive damage breaks it but it can be repaired at extraction points. While temporary armor does not stack and expires with the effect that granted it, it does stack with passive armor. This is good news because you’re going to need both sources to take on your new enemies.

Universal Grenade, Spike, and Stim Charges

Last but not least, when we said we weren’t done tweaking how grenades, spikes, and stims behaved, we meant it! As of Arktech Revolution, enemies will drop universal consumables (called “charges”) of each type that refill one use of the specificied item type in your current loadout. Can’t carry any more of that item? Don’t fret: you’ll automatically salvage any excess charges upon picking it up.

You Say You Want a Revolution?

We’ve only scratched the surface of this game-changing update! Technical Design Director Peter Ju and Creative Lead Trick Dempsey will be expanding the individual changes revealed here over the course of the next few weeks. Meanwhile, we’re very eager to hear your constructive (even if critical) feedback on the forums about what’s been announced! The Arktech Revolution begins in Defiance on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 this April.

Discuss this article on the forums.

Arktech Revolution: The March of Progress

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Arktech Revolution DLC Announced

In April, Defiance will welcome its fifth DLC pack, Arktech Revolution, along with a new progression system that’s one our most important upgrades to date. For the first time, weapons will scale based on their EGO rating requirement. You’ll achieve new heights of power as your level increases, and enemies will scale to keep pace with your growing abilities, gaining new stats, tactics, and appearances.

Also launching with Arktech Revolution are advanced and expert level co-op maps, legendary weapons for sale from vendors, new perks and pursuits for DLC owners, and a raising of the EGO rating cap – one we’ve held back until the new progression system was ready to make it hugely worthwhile.

“Make the numbers go up!”

Until now, the only things that increased with EGO rating were the value of shields and, to a lesser extent, player health. Weapons, enemies, and grenades were completely unaffected by EGO or power rating. Aside from the addition of a common rarity bonus, high-rating weapons were no different from low-rating weapons. This could make collecting weapons unsatisfying, as new weapons often did not compare favorably to old ones. The chase was limited to rarity alone, or for the very hardcore, the chase of specific rarity and mastery bonuses. While exciting in its own way, this limited the joy of the hunt.

So, we fixed it. Perhaps the best way to illustrate this is with a picture:

Weapon Scaling Comparison

As you can see, with Arktech Revolution a rating 50 weapon does not hold a candle to a rating 4000 weapon. In fact, your rating 4000 weapon can take out a standard Mad Mattock with a lone shot to the chest. Which brings us to our next major change: scaling enemies.

“We’re going to need a bigger boat.”

Making players more powerful meant that we needed to make enemies bigger and badder, too – and not in name only. No one wants to rely on the UI to tell them that something awful is coming. With Arkfall Revolution you’ll see them coming, with a host of new (larger, tougher) enemies built to go toe-to-toe with the best ark hunters and deadliest groups.

For example, the majestic Minigunner:


This guy looks significantly deadlier. And the enemies only become deadlier from here.

Additionally, enemies need to be able to mitigate some of the advances in player skill by employing new tactics. The minigunner mutant, for example, might develop a propensity for rushing players in melee, drastically altering your strategies for dealing with it.

“But I want to play in the sandbox!”

Many of you will notice a problem with the plan above: if all of the enemies have been made deadlier, how are new players supposed to catch up? What if I want to play with my high-level friends?

Ladies and gentlemen of the New Frontier, I’d like to introduce you to Dynamic Scaling and EGO boosting.

Using the power of math, we’re creating an event “Threat Level” that scales content based on the number of participating players and their combined EGO rating. This Threat Level does two things: it changes the number and type of enemies that spawn, and boosts the minimum rating of all participants in an event (a boost that affects players and enemies alike). This may not make you equal to the content if you have a low EGO rating, but it will keep you from being wiped out by top-tier opponents.

Dynamic scaling is something we’ve been working on for a long time. You may have caught hints of it in some unusual UI issues with the display of EGO ratings when Gunslinger launched, or in the recent addition of a seemingly meaningless Threat Level to certain events. There are two reasons we’ve held onto it for so long: We want to get it right, and we want to make certain it is adjustable. Scaling is dangerous in any game, and a number of other open-world games have handled it poorly (which results in the lack of a feeling of progression. (“Why the hell do all these roadside bandits suddenly have magic armor or … tanks?”)

We took the time not only to assure that the upgraded enemies provided a rewarding experience, but also to be sure that we can alter the scaling rules as we gather more data from player experiences.

“Well, I seem to have a lot of old, low-rating stuff.”

Ark hunters who find themselves with legendary weapons they’ve been holding onto since the early game will not be left out in the cold. Arkforge, a new currency available from lock boxes and events, can be used to increase a weapon or shield’s power rating, so you can level up your favorite gear. Arkforge Caches can also be purchased from the store in the following quantities:

  • 50 Arkforge Cache – 200 Bits
  • 300 Arkforge Cache – 1200 Bits
  • 500 Arkforge Cache – 1600 Bits

A part of the Chimera Arktech Kit that comes with the purchase of Arktech Revolution, you’ll get a special outfit, title, new Chimera contracts and vendor, pursuits, perks, and more.

We’ll have more updates coming soon as the Arktech Revolution nears. Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming updates about the opening of our alpha servers, more game mechanic updates, and fifth DLC release date!

Discuss this article on the forums.

Celebrate Defiance’s First Year!

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Anniversary Image

April 2 marks an important day in the Defiance universe: it’s our birthday! 365 days ago today, Trion Worlds opened the Defiance servers to ark hunters on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. To celebrate, we’re adding a 24-hour global boost to XP gain, skill gain, and loot drop rate! However, we’re aware that Defiance’s anniversary lands on a Wednesday when most ark hunters are not going to be able to celebrate with us. Our solution? A second global boost all this weekend!

Defiance Anniversary Boosts to XP Gain, Skill Gain, and Loot Drop Rate

  • Start: Wednesday, April 2 at 12:00 PM Pacific
  • End: Thursday, April 3 at 12:00 PM Pacific
  • Start: Friday, April 4 at 12:00 PM Pacific
  • End: Monday, April 7 at 12:00 PM Pacific

We sincerely thank you for being part of the Defiance community. To mark the game’s first year, Creative Lead Trick Dempsey will be posting a State of the Game article covering the year in review and how Defiance is growing in its second year.

Discuss this article on the forums.

Watch the “Defiance: The Lost Ones” Minisodes

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Defiance: The Lost Ones Webisodes

Get ready for the second season of Defiance with a five-part minisode series, Defiance: The Lost Ones! Picking up where the first season left off, Nolan faces unexpected danger as he searches for a missing Irisa. Hidden facets of Nolan and Irisa’s past are revealed as he races against a ticking clock to find his daughter. Watch all five minisodes online now at (US) or (Canada).

Save the Date

The events of this original web series lead directly into Season 2, which premieres Thursday, June 19 at 8:00 PM Eastern and Pacific (7:00 PM Central) on Syfy in the US and 10:00 Eastern and Pacific on Showcase in Canada!

Discuss this article on the forums.

Arktech Revolution: Livestream Demonstration

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Arktech Revolution Livestream Demonstration

Join Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Community Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel today for an exploration of Defiance’s fifth DLC pack, Arktech Revolution. With Trick on the road recording Grant Bowler and other actors from the show for game voiceovers this week, QA Tester Anthony Reis will be driving and shooting our way through the Bay Area. Meanwhile, Trick and I will detail what’s coming to the Defiance with this new DLC including an EGO rating cap increase, a reworking of how EGO and power ratings impact gameplay, new enemy difficulty tiers, and lots more.

Arktech Revolution: Livestream Demonstration, part of the Trion Worlds Livestream Extravaganza
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: 1:30 PM Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes

After the DLC demonstration, we’ll field questions from the livestream chat. Remember to stick around until the end when three lucky, random livestream viewers will each be granted a Powertech Lock Box. See you on Twitch!

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One Year on the New Frontier

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One Year on the New Frontier

Greetings, ark hunters!

It has been an exciting year for Defiance. We’ve launched the first massive co-op shooter. We’ve launched a television series. We’ve provided more updates than you can shake a stick at. (Likely the incorporeal nature of updates greatly hampers your ability to shake a stick at them. Just sayin’.)

We’re wrapping up our fifth DLC, Arktech Revolution, and it transforms the face of the game. We’re adding fifteen perks, raising the EGO cap, adding new pursuits and gear. It has been a titanic undertaking that has altered the way every single fight in the game plays out.

Now ark hunters must balance damage types with armor with spikes, stims, and grenades. Top-tier enemies require teamwork to take down, and enemies all over the game world have learned all sorts of new attacks and strategies.

Welcome to the revolution.

The Power of Promise

Defiance has a lot of expectations to live up to. It’s the first game ever to be tied so closely to a co-developed television show. The promise of two windows into one world really resonates with people and conjures images both amazing and conflicting.

A year ago, we promised to bring players massive co-op gameplay in a living world that was both familiar and alien.

The Day of Reckoning

Much like the apocalypse that destroyed future Earth, thousands of players from diverse platforms and countries descended upon our little world like a horde of ravenous hellbugs. They devoured content at a scale and speed that had to be seen to be believed. And, of course, billions of virtual bullets being fired at literally millions of virtual enemies nearly made our poor servers spit blood.

The Double Launch

We knew we’d soon face a second wave. Two weeks later, the Defiance show would premiere on Syfy, and we had to prepare for a second horde of launch players. Working round the clock and round the globe, our team savaged issues as they arose. Some solutions required hardware, some networking software, and some simply optimizing endless pages code deep in the bowels of our systems. Each day, new issues were fixed and new ones rose. As the game stabilized, we had even more promises to keep.

As the show took off, viewers and players were drawn in by the story of the post-Arkfall world. Players wanted to experience more of this for themselves, and they tore through our story content like bookworms with the munchies. Each week we gave more story and more content. New enemies with improved AI came in with Hellbug Season and the Volge Invasion. Hidden knowledge resided in data recorders which cropped up all around the world. A whole new gameplay mode, sieges, rolled in with a plague which threatened both St. Louis and San Francisco. Players worked with and against characters which crossed over between show and game: Nolan, Irisa, Rynn, and Doc Yewll.

We even launched a mini-expansion during the season which we internally named “Module 0”. It introduced a slew of new features including the main mission replay. Each week brought more stability, more updates, and more content. And it was all free with the price of admission.

Rise of the Castithans

Our first DLC, the Castithan Charge Pack, rolled out shortly after the finale of the first season of the Defiance TV series. We’d all been fascinated by the Castithans and with the culture we’d developed for them alongside David Peterson, the language and culture expert for Defiance. We wanted to offer more than just pale skins to our ark hunters, so the Castithan Charge pack was paired with a series of missions, a new weapon type, and a new gameplay mode and environment.

Meanwhile, as we promised, all DLC is accompanied by content for all of our players. Volge sieges began as the Thorn Liro bared its fangs in Paradise. This brought updated scoring and mechanics to our sieges and to our Volge enemies. The Volge had learned some new tricks. Some, but they were about to learn more.

Raiders of the Fallen Ark

Our second DLC, Arkbreaker, was focused on bringing forth an experience that players had demanded since the premier of the show: climbing into arkfalls. After seeing Nolan and Irisa climb into the arkfall to retrieve the terrasphere, players wanted to do the same.

Building off of the art style from the ark module beneath Presidio Bunker, the Trion team built a series of maps for players to climb into, fight, and pillage. More than that, though, we introduced the Volge Warmaster, Huntmaster, and drones. These all played integral parts in the Arkbreaker content, and, to this day, the Warmaster remains the hardest and most complicated boss in the game.

Like all of our DLCs, we promised to provide content updates for all our players and not just the owners of the DLC. For this, we allowed anyone to participate in events triggered by Arkbreaker owners. Any time an arkbreak starts, any ark hunter can participate. This is massive co-op.

Canadian Space Samurai?

The New Frontier is a weird place. A really weird place. Defiance has long had a Western motif, and nothing borrows with the Western genre as much as the Samurai genre. The biggest example of that were the Seven Samurai and Magnificent Seven films. We wanted to capture that spirit in a DLC, and thus the 7th Legion was born.

7th Legion brought new outfits, new synergies, and new challenges. Our first three part gear synergy cropped up with the 7th Legion, as did a number of uniquely modified guns. These came in handy when facing our new open-world content.

With 7th Legion, the enemies of Paradise began to act on a scale not seen before. Incursions began cropping up in every region, and even Mt. Tam, our beginning region, fell under attack. To handle these massive co-op events, we drastically revamped the voice and text chat systems. Immediately after launch, we could see the results. People were chatting, constantly, and the coordination between our players improved drastically.

Cyberpunk Western

Our players longed for more and more challenging co-op content, and that came in spades with our Gunslinger Trials DLC. The Gunslinger Trials came in with three new mission lines, a slew of new world lore, and a series of grueling co-op arenas. Gunslingers faced these new challenges with a variety of unique new weapons and snazzy new outfits.

Our free content also changed the face of the game. Not only could anybody group up with DLC owners for the Gunslinger arenas, but players were also free to engage with our new scoring system throughout the game world. Finally, all weapons and strategies had something to offer for an ark hunter’s progression. Rewards were not just limited to the players who had the highest DPS or kill rate, but healers and support players could prosper as well.

Children of the Revolution

Our next DLC, Arktech Revolution is our most ambitious to date. By the time you read this, it will be live on our Alpha public test server. For the longest time, we called this update “Hard Mode” and with good reason. Our first arkfall playtest got renamed “Welcome to Murdertown, USA.” We added progression and scaling, and well, we may have tuned it a touch high.

We’ve added the ability to purchase legendary weapons in game, advanced and expert instances, and we’ve nearly drastically increased the number of enemies throughout the game. Many of them have even learned brand new attacks. Let me tell you, they have some game changers in there.

On top of that, Arktech Revolution layers much more value onto damage types and a new mechanic called “Ablative Armor.” With these two mechanics combined, players can finally make real and significant tactical decisions with their gear and loadout customizations.

The Future of Defiance

The Earth Republic and Votanis Collective are gearing up for war. Irisa’s developed inexplicable powers. Karl Von Bach is missing and presumed dead, but there are rumblings that he’s been seen beyond the bounds of Paradise.

There’s more than just story coming ahead. We’ve got a whole slew of updates coming out before and during the second season. We’re getting new enemies, new perks, new features, and the inevitable land expansion. The location has already been telegraphed to those who have been paying careful attention, but I won’t spoil that for you here.

2046 was a hard year for Earth, and 2047 is going to make it look like a cakewalk.

Good hunting.

Trick Dempsey
Creative Lead, Defiance

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The Arktech Revolution Begins April 15

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The Arktech Revolution Begins April 15

The Arktech Revolution is almost upon us! First announced late last March, Defiance’s fifth DLC pack will be available on PC and Xbox 360 on Tuesday, April 15. PlayStation 3 Season Pass holders will have access to Arktech Revolution on April 15 as well. The standalone DLC download will be available on the PlayStation 3 North American store on Tuesday, April 29 and the PlayStation 3 European store on Wednesday, April 30.

Paid Features

  • One Chimera Arktech Kit containing:
    • 1000 Arkforge
    • The “Arktech Revolutionary” title
    • The “Chimera Ark Hunter” outfit
  • Access to the Chimera daily contracts which reward Caeruleum Cores for completing expert tier co-op maps.
    • Additionally, Caeruleum Cores can be acquired in lesser numbers from weekly Paradise contracts.
  • Access to the Chimera vendor, which offers a unique line of legendary weapons and legendary mods purchased using Caeruleum Cores.
  • The Chimera mod synergy.
  • Six new pursuits offering unique titles and EGO rating increases that reward three pieces of legendary equipment:
    • The Chimera Claw (shield).
    • The Chimera Horn (rocket launcher).
    • The Chimera Fang (charge blade).
  • Access to 15 new perks for ark hunters who choose to join Chimera in the Arktech Revolution:
    • Conflagration: Increases damage to health from your incendiary attacks.
    • Flash Point: Increases damage to shields from your incendiary attacks.
    • Heat Shield: Reduces incoming damage from incendiary attacks.
    • Corrosion: Increases damage to armor from your bio attacks.
    • Virulent: Increases armor penetration from your bio attacks.
    • Immunized: Reduces incoming damage from bio attacks.
    • Bloodsucker: Increases health and shield damage stolen from your siphon attacks.
    • Deadly Apparition: Increases damage from your siphon attacks.
    • Strong Soul: Reduces incoming damage from siphon attacks.
    • Live Wire: Increases damage to shields from your electric attacks.
    • Electrical Fire: Increases damage to health from your electric attacks.
    • Grounded: Reduces incoming damage from electric attacks.
    • Gamma Rays: Increases armor penetration from your radiation attacks.
    • Radiation Burns: Increases damage from your radiation attacks.
    • Lead Lined: Reduces incoming damage from radiation attacks.

Free Features

  • EGO Rating Cap Increased
    • While you’ve been hunting and modding the finest extraterrestrial equipment arkfalls can provide, your EGO has been working on upgrades of its own.
  • EGO Rating Progression
    • For ark hunters, a higher EGO rating will now impart a much larger effect on damage, health, and shield capacity. Similarly, the damage output of weapons will now scale based on their power rating.
  • New Enemy Difficulty Tiers
    • In addition to the difference between standard and elite enemies being more pronounced, new enemy difficulty tiers featuring enhanced abilities and updated designs will be introduced.
    • Now that enemies scale in difficulty, “elites” as a designation for all mobs no longer exists. Instead, different types of mobs have different prefixes depending on their difficulty tier:
      • Hellbugs, Scrappers, Infected
        • Adapted, Superior, Evolved, Apex
      • Mutants, Raiders, Dark Matter
        • Experienced, Veteran, Hardened, Formidable
      • Volge, 99ers
        • Reinforced, Enhanced, Augmented, Ark
  • Expert Co-Op Maps
    • Team up with your fellow ark hunters to tackle new expert versions of all co-op maps featuring the new enemy difficulty tiers! Defeating these challenging instances will not only reward you boasting rights but also new special tokens that can be spent to purchase legendary weapons and mods directly from certain vendors.
  • Dynamic Event Scaling
    • Events will now dynamically adjust their difficulty based on the players participating in or joining them. Low EGO rating players will be able to stand in fights with these high-level foes by means of a special temporary buff.
  • Damage Type Overhaul
    • Defiance’s weapons damage types are getting a major overhaul to increase their impact on gameplay.
  • Armor Plates
    • Armor is a new damage-mitigating buff granted passively by shield equipment and temporarily by perks, stims, or spikes. Unlike shields, armor does not regenerate when excessive damage breaks it but it can be repaired at extraction points.
    • Armor repair stations have appeared all over the Bay Area. Travel to any fast travel point to find a station.
    • Two new stims have been added: armor repair and ablative armor.
  • Universal Grenade, Spike, and Stim Charges
    • As of Arktech Revolution, enemies will drop universal consumables (called “charges”) of each type that refill one use of the specificied item type in your current loadout. Can’t carry any more of that item? Don’t fret: you’ll automatically salvage any excess charges upon picking it up.

Game Updates

  • A number of perks have been rebalanced to match new armor and scaling mechanics:
    • Trait: Detachment – Now adds between 1 and 3 plates of ablative armor.
    • Trait: Juggernaut – Now adds between 2 and 4 plates of ablative armor.
    • Trait: Thick Skinned Basic Description – Now adds between 3 plates of ablative armor.
    • Trait: Time Out – Added 15 second cooldown.
    • Trait: In the Trenches – Drastically reduced effectiveness.
    • Trait: Fortitude – Changed to a percent of health rather than a flat number.
    • Trait: Rear Guard – Drastically reduced effectiveness.
  • Replaced Reset Weapon Mastery XP with Reroll Weapon Mastery bonus.
  • Players now gain weapon skill when using mastered weapons.
  • Added Upgrade rating to salvage matrix.
  • Personal and group boosts are now play time based instead of absolute time based. Clan boosts are still absolute time based. Any previously bought absolute time based boosts will still work.
  • Protection spikes have been adjusted. They now provide ablative armor. Also, blue protection spike are now less ludicrous.
  • Vendor changes:
    • Removed Vendors from Eastshore Docks (there was no Fast Travel there).
    • Paradise Vendor is now located at Iron Demon Ranch with easy access via Fast Travel.
    • Chimera Vendor (new for DLC5) is located at Headland Transit Depot, it is in place of the Mod Vendor that was there.
    • Legendary weapons now cost 10 rep, 20 token, and 1,000 scrip.
  • The Epic Mod Hoard has had its price adjusted, to bring it in line with the other 3 vendors due to the new Paradise contracts.
  • The Warmaster has been updated to challenge even high-rating ark hunters.
  • Teamwork points can now be gained from damaging shields.
  • Destroyed turrets no longer grant Opportunist points.
  • The game now displays “Teamwork Max” or “Opportunist Max” if the points cap is reached.

Want to know more about Arktech Revolution? Read Creative Lead Trick Dempsey’s in-depth article on how EGO is changing in this DLC and what it means for ark hunters, their equipment, and their foes.

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Defiance Arktech Revolution DLC Out Now

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Arktech Revolution Out Now

The revolution is underway! Dive into new expert events and co-op maps, contracts, pursuits and more with the Defiance Arktech Revolution DLC pack. Hunt advanced enemies with legendary weapons and mods from Chimera, a rising force in the underground arms trade, and fifteen new nano-effect EGO perks. Only the best-equipped will survive! Get it now or click here to learn more!

* All Season Pass holders have received automatic access to Arktech Revolution on their platform of choice. Non-Season Pass holders playing on the PlayStation 3 can purchase the DLC pack April 29 in North America and April 30 in Europe.

Free Content

Arktech Revolution launches with game-changing features for all players including a new EGO Rating progression system, dynamic scaling events, enemy difficulty tiers, expert co-op maps, and more. Read more about the changes here.

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Defiance Season One Streaming Free on Amazon Prime

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Defiance Season One Streaming Free on Amazon Prime

Prepare for the next season of Defiance with Season 1 on Amazon Prime! Enjoy all twelve episodes and the “Making of Defiance” featurette streaming on Prime Instant Video, available free for Amazon Prime customers. Missed an episode? Need a rewatch? Get caught up today!

Before Season 2 premieres on June 19 at 8:00 PM Eastern and Pacific on Syfy (US) and 10:00 PM Eastern and Pacific on Showcase (Canada), be sure to also watch the Defiance: The Lost Ones minisodes. This five-part miniseries picks up where Season 1 left off and leads directly into Season 2.

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New Crossover Storyline Coming: Cradle to Grave

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New Crossover Storyline Coming: Cradle to Grave

Ark hunters, load your weapons! The first of our new crossover storylines is coming to Defiance in the next couple weeks. The world of Defiance is rocked when the hope of Tranquility, the first Earthling-Votan hybrid on record, lies dying in Eren’s emergency facility. As you track down the half-human and half-Irathient crossbreed’s medical history, you’ll quickly discover other forces are working to cover them up for a dark purpose.

It’d seem Amanda had good reason to ask if Irisa was a half-breed Irathient (rest assured, she’s a true blood). The Cradle to Grave storyline is coming to Defiance next week and will be available free to all players! Still need to get caught up on the first season of Defiance? Read up on how you can watch the entire first season for free as an Amazon Prime member!

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Defiance Free-to-Play Arrives June 4!

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Defiance Free-to-Play Arrives June 4!

Ark hunters,

Fuel up your roller and stock up on ammo because your world is about to get a whole lot bigger: just in time for Season 2 of the Syfy series, an entire planet’s worth of EGO users, arkfall chasers, and most importantly Defiance fans are joining the fray!

Today we’re excited to announce that Trion Worlds’ post-apocalyptic massively co-op online cyberwestern shooter will be adding a new descriptor to its already meaty description: Defiance is going to become free-to-play. Starting June 4 on PC and mid-July on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, players will be able to download the Defiance client and experience the entire Bay Area storyline, original end-game content, and future missions completely for free. This may be cause for some concern from our current ark hunters, and that’s understandable as we haven’t detailed how we’re going to treat you, our frontier pioneers, like the wasteland kings and queens you are.

You’ll be glad to hear that all Defiance owners (existing badland adventurers such as yourselves) will enjoy more of everything than the greenhorns emerging from dropships and taking their first shaky footsteps in the Bay Area. You’ll continue to enjoy more character slots, loadouts, ark keycode capacity, and inventory slots than free-to-play accounts. For those looking to expand what they already have, we’ll even be offering increases to these limits.

Additionally, all players who purchased a boxed or digital copy of Defiance will receive a one-time grant of 1,000 Arkforge, redeemable for resetting weapon mastery, upgrading your weapon’s power rating, or even bumping an uncommon weapon to epic rarity. But we’re not done yet! Our veteran ark hunters will also enjoy 30 days of Paradise Patron status when Defiance begins its free-to-play service. Paradise Patrons receive:

  • Boosts to skill, XP, scrip, salvage, and reputation gain rates that stack with boosts available in the store.
  • 10% store-wide discount on boosts, costumes, lock boxes – all of it!
  • A daily grab bag of two-hour boosts.
  • Arkforge from Daily and Weekly Ark Hunter Bonus Lock Boxes. (Playing on Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3? Be sure to link your account to get this bonus!)

With RIFT, ArcheAge, and Trove, our free-to-play policy is simple: “No Tricks, No Traps” – and you better believe Defiance will follow that mantra as well. That means we aren’t designing Defiance in such a way where spending real-world money in the game’s store is necessary to progress or to win. Look forward to free crossover content throughout Season 2!

Still have questions about this change? Be sure to tune in to our Twitch livestream on Friday where Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman field questions you have about what this means for the game and our development plans moving forward. We’ve also published a detailed comparison of benefits veteran adventurers will enjoy versus new recruits. Lastly, we have lots planned for Defiance once free-to-play arrives and look forward to revealing what’s in store!

Welcome to the new age of freedom, veteran ark hunters! We’re glad you’re with us for this next chapter in the story of Defiance. Paradise is about to get an arkfall’s worth of new residents!

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Defiance Free-to-Play: Livestream Q&A

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Defiance Free-to-Play: Livestream Q&A

Join Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Community Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel today for a Defiance community Q&A livestream about this week’s announcement that Defiance will be transitioning to a free-to-play model starting June 4. We’ll harvest questions from the forums and answer them live on the broadcast while we showcase some of the new features we’re adding to the game in the coming weeks and months.

Defiance Free-to-Play: Livestream Q&A
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: 2:00 PM Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes

After addressing popular questions from the forums, we’ll field questions from the livestream chat. Remember to stick around until the end when three lucky, random livestream viewers will each be granted in-game Defiance prizes. See you on Twitch!

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Special Gear Raises Funds for Doctors Without Borders

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Special Gear Raises Funds for Doctors Without Borders

We can’t imagine a better way to kick off spring than supporting Doctors Without Borders with a new charity promotion.

Chances are good you’ve heard of their Nobel Peace Prize-winning efforts to bring health care to people in crisis: Doctors Without Borders physicians and support staff race to medical humanitarian emergencies while doing life-saving work in nearly 70 countries across the world.

And it’s easy to help! This month (5/1 – 5/31), when you buy the new Defiance Lab Coat, we’ll donate all proceeds ($8) to Doctors Without Borders.

The lab coat (previewed above) is available now at the in-game store, and a fancy new head mirror is also available to accompany. If you’d like to make a direct donation to Doctors Without Borders, just visit

* Trion Worlds, Inc. will donate $8 USD from the sale of each new Defiance Lab Coat to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), worldwide (excluding Alabama, Massachusetts, and Mississippi), between 12:00am PDT May 1, 2014 through 11:59pm PDT May 31, 2014. This contribution is not tax deductible. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization located 333 7th Avenue, New York, NY 10001-5004.

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Cradle to Grave: Livestream Demonstration

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Cradle to Grave: Livestream Demonstration

Join Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Community Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel today for an exploration of Defiance’s upcoming crossover storyline, Cradle to Grave. We’ll be showcasing the first mission of the series and then announcing its release date.

Cradle to Grave: Livestream Demonstration
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Friday, May 16 at 1:30 PM Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes

After the demonstration, we’ll field questions from the livestream chat. Remember to stick around until the end when three lucky, random livestream viewers will each be granted a Powertech Lock Box. See you on Twitch!

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Cradle to Grave Crossover Missions Now Available

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Cradle to Grave Crossover Missions Now Available

Eren needs your help, ark hunters! The first Earthling-Votan hybrid on record, colloquially known as the hope of Tranquility, is dying in her emergency facility. She needs you to track down the half-human and half-Irathient crossbreed’s medical history, STAT!

This crossover storyline, Cradle to Grave, affects the entire Defiance universe and is available now, free to all players! Still need to get caught up on the first season of Defiance? Watch the entire first season for free as an Amazon Prime member!

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Upcoming Crossover Storyline: Stahma’s Interests

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Upcoming Crossover Storyline: Stahma’s Interests

You uncovered the conspiracy surrounding the first Earthling-Votan hybrid in Cradle to Grave, now get ready for our second crossover storyline: Stahma’s Interests.

This new in-game mission series marks Stahma’s first appearance in the game and tasks you with overseeing a Tarr family cargo shipment for Varus. When things don’t go as planned, what should be a simple escort mission spirals out of control. As you chase down Varus’ foes, you’ll discover secrets about the Tarr family and an all-new in-game environment!

The Stahma’s Interests storyline is coming to Defiance next week and will be available free to all players. Log in Monday, June 2 to get a preview of what’s to come in Season 2 of the show!

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Last Chance to Lock In Pre-Free-to-Play Rewards!

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Last Chance to Lock In Pre-Free-to-Play Rewards!

New recruits and future ark hunters, today is your last chance to lock in great bonuses at the launch of Defiance Free-to-Play! Pick up a digital or box copy of Defiance to claim the following benefits over standard free-to-play accounts:

  • Character Slots: 4
  • Loadouts: 5
  • Ark Keycode Maximum: 75
  • Inventory Slots: 70
  • 30-Day Paradise Patron Pass
  • 1000 Arkforge, used to refine and upgrade weapons.

Owning a copy also grants the in-game title “Old School”, exclusive to ark hunters who bought Defiance before June 4! Click here for more information on Defiance Free-to-Play and Paradise Patron bonuses.

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Stahma’s Interests Crossover Storyline Now Available

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Stahma’s Interests Crossover Storyline Now Available

Stahma Tarr is in town and Varus has a job for you to escort her family’s cargo shipment through the Bay Area. Defiance’s second crossover storyline, Stahma’s Interests, marks Stahma’s first appearance in the game and gives you the opportunity to discover secrets about the Tarr family when what should be a simple escort mission goes very wrong.

The Stahma’s Interests storyline is available now in-game, free to all players. Log in to get a preview of what’s to come in Season 2 of the show!

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Get Your Games With Glyph!

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We are excited to announce the launch of Glyph, a new digital client for PC games! As a player, Glyph unifies all of Trion’s games into a single client and introduces new features and conveniences:

  • Remembers you between sessions; no more logging in and out multiple times
  • Shows the latest blogs, news stories, and patch notes
  • Shows you the size of the download before you begin downloading
  • Downtime integration; you’ll know if a server is down from the main screen
  • And more great features on the way!

Glyph also integrates more incredible games from hand-picked developers and well-known global studios. You can now purchase the first titles released through Glyph, including:

  • Banner Saga
  • Book of Unwritten Tales Deluxe
  • Dungeon of Elements
  • The Raven Deluxe
  • Reignmaker
  • Wasteland 2 (Early Access)

Download Glyph Now!

To keep up with the latest DRM-free games added to Glyph, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We’re also just a click away with the new Glyph client, so let’s get ready to get our game on!

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Defiance is Free to Play!

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Defiance is Free to Play!

Strap in, ark hunters: Defiance is now free-to-play on PC! Check out the NSFW Defiance Free-to-Play launch trailer:

Earn your stripes as a new recruit fighting for the future of Earth (or return as a seasoned veteran!) and prepare for a whole new season of free crossover content between the game and the show:

  • Download Defiance today and battle through the entire Bay Area storyline.
  • Get ready for Season 2 with new crossover storyline missions following Stahma and Nolan. (Cradle to Grave and Stahma’s Interests are now available!)
  • Learn more about Defiance Free-to-Play from our our preview page and overview.
  • Read up on the changes that Patch 2.0 (The NSFW Patch) brings to Defiance.
  • Stay tuned for the Season 2 TV debut June 19 on Syfy at 8:00 PM ET/PT (7:00 PM CT) in the U.S., and on Showcase at 10:00 PM ET/PT in Canada. (Or catch the premiere June 20 in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Australia – check your local listings for details!)

Defiance will be going free-to-play on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on July 15. Click here to download Defiance and become an ark hunter!

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Defiance Free-to-Play Livestream

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Defiance Free-to-Play Livestream

Join Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Community Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel for a Defiance livestream about the game’s transition to a free-to-play model on PC this week. We’ll discuss Season Two crossover content, how Defiance has changed with Patch 2.0, and will reveal a pair of special guests coming to our next livestream while running incursions and sieges with new and veteran ark hunters in-game.

Defiance Free-to-Play Livestream
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Friday, June 6 at 1:30 PM Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes

After the demonstration, we’ll field questions from the livestream chat. Remember to stick around until the end when three lucky, random livestream viewers will each be granted a Powertech Lock Box. See you on Twitch!

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Defiance Season 2 Livestream with Grant Bowler and Jaime Murray

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Defiance Season 2 Livestream with Grant Bowler and Jaime Murray

Meet special guests Grant Bowler (Joshua Nolan) and Jaime Murray (Stahma Tarr), stars of Defiance on Syfy, on a unique Trion Worlds livestream! Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Community Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman will asking them YOUR questions about the game, the show, and their acting experiences in both on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel. Be sure to play the Stahma’s Interests and Cradle to Grave crossover storyline missions in-game, then post your questions for Grant and Jamie on the forums!

Defiance Season 2 Livestream with Grant Bowler and Jaime Murray
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Monday, June 16 at 4:00 PM Pacific
Duration: 45-60 minutes

Remember to stick around until the end when three lucky, random livestream viewers will each be granted in-game rewards. See you on Twitch!

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Nolan Returns in Upcoming Crossover Storyline

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Nolan Returns in Upcoming Crossover Storyline

Following hot on the heels of Cradle to Grave and Stahma’s Interests storyline missions, Nolan returns to Paradise in new crossover content leading into the Season 2 television debut on Syfy.

Someone has set up a Votan trafficking ring in the Bay Area, and Cooper wants it shut down. Meanwhile, Nolan’s search for Irisa brings him ever closer to Paradise. Could these disappearances be connected? Find out next week! The Nolan Returns storyline is coming to Defiance next week and will be available free to all players. Log in Monday, June 16 to get a preview of what’s to come in Season 2 of the show and be sure to post your questions for our livestream with Grant Bowler and Jamie Murray happening that same day!

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Defiance Season 2 Starts Next Week

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Defiance Season 2 Starts Next Week

Defiance returns to TV next week: Watch the premiere live on Syfy on June 19 at 8:00 PM Eastern and Pacific (7:00 PM Central) in the United States or on Showcase at 10:00 PM Eastern and Pacific in Canada.

Each episode will air a unique code for free game loot, but the codes are limited-time offers – watch live and get ’em while they’re hot!

Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

  • Australia/Brazil/Germany/Latin America: Season 2 premieres Friday, June 20 at 21:00, only on Syfy.
  • Spain: Season 2 premieres Friday, June 20 at 21:30, only on Syfy.
  • France/UK: Season 2 airs on Syfy this September.

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Defiant Few Durango Challenges Now Available

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Defiant Few Durango Challenges Now Available

Ark hunters, start your engines! Two new races are now available in Defiance: the Defiant Few Durango Challenge: Paradise and Defiant Few Durango Challenge: Madera. As the names suggest, these races introduce the Dodge Durango as a new race-only vehicle. Winning gold, silver, or bronze will reward prizes of scrip and experience in tiered amounts.

Best of luck at the races! The Durango will be available as a purchasable vehicle from the Defiant Few Vendor during Season 2.

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Nolan Returns Crossover Storyline Now Available

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Nolan Returns Crossover Storyline Now Available

Nolan has returned to Paradise in new crossover content leading into the Season 2 TV debut! Log in today and learn more about Nolan’s search for Irisa as you help him track clues and investigate a Votan trafficking ring in the New Frontier.

Catch up on all the pre-season crossover content with special Cradle to Grave and Stahma’s Interests storylines, but do it fast: Defiance Season 2 returns to TV this week! Watch the premiere live on Syfy on June 19 at 8:00 PM Eastern and Pacific (7:00 PM Central) in the United States or on Showcase at 10:00 PM Eastern and Pacific in Canada.

For listings outside North America, see our preview post!

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Defiance Season 2 Premiere Airs This Week

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Defiance Season 2 Starts Next Week

The original hit TV series returns this week for an all new-season! Each episode will air a unique code for free game loot during the live broadcast.

Tune in for the premiere live on Syfy this Thursday, June 19 at 8/7c in the U.S. or on Showcase at 10:00 PM ET/PT in Canada. Watch for the first EGO code and redeem it for in-game rewards at – these codes are limited-time offers so redeem them while they’re hot!

Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

  • Australia/Brazil/Germany/Latin America: Season 2 premieres Friday, June 20 at 21:00, only on Syfy.
  • Spain: Season 2 premieres Friday, June 20 at 21:30, only on Syfy.
  • France/UK: Season 2 airs on Syfy this September.

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Producer Letter: Defiance Season 2 Kickoff

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Producer Letter: Defiance Season 2 Kickoff

My fellow ark hunters,

It’s been an exciting year in Paradise. The Tarr family has expanded its operations into the Bay Area, Dark Matter operations in Tranquility have been thwarted, and now the thief, Josh Nolan, has been involved in the downfall of a Votan trafficking ring. Interesting times.

But there are more interesting times ahead.

Starting with the Gunslinger Trials, we began to drop hints of the dire events occurring in Silicon Valley. Von Bach Industries has research labs in the valley, but communication with these remote facilities has been disrupted for months now. It won’t be long before the troubles there come spilling out into the rest of the bay.

To give you an idea, here’s the state of one of the labs.

So, yeah. That can’t be good.

Now that the stage is set, our Season 2 storyline can begin in earnest. We’ve got a lot of content coming out over the next three months: new missions, new gear, a new vehicle, and a new landmass. The New Frontier will never be the same!

Season 2 Preview: The Grid

New enemy factions are coming to the Bay Area. When the Grid first appear, they’ll seem to be just another deadly curiosity on the New Frontier. In short order, however, they will become the focus of events that will embroil the bay in violence. You see, something bad is happening in the ark belt … and on our quiet planet below. As events in St. Louis and in San Francisco reveal startling similarities, you’ll realize no one will escape the conflict to come without sacrificing something they hold dear.

It’s a good thing that we’ve got a lot of fresh blood coming to the bay to face off against these new enemies. The NSFW update brought a horde of new ark hunters to Von Bach Industries’ Bay Area expedition. They may be a little green, but they are still hunting shoulder to shoulder with the best talent the bay has to offer.

If Paradise is to survive, it will need all the fresh blood the New Frontier can offer. Silicon Valley is overrun by the Grid, and a strange new cult has begun to take root in the bay. New missions, new battles, and new technology beckon brave souls to gamble with their lives. Whether for righteousness, fortune, or glory, it’s time to suit up, ark hunters, and battle your way into Season 2!

Good hunting!

Trick Dempsey
Creative Lead, Defiance

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Defiance Crossover Livestream: “The Opposite of Hallelujah”

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Join Producer Rich “Phantasie” Barnes and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel for our first post-episode Defiance livestream about the crossover with “The Opposite of Hallelujah”, the Season 2 premiere episode. We’ll discuss Creative Lead Trick Dempsey’s Producer Letter that revealed Defiance’s new landmass and enemy faction while demonstrating the new Nolan Returns crossover mission storyline.

Defiance Crossover Livestream: “The Opposite of Hallelujah”
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Friday, June 20 at 3:00 PM Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes

Remember to stick around until the end when three lucky, random livestream viewers will each be granted in-game loot. See you on Twitch!

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Notice: Shrill Grenades Found in Bay Area

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Notice: Shrill Grenades Now Found in Bay Area

Reports are coming in from reliable ark hunters that VBI-manufactured shrill grenades have found their way to certain enterprising vendors in the Bay Area. These relics of the Pale Wars are not your standard munitions: they’re packed with low-yield explosives and resilient shrill larvae. These voracious alien spores burrow into their food (read: exposed flesh), penetrating armor plates and robbing the victim wearing them of their damage-mitigating properties.

Shrill grenades are considered “dirty” biological weapons and the parasite-laden bombs have historically been used for terrorist purposes. Ark hunters who find themselves in possession of these explosives should be keenly aware: shrill larvae do not discriminate who they feed on and will gladly feast on the foolish who clumsily stumble into their own grenade’s area of effect. Consider this a strong warning to those who decide to add them to their arsenals!

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Watch Episode 2 This Week, Preview it Now

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No secret is safe in the second episode of Defiance Season 2! Watch it live on Syfy this Thursday, June 26 at 8/7c in the U.S. or on Showcase at 10pm ET/PT in Canada and keep an eye out for our second live-broadcast EGO code. You can redeem it for an explosive new prize at!

Watch the preview and sneak peek now!

Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

  • Australia/Brazil/Germany/Latin America: Season 2 premieres Friday, June 27 at 21:00, only on Syfy.
  • Spain: Season 2 premieres Friday, June 27 at 21:30, only on Syfy.
  • France/UK: Season 2 airs on Syfy this September.

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Defiance Crossover Livestream: “In My Secret Life”

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Join Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel for our post-episode Defiance livestream series where we’ll be discussing the game’s crossover with “In My Secret Life”, the second episode of Season 2. We’ll be showing off the latest Bay Area fashions, discussing the dangers of shrill grenades, and revealing details about what’s coming to the game (and show) next.

Defiance Crossover Livestream: “In My Secret Life”
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Friday, June 27 at 3:00 PM Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes

Remember to stick around until the end when three lucky, random livestream viewers will each be granted in-game loot. See you on Twitch!

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Alert: Grid Emergencies Across Paradise

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Ark hunters, be on your guard! Sources are reporting multiple emergency situations across Paradise. The reports themselves are alarming: bipedal mechanoids are assimilating the citizens of the Bay Area. We don’t know much about them, only that locals are calling them “The Grid” and that they have the ability to command foes to fight for them.

So far, ark hunters have reported that groups of 99ers, raiders, and even non-combatant ranchers are under attack from the Grid at this moment. The Bay Area needs your help, but be careful: these foes can convert anything, even roaming hellbugs, to do their bidding. ark hunters. Be safe out there!

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New Fashion on the New Frontier

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New Fashion on the New Frontier

Dress the part for Season 2 with the latest frontier fashions including Nolan’s and Irisa’s new outfits, plus a bonafide E-Rep uniform! See them in action in Season 2 of the Defiance TV show and get them for yourself at the Bit Store in-game.

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Watch Episode 3 Tonight, Preview It Now

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Watch Episode 3 Tonight, Preview It Now

Irisa’s terrifying black-outs escalate in the next episode of Defiance, “The Cord and the Ax”, coinciding with reports of mysterious (and hostile) mechanoids appearing in-game. Meanwhile, Stahma must face her most formidable enemy – her husband!

Watch it live tonight on Syfy at 8/7c in the U.S. or on Showcase at 10pm ET/PT in Canada and keep an eye out for our third live-broadcast loot code. Redeem it for a new in-game reward at, and log in to battle a new menace across the Bay Area!

Can’t wait? Watch the preview and sneak peek now!

Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

  • Australia/Brazil/Germany/Latin America: Episode 3 debuts Friday, July 4 at 21:00, only on Syfy.
  • Spain: Episode 3 debuts Friday, July 4 at 21:30, only on Syfy.
  • France/UK: Season 2 airs on Syfy this September.

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Defiance Community Q&A: July 3

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Defiance Community Q&A: July 3

While we’re skipping our weekly Defiance Crossover livestream today due to the holiday, we’ve answered a set of burning questions from the community on the official forums. Big thanks to Etaew of for diligently updating his top Defiance questions threads!

We’ll pick up the livestream series next Friday, until then check out our responses and continue sharing your feedback and asking questions on the forums – we want to hear them!

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Defiance Raider Masks Now Available

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Defiance Raider Masks Now Available

Watched the teaser trailer for the next episode of Defiance and coveted the raider masks it revealed? Good news: you can get them in-game and be the envy of every raider in the Bay Area!

We’ve added two new cosmetic headgear, Mask of Baphomet and Smiling Menace, soon to be featured on the fourth episode of Defiance Season 2, “Beasts of Burden”. You can find them on the Bit Store and strike fear in the hearts of those who would pillage and destroy the frontier. The third raider mask, Shotgun Murderface, will appear in-game when it makes an appearance during this week’s episode.

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Warmaster Event Changes in Defiance 2.1

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Warmaster Event Changes in Defiance 2.1

Ark hunters,

We’re releasing an update to the Warmaster instance to address social dynamics inside the event. Feedback from players fell into two broad categories: those that break locks and those that do not.

Lock breakers break the Warmaster locks at the first opportunity, valuing their play time, entertainment, and the moment-to-moment rewards that come from constant action. They are playing Defiance for a limited time each day and they are guided by which events are active in the game. Every part of the user interface supports this play method. Indicators and EGO instructions push these players forward, and they reap great rewards during their time. Lock breakers constitute a vast majority of players.

Lock keepers seek to prolong the lock-breaking step until the number of players inside the Warmaster event meets or exceeds 24 players, often using chat and weapon intimidation to dissuade others in the instance. These players value resources over time and aim to earn the legendary weapon drops from the Warmaster at all costs. Additionally, these players tend to have an extremely limited scope for value on items; anything that is not part of a predetermined list is deemed entirely worthless. These players are extremely active on the forums and in-game, but still constitute a small minority of players.

Here is how we are updating the event: When the last Volge in the upper level of the arkbreak is killed, the objective to open the vents appears. That objective now has a 30-second countdown. At that point, the vents will open themselves and the cage will appear in the room below. When the cage spawns, it begins a 3-minute countdown. During this countdown, the locks may be destroyed as normal. However, when the countdown completes, the locks shatter and the Warmaster is released. To be clear, from the moment the last Volge is killed in the lobby, there is a maximum of 3.5 minutes before the Warmaster fight starts.

This puts the game’s mechanics in line with the interface indicators in the game and the instructions from EGO. Once inside the Warmaster event, players will proceed to its end in 10 to 15 minutes, thus freeing them to pursue their next adventure in a timely manner. Players aiming to maximize their chances to earn legendary gear or Warmaster kills now have the onus put on them to organize their teams before entering the event. They need to prepare their plans, leader designations, and group/friend invites such that they can execute them quickly. We are not, at this time, removing the exploit that allows players to exceed the event’s 24-player maximum, but we are requiring teams that wish to do so to achieve this in a timely fashion.

While lock keepers are not necessarily playing the Warmaster instance incorrectly, this is not how the event was designed to be played. This change prevents them from holding an in-progress event hostage and allows the instance to progress as designed. Players who progress the Warmaster fight are not and have not been “griefers” as they are doing what the game has literally told them to do. We’ll continue to monitor feedback about the Warmaster event and this latest change, so please share your constructive experience-based insights with us on the forums.

Good hunting,

Creative Lead Trick Dempsey

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Preview Defiance Episode 4: Beast of Burden

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Preview Defiance Episode 4: Beast of Burden

In the next episode of Defiance, Datak makes moves to reclaim his empire while Pottinger’s caravan is viciously attacked. Watch the preview and sneak peek, then tune in live this Thursday, July 10 at 8/7c on Syfy or 10pm ET/PT on Showcase to find our fourth live-broadcast EGO code and redeem it for a new in-game reward at

Face (of) the Enemy

While you’re watching, keep an eye out for new raider masks now available at the in-game store. Get your own to sow fear across the new frontier!

Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

  • Australia/Brazil/Germany/Latin America: Episode 4 debuts Friday, July 11 at 21:00, only on Syfy.
  • Spain: Episode 4 debuts Friday, July 11 at 21:30, only on Syfy.
  • France/UK: Season 2 airs on Syfy this September.

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New Alter EGO Crossover Missions Incoming

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New Alter EGO Crossover Missions Incoming

This content will be available on Monday, July 14, at 12:00 PM PDT.

Ark hunters,

I’ve heard the strangest radio message coming out of San Francisco. Let’s give it a listen…

“For all those who have fought and struggled on this New Frontier. I have discovered a way for you to survive, to thrive, and to escape the fear of death. Join me in Silicon Valley, and I will show you the way to a new life.”

The speaker, for all the world, sounds like Karl Von Bach, but he’s dead. Right?

This announcement as shaken the pillars of Von Bach Industries and their CEO, Azumi Yoshida, is recruiting ark hunters to determine the origin of the message. If Karl Von Bach is alive, there will be hell to pay back East.

Something else troubles Azumi. Something far worse than the resurrection of her old friend and boss. Rumor has it that this Von Bach is giving out EGO implants to anyone who asks. Karl Von Bach insisted on a rigorous testing regimen for the ark hunters in the Bay Area Expedition, and he refused to give combat-capable EGOs to anyone else. The Earth Republic military has long desired to have access to VBI EGO implants. The actions of this Karl Von Bach are very different from his pre-resurrection predecessor.

The investigation of these strange events will provide a window into the history of the EGO, the capabilities of the Grid, and even a new social movement appearing in the world.

Good hunting,

Creative Lead Trick Dempsey

Due to ongoing issues with the Xbox 360 patch, this content will be delayed on that platform. We’ll update with more details when we have them. If you are having patching issues on Xbox 360, see this post: Xbox 2.100 Patch Update

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Defiance Crossover Livestream: “Beast of Burden”

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Join Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel for our post-episode Defiance livestream series where we’ll be discussing the game’s crossover with “Beast of Burden” and “The Cord and The Ax” (which was skipped due to last week’s holiday), the third and fourth episodes of Season 2. We’ll be demonstrating the new changes to the Warmaster instance, demonstrating how mission lines can now be restarted, showing off the new raider masks, and revealing details about next week’s new missions and Grid enemies.

Defiance Crossover Livestream: “Beast of Burden”
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Friday, July 11 at 3:00 PM Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes

Remember to stick around until the end when three lucky, random livestream viewers will each be granted in-game loot. See you on Twitch!

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Defiance Free-to-Play on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 Delayed

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Defiance Free-to-Play on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 Delayed

Ark hunters,

After careful deliberation, the development team has decided to postpone the launch of Defiance Free-to-Play on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, originally targeted for July 15. A significant factor contributing to this delay is that we want to ensure a stable launch.

As you’ve seen or possibly experienced this week, we’ve been having stability issues with our console platforms. The team is working on a number of game additions as part of its crossover with Season 2 of the Defiance TV show and the latest build has negatively impacted game stability. Our programmers are working on addressing these issues.

While we don’t have a new ETA for the transition to free-to-play on console, please know that this is a priority fix for us, as we are eager to welcome fans on all platforms to the new Defiance experience. We will provide updates on our progress toward the Free-to-Play launch on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 as they are available. Thanks for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure a stable and successful launch on console.

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New Crossover Missions: Finding Karl Von Bach

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New Missions, New EGO: The Return of Karl Von Bach

Attention ark hunters: Karl Von Bach, missing scientist-CEO of Von Bach Industries, has turned up alive at Twin Peaks station. He appears to have conquered death itself and is offering to share his secrets in the form of a new, free EGO for all takers.

VBI is anxious to confirm Von Bach’s identity and investigate his offer in a series of new missions now available in-game. Log in today to help Azumi Yoshida in a developing storyline with implications for both the game and show, and tune in to Syfy Thursdays at 8/7c to watch as new crossover events unfold!

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Glyph is Coming to Defiance!

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Glyph is Coming to Defiance!

On July 16, Defiance will be upgrading to Glyph! When you log in on or after July 16, 2014, your Defiance patcher will automatically upgrade itself to Glyph. You can also download Glyph now and take advantage of all of its new features today.

Glyph includes the twin benefits of login persistence and easy access to all of Trion’s great games (along with those of our select partners). With Glyph you spend less time logging in and more time playing! You can also access a variety of helpful options, such as easy access to purchasing Paradise Patron time and Credits.

For more information, please see the Glyph launcher FAQ below:

  1. When will the transition to Glyph take place?
    Your launcher will automatically upgrade itself the next time it runs on or after July 16, 2014.
  2. Can I download Glyph now?
    Yes, Glyph is available here.
  3. Is the change to Glyph mandatory?
    Yes. You may not know this, but under the hood, the Glyph client is an upgraded version of the exact patcher you use today. As with any patcher rollout, all users upgrade at the same time.
  4. I’m happy with the current Defiance launcher. Why are you making this change?
    Glyph allows us to build a better launcher for all our games, and lets you manage all your Trion games in a single digital hub, all while maintaining the same quality and ease of use the Defiance launcher currently offers.
  5. I log in to Defiance through Steam, will this change impact me?
    You’ll notice that your patcher gets a new look as it upgrades to the latest version. Enjoy!
  6. Do I need to keep the Glyph launcher running after I’ve launched Defiance?
    No, you can launch Defiance and then close Glyph if you choose.
  7. I like to run multiple instances of Defiance on my computer. Can I still do this with Glyph?
    Yes. Launch Defiance from Glyph, then log in the additional account you wish to launch Defiance with, and launch Defiance again. You’ll remain logged in with each account you had active at the time you launched Defiance until you close that instance of the game.
  8. What are the operating system requirements for Glyph?
    Glyph runs on Windows XP with Service Pack 2 installed and later versions of Windows.

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Preview Defiance Episode 5: Putting the Damage On

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Preview Defiance Episode 5: Putting the Damage On

In the next episode of Defiance, Amanda is terrorized by a stalker, but the true reasons behind her frightening experiences have far-reaching ramifications for other residents in town. Watch the preview and sneak peek, then tune in live this Thursday, July 17 at 8/7c on Syfy or 10pm ET/PT on Showcase to find our fifth live-broadcast EGO code and redeem it for a new in-game reward at

Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

  • Australia/Brazil/Germany/Latin America: Episode 5 debuts Friday, July 18 at 21:00, only on Syfy.
  • Spain: Episode 5 debuts Friday, July 18 at 21:30, only on Syfy.
  • France/UK: Season 2 airs on Syfy this September.

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Defiance Fashion Sale: Cosmetic Items on Bit Store Discounted

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Defiance Season 2 fashions are 50% off!

Noticed the new pricing on the Bit Store? No, it’s not Von Bach’s divergent EGO at work.

For a limited time, we’ve dropped the prices of cosmetic items on the in-game Bit Store. Now’s your chance to claim that headgear and costume you’ve been coveting at 20% to 50% off their normal prices. Even the new Season 2 outfits! Varus Soleptor may not agree with this fashion sale but we’ve heard ark hunters’ feedback on the price of new threads in Defiance.

Patrons also take another 10% off these sale prices due to their Bit Store discount. Find out more about becoming a Patron or pick up a new pile of Bits!

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New Arkfalls Bringing Gulanee Warriors to Earth

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And you thought the Volge were tough...

Attention: Radio activity has erupted in the husks of the ark belt’s long-dead ships. Something is alive up there, something that has ark hunters racing to call down these chatty relics and discover the secrets inside.

Starting today, players with the Arkbreaker DLC Pack can deploy ark spikes with a chance to pull new modules out of orbit. Inside, you’ll face new Grid enemies and a Gulanee warrior in massive battles at the center of the arkfall.

As you’re hauling invaluable space wreckage out of the skies, Nolan and Pottinger investigate an impact site where one has already fallen to Earth. Tune in to this week’s episode to see what it means for the future of Defiance!

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Arkbreaker DLC 50% Off for Gulanee Arkfalls

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Playing on PC? Get the Arkbreaker DLC Pack 50% off now through July 29 to join ark hunters calling down special new Gulanee arkfalls across the Bay Area!

This DLC will allow you to bring members of a rare alien species to Earth (and then battle them for life and for loot) at the same time Nolan and Pottinger investigate their appearance on the show. Become an Arkbreaker today for access to all the new enemies, boss fights, and rewards, plus DLC Pack missions, Volge weapons, and more!

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Preview Defiance Episode 6: This Woman’s Work

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Preview Defiance Episode 6: This Woman's Work

Prepare, ark hunters: The Gulanee you’ve glimpsed in-game are coming to the show! Catch their (explosive) arrival in this week’s episode of Defiance while Stahma cooks up the mother of all schemes.

Watch the sneak peek, then tune in live this Thursday, July 24 at 8/7c on Syfy or 10pm ET/PT on Showcase to find our sixth live-broadcast loot code and redeem it for a new in-game reward at

Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

  • Australia/Brazil/Germany/Latin America: Episode 6 debuts Friday, July 25 at 21:00, only on Syfy.
  • Spain: Episode 6 debuts Friday, July 25 at 21:30, only on Syfy.
  • France/UK: Season 2 airs on Syfy this September.

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Introducing Silicon Valley’s Encrypted Items

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Introducing Silicon Valley's Encrypted Items

Ark hunters,

The premiere of Season 2 of Defiance on Syfy heralded the beginning of a rapid content release schedule for the Defiance Team here at Trion Worlds. Our designers are working day and night to get the game’s first map addition, Silicon Valley, ready to launch in the coming weeks. One of the upcoming gameplay mechanics introduced with this major update is encryption, a new approach to upgrading equipment while improving the overall item chase of Defiance.

Weapons and shields that are looted after the Silicon Valley world expansion launches may drop as an encrypted item, a status which buffs damage or capacity while preventing rarity upgrades via the Salvage Matrix. For more details about this new mechanic, Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Senior Producer Rich “Phantasie” Barnes have addressed core questions about encryption and what it means for Defiance and its community.

What is encryption?

Encryption is a new modifier being added to weapons and shields. Ark hunters will encounter dropped equipment that is marked as “Encrypted” in their details window. These items are advanced to the point that they can no longer be fully upgraded using the Salvage Matrix. Encrypted weapons have a 3% boost to their damage and encrypted shields have a 3% boost to capacity, but they cannot have their rarity increased in the Salvage Matrix. These items have reached the maximum level of technological advancement which the Salvage Matrix can achieve.

A weapon or shield will also become encrypted when its rarity is increased in the Salvage Matrix. When a piece of equipment’s rarity is upgraded in the Salvage Matrix, its rarity is increased by one tier (as players have already experienced in the current version of the game). The equipment also gains the encrypted modifier on its details window. Additionally, while an encrypted item’s EGO rating can still be increased, its rarity tier cannot be increased any further.

Defiance as a game centers on a diverse loot chase, defined as defeating challenging foes and the good feeling of picking up their bigger and better weapons, shields, and other equipment so you can defeat even more challenging foes. The previous incarnation of rarity upgrades via the Salvage Matrix undercut much of that excitement by allowing for any item to essentially become infinitely upgradeable. Encryption helps to restore the thrill of the chase while still providing an impactful benefit for upgrading an item’s rarity.

Who will encryption affect?

Starting with the launch of the Silicon Valley world expansion, new weapons and shields will have a chance to drop as either an encrypted or an unencrypted version. All of your current legendary weapons and shields will become encrypted so you can gain the damage and capacity bonuses, respectively. All of your weapons and shields of epic or lower tiers will be considered unencrypted. We decided against retroactively setting all rarity-upgraded weapons and shields already in the game as encrypted because that measure felt very punitive to us as players and that isn’t the purpose of this new mechanic.

When will encryption be introduced?

Encryption will be added to Defiance with the launch of the Silicon Valley world expansion which we expect to launch in the next few weeks to dovetail with the Season 2 plotline of the Syfy television series. We have also made changes to our Public Test Server that will make major updates like this one easier to deploy earlier in advance of them going live. Look for the full Silicon Valley world expansion, including encryption, on the Public Test Server soon!

Why encryption?

In our June 4 update, one the Salvage Matrix functions we added was the ability for players to upgrade an item’s rarity tier by using arkforge. Arkforge can be earned from in-game events and purchased from the Bit Store. After approximately two months of monitoring how the rarity upgrade system was used, we found that the loot chase was largely gone because of infinitely upgradeable equipment and this ease of access to legendary rarity weapons and shields has reduced player engagement.

Our priority is to make Defiance the best game possible, and after reviewing the data we see fewer players purchasing lockboxes with both our in-game currency and Bits. And as we dig through this data from the past 2 months we realize the mistake we made: our introduction of essentially unlimited rarity upgrades removed the item chase from the game for many of our players.

This is change is not solely about revenue – but at same time we make no secret about it: Defiance is a business – and to be a successful business we need to ensure that our gameplay systems are fun and that they encourage long term play and enjoyment. While not all players may agree with this change, we hope you appreciate our transparency in communicating the rationale behind it. You have asked for us to be upfront with you about the reasons for changes; this is an example of us doing so.

Is there an opportunity for community feedback and questions about encryption?

Yes, we’ve moved the livestream planned for this past Friday to Wednesday, July 30 so that we can collect your questions about encryption from the forums and answer them. This change is undoubtedly going to generate feedback and we’re open to hearing it.

It’s been a nonstop month for the team and the Silicon Valley world expansion is nearly ready for public testing. We’ll be sure to announce when it reaches the Public Test Server so that intrepid ark hunters can explore the landmass addition early and provide feedback on the new content and mechanics the update introduces. Looking forward to seeing you in (what remains of) the valley!

The Defiance Team

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Defiance Silicon Valley Livestream

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Defiance Silicon Valley Livestream

Join Creative Lead Trick Dempsey, Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman, and Junior Community Relations Manager Sarah “Kiwibird” Walters on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel where we’ll be revealing the new Silicon Valley world expansion and discussing its new features. We’ll also be answering questions asked by the community about the upcoming encryption mechanic.

Defiance Silicon Valley Livestream
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Wednesday, July 30 at 3:00 PM Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes

Remember to stick around until the end when three lucky, random livestream viewers will each be granted 15-Day Patron Passes. See you on Twitch!

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World Expansion: Silicon Valley Coming

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World Expansion: Silicon Valley Coming Soon

Karl Von Bach has disappeared into Silicon Valley with his EGO-imbued followers, but it’s not quite the paradise they promised. The valley is overrun with Grid and a strange cult, the Pilgrims of the Guiding Light, has taken hold in locations across the zone.

Questions abound: Who are these pilgrims, and what do they want? What challenges face the newly formed Defiant Few? Will history catch up with Doctor Eren Niden?

As these mysteries unravel, the populace of Silicon Valley calls out for assistance: The Grid is spreading its influence with invasions giving rise to special battles and conflict sites only ark hunters can clear! Do you have what it takes to face the trials of Silicon Valley when it opens next week on August 5?

Be sure to tune in for today’s Defiance livestream all about this upcoming world expansion!

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Preview Defiance Episode 7: If You Could See Her Through My Eyes

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Preview Defiance Episode 7: If You Could See Her Through My Eyes

In the next episode of Defiance, Datak is framed for a bizarre murder while Irisa learns more about her true identity!

Watch the sneak peek, then tune in live this Thursday, July 31 at 8/7c on Syfy or 10pm ET/PT on Showcase to find our seventh live-broadcast loot code and redeem it for a new in-game reward at

Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

  • Australia/Brazil/Germany/Latin America: Episode 6 debuts Friday, August 1 at 21:00, only on Syfy.
  • Spain: Episode 6 debuts Friday, August 1 at 21:30, only on Syfy.
  • France/UK: Season 2 airs on Syfy this September.

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Castithan Charge DLC (PC) 50% Off and Lock Box Sale

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Castithan Charge DLC (PC) 50% Off and Lock Box Sale

In honor of the Casti cosplay on this week’s episode of Defiance, we’re taking 50% off the Castithan Charge DLC (PC) until August 6. Unlock the Castithan race, a unique outfit, a four-player vehicle, and more. Answer the call of a higher liro and hunt as a Casti today!

Also, to celebrate the launch of Defiance Free-to-Play on Steam, we’ve also put all lock boxes in the Bit Store on sale at 30% off this weekend. Stock up on the lock boxes of your choice until this sale ends on August 4!

Silicon Valley World Expansion Now Live

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Silicon Valley World Expansion Now Live

Today, all roads (and quads, and EGOs) lead to one place, ark hunters: Silicon Valley, home of Karl Von Bach’s mysterious Pilgrims of the Guiding Light and the first-ever world expansion for Defiance!

It’s a monumental occasion with story lines playing out both in-game and on the show: How did Von Bach discover a new EGO, and what is his cult’s intent? What will it mean for you – and for your favorite characters – on both sides of the Storm Divide?

Find out in missions featuring new enemies, challenges, discoveries, and rewards across Silicon Valley’s zone’s sweeping, post-apocalyptic expanse – and do it all for free!

This world expansion is available now for all players on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. Log in and live the adventure today!


World Expansion: Silicon Valley
Karl Von Bach and the Pilgrims of the Guiding Light eagerly await your arrival. Almost … too eagerly. The valley is still crawling with Grid and not all is what it seems. Unravel its mysteries from the eerie edge of Pacifica to cultist temples guarding key areas of interest on either side of the buckled San Andreas Fault!

New Missions: The Guiding Light
Dive into five new missions exploring the perils of Silicon Valley and the cult that calls it home. Are the Pilgrims of the Guiding Light simply a New Earth oddity, or do they hold a sinister purpose?

New Dynamic Events: Invasions
The Grid are using converted 99ers to erect Evangel devices across the zone. These constructs, if left unchecked, will turn its key areas into hives of Grid activity. Can you stop the Grid before they conquer the valley?

New Synergies and Outfits: Corporate Espionage
We’re proud to introduce the Corporate Espionage Lock Box. Themed after the works of William Gibson, these lock boxes contain vanity outfits and headgear as well as weapons and shields loaded with three new synergies.

Firewall turns ark hunters into living tanks by boosting their defenses, Wetwork bolsters damage output for the user and their allies, and The Way of Change encourages players to swap between melee and ranged attacks, boosting damage to one when you use the other.

New Equipment Modifier: Encryption
Certain advanced weapons and shields will now drop with the Encrypted trait, which confers a 3% bonus to damage or capacity. Additionally, when the Salvage Matrix is used to increase the rarity level of a shield or weapon, it will become Encrypted. This can only happen once; the Salvage Matrix will not be able to increase the rarity level of items that are already Encrypted.

EGO Rating Cap: 5900
Max EGO rating has been increased to 5900, which is possible to achieve without completing all Pursuits. Fear not: When the max rating is increased again, any additional points you’ve earned will automatically be added to your rating!

Be sure to read the full patch notes on the forums!

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Preview Episode 8: Slouching Towards Bethlehem

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Preview Episode 8: Slouching Towards Bethlehem

As you storm new Guiding Light holdouts across Silicon Valley, Nolan moves against a terrorist plot threatening Defiance and New York. Unfortunately, one of his closest allies stands in the way!

Watch the sneak peek, then tune in live tonight, August 7 at 8/7c on Syfy or 10pm ET/PT on Showcase* to find our eighth live-broadcast loot code and redeem it for a new in-game reward at

Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

  • Australia/Brazil/Germany/Latin America: Episode 6 debuts Friday, August 8 at 21:00, only on Syfy.
  • Spain: Episode 6 debuts Friday, August 8 at 21:30, only on Syfy.
  • France/UK: Season 2 airs on Syfy this September.

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Defiance Free-to-Play Coming to PlayStation 3

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Defiance Free-to-Play Coming to PlayStation 3

We’re excited to announce that Defiance Free-to-Play is coming to PlayStation 3 next week! Starting August 12, veteran ark hunters on PlayStation 3 will be granted 1,000 arkforge, 30 days of Paradise Patron status, and retain their increased number of loadouts, character slots, inventory slots, and keycode storage capacity (please note that some these will need to be reclaimed from the Claim Items pane). New recruits will be able to download Defiance from the PlayStation Network (PSN) for free once their store updates.

Due to how Sony deploys new (updated) products, our North American PlayStation 3 servers will be down on Tuesday, August 12 for a restart when the deployment occurs (estimated between 12:00 PM PDT and 4:00 PM PDT [GMT-7]). We will post an absolute outage window next week when this time is finalized. The same will occur for our European PlayStation 3 servers on Wednesday, August 13. The team is working closely with Microsoft to launch Defiance Free-to-Play on Xbox 360 and we’ll post an announcement about the transition when we’ve finalized the date.

See you in the Bay Area, ark hunters!

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Play Defiance Free on PlayStation 3

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Play for Free on PlayStation 3

Console players rejoice: Defiance is now Free-to-Play on PlayStation 3 with Xbox 360 soon to follow!

Just visit the PlayStation Store on your PlayStation 3 to download Defiance for free and play today. Meanwhile, Season 2 of the Defiance TV series pushes your favorite characters to their breaking points, with action that spills over from show to game (and back!).

How to Get Started:

  1. Open the PlayStation Store.
  2. Search “Defiance”.
  3. Download the main game which is marked as free.
  4. If you have PS+, hit download on the Defiance PlayStation Plus Pack during or after you finish downloading the game.

The Defiance PlayStation Plus Pack contains a Tex Growler Pro ATV in camo orange, one Weapon Kit, one Tier 4 Lock Box, three XP Boosts, and 100 Bits.

Make sure to link your account to receive in-game loot and bonuses, and prepare for massive battles as new recruits join seasoned ark hunters fighting for fame and fortune across the Bay!

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Preview Episode 9: Painted From Memory

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Preview Episode 9: Painted From Memory

In the next episode of Defiance, Doc Yewll works to keep her dark secret hidden while Kenya’s earth-shattering return causes all-new shock waves – especially for Stahma!

Watch the sneak peek, then tune in live this Thursday, August 14 at 8/7c on Syfy or 10pm ET/PT on Showcase to find our ninth live-broadcast loot code and redeem it for a new in-game reward at

Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

  • Australia/Brazil/Germany/Latin America: Episode 6 debuts Friday, August 15 at 21:00, only on Syfy.
  • Spain: Episode 6 debuts Friday, August 15 at 21:30, only on Syfy.
  • France/UK: Season 2 airs on Syfy this September.

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Defiance Mid-Season Livestream

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Defiance Mid-Season Livestream

Join Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel where we’ll be discussing crossovers with the Syfy show, the latest changes to the game, and upcoming additions to the Silicon Valley world expansion. We’ll also be answering questions asked by the community in the live chat.

Defiance Mid-Season Livestream
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Friday, August 15 at 3:00 PM Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes

Remember to stick around until the end when three lucky, random livestream viewers will each be granted 15-Day Patron Passes. See you on Twitch!

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Party with Trion at PAX!

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Party with Trion at PAX!

You’re invited to the Trion Community Party on Friday, August 29 at the W Hotel in Seattle!

During the midst of PAX Prime madness, take a break at 7 PM PDT and join the Trion Team for food, drinks and a great time. Be ready for some exciting news about your favorite Trion games, including a very special announcement, and enjoy the chance to get up close and personal with members of the ArcheAge, Trove, RIFT, and Defiance teams. Got a question you’ve always wanted to ask them? This is your opportunity!

So mark your calendars and come hang out with us from 7 to 10 PM. Make sure to get there early; food, space, and loot are limited!

  • What: Trion Community Party
  • When: Friday, August 29, 2014 from 7 to 10 PM PDT
  • Where: The W Hotel, 1112 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101

See you at the party!

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Double Feature: Defiance Episodes 10 and 11 Tonight

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Double Feature: Defiance Episodes 10 & 11 Tonight

Linda Hamilton joins the cast of Defiance for a double dose of new episodes this week. The special 2-hour minithon explores fresh trouble in the Guli mines and new dangers that threaten to tear allies apart!

Watch sneak peeks of “Bottom of the World” and “Doll Parts”, then tune in live this Thursday, August 21 at 8/7c on Syfy or 10pm ET/PT on Showcase and find two live-broadcast loot codes to redeem for new in-game rewards at

Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

  • Australia/Brazil/Germany/Latin America: Episode 6 debuts Friday, August 22 at 21:00, only on Syfy.
  • Spain: Episode 6 debuts Friday, August 22 at 21:30, only on Syfy.
  • France/UK: Season 2 airs on Syfy this September.

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25% Off Outfits and Headgear!

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25% Off Outfits and Headgear!

Get futuristically fetching for less this weekend with 25% off Outfits and Headgear (on top of our recent price cuts!).

Now through August 24, all looks are on sale – from the recently released E-Rep uniforms and Raider masks to classics from Season 1.

Log in and look good as you explore Silicon Valley today!

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2-Hour Season Finale This Thursday, August 28

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2-Hour Season Finale This Thursday, August 28

No one is safe as Irisa’s plan comes to fruition in the 2-Hour Defiance Season Finale Event! Who will survive and what will remain in the wake of a cataclysmic attack?

Watch the sneak peek, then tune in live this Thursday, August 28 at 8/7c on Syfy or 10pm ET/PT on Showcase and find our final live-broadcast loot code (good for new in-game rewards at during the explosive end to Season 2!

Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

  • Australia/Brazil/Germany/Latin America: Episode 6 debuts Friday, August 29 at 21:00, only on Syfy.
  • Spain: Episode 6 debuts Friday, August 29 at 21:30, only on Syfy.
  • France/UK: Season 2 airs on Syfy this September.

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New Glyph Security Feature: Two-Factor Authentication via Email

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New Glyph Security Feature: Two-Factor Authentication via Email

Starting tomorrow, we are adding a new security feature to Glyph to help keep your account safe.

When you log in from a new computer or a place that we haven’t seen you log in from before, you’ll be asked to verify that it really is you that’s logging in, by entering a code emailed to your account’s primary email address.

The Details

The updated login screen now only asks for your account name and password. Once you have successfully entered the correct account name and password, you will have to verify your identity.

For those of you who use the Glyph or RIFT Authenticator, you’ll notice that the code entry has moved to a step after login. You can enter the code from your authenticator there and, optionally, whitelist your computer so you don’t have to enter codes when you log in using it in the future. 

If you don’t have a Glyph or RIFT Authenticator attached to your account, you’ll receive an authentication code via email. You’ll need to enter that code to proceed. You can choose to whitelist the computer that you are on so you don’t have to get a code every time.

If you’ve whitelisted the computer that you’re on, you won’t have to enter a code again to log in to Glyph as long as the computer doesn’t change. If you log in from a new location, get a new computer, or your ISP changes your computer’s IP address, then you’ll be asked for a code again.

If you’re a RIFT player, the computers that you have authorized in the past with RIFT’s Coin Lock security will automatically be whitelisted.

If you’d like to use a mobile authenticator on your account, please check out the Glyph Authenticator for iOS or the RIFT Authenticator for Android and Windows Phone.

If you have any issues with access to your account, please contact our Support Team for assistance.

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Raptr Returns to Defiance!

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Defiance Instant Replay Event

Attention ark hunters! Raptr is back with a brand new pack! Defiance Recruit and Hunter Packs, that is. These awesome rewards will be delivered to the creators of the best clips shared with Raptr between September 8 and September 22!

Get all the Defiance details with Raptr here!

New to Defiance? Not familiar with the rewards? Don’t worry, we’re breaking it down for you below:

Recruit Pack Rewards:

  • +25 Ark Key Capacity
  • +30 Inventory Slots
  • Hi-tech ATV
  • 3 x 50% XP+ boosts
  • T4 Lockbox
  • 15-Day Patron Pass

Hunter Pack Rewards:

  • +50 Ark Key Capacity
  • +60 Inventory Slots
  • +2 Loadout Slots
  • +2 Character Slots
  • Helldorado ATV
  • 5 x 50% XP+ Boosts
  • 2 x 25% Score+ Boosts
  • T4 Lockbox
  • 50 Arkforge (premium in-game currency)
  • 30-Day Patron Pass

Remember: there are only 100 Recruit Packs and 10 bonus Hunter Packs available, so make sure you capture the very best of Defiance for this event!

50% Faction Reputation Bonus Week Starts Right Now!

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Full week of 50% Faction Reputation Bonus!

Just a few days ago, we invited you to choose which week-long boost you wanted on the Defiance forums, and we’ve tallied the votes. Starting today (right now!), you’ll have a full week of 50% Faction Reputation Bonus, doubling your reputation gains! Make sure to log in and take advantage of this limited-time bonus as it ends September 17 at 11:59 AM PDT (GMT-7)!

New to Defiance? Never fear: we’ll be boosting XP rates by a full 100% from Friday, September 12 at 12:01 AM PDT to Monday, September 15 at 11:59 AM PDT (GMT-7) to welcome our newest recruits!

Log in and get ready for an awesome week in Defiance, ark hunters!

Defiance Renewed: Season Three

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Defiance Season 3

Ark hunters,

We’re proud to confirm the rumors: Syfy has renewed Defiance for a third season to be released on 2015!

The New Frontier is changing. Votan and Human cities alike lay crumbling under the force of terraforming weaponry. Refugees flee onto the frontier, and warlords rise to stake their claim in the chaos.

Is this the end of the Earth Republic? Will civilization descend into a new Pale War or will we rise above in a spirit of Defiance?

Explore an ever-changing world in Defiance now, and watch the stories unfold in Syfy’s dramatic television series in 2015!

Good hunting!

Trick Dempsey, Creative Lead

Aftermath is Coming

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Defiance: Aftermath

Hot on the heels of a bombastic season finale, the ark hunters of the Bay Area are about to be faced with seven new missions spanning all over Silicon Valley and Paradise. The Pilgrims of the Guiding Light reveal their final move, and the world is put in jeopardy once again. The assassin, Nujekpe, closes in on his prey, Eren Niden, and the criminal Melak Vor reveals a new plan to launch a war between what remains of the Earth Republic and Votanis Collective.

With this healthy serving of new mission content comes a slew of new pursuits, contracts, and events. The whole of Silicon Valley is under siege from Grid, Pilgrims, and Hellbugs; only the ark hunters can put a stop to these nefarious invasions. New enemies also pour into the bay with the Grid brining out their largest unit yet: The Inquisitor. These three-meter-tall monstrosities act as mobile artillery platforms. Deep within the three new story mission maps, the ark hunters will also face down Votanis Assassins and even face off with a new kind of Pilgrim zealot.

  • Seven new missions
  • Four new enemies
  • New Pursuits
  • New contracts

As part of our continuing improvements to quality of life, we’re also adding a mission replay for our season 2 missions and matchmaking options for the season 2 mission maps. Additionally, we’ve refined the difficulty settings for co-op maps so that high rating characters will be brought in line with the power curve of low difficulty maps. This way experienced players may join their friends in standard and expert instances without negating the challenge and fun of those maps.

Do you have what it takes to face the perils of The Aftermath?

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Get Season 2 on DVD or Blu-ray™

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This week, the hottest loot in Defiance is all about the show! Season 2 is out now on DVD and Blu-ray in 3-disc sets filled with extra scenes, outtakes, and commentary plus The Lost Ones webisodes, Season 1 alternate ending, and more!

Get your copy and watch as Nolan, Stahma, and Irisa are pushed to their breaking points in an acclaimed season that launches massive new arcs for both the game and show.

Game Mechanics Update: Reloading and Perks

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Game Mechanics Update: Reloading and Perks

Ark hunters,

With our Aftermath update, we will be making modifications to the behaviors of some beloved-yet-broken features surrounding reloading weapons. Reloading contributes significantly to the rhythm of a gunfight and contributes the rest and fermatas that keep things interesting. However, there have been some long-standing inconsistencies in how reload works, and we’re going to even those out.

In Defiance, there has always been a functional minimum reload time. This one-second reload acts as an unbreakable barrier, like the speed of light, preventing players from getting lightning fast reloads. “But wait!”, you say, “what about the zero-reload Zagger!” And you would be right to ask! There’s a long-standing bug that allowed guns to be reloaded instantly if you modded it to be exactly a 0 second reload time. Anything else would properly respect the 1 second minimum reload time, though the UI could incorrectly display less than 1 second. This led to extremely overpowered weapons that others could never compete with. With the Aftermath update, we’re fixing both of those issues:

  • Weapons that had exactly 0 reload time will properly respect the 1 second minimum reload time like everything else.
  • The UI will also respect the minimum reload time and you will no longer see fictional improvements to reload when you’ve reached the lower bound of reload times.

This means that the beloved Zagger is going to be updated. With the reload limit visible and strictly enforced, it’s clear that the Zagger no longer benefits from its uncommon or legendary rolls. As such, we’ve altered those bonuses to turn the Zagger into a weapon that captures it original flavor and keeps it as a best-in-category sawed-off shotgun. The uncommon reload bonus have been transformed into a flat damage bonus, and the legendary bonus has been updated into an additional two slugs in the clip. This means that all legendary Zaggers may fire two shots before requiring their one-second reload. The legendary Zagger continues to be the best weapon of its kind.


Additionally, we’ve been really bothered by how single-slug-reload weapons responded to reload increases. Or how they displayed reload time in general. Or how clip size improvements made them worse. (Extended magazines took longer to reload and therefore meant they could trigger reload bonuses less often.) We’ve updated our system for single-shot reload weapons so that they display their total reload time rather than the reload time for individual shells. Any time you see reload displayed on a weapon, that will describe the full time it takes to reload that weapon and extended magazines no longer affect that reload time.

This means that some individual shot reload weapons would result in ark hunters visually loading those weapons comically fast. Like extra silly fast. For any time that an ark hunter would be loading a shot into a gun faster than one shot per second, we now have them load multiple shot in a single action. This is AWESOME and has the added benefit of preventing your die-hard ark hunter from looking like a lunatic on fast-forward.

These updates put our reload system in line save for one big outlier: Preparedness.


Preparedness in its current form reloads a percentage of your stowed weapon every second. It maxes out at 10% per second, reloading a minimum of 1 round per second. This sounds benign, but it causes two unbalanced strategies. One is predicated on using two weapons which take a long time to unload and swapping between them rather than reloading. They take so long to empty that the stowed weapon is reloaded by the time the active weapon is dry. This removes the disadvantage of these weapons entirely as there is never a time when they are manually reloaded. A second strategy is to pair weapons with very low ammo capacity, like sawed-off shotguns or rocket launchers, and take advantage of the minimum one-shot-per-second reload of the stowed weapon. Doing this, an ark hunter may fire, swap, and repeat infinitely to keep firing with no downtime. This was never intended and bypasses a large part of the tactics in Defiance’s combat wherein downtime due to shield recharge and weapon reload play a significant part.

To address these problems while keeping Preparedness useful, we’ve changed its functionality to tie it to your equipped weapon’s reload. Preparedness now reloads a percentage of your stowed weapon’s clip each time you fully reload the weapon in your hands. This can be quite difficult to track, a problem shared by many triggered abilities, so we’ve updated the display of triggered effects so they display each time they are triggered. In the image here, our intrepid APS deliveryman has just finished reloading his Zagger, and therefore partially reloaded the weapon he has stowed.


These improvements are part of our ongoing mission to keep Defiance as the tightest and most robust massive co-op shooter on the market. Come explore the Aftermath on PTS, give us your feedback, and see for yourself how the New Frontier has changed!

Good hunting,

Creative Lead Trick Dempsey

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We Want You For Extra Life!

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Calling all gamers, friends, relatives, and pets with opposable thumbs: The Extra Life charity gaming marathon returns Sat., Oct. 25!

Join our cast of thousands of gamers coming together for 24 hours of non-stop adventure in RIFT, ArcheAge, Defiance, and Trove! This year, we’re streaming special events straight from the office, giving away new loot and prizes, and aiming to raise more money for children in need than ever before.

Joining is Easy!

You can register for free today at Extra Life, grab a spot on our team, and create a profile that friends and family can use to donate to your epic gaming marathon.

Extra Life Logo_White_v2

To sign up, just click “Join a Team” after choosing your registration level. Then Select Trion Worlds 2014 from the drop-down menu and complete your registration.

It will fill in a $100 fundraising goal, but there’s NO minimum requirement to participate – every little bit helps, and 100% of donations go to the charity hospital of your choice!

Playing is a Blast.

Pack your bags for a FULL DAY of all-out gaming kicking off Saturday, Oct. 25 at 8am PDT. We’ll be running special events, giveaways, and in-game activities the whole time. Jump in and roll with us throughout the day – or play anything you like – just keep playing and we’ll cross the finish line together!

Want to join without raiding your sleep schedule? Easy! You can log your hours early over several days, or you can even donate directly to Trion Team members – view our growing list here.

Rewards are Epic.

Extra Life 2014 is bursting with loot you’ll get for reaching team goals, loot for completing your 24 hours in-game, loot for reaching personal fundraising milestones, and more! Stay tuned for details on specific prizes (did someone say ArcheAge Starter Packs and RIFT CEs?) that we’ll post in the days to come.

And the Cause is Legendary.

Every year, Extra Life gamers and teams raise millions of dollars for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals helping kids in need. It’s the perfect time to play hard for a wonderful cause, and we hope you’ll come along for the ride!

Defiance Friday Livestream: October 10

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Defiance Friday Livestream

Join Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel where we’ll be exploring Aftermath and the latest game mechanic updates coming to Defiance. We’ll also be answering questions asked by the community in the live chat!

Defiance Friday Livestream
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Friday, October 10 at 3:30 PM Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes

Remember to stick around until the end when three lucky, random livestream viewers will each be granted 15-Day Patron Passes. See you on Twitch!

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Halloween Arkfalls & Hulker Madness!

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Ark hunters,

Defiance is in for one hell of a Halloween.

Starting Oct. 29, Paradise will be threatened by a new kind of arkfall: Hulker Hell. (Do you like Hulkers? Do you think they’re friendly? They want to play!) New jack-o’-lanterns appearing around these arkfalls hold a variety of treats … and tricks. Look closely at their smiles for clues about what they contain before you break them open!

Pumpkin Headgear

Keep an eye out, too, for special weapons and mods. New Blackened Hellfire weapons will rain from the heavens, including Assault Rifles, Fraggers, Quick Repeaters, Tachmag Pulsers, Blasters, and SAWs that will send your enemies straight to the pit.

In honor of Walpurgisnacht, these weapons are equipped with a new mod synergy: The Purge. It adds Crit Multiplier and nano-effect chance on critical hits, and, at its ultimate power, grants 10% life steal as well. Are syphon weapons a little weak for your tank? Then The Purge is the synergy for you!

But that’s not quite all. Samhain adds one final bounty: Legendary Hellfire weapons! Keep an eye out for the legendary Ghost Duster, Wolfman, Demon Hunter, Devil’s Advocate, Beelzebub, and Witch Hexer. These weapons are hand-crafted by the most devious beasts of hell, and they are looking for idle hands to be their playthings!

Not keen on all that murder and savagery? Fond of the little things in life? Fancy yourself a fine squash? Watch for the new pumpkin headgear dropping from Hulker Hell arkfalls. How did they get into space? Who carved them? IT’S HALLOWEEN IN PARADISE!

All these bounties are available from arkfalls through Nov. 12, but if you don’t quite get your fill, you may also find Halloween weapons, mods, and legendaries in our new Blackened Hellfire Supply Crates. Have a taste for hell-raising attire? Check out new Devil’s Carnival Crates, too. Each offers a random chance for exclusive costume pieces (Lucifer’s Knave, Hell’s Jester, Satan’s Harlequin, and the incredibly creepy “The Smile”) or a variety of devilish tools to spread the spirit of the holiday.


Look for these spooky and seasonal detonators, rocket launchers, and infectors – all with the assassin synergy – or try your luck for a signature Legendary: Abbadon’s Touch!

Sometimes, you have to give the devil his due.

Good hunting – and happy Halloween!

Trick Dempsey
Creative Lead, Defiance

Extra Life Details & Rewards – Prepare for Oct. 25!

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Extra Life

Ark hunters, are you ready for this Saturday’s Extra Life charity gaming marathon? Each year, Extra Life raises millions of dollars for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, and we hope you’ll help us make a bigger difference in kids’ lives this year than ever before!

Join us on October 25 at 8am PDT as we celebrate Extra Life for a full 24 hours. Prepare today by signing up for the Trion Team and checking out our Extra Life page: Friends, family members, humans and Votans can sponsor your day of marathon gaming, and you’ll earn a huge range of rewards for hitting donation goals.


Extra Life 2014 Rewards
– Raise $25 in donations for an Extra Life Lockbox.
– Raise $75 in donations for a Blue Streak Dodge Challenger.
– Raise $150 in donations for another Dodge Challenger in Detonator Yellow!
– Everyone who raises an incredible $500 in donations will be entered into our Defiance Hero Drawing, and 25 Heroes (selected at random) will receive a 1-year Patron Pass OR a Recruit Pack + Season Pass combo – your choice!*


*Plus rewards in RIFT, ArcheAge, and Trove, too, as you hit each milestone! Learn more.
*And everyone who plays Trion games for a total of 24 hours on the weekend of the 25th will earn a new title: The Benefactor. The count starts at 8am PDT on 10/25 and ends at 8am PDT on 10/27!

Event Goodness
Keep an eye out for the new Extra Lively Hellbug arkfalls featuring GOLDEN HELLBUGS throughout the event. Don’t let those bugs escape – they’re filled with delicious loot candy!

If you missed out on last year’s Extra Life weapons, you have another chance to get them this year. However, they won’t be hidden on a vendor; they can only be earned from completing Extra Life arkfalls and by killing the golden skitterlings scurrying around the battlefield. In addition, each Extra Life arkfall completed has a chance of granting a special angelic Halo for those who participated.

Last but not least, a special Defiance Starter Pack is available in the Extra Life Humble Bundle! You’ll get a 15-Day Patron Pass, Lockbox, Character Slots, ATV and more (plus other games and goodies including Trove® Closed Beta access and a month of reddit gold) no matter what you pay. It’s another great way to support a great cause as you play this weekend!

Good hunting,

Trick Dempsey
Creative Lead, Defiance

Spooky Pre-Extra Life Livestream: October 24

Originally published at

Defiance Spooky Scary Livestream

Join Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel for an extra spooky livestream! We’ll be discussing Extra Life, Halloween Hulker Hell, and more!

Defiance Spooky Pre-Extra Life Livestream
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Friday, October 24 at 3:30 PM Pacific

Remember to stick around until the end when three lucky, random livestream viewers will each be granted three Tier 4 Lockboxes! See you on Twitch!

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LOCK BOX SALE! SAVE 25-50% OCT. 23-26

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This weekend (Oct. 23-26), ALL lock boxes at the in-game Bit store are 25-50% off!

Score some of Season 2’s latest fashions and gear with Corporate Espionage lock boxes, or roll the dice for a legendary weapon – and your last chance at the Respark Regenerator V ARK Shield jackpot – with 50% off Tier 4 lock boxes. Gear up!

Defiance Community Contributions

Originally published at


Defiance Community,

A band of intrepid ark hunters, scouring beneath the arkfall that struck The Rift have unearthed new treasure. They found a trove of information regarding the arrival of the Votans, a vast wealth of knowledge predating all known discoveries. Encased in a blast-proof safe, these defiant ark hunters found something else. They found outfits themed in the Trion colors of Red and White. They also found a warning: For use only by Trion’s champions in the time after the Arks fall.

Who is the “Trion”? What are these outfits? This may be yet another mystery whose solution was lost in the Arkfall.

However, members of the Defiance community who have gone, or go, above and beyond the call of duty will be the recipients of these outfits: the Trion Advocate and the Trion Supporter.

advocate supporter

The first two recipients of these outfits are well known to the community for their contributions:


  • Server: Europe PC
  • Contribution: Etaew maintains Defiance Data, an excellent resource for everything Defiance. Check out his site – he periodically runs events and gives away lockboxes and other rewards!



  • Server: North America PC
  • Contribution: Escyos maintains The Defiance Wiki, started in April 2012 and still going strong!


Congratulations, and Thank You, to Etaew and Escyos!!

And, for the rest of the community, be on the lookout for ways to earn one of these elusive outfits – there are many deserving players out there!

Defiance Community Hulker Hell Contest

Originally published at


To commemorate Defiance’s first holiday event, and with the recent explosion of amazing shots from community members, we will be holding a very special contest with multiple winners per Defiance platform!

Defiance Community Hulker Hell Contest

We’re looking for the best of the best! Starting today and lasting until November 12, 2014 at 6:00 PM PST, we’ll be running the Defiance Community Hulker Hell Contest! To submit an entry to this contest, you will need to submit a picture of your Hulker Hell holiday experience in Defiance. Can’t take a screenshot? Never fear, we’re accepting photos, and we do encourage you to include yourself in the picture if you’re going with a photo!

article1 article2

We’ve lured Phantasie into providing an example. On the left, you’ll see Phantasie in front of the local Redwood City Chassis that makes up the internal enviornment for Defiance! All of the Dev team and QA connect to these servers – there’s a Halloween Event running on them right now – can you tell? On the right, we have Kiwibird hanging out in front of one of the local Austin Chassis – with a Hulker Hell in progress!

This contest was inspired by the Frontier Corporation News Special Bulletin, which you should definitely check out! They will be continuing their coverage throughout the duration of this contest.


  • Take a single Defiance screenshot or picture that captures the essence of the Hulker Hell holiday experience!
  • There will be three categories for participation! You may only submit one entry, so choose wisely! The categories are: PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.
  • Not sure how to take a screenshot on PC? We’ve got you covered! Just press the Print Scrn on your keyboard and paste it into your paint tool of choice.
  • Post your entry as an attachment or linked image on the official Defiance forums as a reply to this thread.
  • The image must be personally taken by you or you must be in the image and it must be submitted in a digital format (ideally JPG). No cheater cheater pumpkin eaters allowed!
  • Your entry should be “safe for work” and will be disqualified or deleted if it is indecent in nature. As a rule of thumb: if you have to ask, it’s probably not okay!
  • Click here for the official Defiance Community Hulker Hell Contest rules.


  • The Defiance Team will be determining three winners per Defiance platform! Scoring will be based on the following:
    • Creativity
    • Originality
    • Adherence to guidelines
  • One grand prize winner for each Defiance platform (PC, PS3, and Xbox 360) will receive a Defiance Hunter Pack.
  • Two runner-up prize winners for each Defiance platform (PC, PS3, and Xbox 360) will each receive a Blackened Hellfire Lock Box.


  • This contest starts Thursday, November 6 and ends Wednesday, November 12 at 6:00 PM PST (GMT-7), at which point we will no longer accept contest entries.
  • The contest results will be published about a week after the end of the contest.
  • Thanks for joining us for Hulker Hell in Defiance, we’re very excited for your submission!

    Defiance Livestream: November 14

    Originally published at

    Defiance Friday Livestream

    Join Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel where we’ll be discussing how Extra Life and Hulker Hell went as well as what’s coming up in Defiance. We’ll also be answering questions asked by the community in the live chat!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, November 14 at 2:30 PM Pacific
    Duration: 45 minutes

    Remember to stick around until the end when three lucky, random livestream viewers will each be granted 15-Day Patron Passes. See you on Twitch!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Defiance Free-to-Play Launches on Xbox 360 Tomorrow

    Originally published at

    Defiance Free-to-Play Launches on Xbox 360 Tomorrow

    Ark hunters, Defiance Free-to-Play will be launching on Xbox 360 tomorrow, November 18 at 9:30 AM PST (GMT-7)!

    Earn your stripes as a new recruit fighting for the future of Earth (or return as a seasoned veteran!) just in time for the Aftermath of Season 2’s events:

    • Download Defiance today and battle through the entire Bay Area and Silicon Valley storylines.
    • Discover the conclusion and follow-up to the Season 2 crossover storyline with our Aftermath update, coming next week.
    • Learn more about Defiance Free-to-Play from our our preview page.

    When Defiance Free-to-Play launches on Xbox 360 tomorrow, everyone with an Xbox Live Gold membership will be able to install the game free:

    • At the Xbox 360 Dashboard:
      • Using the Left Bumper, navigate to the Games tab and press A.
      • Select Search Game and press A.
      • Enter “Defiance” and select the Defiance search result.
      • Select the Defiance image and press A.
      • Select Download and follow the prompts (where you want to install to, etc).
    • Once the Pending Download is complete, open the Xbox 360 Dashboard again.
      • Using the Left Bumper Switch to the Home tab.
      • Select Recent and press A.
      • Select Defiance and press A.
      • Select Play Now.
    • FYI:
      • You can also Pin the Defiance game to your My Pins or you can find it under My Games.
      • Once you run Defiance, you will then download the newest Defiance patch to get you completely up to date.
      • If you have already installed the disc-based version and have the newest patch there, you will not need to reload the Defiance specific patch again as the digital version will recognize it.

    Are you a returning veteran? All Defiance owners will enjoy more character slots, loadouts, ark keycode capacity, and inventory slots than free-to-play accounts. For those looking to expand what they already have, we’ll even be offering increases to these limits. Defiance owners will have the following on their account when Defiance Free-to-Play launches:

    • Character Slots Base: 4
    • Loadouts Base: 5
    • Ark Keycode Base: 75
    • Inventory Slots Base: 70
    • 30-Day Paradise Patron Pass
    • Grant of 1000 Arkforge
    • Existing characters will retain any extra Character, Inventory, Loadout and Ark Keycode capacity they already have above the base numbers listed here.

    We look forward to seeing you in this brave new frontier, ark hunters!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Thanksgiving on the New Frontier

    Originally published at

    Thanksgiving on the New Frontier

    Ark hunters,

    It’s time for the annual fall harvest in the New Frontier, and that can only mean one thing: THANKSGIVING! This resilient holiday tradition is celebrated in the lands that were once North America, though there is some dispute regarding the exact date used to celebrate it. Heck, the Votans even argue that Earthkind’s insistence on using a calendar that was a propaganda tool for the long-fallen Roman Empire shows our ties to our primitive past. Regardless, it’s Thanksgiving in Paradise, and it’s time for a doozy of a celebration!

    Turkeys, those resilient and delicious birds, managed to survive the apocalypse against all odds. In fact, the Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) has even adapted to a migratory pattern which can cross the Storm Divide. For a couple of bountiful weeks, the birds can be found grazing even on the West Coast! Keep an eye out for turkeys, live and otherwise, across Paradise, San Francisco, and Silicon Valley!

    Unfortunately for those celebrating this festive holiday, the mutants from the former EMC have come forth with their own bizarre celebratory traditions. They seem convinced that Thanksgiving is a celebration of genocide and extermination, and they’ve set out to prove it. Keep an eye out for massive hordes of Biomen and mutants assaulting the bay during their “New Frontier Harvest” as they amass around arkfalls and challenge all comers.

    Don’t worry, gentle ark hunters, you won’t be caught flat-footed by their assaults. Some keen machinist, who wishes to remain anonymous, has designed a weapon to fight against these deadly opponents: The Gobbler. By combining the natural prowess of the elegant Turkeys of the Frontier with deadly Votan technology, this ingenious machinist has created a rocket-delivered payload of rage-infused Turkeys to destroy those that threaten the peace and civility of the New Frontier. When asked for a comment, the anonymous machinist was heard to cackle: “Look at ‘em go! Murderous turkeys! Brilliant!”

    Not only will ark hunters have access to the Gobbler during the New Frontier Harvest event, but they will also have access to a brand-new synergy: The Plate Slicer! This synergy specializes in destroying armor and rewarding the destruction of armor. As you rip the armor plates from your enemies, you gain further armor durability damage bonuses, a chance to fully reload your weapon, and, finally, a stack of ablative armor to protect yourself. Plate Slicer weapons and mods will drop from the New Frontier Harvest end rewards and enemies throughout the event.

    If you’ve not had your fill of armor-destroying power, you can also acquire Plate Slicer weapons and mods from the Cornucopia Supply Crate! Inside you’ll find epic weapons and a selection of deadly mods as well as a chance at unique jackpot weapons! On top of that, Cornucopia Supply Crate can also drop Pilgrim-themed outfits and headgear. By “Pilgrim” we do mean the Pilgrims of the Guiding Light. So, show your LOCI pride and cast your gaze to Alpha Centauri with the stylish pilgrim outfits.

    Now… no event is complete without a unique silly hat. In the tradition of the long-collapsed peoples of the United States of America, both the Cornucopia Supply Crates and the New Frontier Harvests have a special gift in store: a stylish chapeau called the “Buckled Capotain.” Relive your grade-school Thanksgiving pageants with this throwback to poor fashion sense from ages past!

    Good hunting,

    Creative Lead Trick Dempsey

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Play for Free on Xbox 360

    Originally published at

    Play for Free on Xbox 360

    Lock and load, ark hunters: Defiance is now Free-to-Play on Xbox 360 for all Xbox Live Gold members! Prepare for a surge of arkfalls, hellbugs, and hulkers to sweep across consoles near you.

    Just visit the Games Marketplace on your console to download Defiance for free and play today. Make sure to link your account to receive in-game loot and bonuses, and prepare for massive battles as new recruits join seasoned vets fighting for fame and fortune across the New Frontier!

    Everyone with an Xbox Live Gold membership can install the game on Xbox 360:

    • At the Xbox 360 Dashboard:
      • Using the Left Bumper, navigate to the Games tab and press A.
      • Select Search Game and press A.
      • Enter “Defiance” and select the Defiance search result.
      • Select the Defiance image and press A.
      • Select Download and follow the prompts (where you want to install to, etc).
    • Once the Pending Download is complete, open the Xbox 360 Dashboard again.
      • Using the Left Bumper Switch to the Home tab.
      • Select Recent and press A.
      • Select Defiance and press A.
      • Select Play Now.
    • FYI:
      • You can also Pin the Defiance game to your My Pins or you can find it under My Games.
      • Once you run Defiance, you will then download the newest Defiance patch to get you completely up to date.
      • If you have already installed the disc-based version and have the newest patch there, you will not need to reload the Defiance specific patch again as the digital version will recognize it.

    Already own Defiance? Everyone with a physical copy of Defiance for Xbox 360 (and a linked account) will receive special perks and bonuses as part of the switch! Owners’ rewards include:

    • Character Slots Base: 4
    • Loadouts Base: 5
    • Ark Keycode Base: 75
    • Inventory Slots Base: 70
    • 30-Day Paradise Patron Pass
    • Grant of 1000 Arkforge
    • Existing characters will retain any extra Character, Inventory, Loadout and Ark Keycode capacity they already have above the base numbers listed here.

    Good hunting!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Defiance’s Aftermath Update Coming November 25

    Originally published at

    Defiance's Aftermath Update Coming November 25

    The Aftermath is almost upon us, Ark hunters!

    Starting Tuesday, November 25, new missions that follow the events of Season 2 and span both Paradise and Silicon Valley will be available. The Pilgrims of the Guiding Light reveal their final move, and the world is put in jeopardy once again. The assassin, Nujekpe, closes in on his prey, Eren Niden, and the criminal Melak Vor reveals a new plan to launch a war between what remains of the Earth Republic and Votanis Collective.

    The full patch notes will be live soon but here’s a preview:

    New Missions: Seven new missions, including three instanced missions, which challenge ark hunters to overcome the villainous Melak Vor, the assassin Nujekpe, and the nefarious machinations of LOCI. Do you have what it takes to stop the Arkrise?

    New Story Maps: Put a stop to Echelon’s machinations in a bunker deep beneath the Presidio, face Nujekpe and his mercenaries at Eren’s last stand, and delve deep into a huge arkfall buried below Silicon Valley.

    Thanksgiving Event: Do you have what is takes to face the Bioman barrage of the New Frontier Harvest? Do you want a full set of the Plate Slicer Synergy? Do you like weaponized turkey?

    Salvage Matrix Action – Reduce Rating: Reduce Rating brings the rating of an item down to match your current EGO rating.

    Perk and Effect Feedback: Triggered effects now display names or effects when triggered. You may toggle this feature on the settings menu with “Show Effect Names”.

    Emotes and Callouts: Emotes and Callouts are now available in the Quick Menu!

    See you in Paradise!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Thanksgiving Sale Extravaganza – Save 50%!

    Originally published at

    Thanksgiving Sale Extravaganza – Save 50%!

    An arkfall of savings has arrived in Defiance! Now through Monday, December 1 all Starter Packs, DLC Packs, Season Pass, and Lock Boxes are 50% off– including Thanksgiving Cornucopia Supply Crates from the New Frontier Harvest.

    Thanksgiving in Paradise

    Turkeys, mutants, and Biomen star in our first-annual Thanksgiving event, live November 26 through December 10! Gobble up new Pilgrim outfits and headgear from Cornucopia Crates – and carve through Harvest enemies to earn new weapons and mods with the Plate Slicer synergy. Mmm, melting armor!

    Need Bits for new Boxes? Click here to stock up!

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    The Aftermath has Arrived!

    Originally published at

    The Aftermath has Arrived!

    Defiance Season 2 has not gone quietly into the night! Silicon Valley has fallen under siege by waves of new Grid, Pilgrims, and Hellbugs. Meanwhile, the assassin Nujekpe hunts Eren Niden, and the criminal Melak Vor works to start a war between what remains of the Earth Republic and Votanis Collective.

    Welcome, ark hunters, to The Aftermath – a game update packed with new enemies, Pursuits, Contracts, and missions that pick up where Season 2 left off. As massive Grid Inquisitors and Votanis Assassins threaten life on the New Frontier, the Pilgrims of the Guiding Light prepare to throw the entire world into chaos.

    Are you prepared to stop them?

    Learn more about The Aftermath in our preview post and join the battle today!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Defiance Developer Q&A: December 4

    Originally published at


    Hello again ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A.

      1. What clan features are planned for the future?

        The big clan feature that is incoming is part of the “Mass Invite”. We’re developing a feature which will allow you to invite all your friends, or all your clan mates, or everyone within 60 meters of you to join a map your are in or queued for. This will make it much easier to fill out a Warmater instance, for example.

      2. Will private instances still give rewards like public instances?

        Indeed they will. They will give identical rewards.

      3. Are there any new vehicles planned for Defiance?

        We are not working on any presently since we’re focusing on other content.

      4. Can the mute button be made to work permanently, so once you put someone on mute they stay that way?

        We have an engineer looking into this.

      5. How does one reach the EGO cap without doing PvP?

        Max out your EGO points, every weapon skill, and every vehicle skill. Join a clan with maxed out activities. Participate with those clan members to complete the social pursuits. Complete every other non-PvP pursuit. Your EGO rating will be 5900, which is the cap. The trickiest part will probably be getting the Cerberus skill and pursuits, which you’ll have to do at Explosions 101.

      6. What’s on the horizon for Defiance after Aftermath?

        We’ve got two updates coming up soon: one small and one big. Our Christmas update and our first Season 3 update. The Christmas update will bring several UI and convenience features, updates to the Silicon Valley events, and, of course, a Christmas-themed arkfall or two. Our first season 3 patch is bringing a host of new features and content that will challenge both experienced and inexperienced players. It will also add a new form of progression to further allow players to customize their experience and style.

      7. Trick mentioned that he was considering implementing something like cybernetic augmentation, is that still under consideration?

        Indeed it is. We’re calling them “Cyber Rigs”.

      8. Will there be a Christmas event like the Halloween and Thanksgiving ones?


      9. Are the Devs getting us anything for Christmas in Defiance?

        How do you feel about Reindeer Antlers? Volge? Creepy Christmas helmets?

      10. This is important. What’s the best way to cook a ham?

        I’m fond of Alton Brown’s “City Ham” recipe. I’m a sucker for both brown sugar and bourbon. Also, it’s covered in crushed ginger snaps! What’s not to like?

      11. Users would like to be able to obtain all 4 starter outfits on their characters. Is this something that could be implemented?

        Probably. It would be pretty easy to implement, really, but we’d want to make the requirements more satisfying than just one of our regular pursuits. We might add them as a drop in our first Season 3 content. Or maybe hook them to a new co-op pursuit. Hmm…

      12. Are the Major Mutant Ark Falls going to stay after the Thanksgiving event?

        They are not. They may reappear, albeit modified, in a future event.

      13. Can we get a small amount of Arkforge when we salvage a legendary weapon? They’re so rare it’s a shame when we have to sell one.

        It’s an interesting idea. We’re looking into ways to make breaking down items, particularly special ones, more valuable. That includes finding additional uses for salvage so it’s more valuable, but there’s also the possibility that special items could break down into something that has other interesting uses.

    If you have any questions you’d like to ask our Defiance Devs, now is your chance! Questions are being pulled from our official forums right now.

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Defiance in 2015: From The Rock to the Rockies

    Originally published at

    Defiance in 2015: From The Rock to the Rockies

    Ark hunters,

    This year has seen more than Season 2, wearing squashes on our heads, and arming ourselves with weirdly deadly turkeys. Defiance has also gone free-to-play on PS3, Xbox 360, and Windows PC. This brought a horde of new ark hunters to the bay area during a time of great change. There are more big changes coming to the bay, and only the most resilient ark hunters will be able to face them.

    Hot on the heels of the Aftermath update and our Thanksgiving event, we’re unleashing something special for the holidays: The Volge are rallying for a Solstice Strike! They will drop out of the sky with the hope of turning our longest night into Earthkind’s last stand.

    In future updates, the invasions in Silicon Valley are undergoing a major revamp with clearer objectives, special gear drops, and improved enemy behaviors. We’re also bringing improvements to the gear modding process and to many of the boosts in the game. Have you ever wanted to carry more bullets? Soon you can! (Bullets are great: they kill Volge. Did I mention that VOLGE WILL BE FALLING FROM THE SKY?)

    A new year also brings new challenges. With Manhattan destroyed, the seat of power for the Earth Republic has been shattered and masses of people are now moving away from populated areas. Earth’s tenuous grasp at rebuilding civilization may finally fall apart. However, Ara Shondu and Noah Grant won’t let that happen. They’ve put up a beacon for all the displaced people of the frontier: The Rock. They’ve opened up Alcatraz Island to welcome immigrants to the bay area as ark hunters set out to clear safe spaces for Earthkind habitation.

    The Alcatraz update will also debut Expeditions: progressively harder procedurally-generated instances which challenge hunters to risk their winnings to take their chances at harder and more rewarding content. Not only do these Expeditions offer a chance to earn increased arkforge and keycodes, they also offer a chance to acquire ark tech weapons and gear with new and unique properties. Though they start off weak, they can be upgraded into the most powerful weapons in the New Frontier. On top of that, ark hunters will return from Expeditions sporting new cybernetic augmentations: Cyber Rigs. By socketing versatile Augments into Cyber Rigs, you can increase your power and unlock special abilities.

    That’s just the first offering 2015 has for the New Frontier. Valentine’s Day, Armistice Day, and Season 3 are all on the horizon, and each will bring new threats to – and opportunities for – all of Earthkind. Do you have what it takes to go from The Rock to the Rockies?

    Good hunting,

    Trick Dempsey
    Creative Lead, Defiance

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Defiance Developer Q&A: December 12

    Originally published at


    Hello again ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A.

      1. What are the current priorities for the Defiance team?

        In no particular order we are focused on:

          – Server stability, lag, and clearing up crashes
          – The Holiday Event
          – UI Improvements
          – Fixing the issues with enemy scaling (power rating)
          – The next major update, slated for early Q1 2015.

      2. Will we see weekend/week long events running in between the holiday events with regular synergy weapon/mod drops?

        The Holiday event will run for two weeks. We have a bonus weekend planned shortly after that event ends (more details to follow).

      3. In the future, will we see more events that drop a specific synergy type?

        More than likely. We’re happy how they’ve played out with the recent holiday events.

      4. We know we will have further crossover content in the game, but will we get more crossover content in the show as well?

        Indeed! We’re working out all of the details now. We’ve got some game factions which may appear in the show, and we’re discussing some tie-ins to our new content as well.

      5. Any update on private instances, bit gifting?

        Private instances are in progress right now, and we are aiming to release them early in the new year. We are not currently working on bit gifting because other features are taking priority.

      6. Great job with the vehicle fix, any plans to work on full friends list issues? Such as still receiving invites, friends being removed, sending a message to the inviter letting them know the list is full?

        While digging into Clan list issues, we found a slew of failure points like you’ve described. We have a number of fixes going in to address Friend and Clan issues, and we’ll be rolling them out as each one is ready. (Many of them don’t even require a patch on the client side, so we’ll be able to deploy the fixes quickly once they are verified.)

      7. When will the PS3 store overcharging issue be addressed? It is showing prices as if everyone has a Patron Pass (or something) which means that when a person buys something, you end up paying full price for something specifically shown in the store to be of a lower price. For instance, a 680 Bit outfit is listed as 612 Bits, yet still takes a full 680 Bits from the player.

        There is a bug where a small number of players who had Patron Pass at one point, but no longer do, are shown the discounted price in the store (even though they shouldn’t be getting it). Customer Service will fix this issue if it happens to you. However this is not a global issue. It only happens rarely. You can see this post for more details.

      8. Will we be allowed to trade arkforge in the future?

        That’s not currently planned.

      9. Will we have the option to queue for multiple co-op events in the future? Waiting for a single event is frustrating when you just want to play any!

        I KNOW, RIGHT? We had to temporarily shelve our Quickmatch update which was intended for our next large update, but it’s still on the queue to be worked on. We, too, would like to see players be able to queue for multiple events and be guaranteed to hop in quickly. We do have one improvement which should streamline the process considerably: mass invite. You’ll be able to mass invite your friends, your clan mates, and/or everyone in your immediate area.

      10. Any news on new races to play?

        We shelved the Indogene for later use. We had hoped to unleash them along with Cyber-rigs since it is thematically appropriate, but we held off on it since we wanted them to have a more significant impact than just be a new skin. We have not decided on when we will be introducing a new race.

      11. Will Blitzer’s ever get the firebomb attack across all difficulty tiers?

        Probably not. The Molotov attack can be VERY impractical in many Raider fights. When Blitzers have it, they take away a lot of what makes Rioters special. (Rioters are “cover flushers” much like Cleavers and Smelters.) We’re currently looking at making a special Raider with the Molotov ability, but it won’t appear in swarms like the Blitzers do.

      12. Are there any new weapon types planned?

        Not in the near term, but it’s a long term goal.

      13. Any chance of seeing a return of self-revive rolls on guns?

        Actually… yes. We’ve hinted at Expeditions in our recent letter, and Self-Revive bonuses will be HIGHLY desirable for those events. As such, they will be making a return in some form or another. (Weapons, Cyber-rigs, and Synergies are all being considered.)

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    FCN News Bulletin Report: Team Evil

    Originally published at

    Ark hunters,

    Not long ago, during a certain Hulker Hell Halloween event, a few good ark hunters shared a special story on our forums. We’d like to share their story with you.

    As you may remember, Team Evil is the group of pumpkin-helmet-wearing miscreants who escaped from the psycho ward of Vegas Prison. Despite the best efforts of our law keepers, they’d harassed the good citizens of Paradise since Halloween night!

    These criminals raised quite an army – one that was documented by Belle Starr and other intrepid ark hunters in a series of very disturbing shots….


    Freshly escaped from Vegas Prison.


    What evil did they intend? It looks like they’ve found our headquarters. Could it be that they’ve been trying to keep Christmas from coming?


    Rumors had it their pumpkin helmets acted like sentient EGOs that, along with experimental Hellfire weapons from the research ark, were designed to create an army of alien berserkers.

    We’ve attempted to confirm these reports with Creative Lead Trick Dempsey, but his fortified bunker was sealed tight. From deep within we could hear the sound of gunfire and the eerie refrain of “Rudolph with your nose so bright…” over and over again. Team Evil has disappeared, and any members who were caught have had their crimes forgiven due to temporary insanity!

    The best news of all? They failed to sabotage Christmas: Solstice Strike is still on the way!

    Holidays Arrive in New Paradise Solstice Celebration

    Originally published at

    Holidays Arrive in New Paradise Solstice Celebration!

    Ark hunters,

    Winter can be a trying time for the denizens of the New Frontier. The daily struggle for food and water is complicated by the dangers of exposure. The frontier has a cold, unforgiving heart, and winter lets that frigidity pour out. This is why the people of Paradise still celebrate the old Solstice traditions of feasts, fun, and warm fires. Who could protest such joviality?

    The Volge.

    If you wanted to know, Volge hate fun. If you think you’ve seen an angry Volge, wait until you’ve seen a Volge covered in snow. Cranky.

    We figured if the Volge were dead-set on crashing our Solstice celebrations, we’d just have to make them a part of it – along with a new line of Radiant Solstice weapons that use radiation damage to cut through those hardened Volge hides and dive right to their hearts. (Don’t worry, their hearts won’t be growing three sizes larger. Their hearts will stop. I assure you. If the irradiated bullets don’t finish the job, then the Saturnalia synergy will. It’s like a party and every bullet is invited.)

    In addition to the Celebration’s Solstice Strike arkfalls, festive outfits, and heaps of seasonal loot, Ara Shondu is offering a special bounty for ark hunters who are ready to face the Volge now through January 5. Stop enough Volge attacks, and you’ll be invited to Shondu’s Consulate to collect a gift of epic Radiant Solstice weapons.

    If you collect five of these gifts in a single week, you can return to the Consulate and collect a special present containing one of twelve named legendary weapons – and yes, you may notice a pattern…

    Paradise Solstice Celebration Legendary Weapons

    If you’re more interested in the peaceful side of this year’s celebration, the Tarr Family is sponsoring a scavenger hunt of a sort. Nine unusual reindeer have been spotted across the New Frontier, and the Tarrs will pay good money to anyone who can track them all down.

    So, my good ark hunters, the call has gone out. Find Dancer. Find Prancer. And, above all, find the elusive Rudolph with his nose so bright…

    Good hunting and happy holidays!

    Trick Dempsey
    Creative Lead, Defiance

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    Solstice Strike Screenshot Contest

    Originally published at

    Welcome, ark hunters! In light of the season and new seasonal delights, we’re holding a Solstice Strike Screenshot Contest! Starting on December 17, you’ll have a chance to win a Defiance Hunter Pack for the PC if your screenshot is spectacularly seasonal! Two “Runner-Ups” will be selected and will win a Radiant Solstice Supply Crate each.

    Solstice Strike Screenshot Contest


    • Take and submit a single Defiance screenshot that captures the essence of the Solstice Strike experience in Defiance.
    • Not sure how to take a screenshot on PC? We’ve got you covered! Just press the Print Scrn button on your keyboard and paste it into your paint tool of choice.
    • Entries are limited to PC users only.
    • No image manipulation is permitted
    • One entry per person. Submitting more than one entry may disqualify you.
    • Post your entry as an attachment or linked image on the official Defiance forums as a reply to this thread.
    • The image must be personally taken by you and it must be submitted in a digital format (ideally JPG).
    • Your entry should be “safe for work” and will be disqualified or deleted if it is indecent in nature. As a rule of thumb: if you have to ask, it’s probably not okay!
    • Make sure to review the rules!


    • The Defiance Team will be determining the grand prize and runner up winners. Scoring will be based on creativity, originality, and adherence to guidelines.
    • One grand prize winner will be selected and will receive a Defiance Hunter Pack.
    • Two runner-up prize winners will be selected and will each receive a Radiant Solstice Supply Crate.


    • This contest begins Wednesday, December 17 and ends Monday, January 5 at 6:00 PM PST (GMT-8), at which point we will no longer accept contest entries.
    • The contest results will be published about a week after the end of the contest.

    Thanks for joining us for Solstice Strike in Defiance, we’re very excited for your submission! Happy Holidays!

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    New Outstanding Community Contributors Named

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    Not long ago, it was said that members of the Defiance community who have gone, or go, above and beyond the call of duty will be the recipient of the Trion Supporter outfit.

    The Defiance community thrives with community contributions. The next recipients of the Trion Supporter outfit are well known to the community for their contributions: Fuzzy, Market, Batman, and CollapsN7.


    Be it bug-blasting on our Public Test Server or the urge to go above and beyond when helping other ark hunters on our official forums, these members have all earned the Trion Supporter outfit.

    Congratulations and thank you for being pillars of the Defiance community!

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    Defiance Paradise Solstice Livestream: December 19

    Originally published at

    Defiance Paradise Solstice Livestream: December 19

    Join Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel where we’ll be discussing and playing the new Paradise Solstice event as well as what’s coming up in Defiance. We’ll also be answering questions asked by the community in the live chat!

    Defiance Paradise Solstice Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, December 19 at 3:30 PM PST (GMT-8)
    Duration: 45 minutes

    Remember to stick around until the end when three lucky, random livestream viewers will each be granted 15-Day Patron Passes. See you on Twitch!

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    Defiance Developer Q&A: December 19

    Originally published at


    Happy Holidays, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A.

      1. What inventory improvements are planned?

        We have a few inventory changes in the works.

          – (Complete) Salvage Matrix access from Inventory – access all salvage matrix actions directly from the inventory screen.
          – (In Progress) Synergy labels and icons in Inventory – Appending synergy names to the items which have them as well as an icon to indicate whether that synergy is a loadout synergy or a mod synergy.
          – (Not Started) Tabbed Inventory menu – Adds tabs for different kinds of items based on weapon type, shields, consumables, etc.

      2. Instances mentioned in expansion announcement, will they allow more than 4 players?

        They will be designed for four players. The system is expandable to larger groups, but we’re building our environments to work for groups of four players for our initial Expedition release.

      3. Are there plans to see more world effects such as lighting, razor rain, or deadly meteorite ark debris?

        Not currently. We’re focused on the Alcatraz content.

      4. Will HD textures be added for PC in the future?

        HD textures are still on the back burner.

      5. Can you tell us more about what we can expect from the Alcatraz update?

        Trick and Scapes discussed Alcatraz on the Livestream today, and we will reveal more information in future blog posts and livestreams.

      6. Could we get an update on the future of Caeruleum Cores and other currencies?

        We will continue to have these currencies. We are adding a new currency, the Hunter Requisition, in the Alcatraz update. Hunter Reqs will be used to access Expedition content.

      7. Could you implement a “killing bonus system”? For example, every time you kill 1000 enemies of a particular kind, you’d gain a 1% damage bonus against them that would have a fixed percentage limit.

        Definitely possible, but not in our plans at the moment.

      8. Will any Defiance merchandise be available in the future?

        Trion Worlds doesn’t directly sell Defiance merchandise, however be on the lookout for merchandise becoming available from 3rd parties when the next season of the TV shows kicks off.

      9. Would it be possible to implement weekly or monthly code hunts? Something that would not hurt game economics and would bring back the thrill of discovery would be ideal.

        We are adding hidden ark chests and golden skitterlings around the world for the Alcatraz update. These will encourage exploration into the harder to reach places of the world.

      10. Will we see a boost to core drops in the future?

        Not likely. Caeruleum Core drops are designed to unlock access to top-tier weapons on a very specific schedule, and we’re in no hurry to accelerate that process.

      11. Will there be any new competitive/shadow war maps added?

        We are not currently developing additional competitive content.

      12. Can we see Emergencies spawn in groups together? Why are they so far apart?

        Since emergencies have such varying enemy populations, they are spawned far apart so that they will not enter combat with one another.

      13. Will we see more Ark Falls that we can go into in the future, and is it to far out to think that they can one day be randomly generated?

        We are developing additional arkbreak interiors as we speak. These new arkbreaks will be used in future arkfalls and expeditions.

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    Defiance Developer Q&A: January 9

    Originally published at


    Happy New Year, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A, and our first of 2015!

      1. What changes or features are coming next in Defiance?

        We are fully focused on bringing the Alcatraz update to maximum awesome! Alcatraz will include the new hub on Alcatraz Island, our semi-procedural Expedition maps, high powered “Ark” weapons and mods, and, finally, a whole new form of progression in Cyber Rigs. It’s a heck of an update, and we’ve focused a lot of attention at making it a fulfilling experience.

      2. What are the priorities for the Defiance team for 2015?

        We’re dedicating resources to new enemies and environments for our Expedition content and using that a funnel for a bevy of new advancement options. Our initial release of Cyber Rigs will only scratch the surface of their potential, and we’re going to be expanding that functionality as we move forward. This also gives us an opportunity to take the Defiance game story to areas outside of the immediate environments of the San Francisco Bay. Since Expeditions challenge ark hunters to visit areas which are ambiguously beyond the bay area, ark hunters can learn about world developments in Defiance through events which play out there. It is in Expeditions that the ark hunters will discover much of the aftermath of the destruction of New York and the escalation of aggression from the Votanis Collective. Also, during this season, we are going to reveal the rise of yet another nation-state actor on the New Frontier stage.

      3. When can we expect the next major update?

        The Alcatraz update is an enormous undertaking, and we want it to release at the highest quality. As such, we are holding on to it so it can spend more time on the public test server. We’ll be releasing details on that deployment shortly as well as special rewards for players who choose to participate in playtesting.

      4. When can we expect a fix for Defiant Few II?

        It should be in our next patch. We’re going to retroactively alter players who are in the bad state.

      5. What are some crazy Dev ideas that you thought of and would have liked to see in the game but were just not able to make final cut or were just to outrageous to be implemented into the game?

        Shooting from vehicles in the open world – particularly from the Raptor and from the Runners – is something we’ve wanted for a while. There are some relatively minor issues with animations and so forth if we were to implement it, but there are far greater issues from a content standpoint. There is only one event where players may drive a shooting vehicle against non-player enemies, and that is in a controlled environment in Explosions 101. The enemies have been greatly increased in number in that area (both times you get the vehicle), and they are entirely optional. If we were to add vehicle combat to the open world more globally, we’d need to take a few steps.

          A. We’d want to update the itemization of vehicles. We’d want to give them resistances and have some built for combat and some not. We’d add a greater chase and variety so players would have significant decisions in their vehicle progression.
          B. We’d need to update enemies to better handle player vehicles. They’d need some special anti-vehicle attacks and some special behaviors to make them run to cover to avoid vehicles. This would take a significant amount of time to implement on all enemies.
          C. AND THIS IS THE HARDEST TASK (Probably) – We’d need enemy vehicles. This was actually attempted a couple of times with varying success. However it was never handled in an efficient enough fashion to run with all the players we could have active at once. (With our huge player and enemy population, we have to be very careful about efficiency.)

        As it stands, we’ve put player combat vehicles on hold indefinitely. I’ve personally really wanted it for some time, but it is not a good investment for the Defiance team right now. After Season 3, we’ll evaluate the feature again. Until then, it’s just a beautiful dream.

      6. What new store content can we expect for the new year?

        We’re adding store content to correlate with the Cyber Rig and Expedition Content as well as releasing a fan favorite outfit and lockbox: “Special Delivery” featuring The APS Courier. That last one will be coming later in the season, however.

      7. When you guys (Trion) did the math did you exclude “In the Inner Circle”, “In the Inner Circle II”, “Echelon Contractor” and “Echelon Contractor II” or just the pursuits under the Competitive Multiplayer tab?

        When discussing reaching Max EGO without and Competitive multiplayer, we did remove those pursuits from our calculation. However, we did include the DLC pursuits, since that was not part of the previous questions as they were conveyed to the development team. So, to be clear:

          1. A player who has never paid for a DLC may reach the Max EGO level, but they will have to participate in PvP.
          2. A player who has purchased DLC may reach the Max EGO level without participating in PvP.

        Over time, as we add more pursuits for episodic content, the PvP requirement will slip even from non-DLC owners. For now, however, you must do one or the other.

      8. Can you take us through a typical work day at Trion? What’s your usual first dealings? Do you guys have meetings and spitball, or discuss what we post here and mull over them?

        We actually try to keep formal meetings to a minimum. We have task lists that we’ve agreed upon based on our upcoming feature sets. We have a small number of meetings each week which last under 30 minutes. One full team meeting every Tuesday to go over our status towards our next patch and any other business that affects the full team. We also have two smaller meetings for engineers and for designers. In addition to that, Rashere, Phantasie, and I (Trick) meet as needed any time an issue comes up where we need to reprioritize work or change estimates.

        Aside from that, everyone’s typical work day varies quite a bit. I, personally, come in early every morning and look over our engagement numbers on each platform before trying to get the bulk of my management and communication tasks completed before lunch. Then I prefer to spend the rest of the day creating content in some form or fashion. I try to dedicate some time each week to going on a massive hunt for reported bugs that I can squash or for organizing a playtest of new or old features to check for their completeness and for clarity in communication.

        Many nights, when I go home, I end up reading communications from our partners at Syfy or writing scripts for the game itself.

      9. Will we ever get an outfit piece similar to Ara Shondu’s?

        We may do one similar. Ara has a very limited movement set, and her outfit was built to support that. Since players make much broader movements, we’d need to adjust the outfit to match. (Tightening certain joints, etc.) We had one planned ages ago for the Castithan Charge pack that just did not make the cut. We’ll probably revisit a player version of her outfit when we next feature her more in our story.

      10. Any update on private instances/Mass invite option?

        It’s coming in with the Alcatraz update, but we may split its implementation across multiple updates. Currently, it’s nearing feature complete for Arkbreaks and for Expeditions. We may delay implementing it for Co-op maps and for Arenas. (Implementation for arenas would be delayed until we can better balance arena rewards. That’s a feature update we’ve wished to make for a long time.)

      11. Can we have multiple waypoint navigation implemented to the maps? Pretty please?

        We’d like to add seeing the waypoints of other group members, but we’re not considering a multiple waypoints for an individual player at this time.

      12. Any word on a time frame for the next time the EGO cap will be raised?

        It will be raised with the Alcatraz update along with some adjustments to the high-level player power curve. (This would behave much like our previous update to the 4500-5000 EGO range. We’ll have the details on that adjustment later, but it will be retroactive.)

      13. Are there any planned upcoming livestreams?

        Yes! We’re doing one next Friday! I’m hoping to demonstrate Expeditions, but we may have to restrict ourselves to showing off some other content. Hard to say. I REALLY REALLY want to show off Expeditions.

      14. When are we likely to see the weapons tuning pass, and can we have a sneak peak for the BMG changes?

        Currently, we’re working on updating weapon rarity bonuses. That’s nearly done and should be going to PTS soon. Watch for a more detailed forum post explaining those changes.

        For BMGs, we’re just starting to look at potential changes there. Obvious candidates include work to tone down the particle effects, possibly reducing the rate of fire to limit the impact on the servers, and looking at the tuning of the healing effects.

        Oh, we also buffed Blast Rifles. That change will hit PTS with the next update.

      15. Will the holiday arkfalls return in 2015? Will there be additional changes to these events for this year?

        Indeed they will. We’re already preparing for a special mid-February holiday. It’s that special time of year when Matrons and Monarchs show their love for one another. Which is bad for basically all of Earthkind. Like… really bad.

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    Solstice Strike Screenshot Contest Results

    Originally published at

    We are very happy to announce the results of the Solstice Strike Screenshot Contest! Please join us in congratulating Altras, Untamed1, and Badprocess for their spectacular screenshots of the Solstice Strike!


    Grand Prize Winner and now the proud owner of a Defiance Hunter Pack: Altras


    Runner-Up Winner: Untamed1


    Runner-Up Winner: Badprocess

    Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who entered this contest! All prizes will be sent to the winners via Private Message on the forums this week. We do look forward to hosting more events with you in the future!

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    Get Double Arkforge Jan. 16-18

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    Get Double Arkforge Jan. 16-18

    Ready for a legendary weekend? Now through Jan. 18, you’ll rake in 200% Arkforge from Incursions, Sieges and Expert Co-op Runs!

    Upgrade your favorite weapons (or stockpile Arkforge for Alcatraz!) as you slug it out on the New Frontier – and be on the lookout for “Special Delivery” Lock Boxes bringing three new synergies, costumes, and a jackpot APS Courier sawed-off to Defiance!

    *Valid through 11:59pm PST on Sunday, Jan. 18. Excludes direct Arkforge purchases.

    New “Special Delivery” Lock Boxes are Live

    Originally published at


    When it comes to secure cargo delivery, only the heavily-armed couriers of the Armored Parcel Service are more dependable than a group of (well-paid) ark hunters.

    Now, thanks to Special Delivery Lock Boxes, you have the first chance since Defiance Beta to score a jackpot APS Courier sawed-off – plus 3 powerful new synergies, outfits, and headgear – to use while running your own high-risk payloads up and down the New Frontier.

    Check out all the new loot up for grabs below, and stock up on Bits today!

    Defiance Livestream: January 23 at 3:30 PM PST

    Originally published at

    Defiance Livestream: January 23

    Join Creative Lead Trick Dempsey and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel where we’ll be do a recap of what worked and what we learned from recent holiday events and will then preview what we have planned for Valentine’s Day in Defiance. We’ll also be answering your questions about the upcoming new game feature: expeditions!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, January 23 at 3:30 PM PST (GMT-8)
    Duration: 45 minutes

    Remember to stick around until the end for our giveaways! See you on Twitch!

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    Defiance Developer Q&A: January 22

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A!

      1. When will the Alcatraz update make it to PTS?

        We’re working on Alcatraz currently and making great progress. It’s still rough, but our internal playtests of Expedition content have been a blast and we can’t wait to get them out to PTS to start gathering player feedback. We don’t have a hard ETA on when that will be, but we’re getting close. Besides, our next event –Colony Courtship – is on PTS right now. Go check it out!

      2. When can we expect to be able to view the synergies of the mods installed on our weapons?

        It’s something we want to do, but it’ll be a future enhancement and we don’t have an ETA.

      3. Could we get more details on the “hub”?

        Alcatraz Island is the landing point for Expeditions. Everyone that exits an expedition will find themselves dropped onto the docks at Alcatraz next to some of the standard vendors. Nearby, they’ll find vendors for each of the factions as well as stations to enter matchmaking for a variety of activities. Additionally, Alcatraz is a non-combat area. Weapons cannot be drawn there and no hostile actions can be taken on its shores. We’re also updating contracts which require players to enter matchmaking to point to locations on Alcatraz island where players can enter matchmaking for those events.

      4. Are there still plans to expand the Bay area, after the Alcatraz hub?

        Not currently. We’re focusing on Expeditions at the moment and plan to continue adding additional types of Expeditions post-Alcatraz.

      5. Are expeditions explorable (with no or little combat, or at least solo) or are they more like traditional instances like this games co-ops?

        Expeditions are filled with difficult combats designed to test the limits of player skills. While they can be entered alone, they thrive on drop-in cooperative combat for four players. When fighting against them alone, the deck is stacked against you. However, whenever a player is eliminated, they can be quickly replaced. There is no waiting for a full group; when you sign up for an Expedition it works to get you into the action as soon as possible.

      6. Are you working on a fix for the non encrypted legendary weapon bug?

        Yes, in fact server update 2.505 fixed it! On top of that, we will soon be retroactively encrypting anything affected by this bug so you do get the Encryption bonus.

      7. Is there going to be an update in the future to allow us to replay side missions alongside the main storyline?

        There may be, but such an update is not planned.

      8. Could we get a letter tab for the clan and friends list so we can look up more people?

        We found an issue where all online clan members were not passed to players when they viewed the clan screen. We’ve resolved this issue, and that fix will be in the Alcatraz update.

      9. Will there be any more character customization options coming out in the future? It would be great if you could purchase multiple hairstyle slots without redoing customization!

        That would be really cool, but we are not currently revamping character personalization.

      10. Is a personalized post event screen still something that is coming?

        Indeed. You’ll see it on PTS when the Alcatraz update goes live.

      11. Why was the decision made to have what are considered some of the best guns in the game with the Longshot Cannon, Ground Pounder, and Invader to be granted the Radiation Nano for the Solstice event? Why weren’t the lesser weapons from those weapon categories chosen to be the weapons selected for the event and granted the Radiation nano?

        Our goal for special events is always that the items dropped from them are desirable by the majority of players so we pick weapons that most players prefer when deciding which ones to use. We also attempt to not use the same base weapons too frequently, so we rotate through weapons as we make new events.

      12. Why are there no more Major Arkfall Impacts Sites?

        Major arkfall impact sites can be found in San Francisco.

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    Elite Lock Box Sale, 50% Off Until January 25

    Originally published at

    Elite Lock Boxes

    Incoming, ark hunters! Now through January 25 you’ll save 50% on Elite Lock Boxes at the Defiance Store.

    Save Bits as you tear into new gear and enjoy one last chance to hunt down the legendary Reckoning, a special Tachmag Pulser, before the new jackpot weapon arrives.

    Need Bits? Click here to stock up!

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    The Enervator: New From VBI

    Originally published at

    The Enervator: New From VBI

    Months of research in Von Bach Industries new labs in Silicon Valley have produced an incredible advance in Infector technology. We’re proud to present The Enervator. Expanding on the techniques employed by the Canker line of VBI weapons, the Enervator employs a modified version of the Grid nanotechnology to eat away at – rather than regenerate – the cellular structure of organic and robotic targets. This devastating development will eat away your opponents from the inside out.

    Due to limited manufacturing facilities in the Bay Area, Von Bach Industries is restricting supply of this legendary weapon to Elite Lock Boxes sold from the Defiance Store or lock box vendors throughout the Bay. The Enervator will also only be available for a limited time, so pick up your Elite Lock Boxes now before time runs out!

    Need Bits? Click here to stock up!

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    Defiance Developer Q&A: January 30

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!

      1. Is the Dev team thinking of implementing any changes to charge blades in the near future?

        Not currently. Our focus is on Alcatraz at the moment.

      2. Could you tell the community more about the community moderator program?

        The Community Supporters will be granted limited moderator permissions to help remove obvious spam posts. Currently, their scope will not include actioning actual players.

      3. What are some of the things that you would have liked to have had in for the Valentines event, but couldn’t fit it in due to time or design constraints?

        This is gruesome, but I wanted bouquets of hellbug hearts. I wanted to not only have the hearts of hellbugs skewered on pikes in front of major game locations, but I wanted to task players with harvesting those hearts from incapacitated hellbugs. Then players would take that bouquet to any of the main stars to “declare their love”. Because that is awesomely gross!

      4. Are there any changes planned for the bug report system?

        There are none currently planned, though we certainly could in the future!

      5. Will there be a nanoless jackpot weapon in the future?

        If it makes sense for the weapon, that’s certainly possible. All jackpots are case-by-case.

      6. When will we get the ability to name our gear like you mentioned a few months back?

        There isn’t a release date for it yet, so there’s no word at present. We’re in love with the feature though.

      7. Will there be any features to work Expeditions into the private match system for people in the same clan, etc. who want to play together?

        Actually, yes! They were intended to be paired with Private Matches, but we’re going to hold off on Private Expeditions for a future update. (It complicates matchmaking, and Expedition matchmaking is complicated enough for one release, thank you!)

        Spectating will be a big no-no for the foreseeable future, but Private Matches are still in the plans for the future.

      8. There are concerns of thieves on the PS3 using a bug that freezes the PS3 to steal choice weapons. This was investigated, can you tell us about the results?

        While we won’t discuss scamming, cheating, exploiting, etc. publicly, we do investigate and deal with reported cases. The key factor is proof – we log everything – and will go through chat logs, play style history, etc. and if there is clear evidence the player will be dealt with.

      9. What’s your policy on scamming in game and what can players do if they’ve been scammed?

        If you’ve been scammed, make sure to report it to our support team as soon as possible. Scamming is where a player generally makes an agreement with another player that is not fulfilled and only benefits one individual. If a player agrees to give 10,000 Scrip for a weapon and the trade occurs but the other player never gets the weapon and the offender runs off with the Scrip, this qualifies as a scam and is actionable by our support team. We consider this a major violation of our Code of Conduct, and possible suspensions may occur for the player performing the scam. We will also reverse the trade, so you’ll get your currency returned to you!

        In order to protect yourself, please be sure to make sure perform any trades using the in game text chat system so that we can reliably track the agreement. This helps protect you and your trade.

      10. What does the Dev team have planned to promote map exploration?

        We’re placing Golden Skitterlings and Ark Chests in the world for players to find. A bit of a scavenger hunt with semi-random locations.

      11. Can you remove the encryption from named weapons like the Diablo?

        Most fixed-bonus weapons are built specifically for the rating tier they drop at. El Diablo, for example, only has bonuses up to the rare tier. It’s encrypted so you get the 3% damage bonus since you can’t upgrade the weapon anyway.

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    Defiance Updating to Version 2.6

    Originally published at

    Defiance Updating to Version 2.6

    Ark hunters,

    Defiance is updating to Version 2.6! The patch notes can be found below.

    * Love on the Horizon…?
    – Stay tuned for or next event, arriving at 12:00 PM PST on Monday, February 9!

    * Corrected the issue that was causing NPCs to not scale properly in the middle of combat.
    * Slightly reworked difficulty scaling for better results in Sieges.
    * Players that go completely AFK in co-op missions will no longer gain disproportionate rewards, nor will they complete the corresponding weekly contract.
    * Fixed several collision problems
    * Updated the description of the Gunslinger cache to reflect the number of weapons coming from the box
    * Fixed a bug that could cause weapons or shields to lose their encryption status when claimed. This fix is retroactive, meaning all all legendary (orange) weapons and shields in your inventory will now be encrypted (and gain their bonus from that encryption).

    * Returned the FRC Birdshot Pump to the store lock boxes.

    * Increased Blast Rifle and Mazu Blast Rifle damage to bring them in line with other assault rifles.
    – The damage is actually triple what is displayed, as the blast rifle fires three rounds at once.
    – The “x3” will be added to the display in a future update.
    * The uncommon +mag mastery for explosive weapons is now properly +1. Previously, it had corrupted data and would be an odd value like +4.57 or +12.39.
    * The Stalker mod synergy now affects both weapon Range and Falloff Damage Distance.
    * Corrected the name of DC-7 Swimming Swan.

    * Guns can no longer receive multiple rarity bonuses of the same type.
    – Instead, the individual bonuses have been increased.
    – The overall damage output of most guns using the new system will be about the same, or slightly higher, than it was before.
    – The difference between a “perfect” gun and one with suboptimal rolls is smaller than it was previously, though, so more randomly generated weapons will be competitive.
    * Each sub-type of weapon (ex. Bolt Action Sniper Rifles, Charged Sniper Rifles, and Semi-Auto Sniper Rifles) now has their own possible bonuses which exclude ones that don’t make sense for the gun (ex. recoil bonuses on a bolt action rifle).
    * New +mag bonuses are percentage increases rather than flat bonuses so they scale better with the weapon’s base clip size.
    * These changes only affect guns that randomize their bonuses.
    * These changes only affect guns that drop after this patch.
    * For more information, please visit the Coming Change to Weapon Rarity Bonuses thread.

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    Defiance Livestream: February 6 at 2:30 PM PST

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    Defiance Livestream: February 6 at 2:30 PM PST

    Join Creative Lead Trick Dempsey, Game Designer Carble “Locarb” Cheung, and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel where we’ll be demonstrating an expedition for the first time! We’ll also touch on the latest Defiance Season 3 news and Valentine’s Day event details.

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, February 6 at 2:30 PM PST (GMT-8)
    Duration: 45 minutes

    Remember to stick around until the end for our giveaways! See you on Twitch!

    Hellbug Season is Here: February 9-22

    Originally published at

    Hellbug Season is Here: February 9-22

    Love is in the air, ark hunters. Hellbug love, that is, and from February 9-22, it’s up to you to nip it in the bud!

    Keep an eye out for new Colony Courtship arkfalls bringing Valentine’s “presents” galore crashing to Earth:
    – Battle through arkfalls for a chance to find an exclusive Heartbreaker weapon or mod.
    – The Heartbreaker synergy specializes in defense by providing effects that occur when your shield or armor break and a faster self-revive recharge rate, making it love at first sight for expeditions!
    – Look for one of three unique titles to drop from minor and major arkfalls.
    – Complete arkfalls for a chance to collect an exotic new Pith Helmet hat.

    If you just can’t get your fill of new weapons, mods, or outfits, head to the store to pick up a Heartbreaker Supply Crate. Within you may find the unique Night Porter outfit or any of three new pieces of headgear: the Pith Helmet, the Hellbug Tooth Hat, and the Hellbug Stalker!

    Whether you’re breaking arkfalls, heads, or hearts, it’s almost time to celebrate!

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    Defiance Developer Q&A: February 9

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A!

      1. Will the Gulanee ever be a playable race?

        Although it would be pretty cool to play a race of pure energy, we have no current plans to add the Gulanee race as a playable character. Keep in mind that to stay consistent with lore, we can’t have you enjoy all of the awesome in-game costumes and that you would have to remain in a containment suit all of the time. Imagine how bad it must smell to be in a containment suit all the time. Think about it. Eww.

      2. Will we be able to port characters over regions in the future? For example, switching from EU to NA.

        Character Copy is a tool that we only make available to copy characters to our Public Test Environment. It is a manual process that does not scale well for use with the population of the live servers. Also consider that since it is an internal tool not designed for frequent use there are a few bugs with it. Bugs that we can put up with on PTS and internally, but would not be acceptable to players on the live servers. Finally, there are restrictions that are beyond our control when it comes to transferring paid content such as Season Pass and DLC. These are only some of the reasons why we have no plans to offer character on our live servers.

      3. Can we have the option to purchase more than 6 loadout slots?

        Currently we have no immediate plans on implementing more than the 6 loadout slots per character. This is something we may reevaluate in the future as more varying content becomes available that may require the convenience of more loadouts.

      4. When will players begin to see the inventory improvements/when are they set to be released?

        With the update to Alcatraz we have added right-click functionality in the Inventory screen. This will allow you to breakdown individual items, attach and remove mods, or upgrade the rarity. Keep in mind that Inventory and general usability improvements are always being evaluated. Unfortunately most changes are larger tasks than they may appear once we get in to the guts of the system causing us to delay the feature or forgo the feature all together.

      5. Is an auto-loot option being considered? If not, why?

        This is one of those features that sound like an easy win, but when we put it to consideration raises few flags that made us favor not implementing it. Among many other things, we have to consider our average players and how much inventory space is available to them during gameplay. As an example, it would be unfortunate for someone to participate in an incursion and forced to choose to keep up with the group or deal with inventory management because auto-loot filled up their inventory space. Having the feature as an optional toggle could be an option, but we would prefer to focus on features that a majority of players would use and enjoy for a consistent experience. In lieu of auto-loot, we’ve looked into making ways to better manage what drops players see and when they expire.

      6. Can you give us any hints at what is planned for Season 3 in the game?

        Season 3 focuses exclusively on Expedition content. We’ve planned a series of episodic Expeditions packed with new enemies, bosses, and environments which tell the story of the continuing conflicts consuming the New Frontier.

      7. Are there any plans to add context to group invite messages?

        As mentioned above concerning inventory improvements, UI (User Interface) changes as a whole are generally much larger tasks than they appear to be and get pretty ugly once we get into the guts of it. We’re not saying we aren’t considering Quality of Life changes such as the one you are suggesting, we just need to pick our battles on what will bring us the biggest bang (benefits the most users) for the buck (time).

      8. Can you hint at what is planned for Armistice Day?

        We do have plans for Armistice day, but that is still quite some time away, we will reveal details as time nears. For now you can keep busy with the Valentine’s day event Colony Courtship and the upcoming long awaited Alcatraz update. Those updates should keep you busy til then and before you know it, you will have your answer.

      9. When will the Community supporters get the ability to kill the spam?

        We’ll be getting them set up with moderator permissions this week.

      10. Will we have more Defiance contests in the future?

        Absolutely! We’ve been pleased to see such interest in them and are exploring ways to make it easier to take screenshots in-game.

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    Fight Colony Courtship with a New Trailer and Sale

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    Fight Colony Courtship with a New Trailer and Sale

    Hellbug season is upon us and we’re calling for all ark hunters to fight their expanding numbers in new Colony Courtship arkfall events!

    Hellbug Season is Here: February 9-22

    To sway the battle in human and Votan favor, we’re also discounting the new Heartbreaker Supply Crate by 40% for the duration of the event. Remember, the only good hellbug is a dead hellbug!

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    Defiance Developer Q&A: February 16

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    Ark hunters, welcome to our latest Defiance Developer Q&A, populated with the questions you’re asking on the official forums. Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our forums this week!

    1. Will we see new EGO powers in the future?

    We aren’t planning to introduce new EGO powers, but we are looking at alternatives that would provide new, activatable abilities through other means.

    2. Are there any plans to tone down some of the graphic displays in the game? Things like the BMG beams, Crimefighter blasts or spikes.

    Yes, we do plan on reducing some of the weapons tied to heavy visual effects usage. We have already made a quick pass at the Crimefighter and reduced some of the camera shake and vfx slightly. A second pass at this will still be needed for the vfx itself. As for the BMGs it may take some time to deal with properly.

    3. Will the hair on headgear items ever be changed to match the color of our character’s hair?

    This is still being investigated by members of our team. We will update you as we make progress.

    4. Can you give us an update on what the team is doing to improve server stability?

    This is one of our ongoing tasks – we are constantly monitoring server stability and traffic. There are a few devs that are on call 24/7 to make sure services are functioning within expected limits. We have reports that help us narrow down when these spikes occur and help us investigate what may be triggering them to occur. The data provided allows us to make adjustments to improve the player experience.

    5. Are the new bonus roll mechanics going to be applied to Mission Reward, Vendor, and Named weapons?

    Possibly. It’s something we’d like to do, but it’s a tricky task to do in a way that doesn’t impact existing weapons. It’s something we’ll be investigating post-Alcatraz.

    6. What will be the Bit Store price for one Hunter Requisition, and will there be an option to buy in “bulk” for a discount?

    The price for a single Hunter Requisition is currently 40 bits, 5 Hunter Reqs for 180 bits, 20 Hunter Reqs for 500 bits. Keep in mind that 1 Hunter Requisition will allow you to play through multiple rounds of Expeditions as long as you do not extract or end the Expedition. A single round of an Expedition is designed to take approximately 20 minutes for the average 4 player group. As with all things currently on PTS, these are subject to change as we go through tuning and test.

    7. Will there be a maximum number of Hunter Requisitions that a player can have, and, if so, what is that limit?

    We currently do not have a cap on the amount of Hunter Requisitions available to a character. Also, remember that if you have a Patron Pass you must log in to claim your daily Hunter Requisition.

    8. Can Hunter Requisitions be traded between players?

    Hunter Requisitions are a non-tradable currency.

    9. Is the team looking at options for more ways for players to acquire Hunter Requisition?

    As with all things on the PTS, we are currently evaluating the data on how players use the Hunter Requisition currency. As it stands now, the current allotment is 1 free Hunter Requisition that all players can claim each week, Patron Pass players can claim a bonus Hunter Requisition each day. What’s on PTS right now is our starting point and based on what we find during testing, it may change.

    10. Do the Radiation perks have any effect on Shrill Grenades?

    Radiation perks do apply to the Shrill grenade damage as well as incendiary perks also apply to Pyro grenades. (Technically, the electric perks also apply to Flashbangs, but their primary benefit is not the damage.

    11. Not all players love PvP. In what ways will Alcatraz help players avoid it and still have a full game experience?

    The Alcatraz update will introduce Expeditions which are a PvE activity as well as increasing the EGO cap to 6000. Expeditions will have related pursuits that will help you acquire more EGO towards your goal of increasing your character’s EGO. On top of the initial release of expeditions, we plan on adding more expeditions & pursuits in future updates within the coming months. As in the past with Defiance being a Live game we will be adding new content and activities that will encompass players of all types.

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    Party with Trion at PAX East 2015

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    Party with Trion at PAX East 2015

    Attending PAX East 2015 in Boston this March? Join the Trion Worlds team for a party celebrating the Defiance community!

    Follow up the first day of the show with a short walk to Liberty Wharf and party with us at Legal Harborside on March 6. Attendees will enjoy food, drinks, and giveaways. While supplies last, guests will each receive the “…And Taxes”, an epic VOT Mazu Blast Rifle with a special skin and hand-picked stats, as well as real-world loot. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity for face time with the team members working on Defiance and all of our other games. We’ll announce the latest developments with each game after which you’ll be able to ask questions and swap stories up close and in person.

    Mark your calendars and come hang out with us from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST (before the time switch to Daylight Savings). Arriving early is strongly advised as space (and giveaways) are limited!

    WHAT: Trion Worlds Community Party at PAX East 2015
    WHEN: Friday, March 6, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST
    WHERE: Legal Harborside, 270 Northern Ave., Boston, MA 02210

    See you in Boston!

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    Alcatraz Preview: Expeditions

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    Alcatraz Preview: Expeditions

    Expeditions are new, evolving co-op matches that pit players against increasingly tough enemies for ever-increasing rewards. Our first three expeditions – The War Below, Stolen Purpose, and Hellbug Hunt – will debut with the launch of the Alcatraz update!

    Read on to learn more about Expedition challenges and mechanics, and stay tuned for in-depth coverage of their rewards in our upcoming Alcatraz Preview: Cyber Rigs post.

    Expedition Tiers and Rounds

    When you start an Expedition, you’ll be placed into a series of matches based on your EGO rating. These matches are broken up into difficulty “Tiers” to best challenge all ark hunters who participate. For example, a rating 700 hunter might enter a Tier 3 Expedition while a rating 5000 hunter would enter at Tier 19.

    Expedition Tier rating determines the power level and rank of the enemies you will face, as well as the quality of the gear you will discover in Expedition reward rooms (higher Tiers lead to greater potential rewards). The Tier you will start with is determined by the EGO rating of your group leader, so be mindful of the challenge you will face before entering. A word of warning: ark hunters are not boosted up in power to match the dangers presented in Expeditions, but high-powered ark hunters will be scaled down to face the challenges of lower Tiers!

    In addition to Tiers, a new “Round” tracker shows how many Expeditions you’ve completed in a row. After completing an Expedition, you will be transported back to Alcatraz to rearm, regroup, and purchase gear. But don’t dawdle! Once returned to Alcatraz, you only have five minutes to resume your Expedition run and continue your streak. Defeating your current Tier gives you access to the next while incrementing the rewards you’ll receive. The best gear in Expeditions can only be found on the third Round or higher, so be sure to return to the Expedition quickly or you will miss out!

    Hunter Requisitions

    Expeditions are not to be undertaken lightly. Joining an Expedition costs a Hunter Requisition – or “Hunter Req” for short – which are available both for Bits and as login rewards.

    If you’ve fallen in combat without an available revive, you can spend a Hunter Req to refresh your cooldown and continue the fight. Choosing to Extract, on the other hand, returns you to Alcatraz and ends your Expedition (though you can spend another Req to start a new run).

    Note: In Expeditions, reviving your fellow players now requires – and consumes – your own self-revive, which dramatically increases the risk, tension, and mounting difficulty of each encounter!

    Mutant Captains and Commanders

    Mutant battalions roaming the Badlands have seized valuable technology and deployed it to the field. You’ll need a mixture of resistances and shield-breaking attacks to face the Captains of their horde – terrifying variants equipped with an array advanced weaponry:

    – Scorcher: A specialized Cleaver armed with flaming knives and a deadly flamethrower attack. This is, by far, the deadliest melee enemy in the Badlands; equip fire-resistant gear to survive.

    – Fireteam Leader: These advanced riflemen use damage spikes to boost the offensive power of the mutants around them.

    – Engineer: As deadly as they are cautious, engineers deploy special shield spikes to boost defenses around their fellow mutants.

    – Incinerator: Some units operate with subtlety, but not the Incinerators – they are Bioman grenadiers who have traded their usual fragmentation munitions for incendiary rounds.

    – Battle Master: The most dangerous of the mutant Captains, these units specialize in defensive techniques much like Engineers, though they prefer shield boosters to spikes.

    In addition to these Captains, two new Mutant Commanders have arrived in the Badlands. Will your team of have what it takes to outwit the wily Engineer Marshal and defeat the indomitable soldiers of Jackson’s Chosen?

    Raider Captains and Commanders

    The Raiders have been learning new tricks, too. Unlike the mutants, Raiders take no pains to defend themselves, so focus on damage bonuses and kill or be killed!

    – Pyromaniac: A Blitzer got ahold of a plethora of incendiary grenades and now all hell is breaking loose.

    – Plagueblaster: Armed with infector rockets, Plagueblasters unleash hordes of infector bugs to savage their enemies.

    – Electrocutioner: Tankers armed with Votan rocket technology can not only blanket areas with cascading explosives, they can destroy shields with a powerful underground attack.

    – Anarchist: Rioters armed with Couriers blast bombs onto unsuspecting opponents.

    The Raiders have also promoted deadly Commanders from their ranks. The Badlands now suffer under the boot of Dekuso’s Offspring – younger descendants of their dreaded Gulanee crimelord – and riotous, adreno-laden Raging Hulkers.

    Hellbug Advanced Mutations and Bosses

    Badlands hellbugs have continued their process of rapid evolution and metamorphosis. In the latest hive expansions, horrific new hellbug warriors – Irradiated and Electrified Conquerors – and intimidating new archer breeds – Incendiary and Plaguebringer Artillery – have been spotted accompanying colonization hordes to their destinations. Even worse, Burrowing Hellions and Monarch Hivelords have destroyed settlements previously thought to be impenetrable!

    Join the Expedition

    Expeditions provide an opportunity to gain power never before seen in the Bay Area. Keep an eye on the Defiance blog for more details on Cyber Rigs, the exciting new technology ark hunters will find in Expeditions. It’s survival of the fittest out in the Badlands, and it’s time to see who makes the cut!

    Good hunting,

    Trick Dempsey
    Creative Lead, Defiance

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    Meet the New Creative Lead: Carble “LoCarb” Cheung

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    Meet the New Creative Lead: Carble “LoCarb” Cheung

    Ark hunters,

    I have some much heavier news than my usual bluster. I am moving on to another project, and it is with a heavy heart that I leave Defiance. The New Frontier has been my home for four years now, longer than it has been called “Defiance” or even “The New Frontier.” I’ve seen it grow from a bleak post-apocalyptic hell to a world of hope and diversity overcoming the forces of oppression. It has been my most fulfilling project, and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

    I’m sad in particular to be leaving with Alcatraz and its Expeditions so close to release. Expeditions are something we’ve been developing since before the release of Arktech Revolution. They are, by far, the most engaging content in Defiance, and they are only going to grow better over time. In particular, they will be phenomenal on the shoulders of our new Creative Lead: Carble Cheung.

    Carble has been a quiet influence on Defiance since he joined the project near the release of Arkbreaker back in 2013. He lacks my bombast, but his skill and know-how are unparalleled. His work can be seen in many of the best encounters in the game, and he will carry his stellar design sense into every corner of the content for Season 3 and beyond.

    Don’t take it from me, however – take it from the man himself. Allow me to say my adieu by introducing Carble Cheung.

    Good hunting,

    Trick Dempsey
    Ark Hunter, Defiance


    Hi there fellow ark hunters,

    My name is Carble Cheung. Some of you may know me via the forums or PMs as “LoCarb” – yup, the guy in the orange hoodie who popped up in the last live stream. Before I continue, though, I’d like to first thank Trick for all of his contributions to the Defiance project – the amount of knowledge and creativity he has shared with the team has been truly inspiring.

    Now let’s talk Defiance! I first heard about the project in 2008 while working with the RIFT team – it piqued my interest then and has held it ever since. As with many of you, my imagination ran wild with the possibilities of what Defiance would become. For a few years, though, I could only dream about what I could contribute during my brief encounters with the game and show.

    Then in the fall of 2013 I was given the privilege of joining the Defiance team. Since then, we have released 5 DLCs and tons of additional content that keeps improving the game. You’ll find most of my recent contributions in our live Holiday Events – everything from “Hulker Hell” to our current pre-Alcatraz event, “Colony Courtship.”

    With the release of our free Alcatraz update, we plan on refreshing the player base (and rewarding you grizzled vets) with challenging new content called Expeditions and a new inventory chase called Cyber Rigs. These are by far the crown jewels of the upper-tier chase you’ve been asking for. With Expeditions, the challenge is real – as are the rewards – and we look forward to their initial release along with the many new Expeditions planned to launch in the near future.

    Speaking of the future: “YES!” we are planning for Season 3 and beyond. This includes updates to arkfalls, sieges, Expeditions, and more. Beyond that, a new enemy type is in the works, and we’re discussing ways to spread some love to our PvP players … along with the possibility of a non-instanced roaming Warmaster. It’s a lot to talk about, so stay tuned – I’ll be back with updates as we narrow down more details and specifics!

    It’s an exciting age for the Defiance team and our players. I look forward to spending more time with you on the forums, the live stream, and future community events (*hint* next one is in Boston). On behalf of the rest of the team, thank you for being a part of game and welcome to the future of Defiance.

    See you there,

    Carble “LoCarb” Cheung
    Creative Lead, Defiance

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    Defiance Livestream: February 20 at 2:30 PM PST

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    Defiance Livestream: February 20 at 2:30 PM PST

    Join Creative Lead Emeritus Trick Dempsey, Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be discussing LoCarb’s new role as Creative Lead and talking about the latest developments of the upcoming Alcatraz update.

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, February 20 at 2:30 PM PST (GMT-8)
    Duration: 45 minutes

    Remember to stick around until the end for our giveaways! See you on Twitch! Interview with Lead Designer Travis “Rashere” McGeathy

    Originally published at


    Defiance Data, one of our fansites, has interviewed members of our Defiance Team! With this series, you’ll have a chance to take a peek behind the scenes of the Defiance game. Unlike our Defiance Developer Q&As, these interviews will have a special focus on the variety of backgrounds present within our team and the Trion Worlds office environment.

    Get to know Lead Designer Travis “Rashere” McGeathy with this interview from Defiance Data and make sure to keep an eye out for more from Defiance Data in the future!

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    Alcatraz Preview: Cyber Rigs

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    Defiance is introducing Cyber Rigs – a new type of equipment – as part of the Alcatraz Update. These customizable implants allow you to push beyond your normal capabilities and ready yourself for the Expeditions that lie ahead. Read on to learn more!

    Cyber Rig Example

    Cyber Rigs

    A Cyber Rig is an implant that connects your nervous system directly with your gear, augmenting your natural abilities and improving your performance with weapons, shields, vehicles, and more. You can equip a Cyber Rig with each of your loadouts, though as with other gear, Cyber Rigs have an EGO rating you must meet before you can use them. (This rating does not directly impact the power of the rig and cannot be altered by the Salvage Matrix.)

    Cyber Chips

    Each Cyber Rig can house up to 16 Cyber Chips – modules that add charge to your rig and modify its performance to suit your needs. Charge is used to power an additional set of (up to four) innate abilities that come built into your rig. More powerful abilities require more charge (and thus more chips) to activate.

    Chip 1 Chip 2

    In addition to adding charge, Cyber Chips impart their own boosts to your rig. There are five different types of chip: chips that provide offensive benefits, chips that provide defensive benefits, chips that enhance your longevity in a fight, chips that provide miscellaneous or non-combat benefits, and keystone chips that enhance EGO abilities. Each type of chip has a unique shape and will only fit into slots of the same type on your rig.

    Chip 3 Chip 4 Chip 5

    Keystone Chips

    Most rigs are built for general-purpose use and have a fairly even mix of chip slots. Keystone chips are the exception: a rig can hold a single keystone chip, and even then, keystone slots only appear on top-end rigs.

    Some top-end rigs are also specialized for offensive or defensive combat. These rigs feature more offensive or defensive chip slots and related rig abilities.

    Wiring Up

    Many rigs come pre-slotted with a selection of Cyber Chips so when you find a rig, you can immediately load it up and start using it. To get the most out of your rig, though, you’ll want to fill up its remaining slots. You can replace any chip in a rig with another chip, but if you want to remove a chip without destroying it, you’ll need to use a special Chip Puller tool (available from the Bit Store).

    Getting Started

    Cyber Rigs and Cyber Chips can be found on the bosses and mini-bosses inside Expeditions. The more difficult the Expedition, and the more consecutive rounds you’ve gone without extracting, the better rigs and chips you’ll find.

    Finally, your rigs and chips are not tradable, but they can be broken down into Silicon Shards. These shards are accepted as currency by a merchant in Alcatraz who peddles in specialized rigs and chips – visit the island after the launch of Alcatraz to see more!

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    Elite Lock Boxes 50% Off Until March 1

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    Elite Lock Boxes 50% Off Until March 1

    Attention, ark hunters: the Enervator Jackpot is riding into the sunset with this weekend’s Defiance Store sale!

    Save 50% on Elite lock boxes now through March 1 as you hunt down new gear for Alcatraz and Expeditions, including a chance at this Legendary Infector!

    Need Bits? Click here to stock up!

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    Defiance Developer Q&A: February 27

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    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Developer Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!

    In light of recent feedback, we’d also like to cover some hot topics from the forums! Each player will now get 3 complimentary Hunter Requisitions per week, while Patron Pass owners will receive an additional Hunter Requisition each day.

    Solo Warmaster
    The change to have Warmaster always at Threat Level 10 is intended. Warmaster is end-game content, and is arguably the only “raid” content currently in the game. One of the lingering problems with Warmaster is that, because his Threat Level can scale, he can be easier to defeat with fewer players for the same rewards. It’s been a lingering concern since he went in, but since we’re about to let players spawn him at will for their own, private purposes, it’s time to address it. At the same time, we’re looking at his loot to make sure it’s appropriate to the now-locked difficulty of the content.

    Private Warmaster
    With the Alcatraz update we are responding to community feedback and we have decided to give additional functionality to popular DLC content that was released over a year ago. You are now given the option to create a private Warmaster or private minor Arkbreak interior, for the cost of 3 Hunter Requisitions. Take note that this does not take away the option to enter a public Warmaster. With the increase in the free weekly stipend from 1 to 3 Hunter Requisitions we feel that this gives the players a choice to face the difficulty challenge of the Warmaster for the larger groups or fight through our new Expeditions content for those who enjoy a more intimate group setting.

      1. Rashere was talking about looking into adding some of the outfits from the boxes into the store. Has there been any progress?

        Yes! We need to add a little code to be able to do it properly first, though. The way the system works, direct sale outfits are able to be granted to every characters on an account, but ones that come from a box aren’t. To be fair, when we offer outfits for direct sale that are also available in a lock box, they both need to work the same way. So, we’re planning to update the system to allow costumes coming from lock boxes to also grant the outfit to every character on the account.

        We need to wrap up higher priority work on Alcatraz first, but should be able to tackle this in the near future and we plan to have the Night Porter outfit be our first test of the concept.

      2. How can we get help if we’re having trouble with stability?

        Information concerning connectivity and stability problems can be posted on the forums here.

        Please post in the proper platform and include information on your exact issue. Keep in mind just reporting a random crash or disconnect may or may not help, information such as the time, timezone, and game location can help. The best pieces of information for us to use are reproducible issues with steps on how you reproduce them for your setup.

      3. Will bit store lock box outfits ever be account based rather than character based?

        That’s the plan. See #1 above for more details!

      4. Can you add a “do not disturb” option to block teleports when in arenas? It disrupts gameplay and is causing some frustration.

        We can look in to this as a general UI feature, keep in mind that the game is designed to be played with other players.

      5. Do you plan on increasing the Cerberus Turret damage in PvP?

        We plan on looking at tuning PvP in the future but we do not have a set timeframe for this, so please sit tight! This will include vehicle damage and vehicle hitpoints during PvP matches.

      6. Can we have a “Capture the Flag” PvP mode in the future?

        PvP updates are being considered but new game modes are not planned for the immediate future. We are going to take baby steps to tweak what is available now before jumping in to put in new game modes. Please keep in mind there is still no guarantee of new PvP game modes.

      7. In the past it was discussed that you might make it possible to obtain all 4 starter outfits. Has any progress been made on making this a reality in game?

        We are looking to put up the 4 starter outfits on the Defiance Store as soon as the Armistice day update. Please keep in mind that this is a planned date, and is subject to change.

      8. With the ego cap originally set at 5000 when threat scaling was introduced, the max ego boost you could get was 4750. It stayed that way when the ego cap was raised to 5900. Will the boost cap of 4750 be raised now that the new cap is 6000?

        The EGO cap is based around the EGO of the NPCs, not the max EGO of players. That’s also why its higher in Silicon Valley than elsewhere: the NPCs there have a higher EGO. We aren’t currently changing the EGO of NPCs when they scale, so we aren’t changing the max boosted EGO of players. If we change the scaling of NPCs, we’ll adjust the player boost accordingly!

      9. Do all players in the group have to give up a Hunter Req to play or can one member use for entire group?

        Every player that wants to join an expedition needs their own Hunter Requisition to do so.

      10. In addition to the current inventory filters, could there also be filters for rarity, Nano effect, and synergy?

        We have discussed additional ways to improve inventory flow, this includes filters and the like. With the Alcatraz update we have added a few such as the Inventory Salvage Matrix which allows you the convenience of modding and breaking down items in your inventory screen.

      11. Can the Salvage Matrix options for raising ego level be changed? Currently there is a restriction that prevents items from beings scaled up if they are within 1-99 EGO rating points of your EGO and it’s frustrating.

        Yes! We just removed the restriction that prevented items from being scaled up if they were within 100 rating of the player’s EGO. Note: increasing rating is a flat cost per operation even if it increases by less than 100 rating. This change is now live on PTS.

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    Trion Worlds PAX East 2015 Party Trailer

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    Party with Trion at PAX East 2015

    PAX East 2015 is mere days away! Will you be in Boston for it? Join the Trion Worlds team for a party celebrating the Defiance community!

    Follow up the first day of the show with a short walk to Liberty Wharf and party with us at Legal Harborside on March 6. Attendees will enjoy food, drinks, and giveaways. While supplies last, guests will each receive the “…And Taxes”, an epic VOT Mazu Blast Rifle with a special skin and hand-picked stats, as well as real-world loot. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity for face time with the team members working on Defiance and all of our other games. We’ll announce the latest developments with each game after which you’ll be able to ask questions and swap stories up close and in person.

    Mark your calendars and come hang out with us from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST (before the time switch to Daylight Savings). Arriving early is strongly advised as space (and giveaways) are limited!

    WHAT: Trion Worlds Community Party at PAX East 2015
    WHEN: Friday, March 6, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST
    WHERE: Legal Harborside, 270 Northern Ave., Boston, MA 02210

    See you in Boston!

    Discuss this article on the forums. Interview with Senior Producer Rich “Phantasie” Barnes

    Originally published at


    We’ve got another peek behind the scenes of Defiance, ark hunters! The fansite Defiance Data has interviewed members of the Defiance Team. These interviews have a special focus on the variety of backgrounds present within the team and Trion Worlds at large.

      Defiance Data: What accomplishment by your team are you most proud of?

      Rich “Phantasie” Barnes: I’m proud of what we did on consoles. A lot of people don’t understand the enormous technical challenges to get an MMO running on consoles, and we are now approaching our second year anniversary!

    If you’ve ever wondered where the name “Phantasie” came from, you’re in luck! Learn more about Senior Producer Rich “Phantasie” Barnes with this interview from Defiance Data and make sure to keep an eye out for more from Defiance Data!

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    The Guardian Angel: A Shield to Die For

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    The Guardian Angel: A Shield to Die For

    The latest innovation in VBI shield technology is a true godsend for ark hunters preparing for Alcatraz deployments. Combining the legendary capacity of ARK Ironclad design with accelerated revivification, the Guardian Angel is the best insurance policy you could buy for deep-run Expeditions. With advanced specs and anti-radiation nanotech, this is the new high-end shield to bet your life on.

    Due to limited manufacturing facilities in the Bay Area, Von Bach Industries is restricting supply of this legendary weapon to Elite Lock Boxes sold from the Defiance Store or lock box vendors throughout the Bay. The Guardian Angel ARK Ironclad Survivor will only be available for a limited time, so pick up your Elite Lock Boxes now and tear through Expeditions in the weeks to come!

    Discuss this article on the forums. Interview with Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung

    Originally published at


    Prepare yourself for a very special peek behind the scenes of Defiance with this interview, ark hunters. The fansite Defiance Data has had a chance to interview our new Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung! These interviews have a special focus on the variety of backgrounds present within the team and Trion Worlds at large.

    Defiance Data: How did you start working for Trion?

    Carble “LoCarb” Cheung: One day in 2007 I bumped in to a former colleague who worked at Trion and told him I was looking for a new gig, I landed an interview the next day and I started working within a week’s time. The best thing was that during the interview I saw a lot of former colleagues that I trust and respected, it really convinced me to join the team then and that one aspect continues to keep me here today. We really work with great people here at Trion, I feel quite fortunate about that.

    If you’ve ever wondered what a day at Trion Worlds as the Creative Lead looks like, you’re in for a treat! Learn more about Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung with this interview from Defiance Data and make sure to keep an eye out for more from Defiance Data!

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    Bonus XP & Reputation March 13-15

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    Prepare for a lucrative weekend with Double XP plus 50% Bonus Faction Reputation now through March 15!

    Whether you’re leveling through Silicon Valley, raking in faction weapons and supply crates, or hunting for the new Guardian Angel jackpot shield, this is the perfect time to stock up for Alcatraz!

    Happy Hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Defiance Developer Q&A: March 13

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Developer Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!

    1. Vega: After Season 3 content is released… Will we get the option to play the game HUDless?

      We have discussed a HUD toggle option for the purpose of screen captures in the past, usually when screen capture forum posts pop up. The challenge would be for how that would work on consoles since they do not have the ability to take screen captures. We’d prefer to work on features that all platforms can take advantage of, so that would make this a lower priority. Also keep in mind that Season 3 content will be released throughout this coming year, the Alcatraz Update is the first free update for Season 3.

    2. Iceberg: Can LoCarb give any more details about the free roaming war master?

      We have been throwing around the idea of a roaming WarMaster as a new experience, one that was not part of an Arkfall or an Instance. Originally I thought about dropping the WarMaster at the end of the Solstice Strike event, but did not have enough time to polish that experience for that deadline. As for the Roaming WarMaster concept as it stands now it would most likely be one that has already broken his armor to play along the “escaped” WarMaster. This would be to keep the experience of the Summoned Arkfall version intact. We have to solve a few technical and design hurdles before we have the roaming WarMaster appearing in Paradise.

    3. Adage: Will the inventory cap be raised in Alcatraz or at any time in the near future?

      With the addition of the new expedition rewards of Cyber Rigs and Cyber Chips we suspect players will be a little more pressed for space. With that being said there is a good chance the inventory cap will be raised in the near future.

    4. SirServed: Will weapons with no nano effect that can possibly have them ever be removed from loot tables? The current nano system in place really leaves no good reason for them to exist anymore.

      Not currently planned. While weapons without nanos lack the additional benefits inherent to the nano effect, they do more base damage and aren’t subject to nano resistances. Just like every nano has tradeoffs, a nanoless gun should be a valid choice for some situations too and we may make tweaks to the balance of different nanos (and no nano) to ensure that’s true.

    5. Holy Bahamut3: LoCarb, now that you are back from PAX, and are getting settled into the Captain’s chair, what are some things you want to see in the future of this game? We’re there any notes Trick left you for things he never got around to implementing? If so, anything in particular you would like to see as well?

      As for things I want to see I’ve hinted at in my first introduction letter. Without going in to too many boring details I will need to spec out things internally in terms of schedule to work out what we can deliver to our players within a reasonable time frame. I’d hate to bring up something that we would not approach until next year.

    6. Octobersnow: Will the chat in defiance ever get some love?

      We don’t have any immediate plans for new chat features, that may change as we think up of new features that may require chat updates. Was there anything in particular you were looking for?

    7. Nefarious: What’s the future of Incursions? What’s planned to make them better?

      As it stands now Incursions will not get any immediate updates, there may be some later on in Season 3 if we can fit that in to the schedule. Now that I think about it, it might be pretty cool to see a Grid Incursion with a mix of converted enemies.

    8. Grandpa Ace: The possibility of making the Durango’s carry four passengers (Including driver), or making the Raptor climb better and go faster.

      The Durango will for now remain a 2 person vehicle. Thanks for the reminder on the Raptor, and I agree it needs some tweaking to make it more fun to play as a group.

    9. Cryptic Effect: Could we get something else to use our ark salvage on, such as changing the nano on our gun rather than using the conversion mags and therefore remove the conversion mags from the game completely?

      We’re always looking for additional things for people to spend currencies on, including Arkforge, but we don’t have any plans to allow them to be spent to directly choose which nano a weapon has. The mods provide a purposeful choice and tradeoff: do you give up some other benefit you could have gained from that mod slot in order to change the nano?

    10. Punisher Illinois Blue: Will we get boats, subs, pond, lake, river, ocean based enemies someday?

      With not that much content or playspaces over water it would be unlikely that we will support amphibious vehicles and enemies in the near future.

    11. Fallen_Aingeal: It was mentioned in the last Q&A that there were no immediate or set plans for pvp, just that updates were being “considered”. It was also mentioned that “baby steps” were going to be taken in tweaking the available content. What type of tweaks are you thinking?

      With PvP it’s a bit tricky, there are a couple of things we would like to try like new game modes, environments, etc. Before we touch those we need to make sure the rewards are there, currently XP and other general rewards for PvP need a pass. Also as a whole the Echelon and other vendors need some love with their available merchant items. After we address those tidbits we would feel more comfortable sending you to play new PvP content.

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    Defiance Livestream: March 20 at 3:30 PM PDT

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    Defiance Livestream: March 20 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Technical Producer Rich “Phantasie” Barnes, and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be discussing the latest Alcatraz developments, changes to the in-game Armistice event along with a PTS demonstration, what’s new from the Defiant Few reputation vendor, and more. Got questions for the Defiance Team? Ask them in this forum thread!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, March 19 at 3:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 45 minutes

    Remember to stick around until the end for our giveaways! See you on Twitch!

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    Defiance Developer Q&A: March 23

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums this week!

    1. WhiteStrike: Will Echelon rep get a use in the near future?

      The goal is to revisit each reputation vendor and update them over time. We are starting this with the Defiant Few. With the coming Armistice update we are updating the Defiant Few Supply Crate with Mark II versions of the existing guns. For fans of the existing Defiant Few guns they will remain in a Legacy box.

    2. beerninja: When can we expect a buff on Cerberus collision damage? Increasing the raw collision damage seems like it would be easier than fixing the broken vehicle scaling and would be a good temporary fix.

      You are correct, vehicle damage on the Cerberus is a bit out of wack. We will have to evaluate this as we look at this and other vehicles like the raptor which moves slower than it should (which ends up not very fun for a party vehicle).

    3. Adage: Are there any plans to tone down the vfx on weapons like the Protector BMG, Crimefighter, Bloodhound, etc?

      It’s on the list to look at to see what we can do that won’t negate the messaging of the actual damage radius. The BMG is little trickier to address at this moment.

    4. Chris Robet: Are we ever going to get more mutant animals like Pows?

      Sorry Chris at this exact moment there no plans for pow like animals that are passive in the environment. Maybe we can do something in the future, a churkey?

    5. Holy Bahamut3: Will we ever be given the opportunity to add nanos to our blade weapons?

      With the way the data structure is set up for the blades it’s pretty difficult to have nanos on them without breaking them in other ways. So for now we will let them be.

    6. Fedbox: will we ever get another use for ark salvage (like rerolling nanos or synergy)

      Currently we do not have plans to use ark salvage for the ideas you mentioned, though we can consider those concepts as we bounce ideas around internally.

    7. Chocolatelover67: Will there be new game content / missions outside of the Alcatraz update?

      For Alcatraz the main content will be in the form of expeditions. We are currently looking in what form the to other content updates will be like over the next year. Being a massive online game with other players I would favor towards making content that matches that format, but do understand the desire to explore some aspects solo. I’ll see what kind of balance we can strike.

    8. Wolfknyte: I don’t like that you have to PvP in order to get Max EGO, as it holds no real interest for me. Has this been addressed? Will it be fixed or changed in the future? (Selected because it’s a chance to talk about how not-PvP things are being added)

      With the Alcatraz Update there will be a few more Pursuits to add to your total EGO that are not PvP related, we do plan to add a few more Pursuits as we add more expedition updates.

    9. Xellia: In the quick menu for clan members- Can the officers/leaders be bumped to the top of the list so everyone can get to clan events easier?

      That might be something we can take a look at, I do know that in large clans such as the one you are in, it does get a bit difficult to find other players in your clan.

    10. Nefarious: Why is it that every time I exit my vehicle my toon does a side flip animation to get out of it? It used to be that they would step out like normal ppl. Why they always flip now?

      Yup you’re right, I just tried it. I guess I haven’t noticed that since I’ve been rolling with a quad for a bit, or jumping out mid air into an encounter when I’m in another vehicle. I’ll see if we can find a quick fix, if not it may take us some time to get to the root of this.

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    Defiance Developer Q&A: March 27

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!

    1. Chris Robet: Can we add new sword abilities?

      We are currently looking in to adding nano mods to swords. It’s a little complicated with the existing color mods, but we hope to come up with something soon. As for specific effects and abilities we will have to look into nano mods first before we can experiment further.

    2. Anemic crowd: What synergy is the next event going to be?

      The Armistice Festival will have weapons that will give synergies from their respective Arkfall Events.
      Hulker Hell Arkfall Event & Blackened Hellfire Supply Crate will have the Synergy “The Purge”
      New Frontier Harvest Arkfall Event & Cornucopia Supply Crate will have the Synergy “Plate Slicer”
      Solstice Strike Arkfall Event & Radiant Solstice Supply Crate will have the Synergy “Saturnalia”
      Colony Courtship Arkfall Event & Heartbreaker Supply Crate will have the Synergy “Heartbreaker”

    3. Bentu: Can you add an indicator to a downed player that tells others around them if they have a self revival available?

      That sounds pretty interesting we will look into how easy or difficult this will be to implement.

    4. Graywolfe: Can we start getting T4 mods of each syn as the random specials at the vendors?

      For the time being we will leave the system as it is now. We may revisit the vendor specials in the future, for the time being we are looking into the reputation vendors first.

    5. Fedbox: Will there ever be new cars?

      We need to tweak some of the existing vehicles first, after that we may start looking in to new vehicles.

    6. Tex_Arcana: Are major Scrapper/Dark Matter/Hellbug Arkfalls going to get better value for participation? At present they are not worth attending except for pursuit completions.

      For the immediate time frame they will remain as is. I have been thinking about adding some new pursuits related to these events.

    7. TNO: With the way the Threat Level system is working it feels like we are getting penalized for playing in groups. This becomes particularly apparent when doing contracts at Conflict Sites. Is this something that is troubling you and does your team intend to look into it?

      With the Alcatraz update there was a general scaling change that should ease some of the level spikes we were all experiencing with threat level scaling. You can test out some of these changes on PTS if you are on PC.

    8. Claydough: Can we please get the option to increase the amount of load outs with the alcatraz update?

      We currently do not have any immediate plans to increase the amount of load outs a character has. We may revisit this in the future as we add more types of gameplay that may require a new loadout.

    9. Ruvo: I am really concerned that Trion has taken a turn for the worse with the “penalty” for reviving your fellow players in expeditions. If you make it to where reviving a fallen ally removes yourself rev, then there is zero incentive to stop and help a fallen ally. Would it not be easier and more beneficial to limit the amount of revives available to each player to one or two per expedition, then require resources to revive beyond that point to make it challenging yet encourage team play for those of us who enjoy helping our fellow players? One of my ego perks is a 45% recharge to myself revive for reviving an ally. Does this negate that as well?

      Many players were asking for more challenging group content something that wasn’t a walk in the park, a challenge that also included a real death penalty. We listened to the players and are releasing this content in the form of expeditions. The difficulty of Expeditions should be tuned as to which you will want to revive your fellow group member to survive the encounters. If you want to succeed in Expeditions, you’ll need their gun by your side. During the development process we considered existing builds available to the players via EGO perks. We also made a new rare synergy, “heartbreaker” which grants a 2% recharge to your self revive on an enemy kill. This synergy was available to players who participated in the Valentine’s Event and there will be chance to get this rare Synergy as part of the upcoming Armistice Festival event coming up next week. As for the EGO perk “Turn the Tide”, it still works in Expeditions. With the “Turn the Tide” EGO perk equipped during an expedition, when you revive your fellow group member you will have your revive charge start at 45% instead of 0%.

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    Defiance Livestream: April 2 at 3:30 PM PDT

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    Defiance Livestream: March 20 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Technical Producer Rich “Phantasie” Barnes, and Cole “Copy2Floppy” Marshall on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be discussing Armistice Day, and celebrating this momentous occasion.

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Thursday, April 2 at 3:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 45 minutes

    Remember to stick around until the end for our giveaways! See you on Twitch!

    Alcatraz: Nuts & Bolts

    Originally published at

    Alcatraz: Nuts & Bolts

    While the focus of Alcatraz is Expeditions, the update is bringing a number of other changes to some core areas of Defiance. Here’s a look under the hood at a few of them!

    Higher Max EGO and Power Curve Adjustments

    With Alcatraz, we’re increasing the max EGO a player can attain to 6000. To go along with that, we’re also making some adjustments to the amount of power players and NPCs gain as their EGO increases throughout the game. These power changes are seen in stats like the amount of health players have, the damage weapons do, the capacity of shields, and the corresponding health and damage of NPCs. There are two ranges where we’re making changes:

    1. We’ve smoothed the power curve from EGO 10 to EGO 4500. Previously, power gains were very spikey with significant increases over the first 500 EGO of every thousand (e.g. from 1000 to 1500) and then a minimal gain over the back half (e.g. 1500-2000). After the update, you’ll gain power at a much steadier rate.

    You should notice related changes in your weapon and shield stats after the launch of Alcatraz. Depending on what your EGO is, your stats may either increase or decrease. Since these changes affect players and NPCs equally, relative difficulty against like-EGO NPCs will be the same as before, but these changes alleviate difficulty spikes that popped up as NPCs gained threat levels.

    2. We’ve increased the amount of power gained from EGO 4500 to 6000. Previously, the power gain from 4500 to 6000 was small and nearly non-existent above 5500. To support the max EGO increase and provide the leeway for high EGO expeditions to become more challenging as you progress, there’s now a much more significant power gain from 4500 to 6000. You should see your weapon and shield stats increase as you climb through this highest EGO range (but NPCs will also gain the same amount of power!).

    Economy Updates

    We’re going to be shifting around where you earn currencies so it’s less based on luck and more on success and skill. “Woot Loot” – where players spray items around them when they gain EGO and skill – is being removed and the amount of scrip and salvage gains from score on events is being increased.

    Currently, because Woot Loot is dependent upon the players around you and how quickly they are gaining EGO and skill, the variance in income it provides can be massive. If you’re around low-EGO players who are gaining EGO quickly, the items gained from Woot Loot can make up 80% or more of your total income. If you’re off by yourself or around high-EGO players who aren’t advancing, you could get nothing from Woot Loot. On average, though, it was increasing scrip or salvage by about 25% over a play session.

    To help balance this out, we’re taking that average gain from Woot Loot and increasing the scrip and salvage reward from high scores in events by about 25%. This ensures that you aren’t losing out just due to luck while also providing more benefits for playing well.



    We’ve been making some tweaks to Warmaster, too, in anticipation of allowing you to create private instances for that event. While we’ve decided to hold that feature and not release it with Alcatraz, the other changes to Warmaster are still launching alongside the update.

    1. Warmaster will always be Threat Level 10. It’s top-tier content and should always be challenging. (The current setup can make the Warmaster easier to solo than to do with a group, which will become a bigger problem when players can create their own private version at will.)

    2. To go along with the Threat Level change, we’ve updated the Warmaster loot to be more rewarding. The Warmaster will now drop “Mk II” variants of the Arkbreaker weapons, which have been updated to use the new rarity bonuses. In addition, the Warmaster will always drop at least rare items on a win instead of uncommons and has a higher chance of dropping the special Arkbreaker weapons than it did previously. On the other side, a loss isn’t as rewarding as it used to be. You’ll no longer see the epic Volge weapons if you lose!

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    Alcatraz Update Coming to Defiance on April 14!

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    Alcatraz Update Coming to Defiance on April 14!

    Ark hunters, prepare yourselves for challenging new gameplay and powerful new equipment in our Alcatraz Update coming April 14!

    Once a maximum-security penitentiary, the Bay Area island of Alcatraz is now an Expedition rally point for ark hunters looking to explore enemy-infested territories.

    • Expeditions are 4-player co-op instanced battles that pit groups of players against increasingly difficult foes for increasingly valuable rewards.
    • Three Expeditions will be available when the free Alcatraz Update launches: the forgotten bunkers of The War Below, Stolen Purpose’s labyrinthine mines, and the cavernous Hellbug Hunt.
    • Read our Expedition preview to learn more about their new mechanics and challenges!

    And what new rewards will you reap? Golden hellbugs and chests guarded by enemy captains and commanders contain Expeditions’ highly sought-after Cyber Rigs and Cyber Chips.

    • Cyber Rigs are implants that connect your nervous system directly with your gear, augmenting your effectiveness in battle.
    • This new item type is powered and enhanced by Cyber Chips, each imparting their own bonus to your rig.
    • Check out our Cyber Rigs preview to discover how this new equipment will change the way you play Defiance!

    For more details on what’s coming next, be sure to catch up with Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung! We’d also like to also extend a special thanks to the dedicated testers from the Defiance community who have been putting this latest update through its paces on the Public Test Server.

    Meet you at The Rock soon!

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    Defiance and Trove: A Player’s Perspective

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    Defiance and Trove: A Player's Perspective

    Defiance and Trove player Market wanted to share a few of his thoughts on Defiance and Trove. Read on to hear what they have to say!

    Greetings Ark Hunters and Trovians!

    I’ve been a Defiance player since Beta and spent a great deal of time playing on Xbox 360, PC(NA), and the Public Test Server. I picked up Trove after seeing it featured on the Trion Twitch livestream and I found quite a few similarities between the two as well as some pretty major differences. I could easily write a small book about Defiance and Trove, but instead I aim to give a brief outline comparing and contrasting these two games. The goal is to give some insight on why a Defiance player may enjoy Trion’s other project.



    How Trove differs from Defiance:

    • Entertaining combat system with skills/powers and moddable equipment.
    • Large, open world environments to explore and fight through.
    • Vast quantities of loot to collect and trade with your friends.
    • Instanced high-level battles offering a chance at rare treasures.
    • Daily objectives with special rewards.
    • Meeting up with friends or random players to adventure together.
    • Background progression system that allows players to unlock bonus stats and in-game items.
    • Several unlockable and store-only modes of transportation for your characters.
    • In-game store offers several items to make life easier in the game or to give your characters personal flair.
    • Free-to-play with no tricks or traps.
    • Build mode allows you to build with voxels in a Clubworld or your own private Cornerstone.
    • Easy leveling system with different classes, each having their own set of skills and powers.
    • Community submissions are added to the game nearly every week.
    • Still in Open Beta, with content and fixes added each week.
    • Heavy character customization available at any time, allows players to show different hairstyles, hats, masks, costumes and weapons.
    • Very easy learning curve to master the game.
    • Countless styles, decorations, and block types to unlock and use in a Cornerstone or Clubworld.
    • Choose the difficulty of the game by entering different portals into adventure worlds.
    • Randomly generated adventure world maps guarantees you’ll never see the same one twice.
    • In-game store has items you can purchase for real money and in-game currency.
    • Sandbox gameplay.

    With half of Trove focused on building, it’s only fair that this subject would get special attention. Clubworlds can be expanded greatly using in-game materials and make a good gathering place for your club members. The best perspective I have on this is from the club I run alongside my son, Sargonnas, that pays homage to our Defiance roots – Defiant Few.


    In the Defiant Few Clubworld, we have several constructions to see and more are being worked on daily. We have a Skitterling statue and a scale replica of the Gateway Arch for the Defiance fans. There is a 4-person maze race, a functional 9 hole golf course, and a miniature ice hockey rink. Our latest additions are something Defiance players will be familiar with… Ring courses! To date, there are six finished courses in Defiant few, while two more are under construction using the new updraft blocks. If you want to have some fun with your wings, Defiant Few is the place!


    We have some members actively building in Defiant Few. Sargonnas, Fuzz, Etaew, and myself are the club Officers, but we have a few Architects as well. Sarg has a huge string of biomes on the east side of the Clubworld containing some amazing spires, as well as our “expert” ring course. Fuzz built a giant snowman and a scale replica of the ExtraLife Joystick ally. Etaew has been slowly building a castle inspired by another video game in his library. Kithgarass, one of our Architects, is building a temple complex based on the four seasons and it is a sight to see.

    I think many Defiance players would enjoy Trove. There are enough aspects of Trove that are similar to Defiance, but several make Trove a game of its own.

    Defiant Few would love to see you visit us! Trove is free to play so all you have to do is run a quick install and join in the fun!

    – Market

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    Defiance Season 3 Premieres June 12 at 8/7c

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    Defiance Season 3 Premieres June 12 at 8/7c

    Clear your schedule for a Stahma uavano: Defiance Season 3 premieres June 12 at 8/7c on Syfy!

    If you’ve been following us on the series side, you’ve already heard the first whispers about the Omec race (read: alien overlords) being brought to life by new cast members Nichole Galicia (Django Unchained, Wish I was Here) and Conrad Coates (The Strain, Nikita), as well as the addition of Lee Tergesen (Oz, American Horror Story: Freak Show) as a major force within the Votanis Collective.

    Read more about the cast on the Syfy blog and begin your preparations for Season 3 in-game with all-new Expeditions and Cyber Rigs launching with next week’s Alcatraz Update!

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    Alcatraz Update is Live!

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    Alcatraz Update is Live!

    Welcome to Alcatraz, ark hunters. Are you ready to save the world?

    As the Earth Republic deals with fallout on the east coast, survivors are turning to a new beacon of salvation in the west: The Rock! This prison-turned-island-base has become a staging point for Expeditions, daring progressive raids against massive threats across (and beyond) the New Frontier.

    Battle deep into Expeditions while leveling toward the new 6,000 EGO Rating cap, earning new weapons and rewards including Cyber Rigs: neural implants with unique powers and room for Cyber Chip upgrades that explode the character customization options in Defiance.



    Expeditions are evolving co-op matches that pit you against increasingly tough enemies for ever-increasing rewards. Launching a fresh Expedition transports you into the first Round of your adventure, and defeating a Round gives you access to the next while incrementing the rewards you’ll receive. The best gear in Expeditions can only be found on the third Round or higher – happy hunting and good luck!

    Note: Difficulty (and potential rewards) scale with the EGO Rating of your party leader. Click here to learn more.

    Alcatraz Island

    Long a symbol of order and authority, Alcatraz has become a rallying point for teams of ark hunters running Expeditions against the enemies of man and Votan alike. After each Round of an Expedition, you’ll be transported back to Alcatraz to rearm, regroup, and purchase gear from faction vendors. But don’t dawdle! Once you’ve returned to the drop zone, you only have 30 minutes to resume your run and continue your Expedition streak.

    Cyber Rigs

    Cyber Rigs connect your nervous system directly with your gear, augmenting your natural abilities and improving your performance with weapons, shields, vehicles, and more. You can power and customize your Rigs with up to 16 Cyber Chips – modular upgrades that add special benefits of their own. Both Rigs and Chips have a chance to drop from Expedition bosses, and the more difficult your Expedition (and the more Rounds you’ve completed), the better the Rigs and Chips become.

    Cyber gear piling up? You can break items you don’t need into Silicon Shards, then trade your Shards to a special vendor on Alcatraz offering a variety of new Rigs and Chips!

    And More

    Enjoy a smooth power curve as you level up to the new EGO Rating cap of 6,000 thanks to behind-the-scenes changes to stat gain (hint: you should see weapon and shield stats increase significantly as you climb through the highest EGO range). Take on the boosted Warmaster to earn new Mk II variant Arkbreaker Weapons, earn more scrip and salvage during events, and more.

    We’ve also added lots of new items to the Bit Store including new boosts to increase inventory and consumable capacity, three new Alcatraz themed outfits, refills for grenades, spikes, and stims, and a new Alcatraz Starter Pack. Read the full patch notes and enjoy!

    Discuss this article on the forums. Interview with Software Engineer Martin “TheCrater”

    Originally published at


    We’ve got another peek behind the scenes of Defiance, ark hunters! The fansite Defiance Data has interviewed members of the Defiance Team. These interviews have a special focus on the variety of backgrounds present within the team and Trion Worlds at large.

      Defiance Data: When and how did you discover your passion for programming?
      Martin “TheCrater”: I find that my history is somewhat unusual among programmers, most of whom had some introduction at a young age. I started university without knowing what programming was, but on a professor’s recommendation I took an intro class and it really clicked with me.

      I discovered that I loved the analytical process of breaking down a problem and building a solution with programming languages as my tools. Even the standard boring programming class work (a fake “account book” or Towers of Hanoi) was fun to think about, though I think everyone has to overcome early frustrations with debugging.

      Of course I’ve also played a lot of games (pc, console, board games), and I was even more excited when I realized how well the two interests meshed. I started out in school writing bad code in Python, C++ and Java – C++ is primarily what I use these days since it’s a good tool for games like Defiance that need to focus on speed and memory use.

    Learn more about the role of software engineers like Martin “TheCrater” in Defiance with this interview from Defiance Data and make sure to keep an eye out for more from Defiance Data!

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    Defiance Livestream: May 1 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Originally published at

    Defiance Livestream: May 1 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Technical Producer Rich “Phantasie” Barnes, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be discussing the launch of the Alcatraz update, developments with Defiance’s third season on Syfy, and more.

    Got a question for the team? Post it in this forum thread!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, May 1 at 3:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 45 minutes

    Stick around until the end for a chance to win a special in-game giveaway. See you on Twitch!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Defiance Developer Q&A: May 1

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Developer Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!

      1. Will we see new enemy types in the immediate future within expeditions?

        We are currently working on a new Dark Matter Expedition in a new environment. It’s looking pretty sweet, we’ll have updates soon.

      2. Will bit gifting, or bit store item gifting become a thing?

        That’s something we’d like to get going, we have to clean up the store a bit first before we do that.

      3. Can we please get the old Cornucopia Supply Crate added to the bit store?

        The current Cornucopia Supply crate along with the other holiday crates will be removed from the store in the near future.

      4. Inventory is an issue many players have, but previous caps caused extensive disconnect issues, would it be possible to create a stash system where a player could place items that are not trade locked. This would allow more room in inventory for things that are such as chips/rigs and would open another possible bit store item to increase cap of stash.

        With the next update we are increasing the inventory cap by another 100.

      5. Are you aware of the issue regarding major arkfalls and incursions overwriting and wiping out a Warmaster arkfall? If so, do you have any plans in place to fix it?

        Yes, we are aware of the larger incursion event ending the Major Summon Arkfall (Warmaster), we are still investigating the root cause of this.

      6. Are there any plans to help organize the Salvage Matrix menus? If so what kind of plans?

        With the Alcatraz release there was an update to the Salvage Matrix functionality in the inventory. You can now Right Click (PC) or use the R2 Trigger (Consoles) for all your basic Salvage Matrix actions.

      7. Will we be able to break down orange weapons into silicon shards?

        Silicon Shards are an exclusive component when breaking down Cyber Rigs and Cyber Chips.

      8. Why did you guys remove the loot item pop up on top of screen?

        This is something we are in the process of correcting. For the time being, the smaller pop up will be fixed to show the proper rarity of the item.

      9. Have the Developers considered adding Chip Pullers to the in-game loot that only drops in boxes?

        Chip pullers will not come from any crates.

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    New Ark Hunter Bundles, 10 Epics & More

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    New Ark Hunter Bundles, 10 Epics & More

    10 Epics. 5 Bucks. One Awesome Deal.

    Expand your arsenal with new Ark Hunter Bundles built to thrill no matter how long you’ve played!

    You can buy each bundle in-game now for Bits (Xbox 360/PS3/PC), or on the Defiance web store (PC-only) and redeem them for massive savings on new vehicles, weapons, and more.

    Adapted Ark Hunter Bundle – $4.99 ($20 value)
    Just getting started? Choose an Adapted Bundle to unleash the power of 10 new Epic Adapted Weapons – one of each type in Defiance! With 3 days of Patron time, 15 Inventory Slots, and a new in-game title, this bundle is a STEAL for new and returning players. 

    Evolved Ark Hunter Bundle – $19.99 ($70 value)
    Nuzzle the muzzles of the same epic new weapons, plus a Legendary Tachmag Pulser SMG, special Duni Shetarru vehicle, and more. Once you evolve, there’s no going back!


    • Adapted Weapon Box (10 Epic Weapons!)
    • 15-Day Patron Pass
    • Unique Title: Evolved Ark Hunter
    • 35 Inventory Slots
    • Duni Shetarru Racer: Unique tinted Duni Vehicle
    • 1 Pack Rat Boost
    • 5 XP+ 50% Boosts
    • 250 Arkforge
    • +1 Loadout Slot
    • Legendary SMG: Evolved Tachmag Pulser

    Apex Ark Hunter Bundle – $99.99 ($220 value)
    Do your implants twitch in the presence of arktech? Does a Jackpot Big Boomer make you weak in the knees? Stalk the New Frontier at the peak of your game with this legendary ark-full of loot.


    • Adapted Weapon Box (10 Epic Weapons!)
    • 60-Day Patron Pass
    • 50 Inventory Slots
    • 1 Pack Rat Boost
    • 5 XP+ 50% Boosts
    • +1 Loadout Slot
    • 2000 Arkforge
    • Unique Title: Apex Ark Hunter
    • Velociraptor Vehicle: Unique Raptor with Improved Speed and Control
    • Ark Infiltrator Outfit
    • Legendary Jackpot Weapon: “Apex Sludge Hammer” Big Boomer with Biological Nano

    Learn more at the store!

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    Break Into the Industry Livestream: May 8 at 2:30 PM PDT

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    Break Into the Industry Livestream: May 8 at 2:30 PM PDT

    The Community Team has taken over the weekly livestream! Join Director of Community Relations Linda “Brasse” Carlson and Human Resources Ninja Hope McGeathy on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel to learn how to break into the game industry.

    Break Into the Industry Livestream: May 8 at 2:30 PM PDT
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, May 8 at 2:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 45-60 minutes

    Stick around until the end for a chance to win in our weekly Defiance in-game loot giveaway. See you on Twitch!

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    Elite Lock Boxes 50% Off Until May 10

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    Elite Lock Boxes 50% Off Until May 10

    Attention, ark hunters: the Guardian Angel Jackpot is flying away following with this weekend’s Bit Store sale on Elite Lock Boxes!

    Save 50% on Elite Lock Boxes now through May 10 and arm yourself with the best equipment built by humans and Votans to delve deeper into Alcatraz’ Expeditions, plus a chance to collect a legendary Guardian Angel shield!

    Need Bits? Click here to stock up!

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    Defiance Developer Q&A: May 8

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!

    1. What are the current priorities for the Defiance team?

      As of today, our priorities as a team include:

        – Resolving several bugs created by Alcatraz patch.
        – Addressing and maintaining on server stability.
        – The next patch for the season premiere for the show on SyFy Channel on June 12th.
        – The Summer Solstice Event update.

      There are some other technical priorities, but they involve more planning and scheduling.

    2. Do you have any plans on expanding the open world maps to include new areas?

      This is something we have gone back and forth with deciding between instance content and open world content, they both have their pros and cons. We are currently weighing out which one works out best for players and our team to execute within a reasonable amount of time.

    3. Any info you can give on the Summer Solstice event?

      We’re still working out the details but we’ve found some fireworks that we want to get tweaked for use during the event.

    4. Any chance the Devs will remove the auto-matchmaking for expeditions?

      This was something we discussed at the release of Alcatraz. We opted not to because we expect that players may drop out by choice.

    5. Was the Warmaster modified to make him easier to kill? He’s missing three of his moves from his typical attacks.

      Aside from the changes to Threat Level and loot, the Warmaster was not touched. This is something we will need to take a look in to further. If anyone has any info please forward it on to the team.

    6. Any headway on things like adding the Night Porter to the store and adding things like roaming warmaster/golden skitterlings?

      Those features are still being planned out, currently fixes and Season 3 updates are our priority as a team. From the question above, it looks like we need to make sure the existing Warmaster gets some love first.

    7. Can officer chat be changed to a different color? It’s the same color as clan chat so it can get overlooked right now.

      That sounds like something that we can look at. Hopefully it’s a quick feature update between major tasks. Sometimes what may seem simple ends up being a monstrous task, but this is something we’d like to implement.

    8. Are you working on a Looking For Group feature that could be applied globally to Co-op Maps, Competitive Multiplayer, Expeditions, and Public Instances? It is difficult to form a group without going to chat or planning external to the game.

      They are all different since they have different functionality and thresholds for starting. If we witness that players find this difference too jarring we may consider making a pass at consolidating the system, but for now they will remain as they are.

    9. Will you please expand the character limit on the Clan Message of the Day? The box for the message is large but the character limit is about 96. I don’t have room for all the info I want to share.

      We can look into that and see what changing the limitation does. Same caveat for this as the clan officer chat change.

    10. LoCarb mentioned briefly in the livestream that they were looking for new ways to engage players with Season 3 crossover content. Is it too soon for you all to expand on that bit as far as what we should expect next month?

      We’ll have news on this soon! It might be ready for the live stream at the end of the month. The main point was that we are trying some different ways to connect season 3 of the show to the game. More of a creative solution since the main characters of the show in Season 2 were, you know… (I won’t spoil it for those who are catching up on Season 2!)

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    New from VBI: Order and Chaos

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    New from VBI: Order and Chaos

    What better way to fight chaos and maintain order than with the latest arms from Von Bach Industries? The new Order pistol and Chaos assault rifle are the newest jackpot weapons available from the Elite Lock Box. Order and Chaos are a matched set, great by themselves but get a significant boost when equipped together: the new Pandemonium backpack synergy.

    Due to limited manufacturing facilities in the Bay Area, Von Bach Industries is restricting supply of these two legendary weapons to Elite Lock Boxes sold from the Defiance Store or Lockbox Vendors throughout the Bay. The Order pistol and Chaos assault rifle will also only be available for a limited time, so pick up your Elite Lock Boxes now before time runs out!

    Need Bits? Click here to stock up!

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    Double Golden Skitterling Weekend: May 15-17

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    Double Golden Skitterling Weekend: May 15-17

    Attention ark hunters! We’re getting reports from your fellow expeditioneers that a fortuitous opportunity is about to hatch. Literally.

    The rare loot-hoarding golden skitterling breed of hellbugs appear to be spawning in increased numbers in response to the threat from marauders. That’d be you, of course, as this particular breed drops Cyber Rigs and Cyber Chips and is hunted with great zeal.

    Given the maturation rate of golden skitterlings, ark hunters should expect to see twice as many spawn from May 15 until May 17. Be wary of larger, more intimidating threats and best of luck in your hellbug hunt!

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    Defiance Livestream: May 15 at 3:30 PM PDT

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    Defiance Livestream: May 15 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be discussing Defiance’s new developments including upcoming game content, improved server stability, plans for more Hunter Requisitions, the latest Season 3 details, and more.

    Got a question for the team? Post it in this forum thread!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, May 15 at 3:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 45 minutes

    Stick around until the end for a chance to win a special in-game giveaway. See you on Twitch!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Defiance Developer Q&A: May 15

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!

    1. Any news on resolving the issue with reward screens? We miss our notifications!

      We fixed the colors, and notification will still occur when you open your daily/weekly rewards. We are still looking in this issue.

    2. What is the team currently working on implementing?

      We are currently working on some updates to our Season Premier patch and a new Dark Matter Expedition.

    3. Will users be able to trade items between characters on their own account in the future? If not, what other inventory improvements are being looked at?

      We currently do not have plans to transfer items between characters associated with your account, there are already methods that allow for this to happen via trading. We would prefer to spend time with inventory improvements in general. We are looking in to more sorting and filtering changes and how they would work with PC users that play with a gamepad or a mouse as well as console players.

    4. Will we be readdressing the daily system? The expedition requirement is difficult for new players and players leveling new characters.

      For now the Expedition contract rotation will remain as is. As for expeditions being too difficult for new or leveling players we will look in to tuning those more.

    5. Are there any plans to add a clan progression track for expeditions?

      This something we took a quick look at to see what we could to add as a new clan activity, nothing is definitively planned at the moment though.

    6. Since it’s pretty hard to find a good T4 mod, can we expect a rarity upgrade system for them? Just like guns and shields.

      There are no current plans to allow users to upgrade the rarity of Mods.

    7. Will Alcatraz have a weapon faction in the future?

      We currently do not plan on adding a new reputation vendor for Alcatraz, we may expand a bit on the Silicon Shard Vendor in the future.

    8. Are you working on a fix for arkfalls and sieges not showing the score or time left?

      We are still tracking this issue down, we just came across this during lunch with one of our engineers! We are in the process of finding a strong reproduction case.

    9. Are there any plans to buff Fire Nano?

      No plans to buff incendiary at this time. It’s arguably the most useful nano already and doesn’t need to be more effective against shielded enemies to maintain that.

    10. Do you have any plans to put Legendary Cyber Rigs and Cyber Chips on the Expedition vendor, even if at ridiculous Silicon Shard costs? Are you also aware that several Cyber Chips (namely Keystones) aren’t working?

      We don’t have any current plans to add Legendary Cyber Rigs or Chips to the Cyber Rig Vendor. As for the chips and keystones not working please ping Kiwibird about which ones are not working properly. I believe we had a few patches that solved a few of these early bugs.

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Last Chance Sale for Synergy & Holiday Lock Boxes

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    Last Chance Sale for Synergy & Holiday Lock Boxes

    Attention, ark hunters: some of the limited-time lock boxes are about to leave the Bit Store!

    Now is your last chance to claim nine synergy and holiday lock boxes: save 25% on Heartbreaker, Radiant Solstice, Blackened Hellfire, Cornucopia, Machinist, Survivalist, Outlaw, Veteran, and Full Synergy Lock Boxes now through 12:00 PM PDT on Tuesday, May 26. New lock boxes will be introduced in the future to replace them, so keep an eye on the Bit Store after they’re gone!

    Need Bits? Click here to stock up!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Defiance Developer Q&A: May 22

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!

    1. Will Season 3 show crossover content be tied into expeditions?

      Season 3 content consists of the expeditions, we are planning to release the next expedition about a month after the Season 3 premiere of the show.

    2. When are Diablo Station, the Quarry Seiges, and Incursions going to be fixed? I especially miss the Diablo Afflicted ones.

      We have a fix that we are in the process of testing and we hope to get this out to PTS soon.

    3. What are the best ways to use Silicon Shards and will there be more uses in the future?

      Currently the main purpose of Silicon Shard Vendor is to fill out a newly aquired rig (without having to pull all of your existing chips out of your current rig). We are looking into ways of expanding the usage of Silicon Shards in the future.

      Once you’ve outfitted your rig with everything you want, shards continue to fill a role since you need all new chips on any new rig you get. Our expectation is that players will use different rigs in different circumstances, just like weapon loadouts, and we’ll be introducing more rigs in the future.

    4. When can we expect results from the synergy feedback thread?

      We are looking into ideas about what players are interested in for future Synergies in events boxes.

    5. Could the revive icon be updated to a timer?

      The current space in the HUD is a bit tight and we are considering using that space for other (possible) things in the future. For now the revive icon will remain as is, but good feedback!

    6. What is the state of gear balancing at this point?

      Balance is an ongoing consideration. We continue to evaluate and make changes as deemed necessary.

    7. What’s the scoop on Community Pursuits, and possible Community synergies?

      We added a “Community” section in the Pursuits to allow for events such as Extra Life and possibly Holiday Events to be recognized in game, this may expand into real life events such as future conventions. Keep an eye out!

    8. What steps are being taken by the team to prevent cheating in Defiance?

      As with any game we are constantly looking into addressing cheating and exploits. We cannot reveal exactly what we are doing to monitor these activities, but we are making progress towards tracking actions that warrant permanent account bans.

    9. Any chance the continue expedition popup window on the hud is going to be moved? It blocks the place where you would see who is in your group. This has caused a couple times of people who left group accidentally to not be entered into Alcatraz with the rest of the group because no one could see they had dropped out.

      We’ll see what we can do to alleviate this, the HUD is pretty crowded with spots reserved for specific UI elements.

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    Double Hunter Requisition Week: May 27 to June 3

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    2X Hunter Requisitions this week!

    Ark hunters, rearm and regroup for twice the expedition action! From today, May 27, until 12:00 PM PDT on June 3, all ark hunters will enjoy double grants of their normal weekly Hunter Requisitions. As a Patron, set off on 20 free expeditions from Alcatraz this coming week!

    The Defiance Team would also like to thank the ark hunters who have submitted reports and feedback about connectivity issues during expeditions since the launch of the Alcatraz update. As thanks for your patience during this instability, you will be granted an additional 20 Hunter Requisitions if you purchased any before now.

    As an added bonus, all ark hunters can prepare for a very lucrative weekend with Double XP plus 50% Bonus Faction Reputation from May 29 to June 3!

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    Bonus XP & Reputation May 29 – June 3

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    Prepare for a very lucrative weekend with Double XP plus 50% Bonus Faction Reputation from May 29 through June 3!

    Get that sweet, sweet Faction Reputation or double down on XP with your clan of choice! Gear up and don’t forget to take advantage of Double Hunter Requisitions this week.

    Bonus XP & Reputation Weekend
    Start Time: May 29, 2015 at 11:00 AM PDT
    End Time: June 3, 2015 at 10:00 AM PDT

    Happy Hunting,
    The Defiance Team

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    Defiance Developer Q&A: June 1

    Originally published at


    Hey all, we’ve covered questions drawn from community gathering threads in the past. We wanted to do a special edition this week to address some of the topics that have been buzzing for the Defiance community. These topics have been pulled from feedback from the general forums and previous Q&A threads.

    1. Connectivity

      A majority of the server crashes associated with the introduction of Alcatraz have been resolved. Disconnects that are the result of these crashes should be largely resolved, but this does not mean that all causes of disconnects are resolved at this point. Disconnects are a symptom and server crashes are only one cause.

      Right now our team is looking for cases of disconnects from the Warmaster. If you or someone you know has been disconnecting from the Warmaster, we’d like to know.

      PM Kiwibird on our official forums with your tracert results, the time of the disconnect, and your character information. We’ll need to know the character name, platform, and region. We look forward to hearing from you all and submitting this information to our development team for review.

    2. Expeditions and Scaling Rewards

      We have been reading feedback regarding this, and modifying the increasing scale vs rewards is something definitely on our radar. Our development team is working to find solutions while still working on meeting deadlines for upcoming Season 3 content. There are still some technical hurdles that the team needs to face to make this a reality.

    3. Warmaster Missing Moves

      This is a bug that was brought up in a previous Q&A session and we very much appreciate the reports. This issue is entirely server side and as such, this isn’t an issue that we can use player reports to track down the cause. Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung is investigating the cause.

    4. Stalling Events

      We’ve added a temporary fix to this on our live servers. If you’d like to join in on testing future changes, please use the code TDFQ-2NYG-CCYX-NWMQ-NF32 to claim bonuses on your testing character that will help you along your way with testing. If you’d like your character copied over to the Public Test Server, please make sure to do that first before applying the code for PTS bonuses.

    5. Support Response Times

      With the launch of Alcatraz, we’ve seen a large increase in the volume of tickets submitted to our support team. While our support team is working through these, we don’t want to discourage you from submitting a ticket for assistance. If you have lost a Hunter Requisition, we want you to submit a ticket so that our support team can help us make it right. This is completely separate from our compensation package.

      We appreciate you taking the time to report the loss. If you run into any trouble, just email our support team so we can clear up any confusion.

    6. Community Synergy Feedback

      This is a topic that has come up in a previous Q&A, but we wanted to take a chance to touch on it a little bit more. The synergies suggested may be used for future jackpot weapons because we want to make jackpot weapons desirable to our community. They also may be used in the future for weapons made specifically for the community. Remember the exclusive we had available at PAX last year?

      We want to be able to have promotions like that geared more towards the desires of the heart of our community and that’s why your feedback matters. In line with that feedback, changing old and undervalued synergies is on our radar. Please keep an eye out for other feedback threads in the future, as we will be drawing more feedback as we go!

    If we’ve missed a topic that you want to be covered, please make sure to include this topic within our Q&A collection thread this week.

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Introducing Community Manager Sarah “Kiwibird” Walters

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    Sarah Kiwibird Walters

    Greetings ark hunters!

    My name is Sarah “Kiwibird” Walters and today I begin my new role as your Community Manager.

    Some of you may remember me from my time with our Support Team. I started working at Trion Worlds in early 2013 as GM Kiwibird and transitioned to the Community Team early last year. In my time as a Community Representative, I was mentored by Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman and Eric “Ocho” Cleaver and Community Coordinator Deb “Morgana” Davis. I am lucky to have had the opportunity to work with our community and the Defiance Team extensively. As your Community Manager, I will continue this tradition with highly unhealthy levels of enthusiasm. Consider yourself warned!

    Prior to my experience at Trion Worlds, I began gaming at a tender age when I discovered that my brothers had left their consoles unattended. I didn’t know how to read at that early point in my life, but I did know how to help Mario meet an untimely end. I progressed through that phase quickly and eventually dove (HARD) into PC gaming when I built my first gaming rig at 17. Fast forward and you’ll find that I’m fully set up on the Xbox 360 with an account that I have dedicated solely to Defiance community events. You may have seen my Castithan this past weekend during the player-run Death March event hosted by THE FALLEN clan. As a part of the Community Team working on Defiance, I will continue to support future in-game events. Speaking of events, I do hope you are all ready for Extra Life 2015!

    If you’re the type of ark hunter that tweets, you can find me on Twitter as Kiwibirding. I look forward spending more time in Paradise with all of you!

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    Defiance Livestream: June 5 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Originally published at

    Defiance Livestream: May 15 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be discussing Defiance’s next update, the latest details on Season 3, our Season 3 pursuit, upcoming lock box changes, new jackpots and more!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, June 5 at 3:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    Stick around until the end for a chance to win a special in-game giveaway. See you on Twitch, ark hunters!

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    Catch up before Season 3 TV Premiere

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    Defiance returns to TV June 12 at 8/7c on Syfy, but don’t worry if you’re behind! Amazon Instant Video will prepare you for next week’s Season 3 premiere with on-demand streaming of every episode from Seasons 1 & 2.

    Let the binge begin, and stay tuned for game-changing action in Season 3’s double-episode debut!

    Discuss this article on our official forums.

    Defiance Developer Q&A: June 5

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!

    1. Because contracts will soon reward ark hunters with key codes will the key code cap be raised in the future?

      We plan to keep the 125 key cap for now as the largest key purchase is 75 keys.

    2. For Season 3, you mentioned new expeditions a month after the first episode. Will there still be weekly codes?

      Correct, we are working on a new Dark Matter expedition inside a new playspace that we are planning to release in early July!

      Weekly codes from watching Season 3 will be paired with the next update that is scheduled for the middle of next week.

    3. Can the kick function be readdressed? It has too much power now, and when it falls on the hands of people that think the game should be played only according to their personal views, griefing happens.

      We can take a look into this, we will see if we can reduce the amount of grief for both ends. We’ll have to weigh the options here as removing the kick function can also cause frustration.

    4. Can you remove the backpack synergy guns from the loot table?

      For now we plan to keep them in, as some players do prefer these types of synergies. We’ll keep an eye on this as we start taking a look through the Synergies we are adding.

    5. Are there any plans to work on PvP after the summer event?

      Yes, we are currently looking into some PvP changes. We’ll have more information on this later on as these changes are still a few months off in the future.

    6. Has there been any progress on the issue with viewing synergies on installed mods?

      This issue will be resolved in the next update and is currently on PTS if you want to take a look.

      To check them out, you need to go to the Salvage Matrix > Select your modded weapon > Select retrieve Mods > Select the Mod > Press the View Button.

      Please remember that retrieving Mods will destroy your weapon!

    7. Would it be possible to implement a cool-down period when you exit competitive, expeditions, COOPs, or shadow wars?

      We currently have no plans to prevent players from entering another instance event after leaving one.

    8. Do you guys plan on making a tutorial for everyone on how to use communicate stuff in the game? I’ve noticed a ton of people that’s starting out don’t know how to use the chat box or the mics.

      That’s good point, we’ll have to see if that fits anywhere in the flow.

    9. Could the next holiday event reward include something other than a gun?

      For the upcoming holiday event, we are taking a look at making some novelty weapons and a spike may have been mentioned! We will update if it ends up becoming a reality.

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Defiance Livestream: June 12 at 12:30 PM PDT

    Originally published at

    Defiance Livestream: May 15 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be discussing Season 3 of Defiance, showing a demo of our Dark Matter expeditions, and we will be covering questions asked within our Q&A collection thread!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, June 12 at 12:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    Stick around until the end for a chance to win a special in-game giveaway. See you on Twitch, ark hunters!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Defiance Season 3 Starts Tomorrow!

    Originally published at


    Defiance returns to TV tomorrow, June 12, with “The World We Seize,” a special two-hour U.S. premiere live on Syfy at 7/8c. Pick up the action seven months later in a very different Defiance filled with new villains, new aliens, and one game-changing, jaw-dropping moment!

    Each episode will air a unique code for free game loot or bonuses in the U.S., Canada, Brazil, and Germany, but the codes are limited-time offers! Tune in to catch the code, and collect all 12 over the course of the season to complete a new in-game Pursuit for epic rewards.

    Watching outside the U.S.? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

    Canada – June 14, 2015
    9pm PT / 6pm ET on Showcase

    Australia – June 13, 2015
    8:30pm on Syfy

    Spain – June 15, 2015
    21:30h on Syfy

    France/Germany – June 16, 2015
    8:45pm France, 8:15pm Germany on Syfy (catch the rest of the season at 9:00pm)

    Mexico – June 23, 2015
    20hs on Syfy

    Brazil – June 23, 2015
    21h on Syfy

    Central/South America – June 23, 2015
    22hs AR on Syfy

    UK – June 25, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Epic Mod Hoard Sale: June 12-19

    Originally published at


    Attention, ark hunters: it’s time to load up on Epic Mods in Defiance! Get 35% off Epic Mod Hoards now until June 19!

    Make sure to visit the Salvage Matrix to deck out your favorite weapons with your haul!

    Epic Mod Hoard Sale
    Start Time: June 12, 2015 at 12:00 PM PDT
    End Time: June 19, 2015 at 12:00 PM PDT

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Defiance Developer Q&A: June 15

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Developer Q&A! If you haven’t had a chance to yet, make sure you add your questions to this week’s Q&A collection thread.

    1. Have the rewards for expeditions been examined?

      As discussed during our livestream, we’re going to have Rashere make a pass at adding some additional loot at higher levels.

    2. Has there been a discussion regarding Shield chips on the Cyber Rigs? The bug damage on infectors, Hatchling grenades, and the last synergy on Saturnalina are also concerning players.

      As mentioned, we have a list of some issues regarding effects. We will patch those up once we confirm that the fixes do not impact other areas.

    3. Will the Summer Solstice be a three week event like the last few?

      We are aiming at a 2 week event, but we still haven’t locked down the exact dates. We should soon announce more specific times for our Summer event.

    4. What happened to Rashere?

      Rashere is alive and well, though you may see less of him in a community role.

    5. Any plans to revisit the EGO payout for Season 3 Expedition Pursuits?

      We are adding new Pursuits for the Dark Matter Expedition, and a few more will come down the line in the future.

    6. Can we have a toggle option for the HUD where we can turn things off such as incursions? There’s a lot of stuff on the screen that I just don’t want or need to see and it spoils my enjoyment of the game.

      It may be good quality of life to have the legend also toggle the minimap in the HUD. We’ll check to see if that is a quick change and if this is a highly desired change, we will look into this further. We may hold a poll to determine this.

    7. What are you planning or implementing for player retention? Any update on Warmaster?

      We have a new Expedition coming out soon, the Summer event, along with the other holiday events are also lined up. We’re scoping out the next few content update patches right now. As for the Warmaster, we are continuing to investigate.

    8. Did y’all remove players from the scoreboards for contract sites and coops?

      We did not, but we have a fix that we are testing for this issue that we hope to implement as soon as we can.

    9. Can VBI expedition contracts be removed? VBI expedition contracts are hindering my ability to buy Gunslinger crates.

      Expedition contracts will remain on VBI, though we may do some tweaking on them so you won’t have to kill a specific boss in the future. We have also added additional contracts to the Patron Pass.

    10. Every time anyone teleports to Silicon Valley, they crash. There are no shadow wars, no challenges, and we are continuing to have trouble with incursions and conflicts. What is the team planning for this area?

      There is a certain path in Silicon Valley near Port Bruno between the parking structures that we are looking at. A few of us would like to make a pass at Silicon Valley with the content additions mentioned above.

    Discuss this article on the forums. Interview with Localization Lead Scott “WholeLottaLoc” Gall

    Originally published at


    We’re back with another peek behind the scenes of Defiance, ark hunters! The fansite Defiance Data has interviewed members of the Defiance Team. These interviews have a special focus on the variety of backgrounds present within the team and Trion Worlds at large.

      Defiance Data: Could you introduce yourself, what’s your job title and how long have you worked for Trion and on Defiance?
      Scott “WholeLottaLoc” Gall: Hey! I’m Scott WholeLottaLoc Gall, a.k.a. scottg because of the high Scott population at Trion. I joined the company in 2011 and since then I’ve worked on five games, plus our platform. My first whiff of Defiance came in June 2011 when we translated the text in the E3 trailer There Will Be Consequences. A few months later I saw a live demo on PC but I didn’t start working on Defiance game assets until summer 2012. That’s when Trick gave us the lore glossary and we began translation of the first VO script.

    Learn more about what it takes to lead a localization team at Trion Worlds with this interview from Defiance Data and make sure to keep an eye out for more from Defiance Data!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    New from VBI: RA-44 Hellcat

    Originally published at


    Launching off of the success of Order and Chaos, Von Bach Industries is proud to present the RA-44 Hellcat. Aptly named and recently acquired, the RA-44 Hellcat is the first Alien Guided Rocket Launcher of its kind. Reminiscent of the alien technology that made the Chimera Horn possible, this innovation is the latest jackpot weapon available from the Premium Elite Lock Box and Elite Lock Box. With the ability to lock in on targets with the right aim, this heavy hitter will have your enemies running for the hills.

    Due to limited manufacturing facilities in the Bay Area, Von Bach Industries is restricting supply of this legendary weapon to Premium Elite Lock Boxes sold from the Defiance Store or lock box vendors throughout the Bay. The RA-44 Hellcat will only be available for a limited time, so pick up Premium Elite Lock Boxes or Elite Lock Boxes for a this chance at raising hell!

    Need Bits? Click here to stock up!

    Discuss this article on our forums.

    A New Episode of Defiance Airs Tomorrow!

    Originally published at


    A new episode of Defiance premieres tomorrow, June 19, on Syfy at 8/7c. As Rahm Tak threatens the safety of Defiance once more, it falls on Nolan and Irisa to put a stop to his plots before it’s too late – but with traitors infiltrating the city itself, will their actions be enough?

    A unique, limited-time code for free game loot or bonuses is shared in each episode, so be sure to tune in to catch it! Collect all 12 over the course of the season to complete a new in-game Pursuit for epic rewards.

    *Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

    Australia – June 20, 2015
    8.30pm on Syfy

    Canada – June 21, 2015
    9pm ET / 6pm PT on Showcase

    Germany – June 23, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Spain – June 29, 2015
    9:30pm on Syfy

    France – June 30, 2015
    8:45pm on Syfy

    Central/South America – June 30, 2015
    20hs MX/22hs AR on Syfy

    Brazil – June 30, 2015
    9:00pm on Syfy

    UK – July 9, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Discuss this article on our forums.

    Bonus XP & Reputation: June 19-21

    Originally published at


    Attention, ark hunters: Double XP plus 50% Bonus Faction Reputation will be available tomorrow through June 21! If you’re new to Defiance, you’ll definitely want to double down on XP with this limited-time bonus.

    Bonus XP & Reputation Weekend
    Start Time: June 19, 2015 at 12:00 PM PDT
    End Time: June 21, 2015 at 12:00 PM PDT

    Happy Hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this article on our official forums.

    Defiance Developer Q&A: June 19

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Developer Q&A! Keep an eye out for a new question collection thread on our official forums next week.

    1. Will we ever see any new permanent arkfalls in game?

      Yes, this is something we would like to add. We would have to balance their frequency with existing pursuits so that new players will be able to fully participate.

    2. Is the Defiance team looking into providing rewards for PTS participation? We could use more people on PTS.

      We will be introducing some testing in the future that will require a higher than usual amount of players on PTS. When that comes around, we are absolutely looking into rewards for players who participate and help us test. That is not to say we will forget all the players who have helped us until now, but the goal is to get something out there once we need more players. These rewards will be unique ONLY to PTS testers, and we will hopefully have more details when we get closer to the PvP balancing.

    3. Can you make the Corporate Espionage Box outfits accessible to all characters on the account? It’s a large investment and it would feel like a much better investment if the outfits awarded were account-wide.

      We still have to address the differences with how outfits are applied whether you purchased item directly from the store or from a lockbox. As a note the Corporate Espionage box will be coming off the lockbox vendor soon. We will evaluate if and how the outfits will be given afterwards, but there is no definitive timeline at this moment.

    4. Is there any chance of Bay Area Ark Hunters getting their hands on any Omec tech/armor?

      We are looking into some Omec inspired armor as a possibility.

    5. Will the Omec appear at some point in the game as a cross-over?

      At this time we do not have the Omec appear as a cross-over.

    6. Backwards compatibility has been announced for Xbox One. Is Defiance going to be one of the games available?

      We have been in contact with representatives from Microsoft, at this point nothing is happening yet.

    7. The game needs new large events, the holiday events and the recent death marches have shown that these types of events are favored by the community. Are there any plans to introduce new large in game activities/events/content?

      Yes, we would like to see more large scale social events added.

    8. When will the faction vendors be addressed? They need some love. I know gunslinger is tied to VBI, but is there any way to separate them and use the gunslinger arenas to earn rep? Similar to Thorn Liro? Let’s face it, the Gunslinger arenas and Thorn Liro arenas could have a purpose in this game other than finishing the pursuits then forgetting about them.

      We can take a look at splitting out VBI to arenas, but until we address Reputation Vendors we can’t make promises for VBI.

    9. Major arkfalls are a waste of time in terms of rewards currently. Will these rewards be balanced in the future?

      We will be looking into the possibility of itemizing specific drops towards certain events, major Arkfalls are one of the events we will look at.

    10. Any chance of adding a little icon on the HUD with how many Hunter Requistions we currently have? You can’t check when you’re crawling around.

      We’ll take that into consideration, appreciate the suggestion.

    11. Any update on expedition rewards?

      We’re updating the rewards from end bosses in expeditions so their drops overall are better and they’ll always drop at least one chip or rig. We’re also introducing another reward tier that further increases the chance for legendary drops starting at expedition tier 30.

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    New Spinal Tap Crate: Undertaker

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters, it’s out with the old and in with the new with the Spinal Tap Crate. This weekend is your last chance at the Souleater jackpot weapon, but you’ll be dealing out death with our latest innovation.


    Say hello to the Undertaker, the next jackpot weapon for the Spinal Tap Crate in Defiance! This lightweight, semi-auto sniper rifle will have you bringing your enemies down to zero. Keep an eye out for this new, advanced weaponry starting on June 23 in Defiance.

    Happy hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Double Golden Skitterling Weekend: June 26-29

    Originally published at


    Attention, ark hunters! Golden skitterlings are rare, loot-hoarding hellbugs that are about to go wild in Expeditions across the New Frontier. In response to increased threats from marauders, they’ve hatched a double brood, spawning twice as many biters (and twice the loot!) June 26-29.

    Golden Skitterling Weekend
    Start Time: June 26, 2015 at 12:00 PM PDT
    End Time: June 29, 2015 at 12:00 PM PDT

    These particular skitterlings hoard Cyber Rigs and Cyber Chips that are useful to new and experienced ark hunters alike, so stock up for this weekend and make the most of this hellbug hunt!

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Uneasy Alliances Form Tomorrow on Defiance

    Originally published at


    A new episode of Defiance premieres tomorrow, June 26, on Syfy at 8/7c. Old friends and new enemies cause confusion throughout the ranks. Stahma’s dalliances with danger present new opportunities, while the arrival of a familiar face turns Amanda’s world upside down.

    Be sure to tune in to catch the unique, limited-time code for free game loot or bonuses in every episode! Collect all 12 throughout the season to complete a new in-game Pursuit for epic rewards.

    *Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

    Australia – June 27, 2015
    8.30pm on Syfy

    Canada – June 28, 2015
    9pm ET / 6pm PT on Showcase

    Germany – June 30, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Spain – July 6, 2015
    9:30pm on Syfy

    France – July 7, 2015
    8:45pm on Syfy

    Central/South America – July 7, 2015
    20hs MX/22hs AR on Syfy

    Brazil – July 7, 2015
    9:00pm on Syfy

    UK – July 16, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Defiance Livestream: June 26 at 12:30 PM PDT

    Originally published at

    Defiance Livestream: June 26 at 12:30 PM PDT

    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be discussing Defiance’s next bundle, the latest details on Midsummer Mutiny, Contracts and rewards, Sol’s Prominence, The Emancipator jackpot and more!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, June 26 at 12:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    Stick around until the end for a chance to win a special in-game giveaway. See you on Twitch, ark hunters!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Defiance Developer Q&A: June 26

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Developer Q&A! Keep an eye out for a new question collection thread on our official forums next week.

    1. What are the current priorities for the Defiance team?

      For bugs and performance, we are tracking down multiple leads. We have identified and are currently tracking a reproduction case of the Siege stalling issue. We are also looking into PS3 proxy optimization and general disconnects. We have had reports of enemies phasing out, but we do need more reports on this issue to track down the cause. Please send us details on your experience.

      In these reports, please include the location, enemy name, and your platform. If you are playing on PC, including the general specs on your machine will help us better track this issue.

    2. Any update on Rashere’s undesireables aside from MK2’s?

      We’re updating the old, undersireable guns a little at a time. Several have already been boosted and reintroduced. There are many more that we plan to address before we are satisfied with the changes.

    3. Silicon Valley can be very bad critical errors, especially for players on consoles. Are you still going to have Major Arkfalls there for the next event?

      Silicon Valley will continue to be a possible location for the Major Event Arkfalls. We are addressing Silicon Valley in two batches. The first pass should arrive with the next update with some optimization and we are hoping to add some performance improvements with this update. A later update will include some additional optimization in the area KILLSHOT707 pointed out to the Defiance Team. We’re hoping that the second update will resolve most of the major issues in Silicon Valley.

    4. My Paradise currency has been maxed out for over a year now. Will anything useful be added to this vendor? An Arkforge converter like the Chimera vendor has would also be welcome.

      With the upcoming Summer Event, we have some novelty weapons on most of the Reputation Vendors. For items beyond this event, we are working on evaluating all Reputation Vendors.

    5. Will we ever see Expedition enemies in open world? It would make the open world more challenging for higher EGO players.

      We have discussed this possibility in some Arkfalls or Emergency events. For implementation, we may make some unique captains in the open world so that they do not conflict with some of the Pursuits and Contracts.

    6. What is the possibility of increasing the group sizes to six in Co-ops and Expeditions?

      At this point groups will remain at 4, though we have thrown around some ideas with multiple groups of 4 for specific events. For this to be implemented, rewards and difficulty will need to be balanced accordingly.

    7. Are the Paradise contracts always going to be Expedition based from now on? Since the Alcatraz update, aside from the occasional Patron contract since they started, they have all been Expedition based. This has effectively cut me off from gaining Paradise rep, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.

      The weeklies are Expedition based, we’ll add the dailies for the Co-ops back to the rotation of the non patron contracts with a future patch.

    8. Is there an ETA for when PvP balancing will begin?

      We will begin some PvP testing on PTS after our upcoming Summer Event.

    9. I’m here to ask for one thing: Lore. Lots more lore. Screw more events, give me some substance!

      We are working on some story elements that tie the Dark Matter Expedition Heaven Sent into some future events. We will have to see what the Votanis Collective and Dark Matter have prepared for us in the future.

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Midsummer Mutiny brings Fireworks to the New Frontier

    Originally published at

    The spirit of independence is strong this side of the Storm Divide. Eking an existence out of arkfalls is an achievement unto itself – much less breaking loose from those who would seek to chain us. It’s good to be free, ark hunters, and no one knows it better than us.

    That’s why it’s time for a party in the New Frontier. Join us now through July 12 and celebrate being a patriot in Paradise with a good old-fashioned Midsummer Mutiny. Battle through a storm of Dark Matter arkfalls and renegades hell-bent on taxing your fun, and scoop up these limited-time event rewards:

    • Sol’s Prominence Crate: New event cache holding an epic (or better) weapon plus 3 mods with the Sol’s Prominence – a new mod synergy that explodes enemy shields and electrocutes nearby foes when you have four pieces equipped!
    • The Emancipator: Our Sol’s Prominence Jackpot Slugger packs a shocking punch.
    • Midsummer Firework Launchers: Why wait for fireworks when you can make your own?
    • Exclusive New Titles: “Sol Survivor,” “Zenith Crusader,” and for our Patrons, “Midsummer Knight.”


    Do you live for fire(works) and freedom? Get a Paradise Patriot Pack for special launchers, Spikes, Liberty gear and more – available for 2,600 Bits now through July 12!

    • Liberty Infiltrator Outfit and Headgear
    • TMW Hannibal 800R Liberty Vehicle
    • 30-Day Patron Pass
    • Red-White-Blue Midsummer Firework Launcher (plus all 8 single colors)
    • 10 Large Firework Spikes
    • “Paradise Patriot” Title for all of your characters


    And don’t forget: Spinal Tap Crates disappear July 7. That leaves one week to score a legendary “Undertaker” Sniper Rifle – our latest Jackpot weapon!

    Happy Hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this event on our official forums!

    The Emancipator: Sol’s Prominence Crate Arrives

    Originally published at


    Today marks a new era for event caches, ark hunters: Midsummer Mutiny has arrived along with an army of Dark Matter plus all-new firearms to aid your fight for freedom.

    Available for a limited time, The Emancipator: Sol’s Prominence Crate holds an epic (or better) weapon and 3 mods with the Sol’s Prominence synergy – including a chance at the new Emancipator jackpot Slugger!


    The Emancipator is the first jackpot weapon equipped with the Sol’s Prominence synergy, an electrifying shotgun whose single, focused blast is perfect for dispensing sweet, sweet freedom throughout the Midsummer madness.

    Note that Spinal Tap Crates will disappear July 7, so get your fill of the Spinal Tap synergy (and score an Undertaker jackpot) while supplies last!

    Discuss this new crate on our forums!

    Secrets and Lies are an Ugly Surprise on an All-New Defiance

    Originally published at


    A new episode of Defiance premieres July 3 on Syfy at 8/7c. Nolan and Irisa reveal truths to each other that could destroy their bond, while Datak’s jealousy could bring the struggling town to its breaking point.

    Tune in to catch the unique, limited-time code for free game loot or bonuses in every episode. Collect all 12 throughout the season to complete the new in-game Pursuit for awesome rewards!

    *Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

    Australia – July 4, 2015
    8:30pm on Syfy

    Canada – July 5, 2015
    9pm ET / 6pm PT on Showcase

    Germany – July 7, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Spain – July 13, 2015
    9:30pm on Syfy

    France – July 14, 2015
    8:45pm on Syfy

    Central/South America – July 14, 2015
    20hs MX/22hs AR on Syfy

    Brazil – July 14, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    UK – July 23, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Discuss this episode on our official forums!

    Alak is Back in New Episode of Defiance

    Originally published at


    A new episode of Defiance premieres July 10 on Syfy at 8/7c. Alak’s return backs Stahma and Datak into a corner while Rahm Tak’s siege against Defiance takes a disturbing turn!

    Be sure to tune in to catch the unique, limited-time code for free game loot or bonuses in every episode. Collect all 12 throughout the season to complete the new in-game Pursuit for awesome rewards!
    *Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

    Australia – July 11, 2015
    8.30pm on Syfy

    Canada – July 12, 2015
    9pm ET / 6pm PT on Showcase

    Germany – July 14, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Spain – July 20, 2015
    9:30pm on Syfy

    France – July 21, 2015
    8:45pm on Syfy

    Central/South America – July 28, 2015
    20hs MX/22hs AR on Syfy

    Brazil – July 28, 2015
    9:00pm on Syfy

    UK – July 30, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Discuss this episode on the official forums!

    Last Chance at RA-44 Hellcat Jackpot Sale

    Originally published at


    Incoming, ark hunters! Now until July 13 you’ll save 50% on Premium Elite Lock Boxes at the Defiance Store.

    Save Bits as you tear into new gear and enjoy one last chance to hunt down the legendary RA-44 Hellcat, a special Rocket Launcher, before the new jackpot weapon arrives.

    Remember, this sale ends at 12:00 PM PDT on July 13!

    Discuss this sale on our official forums!

    Defiance Developer Q&A: July 10

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!

    1. Will the Corporate Espionage outfits ever make their way to the bit store?

      With a few of the boxes being pulled off of the store, we are looking in to how the outfits contained in them will make it out to the store.

    2. Is there a specific roadmap for the life cycle of Defiance, and somewhat related, with the new expedition content will we start to see the game migrate away from arkfall instances and over to Expeditions? Finally, for expedition content will there be any more story or lore driven content?

      Right now, we are working on some non-expedition content for upcoming updates. We can’t say much, but we do plan on releasing more info at Gamescom and PAX Prime. You get a hint about what is happening with Dark Matter in the latest Arkbreak Expedition.

    3. Are changes coming for BMGs? They’re abused for gaining the highest scores in events.

      Adjusting how score is calculated, including the way BMGs fit into the mix, is on our to-do list. As an intermediate fix we will look into adjusting the score for healing.

    4. Older vet players feel left out for a lot of bonuses. Can’t us old folks that are XP capped get a 2x Arkforge or 2x key weekend?

      We are looking into other types of activities for Bonus Weekends aside from boosts. Keep an eye out for those in the future.

    5. What is the protocol for users concerning the Sol’s Prominence Infector mods?

      As you may have noticed, we have fixed the infector mods from dropping with the new Sol’s Prominence Synergy. For the players that have acquired an infector mod, we have granted a new Sol’s Prominence Synergy Lock Box that should be in your claims.

    6. Where do we stand on broken chips/keystones?

      They’re updated on the Public Test Server and the changes should go live in the near future.

    7. What plans are in the works for including additional outfits “inspired” by the TV show for use in the game?

      We currently have multiple new outfits in the pipeline that will make it to the game later on down the line. As for a show specific outfit, we are looking into bringing that later than expected. We hit a few technical snags with how the show outfits are designed in real life compared to how they would work in the game.

    8. Seeing the public backlash over the ladder, are there any plans to add it back into the game?

      We’ve seen a few threads mention the ladder removal from the map of the mines for expeditions. We’re going to take this Q&A to explain what happened. The ladder inside the mine was actually removed in mid-March when we discovered internally and confirmed on PTS that you could reach a platform where some enemies (mainly hellbugs) would not be able to fight back. We decided to remove the ladder leading to the platform. Because it was an art adjustment the change didn’t make it prior to console submission process around that March timeframe. It just finally made it to the LIVE environment with the last update. However, we did fail to release a proper release note and we will try and correct that process for future player communication.

    9. Can we get more loadout slots please?

      Because we are planning to add more varied content in the future, we do agree that this will be more of an issue. We were planning to evaluate if this would be needed after we round out what we would like to do for our PvP updates.

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Meet the Warmonger, an all-new Jackpot Weapon

    Originally published at

    Ark hunters, if you like biological nano effects, prepare to love the Warmonger.

    The life- and speed-melting capacity of this Legendary new Light Machine Gun is only matched by its fearsome accuracy, reduced recoil, and reduced reloads.


    The Warmonger is available now as a rare-drop from Premium Elite and Elite Lock Boxes sold from the Defiance Store (and vendors throughout the Bay) – but it’s only available for a limited time!

    Happy hunting!
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this new jackpot on our official forums!

    Ian Ziering Guest Stars in New Episode of Defiance

    Originally published at


    Tune in for a new episode of Defiance July 17 on Syfy at 8/7c. A dangerous arms dealer (and relative of Karl Von Bach!) appears as the fate of the city itself falls into Irisa’s hands.

    Watch live to catch the unique, limited-time code for free game loot or bonuses in every episode. Collect all 12 throughout the season to complete the new in-game Pursuit for awesome rewards!
    *Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

    Australia – July 18, 2015
    8.30pm on Syfy

    Canada – July 19, 2015
    9pm ET / 6pm PT on Showcase

    Germany – July 21, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Spain – July 27, 2015
    9:30pm on Syfy

    France – July 28, 2015
    8:45pm on Syfy

    Central/South America – Aug. 4, 2015
    20hs MX/22hs AR on Syfy

    Brazil – Aug. 4, 2015
    9:00pm on Syfy

    UK – Aug. 6, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Discuss this episode on our official forums!

    Land Yourself a Liberty Eagle

    Originally published at

    Ark hunters, you can now land yourself a Liberty Eagle jackpot with the Sol’s Prominence synergy! This Legendary Pistol sets a new standard for precision targeting and fast firing action.

    The Liberty Eagle is only available in the Liberty Eagle: Sol’s Prominence Crate. Manufacturing has been limited within the Bay Area, and supplies will only last through July 28 – log in today to stock up!

    Happy Hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss the Liberty Eagle on the forums!

    Defiance Livestream: July 17 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Originally published at


    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be discussing Defiance’s new jackpots, answering questions from our recent Q&A, and more!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, July 17 at 3:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    Stick around until the end for a chance to win a special in-game giveaway. See you on Twitch, ark hunters!

    Discuss this livestream on our forums!

    Defiance Developer Q&A: July 20

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!

    1. We got firework spikes and launchers with Midsummer Mutiny. Do you plan on putting more fun novelty items in the game for Holiday events or otherwise?

      We always wanted to try and see how novelty weapons would be received in the game. In the beginning, we suspected most players preferred to keep the game serious and not be surrounded with novelty guns. However, we do believe that this sentiment has shifted over the last year with the addition of the Holiday Events. We believe there would be a high probability of more novelty weapons being added in the future. With that being said, please note we do not intend to have the game overrun with novelty weapons. This is one of the key reasons why the novelty weapons from Midsummer Mutiny had the stats they had.

    2. I think Midsummer Mutiny highlighted the growing phasing problem that Defiance has had since F2P launched. What is being done by the team to combat this?

      Yes, we have noticed an increase of concentrated players during these holiday events. We have considered refactoring existing events to where they will end up in an Arkbreak to deal with whatever menace the players were dealing with. This way, we would end up capping each instance at a certain number of players. The unfortunate down side of this is the fact that a few players might not make up a full group. Hulker Hell with 5 players would not likely end in the favor of the players.

    3. It is very common for users to not listen to instructions in Warmaster instances, can a group vote kick be added? The framework is already in place for this.

      We won’t put in a Warmaster kick function at this point. We will have a private instances function for the Warmaster instance, they should be active on the Public Test Server by the time you read this.

    4. Has the dev team tracked the source of the issue with consoles locking up? Seems to be getting worse every day, a regular occurrence ever since MM launched.

      Our engineering team found some code recently that wasn’t optimal for non-high end PCs and consoles. The next major update will include some of these changes and we hope the this will resolve a decent chunk of the performance issues consoles and some PC players were seeing.

    5. Any chance we may see any new jackpots weapons added with the Pandemonium synergy?

      At this time, there are no plans to re-release a weapon with the Pandemonium synergy.

    6. Is raining in the game still going to be a thing?

      So rain was something we did try in Silicon Valley – but as you may recall, it hit a few snags. One of the major ones being frame rate performance on lower end PC as well as just plain not showing up. We have seen some weather related performance issues last year with the snow effect during last winter’s Solstice Strike event. If we do use the rain weather effect, it would need be isolated to rare events such as Solstice Strike.

    7. When will render distance be able to be modified for PCs?

      We were just discussing the proxy memory slider on PC earlier today – we are looking into expanding memory pools on PCs with more modern video cards. This may not change the hard draw distance set in some instances though, but it should help with objects dropping too soon if you have a PC rig that can support it.

    8. Will you be bringing anymore specialty boxes to the in-game lock box vendor?

      It depends on what you are after from the boxes. For specific synergies, they will be available via the new synergy boxes and those will be bit store only. For cosmetics, we are planning to balance these both in-game and in the bit store.

    9. I noticed a lot of comments from players who were less than happy with the decreased RNG rates for the Midsummer Mutiny event. Is this the standard that should be expected from events moving forward?

      In terms of drop rates, we will be adjusting events moving forward as we are still balancing the drop rates for participation. In the previous events, we saw that more players than expected were getting what were considered rare weapons in the community, something that made the player feel unique from other players. It isn’t a rare legendary jackpot weapon if everyone has one, so we decided to adjust drops based on that. This also includes the changes that were seen with the weekly and daily contracts.

    10. Will there be any story content related to Season 3 of the show?

      Season 3 of the game is mainly the expedition content, in terms of crossover it was a little more difficult this year due to multiple factors. Nolan and Irisa were in a stasis pod until episode 1 of Season 3, which is part of what made this more difficult.

    11. What are your thoughts on a couple of Etaew’s “Hypothetical Features”? I think something like Instant Adventure (similar to what RIFT has going) would be a huge boon to Defiance.

      As one of the original designers from the Rift team, LoCarb is pretty fond of this idea of “Instant Adventure” type system for Defiance. We’ll see if we can work out something similar to happen, but keep in mind these two games are built entirely differently.

      For the “I’m busy with Inventory” indicators, we have concerns that this feature might be shut down by many players due to it creating clutter in certain instances.

    12. Are there any plans for new missions or quests?

      We are in the planning phases with art and design to add some additional story content in the future.

    13. What are the plans to improve the Arkbreaker DLC experience?

      With the next update, we plan on releasing Private Instances that will allow you to enter one that is a fresh instance that you control who can enter. This feature is currently being tested on PTS. For now, this only works on the Major Arkbreak.

    14. Is there a possibility of the spinal tap synergy becoming available again?

      At this time, retired Synergy boxes that have been taken off are not planned to return.

    15. Will there be any passes at the vendors anytime soon? Will we see any more content added to DLC 1, such as a unique synergy?

      While we do plan to evaluate vendors in the future, we don’t have a date in the near future pinned down for this. When we make a pass at the vendors, we can also evaluate making additions to DLC 1.

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Going to Gamescom or PAX Prime? See you there!

    Originally published at


    Trion Worlds welcomes you to community parties at Gamescom and PAX Prime: Come on in and hang out with our Devs and Community Managers – have a drink on us and celebrate all of our games: RIFT, ArcheAge, Trove, Defiance, and now… Devilian!

    Admission charge? Of course not, we’re Trion!


    Get your limited edition Devilian t-shirt at either party, available on a first-come, first-served basis. One per person ONLY – no, you can’t have an extra one for your BFF, your mom, or your dog. When these shirts are gone, they’re GONE, so show up early!

    We will offer limited quantities of awesome ArcheAge PvP survival kits (strictly tongue in cheek – you’ll still die to pirates), as well as exclusive game codes for Defiance, Devilian, RIFT, and Trove. These will be available at both our Gamescom and PAX Prime parties.

    At PAX only, we will have a very limited number of beautiful RIFT Raid Steins, for true Telarans only! Be prepared to state game name, level, and soul build to prove you’re legit!



    • Thursday, August 6
    • 7:00 – 11:00pm
    • Location: BAUWERK
    • We hope to have shuttles from the convention center to Bauwerk – watch our Facebook page for updates:


    Some Trionites will be on panels at PAX Prime – watch for the news on that front as soon as PAX announces the schedule!


    Nope and nope. We are off site for both parties, and welcome all Trion players, up to the capacity of the venues. ID is required for drinks. These parties are truly free-to-play!

    Watch for updates on Facebook:
    Or on Twitter: @TrionWorlds

    Whether Cologne or Seattle – come out and REPRESENT!

    Your friends at Trion

    Discuss these events on our official forums!

    Datak’s Date with Fate

    Originally published at

    In an all-new episode of Defiance tomorrow, July 24, on Syfy at 8/7c, destinies are made manifest and the city’s citizens are forced to take up arms once again. Will Defiance fortify itself in the face of destruction, or will the struggling city crumble beneath the forces at work against it both inside and outside its borders?

    There’s a unique, limited-time code for free game loot or bonuses in every episode, so be sure to watch! Collect all 12 throughout the season to complete the new in-game Pursuit for awesome rewards!

    *Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

    Australia – July 25, 2015
    8.30pm on Syfy

    Canada – July 26, 2015
    9pm ET / 6pm PT on Showcase

    Germany – July 28, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Spain – August 3, 2015
    9:30pm on Syfy

    France – August 4, 2015
    8:45pm on Syfy

    Central/South America – August 11, 2015
    20hs MX/22hs AR on Syfy

    Brazil – August 11, 2015
    9:00pm on Syfy

    UK – August 13, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Discuss this episode on our forums!

    Defiance Developer Q&A: July 27

    Originally published at

    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums this Friday!

    1. How about adding some terraformed aquatic creatures to menace the coastal waters?

      We are staying away from water based enemies, many spaces in water would prohibit combat. We are looking in to some shallow water combat spaces in a future release but the enemy types will not be water specific.

    2. Any chance of introducing an expedition that takes place around the town of Defiance?

      In general, both the game and show teams are given their space in the world to breathe and are given the ability to do things that work best for their medium. We have given the SyFy team their space to utilize their medium effectively in the Town of Defiance. It would be unfortunate if we were to build out parts of Defiance and use it in a mission that would prevent them from using it how they see fit. For example, the St. Louis Arch. That being said, we should find some safe areas to work together more.

    3. Clan leaders would like the “Message of the Day” character limit to be expanded to allow for clearer communication. Is this possible?

      We just put this in as a task for the team, hopefully this will be an easy change.

    4. Are there any inventory improvements or quality of life improvements coming our way soon?

      We are looking into the schedule and have discussed some bug bashing after this next update. Changes to the inventory UI is not currently on that list at the moment, we may save inventory UI for a later update.

    5. I remember LoCarb talking about putting Golden Skitterlings and Treasure Chests hidden about in the open world to give players a reason to explore far corners they would otherwise never have a reason to go. Anymore details on that?

      We have snippets of the over world golden Skitterlings in game, just not currently flipped on at the moment. This is something that we are tweaking to work for the next update.

    6. In the last Q&A, it was mentioned that optimization changes that should help with hard freezes would be made with the next major update. Around when can we expect to see the next major update?

      We are currently in the process of verifying our builds before we submit to Sony and Microsoft. We hope to have an official release date after Gamescom and PAX.

    7. Would it be possible for Team Defiance to divulge any information about the remaining parts of the new “Wrath of the Omec” synergy? Shield type? Secondary weapon type?

      All we can say is that the next item will show up in the Defiance show codes on SyFy.

    8. Players are still reporting cases of sieges and incursions stalling, is there an update on what the team is doing to address this?

      The siege stalling issue is still being looked at, we have some more debugging to do so that we can trace the root cause. For the time being the changes we have made are to prevent Sieges from sitting there idle for the remainder of the day.

    9. Around when will PvP balancing changes arrive on the Public Test Server?

      We’re still trying to get caught up on some backlog tasks, but sometime in early August we should get some PvP tuning values onto PTS. Keep in mind that the PvP specific changes may not persist to our live servers until much later on.

    10. When should we expect to see the changes to BMGs implemented?

      We’re still working on scheduling time with a vfx artist that can tone down the visuals appropriately. As for the scoring changes, we will still need to evaluate what changes will be necessary.

    11. It was mentioned that players that had difficulty with Patron Pass Contracts would be compensated. What is the compensation and when can it be expected?

      We have assessed the amount of players that were impacted and we will announce our full compensation plans in the coming week.

    Discuss this Q&A on our official forums!

    Give Your EGO a Boost with the Sustained Suppression Synergy

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    Our new synergy is here! From now until August 25, your EGO will get a huge boost with the powerful Sustained Suppression Synergy. Just using your EGO amplifies your damage, while reloading reduces the cooldown!

    Sustained Suppression Synergy

    • +10% Health
    • -15% Reload
    • 5% EGO power recharge on full reload (Cooldown: 7s)
    • EGO power grants an additional 10% damage and fire rate

    This awesome synergy comes with the Sustained Suppression Crate, which will also include one epic or better weapon and three rare to legendary mods.


    Through August 11, Sustained Suppression Crates also have a chance to contain the legendary, limited time Lockstock, the latest jackpot weapon! Coupled with Sustained Suppression, this sawed-off shotgun will end your enemies, lock, stock, and barrel.

    Stock up on crates today before time runs out!

    Discuss this new synergy on our official forums!

    Defiance Livestream: July 31 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Originally published at

    Defiance Livestream: July 31 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Andrew “Rarnok” Sheetz, and Community Relations Manager Sarah “Kiwibird” Walters on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be discussing the new synergy, our PAX and Gamescom events, and we will cover our Q&A!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, July 31 at 3:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 30 minutes

    Stick around until the end for a chance to win a special in-game giveaway. See you on Twitch, ark hunters!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Monsters, Murder, and Mayhem in New Episode of Defiance

    Originally published at


    Tomorrow night on on Syfy at 8/7c, Nolan and Irisa track down a murderous monster while Doc Yewll looks inside herself to save Defiance.

    Don’t forget to catch the unique, limited-time code for free in-game loot and bonuses included in every episode! Collect the full 12 throughout the season to complete the new Pursuit for awesome rewards.
    *Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

    Australia – August 1, 2015
    8.30pm on Syfy

    Canada – August 2, 2015
    9pm ET / 6pm PT on Showcase

    Germany – August 4, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Spain – August 10, 2015
    9:30pm on Syfy

    France – August 11, 2015
    8:45pm on Syfy

    Central/South America – August 18, 2015
    20hs MX/22hs AR on Syfy

    Brazil – August 18, 2015
    9:00pm on Syfy

    UK – August 20, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Discuss this episode on our official forums!

    Defiance Developer Q&A: August 3

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!

    1. Any thoughts to clan-only missions? Like coops but whole clan participation?

      Large group or clan content is something we have been thinking about, we are still looking into how a system like this would balance between large and small clans alike.

    2. How about clan wars where it’s kind of like a shadow war but where only 2 clans can participate?

      This falls into the same balance issue as mentioned above, PvP gets a bit trickier because more players participate in PvE than PvP content.

    3. In the past there was a lot of talk of wandering Warmasters… and then not now. Is this is something that is still being considered?

      We took a look at a wandering Warmaster a few months back, it’s something that would take longer than we anticipated. We would still like to get a system like this in place in the future.

    4. Is there a reason as to why we can’t trade swords in the game?

      We made most of the charge blades more or less limited to players that own the DLC content associated with the charge blades themselves, Thorn Liro and 7th Legion.

    5. Will you please announce to people playing the game when the stream for Defiance is about to start like how you did for Tricks last stream?

      We have started pre-stream announcements in game with the last livestream and should be continuing this for future live streams.

    6. Will we ever see a cerberus like the one Cooper drives outside of PVP

      We are holding back on adding more player controlled vehicles until we address some optimization issues. We will still have variations of existing vehicles because they do not significantly take up more memory resources.

    7. Can you PLEASE make a Grid Expedition using the “Defiance Season 2 Aftermath: Until the Arks Rise” map?

      A Grid expedition is under consideration. Grid would be pretty interesting because they can influence other enemy groups in the game.

    8. Do orange grenades exist? Only saw them in Alpha.

      Legendary Grenades are out there, but they are rare.

    As an added reminder, Carble “LoCarb” Cheung will be at Gamescom this week! Defiance Data has an interview with LoCarb coming up this Friday, so make sure to keep an eye out for coverage coming from

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Olive Branches are Burned in New Episode of Defiance

    Originally published at


    A new episode of Defiance tomorrow night on Syfy at 8/7c brings Nolan face to face with his darkest demons, while the hard-won yet fragile peace in Defiance is threatened once more from a source no one could have expected.

    Be sure to tune into the show and grab the unique, limited-time code for free loot and bonuses included in every episode! Collect the 12 codes shared throughout the season to complete the new in-game Pursuit for incredible rewards.

    *Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

    Australia – August 8, 2015
    8.30pm on Syfy

    Canada – August 9, 2015
    9pm ET / 6pm PT on Showcase

    Germany – August 11, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Spain – August 17, 2015
    9:30pm on Syfy

    France – August 18, 2015
    8:45pm on Syfy

    Central/South America – August 25, 2015
    20hs MX/22hs AR on Syfy

    Brazil – August 25, 2015
    9:00pm on Syfy

    UK – August 27, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Discuss this episode on our official forums!

    Let Those Bullets Fly with the Raven Jackpot

    Originally published at


    Good news, ark hunters: Now through August 25, every Sustained Suppression Crate has a chance to contain the Raven Assault Rifle – our new Jackpot weapon!

    Inspired by the FRC Assault Carbine, the Raven’s legendary power and Sustained Suppression Synergy make it an absolute force to be reckoned with.


    Sustained Suppression Synergy

  • +10% Health
  • -15% Reload
  • 5% EGO power recharge on full reload (Cooldown: 7s)
  • EGO power grants an additional 10% damage and fire rate
  • Each Sustained Suppression Crate will include one epic-or-better weapon and three rare to legendary mods, in addition to the exclusive Synergy. The Sustained Suppression Synergy is only available until August 25, so stock up while supplies last and let those bullets fly!

    Discuss this new jackpot on our official forums!

    The Omec Have No Tolerance for Defiance

    Originally published at


    In a brand-new episode tomorrow on Syfy at 8/7c, the people of Defiance get a taste of Kindzi’s wrath. Her reign of terror leads to one character’s capture and ends in a trail of blood!

    Tune in to catch the unique, limited-time code for free in-game loot or bonuses in every episode. Collect all 12 throughout the season to complete the new Pursuit for awesome rewards.

    *Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

    Australia – August 15, 2015
    8.30pm on Syfy

    Canada – August 16, 2015
    9pm ET / 6pm PT on Showcase

    Germany – August 18, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Spain – August 24, 2015
    9:30pm on Syfy

    France – August 25, 2015
    8:45pm on Syfy

    Central/South America – September 1, 2015
    20hs MX/22hs AR on Syfy

    Brazil – September 1, 2015
    9:00pm on Syfy

    UK – September 3, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Discuss this episode on our official forums!

    New Threats and Supreme Weapons Shake Up Life on the New Frontier

    Originally published at


    Dangerous, unidentified lifeforms have been spotted on the fringes of the New Frontier. Intel is limited, but initial investigations confirm that this new threat will arrive in Silicon Valley next week.

    Exercise extreme caution, Ark Hunters, for these lifeforms exhibit alarming parasitic characteristics. Preparation will be critical, so we’re gearing up with a brand new weapon tier and a whole slew of Salvage Matrix advancements to boot.

    • Supreme Weapon Tier
        We’ve gone beyond legendary and introduced a new tier of powerful Supreme Weapons. The Supreme Weapon tier adds an innate damage boost and new rarity bonuses, and will be obtainable as rare drops in high tier expeditions or through Salvage Matrix upgrades.
    • Rarity Tier Bonus Reroll
        Ark hunters can now further customize their new gear as the Salvage Matrix has been updated to allow one rarity bonus per weapon to be adjusted through bonus rerolls. If an undesirable bonus has been acquired, it will also be possible to return the weapon to the original state.

    Enhancements made to the Salvage Matrix will allow ark hunters to bypass encryption statuses on original, Legendary tier weapons with Arkforge currency. Encrypted Legendary weapons can be upgraded to Supreme rarity. Using more Arkforge while making your upgrade will increase your chances of success while upgrading existing encrypted weapons. Jackpot weapons will retain all rarity tier bonuses when upgraded to Supreme.

    The winds of change are howling, Ark Hunter. It’s time you answered its call.

    Happy hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Preview: Rerolling Rarity Bonuses and Supreme Items

    Originally published at


    With the Supreme Weapons Update coming on August 18th, Defiance is introducing some exciting new options for items: rerolling weapon rarity bonuses and Supreme tier items.

    Rerolling Rarity Bonuses
    Beginning with this update, you will be able to use the Salvage Matrix to alter one of the rarity bonuses on your weapons. You can choose which rarity bonus tier you want to change and let the Salvage Matrix randomly alter it to one of the other options available for that tier. You can do this as frequently as you want, but once a rarity bonus has been changed, that’s the only tier of bonus that can be changed on that weapon. A small lock icon will appear next to the bonus to illustrate that.

    All weapons are capable of having their bonuses reroll and the new bonus will respect the type of bonuses that are currently on the weapon. Weapons created before the new rarity bonus system came into play in February will continue to receive bonuses from the older system, including the ability to have duplicate bonuses on a weapon. Newer weapons will continue to use the newer system, receiving higher bonuses but they are only able to have a single bonus of each type on the weapon. This works very similarly to upgrading a weapon and receiving a new rarity bonus. When rerolling a bonus, any existing bonus types that are already on the weapon and of a higher rarity tier (and thus would be more powerful) are excluded from the possibilities. After the new bonus is determined, if there is an existing bonus of the same type at a lower rarity tier, it will be changed to a bonus type that isn’t already on the weapon.

    When rerolling a rarity bonus, the Salvage Matrix will not allow the newly chosen bonus to be the same one that is currently already on the weapon and being rerolled. Any bonuses that may have been on the weapon previously are fair game.

    Using the Salvage Matrix, you can also choose to reset the weapon back to its original state. This will return it to the bonuses it had before any changes were made and will also reset the rarity tier lock so you can then choose to alter a different rarity bonus tier.

    Supreme Items
    A new rarity tier is being introduced to Defiance: Supreme, or the gold tier. Supreme tier items are special, rare items first being introduced into top tier expeditions where the bosses have a chance to award them when killed.

    You can also upgrade legendary weapons to supreme and the Salvage Matrix has gained the ability to upgrade even encrypted legendary items to the supreme tier. Unlike normal upgrades, upgrading an encrypted item is not guaranteed. The Salvage Matrix will display the chance to upgrade when choosing the upgrade rarity option. This chance can be increased using additional Arkforge.

    Weapons and shields can still only be upgraded a single rarity tier, so just as only epic tier items can be upgraded to legendary, only items that began as legendary can be upgraded to supreme. An item that is not eligible for the encrypted upgrade because it has already been upgraded previously will display a red encryption icon.

    When upgraded to supreme, most weapons will gain an additional, random bonus roll in the new supreme rarity tier bonus slot similar to how other rarity upgrades work. Special named weapons with fixed stats, though, work a little differently. When these are upgraded, they transform into a version of the weapon that is optimized for supreme rather than legendary. This means most of the rarity bonuses will increase one tier (e.g. the legendary bonus increases and becomes the supreme one) while a new, common bonus is added to the weapon.

    All named, fixed-stat supreme weapons use the new rarity bonus system introduced in February. You can upgrade old named weapons that were created before that to supreme, but doing so will result in a weapon designed under the updated system. To make it easy to determine when this will happen, older named weapons now carry an ‘Mk I’ designator on their name and upgrading them will result in an ‘Mk II’ supreme version of the weapon.

    New Threats
    With these new options, new threats have arrived in Silicon Valley. Exercise extreme caution, ark hunters, for these lifeforms exhibit alarming parasitic characteristics.

    Happy hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this preview on our official forums!

    New Jackpot: Sting Pulser

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    Sting has arrived on the New Frontier! Manufactured with excellent hip accuracy, this new Legendary Pulser is designed with movement in mind.


    Sting is available now as a rare-drop from Premium Elite and Elite Lock Boxes sold from the Defiance Store (and vendors throughout the Bay) – but it’s only available for a limited time!

    Happy hunting!
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this new jackpot on our official forums!

    Supreme Weapons Arrive on the New Frontier

    Originally published at


    Prepare yourself, ark hunters: Supreme Tier weapons have arrived in time to combat dangerous new parasitic lifeforms appearing throughout the Bay! Supreme weapons boast an innate damage boost plus new rarity bonuses and masteries, and they launch alongside a new reroll system you can use to adjust one rarity bonus per weapon.


    After scooping up Supreme weapons in high-tier Expeditions (or through Salvage Matrix upgrades), you can put them to use in new private instances by opening your very own Major arkbreaks. Want to keep other ark hunters from joining your Warmaster instance? No problem! You can invite friends and clanmates to your party (and show everyone else to the airlock).


    For an in-depth look at Supreme Weapons and Rarity Tier Bonus Rerolls, jump to our Supreme Update preview – and enjoy the brand-new tier!

    Happy hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this update on our official forums!

    Defiance Livestream: August 21 at 4:00 PM PDT

    Originally published at

    Defiance Livestream: August 21 at 4:00 PM PDT

    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Andrew “Rarnok” Sheetz, and Community Relations Manager Sarah “Kiwibird” Walters on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be discussing the Supreme Weapons update and other hot topics from the forums!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, August 21 at 4:00 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    Stick around until the end for a chance to win a special in-game giveaway. See you on Twitch, ark hunters!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    The Omec Invasion Looms Tomorrow on Defiance

    Originally published at

    The Omec Invasion Looms Tonight on Defiance

    In a new Defiance tomorrow on Syfy at 8/7c, Kindzi plots to bring more Omec to Earth and crush the resistance in Defiance once and for all. It falls in the hands of Nolan, Irisa, and Amanda to thwart her plans before the Omec Invasion arrives.

    Be sure to tune in and grab the unique, limited-time code for free in-game loot or bonuses in every episode! Collect all 12 throughout the season to complete the new Pursuit for awesome rewards.
    *Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

    Australia – August 22, 2015
    8.30pm on Syfy

    Canada – August 23, 2015
    9pm ET / 6pm PT on Showcase

    Germany – August 25, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Spain – August 31, 2015
    9:30pm on Syfy

    France – September 1, 2015
    8:45pm on Syfy

    Central/South America – September 8, 2015
    20hs MX/22hs AR on Syfy

    Brazil – September 8, 2015
    9:00pm on Syfy

    UK – September 10, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Discuss this episode on our official forums!

    Cymatic Empowerment Synergy Arrives on the New Frontier

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    A new Synergy crate is available in the Defiance Store now until September 22! The Supernova: Cymatic Empowerment Crate includes one epic or better weapon and three rare to legendary mods featuring this limited-time Synergy. This Synergy pairs well with perks that activate when your shield breaks, so stock up if you’re set on racking up those shield break bonuses!

    Synergy: Cymatic Empowerment
    • -10% Incoming damage to health
    • +25% Movespeed for 5s on shield break
    • Damage and snare on all enemies within 10m on shield break
    • +15% damage for 5s on shield break


    Until September 8, each Cymatic Empowerment Crate includes a chance to contain the legendary, limited-time Supernova blast rifle jackpot weapon. Give your shields a break and stock up on this new Synergy Crate before time runs out!

    Happy hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this new synergy on our official forums!

    Armistice Festival Returns: August 26 – September 14

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters, celebration is in order!

    With the Season 3 Finale rapidly approaching, denizens of the New Frontier are gearing up to celebrate the spirit of Defiance. Now until September 14, band together with fellow ark hunters to take on Solstice Strike arkfalls, Wild Turkeys, mutant Pilgrims, and love-struck hellbugs!

    Happy hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this event on our official forums!

    It’s Hunt or Be Hunted on the Season Finale of Defiance

    Originally published at

    Catch the Exciting Season Finale of Defiance Tonight!

    In the shocking season finale of Defiance tomorrow on Syfy at 8/7c, Defiance faces destruction once more as Nolan, Amanda, and others risk everything in a final confrontation against Kindzi and the Omec.

    Watch the final episode of the season to grab the last unique, limited-time code for free game loot or bonuses and complete the new in-game Pursuit for awesome rewards!

    *Watching outside North America? Check your local listings or the cheat sheet below:

    Australia – August 29, 2015
    8.30pm on Syfy

    Canada – August 30, 2015
    9pm ET / 6pm PT on Showcase

    Germany – September 1, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Spain – September 7, 2015
    9:30pm on Syfy

    France – September 8, 2015
    8:45pm on Syfy

    Central/South America – September 15, 2015
    20hs MX/22hs AR on Syfy

    Brazil – September 15, 2015
    9:00pm on Syfy

    UK – September 17, 2015
    9pm on Syfy

    Discuss this episode on our official forums!

    Coming to PAX Prime? We have so much in common!

    Originally published at

    Join the party at PAX Prime!

    Trion Worlds welcomes you to the community party at PAX Prime: Come on in and hang out with our Devs and Community Managers – have a drink on us to celebrate Defiance, and all of our games: Trove, ArcheAge, RIFT, and Devilian!

    Admission charge? Of course not, we’re Trion!


    Get your limited edition Devilian t-shirt at either party, available on a first-come, first-served basis. One per person ONLY – no, you can’t have an extra one for your BFF, your mom, or your dog. When these shirts are gone, they’re GONE, so show up early!

    We will offer limited quantities of awesome ArcheAge PvP survival kits (strictly tongue in cheek – you’ll still die to pirates), as well as exclusive game codes for Defiance, ArcheAge, Devilian, RIFT, and Trove.

    Exclusively for PAX, we will have a very limited number of beautiful RIFT Raid Steins, for true Telarans only! Be prepared to state game name, level, and soul build to prove you’re legit!



    Friday, August 28
    7:00 – 10:00pm
    Location: W HOTEL – 1112 4th Avenue, Seattle Washington –
    Some Trionites will be on panels at PAX Prime – click here for the full PAX schedule!


    Nope and nope. We are off site, and welcome all Trion players, up to the capacity of the venues. ID is required for drinks. These parties are truly free-to-play!

    Watch for updates on Facebook:
    Or on Twitter: @DefianceGame

    You do not want to miss this Pax Prime Party!

    Save Big with our Weekend Arkforge Sale!

    Originally published at

    Save Big on Arkforge!

    Ark hunters,

    Savings are sweet, and Arkforge is sweeter. We’re very happy to share that now until September 7, all ark hunters on the New Frontier will save 25% on available Arkforge packs! As a Patron, you’ll score even more savings and get a full 33% off all available Arkforge packs.

    Arkforge Weekend Sale
    Start Time: September 4, 2015 at 12:00 PM PDT
    End Time: September 8, 2015 at 12:00 PM PDT

    Take your arsenal to the next level with these savings or save up for something special. The choice is yours, now lock ‘n’ load!

    Happy hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this sale on our official forums!

    Give Your Shield a Break with the Gamma Bolter Jackpot

    Originally published at

    Legendary, limited-time Gamma Bolter jackpot weapon!

    Ark hunters,

    Give your shield a break with the new jackpot weapon available now until September 22! The Gamma Bolter: Cymatic Empowerment Crate includes one epic or better weapon and three rare to legendary mods featuring this limited-time synergy. As an added bonus, each crate includes a chance to contain the legendary, limited-time Gamma Bolter jackpot weapon.

    Synergy: Cymatic Empowerment
    • -10% Incoming damage to health
    • +25% Movespeed for 5s on shield break
    • Damage and snare on all enemies within 10m on shield break
    • +15% damage for 5s on shield break


    Inspired by the technology that made the VOT Surge Bolter possible, this semi-auto sniper rifle is capable of charging up its main shot to expand the range of particle impact. Stock up now before the Gamma Bolter: Cymatic Empowerment Crate disappears from the Defiance Store on September 22!

    Happy hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this new jackpot on our official forums!

    Defiance Livestream: September 11 at 4:30 PM PDT

    Originally published at

    Defiance Livestream: September 11 at 4:30 PM PDT

    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Andrew “Rarnok” Sheetz, and Community Relations Manager Sarah “Kiwibird” Walters on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be discussing the latest jackpot weapon, Public Test Server PvP changes, and covering questions drawn from the forums!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, September 11 at 4:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    Stick around until the end for a chance to win a special in-game giveaway. See you on Twitch, ark hunters!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Save Big on Armistice Event Supply Crates Now Until September 13!

    Originally published at

    Celebrate Armistice with SAVINGS!

    Ark hunters,

    Celebrate Armistice with a blast from the past! Now until September 13, 3 limited time lock boxes will be available on the store. As a bonus, each box will be 25% off its original price! As a Paradise Patron, you’ll score an additional 10% off!

    Armistice Festival Sale Details

    Start time: Friday, September 11 at 12:00 PM PDT
    End time: Monday, September 14 at 12:00 PM PDT

    Cornucopia Supply Crate

    Contains 1 epic or better random weapon and 3 random mods, all with the Plate Slicer synergy. May contain Pilgrim outfit, Pilgrim headgear, or the Buckled Captain headgear. Rare chance to contain one of the jackpot weapons: Autumn’s Scourge, Carving Knife, Feaster, FRC Turkeyshot Pump, and Wishbone Splitter.

    Heartbreaker Supply Crate

    Contains 1 epic or better random Heartbreaker weapon and 3 random mods for the Heartbreaker synergy. May contain the Night Porter Outfit, Hellbug Tooth Hat, Pith Helmet or The Hellbug Stalker headgear. Rare chance to contain one of the jackpot Heartbreaker weapons.

    Radiant Solstice Supply Crate

    Contains 1 epic or better random Radiant Solstice weapon and 3 random mods for the Saturnalia synergy. May contain the Antlers, Santa Cap, or Cyberclaus headgear. Rare chance to contain one of the jackpot Radiant Solstice weapons.

    These crates will only be available for a limited time, so stock up now!

    The Wrath of the Omec Synergy Available for a Limited Time

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    Traces of terrifying technology have been discovered in Paradise. Get your hands on the Wrath of the Omec synergy with this brand new legendary jackpot shield! The Omec Respark Energizer V ARK is available now until October 13 as a rare-drop from Premium Elite and Elite Lock Boxes sold from the Defiance Store (and vendors throughout the Bay).

    Synergy:  Wrath of the Omec

    [1] +5% movement speed and +10% melee damage
    [2] Fully reload stowed weapon on melee kill (cooldown: 15s)
    [3] Gain blur for 10s on kill (cooldown: 30s)


    Stock up now to be the first to sink your teeth into this new technology!

    Happy hunting!
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this shield jackpot on our official forums!

    Save on Cymatic Empowerment Synergy Crates now until September 20!

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    Now until September 20, Cymatic Empowerment Crates are 25% off in the Defiance Store! As a Paradise Patron, you’ll score an additional 10% off on this limited-time synergy crate!

    This limited-time synergy will disappear from the Defiance Store on September 22, so stock up now while supplies last!

    Cymatic Empowerment Sale Details
    Start time: Friday, September 18 at 12:00 PM PDT
    End time: Monday, September 21 at 12:00 PM PDT

    Synergy: Cymatic Empowerment
    • -10% Incoming damage to health
    • +25% Movespeed for 5s on shield break
    • Damage and snare on all enemies within 10m on shield break
    • +15% damage for 5s on shield break

    Each Gamma Bolter: Cymatic Empowerment Crate includes one epic or better weapon and three rare to legendary mods featuring this limited-time synergy. As an added bonus, each crate includes a chance to contain the legendary, limited-time Gamma Bolter jackpot weapon.

    Need bits? Click here to stock up now!

    Defiance Developer Q&A: September 18

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!

    1. Can you tell us more about the changes coming to rep vendors?

      Nothing is set in stone yet at the moment, currently we are looking in to the option of adding a new synergy option to the rep vendors.

    2. Where are we on the Arkbreaker weapons with Supremes?

      Our team has tasks in place to address the inability to upgrade DLC 2 weapons to the Supreme tier, but we do not have a set time frame for when these changes will be implemented.

    3. Can we have more room in message of the day or a separate page to post clan events and commonly asked questions?

      We should have a task to address this, it may not be a top priority of the person it is assigned to. We’re going see if we can bump this up if it’s something they can manage quickly without disrupting their current task.

    4. Why are birds heard but never seen in Silicon Valley?

      Birds don’t usually love gunfire.

    5. Why are there fireworks still going off at Headlands Transit? They been there since the first Armistice event and have doubled in capacity since the Summer Solstice. Will they ever be removed?

      There are still some fireworks around the map from the original Armistice update that are now permanent. It was something that was tied to Syfy crossover content from a previous season.

    6. Could you increase the group size to 6 for pvp to make full clan games/ events easier to arrange? Or private pvp instances?

      We have no current intentions of supporting a group larger than 4 players. For private PvP instances, we would need to remove some of the loot rewards to prevent larger groups from exploiting that system for the rewards. We would most like not implement private PvP instances anytime soon.

    7. Will there be any other DLC’s soon?

      We have no plans on further DLC, content updates after the F2P release date are free.

    8. How goes the progress on adding more clothing items to the store/vendors..if any that you can talk about?

      We are planning a bundle for Halloween that is similar to the Patriot Pack that was released on Independence Day.

    9. To wrap it up my final question is if any of the established synergies (Assassin, Quartermaster, rolling thunder, etc.) will be updated in the future?

      We’ve fallen behind on updating the in game vendors, much of the feedback was used to make new synergies. Instead of changing how some long existing synergies work we will most likely add new synergy options to Rep vendors, as mentioned earlier nothing is currently set in stone yet.

    10. Clan and Social pursuits pretty much all have one PvP requirement tacked on to them all so unless you PvP you can forget about working on the other 90% of the pursuits. Can we get more non-PvP Clan/Social pursuits to compensate?

      We are planning to adding a few more pursuits so that players can increase their EGO.

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    The Purge Synergy Returns in Blackened Hellfire Supply Crates!

    Originally published at

    Available until October 6!

    Ark hunters,

    A stockpile of seasonal destruction has been discovered in Paradise! In light of this discovery, The Purge Synergy is making a comeback in Defiance for a limited time. Crafted with care, each Premium Blackened Hellfire Supply Crate contains 1 epic or better random Blackened Hellfire weapon and 3 random mods manufactured with The Purge Synergy. As an added bonus, each crate now has an increased chance at Legendary tier weapons and mods on par with our updated Synergy Crates.

    Synergy: The Purge

    • +2% Crit Multiplier
    • +4% Crit Multiplier
    • +5% Nano-effect chance on a critical hit
    • +10% Life Steal

    Blackened Hellfire Weapons:
    Blackened Hellfire Assault Rifle, Blackened Hellfire Blaster, Blackened Hellfire Fragger, Blackened Hellfire Quick Repeater, Blackened Hellfire SAW, Blackened Hellfire Tachmag Pulser.

    This limited-time Premium Synergy crate will be available in the Defiance Store until October 6, so stock up now while supplies last!

    Happy hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this new Synergy Crate on our official forums!

    Defiance Livestream: September 25 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Originally published at

    Defiance Livestream: September 25 at 3:30 PM PD

    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Andrew “Rarnok” Sheetz, and Community Relations Manager Sarah “Kiwibird” Walters on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be discussing our upcoming Hulker Hell event and covering questions drawn from the forums!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, September 25 at 3:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    Stick around until the end for a chance to win a special in-game giveaway. See you on Twitch, ark hunters!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Defiance Developer Q&A: September 25

    Originally published at


    Welcome, ark hunters! You’ve asked, we’re answering. We’re back with another action packed Defiance Dev Q&A! Make sure to keep an eye out for the next question collection thread on our official forums next week!

    1. Are there any plans, and if so how far off before we see the shrill further implemented in game?

    Dates for that are still in discussion, we would love to have it out before the end of the year. However with the holidays coming up we have a few conflicts with other outside companies. We may bump it to early next year.

    2. Will there be different weapons available for the upcoming Hulker Hell Event?

    We will have a new synergy called Hallow Point! More information on this will be released soon.

    3. What is being done about the bugs in expos? Enemies unable to be killed impeding your process?

    We came across this recently in an Expedition, and we have seen it occur in the main world as well. We are still tracking it down to determine the root cause. For now you can drop a hatchling grenade, its seems to do the trick of killing an enemy stuck at 0 HP. We believe it may be more frequent with different weapon types. If you have any info such as your particular load out and Expedition Tier, enemy type, please send it along to Kiwi and we can investigate further.

    4. Will Silicon Valley’s Difficulty-Reward ratio be looked into? 

    We have a change that should make it up with the Bug Bash update. That is scheduled for after the upcoming Halloween event.

    5. I’d really appreciate any feedback about when Rashere will definitely determine whether our purples will have the chance to be upgradable to Supremes or not (as it is now).

    We’ll have an announcement about this in the near future.

    6. Is something going to be done about the auto extraction from expedition on hellbug hunt?

    We have tracked down one of the majors effects causing the auto extraction during expeditions, specific to water and hellbug archers. If you have extractions not standing in water or with another enemy group please keep sending in your bug reports.

    7. Is it possible to have a new item added to the game called an “encryption breaker”?

    We have no current plans to add an Encryption Breaker type item in game.

    8. If we don’t see a Season 4, what are the plans for Defiance moving forward?

    We are an independent game team and can continue to add content regardless of what the TV team decides to do. That being said the team enjoys the partnership with SyFy and will continue to support the show.

    9. We were told once upon a time that players who have capped at max ego would get a different pay out in place of XP. Is this still happening?

    We are looking in to this soon, as part of an evaluation of the difficulty curve and leveling process.

    10. When the rewards update (faction, arena) ever comes around, has there been consideration for a “supreme” Difficulty, similar to round 10/t30 that drop better gear in other parts of the game?

    There are no immediate plans to add Supreme weapons to the current arenas.

    11. How is the fix for Hatchling grenades coming along?

    Answered on Live stream. We are still working on this internally and it’s a top priority.

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Double Golden Skitterling Weekend: October 2-4

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters, prepare your arsenals for an unexpected uprising! Rare, loot-hoarding golden skitterlings have hatched a double brood.

    This elusive breed of hellbug is set to storm Expeditions with Cyber Rigs and Cyber Chips in tow starting on October 2. It’s golden skitterling season, so lock and load up on loot until October 4!

    Double Golden Skitterling Weekend
    Start Time: October 2, 2015 at 12:00 PM PDT
    End Time: October 5, 2015 at 12:00 PM PDT

    Happy hunting!

    Defiance Livestream: October 9 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Originally published at

    Defiance Livestream: October 9 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Andrew “Rarnok” Sheetz, and Community Relations Manager Sarah “Kiwibird” Walters on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Friday. We’ll be dealing out more details on our upcoming Hulker Hell event and covering questions that have been drawn from our official forums!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, October 9 at 3:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    Stick around until the end for a chance to win a giveaway of some of our upcoming in-game seasonal cosmetic bundles, synergy crates, and a special seasonal Jackpot weapon! See you on Twitch, ark hunters!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    Let Pumpkins Fly and Deal More Damage with the Hallow Point Synergy!

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    This fall, take your enemies to hell and back with the Hallow Point Synergy! Available in Hallow Point Supply Crates in the Defiance Store until November 2, this explosive synergy will leave you feeling like the Pumpkin King.

    Each time-limited box contains 1 epic or better weapon and 3 mods ranging from rare to legendary, all featuring this amazing seasonal synergy.

    Activate this synergy by attaching Hallow Point Synergy mods. You’ll need to apply four mods to your Hallow Point weapon to activate all bonuses, but it only takes three to bring pumpkins into play! There’s nothing nice about being on the business end of this explosive pumpkin spice.

    Synergy: Hallow Point

    [1] +6.66% Ammo Regen / 10 Secs
    [2] +13% Mag
    [3] Damaging an enemy will summon an exploding pumpkin (Cooldown: 30s)
    [4] +10% Life and Shield Steal!

    Attach just one more mod and you’ll be set to suck the life out of your enemies with +10% Life and Shield Steal! As an added bonus, each Hallow Point Supply Crate now contains a chance at one of seven Jackpot Weapons:

    • Grave Digger (Hallowed Service Rifle)
    • Spine Chiller (Hallowed SMG)
    • Tombstone (Hallowed LM-43 Thunder)
    • Hobgoblin (Hallowed Berserker Shotgun)
    • Afterlife (Hallowed Votan Autobolter)
    • Phantasm (Hallowed Invader)
    • Black Cat (Hallowed HP-6 Wolfhound)

    Spice up your arsenal now while these seasonal supplies last!

    Happy hunting!
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this new synergy on our official forums!

    Hulker Hell Returns October 12 – November 2

    Originally published at

    Hulker Hell Returns October 12 – November 2

    Ark hunters,

    Let the festivities begin! Absurd numbers of Hulkers have gathered in anticipation of this momentous event: Hulker Hell.

    Hulker Hell will hit the New Frontier starting on October 12th. A long awaited celebration of tricks and treats, this event brings a special delivery of pumpkins to Paradise until November 2.

    This seasonal celebration brings both terror and toys – take full advantage with new weapons and mods from Hulker Hell Arkfalls with the powerful Hallow Point Synergy.

    Are you seasonally savvy?

    • Make your own Hulker Hell happen with the Drag Me To Hell Arkfall Summon when you own the Arkbreaker DLC!
    • Limited-time Halloween Contracts and Instances now welcome 12 total players!
    • Complete the new Halloween pursuit to gain the new Legacy Hacker Outfit!

    To celebrate this event, the Defiance Team has prepared Hulker Hell Cosmetic Packs for the Defiance Store. These new cosmetic bundles will be released on a weekly basis and are available for a limited time, but you can treat yourself to the Triple Costume Pack to instantly gain access to all of these goodies.

    Earth Defender Costume Pack

    Available October 12 – 18: Earth Defender Costume Pack

    • Earth Defender Outfit
    • TR-0R Flare Pistol
    • Grim Reaper Truck
    • Protection Pumpkin Spike
    • “Earth Defender” Title
    • 7 Days of Paradise Patron Pass

    41st Century Agent Costume Pack

    Available October 19 – 25: 41st Century Agent Costume Pack

    • 41st Century Agent Outfit
    • TR-04 Courier
    • Wicked ATV
    • Ammo Pumpkin Spike
    • “41st Century Agent” Title
    • 7 Days of Paradise Patron Pass

    Lost Warrior Costume Pack

    Available October 26 – November 2: Lost Warrior Costume Pack

    • Lost Warrior Outfit
    • TR-0R Ground Pounder
    • Grave Digger Buggy
    • Damage Pumpkin Spike
    • “The Lost Warrior” Title
    • 7 Days of Paradise Patron Pass

    Triple Costume Pack

    Available October 12 – November 2: Triple Costume Pack

    • ALL of the above items, and more!
    • Gemini XIII Outfit
    • “The Right Stuff” Title
    • 30 Days of Paradise Patron Pass Total

    Hulker Hell Event Details
    Start time: Monday, October 12 at 12:00 PM PDT
    End time: Monday, November 2 at 12:00 PM PDT

    Fall into fun with Hulker Hell Arkfalls, limited-time Costume Packs, pumpkins and more.

    Happy Halloween,
    The Defiance Team

    We want YOU for Extra Life!

    Originally published at


    Mark your calendars, gamers: The Extra Life charity gaming marathon returns Saturday, November 7, marking Trion’s fifth year of participation!

    We’ll embark on 24 hours of adventures in RIFT, ArcheAge, Defiance, Trove, Devilian, and Atlas Reactor, and we’ll be streaming the whole time at! On the stream, we’ll be giving away loot and prizes, as well as offering numerous fundraising rewards that are soon to be announced.

    Last year, we raised over $100,000 dollars for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals—and with your help, we can surpass that goal. Help us help children in need.

    Register today at Extra Life to grab a spot on the Trion Team, and start your fundraising today!

    The Trion Worlds Community Team

    Become the Earth Defender in Defiance!

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    Treat yourself to an Earth Defender Costume Pack to celebrate Hulker Hell in style! This Costume Pack will only be available in the Defiance Store until October 18, so don’t wait to satisfy your sweet tooth.

    Earth Defender Costume Pack: Available October 12 – 18

  • Earth Defender Outfit
  • TR-0R Flare Pistol
  • Grim Reaper Truck
  • Protection Pumpkin Spike
  • “Earth Defender” Title
  • 7 Days of Paradise Patron Pass
  • Do you need MORE costumes? We’ve got you covered. All of these goodies and more are available in the Triple Costume Pack until November 2!

    Triple Costume Pack

    Triple Costume Pack: Available October 12 – November 2

  • Gemini XIII, Earth Defender, 41st Century Agent, and Lost Warrior Outfits
  • TR-0R Flare Pistol, TR-04 Courier, and TR-0R Ground Pounder
  • Grim Reaper Truck, Wicked ATV, and Grave Digger Buggy
  • Protection, Ammo, and Damage Pumpkin Spikes
  • “The Right Stuff”, “Earth Defender”, “41st Century Agent”, “The Lost Warrior” Titles
  • 30 Days of Paradise Patron Pass
  • Go ahead and treat yourself, you’ve earned it!

    A Fond Farewell to Syfy’s Defiance Series

    Originally published at

    A Fond Farewell

    Ark hunters,

    We’ve had a great time working closely with the team of stellar writers, designers, producers, and actors on the Defiance TV show. Like many of you, we’ve all enjoyed the stories they told week in and week out. Let’s treat this as a fond farewell, in celebration of a successful three year run of a show that broke a lot of new ground and brought an incredible quality experience to its viewers.

    As for the game and its future, Defiance is Trion’s IP and the game will continue exactly as before. The show has always been a fantastic and interesting partner, but the two were always meant to be able to stand on their own, which is why the show was primarily set in St. Louis and the game in the SF Bay Area.

    In fact, we’re happy to announce that we’re looking forward to the upcoming public testing of the Aquarium at Monterey, the next big instance coming to Defiance. There we’ll flesh out the Shrill storyline and put the Dark Matter in a whole new light.

    There are plenty of stories that need to be told in this world, and the team’s extremely excited to continue telling them.

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Paradise Pumpkin Carving Contest Begins!

    Originally published at

    Paradise Pumpkin Carving Contest

    Citizens of Defiance, an important communique:

    Kick off Hulker Hell with pumpkins straight out of Paradise! We’re hosting a pumpkin carving contest to celebrate the season. Carve out something seasonal and distinctly Defiance on a pumpkin of your choice, and enter by October 30th!


    • Check out the official rules here!
    • Post your entry on the official forums as a reply to this thread!
    • Stencils are not discouraged – print it and pumpkin it!
    • Sorry, your entry cannot use content that is copyrighted or trademarked by other companies. Not our fault! Lawyers around the world are always on high alert for copyright infringement. Trion game crossovers are absolutely acceptable, but all entries must feature distinctive Defiance characteristics.
    • One entry per person. You can carve multiple pumpkins, but only one can be entered into this contest for rewards and potential prizes!
    • Your entry should be “safe for work” and will be disqualified or deleted if it is indecent in nature. Seriously, we shouldn’t have to say this, but… we are. As a rule of thumb: if you have to ask, it’s probably not permitted.


    • Contest entries will be judged for their artistic quality and composition by Trion Worlds’ Defiance Development Team. Rewards will be determined by the team.
    • All valid entries will be awarded with a Hallow Point Supply Crate for their participation.
    • 1 Triple Costume Pack will be awarded to the Grand Prize winner, judged by the Trion Worlds’ Defiance Development Team.
    • 3 total weekly Costume Packs will be awarded to the top three “Runner-Up” winners, as judged by the Trion Worlds’ Defiance Development Team.


    • This contest starts Friday, October 16 and ends Friday, October 30 at 5:00 PM PDT (GMT-8), at which point we will no longer accept contest entries.
    • Contest results will be published approximately a week after the end of the contest.

    Happy hunting!
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this contest and add your entry on our official forums!

    Become the 41st Century Agent in Defiance!

    Originally published at

    41st Century Agent Costume Pack

    Now until October 25, the 41st Century Agent Costume Pack is available in the Defiance Store!

    41st Century Agent Costume Pack: Available October 19 – 25

    • 41st Century Agent Outfit
    • TR-04 Courier
    • Wicked ATV
    • Ammo Pumpkin Spike
    • “41st Century Agent” Title
    • 7 Days of Paradise Patron Pass

    Do you need MORE costumes? We’ve got you covered. All of these goodies and more are available in the Triple Costume Pack until November 2!

    Triple Costume Pack

    Triple Costume Pack: Available October 12 – November 2

    • Gemini XIII, Earth Defender, 41st Century Agent, and Lost Warrior Outfits
    • TR-0R Flare Pistol, TR-04 Courier, and TR-0R Ground Pounder
    • Grim Reaper Truck, Wicked ATV, and Grave Digger Buggy
    • Protection, Ammo, and Damage Pumpkin Spikes
    • “The Right Stuff”, “Earth Defender”, “41st Century Agent”, “The Lost Warrior” Titles
    • 30 Days of Paradise Patron Pass

    Happy hunting!

    Defiance Livestream: October 23 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Originally published at

    Defiance Livestream: October 23 at 3:30 PM PDT

    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Andrew “Rarnok” Sheetz, and Community Relations Manager Sarah “Kiwibird” Walters on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Friday. We will discuss the Aquarium at Monterey, upcoming Public Test Server updates, Hulker Hell feedback, upcoming events, and more this week!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, October 23 at 3:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    Stick around until the end for a chance to win a Costume Pack in our Twitch giveaway! See you on Twitch, ark hunters!

    Discuss this article on the forums.

    New Payment Method: Karma Koin

    Originally published at


    We’re proud to have added Karma Koin as a new payment option for all Trion games!

    Karma Koin is a prepaid card you can find at local retailers and a great option for those who can’t or prefer not to use a credit card online.

    Paying with Karma Koin is easy: Purchase a Karma Koin card from a participating retailer, then redeem the PIN number on the card when making a purchase for any Trion game.

    Full instructions are available on the Karma Koin guide page.

    The best part? Karma Koin sends 1% of proceeds to charity projects across the world. You can read more (and put your coins to work) at

    Defiance gets a new Community Manager: Eric “Ocho” Cleaver

    Originally published at


    Starting today, Defiance has a new Community Manager, Eric “Ocho” Cleaver. We’ll start with a heartfelt note from Kiwibird, and then read on to learn about Ocho!

    Ark Hunters,

    I started working on Defiance as a Game Master in Customer Service at Trion Worlds, in early 2013. I’ll never forget the way I felt when I first started playing Defiance, because I still feel the same way when I log in to this day. I love the game! I’ve joined your community, your clans, and your events. You all welcomed me to your world, and it became my home. I’ve played on all platforms and learned a love of controllers from other vofans and coworkers. It has been over two years, and I’m a better shot in-game (and out!) now. I have loved learning and working with you. The Defiance Team and community has a very special place in my heart and always will.

    I wanted to thank you, and to let you know that I am joining the Devilian Team as their Community Relations Manager today. You will now be in the very capable hands of Senior Community Relations Manager, Eric “Ocho” Cleaver. I have worked with Ocho for well over a year now and he has a wealth of experience that he will be able to offer as your new Defiance Community Relations Manager. He has helped with Defiance in the past, and he looks forward to continuing to care for you in the future.

    My long term relationship with Defiance doesn’t end here – this won’t be the last that you’ll see of me! I have been involved in Defiance Alpha and beyond and you know I just can’t quit you. I look forward to seeing our community continue to grow. If you’re the type that tweets, you can always find me on Twitter as Kiwibirding.

    There’s no gif for goodbye. I will miss you all so very much, but I will only be a game away!



    Kiwibird is a tough act to follow, but I’m definitely excited by the opportunity! Having spent the better part of the last two years sitting ten feet away from the Defiance Team, I’ve always been a bit envious of the Community Managers who have had a chance to work with them. Every day I hear the team discussing how to implement new features or address issues in Defiance, and aside from a bit of friendly trolling I’ve never had a chance to get involved. But that changes today!

    Defiance has a lot of depth and content that I’m busy devouring (with more on the way, I think the team wants to keep me busy – very busy!), and I look forward to getting to know all of you as well. I’ll be poking around and asking things, so if you see a private message from me asking for more details don’t be worried! I’m always open to any questions you might have as well.

    Looking forward to this adventure. You’ll see me around a fair amount (and maybe the occasional Kiwibird too).

    Eric “Ocho” Cleaver

    Extra Life 2015 Details & Rewards – Prepare for Nov. 7!

    Originally published at

    extra-life-blog Greetings, ark hunters! The Extra Life charity gaming marathon swiftly approaches! Every year, they raise millions of dollars for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, and for five years running, we’ve done our part to support them.

    Join us on November 7th at 9am PST for a 24 hour stream, featuring all Trion games! You can support us by signing up for the Trion Team to help our fundraising. Friends and family can sponsor your day of marathon gaming.

    Of course, no good deed goes unrewarded: check out our Extra Life page to see a list of goodies you can get for your hard work, also featured below!

    Extra Life 2015 Rewards

    • Raise $25 in donations and get an updated Extra Life Lockbox with new rewards!
    • Raise $75 in donations to get a Dodge Challenger RT Sublime Pearl Coat Black Stripe vehicle!
    • Raise $150 in donations to get early access to the Medic Outfit!
    • Everyone who raises an incredible $500 in donations will be entered into our Hero Drawing, and 25 Heroes (selected at random) will receive an Apex Bundle OR 1 Year of Patron Time – your choice!

    *Plus rewards in ArcheAge, Trove, RIFT, Devilian and even Atlas Reactor as you hit each milestone! Learn more.

    *Not only that, everyone who plays Trion games for a combined total of 24 hours on the weekend of the 7th will earn a new title: The Altruist! One hour played will get you our participation title, The Charitable!

    Don’t miss out: the count starts at 8am PST on 11/7 and ends at 8am PST on 11/9!

    Event Goodness


    From 12:01 AM Pacific on Saturday, November 7, to 11:59 PM on Sunday, November 8, we’ll be having special Arkfalls appearing in game as well! Attempt the Minor Arkfall “Extra Lively Hellbugs”, or the Major Arkfall “Extra Hellbugs, Extra Life!” for extra fun in game and the chance for the Halo headgear!

    Plus, we’ll be doing LIVE giveaways on the stream throughout the event. Join us on the team and have a fantastic time playing for a great cause!


    The Trion Extra Lifers

    Defiance Livestream: November 6 at 3:30 PM PST

    Originally published at


    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Andrew “Rarnok” Sheetz, and Senior Community Relations Manager Eric “Ocho” Cleaver on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Friday. We’ll be dealing out more details on our upcoming New Frontier Harvest event and covering questions from players!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, November 6 at 3:30 PM PST (GMT-8)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    See you there!

    Paradise Pumpkin Carving Contest Winners!

    Originally published at


    We loved all the entries for the Paradise Pumpkin Carving Contest but had to pick a few of our very favorites as winners. After some fierce debate, we’ve got them!

    Runners Up
    Detri’s carving was one the team liked a lot with its depiction of a spike!

    Hellbug pumpkins were big winners this year, including Silverbaer’s with legs constructed out of pumpkin.

    Not only does Yahoots’s pumpkin feature the Defiance logo prominently, it’s also got a special visitor emerging from inside!

    Grand Prize

    Excellent photography and an extraordinarily evocative carving job combined to make this a near unanimous favorite of the team. Great job eaglepowers!

    Honorable Mentions
    MemphisNX’s carving of a Hulker demonstrates amazing skills and a fine eye for details.

    While not a carving per se, we did love Kacha’s adorable pumpkin crafts!

    Check out all of the amazing entries here!

    Relentless Decimation – New Synergy, New Jackpots, and More

    Originally published at


    Our new synergy is here! From now until December 8, grab yourself a hearty helping of bonuses with the Relentless Decimation Synergy!

    Relentless Decimation Synergy
    [1] +20% Accuracy and -20% Recoil
    [2] -10% Reload
    [3] +10% Crit Mult
    [4] On Crit Kill, gain 5% damage for 15s (Max Stacks: 5)

    Pick up this synergy in Relentless Decimation Supply Crates to enjoy improved accuracy, reduced recoil, faster reloads, bigger crits, and damage bonuses. You’ll also have a chance at 7 unique Jackpot weapons!

    Mincemeat (Relentless SAW)
    Plumed Anguish (Relentless Magnum)
    Meleagris ( Relentless Blaster)
    Flesh Harvester (Relentless PSR-7 Cyclone )
    Nestiling Death (Relentless Bolt Action Repeater)
    Fowl Play (Relentless Assault Carbine)
    Gluttony (Relentless Auto-Shotgun)

    Don’t get stuck with leftovers: dish out some Relentless Decimation today!

    Count your blessings! The New Frontier Harvest is back!

    Originally published at


    From now through November 30, the New Frontier will be celebrating the New Frontier Harvest with exciting events and special new pack.

    The Frontier Pioneer Pack Includes
    ·         Turkey spawning “NFH-15 Invader”
    ·         E-Rep Seabee outfit and headgear
    ·         Raptor “Mayflower” vehicle
    ·         30-day Patron Pass
    ·         “Frontier Pioneer” title

    Hungry for more? Look out for our Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales from November 27 to November 30.

    If a harvest hunt is more your speed, you can earn awesome weapons through new contracts or earn the “Frontier Fighter” title from the Frontier Fighter pursuit!

    New Jackpot: Dawn’s Light

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,

    Prepare for the dawning of a new light. Able to cut through enemy armor with radioactive explosions, Dawn’s Light is a Jackpot you won’t want to miss!


    Dawn’s Light is available now as a rare-drop from Premium Elite and Elite Lock Boxes sold from the Defiance Store (and vendors throughout the Bay) – but it’s only available for a limited time!

    Happy hunting!
    The Defiance Team

    Defiance Livestream: November 20 at 3:30 PM PST

    Originally published at


    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Engineer Joe “AverageJoe” Garfield, and Senior Community Relations Manager Eric “Ocho” Cleaver on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Friday. We’ll be talking engineering, UI, and possible improvements coming in Defiance’s future!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, November 20 at 3:30 PM PST (GMT-8)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    See you there!

    Black Friday Specials in Defiance!

    Originally published at


    From Thursday, November 26 to Monday, November 30th, save big in Defiance on some of our most popular Synergy Supply Crates and more!

    Spinal Tap, Sol’s Prominence, Cymatic Empowerment, Hallow Point, and Sustained Suppression Supply Crates are all coming back to the Defiance store at 25% off for a limited time. Get that synergy you always wanted, and maybe even that Jackpot that’s eluded you until now!

    The deals don’t stop there though; we’ve also got the Apex  and Evolved bundles at 50% off! Pick one of these up for a bevy of benefits you won’t want to miss including Patron Passes, Inventory Slots, Legendary Weapons, and more. And finally, vehicles and outfits are 25% off!

    Grab some bits, and jump on these great deals in game!

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Defiance Livestream: December 4 at 3:30 PM PST

    Originally published at


    Join Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Systems Designer Drew “Rarnok” Sheetz, and Senior Community Relations Manager Eric “Ocho” Cleaver on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Friday. We’ll be talking about Winter’s Solstice and the new Eternal Presence Synergy!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, December 4 at 3:30 PM PST (GMT-8)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    See you there!

    Save 25% on Relentless Decimation Supply Crates

    Originally published at


    Now until December 8, all Relentless Decimation Supply Crates  will be 25% off. As a Paradise Patron, you’ll score extra savings!

    These crates will only be available until December 8, so stock up now!

    Relentless Decimation Sale Details
    Start time: Friday, December 4 at 12:00 PM PST
    End time: Monday, December 7 at 11:59 PM PST

    Happy hunting!

    Trion Games brings Extra Life to GaymerX!

    Originally published at

    Join the Trion staff for fun, games, and more at this year’s GaymerX from Dec 11-13, at the San Jose Convention Center! We’ll be celebrating diversity, discussing Team Trion’s plans for charity domination in Extra Life, and will be on the lookout for anyone who’s interested in joining the Trion Worlds staff!

    Gaming for good is what Trion is all about, and we’re thrilled to be at GaymerX, in support of equal rights for all. We’re not there to sell you on our games. We’re not there for the press. We’re just there to hang out! We’ll play board games, talk gaming of all kinds and we may try to recruit you to join Team Trion in Extra Life!

    There maaaaay be some giveaways involved if you sign up to join our Extra Life team – it’s easy, and it’s fun: all you have to do is use the power of gaming to raise money for Children’s Hospitals across the country – and you can pick the hospital you support! As of this writing, we’re well over $73k raised, and we hope to hit $100k by end of year.

    If you sign up now or are already a Team Trion member, bring proof to show you’re with us and we’ll give you a sweet loot code for our newest game, Devilian!

    Members of our hiring staff will also be on hand at the convention, so if you’re looking for a job please stop on by and grab a Trion staff member. You can get a head start on our open positions on our official careers page but bring your resume along even if your career is not currently listed, because we’d like to keep them on file as we grow!

    Diversity and gaming for good – what more could you want?

    See you there!

    Your friends at Trion Worlds

    Eternal Presence – New Synergy, New Jackpots

    Originally published at


    Our new synergy is here! From now until January 5, stay in the fight forever with the Eternal Presence Synergy!

    Eternal Presence Synergy

    [1] 5% Ammo pool regen on kill (Cooldown: 10s)
    [2] +10% Mag Size
    [3] 15% chance to fully reload equipped weapon on kill (Cooldown: 10s)
    [4] 10% chance to refresh EGO power, grenade, spike, and stim cooldowns on kill (Cooldown: 30s)

    Pick up this synergy in Eternal Presence Supply Crates to keep the shootout going longer and use your abilities more often. You’ll also have a chance at 7 unique Jackpot weapons!

    • Frostbite (Mazu Blast Rifle)
    • The Grinch (Grind Fragger)
    • Christmass Cannon (Cannon)
    • Stalking Stuffer (Nomad SMG)
    • Little Helper (Wolverine)
    • Krampus (Crash Boomer)
    • Winter’s Grasp (INF-3 Canker).

    Don’t run out of steam: maintain an Eternal Presence!

    Solstice Strike and Celebration 2015

    Originally published at


    In times long past, humanity celebrated a warm holiday tradition in many parts of the globe. Even now, memories persist of decorated conifers, reindeer, snowmen, massive feasts and giftgiving. Then the world changed, and life become harder, rougher, and less prone to celebration. We’re DONE with that.

    We are committed to bringing cheer and fun back to this darkest time of year. It’s beginning to look a lot like the traditional holiday season in Paradise! We thumb our noses at death and hardship, Volge and exposure.

    In fact, from December 14th to January 4th, we’re going to take the celebration TO the Volge. We doubt they’ll appreciate the sentiment, so we’ll warm them up one way or another… feel free to fill them with hot flaming death.

    Solstice brings in a new pursuit, the Solstice Slayer, that will net you an epic jackpot SO2 Courier – this beauty can be upgraded to supreme!
    Look for the Volge in both major and minor arkfalls during the Solstice Strike. You’ll find heaps of seasonal loot and battle your way through Volge to collect rewards of the new Eternal Presence synergy.

    Oho, ho, ho, you say, what is this Eternal Presence synergy? Glad you asked!
    [1] 5% Ammo pool regen on kill (Cooldown: 10s)
    [2] +10% Mag Size
    [3] 15% chance to fully reload equipped weapon on kill (Cooldown: 10s)
    [4] 10% chance to refresh all cooldowns on kill (Cooldown: 30s)

    Not to be outdone, the Tarr family will offer daily and weekly contracts that pay out epic and legendary Eternal Presence loot. Who says that Datak is a Scrooge? Best of all, he couldn’t care less if you’ve been naughty or nice, as long as you get the job done.
    Finally keep an eye out for the Abominable Warmaster, only found in a special summoned Major Arkbreak!
    On the store, two new cosmetic holiday bundles are also available during the Solstice, to outfit you in the holiday spirit:

    Wreck the Halls Pack – 2600 Bits

    • Cyberclaus Outfit and Headgear
    • Grim Wreather Title
    • RM Nomad V6 Camo “Mistle Tow Truck”
    • SB-32 Freezing Swam (Legendary)
    • 30 Days Patron
    • Cinnamon Sugar Shank Charge Blade

    Abominable Warmaster Pack – 2600 Bits

    • Abominable Warmaster Outfit and Headgear
    • Frosty Abnomination Title
    • TMW Hannibal 800R “Ice Hunter”
    • SB-32 Volge Icestorm Pistol
    • 30 Days Patron
    • Coolmint Sugar Shank Charge Blade

    So to hell with the cold and dark of Solstice – celebrate in style and defeat the winter blues!
    The Defiance Team

    Spread Some Holiday Cheer, Solstice Strike has Returned!

    Originally published at


    From now through January 4, it’s the happiest time of year in the New Frontier, featuring exciting events and special new packs.

    It doesn’t matter if you’ve been naughty or nice, either way you can battle it out with the Volge in Solstice Strike and hunt down the Abominable Warmaster in special summoned Major Arkfalls! Check here for all the details, or just jump in game and get playing!

    Solstice Strike also includes two new packs, with special winter themed weaponry:

    Wreck the Halls Pack – 2600 Bits

    • Cyberclaus Outfit and Headgear
    • Grim Wreather Title
    • RM Nomad V6 Camo “Mistle Tow Truck”
    • SB-32 Freezing Swam (Legendary)
    • 30 Days Patron
    • Cinnamon Sugar Shank Charge Blade

    Abominable Warmaster Pack – 2600 Bits

    • Abominable Warmaster Outfit and Headgear
    • Frosty Abnomination Title
    • TMW Hannibal 800R “Ice Hunter”
    • SB-32 Volge Icestorm Pistol
    • 30 Days Patron
    • Coolmint Sugar Shank Charge Blade

    And don’t forget this year’s special Solstice Strike pursuit, the Solstice Slayer, that will net you an epic jackpot SO2 Courier – this beauty can be upgraded to supreme!

    Don’t wait, Solstice Strike melts away on January 4. You don’t want to miss this event!          

    Defiance Livestream: December 18 at 3:30 PM PST

    Originally published at


    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit and Senior Community Relations Manager Eric “Ocho” Cleaver on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Friday. We’ll be talking about this year and next for Defiance!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, December 18 at 3:30 PM PST (GMT-8)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    See you there!

    Get Defiance Season 3 on Blu-Ray or DVD!

    Originally published at


    Hot off the presses – grab the brand new 3 Disk Defiance Season 3 Blu-Ray and DVD sets!

    In Season 3, Nolan and Irisa return to the ruins of Defiance, seven months after the complete destruction of New York City. They find the town on the verge of war with the Votanis Collective, led by the notorious General Rahm Tak. Facing impossible odds to save Defiance from the brutality of the Votanis Collective, the town turns to the mysterious Omec, a long-lost race of Votans with a blood-stained past.

    Get the Blu-Ray or DVD set today, with bonus deleted scenes, just in time for the holidays!

    New Jackpot: Duskfire

    Originally published at


    Ark Hunters,

    Bring the fire, anytime, anywhere! Lay down a barrage on the go with this rapid firing rifle and send your enemies scurrying for cover like the vermin they are.

    duskfire card

    Duskfire is available NOW as a rare drop from Premium Elite and Elite Lock Boxes in the Defiance Store (and vendors throughout the Bay) – but it’s only available for a limited time.

    As a bonus for ALL Arkhunters, we’ve just increased the damage and fire rate of all VOT Disruptors, making them a more exciting option than ever before!

    Happy hunting!
    The Defiance Team

    Holiday Patron Sale in Paradise!

    Originally published at


    Every Arkhunter knows that Patrons get all the perks. Because we have a soft spot for all our hardworking survivors, we want to spread the holiday spirit with the best deal ever.

    From December 22nd through January 4th, you can sign on for the best contract ever offered to an Arkhunter – the longer you commit, the more you save:
    3 Month Patron is normally $26.97, but only $23.49 during this sale!
    6 Month Patron is regularly $47.94, and drops to $39.99!
    Best of all, 12 months of Patron, usually $83.88, is at an incredible $62.49!

    Let us do the math for you; that’s $7.83, $6.67 or $5.21 a month, respectively. COOL, right?! In case you play more than one of our Trion games, similar sales are offered across our other titles at the same time.

    Patron. You know you want it.

    Patron status offers some mighty fine benefits…

    • 20% boost to Skill gains
    • 20% boost to XP gains
    • 20% boost to Reputation gains
    • 20% boost to Salvage
    • 20% boost to Scrip
    • 10% boost to Score
    • 10% boost to Arkforge from loot, events and lockboxes
    • 10% discount at the in-game store
    • New Arkforge currencies in daily and weekly login bonuses
    • Daily grab bag of two hour boosts

    If you’re not a Patron, you’re working too hard. Let us help you take a load off… and at these prices, we make it easy on your pockets. Save that scrip for a good meal and a drink at the end of your journey!

    The Defiance Team

    Celebrate the Season with Big Discounts in Defiance!

    Originally published at


    It’s the time of year for giving, but it’s a tough world out there, so don’t forget to give something to yourself! Ain’t no one else going to do it for you. am I right?

    Throughout Solstice Strike (from December 22 to January 4) Defiance will offer a super series of sales to help you to look out for number one! We kick things off with a killer 25% discount on Elite Lock Boxes running through December 24th, 2015. Swing by daily to see what other amazing offers we’re bringing to the store; no doubt some of your favorite items may be discounted! Don’t let anyone else beat you to these sales… you may even have a little left over to pass on to others this year. There’s always a first time!

    Save 25% on Eternal Presence Supply Crates and Arkforge!

    Originally published at


    Now until January 4, all Eternal Presence Supply Crates are 25% off. Paradise Patrons will score an extra discount in our store.

    These crates will only be available until January 4. Stock up now!

    Eternal Presence Sale Details
    Start time: Friday, January 1 at 12:00 PM PST
    End time: Monday, January 4 at 11:59 PM PST

    And don’t miss out on our final sale for the Solstice Strike Season also running until January 4 for 25% off Arkforge!

    Happy hunting over the holidays!

    Resolution – New Synergy, New Jackpot!

    Originally published at


    Our new synergy is here! Appropriately launching in the New Year, stay on target with the Resolution Synergy, available until February 2!

    Synergy: Resolution
    +20.16% Movement Accuracy and Aim Accuracy, -20.16% Recoil
    -10% Reload
    +10% Rate of Fire
    +10% Damage

    This really hits the mark! Pick up this synergy in Resolution Supply Crates – inside the crates, you’ll find weapons including Disruptors, Blasters, SMGs, Fraggers, Assault Carbines, INF-3b Blighters, and AR2 Bonfires as well as the mods to customize them the way you want.

    Rumor in the back alleys hint that there’s a chance for any Resolution Supply Crate from now till January 18 to contain a Fate’s Breath Jackpot, a Blaster Pistol that packs a ferocious punch. There’s no time to waste!


    If you make only one resolution this year, make it to acquire this amazing Resolution synergy!

    Defiance Livestream: January 15 at 3:30 PM PST

    Originally published at


    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Systems Designer Drew “Rarnok” Sheetz, and Senior Community Relations Manager Eric “Ocho” Cleaver on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Friday. We’ll be talking about Winter’s Bash, the upcoming Quality of Life update!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, January 15 at 3:30 PM PST
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    See you there!

    New Jackpot Available in Resolution Crates!

    Originally published at


    The new Resolution Synergy has definitely hit the mark, and we’ve swapped out the Jackpot available in Resolution Supply Crates to bring you a special Infector!

    The Resolution Synergy brings bonuses to Accuracy, Reload Speed, Rate of Fire, and Damage; perfect for an infector. Now available as a rare drop from Resolution Supply Crates is the Misfortune Jackpot; an amazing windfall for you and bad luck for your enemies!


    Resolve to kill more enemies this year with the new Misfortune Jackpot!

    Chill Your Enemies’ Hearts With the Arctic Assassin Pack!

    Originally published at


    To go along with the Winter Bash Update, we’re also releasing the brand new Arctic Assassin Pack!

    Available for 2600 Credits, this pack ensures your hunts throughout the cold winter months will be fruitful.

    Arctic Assassin Pack

    • ‘SB-32 Freezer Burn’ An incendiary detonator that fires snowballs. Burn and freeze your foes at the same time!


    • ‘Arctic Assassin’ Outfit + Headgear. This stylish combo allows you to blend in with your surroundings during the winter months, and look quite dapper the rest of the year.
    • Vehicle: Duni Shetarru Racer “Avalanche”
    • Titles: ‘Arctic Assassin’ and ‘Special Snowflake’
    • 30-day Patron Pass

    Don’t wait though; the Arctic Assassin Pack will melt away with the snow. Get yours today!

    Winter Bash is Out Now!

    Originally published at


    The latest update to Defiance brings a number of player requested improvements to the game, along with a healthy side order of crushed bugs!

    We’re in the depths of winter now, the perfect time to settle in on the couch and spend some quality time in Paradise! Winter’s Bash is focused on making every aspect of Defiance just a little better; check out some of the top features of the Update!

    • Boom – Headshot! PvP in Defiance has gotten a whole lot better with Winter’s Bash, with an all new emphasis on skill over volume of fire. Overall damage has been reduced, but Crit damage has greatly increased, so make your shots count! You’ll also earn experience quicker, get better rewards, and play on a more even field regardless of EGO rating.
    • Manage Your Clan. Now you can find your clan members easily, no matter how deep your crew rolls! Clan lists are now separated into pages, allowing you to browse through them faster. As an added bonus, you can sort by Online status, so you can find the perfect Arkhunting companion anytime you are on.
    • Advance Farther in Expeditions. Expeditions now save your progress for the week, so as long as you keep winning you can keep progressing. Also, those disconnected from matches have an opportunity to reconnect and rejoin their friends simply by using the QuickMatch option!
    • And much, much more! How much more? Everything from improved display of Chip Pullers to UI and improved mouse/keyboard functionality. Hatchling grenades now scale to EGO properly, console stability is improved, and text strings have been corrected to make Defiance more engaging than ever!

    Log into Defiance today to celebrate Winter’s Bash, and don’t forget to pick up your Arctic Assassin Pack!

    Defiance Livestream: January 29 at 3:30 PM PST

    Originally published at


    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Senior Engineer Mike “McSauce” McCullough, and Senior Community Relations Manager Eric “Ocho” Cleaver on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Friday. We’ll be talking about this year’s Colony Courtship event!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, January 29 at 3:30 PM PST
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    See you there!

    Sweet and Scorching: The Flames of Passion Synergy has Arrived!

    Originally published at


    Hellbug love is in the air and a special synergy has arrived for the Colony Courtship event. The Flames of Passion Synergy may sound sweet, but your enemies will find the scorching effects to be anything but!

    [1] Being hit by an opponent increases your movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10s)
    [2] +15% Nano-effect chance
    [3] +10% Damage and Bug Damage
    [4] Sets target on fire when hit, causing additional fire damage for 3 seconds. While on fire, target takes increased health damage. The fire may spread to nearby enemies when the target dies. (Cooldown: 6s)

    Found only in the Flames of Passion Supply Crate, this hot new mod synergy absolutely radiates with power. With mods attached, you can add on speed, nano-effect chance, a damaging love-bug bite, and FIRE. That’s right, your adversaries could face spontaneous combustion at your hands in Defiance. Learn more about synergies here.


    Each weapon included is designed to blast colorful hearts, while non-projectile weapons will leave traces of pink as you fire with fury. We have equally sweet Jackpot weapons for this sweet synergy!

    • Stalker (Blast Hatcher)
    • Secret Admirer (Brood Lobber)
    • Fatal Attraction (Brood Launcher)
    • Until Death (Blast Rifle)
    • Sweet Nothings (Tachmag Pulser)
    • Predator (INF-27 Immunizer)
    • Black Heart (LM-43 Thunder)

    Be pretty and powerful with pink this February while supplies last. Share the love and stock up in the Bit Store today!

    Defiance and Trove: Hellbugs In Love

    Originally published at

    Valentine’s Day approaches and love is in the air! While you were out shopping for roses and heart-shaped boxes of chocolate, Defiance hellbugs have infested Trove’s shattered realms! Take part in this special crossover event to earn rewards in both Defiance and Trove.

    Hellbug Mount

    Trove is a sprawling voxel RPG set in a massive universe of online worlds. Hunt for treasure in far-off lands or build wondrous creations of your own!

    Colony Courtship
    Start: February 8, 2016
    End: February 22, 2016

    During this event you’ll be able to unlock two gorgeous hellbug mounts for Trove and the brand new Ground Pounder3 in Defiance!

    To unlock your items in Trove:

    • Defeat hellbug invaders in Trove to collect Skittering Heart Boxes for a chance to unlock the Pink Hellbug mount!
    • Log into Defiance and take down 50 Monarch Hellbugs from the Colony Courtship Arkfalls to unlock the Red Hellbug mount in Trove

    To unlock your Defiance item:

    • Log into Trove and reach Battle Rank 5 in Battle Arena PvP

    If you play Defiance on console click here for instructions on linking your console to your Glyph account to unlock these rewards. If you defeat 50 Monarch Hellbugs in Defiance prior to the event going live in Trove you’ll receive your Trove items after the patch on Tuesday. If you already have Battle Rank 5 in Trove you’ll automatically receive your reward in Defiance.

    Do battle with Trovians around the world in Capture the Flag or Team Deathmatch combat and bring the spoils of war back to the Bay!

    Colony Courtship: Hellbug Love is in the Air until February 22!

    Originally published at

    It’s Valentine’s Day once again! You know what that means, Ark Hunters! Love and freaky pheromones are in the air, as Hellbugs of the New Frontier begin their annual Colony Courtship from now until February 22! In their heart of hearts, they have the truest and purest instinctive of love, but love hurts. It hurts so bad.

    You’ll need to defend yourself with all this Hellbug courtship chaos going on. The kind manufacturers of the Bay area are very happy to supply your needs. With new colors and configurations, these weapons are both gorgeous and DEADLY with the Flames of Passion Synergy. Each weapon supplies a lovely pink special effect that really packs a punch!

    As Colony Courtship Arkfalls crash to earth, keep a sharp eye out for Majors! They offer a chance at the new Jackpot weapons listed below – brought to you because we all know that Hellbug love bites.

    • Stalker (Blast Hatcher),
    • Secret Admirer (Brood Lobber),
    • Fatal Attraction (Brood Launcher),
    • Until Death (Blast Rifle),
    • Sweet Nothings (Tachmag Pulser),
    • Predator (INF-27 Immunizer),
    • Black Heart (LM-43 Thunder),


    Some of these Jackpot weapons can also be found in the Flames of Passion Supply Crate! The Bit Store even offers the appropriately named cosmetic Passion Pack available for a limited time, for the most driven among you!

    • Burning Desire RM Nomad V6
    • Unchained Spirit outfit and helmet
    • Night Porter Outfit
    • 30-day Patron Pass
    • “Unchained” and “Hopeless Romantic” titles

    Keep an eye out for Monarchs this season as well, because there’s a sweet, sweet reward for bringing these bugs down. Defeat 50 Monarchs on the New Frontier to unlock special rewards in the far off world of Trove!

    To add to the fun, travel to the Trovian world, take on the inhabitants there, and bring the spoils of war back to the Bay!

    What’s not to love about this event?

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Shrill Lore: A Bump In The Dark

    Originally published at


    EGO’s voice echoed in Fila Enforcer Zidain Marvaks’ mind, “Vigilance.”

    He checked his HUD in response to the warning, watching as red target indicators began to appear around him and his comrades on the threat screen. Even if he couldn’t yet see the hostiles among the darkness and the debris of the partially collapsed parking garage, nothing in the former downtown Monterey building could conceal them from EGO’s sensors.

    “Hostile contacts, number uncertain,” she warned.

    A flicker of light warping around a shadow caught Zidain’s eye. Levelling his weapon, he let rip with an extended burst of fire, his suspicions confirmed as the Castithan sniper’s cloak was torn apart under the onslaught of blue particle bolts. He didn’t let up.

    The sniper’s shields flashed as they struggled to stave off the incoming fire and, after another half-second of sustained fire, buckled and collapsed. The former Dark Matter sniper fell, flesh burnt and smoking from a half-dozen holes.

    “NVF Sniper!” Zidain shouted through his EGO link.

    The other Ekaru Kome commandos indicated they were ready for combat.

    Then all hell broke loose.

    The broken concrete around them lit up as dozens of particle weapons discharged in rapid succession, bolts criss-crossing, transforming the room into a lethal grid. Flashes of blue light illuminated figures in dark armor, even as deflected and errant shots ripped through the rusted hulks of long abandoned cars and tore into concrete pillars, filling the air with smoke and dust.


    Zidain took cover behind a rusted-out, four-door coupe.

    “Five enemy casualties, three friendly. We have the advantage,” EGO reported.

    He nodded at the tactical assessment, the news appeasing his Irathient sensibilities, and transmitted it to the remaining half-dozen Enforcers in his squad. Unanimously, they agreed to press the assault.

    “Hook around! Don’t let them escape!” he ordered, knowing that every wasted second was a chance for tides of battle to turn against them. The former Dark Matter soldiers that made up the Neo Votanis Front were every bit as well-trained and well-equipped as he and the rest of the Ekaru Kome serving under Captain Enar. Timing would determine the victor here.

    Zidain took the report of particle repeaters as his cue. Rolling out from behind the mangled vehicle, he unhooked and primed a pair of grenades with practiced ease, releasing them the moment EGO locked the trajectory and approved the throw.

    It might have just been a classic encirclement strategy, but it was about to pay off big.

    Something clattered off the asphalt near his feet. A grenade. He was already moving as EGO provided the too-late warning that the weapon had been lobbed in his direction, diving for whatever cover the rubble could provide.

    The grenade detonated, tearing the shields off him like they were made of paper, white hot pain blinding him as the force of the explosion threw him into something solid.

    The world swam as EGO’s mental warnings drowned out the ringing in his ears, warning him that shields were down and his biometrics were critical. “No shtako,” he muttered, struggling to reorient himself.


    Zildain tried to get to his feet, but fell, the pain intensifying alongside EGO’s warnings. The car he’d been beside was collapsing, disintegrating into a cloud of noxious, yellow-green vapor, and, after a moment, he realized his armor was doing the same.

    And his flesh.

    He watched in horror as his arm shriveled away, breaking apart like charred wood. Then his leg. Through the pain, he could feel it, the tiny teeth gnawing away inside him, the sensation of the Shrill larvae gorging themselves by hollowing him out.

    He couldn’t hear EGO anymore. He couldn’t even hear his own screams. The only thing he could hear was the wet, sickly chewing of the larvae inside him.

    Zidain Marvak shuddered and twitched in agony as booted feet surrounded him. “Kill me…” he tried to beg, his hand crumbling even as he reached out towards the faceless NVF commandos who watched him silently.

    One lifted his rifle to grant Zidain’s request, but a Monitor put his hand out to stop the mercy of a particle bolt.

    “We need this data point. Meng wants a full report of the field test results.”

    Kneeling, the NVF Monitor cocked his head.

    Zidain couldn’t speak. He couldn’t move.

    “There’s nothing to fear anymore, brother…”

    He couldn’t even think.

    “Now, we are one.”


    Discuss this new lore on our official forums!

    Experience the Dark Metamorphosis Update on the Public Test Server!

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    By the bay, a new challenge lurks in the ghostly ruins of Monterey. The Shrill, a parasitic alien lifeform known for their fondness for flesh, have infested the area. Some logs of their impact have been uncovered, sources indicate that these documents will be released to the public next week.

    We are very happy to share that our next update, Dark Metamorphosis, will be released on our official Defiance Public Test Server this weekend. Log in to experience this new content and more before it arrives on our live servers.

    Preparing for Public Test Server Access:

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Double Bonuses in Defiance Next Week!

    Originally published at


    The Defiance Team is giving Defiance a double dose with two bonuses next week! Starting on Monday, February 22, you can claim double the amount of Hunter Requisitions each day! You’ll be able cash those in this weekend because the Colony Courtship has spawned twice the amount of Golden Skitterlings!

    These little skitterlings will hatch and live out their (short) lives in Expeditions from February 26 to February 29. Happy hunting!

    Double Hunter Requisition Week
    Start: February 22, 2016 at 12:00 PM PST
    End: February 29, 2016 at 12:00 PM PST

    Double Golden Skitterling Weekend
    Start: February 26, 2016 at 12:00 PM PST
    End: February 29, 2016 at 12:00 PM PST

    These are both a special thank you from the Defiance team for the continued patience of our community. We do understand the frustration the recent issue with Expedition resets has caused and additional compensation will be issued to impacted players in the future.

    Defiance Livestream: February 26 at 11:30 AM PST

    Originally published at


    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Designer John “Protean” Hegner, and Senior Community Relations Manager Eric “Ocho” Cleaver on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Friday. We’ll be talking about the upcoming Dark Metamorphosis Update!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, February 26 at 11:30 AM PST
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    See you there!

    Dark Metamorphosis Transforms Monterey this March!

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    We are very happy to share that our Dark Metamorphosis update will arrive in the New Frontier on March 1st! With this update, the parasitic Shrill continue their infestation of Paradise, starting with the transformation of the ghostly ruins of Monterey. The Dark Metamorphosis update is accompanied by a new mission line with a new solo instance, new pursuits, and new minor Arkfalls in the Silicon Valley area.

    Show the spirit of Defiance this March when you face this new threat and more starting on March 1st!

    Dark Metamorphosis is Live in Defiance

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    We are very happy to share that our Dark Metamorphosis update is live in Defiance. Dark Matter forces have developed new and horrifying weapons that could spark a second Pale War with their destructive power. Rally now with your fellow ark hunters against new Shrill minor Arkfalls, fight the infestation with new pursuits, and conquer a new Mission line in the Silicon Valley area. Face these new challenges and then test your strength against the Dark Matter and Shrill in a new solo instance in the ghostly ruins of Monterey!

    • New Mission Line: Dark Metamorphosis
      • Dark Shadows
      • Shrill Hunt
      • Contain and Destroy
      • Emergency Extraction
      • Operation Siren Song


    • New Pursuits
      • Season Four: Dark Metamorphosis
      • Shrill Slayer I, II, III
    • New Solo Instance
    • New Shrill Minor Arkfall in Silicon Valley

    This invasive, parasitic threat to human and Votan-kind must be stopped at any cost. Join forces against the Neo Vontanis Front with Captain Enar now to fight off the Shrill assault on Silicon Valley!

    Happy hunting,

    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    The Shrill Hunter Bundle is an Absolute Blast!

    Originally published at


    The Shrill Hunter Bundle is now available in the Defiance store with a new outfit, vehicle, and weapon to help you blast your way through the new Dark Metamorphosis update.

    • 30-Day Paradise Patron Pass
    • “Shrill Hunter” Outfit and Headgear
    • TMW Hannibal “Shrill Seeker” Vehicle
    • Shrilltech Blast Rifle
    • “Shrill Hunter” Title


    Embrace the change on the new frontier with this limited-time bundle!

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Parasitic and Powerful: Epidemic Supply Crate Arrives

    Originally published at


    The Epidemic Supply Crate has arrived in Defiance with a fast firing, semi-auto pistol jackpot with a non-symbiotic signature. Miasma, a proud innovation in biological weaponry from Von Bach Industries, is a HP-6 Wolfhound ready to deal out some destruction for those fortunate enough to hold the trigger.

    Each weapon and mod within this Supply Crate is manufactured with care with the limited-time Epidemic Synergy.

    [1] +10% Mag
    [2] +10% Rate of Fire
    [3] +10% Crit
    [4] On hit Infect enemies with shrill for 5s increasing damage taken by 7% (Cooldown: 5s) Enemies that die while infected spawn a shrill feeder which will infect targets they attack

    This crate contains the following weapon types: Shrilltech Quick Repeater, Shrilltech Assault Rifle, Shrilltech SAW, Shrilltech Pulser, Shrilltech HP-6 Wolfhound, Shrilltech Berserker, and Shrilltech Nano Fragger.

    Stock up on this synergy for a chance at Miasma while supplies last! Learn more about synergies here.

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Know your Enemy: Shrill Invasion

    Originally published at


    The Shrill currently consist of 4 main organisms, all of which produce shrill larvae that can eat through both organic and inorganic materials at an alarming rate. Shrill are particularly dangerous in melee combat, as killing them will cause them to explode, often inflicting more damage to you than to the overall swarm. Keep beyond arms reach at all costs!


    Shrill Leeches are mature Shrill, they’re what larvae grow up into. Shrill leeches are little more than larvae delivery systems, charging toward targets and exploding in a burst of hungry larvae.

    • Burst: The Shrill Leech prepares to explode, racing toward a target at high speed before suddenly exploding into a burst of Shrill larvae that splatters targets.
    • Death Burst: When killed the Shrill Leech will also explode, splattering larvae around it and inflicting damage.


    Shrill Stalkers are hybrid Shrill creatures that have been created using canines. They engage in melee combat with their claws and use their speed and agility to dodge and pounce unsuspecting enemies.

    • Swipe: The Stalker swipes its claws across a target inflicting minor damage.
    • Pounce: The Stalker leaps a few meters at a target and swipes at the target upon landing.
    • Howl: The Stalker howls, calling for nearby burrowing Leeches to surface and attack their target. This spawns a Leech at the target’s location.
    • Death Burst: When killed the Shrill Stalker explodes, splattering larvae around it and inflicting damage.


    Shrill Feeders are hybrid Shrill creatures that have been spliced with Hellbug DNA. They fly, keeping their distance and spit globs of Shrill Larvae at targets. They can also spawn Leeches from their swollen abdomen.

    • Spit: The Feeder lobs a globule of Shrill larvae at the target, which explodes on impact, splattering over a moderate area and leaving patches that continue to inflict damage.
    • Spawn: The Feeder shudders and births between 2 and 3 Leeches which immediately race toward a target to explode.
    • Death Burst: When killed the Shrill Feeder explodes, splattering larvae around it and inflicting damage.


    Shrill Harbingers are human or votan hybrids who have had their DNA spliced with Shrill DNA. They are tortured creatures who are made to serve as living hosts for Shrill larvae.

    • Swipes: The Harbinger rakes its fingers across the target at close range.
    • Uppercut: The Harbinger uses its heightened strength to hit all nearby foes in a wide arc.
    • Leap: The Harbinger leaps at a target, swiping with its hands.
    • Burst: A severely damaged Harbinger will tend to simply explode into a burst of Shrill Larvae.
    • Death Burst: When killed the Shrill Harbinger explodes, splattering larvae around it and inflicting damage.
    • Spawn: The Harbinger spawns between 2 and 3 Leeches from its sack of Shrill growing out of it. These Leeches then race off to attack targets and explode.
    • Directed Spawn: The Harbinger mentally calls for a nearby burrowing Leech to surface near a target, and then promptly explode on them.

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Defiance Livestream: March 11 at 11:30 AM PST

    Originally published at


    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Designer John “Protean” Hegner, and Senior Community Relations Manager Eric “Ocho” Cleaver on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Friday. We’ll be talking about a new siege, new bundles, and covering questions asked within this thread!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, March 11 at 11:30 AM PST
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    We can’t wait to see you there, ark hunters!

    Paradise Patron Weekend and Sale

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    To celebrate our Dark Metamorphosis Update, we’re having a Paradise Patron Weekend! Take a walk through Paradise as a Patron this weekend now until Monday at 12:00 PM PDT.

    As an added bonus, you’ll be able to save 50% on Apex and Evolved Bundles until Monday at 12:00 PM PDT.

    Paradise Patron Weekend & Sale
    Start time: March 11, 2016 at 12:00 AM PST
    End Time: March 14, 2016 at 12:00 PM PDT

    Happy hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this event on our official forums!

    Enter to Win the Emerald Warrior Outfit for St. Patrick’s Day!

    Originally published at


    Celebrate Defiance and enter to win the Emerald Warrior outfit until St. Patrick’s Day, March 17! Above, we have the lovely Belle Starr modeling the outfit for us.

    [Archivist Note: The embedded Tweet is unavailable because the account was deleted and could not be found cached. The text portion is available from the linked page]

    Find the rules here now!

    Happy hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    T.I.T.A.N. Bundles have arrived on the New Frontier!

    Originally published at

    Four new T.I.T.A.N. Bundles have been crafted with care, unlock their true power in Defiance now! Offering new “Threat Interceptor Tactical Armored Neosuit” gear designed by only the brightest on the new frontier, these bundles bring the best out of any ark hunter.

    Each weapon and shield is manufactured with care, featuring the “Titan’s Fury” Backpack Synergy!

    [1] +5% Rate of Fire / -5% Reload

    [2] +5% Damage / 50% chance on reload to Overcharge (Cooldown: 10s)


    Havoc T.I.T.A.N. Bundle: This heavy arsenal is as impressive as it is lethal. Start every fight right when you roll in on the “Havoc” Velociraptor. Including a brand new weapon type that fuses the fast firing tachmag pulser with the surging blast rifle, the “Obliterator” will be your new best friend.

    • 1000 Arkforge for one character
    • HV-3C “Havoc” T.I.T.A.N. Outfit for all characters
    • HV-3C “Havoc” T.I.T.A.N. Headgear for all characters
    • Sentinel Rig– Tradeable rig with a full set of Epic or higher Chips, including one guaranteed Legendary! *

    [220] Increases damage as your health decreases. Max of +25% damage and 30s duration.

    [170] Damage all enemies within 10m on armor plate break

    [120] On shield break, regenerate 1 armor plate (Cooldown: 5s)

    [70] +10% armor plate durability

    • Legendary “Obliterator” Radiation Jackpot Surge Pulser SMG with “Titan’s Fury” Synergy, tradeable in-game*

    [1] +5% Rate of Fire / -5% Reload

    [2] +5% Damage / 50% chance on reload to Overcharge (Cooldown: 10s)

    • Havoc” Velociraptor Vehicle for all characters
    • “Havoc” Title for all characters


    Obliterator T.I.T.A.N. Bundle: Packed with power, this bundle includes the dashing and dangerous LegendaryObliterator” Jackpot and armor set. The “Obliterator” fuses the fast firing tachmag pulser with the surging blast rifle!

    • 500 Arkforge for one character
    • OT-22R Obliterator T.I.T.A.N. Outfit for all characters
    • OT-22R Obliterator T.I.T.A.N. Headgear for all characters
    • Legendary “Obliterator” Radiation Jackpot Surge Pulser SMG with “Titan’s Fury” Synergy, tradeable in-game*

    [1] +5% Rate of Fire / -5% Reload

    [2] +5% Damage / 50% chance on reload to Overcharge (Cooldown: 10s)

    • “Obliterator” Duni Shetarru Vehicle for all characters
    • “Obliterator” Title for all characters


    Sentinel T.I.T.A.N. Bundle: Suited to any ark hunter standing guard over the new frontier! Includes the Sentinel Rig, armor, ride, and more.

    • 500 Arkforge for one character
    • SN-3L “Sentinel” T.I.T.A.N. Outfit for all characters
    • SN-3L “Sentinel” T.I.T.A.N. Headgear for all characters
    • Sentinel Rig– Tradeable rig with a full set of Epic or higher Chips, including one guaranteed Legendary! *

    [220] Increases damage as your health decreases. Max of +25% damage and 30s duration.

    [170] Damage all enemies within 10m on armor plate break

    [120] On shield break, regenerate 1 armor plate (Cooldown: 5s)

    [70] +10% armor plate durability

    • “Sentinel” TMW Hannibal 800 Vehicle for all characters
    • “Sentinel” Title for all characters


    T.I.T.A.N. Augment Bundle: This offers a random Legendary Shield and Chip on top of ever-valuable arkforge. You won’t be caught with your shields down with this bundle of joy!

    • 250 Arkforge for one character
    • Random Legendary Shield (V ARK or IV EX with resistance) with exclusive “Titan’s Fury” Synergy*
    • Random Legendary Chip*

    *Can only be claimed on one character

    Happy hunting,

    The Defiance Team

    Proliferator Epidemic Synergy Jackpot Arrives!

    Originally published at



    A new Jackpot has arrived on the new frontier! The “Proliferator” is a new innovation in assault rifle technology, carrying the powerful and parasitic Epidemic Synergy.

    [1] +10% Mag

    [2] +10% Rate of Fire

    [3] +10% Crit

    [4] On hit Infect enemies with shrill for 5s increasing damage taken by 7% (Cooldown: 5s) Enemies that die while infected spawn a shrill feeder which will infect targets they attack

    This crate contains the following weapon types: Shrilltech Quick Repeater, Shrilltech Assault Rifle, Shrilltech SAW, Shrilltech Pulser, Shrilltech HP-6 Wolfhound, Shrilltech Berserker, and Shrilltech Nano Fragger.


    Happy hunting,

    The Defiance Team

    Arkforge Sale 25% Off until 3/21!

    Originally published at


    Now until March 21, Arkforge Packs are 25% off!

    Stock up this weekend in Defiance and score some savings!

    Surprise Arkforge Sale
    Start time: Friday, March 18 at 12:00 PM PDT
    End time: Monday, March 21 at 11:59 PM PDT

    Happy Hunting!
    The Defiance Team

    Defiance Livestream: March 24 at 11:30 AM PDT

    Originally published at


    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Drew “Rarnok” Sheetz, and Community Relations Manager Sarah “Kiwibird” Walters on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Thursday. No joke! We’ll be talking Armistice and covering questions asked within this thread!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Thursday, March 24 at 11:30 AM PDT
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    We can’t wait to see you there, ark hunters!

    Defiance Community Q&A: March 24

    Originally published at


    Hello ark hunters,

    We’re back with more Q&A action after our livestream today, it was wonderful to see you all on!

    1. What is the current status of new expeditions?

    We want to do more expeditions, but have to balance that with other content and game systems. Rest assured this is in our future plans.

    2. Will we ever get new weeklies or dailies?

    Yes, we’re taking a look at these with the team.

    3. When is the next event?

    Armistice, April 1-25!

    4. Will the Solstice Warmaster return?

    Yes, with Armistice! Drag me to hell will also return.

    5. Will we be seeing more new weapon types in the future?


    6. Can you get rid of the masteries on weapons and just have basics? Examples: dmg, crit, rec, reload, bug dmg, mag

    This is definitely something we are discussing revamping. We have no ETA at this time, but it is definitely something we want to do in the future.

    7. Are there plans for new vehicle types or possibly getting the Cerberus as a purchasable vehicle?

    Yes. We actually will hopefully have a new vehicle coming soon! As for the Cerberus being a purchase, no, this will not be possible.

    8. There is no real difference in rewards in Expeditions between tier 35-50 and in tier 100-115, but there is quite a big difference in enemys strength. Can we have that fixed?

    This is something we want to improve on, but is difficult to implement. Rest assured we are talking about it.

    9. Are you planning on balancing other weapons?

    If you have noticed, when we release new synergy boxes, we often buff one or two other weapon bases. This is a goal of ours going forward to bring other weapons in line.

    10. Any upcoming changes to vendors and the Defiance economy?

    Yes, we are looking at vendor revamps, and in fact are utilizing venders for this years Armistice celebration. Additional features are being worked on now for use in the economy. Keep your eyes peeled for updates about new systems.

    11. Are we going to have a similar boss to Warmaster?

    We don’t have any current plans to add another encounter like the warmaster, but we are always thinking about it!

    12. Any chance of weekly leaderboards?

    This is something we absolutely want to do, and are looking into. Please keep your eyes out for future updates.

    13. Will you be adding future Shrilltech content? Maybe Shrill Majors with Shrill weapons and mod drops.

    Yes! We are looking into adding these. No time estimate currently.

    14. Any plans to add a Minigun-like weapon to the game?

    There already is one! It is a super weapon that you can pick on in some of the missions. Besides that though, we do not plan on adding regular miniguns as a weapon base.

    15. What’s the new Elite box JP?

    The next jackpots will be with Armistice, and these will include all past Elite Jackpots. After that, we’ll have another jackpot in the works!

    16. Any plan on adding more races?

    No plans for this currently.

    17. After some time, leveling your ego becomes dependent on PvP. Will this change?

    Keep an eye out for changes to the way you get to 6K EGO. We have some changes incoming that should allow you to level without the need to PvP if you don’t want to .

    18. Will we get more clan activites? Clan tournaments for an example, global clan rankings (based on contribution or something else). Any plans on making Clans more interactive in the game like Clan dailies/weeklys, Clan leaderboards (So we can see which clan is most strongest/oldest etc.) or just some board with a list of current clans on particular server. Maybe 2 Clans can fight each other over an Arkfall?

    These are great suggestions, and we are always looking for social improvements to implement. We will definitely discuss some of these options.

    19. Will we see new ego caps and pursuits in the near future for those that hit 6000 ego so we have something more to do?

    There are no current plans to increase the EGO cap, but we do plan on adding further gains for 6k EGO players in the future.

    20. There is a consistent general consensus that Arkforge costs both in-game and Bit prices are too high. Any considerations on changing/lowering the costs?

    We have had internal discussions regarding mastery reroll costs and EGO rating upgrade costs. We are looking for possibly adjustments in the future, but they may lean more towards lowering costs for lower EGO players.

    21. What’s the word on future events and can we have event themed sieges/incursions?

    We are always looking for ways to make the holiday events better. Also we are looking at adding new sieges/arkfalls for future events.

    22. Can we get Blue mods of the Bit Store Synergies added to some vendors so we can complete synergies? The current Shrilltech story line mission reward is flawed if you can’t get themods in future to mod the Shrill Buster Saw.

    We can certainly look into this option once the synergy box goes away. This is a very good point.

    23. Are there any plans for a personal/clan bank?

    Not currently, we have no plans to add a bank in the near future.

    24. Warmaster Public Massive Invites haven’t been working, any update? Can we block them or put an expiration on them in the future?

    We can review that suggestion, but the fix for public invites is on our internal servers, and should roll out sometime in May.

    25. What is being done to address the VFX issue related to certain weapons?

    This fix is always on our radar, however the VFX is very difficult to fix, and we have other issues that have more widespread effect on the game currently. It is something we want to fix when we can.

    26. Any plans to make Season 4 replayable?

    Yes! LoCarb is taking a look at the replayable option as a whole.

    Defiance Spring Sale – Epidemic and Cyber Rig Crates!

    Originally published at


    Celebrate Spring in Defiance with sweet, sweet savings! Now until 12:00 PM PST on March 28, save 50% on Cyber Rig Crates and get 25% off the Epidemic Synergy Crate!

    Prepare now to celebrate Armistice and 3 years of Defiance on April 2!

    Shrill Siege and New Weapons Arrive!

    Originally published at



    The shrill have invaded Silicon Valley! A new siege has arrived that contain the shrill menace. New special rewards for this new siege will be added in the near future!



    Brand new weapons and shields have been showing up on the new frontier! The brand new Shrill siege, as well as Shrill and Grid minor arkfalls in Silicon Valley, have had their loot tables adjusted to drop brand new never before seen items. Take down the Shrill and Grid for your chance at new loot!

    Ventilator: New rapid fire shotgun with high magazine capacity. Ideal for close combat.
    Longbore: Quick reloading pistol with high damage and high crit, but small mag. Highly accurate when still and crouching.
    Purgatory: Rapid firing, long range cluster Detonator that burns targets.
    Tachyon Pulsar: New shield with the San Andreas backpack synergy.

    Protect Yourself with New Headgear: Tin Foil Hats Arrive

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    For a very limited time, Tin Foil hats will be available as a rare drop from Armistice Major Arkfalls. Available only on 4/1 after 12:30 PM PDT!

    Happy Hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Celebrate 3 Years of Defiance: Armistice April 1-25

    Originally published at


    Armistice is a celebration of life on the new frontier, following the end of the Pale Wars on April 15, 2031. Help celebrate 3 years of Defiance with Armistice from April 1 to 25 with Arkfalls of all flavors: Midsummer Mutiny, Hulker Hell, New Frontier Harvest, Solstice Strike, and Colony Courtship!

    During this special event, we will celebrate 3 years of Defiance on April 2! Share your memories and triumphs on Twitter, Facebook, or your sharing device of choice to help celebrate this very special Armistice!

    • Save up 1000 Defiant Few Rep with daily contracts to redeem a random event Jackpot reward
    • Score a whole year of Synergy – Midsummer Mutiny, Hulker Hell, New Frontier Harvest, Solstice Strike, and Colony Courtship Synergy Crates return to the Store!
    • All previous Elite Jackpots return to Elite and Premium Elite Lock Boxes!


    “From the ashes of war, we have risen into unity. Should we forget the discord which drove us apart, we will be doomed to repeat it and destroy the harmony we have achieved.” – High Council Sett Morcu

    Happy Armistice and Happy Hunting,

    The Defiance Team

    Enter to Win A Hellbug Plush until 4/4 and 4/15!

    Originally published at


    Two different ways to win a Hellbug Plush have arrived in Defiance to help you celebrate our 3 year anniversary on April 2!

    Check out the Celebrate Defiance Picture Contest or our RT to Win Contest on Twitter today!

    [Archivist Note: The embedded Tweet is unavailable because the account was deleted and could not be found cached. The text portion is available from the linked page]

    Celebrate Defiance Picture Contest Rules and RT to Win Contest Rules can be found on our official forums.

    Defiance Livestream: April 8 at 11:30 AM PDT

    Originally published at


    Join Creative Lead Carble “LoCarb” Cheung, Associate Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Designer Drew “Rarnok” Sheetz, and Community Relations Manager Sarah “Kiwibird” Walters on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Friday. We’ll talk about the Exchange feature coming to Defiance, Armistice action, and more! Discuss this livestream now within this thread.

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, April 8 at 11:30 AM PDT
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    We can’t wait to see you there, ark hunters!

    Atlas Reactor Meets Defiance: Zuki’s Helmet

    Originally published at


    Now when you purchase any Atlas Reactor Pack, you can get a special bonus headgear for Defiance: Zuki’s Helmet. Have a blast!

    Passionate and Abominable Warmaster Packs Return

    Originally published at


    For a limited time, these hot and icy cold bundles will be available in Defiance! Log in and score some seasonal savings while they’re 25% off!

    Abominable Warmaster Pack

    • “Abominable Warmaster” Outfit and Headgear
    • “Frosty Abnomination” Title
    • TMW Hannibal 800R “Ice Hunter” Vehicle
    • SB-32 Volge Icestorm Pistol
    • 30-Day Patron Pass
    • Coolmint Sugar Shank Charge Blade

    Passionate Pack

    • “Unchained Spirit” Outfit and Headgear
    • “Night Porter” Outfit
    • RM Nomad V6 “Burning Desire” Vehicle
    • 30-Day Patron Pass
    • “Unchained” and “Hopeless Romantic” Titles

    Premium Blackened Hellfire Supply Crate Sale!

    Originally published at


    Score yourself some scorching savings with 25% off Premium Blackened Hellfire Supply Crates this weekend only! Containing the life-stealing Purge synergy, these crates offer 1 epic of better random Blackened Hellfire weapon with 3 random mods. Learn more about how to apply mods here.

    Synergy: The Purge

    +2% Crit Multiplier

    +4% Crit Multiplier

    +5% Nano-effect chance on a critical hit

    +10% Life Steal

    Blackened Hellfire Weapons:

    Blackened Hellfire Assault Rifle, Blackened Hellfire Blaster, Blackened Hellfire Fragger, Blackened Hellfire Quick Repeater, Blackened Hellfire SAW, Blackened Hellfire Tachmag Pulser.

    Sale Start Time: Friday, April 15 at 12:00 PM PDT

    Sale End Time: Monday, April 18 at 12:00 PM PDT

    Happy Hunting,

    The Defiance Team

    50% Off Armistice Premium Elite Supply Crates

    Originally published at


    It’s the last weekend of Armistice, and we’re celebrating with savings! Get 50% off Armistice Premium Elite Supply Crates now until Monday!

    Start date: 12:00 PM PDT on April 22

    End date: 12:00 PM PDT on April 25

    The Steel Blight Synergy is here!

    Originally published at


    Don’t let steel stand in your way! The newest Synergy crate has come pounding into Defiance, and no piece of armor is going to stand up to its wrath.

    This crate has the chance to contain the Steel Blight jackpot weapon, a fragger known only as the “Lacerator,” as well as a variety of other weapons. The box will always contain 1 epic or better weapon and 3 mods that range from rare to legendary, with at least 1 mod at epic or better levels. All items in the box will contain the limited Steel Blight mod synergy, which includes the following effects:

    1. +10% Armor Plate damage
    2. +20% Mag
    3. On enemy armor break, +25% Armor Plate Damage for 5 seconds.
    4. On enemy armor break, +5% damage for 5 seconds (Max Stacks: 5.)

    The Steel Blight Supply Crate has the chance to contain the following weapons types: Fragger, Big Boomer, Disruptor, Rebounder Cannon, Bolter, Autopistol, and Assault Carbine.

    Stock up and rip those plates to shreds before this limited time crate leaves the Bit Store!

    New Jackpot: Last Laugh

    Originally published at


    Ark Hunters,

    Ensure a maximum of mirth with a brand new pump shotgun!

    Last Laugh card

    Last Laugh is available NOW as a rare drop from Premium Elite and Elite Lock Boxes in the Defiance Store (and vendors throughout the Bay) – but it’s only available for a limited time.

    Bring a rain of fire on your foes while shooting from the hip while you enjoy a Last Laugh!

    Happy hunting!
    The Defiance Team

    Glyph Beta Program

    Originally published at


    Hey there! We thought we’d let you all in on a little Beta program for our Glyph Client. It’s completely optional, and while it’s not as exciting as testing a new game, your help is appreciated in making the Glyph client the best it can be for all players!

    What’s it all about?
    Glyph Beta is available via opt-in for players to receive Glyph updates before they are released to the general community. These players will see (and test) early access to new Glyph features as they become available!

    For us, the Glyph Beta option is a way for us to push new builds to a small subset of volunteer testers without disrupting the stability of external build available to the general public.

    I love testing stuff! How do I opt-in?
    There is a new option located in the Advanced section of the Glyph Client settings window. To participate just check the box next to Glyph Beta Opt-In. Once selected, you can close and reopen your client. At this point, Glyph will update automatically to the new Beta version of Glyph.

    Glyph Beta

    How do I submit feedback?
    All feedback or concerns can be emailed to
    Please include the version number (located in the General Settings Section of Glyph) plus a copy of the GlyphClient.0.log file located in the AppData folder ( …\AppData\Local\Glyph\Logs).

    It’s not required but will provide very useful information to our engineers to help diagnose any issues you may encounter!

    Glyph Beta

    I’m done here. How do I opt out?
    If you no longer want to participate in the Glyph Beta program, you can reverse the opt-in steps, by unchecking the opt-in box next to Glyph Beta Opt-In. Close and reopen your client, and Glyph will automatically revert your version to the same build available to the general community. Easy!

    Thank you again,
    The Trion Worlds Glyph Team

    Coming Soon: The Exchange and EGO Experience

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    A new way to buy and sell items in Defiance is on the horizon! You’ll be ready to take your inventory to a whole new level with The Exchange.

    • Filter, sort, and search for specifics to find your perfect purchase
    • Start selling when you purchase Patron Status or an Exchange Slot

    As an added bonus, a new innovation will soon change the way ark hunters level up their EGO implant.

    • You’ll be able to reach EGO level 6000 solely through XP
    • Additional rewards can be gained every time you max out your XP bar once you reach 6000
    • Pursuits remain available and will still add to your EGO level

    Whether it’s PvE, PvP, or arkfalls for days, you’ll be on the right road to 6000 in Defiance.

    Happy Hunting,

    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    New Rot Fissure Steel Blight Jackpot

    Originally published at


    The new Rot Fissure Jackpot has arrived! With armor-eating innovations applied to the Big Boomer, this deadly biological detonator Jackpot carries the Steel Blight Synergy.

    Steel Blight Synergy

    [1] +10% armor plate damage

    [2] +20% Mag

    [3] On enemy armor break, +25% armor plate damage for 5 seconds.

    [4] On enemy armor break, +5% damage for 5 seconds (Max Stacks: 5)


    Each Steel Blight Supply Crate contains a rare chance at this Jackpot weapon for a limited time.  Learn more about how to use Synergies in Defiance here!

    Happy Hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    The Exchange and EGO Experience Arrive!

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    The Exchange has safely arrived on the new frontier, thanks in part to the hard work of the richest citizen of the new frontier: Varus Soleptor. Accessible anywhere due to the fortunate compatibility with EGO implants, you can now find the Exchange from the comfort of your EGO interface.

    The Exchange allows you buy items that other ark hunters have listed for sale. Search through categories, sort, filter, and find your perfect purchase.

    In order to list any item on the Exchange, you must first be in the possession of an Exchange Sell Slot. As a Paradise Patron, you will automatically be in the possession of four of these valuable slots.


    Once an item is sold, you can collect the item or proceeds from the Exchange interface in the My Order or My Items sections.

    A special note from Varus, he does ask a small token of scrip for each item listed. A 10% transaction fee for his troubles is deducted from your proceeds.


    Aside from the arrival of the Exchange, we are happy to share that experience now matters even more to ark hunters everywhere. You will now be able to reach EGO level 6000 solely on experience, and Pursuits will now be optional on your journey to max EGO rating.

    Ark hunters who have already reached 6000 will remain so and additional rewards are earned each time you fill your experience bar completely. The original 305 EGO levels will remain; you will not be able to earn additional EGO perk points past this point.  Pursuits remain and assist with progression, but are no longer required for all.

    To our Defiance Veterans who have already faced this challenge, we offer both a special salute and a surprise from the Defiance Team. You are our first, our few, our most dedicated ark hunters.

    Choose the way you level in Defiance and find the jackpot you’ve always wanted with the Exchange.

    Happy Hunting,

    The Defiance Team

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Rule the Streets with the Black Market Operative Pack!

    Originally published at


    With the Exchange coming soon to the New Frontier, we’re bringing back black! Score yourself some style with Black Market Operative Pack in Defiance.

    Each Pack contains:

    • Street Samurai Outfit
    • Revolutionary Specs
    • Black Market Operative RM Momad V6
    • TACC Autopistol IV

    Now you’re fighting in fashion, ark hunter!

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Steel Blight on Sale!

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    For a limited time, Steel Blight Supply Crates will be 25% off! Score more of your favorite synergy and learn more about how to use synergies to your advantage here.

    Steel Blight Supply Crate Sale

    Start: May 20 at 12:00 PM PDT

    End: May 23 at 12:00 PM PDT

    Happy Hunting,

    The Defiance Team

    Premium Radiant Solstice Supply Crates Arrive!

    Originally published at


    For a very limited time, the Saturnalia synergy has returned! Stock up now, the Premium Radiant Solstice Supply Crate only sticks around until 12:00 PM PDT on May 31!

    [1] Increases nano-effect chance by 50% on a critical hit
    [2] +5% nano-effect chance on a critical hit
    [3] +5% armor penetration
    [4] On a killing blow, chance to restore health and shields for 5 seconds to surrounding allies (Cooldown: 30s)

    Learn more about mods here and don’t miss out on this limited-time sale!

    Find some great deals and surprises in our Memorial Day events: May 27 – May 30!

    Originally published at


    What’s a holiday without a celebration? Enjoy some great deals and extra offerings this weekend in celebration of the United States’ Memorial Day!


    ArcheAge: Memorial Day Sale lasts until June 3!


    We’re having a special, limited quantity sale on some rare favorites. Only 100 of these will be available per server, so get them before they’re sold out!


    • Albino Yata
    • Sheep Sleep Hat
    • Gilt Deathchill Coffin
    • Fleetpaw Bjorne
    • Sea Turtle Pet
    • Miraculous Hostility Lunafrost
    • Miraculous Tracker Lunafrost
    • Miraculous Transcendant Lunafrost
    • Miraculous Love Lunafrost
    • Bound Lucid Wave Lunagem: Defense
    • Bound Lucid Wave Lunagem: Magic Defense


    And enjoy a special Buy One, Get One offer on these items:


    • Character Slot Scrolls
    • Salon Certificates
    • Gender Swap Certificates
    • Expansion Scroll
    • Red Hauler Fusion Certificate
    • Farm Freighter Upgrade Ticket
    • Wagon Upgrade Ticket
    • Glider Wingmaker Scroll
    • Language Proficiency Spellbook
    • Vocation Tonic
    • Super Armor Temper
    • Super Weapon Temper
    • Specialization Snowflake


    Atlas Reactor: Special pre-order pricing continues!


    Is pre-ordering Atlas Reactor on your minds? Well if it is, you better not wait! Our special pre-order sale is continuing and you can get your copy for only 19.99 before launch! Check out all of our special packs right here.


    Defiance: Memorial Day Sale lasts until May 30


    All T.I.T.A.N. bundles are 15% – 35% off! Pick up one today and obliterate your enemies with the power of Titan’s Fury.


    Devilian: Bonus Enigma Boxes from May 27 to May 31


    Reap the benefits of extra Enigma Boxes dropping from creatures all over Nala. These boxes will also drop more gems with a chance at a Gem Jackpot!


    RIFT: 20% Off All Boosts from May 27 to May 31


    Enjoy a special discount on boosts all weekend! To take advantage of this offer, visit the Boosts section of the RIFT store today!


    Trove: Go bananas for the Bone Dragon and enjoy a sale on classes!


    For a limited time, get yourself the fearsome calcified crusader, the Bone Dragon, when you purchase a pack of $100 credits! Plus we’re discounting all classes by 50% until May 31! Now’s a great time to expand your arsenal of weaponry and defend the world of Trove in fantastic new ways.


    Hurry, many of these deals and events are only here for a limited time! Enjoy them while they last!

    Spinal Tap Returns At Last!

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    Hold onto your butts, the Spinal Tap Synergy has returned with the Spinal Tap Supply Crate for a limited time! Learn more about mods here, but more importantly, feast your eyes on this:

    Spinal Tap Synergy

    [1] +11% Ammo from ammo drops

    [2] -11% Reload

    [3] +11% Fire Rate

    [4] +11% Life and Shield Steal

    Each Crate contains a chance at 7 BRAND NEW Jackpot Weapons: Arboreal Massacre, Funeral Oath, Nordic Wrath, Feral Butcher, and Corpse Shredder. If you don’t land a Jackpot, you’ll walk away with 1 epic or better weapon and 3 mods from rare to legendary. Your bag better be ready!No collection is complete without this life-stealing synergy, score yours in the store today!

    Included weapon types: SS-2 Ranger, Blaster, Berserker, HP-6 Wolfhound, Blast Rifle, SAW, and Tachmag Pulser

    Prepare for Monterey Coast Capture and Hold!

    Originally published at

    Ark hunters,

    A new way to fight is about to arrive on the new frontier. The Monterey Coast capture and hold PvP map, balance changes to PvP, and a complete update to Faction vendors arrive next week on June 14.

    Find new weapons at Faction vendors, new boxes available for Reputation, and new Faction leveling! You can now reach 1500 by leveling new tiers.

    Adventure is out there, ark hunters. Happy hunting!

    Capture and Hold the Monterey Coast

    Originally published at


    Your chance to return to Monterey has arrived with an exciting new way to play: Monterey Coast Capture and Hold. This 32 vs 32 player PvP map hosts 1 to 5 capture points in various locations, features 2 Ceberus combat vehicles, and allows players to summon ATVs. Get in on this action today!

    This update includes balance changes to PvP, new boxes available for Reputation, and new Faction leveling that allows you to reach up to 1500 using new tiers. Check out the patch notes here!

    Happy hunting,
    The Defiance Team

    Just what the doctor ordered: Spinal Tap Sale!

    Originally published at


    Ark hunters,

    We’ve got just what the doctor ordered: 20% off Spinal Tap Supply Crates! Get your fix now before this limited-time synergy is out of stock! This sale ends on June 27.

    Midsummer Mutiny, Meet the Madness!

    Originally published at


    Celebrate freedom on the new frontier with Midsummer Mutiny, starting now and lasting until July 18! Battle your way through the Dark Matter for a chance at new Jackpots from Major Arkfalls with the brand new Malicious Mirage Synergy!

    [1] +15% Mag

    [2] +10% Rate of Fire

    [3] On dodge roll, spawn a decoy for 6s (Cooldown: 30s)

    [4] On dodge roll, gain 50% damage and 30% movement speed for 6s (Cooldown: 30s)

    Find this new Synergy in Minor and Major Arkfalls or in the new Malicious Mirage Supply Crate! But wait, what about those Jackpots?

    • Freedom
    • Independence
    • Courage
    • Glory
    • Honor
    • Valor
    • Pride
    • Virtue – special electric charge blade

    Come together with your Clan and celebrate with us all, patriots of Paradise. Don’t miss out!

    Become a Frontier Loyalist with our new Pack!

    Originally published at


    Hold onto your butts, ark hunters, we’re kicking off Midsummer Mutiny with Style! Celebrate freedom on the new frontier with the brand new Frontier Loyalist Pack! This pack included a brand new weapon known as the “Malicious Daisy Cutter,” and we know this cuts more than just daisies!

    • Legendary “Malicious Daisy Cutter” Guided Rocket Launcher
    • Firework Spike x 10
    • 30-day Patron Pass
    • “Frontier Loyalist” Title
    • MR-KA “Loyalist” T.I.T.A.N. outfit with headgear
    • Duni Shetarru Racer “Loyalist” vehicle

    Score this pack for a limited time and show off the Malicious Daisy Cutter in-game! You’ll be seeing stars!

    Find the Malicious Mirage Synergy here!

    Originally published at


    The new Malicious Mirage Supply Crate has arrived with the Malicious Mirage Synergy! New to weapon synergies? Click here!

    [1] +15% Mag

    [2] +10% Rate of Fire

    [3] On dodge roll, spawn a decoy for 6s (Cooldown: 30s)

    [4] On dodge roll, gain 50% damage and 30% movement speed for 6s (Cooldown: 30s)

    Celebrate Midsummer Mutiny in style with a cache containing an epic (or better) weapon and 3 Malicious Mirage mods! Each crate contains a chance at these amazing jackpot weapons.

    • Freedom
    • Independence
    • Courage
    • Glory
    • Honor
    • Valor
    • Pride
    • Virtue – special electric charge blade

    This powerful synergy is only available for a limited time, so stock up while supplies last!

    A New and Exciting Future

    Originally published at


    Hi there Ark Hunters,

    As some of you may have noticed, there has been a lack of an orange hoodie on the Defiance live streams in recent weeks. I would like to share with you that I have been assigned a new mission on another project within the Trion Worlds portfolio.

    Before going any further, I would like to say thank you to all of you, my fellow Ark Hunters. I have been fortunate to have been with you since the launch of the Arkbreaker DLC in 2013. Together we’ve been through many updates that helped make Defiance better and more unique than any other game out there. The Defiance family is something I will never forget; that includes both the players and the other developers on the Defiance team. Speaking of other developers, with my reassignment, we’ve opened up new opportunities for others on the Defiance team.

    Taking over the helm is a very familiar face to the Defiance family: Matt Pettit, aka “Destromathe.” He has been with me since I took over Defiance over a year ago. Alongside him will be Drew Sheetz, aka “Rarnok,” your resident PvP and weapons specialist. Together they will continue to lead the team and Defiance into the future.

    Good hunting,
    Carble “LoCarb” Cheung


    Hey All,

    This will be an easy introduction, as many of you may already know me. For those who don’t, my name is Matthew “Destromathe” Pettit, and it has been my pleasure to work as Producer on Defiance for the past year and a half. Those of you who follow the forums or livestreams have seen me many times, and I am very proud to keep contributing to this amazing game. When I took over for Phantasie some 15 months ago, I knew that I would be attached to Defiance and its players, and I always imagined great things for this game!

    Let me begin this Future of Defiance speech by giving LoCarb the sendoff he deserves. It has been a real honor and a pleasure working with him over the past 15 months. His contributions to this game will be remembered forever, along with that orange hoodie. I plan on setting up a scarecrow with the orange hoodie on it at his desk so that we can always imagine he is here with us. He has been given a fantastic opportunity to serve on Trove, and we know that he will do great things there, just as he has for Defiance.

    Now, let’s move on to Defiance. Before we can talk about the future, we should touch on the past. Since launch, we have published 5 DLCs, a major land expansion, several world and holiday events, Expeditions, and numerous story/content updates, all on this short, 3-year road. The team has worked, and will continue to work, hard to bring only the best and most engaging content to you, the players. I am very proud of the content we have created, from our first content patch 3 years ago, to our recent Monterey PvP update, which brought some much needed love to PvP players.

    So what’s in store for the future you ask? We definitely have some surprises up our sleeves, but one thing I can say for sure is that we want to keep giving you more of what makes Defiance so fun. No other shooter can give you the big open world fun with ALL of your friends and clan mates like Defiance can, and we are going to bring you MORE of exactly that.

    Over the next year, we plan on making more of those amazing events, with tons of enemies and loot. Tired of the month long lulls of no events to play? We are going to fix that, and make sure that you always have something to look forward to, starting with a brand new event called Rolling Blackout. This will be the first event completely based on the Electrical nano – all enemies and loot will be designed with this nano in mind!

    And what would Defiance be without weapons, weapons, and more weapons? Rarnok has taken on some new designer duties, and has some amazing things planned for you in the future. On more than one occasion, I have seen him cackling over at his desk at some of the things he has in store for the future. Look forward to seeing more of what you have been craving, and lots of it.

    I am very excited about the road that Defiance currently is on, as well as the flexibility that we, as a development team, have to polish and give you the experience that you all desire. I am honored to represent this great game and bring it to its 4th anniversary and beyond! I will see you all on the forums and in the livestream.

    On behalf of the whole team, good Ark hunting!

    – Matthew “Destromathe” Pettit
    Producer, Defiance

    Introducing the Trion Worlds Creator Program

    Originally published at


    We are both excited and humbled when we see the spectacular things players create for our games. To show our appreciation for all you do, we’re proud to introduce the Trion Worlds Creator Program!

    Whether you’re a shoutcaster, livestreamer, YouTuber, musician, or artist we want to support your creative spark. We’re looking for folks who consistently produce content featuring any or all of our games. Regardless if it’s your first time contacting us or we’ve been in touch before, everyone is welcome to apply!

    Creators who are accepted into the program will be eligible for the following (and more):

    • Early Access to New Content and Games
    • Special Creator Program Loot
    • Giveaway Codes
    • Promotion on Official Social Media Channels
    • Trion Worlds Event Invitations

    Apply for the Trion Worlds Creator Program today and share your passion with the world!

    Defiance Livestream: July 22 at 11:30 AM PDT

    Originally published at


    Join Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Designer Drew “Rarnok” Sheetz, and Senior Community Relations Manager Eric “Ocho” Cleaver on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Friday. We’ll talk about recent developments in Defiance, Rolling Blackout, and more!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, July 22 at 11:30 AM PDT
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    We can’t wait to see you there, ark hunters!

    Important Announcement About the Exchange

    Originally published at


    Greetings Arkhunters,

    We come to you today with some difficult news: we have decided to remove the Exchange from the game.

    This decision was not made lightly, as a tremendous amount of work and thought has gone into this system. We truly feel that, as designed, it was a benefit for all players. However, after considerable thought and discussion, we concluded that removing it was the best way to move forward.

    Since the release of the Exchange, we have experienced many unforeseen technical issues that only presented themselves once the system was under full load. Despite our best efforts, these issues were impossible to identify during internal testing, as they required active, concurrent use by a large number players to fully manifest.

    As you know, we’ve been working hard to review and implement fixes. However, several challenges remain that must be resolved for the sake of the game, which include preventing players from using third party programs to inject currency into the game, maintaining a stable game environment, and fixing any issues that prevent players from logging in to the game. Removing the Exchange helps solve all of these challenges.

    We want to reiterate that we have done everything we could to address these issues without having to take this step, but, ultimately, we must continue to make ensuring an excellent and stable player experience our primary concern. So, we will begin the process of removing this feature from Defiance as soon as possible.

    We’ve posted an FAQ on the forums to help answer all of the questions that you may have, including what we will be doing for those who have purchased Exchange Slots and what will happen with items currently on the Exchange. While we have done our best to address all conceivable concerns, we welcome any additional questions you may have.

    In the meantime, we would like to thank all of you. You have been incredibly patient while we worked our hardest to resolve these issues, and you have provided critical feedback that influenced how we chose to proceed.

    While this decision was very hard to make, we remain dedicated to creating a solid, fun, and challenging experience for everyone who, like us, loves Defiance. We still have a lot of exciting new content for you to look forward to!

    See you on the New Frontier!


    Originally published at


    Sometimes you can believe your eyes! From now until July 25, all Malicious Mirage Supply Crates are 25% off!

    These crates will only be available until July 25. Stock up now!

    Malicious Mirage Sale Details

    • Start time: Friday, July 22at 12:00 PM PST
    • End time: Monday, July 25 at 11:59 PM PST

    Make sure to grab hold of this mirage before it disappears!

    Rolling Blackout Starts Today!

    Originally published at


    Join the Battle now through August 15th against 99ers, Scrappers and Darkmatter, and pick up the new Ion Coil Synergy and Electrified Pack to help you in the fight!

    The power is too much to handle in Rolling Blackout, the newest event in Defiance. All sorts of shocking enemies will be present, do you have the juice to beat them? Pierce the enemies shields and take them down! Drops during this event have a special manufacturer bonus; 10% additional shield damage and chance to proc your nanos.

    Ion Coil Synergy
    Unshielded enemies are a breeze with the Ion Coil Synergy; its powerful bonuses will blast through the opposition while the special jackpot drops bring an added burst of firepower.

    Synergy: Ion Coil
    [1] -15% Reload
    [2] +8% Max Shield Capacity
    [3] +10% Crit Mult
    [4] On enemy shield break, increased damage by 20% for 5s

    Jackpots include the Neutron Caster (Sentry Rifle), Mass Driver (BA Repeater), Circuitbreaker (Nomad SMG), Flux Inverter (Scattergun), Discharge Amplifier (Slugger), Polarity Diode (Magnum), and Volt Relay(LM-43 Thunder).

    Electrified Pack
    Our newest pack is shockingly good! Roll around the New Frontier in your RM Nomad V6 “Shocker” and take down your target with a Legendary Ion Afflictor. As an added bonus, parasites spawned with the Afflictor will give a surprising jolt of damage as their electric assault continues after the firing is done!

    The Electrified Pack contains:

    • Legendary Ion Afflictor (Spawns electrified parasites whenever a target has been hit five times),
    • E-Rep Heavy Trooper outfit and headgear
    • RM Nomad V6 “Shocker” vehicle
    • 30-day Patron Pass
    • “Electrified” Title

    So keep the power flowing, and put your foes lights out with the brand new Rolling Blackout event, Ion Coil synergy, and Electrified Pack!

    Arkforge Sale 25% Off until 8/15!

    Originally published at




    Some surprises are better than others. Ambushes not so much. Arkforge sales? Hell yes!

    Stock up this weekend only!


    Start: Friday, August 12, 12:00 PM PDT (Noon)

    End: Monday, August 15th, 11:59 AM PDT


    Grab it! Get it! Got it? Good!

    The Defiance Team


     Discuss this article on our forums!

    Defiance Livestream: August 19 at 11:30 AM PDT

    Originally published at


    Join Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Designer Drew “Rarnok” Sheetz, and Senior Community Relations Manager Eric “Ocho” Cleaver on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Friday. We’ll talk about 99 Problems and more!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, August 19 at 11:30 AM PDT
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    We can’t wait to see you there, ark hunters!


    Originally published at


    This deal is so good it’ll shock you! From now until August 22, all Ion Coil Supply Crates are 25% off!

    These crates will only be available until August 22. Stock up now!

    Ion Coil Sale Details

    • Start time: Friday, August 19 at 12:00 PM PST
    • End time: Monday, August 22 at 11:59 PM PST

    Don’t miss out on Ion Coil before it bolts out of the store!

    99 Problems is Here!

    Originally published at

    Enter the fray now through September 12th against 99ers and Grid. Pick up the new Adaptive Augmentation Synergy and the Disassembler Pack to help you in the fight!

    99 Problems, the newest event in Defiance, is here on the New Frontier and you’ll need all your technical skills to be victorious. Fortunately you’ll have access to the new Adaptive Augmentation Synergy to help cut your enemies down in a hail of bullets!

    Get off the Grid and start working on 99 solutions, Arkhunter!

    Adaptive Augmentation Synergy
    More bullets – less problems. That’s really all you need to know with Adaptive Augmentation. The more you shoot, the faster you reload, the quicker your bullets fire. Lay down a whole field of fire and let your enemies try to run!

    Synergy: Adaptive Augmentation
    [1] +3% Ammo Regen on Kill
    [2] +10% Rate of Fire
    [3] +10% Damage
    [4] On kill, gain 10% Rate of Fire and -10% Reload for 10s (Max Stacks: 3)

    Disassembler Pack
    Utilizing the latest Grid Technology, you’ll literally take your enemies apart with cutting edge tech, while looking every bit the part!
    The Disassembler Pack contains:

    • Legendary Charge Blade “Cutting Edge” with a new skin
    • CDC Eradicator outfit and headgear
    • TMW Hannibal 800R “Droid” vehicle
    • “Disassembler” Title

    So get started solving some problems, and send your enemies off the grid with the brand new 99 Problems event, Adaptive Augmentation synergy, and the Disassembler Pack!

    Going to PAX West? We’ll see you there!

    Originally published at

    Going to PAX West? We’ll see you there!

    Hanging out at PAX West? Stop by our Trion booth and say hi! We’re at Booth #117 on the Fourth Floor of the Convention Center.

    Atlas Reactor, Trove, and ArcheAge will all be there, being shown off by many of your favorite staff and community team members!

    • Get your hands on Atlas Reactor with Kytsu, Muzzy, Hawk and Willibuster! If you have the good fortune to play Atlas Reactor, or share our #LostPuP photo op on social media, you may earn an exclusive, gorgeous enameled PuP pin! Supplies on these items are VERY limited, so find us early!
    • Find out more about RIFT’s Starfall Prophecy with Darkmoon and Ocho!
    • Hear the latest dark secrets on ArcheAge from Khrolan and Amary!
    • #JoinTheParty with our Trove masters of mayhem: Avarem, Twixler and Dopesheet! If you’re really lucky, you may soon sport a pair of Trove pixel-stylin’ sunglasses.
    • You can tell we’re excited by the number of exclamation marks we use here!!! EXCITEMENT!!!

    If you stop by the booth for even a moment, ask for our TRION CODE card: a single code that grants you a terrific item for every Trion game. Whether if you’re ArcheAge, Atlas Reactor, Devilian, Defiance, Rift, or Trove, this card has something for YOU. Come by and find out what secrets are in store!


    ONE code to claim an item in every Trion game!

    We’re also offering gorgeous new posters for RIFT, ArcheAge, Trove, and Atlas Reactor! They’re so hot off the press that we don’t even have pics of them to share here – come see (and claim) them in person!



    Find our #LostPuP, share to social media and get a gorgeous pin! (Quantities limited!)

    Attention Trion Creators, streamers, bloggers, videographers and fan site folks: We extend a special invitation for you to get some official one-on-one interview time at PAX with your favorite Devs and Scott Hartsman. Just let Brasse know and she’ll set up a time for you with your Dev of choice: (we happily accept walk-up interviews as well, and will do our best to accommodate). Scapes will be on-site all day, every day, to talk about the Trion Creator Program and answer any questions you may have!

    Defiance Livestream: September 16 at 11:30 AM PDT

    Originally published at


    Join Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, Designer Drew “Rarnok” Sheetz, and Senior Community Relations Manager Eric “Ocho” Cleaver on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel this Friday. We’ll talk about Neo Votanis Freebooters and an exciting announcement you won’t want to miss!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, September 16 at 11:30 AM PDT
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    We can’t wait to see you there, ark hunters!

    Save 25% on the Adaptive Augmentation Supply Crate

    Originally published at


    Save 25% on the Adaptive Augmentation Supply Crate from now through September 18 and take advantage of the Grid’s technology, getting your chance at 7 high-advanced jackpots, plus improved Rate of Fire, increased Damage, and bonuses on kills!

    Adaptive Augmentation Synergy
    More bullets – less problems. That’s really all you need to know with Adaptive Augmentation. The more you shoot, the faster you reload, the quicker your bullets fire. Lay down a whole field of fire and let your enemies try to run!

    Synergy: Adaptive Augmentation
    [1] +3% Ammo Regen on Kill
    [2] +10% Rate of Fire
    [3] +10% Damage
    [4] On kill, gain 10% Rate of Fire and -10% Reload for 10s (Max Stacks: 3)


    Play More, Get More!

    Originally published at


    Whether destroying enemies in monthly events, opening containers with hard earned currency, or purchasing lockboxes in the Defiance store, players strive to pull that lucky Jackpot and get their hands on some of Defiance’s best weaponry.

    Well, starting with the Neo Votanis Freebooters event, we are happy to announce that if you are a Patron, Karma will be on your side!

    The new Paradise Karma system is designed to give Patron players a better chance at Jackpots. Not only will every Patron player get an ADDITIONAL loot roll for a Jackpot, but the more they play, the higher Jackpot drop rate of their roll!

    Here is how it works:

    • Completing Major Arkfall events and purchasing Synergy lockboxes from the Defiance store will increase your Karma for that particular event.
    • As your Karma increases, so does your chance at earning a Jackpot: all the way up to 100%!
    • The longer that you go without earning a Jackpot, the better your chances to get one next time!
    • Once you receive a Jackpot, your Karma will reset.
    • There may be a small delay (30 seconds) between opening a lock box and receiving the Karma jackpot.

    It doesn’t stop there though. Beginning with Neo Votanis Freebooters event, Patron players will also enjoy better benefits than EVER, thanks to these improved Patron boosts:

    • Arkforge Gain: 100% (up from 10%)
    • Experience Gain: 100% (up from 20%)
    • Skill Gain: 100% (up from 20%)
    • Reputation Gain: 25% (up from 20%)
    • Ark Salvage Gain: 25% (up from 20%)
    • Scrip Gain: 25% (up from 20%)
    • Score Gain: 25% (up from 10%)
    • Ammo/Spike/Stim/Grenade Gain: 50% (up from 20%)

    So grab a Paradise Patron pass, and enjoy some of the most amazing benefits Defiance has to offer!

    See you all on the New Frontier!

    Neo Votanis Freebooters is Now Live!

    Originally published at


    The Battle is ON! Now through October 10, Shrill and the Neo Votanis Front reunite for chaos in the Bay. Need to gear up? Pick up the new Nano Volatility Force synergy from Supply Crates and Arkfalls (featuring the all new Paradise Karma system for patrons) and Black Death Pack to help you in the fight!

    This is your call to action, Arkhunter! This ain’t just a threat in Monterey… Shrill and the Neo Votanis Front are blasting their way into the New Frontier! Get ready to face these challenging enemies with all new weapons and Synergy!

    Nano Volatility Force
    Nano effects abound when you’ve got Nano Volatility Force in play. Run circles around your enemies while simultaneously applying all five different nano types!

    Synergy: Nano Volatility Force
    [1] Being hit by an opponent increases your movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10s)
    [2] +15% Nano-Effect Chance
    [3] +15% Damage for 5s after damaging a nano-effected enemy (Cooldown: 5s)
    [4] Chance on hit to apply a random nano-effect

    All NVF weapons have an additional 5% Nano resistance applied to them!

    Black Death Pack
    The Black Death pack inspires fear in all your opponents! Travel the New Frontier in your brand new Quad and rain fire with the all new Legendary Mass Lobber weapon base. The Black Death was the most feared disease of the Dark Ages, now you can become the most feared Arkhunter in THIS age!

    The Black Death Pack contains:

    • Legendary Detonator NVF Mass Lobber
    • Biohazard Wasteland outfit and headgear
    • TMW Hannibal 800R “Black Death” vehicle
    • “Black Death” Title

    Get ready to push back the Neo Votanis Front and Shrill, and light up your foes in the Neo Votanis Freebooters event!

    Defiance Livestream: October 7 at 10:30 AM PDT

    Originally published at


    Join us on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel an hour early this Friday! This week we’ll talk about the Hulker Hell 2016 and more! If you have questions for the Defiance team ask them right here.

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, October 7 at 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 PM GMT)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    We can’t wait to see you there, ark hunters!

    Trion Worlds and Extra Life need YOU! Join us today to help save kids!

    Originally published at


    It’s that time of the year again! As November swiftly approaches, and that means that the Extra Life is BACK. Saturday November 5 marks Trion’s sixth year participating– how time flies!

    As always, we’ve got a full 24 hours of streaming to keep you guys company during your adventures, showcasing all our games: RIFT, ArcheAge, Defiance, Trove, Devilian and the newly launched Atlas Reactor! We’ll be live at with the Trion Worlds Community Team, some special guest stars, and the occasional showcase of our awesome Creator Program streamers!

    We’ve raised almost $300,000 through the years for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals— and it’s all thanks to people like you. Let’s reach new heights together.

    To join in on the fray, you can join our Extra Life team today, and remember: your efforts do make a difference.

    In the coming weeks, we’ll have more information about our prizing and plans, so stay tuned!


    The Trion Worlds Community Team

    Try out Atlas Reactor For Free Loot!

    Originally published at


    Celebrate Atlas Reactor’s launch by giving the Hellbugs a break and blasting some Freelancers instead! You know you outclass them all anyway – let’s show ’em the power of Defiance!

    PC and console players can login to Atlas Reactor and complete the tutorial from Friday, Oct. 7 at 5:00pm (PT) to Sunday, Oct. 9 at 11:59pm (PT) and complete the tutorial to get 30 inventory slots in Defiance. PC players will also receive a FREE 15 Day Patron Pass!

    How do Arkhunters get in on this sweet deal?

    Easy! You’ll see Atlas Reactor listed on the same Glyph launcher we use for Defiance. For console players you will need to have your [URL=”]Glyph account linked to your PSN ID or Gamer Tag[/URL].

    Save 25% on the Nano Volatility Force Supply Crate!

    Originally published at


    Save 25% on the Nano Volatility Force Supply Crate from now through October 16 and harness the power of Nano-Effects! Don’t forget, all NVF weapons have an additional 5% Nano resistance!

    Nano Volatility Force Synergy
    Nano effects abound when you’ve got Nano Volatility Force in play. Run circles around your enemies while simultaneously applying all five different nano types!

    Synergy: Nano Volatility Force
    [1] Being hit by an opponent increases your movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 10s)
    [2] +15% Nano-Effect Chance
    [3] +15% Damage for 5s after damaging a nano-effected enemy (Cooldown: 5s)
    [4] Chance on hit to apply a random nano-effect

    Act today, these Supply Crates are gone Monday!

    Discuss the Nano Volatility Sale on our forums.

    Hulker Hell on Earth – Until November 7

    Originally published at

    Ark hunters,

    Let the festivities begin! Absurd numbers of Hulkers have gathered in anticipation of this momentous event: Hulker Hell.

    Hulker Hell will hit the New Frontier starting on October 17th. A long awaited celebration of tricks and treats, this event brings a special delivery of pumpkins to Paradise until November 7.

    • This seasonal celebration brings both terror and toys – take full advantage with new weapons and mods from Hulker Hell Arkfalls and Sanguine Extraction Supply Crates.

    Ready for the Autumnal awesomeness?

    • Make your own Hulker Hell happen with the Drag Me To Hell Arkfall Summon when you own the Arkbreaker DLC.
    • Limited-time Halloween Contracts and Instances welcome 12 total players.
    • Complete the Halloween pursuit to gain the Legacy Hacker Outfit

    Sanguine Extraction
    [1] +25% chance self-revive cooldown will not be triggered
    [2] +100% damage for 5s after using self-revive.
    [3] +10% damage
    [4] +10% Life and Shield Steal

    All RIP manufactured weapons also have 20% increased mag size!

    Sanguine Extraction Synergy

    Weapon types
    Blast Rifle, INF-27 Immunizer, LM-43 Thunder, Surge Blaster, Chango Fragger (NEW), Surge Bolter, and Pulser

    Torque or Treat Pack

    The all new Vanity Bundle is here and contains this frighteningly good stuff:

    • RM Renegade “Torque or Treat” Van with a brand new epic skin!
    • Mass-O-Lantern Mass Cannon Cannon RL V
    • Giant Pumpkin Launcher V
    • “The Witch” and “The Warlock” titles

    In a van down by the river!

    The 2015 Triple Costume Pack is also back on the store for a limited time! Get yours now!

    Hulker Hell Event Details
    Start time: Monday, October 17 at 12:00 PM PDT
    End time: Monday, November 7 at 12:00 PM PDT

    Fall into fun with Hulker Hell Arkfalls, limited-time Costume Packs, pumpkins and more.

    Happy Halloween,
    The Defiance Team

    Join the Hulker Hell conversation on our forums!

    Extra Life 2016 Details & Rewards – Prepare for the 5th of November!

    Originally published at


    Hello, Trion Gamers!

    Join us on November 5th at 9am PT for a 24 hour stream, featuring all Trion games! You can support us by joining us on Trion Team to help our fundraising! Friends and family can sponsor your day of marathon gaming, and any money you raise goes to the Children’s Miracle Network hospital of YOUR choosing.

    Of course, no good deed goes unrewarded: check out our Extra Life page to see a list of goodies you can get for your hard work, also featured below!


    Extra Life 2016 Rewards

    $25 in Fundraising:

    • RIFT: Dimension Items: Banners (x2, new!), Minion Card: Sera (new!)
    • Trove: Arcade Helm
    • Devilian: Charitable Devil Title (new!)
    • Atlas Reactor: Extra Life Banner (new!)
    • ArcheAge: Loyalty Tokens x30
    • Defiance: A Dodge Challenger RT Sublime Pearl Coat Black Stripe vehicle


    $75 in Fundraising:

    • RIFT: Companion Pet: Sera (new!), Dimension Item: halo (new!)
    • Trove: Extra Life Pack
    • Atlas Reactor: Emblem (new!)
    •  ArcheAge: Legacy Hero Costume


    $150 in Fundraising:

    • RIFT: Cape, Portrait Badge (new!)
    • Trove: A Chaos Coin & Essentials Pack
    • Devilian: Soldier’s Fortune Pack Fortune
    • Atlas Reactor: Loot Matrices (assortment)
    • ArcheAge: Archeum Pack
    • Defiance: T.I.T.A.N. Augment Bundle


    $500 in Fundraising:

    • RIFT: Two Starfall Prophecy Deluxe packs OR 1 Year of Patron Time
    • ArcheAge: Housing items: Hot Tub, Fishing Pond
    • Trove: 25,000 Credits
    • Devilian: Devilian Complete Pack
    • Defiance: Obliterator T.I.T.A.N. Bundle


    1 hour played of the listed game:

    • RIFT: Title: The Angelic (new!)
    • Devilian: Halo (new!)
    • Atlas Reactor: Title: Unyielding (new!)


    24 hours of played Trion games, combined:

    • RIFT: Title: The Charitable
    • Defiance: Title: The Charitable

    Don’t miss out: the count for these played time rewards starts at 9am PT on 11/5 and ends at 9am PT on 11/7!


    Extra Goodness


    One of our devs, Ryan “SupermanSocks” Copeland, also known as RoughRaptors, is participating again this year! Check out his page to see what you can get, including the Rough Raptor minion.



    Like years past, if you donate via the ExtraLife page of game designer Kumar ‘Atronos’ Daryanani you can help design items that will be added to Trove! Check out his page for the details.



    Of course, we’ve always got more up our sleeves, waiting to be seen. We hope to see you on November 5th!


    The Trion Extra Lifers

    A Defiant CM Intro – Fasti

    Originally published at

    Oh, hi ark hunters, I didn’t see you there. Today is a very special occasion and I’m glad you could join me. You see, today is the TwoYear6monthiversary of my very first post on the Defiance forums!

    In addition to that momentous event I’m also your new Community Manager! I’m fortunate enough to have played Defiance since prior to launch. In fact, I was actually hired on at Trion Worlds to help support Defiance as a GM.

    I’ve been around the block a few times and plan to hit the ground running. It doesn’t hurt that I’m about 10 seconds away from the Defiance team at any given moment.

    It’s exciting for me to come back to those early days and rock out with the Defiance community! Do we rock out? Well, we do now.

    Say things about this on the forums!

    Defiance Gold Edition – Smelt Faces

    Originally published at

    The Defiance Gold Edition has the Midas touch! Turn all available Defiance DLC into one glimmering, gleaming bundle of epicness.

    This new bundle contains these impressive perks in addition to the content of the first five DLC packs:

    • 35 Inventory Slots
    • Exclusive Hannibal 800R vehicle
    • +3 Loadout Slots
    • +25 Ark Key Expansion

    Castithan Charge Pack

    • Playable Species: Castithan
    • 5 Battle Arenas
    • Volge Sieges
    • Melee Weapons: Castithan Charge Blades
    • Dark Matter Arkfalls
    • 4-Player Vehicle
    • Storyline Missions
    • Pursuits. Duels. Outfits. Charge Weapons.

    Arkbreaker Pack

    • Missions: Battle against Dark Matter in a race against time. These Votan zealots have found deadly new technology aboard the arkfalls, and it’s up to you to stop them.
    • Summon Arkfalls: Bring ark modules crashing to Earth and explore their wreckage for adventure and fortune.
    • Volge Weapons: Disintegrate your foes with cold-fire weaponry – be the first to wield weapons designed for the Volge!

    7th Legion Pack

    • Faction: Yoshida Hiro’s 7th Legion has come to the bay area looking for recruits. Join their forces and reap the rewards.
    • Weapons: The 7th Legion has developed a unique fighting style expressed in its new weapons and synergies.
    • Shields: Wield hybrid Human-Votan tech shields designed to take down enemies on the New Frontier.
    • 7th Legion Recruit Kit: An outfit, gear, and title start your path to becoming an honored member of the 7th Legion.

    Gunslinger Trials Pack

    • New Missions: Follow three new mission lines as you assist VBI in the wake of Karl Von Bach’s disappearance.
    • Co-op Arenas: Nine new Arenas stand ready to challenge you and your friends.
    • Special Gear: VBI’s new leadership has developed special gear to showcase each of their individual styles.
    • Outfits: Face VBI’s challenges as a Gunslinger or The General.

    Arktech Revolution Pack

    • Faction: The Chimera is a secretive criminal organization specializing in the trade and sale of arktech.
    • Weapons: Get legendary arktech weapons from the Chimera faction vendor.
    • Nano Perks: New EGO perks add mechanics and power to elemental nano-effects.
    • Free Chimera Arktech Kit: The Chimera grants all of its ark hunters a special gift!

    There’s one edition to rule them all: the Defiance Gold Edition!

    Discuss the Defiance Gold Edition on our forums.

    Defiance Livestream: November 4 at 11:30 AM PDT

    Originally published at


    Join us on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel at 11:30 AM PDT (6:30 PM GMT)! This week we’ll talk about the New Frontier Harvest event and more!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, November 4th at 11:30 AM PDT (6:30 PM GMT)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    We can’t wait to see you there, ark hunters!

    New Frontier Harvest Returns!

    Originally published at


    The New Frontier Harvest event returns and we’re thankful for awesome ark hunters, a brand new Synergy, and special new holiday pack!

    New Synergy: Ravenous Consumption
    [1] On grenade hit, +45% movement speed for 5s
    [2] On stim use, -25% Damage Taken for 15s
    [3] On spike use, +25% Damage and Rate of Fire for 15s
    [4] On kill, chance to reset grenade, spike, stim, and EGO power cooldown (Cooldown: 30s)

    Enemies defeated by Ravenous manufactured weapons drop a bonus consumable charge (Cooldown: 10s).

    Weapon Types

    Assault Carbine, Magnum, Mass Cannon, SMG, SS-2 Ranger, PAS-24 Tornado, and GL-1 Ground Pounder.

    New Pursuit
    “Reap The Harvest” will reward an epic jackpot: Depravity – Sludge Rocket Launcher, and the “Glutton” title.

    The Gobbler Pack Includes

    • Legendary Roost Hatcher – A Blast Hatcher that spawns turkeys
    • Legendary Flock Lobber – A Brood Lobber that spawns turkeys
    • Pilgrim of the Guiding Light outfit
    • Acolyte of the Guiding Light Headgear
    • Forest Survivalist Outfit and Headgear
    • RM Nomad V6 “Guzzler” vehicle

    New Frontier Harvest will run through Thanksgiving and Black Friday so be sure to keep an eye on the Defiance Store for the biggest sales of the year.

    Celebrate turkey day the Defiance way – doing donuts in the post-apocalyptic wilderness while blasting your way through and endless supply of maniacal monstrosities!

    Happy Thanksgiving,
    The Defiance Team

    Discuss the New Frontier Harvest fowl play on the forums.

    Defiance Celebrates Black Friday

    Originally published at

    In a post-apocalyptic world that’s been forever changed by terraforming it’s never been more important to get the most out of the Defiance store. Black Friday sales are here starting at 12 PM PST on November 23rd until 12 PM PST on November 29th!

    Black Friday Deals

    • 65% OFF Obliterator, Sentinel, Havok TITAN Packs.
    • 35% OFF Augment TITAN Packs.
    • 35% Gold Edition DLC Bundle (from the in game store and Defiance site exclusively).
    • Many of your favorite old synergy boxes are returning, at a 25% discount for a limited time! This means you can save big on classic synergies like these:
      • Spinal Tap
      • Hallow Point
      • Flames of Passion
      • Plate Slicer
    • Introducing the brand new Black Friday Bargain Box!
      • The ultimate lock box, priced at 55 bits. Buy a 100 pack of these Bargain Boxes and receive 10 bonus boxes!
      • This box contains 1 epic or better item: weapon, shield, mod, rig, chip, arkforge or loyalty.
        Weapons and mods will drop with one of the 20 previous monthly synergies, and will include chances at ALL previous jackpots! Get a chance at your favorite jackpot weapons, shields, rigs or chips, at a super low price!
      • Jackpot chances are increased in these limited time boxes.
      • Included is a chance at any of four BRAND NEW, very rare, natural supreme Jackpot items, all with the new Transcendent synergy:
        • Omnipotence (The first ever Minigun with instant reload and 3x bullets per round)
        • Celestial Wrath (Charge guided rocket launcher with up to 25 splitting tracking projectiles)
        • Quantum Garrison (Ironclad with fire resist and -15% damage taken when shield is down)
        • Savage Canopy (Respark with radiation resist and 15% damage for 5s on shield break)
    • Also contains a rare chance at the brand new APS Vagabond armored truck, 2000 Arkforge, or 500 Loyalty!

    Join the Black Friday discussion on our forums!

    A Stack of Defiance Bonuses Are Live!

    Originally published at


    Greetings ark hunters!

    Defiance is heating up with these uber bonuses! Play now through December 12th at 10:00 AM PST to get access to a whole stack of bonuses:

    • +100% Bonus Reputation
    • +100% Bonus Experience
    • Double Hunter Requisitions
    • Double Golden Skitterling spawns in Expeditions

    Thanks for all your hard work cleaning up the new frontier!

    Discuss this on our forums.

    Defiance Livestream: December 2nd at 11:30 AM PST

    Originally published at


    Join us on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel at 11:30 AM PST (7:30 PM GMT)! This week we’ll talk about the upcoming Solstice Strike, answer your questions, and do lots of giveaways!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, November 4th at 11:30 AM PST (7:30 PM GMT)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    We can’t wait to see you there, ark hunters!

    Save 25% on Arkforge All Weekend Long!

    Originally published at

    Looking to get a jumpstart on massive winter sales? Stuff your stockings with Arkforge this weekend!

    Arkforge Sale
    Start: Friday, December 2, 12:00 PM PST (Noon)
    End: Monday, December 5, 11:59 AM PST

    Load up and roll out, ark hunters!

    Discuss this article on our forums!

    Defiance Going Strong Into the New Year!

    Originally published at


    Hello Ark Hunters,

    We wanted to take some time out of working on new fun and amazing content for you all, to wish you all happy holidays from the Defiance team. We are heading into the new year, and will soon celebrate Defiance’s 4th anniversary. Time has flown by, and we want to thank every single player who has played with us from the beginning, as well as the Ark Hunters that have joined recently.

    This marks our third holiday in Defiance, celebrating with Holiday Volge and Warmasters. We are sure that the new slate of fun events in planning for next year will keep this great tradition going strong for a long time to come.

    As we work towards the 4th anniversary, and beyond, we wanted to stop and smell the snow covered arkfalls, and wish you all a very happy holiday. Next year will be even better, starting with a brand NEW Radiation based event in January. Nuclear Winter is coming!

    The Defiance Team

    Ravenous Consumption Supply Crates Are 25% Off!

    Originally published at

    Save 25% on the Ravenous Consumption Supply Crates from 12 PM PST today until 11:59 AM PST (7:59 PM GMT) on Monday, December 12th! Enemies defeated using Ravenous manufactured weapons drop a bonus consumable charge (Cooldown: 10s).

    Synergy: Ravenous Consumption
    [1] On grenade hit, +45% movement speed for 5s
    [2] On stim use, -25% Damage Taken for 15s
    [3] On spike use, +25% Damage and Rate of Fire for 15s
    [4] On kill, chance to reset grenade, spike, stim, and EGO power cooldown (Cooldown: 30s)

    Act today, these Supply Crates are gone Monday!

    Discuss the Ravenous Consumption Supply Crate Sale on our forums.

    Solstice Strike Is Home for the Holidays!

    Originally published at

    Solstice Strike has returned and things are about to get jolly up in here! Enjoy the holiday celebrations until January 2nd.

    Pick up the Frostbringer Pack for legendary Naughty and Nice weapons, the Frostbringer title, and a van rocking epic Abominable Warmaster panel art!

    Winter Van

    It doesn’t matter if you’ve been naughty or nice, either way you can battle it out with the Volge in Solstice Strike and hunt down the Abominable Warmaster in special summoned Major Arkfalls!

    Our newest Synergy: Hibernal Barrage
    [1] Reduce the range at which explosives hit you by 25%
    [2] -15% Reload
    [3] +10% Damage
    [4] On Full Reload or Explosive Kill, +45% Movespeed and 10% Life and Shield Steal for 5s (Cooldown: 10s)

    New Hibernal manufactured weapons get +30% Full Damage Radius.

    Weapon Types
    Plasma Battery, Plasma Bolter, Plasma Blaster, Plasma Burst Rifle – Coldfire explosive weapons! In addition: Big Boomer, CS-X Cluster Shot, Guided Launcher

    And don’t forget this year’s new Solstice Strike pursuit, the Cold White Silence, that will deliver the gift of a Rudolph Auto Lobber and the titles, “Jack Frost” and “Ice Queen.”

    Don’t wait, Solstice Strike melts away on January 2nd. You don’t want to miss this event!    

    Discuss Solstice Strike on our forums.

    Defiance Winter Sale – Season’s Beatings!

    Originally published at


    This holiday season give the gift that keeps on giving: Defiance bundles at unbelievable prices!

    From now until January 2nd warm up your winter months with these hot deals!

    Save 50% off three titanic packs

    • Obliterator T.I.T.A.N.
    • Sentinel T.I.T.A.N.
    • Havoc T.I.T.A.N.

    The Augment T.I.T.A.N. pack is available for 35% off!


    We’re bringing sexy back with all our classic vanity bundles returning for a limited time. Save 25% off these returning favorites and more!

    • Torque or Treat Pack
    • Shrill Hunter Pack
    • Frontier Loyalist Pack

    Players on both PC and consoles get the Midas touch: the Gold Edition DLC Bundle grants every piece of DLC we’ve released and now it’s available for 35% off on select platforms and regions.

    We’re also happy to be part of the Amazon Digital Deals Week. From December 22nd through January 2nd you can save 50% off Obliterator, Sentinel, and Havoc T.I.T.A.N. packs. In addition to those hot deals you can also save 35% off the Gold Edition.

    Stock up while you can; Nuclear Winter is coming!

    Nuclear Winter Is Here!

    Originally published at

    A brand new event is blasting into Defiance to kick off 2017 with a bang: Nuclear Winter is here!

    This radiation-themed event is aglow with the spirit of the New Year. Take down irradiated ruffians at any arkfall to collect new loot.

    New Synergy: Isotropic Decay
    [1] +17% Accuracy and -17% Recoil
    [2] -17% Reload
    [3] +17% Crit
    [4] +17% Damage

    U-238 is a powerful new weapon manufacturer. U-238 manufactured weapons have 10% Armor Penetration and 10% increased nano proc chance!

    Weapon Types
    Assault Rifle, Bolt Action Repeater, HP-6 Wolfhound, SMG, PS-30 Slugger, SAW, and Charge Blade.

    Jackpot weapons have all new radiation themed skins to suit the Nuclear Winter event.

    Radiation Themed Skins

    Feel the burn of Nuclear Winter from now through January 30!

    The Defiance Team

    Join the discussion about Nuclear Winter on our forums!

    Save 25 % on Solstice Strike Supply Crates!

    Originally published at

    Save 25% on the Solstice Strike Supply Crates from now until 11:59 AM PST (7:59 PM GMT) on Monday, January 9th. New Hibernal manufactured weapons get +30% Full Damage Radius!

    Our newest Synergy: Hibernal Barrage
    [1] Reduce the range at which explosives hit you by 25%
    [2] -15% Reload
    [3] +10% Damage
    [4] On Full Reload or Explosive Kill, +45% Movespeed and 10% Life and Shield Steal for 5s (Cooldown: 10s)

    Act today, these Supply Crates are gone Monday!

    Discuss the Ravenous Consumption Supply Crate Sale on our forums.

    Defiance Livestream: January 27 at 11:30 AM PST (7:30 PM GMT)

    Originally published at


    Join us on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel at 11:30 AM PST (7:30 PM GMT)! This week we’ll talk about the upcoming Colony Courtship event, get a sneak peek at some new weapon skins, answer your questions, and do lots of giveaways!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, January 27th at 11:30 AM PST (7:30 PM GMT)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    We can’t wait to see you there, ark hunters!

    Save 25% on Devastation Cyber Rigs All Weekend Long!

    Originally published at

    Starting right now through 11:59 AM PST (7:59 PM GMT) on Monday you will save 25% off the purchase price of Devastation Cyber Rigs!

    Devastation Cyber Rig Sale

    Start: Friday, January 27, 12:00 PM PST (Noon)
    End: Monday, January 30, 11:59 AM PST

    Load up and roll out, ark hunters!
    Discuss this sale on our forums.

    Save 25 % on Isotropic Decay Supply Crates!

    Originally published at

    Save 25% on the Isotropic Decay Supply Crates from now until 11:59 AM PST (7:59 PM GMT) on Monday, February 6th. U-238 manufactured weapons have 10% Armor Penetration and 10% increased nano proc chance!

    New Synergy: Isotropic Decay
    [1] +17% Accuracy and -17% Recoil
    [2] -17% Reload
    [3] +17% Crit
    [4] +17% Damage

    Act today, these Supply Crates are gone Monday!

    Colony Courtship: Hellbug Love is in the Air until February 27!

    Originally published at

    It’s Valentine’s Day once again! You know what that means, Ark Hunters! Love and freaky pheromones are in the air, as Hellbugs of the New Frontier begin their annual Colony Courtship from now until February 27!

    You’ll need to defend yourself with all this Hellbug courtship chaos going on. The kind manufacturers of the Bay area are very happy to help out.

    New Synergy: Mutagenic Gestation
    [1] Being hit by an opponent increases your movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds. (Cooldown:10s)
    [2] +20% Mag
    [3] +10% Life and Shield Steal
    [4] On hit, +20% damage and rate of fire for 5s. Also triggers a random hellbug nano chain eruption (Cooldown: 10s)

    EVO is a powerful new weapon manufacturer. EVO manufactured weapons reduce incoming damage taken by 5%!

    As Colony Courtship Arkfalls crash to earth, keep a sharp eye out for Majors! They offer a chance at the new Jackpot weapons listed below – brought to you because we all know that Hellbug love bites.

    • Saprophyte – Blast Rifle
    • Aculeata – Blaster Pistol
    • Metamorph – Tachmag Pulser
    • Hematophagous – Chango Fragger
    • Encephalitis – Mazu Disruptor
    • Chrysalis – Canker
    • Caustic Venom – Blast Bolter

    New Skins!

    All Jackpots for Colony Courtship come with brand new skins! The skins change color based on the nano of the weapon. These brand new skins are inspired by the Hellbugs they are built to destroy.

    A new pursuit has been added called “Cull the Swarm”. Complete it during the Colony Courtship event to receive a special reward: epic jackpot weapon “Parasite” (Fragger) and the title “Mutated”.

    We love it when a bundle comes together. Join the B-Squad which is kind of like a team, but just different enough. Pick up the B-Squad Pack and unlock a gorgeous van and much more!

    • RM Renegade “B-Squad” Van
    • Epic EVO Nano Fragger with Mutagenic Gestation synergy
    • Bubblegum Killer outfit
    • “B-Squad” Title

    What’s not to love about this event?

    Discuss this article on our official forums!

    Defiance Livestream: February 24 at 11:30 AM PST (7:30 PM GMT)

    Originally published at


    Join us on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel at 11:30 AM PST (7:30 PM GMT)! This week we’ll talk about the upcoming Armistice event, answer your questions, and do plenty of giveaways!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, February 24th at 11:30 AM PST (7:30 PM GMT)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    We can’t wait to see you there, ark hunters!

    Defiance Armistice Livestream Recap – Feb. 24, 2017

    Originally published at

    Hello ark hunters!

    Did you miss the Defiance dev livestream on Friday? Fear not – we recorded it! We’re living in an amazing era of technology like that.

    Speaking of amazing technology, check out this bad mama jamma coming to Defiance during the upcoming Armistice event!

    Topics this week:

    • Colony Courtship ends on February 27th
    • B-Squad Bundle is going away with CC so get it while you can!
    • Armistice is coming soon and lasts 4 weeks

    It was a great show, so be sure to check out the replay to get all the latest on the amazing new weapons coming with Armistice this year!

    We’ll see you in the New Frontier!

    Save 25 % on Mutagenic Gestation Supply Crates!

    Originally published at

    Save 25% on the Mutagenic Gestation Supply Crates from now until 11:59 AM PST (7:59 PM GMT) on Monday, March 6th. EVO is a powerful new weapon manufacturer. EVO manufactured weapons reduce incoming damage taken by 5%!

    Synergy: Mutagenic Gestation
    [1] Being hit by an opponent increases your movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds. (Cooldown:10s)
    [2] +20% Mag
    [3] +10% Life and Shield Steal
    [4] On hit, +20% damage and rate of fire for 5s. Also triggers a random hellbug nano chain eruption (Cooldown: 10s)

    Act today, these Supply Crates are gone Monday!

    Discuss this sale on our forums!

    Celebrate Armistice Now!

    Originally published at

    Armistice is the celebration that followed the end of the Pale Wars in the year 2031 – this year the celebration is bigger than ever!

    Each week of this month long event will see the return of 3 previous holiday events from the past year running side by side! During these events, loot will drop from the same type as the previous year. In the fourth week we’ll bring back the 3 most wanted events as chosen by you! Vote now!
    March 6, 2017

    • Solstice Strike
    • Nuclear Winter
    • Midsummer Mutiny

    March 13, 2017

    • Hulker Hell
    • Neo Votanis Freebooters
    • New Frontier Harvest

    March 20, 2017

    • Rolling Blackout
    • Colony Courtship
    • 99 problems

    March 27, 2017

    • Based on your votes we’ll bring any three of these events back again to round out the Armistice celebration!

    If that wasn’t enough, while each event is active, all lockboxes that correspond to that event will also be available in the Defiance store for 25% off!

    Just in case you thought we couldn’t fit any more awesome into one month, think again – we’re just getting started!

    Witness the return of Defiant Few Reputation Jackpots! Each box costs 1,000 DF Rep and will reward you with one, untradable, random Jackpot from any of the 9 previous events from the past year. Each Daily and Weekly Contract for Defiant Few will give a big batch of reputation.

    Jackpot types in the Armament Lockbox: Mass Cannon, Big Boomer, Blast Rifle, Tachmag Pulser, Wolfhound, Invader, Stingray, Berserker, SAW, SS-2 Ranger, Fragger, Derailer, Mazu Blast Rifle, Heavy Scattergun.

    Get your hands on a brand new lockbox from the Defiance store (only available during Armistice), the Premium Armament Lockbox. These boxes feature two new backpack synergies, 13 JP weapons, and 4 JP shields! They can be purchased directly from the Defiance Store. You can also pick up the non-premium version Armament Lockboxes for Reputation from every rep vendor but the Defiant Few!

    New Backpack Synergies

    Assault Armament
    [1] On Dodge Roll, +30% Movement Speed for 5s (Cooldown: 15s)
    [2] +15% Nano-Proc Chance / +10% Rate of Fire / +10% Damage
    [3] On Kill, +5% Damage for 10s (Max Stacks: 5)

    Guard Armament
    [1] Being hit by an opponent reduces damage taken by 10% for 5s (Cooldown: 15s)
    [2] +10% Nano Resistance / +15% Reload / +10% Lifesteal
    [3] On Dodge Roll, gain 3 ablative armor and +15% Damage for 10 seconds (Cooldown: 15s)

    If you remember our very popular Black Friday Bargain Box from last year, it’s back in action but with a new name – the Armistice Bargain Box. Get tons of loot for a super low price! The Jackpot pool has been updated with new Jackpots. 2 new weapons and 2 new shields replace the previous super rare loot.

    Armistice Bargain Box

    The super rare weapons from the Armistice Bargain Box have to be seen to be believed. Seriously, these will blow your mind!

    • Sol Destroyer is a highly modified BMG that fires an extremely powerful particle beam to deal MASSIVE DAMAGE!
    • Apocalypse isn’t just a clever name. This is a Nuclear Rocket Launcher. We’ll let that sink in for a moment. You’ll need to charge this weapon up to unleash the full fury of the mushroom cloud of destruction.

    The Armistice Bargain Box is only available during the weekends so there are just 8 days during the month that you can pick these up.

    Come celebrate Armistice with us and post your three favorite events down below! Let your voice be heard and help shape the festivities!

    Join the Armistice discussion on our forums.

    Defiance Livestream: March 24 at 11:30 AM PST (7:30 PM GMT)

    Originally published at


    Join us on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel at 11:30 AM PST (7:30 PM GMT)! This week we’ll talk about Event Horizon, answer your questions, and do plenty of giveaways!

    Have questions for the dev team? Ask them here!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, March 24th at 11:30 AM PDT (7:30 PM GMT)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    We can’t wait to see you there, ark hunters!

    Defiance Armistice Anniversary Gifts

    Originally published at

    Ark hunters,

    Armistice is taking the celebration to a new level with special prizes for players who stop in to celebrate with us!

    Every ark hunter who logs into Defiance for the final weekend of Armistice will receive 3 days of Patron status!

    Login any time between 12PM PDT on Friday, March 31st and 12AM PDT on Monday, April 3rd to receive the Patron time.

    But wait, there’s more! Every ark hunter that logged in between 10AM PDT (5PM GMT) on February 21, 2017 and 10AM PDT (5PM GMT) on March 28, 2017 will also receive 30 Inventory slots. You’ll receive the extra slots even if you’re at the max inventory cap! Be sure to login to Defiance on the character you want to receive the extra Inventory slots until they are unlocked. Any anniversary gifts sent to eligible players will be found in your claims.

    It’s also your last chance to stock up on Armistice Bargain Boxes and enjoy the ongoing Armistice event.

    Armistice Bargain Box

    Some of the biggest clans in Defiance are running events and giving out special prizes during this 4 year anniversary weekend.

    Return to the New Frontier and join us for the finale of the biggest celebration of the year!

    Discuss this special anniversary event on our forums!

    Defiance Event Horizon Livestream Recap – March 24, 2017

    Originally published at

    Hello ark hunters!

    Did you miss the Defiance dev livestream on Friday? Fear not – we recorded it! We’re living in an amazing era of technology like that.

    Speaking of amazing technology, check out this gorgeous new skin coming in the Event Horizon event starting on April 3rd!

    Topics this week:

    • Event Horizon
    • Gorgeous new weapon skins!
    • Answers to your questions

    It was a great show, so be sure to check out the replay to get all the latest on Event Horizon!

    We’ll see you in the New Frontier!

    There’s No Escaping the Event Horizon!

    Originally published at

    On April 3rd the New Frontier was thrust into the Event Horizon! This all new Defiance event pits ark hunters from all over the world against a deadly roster of syphon-focused enemies.

    New Synergy: Ether Acceleration

    [1] +7.5% Ammo pool regen / 10s
    [2] +15% Reload
    [3] Damaging an enemy applies particle overload for 15s (Cooldown: 0.5 s). Particle overload increases damage taken by 2.5% (Max Stacks: 10)
    [4] Applying particle overload to an enemy improves accuracy, recoil, and rate of fire by 2.5% for 7.5s (Max Stacks: 10)

    Accelerated manufactured weapons grant +10% Nano Proc Chance and 5% Life and Shield Steal.

    Weapon Types
    Mass Blaster (NEW X3 shot pistol), Slagger (NEW Rapid fire Slugger), Blast Rifle, Pulser, HP-A Wolfhound (Full-Auto), Auto Sniper Rifle (Full Auto), LM-43 Thunder

    Jackpot Weapons

    New Bundle – Voyager Pack

    • RM Nomad V6 “Nebula” vehicle
    • Legendary Accelerated Bombardier with brand new skin
    • “Voyager” Title

    Voyager Pack

    All jackpots will have a gorgeous new skin that’s out of this world! The intergalactic vortex look is all the rage throughout the entire Bay Area.

    Event Horizon Skins

    Come right up to the edge and gaze into the Event Horizon from April 3 through April 24!

    Join the Event Horizon discussion on our forums.

    Defiance Livestream: April 21 at 11:30 AM PDT (6:30 PM GMT)

    Originally published at

    Join us on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel at 11:30 AM PDT (6:30 PM GMT)! This week we’ll talk about the new Outbreak event, answer your questions, and do plenty of giveaways!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, April 21st at 11:30 AM PDT (7:30 PM GMT)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    We can’t wait to see you there, ark hunters!

    Ether Acceleration Sale – 25% Off

    Originally published at

    Save 25% on the Ether Acceleration Supply Crates from now until 11:59 AM PDT (6:59 PM GMT) on Monday, May 1st. Accelerated is a powerful new weapon manufacturer that creates weapons that grant +10% Nano Proc Chance and 5% Life and Shield Steal!

    Synergy: Ether Acceleration
    [1] +7.5% Ammo pool regen / 10s
    [2] +15% Reload
    [3] Damaging an enemy applies particle overload for 15s (Cooldown: 0.5 s). Particle overload increases damage taken by 2.5% (Max Stacks: 10)
    [4] Applying particle overload to an enemy improves accuracy, recoil, and rate of fire by 2.5% for 7.5s (Max Stacks: 10)
    Act today, these Supply Crates are gone Monday!

    Discuss this sale on our forums!

    Defiance Outbreak

    Originally published at

    An Outbreak of biohazards has infected the New Frontier in this all new event!

    This biologically-themed event pits ark hunters against a flurry of fever infested foes in a fight for survival. Defeat diseased defilers and hulkers at brand new arkfalls to collect all new loot.

    New Synergy: Cleansing Napalm
    [1] On enemy armor break, 2% ammo regen (Cooldown: 3s)
    [2] On enemy armor break, gain 3 ablative armor for 10 seconds. (15s cooldown)
    [3] +15% Damage
    [4] Applies a napalm effect which burns and slows the target for 3s increasing health and plate damage taken (Cooldown: 6s)

    New Weapon Manufacturer
    CDC manufactured weapons +10% Nano Proc Chance and 10% Armor Durability Damage!

    Weapon Types

    Assault Carbine, Northstar Striker (NEW), Big Boomer, Nomad SMG, Mass Cannon, Purgatory, and Afflictor.

    We hope you’ve had your shots because this Outbreak is running wild from May 1st until May 22nd!

    The Defiance Team

    Share your thoughts on the Outbreak event on this forum thread.

    Defiance Livestream: May 19 at 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 AM GMT)

    Originally published at


    Join us on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel at 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 AM GMT)! This week we’ll talk about the brand-new Hot Crazy Summer event, answer your questions, and do plenty of giveaways!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, May 19 at 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 AM GMT)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    See you there Ark Hunters!

    Cleansing Napalm Sale – 25% Off!

    Originally published at

    Save 25% on the Cleansing Napalm Supply Crates from now until 11:59 AM PDT (6:59 PM GMT) on Monday, May 29. This crate contains the new CDC manufactured weapons, which have +10% Nano Proc Chance and 10% Armor Durability Damage!

    Synergy: Cleansing Napalm

    [1] On enemy armor break, 2% ammo regen (Cooldown: 3s)
    [2] On enemy armor break, gain 3 ablative armor for 10 seconds. (15s cooldown)
    [3] +15% Damage
    [4] Applies a napalm effect which burns and slows the target for 3s increasing health and plate damage taken (Cooldown: 6s)

    Discuss this sale on our forums!

    Outbreak Returns + Bonus Loyalty!

    Originally published at

    The Outbreak event returns for an extra week along with bonus Loyalty rewards!

    From now until 10:00 AM PDT (5:00 PM GMT) on Monday, June 5, the Outbreak event will return for an extra week along with a chance to grab some bonus Loyalty. Purchase the following from the Defiance store and get rewarded!

    – 2x Loyalty

    Patron Passes:
    – 15 day: 4 Loyalty
    – 30 day: 8 Loyalty
    – 90 day: 36 Loyalty
    – 180 day: 72 Loyalty

    – 10 Loyalty

    – 50 AF: 1 Loyalty
    – 300 AF: 8 Loyalty
    – 500 AF: 18 Loyalty

    Inventory Slots:
    – 5: 1 Loyalty
    – 10: 3 Loyalty
    – 15: 5 Loyalty

    – 5 Loyalty

    – 1 Loyalty

    Note: If Loyalty does not appear immediately, it will be available in claims within 1-2 minutes.

    Take advantage of this deal while you can, Ark Hunters!

    Get Ready for a Hot & Crazy Summer!

    Originally published at

    Summer has officially arrived in Defiance!

    From June 5 – June 26, the New Frontier heats up as enemies wielding incendiary weapons threaten to leave destruction and mayhem in their wake.

    New Synergy: Hot Streak

    [1] On kill or full reload, 2% ammo regen (Cooldown: 3s)
    [2] On kill or full reload, gain 15% rate of fire for 10s (Cooldown: 10s)
    [3] +15% Damage
    [4] Gain ‘Hot Streak’ for 10s after 3 kills or 3 full reloads within 15s  (Cooldown: 15s)  Hot Streak grants an overcharge and blur-like effect.

    New Weapon Manufacturer: HOT

    HOT manufactured weapons grant an additional 10% Nano Proc Chance and 10% health damage! Every HOT weapon will have this innate bonus.

    Weapon Types:

    Blast Rifle, Tachmag Pulser, Chango Fragger, Blaster, Quick Repeater, Canker, Auto Lobber

    New Bundle: Falconer Pack

    This brand-new pack contains:

    • New Hoverbike: TMW Falcon Red/Black
    • Corporate Valentine Outfit
    • HOT Blaster Hatcher
    • “Falconer” Title
    • 18 Loyalty

    Only the bravest Ark Hunters can battle the flames and protect the frontier from total annihilation. Suit up and stay frosty!

    Discuss this event and check out the full patch notes on our official forums!

    Defiance Livestream: June 16 at 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 PM GMT)

    Originally published at


    Join us on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel on Friday, June 16 at 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 PM GMT)! This week we’ll talk about the upcoming Ex Inanis update, answer your questions, and do plenty of giveaways!

    Defiance Livestream
    Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, June 16 at 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 PM GMT)
    Duration: 30-45 minutes

    See you there Ark Hunters!

    Defiance Summer Sale!

    Originally published at

    Summer is here, and to celebrate we’re offering special discounts on some of our most popular bundles! 

    • Defiance Gold Edition – 60% off (PC only)
    • Defiance Havoc T.I.T.A.N. Bundle – 65% off
    • Defiance Obliterator T.I.T.A.N. Bundle – 50% off
    • Defiance Sentinel T.I.T.A.N. Bundle – 50% off

    These deals will only be available until July 5, so take advantage of them while you can!

    Arrival of the Ex Inanis!

    Originally published at

    The winds of change sweep across the New Frontier, providing you more opportunities to play your way and acquire the loot you want!

    The Ex Inanis

    A mysterious faction of the Gulanee calling themselves “Ex Inanis” have appeared and seek a new resource: Purified Gulanite. In exchange for this new currency, Ex Inanis vendors offer loot boxes that contain your favorite synergies and mods! Purified Gulanite is obtained from a number of different sources:

    • Expeditions
    • Emergencies
    • Sieges
    • Arkfalls
    • Contracts

    Also, all of the boxes sold by these vendors will have premium versions available on the store. Premium versions will:

    • Always contain Epic loot or better
    • Have a much higher chance to drop Legendary mods or weapons
    • Have a much higher chance to drop Perfected Weapons

    No matter what you choose to do, you’ll be able to acquire Purified Gulanite and purchase the specific loot boxes you want! Now more than ever, you’ll be able to build an arsenal tailored to your specific playstyle.


    This enigmatic Gulanee, who is rumored to be the leader Ex Inanis, has been seen in a few emergencies in Paradise. He is wily though, and will remain for only 2 minutes after the emergency has ended. During this time, you will be able to purchase the following items from him in exchange for Purified Gulanite:

    • Jackpot Weapons – Available weapons will rotate each week
    • Perfected Weapon Box – Contains one Perfected Weapon
    • Legendary Mod Box – Contains one Legendary Mod

    Seek out this mysterious broker to get the best loot in the game!

    Perfected Weapons

    New weapons known as Perfected Weapons replace the old jackpot structure. Weapons within certain synergies have a chance to roll a perfected version, which will contain one of 3 different manufacturer bonuses:

    • Dynamic: +10% Increased Damage, +5% Rate of Fire / Crit / Reload / Mag / Recoil / Accuracy
    • Precise: +10% Increased Damage, +10% Crit / Reload / Accuracy
    • Berserk: +10% Increased Damage, +10% Rate of Fire / Mag / Recoil

    These new Perfected Weapons will roll with random bonus stats, and will always be Legendary. In addition, we have added MORE weapon types to some of the most popular synergies. The first three synergies that are receiving new weapon types are:

    • Plate Slicer
    • Spinal Tap
    • Sustained Suppression

    Old synergy boxes had only 7 different weapon types, but these will have up to 51! This means you have access to even more combinations of your favorite weapons & synergies to utilize in whatever way you choose. All Perfected Weapons will also drop from these weapon types.

    Bonus: Daily Login Rewards for 4th of July Weekend!

    As a special bonus, we’ll be providing 250 Purified Gulanite per day to players who log in from 6/30 – 7/05. Each day resets at 10:00 AM PT (5:00 PM GMT). Take advantage of this special 4th of July bonus and start collecting Purified Gulanite today!

    You can find the full patch notes for this latest update on our official forums!

    Hot Streak Sale – 25% Off!

    Originally published at

    Save 25% on the Hot Streak Supply Crates from now until 11:59 AM PDT (6:59 PM GMT) on Monday, July 3. This crate contains the new HOT manufactured weapons, which grant an additional 10% Nano Proc Chance and 10% health damage!

    Synergy: Hot Streak

    [1] On kill or full reload, 2% ammo regen (Cooldown: 3s)
    [2] On kill or full reload, gain 15% rate of fire for 10s (Cooldown: 10s)
    [3] +15% Damage
    [4] Gain ‘Hot Streak’ for 10s after 3 kills or 3 full reloads within 15s  (Cooldown: 15s)  Hot Streak grants an overcharge and blur-like effect.

    Discuss this sale on our forums!

    Midsummer Mutiny returns July 10th!

    Originally published at

    Midsummer Mutiny returns to the New Frontier on July 10th! Celebrate the spirit of independence by battling through a storm of Dark Matter arkfalls to pick up Purified Gulanite and unlock these Midsummer Mutiny titles: “Sol Survivor,” “Zenith Crusader,” and for our Patrons, “Midsummer Knight.”

    Use the Purified Gulanite currency at the Ex Inanis vendors to get loot boxes that hold your favorite mods and synergies. Get more info on the Ex Inanis here.

    They may take our Purified Gulanite, but they’ll never take OUR FREEDOM!

    Talk about the return of Midsummer Mutiny on our forums.

    Solstice Strike – Christmas in August?!

    Originally published at

    Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate the holidays!

    Starting August 7, the Solstice Strike event returns, bringing with it fierce battles against the Volge. Earn Purified Gulanite fighting off hordes of Volge in a winter wonderland landscape!

    Also, don’t forget to pick up the Frostbringer Pack for legendary Naughty and Nice weapons, the Frostbringer title, and a van rocking epic Abominable Warmaster panel art!

    Winter Van

    Don’t wait, this special summer-edition of Solstice Strike ends on August 21!

    Discuss this event on our forums.

    New Cyber Rig: Electrocutioner!

    Originally published at

    An electrifying new Cyber Rig crate is coming to the New Frontier, which features a new jackpot Cyber Rig and chip!

    New Cyber Rig: Electrocutioner

    [70] Disruptor

    • +10% Shield Damage

    [120] Accelerated Reloader

    • On enemy shield break, -25% Reload for 5s. (Cooldown: 10s)

    [170] Damage

    • +10% Damage

    [220] Electrocutioner

    • On hit electrocute an enemy for 3s. Electrocuted enemies are stunned and take increased shield damage. (Cooldown: 6s)

    Every jackpot Cyber Rig obtained from the Electrocutioner Cyber Rig supply crate will come with 15 randomly pre-filled legendary Cyber Chips, which will also have a chance to be supreme as well!

    New Keystone Chip: Munition Amplifier

    • +15% Shield Damage

    Lastly, all Cyber Chips will now be tradable, making it even easier to customize your rig the way you want!

    The new Cyber Rig crate hits the Defiance store on August 15. Discuss this on our official forums!

    Ex Inanis Supply Crate Rotation + New Synergy: Parasitic Impetus!

    Originally published at

    Today, Wednesday, September 6th, the Ex Inanis Supply Crates rewards will be rotating out, and new weapons and synergies will arrive!

    In addition to the Saturnalia and Nano Volatility Force synergies, the new supply crates will also contain a brand new synergy called Parasitic Impetus.

    New Synergy: Parasitic Impetus

    [1] Damaging an enemy increases movement speed by 30% for 5s (Cooldown: 10s)
    [2] -15% Reload
    [3] +15% Damage
    [4] On dodge roll, gain parasitic contagion for 10s (Cooldown: 15s). Parasitic contagion grants +15% life/shield steal and causes munitions to infect enemies. Infected enemies take an additional 7% damage and spawn shrill feeders when killed. Feeder attacks spread the infection.

    Get the full patch notes for the Ex Inanis Synergy update.

    Discuss this update on our official forums!

    Trion Worlds’ Extra Life Day is October 13th, 2017! Help US Help Kids!

    Originally published at

    Every Year, Trion Worlds participates in the Extra Life event, a charity campaign devoted to raising funds for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals. 2017 marks our 7th year participating as a company, and we couldn’t be more excited!

    This year, there’s TWO new things you’ll want to know.

    First, this year Trion Worlds has a Super Team. This means that both individuals can sign up to help us reach our goal and earn awesome prizes AND teams can do the same! That’s right: you can be on your own team with friends or family, and it will still contribute to the Trion cause.

    You can join Team Trion by clicking HERE:

    Second, is that Trion Worlds’ official Extra Life this year is on October 13th, 2017 – a special 24 hour block scheduled just for US… and all of you! This year, the festivities start at our normal RIFT livestream time, 11:30 AM Pacific, and will run the full 24 hours until 11:30 AM Pacific on October 14th right at home on Twitch:

    Marko, Keetsie, and a mystery guest during Extra Life 2016.

    As with previous years, you’ll see ALL of our games during this mega-stream: RIFT, ArcheAge, Defiance, Trove, Devilian and Atlas Reactor! The Trion Worlds Community Team will be on the stream, plus some dev guest stars and Creator Program streamers!

    We’ll have more information regarding prizes and scheduling in the next few weeks.

    Over the last seven years, we’ve raised over $350k for Extra Life, and there’s no way we could do it without players like you.

    Join our Trion Extra Life team TODAY and let’s make a difference in a child’s life.

    The Trion Worlds Community Team

    Discuss this article on our forums.

    99 Problems Event 9/25 – 10/9

    Originally published at

    For a limited time, enter the fray against 99ers and Grid for fun and glory!

    From Monday, September 25, 2017 at 10:00 AM PDT / 1:00 PM EDT / 5:00 PM UTC until Monday, October 9, 2017 at 9:59 AM PDT / 12:59 PM EDT / 4:59 PM UTC, attack 99ers and Grid. This limited-time event brings you encounters not normally available. Additionally, these encounters will yield additional Purified Gulanite.

    So, get off the Grid and start working on 99 solutions, Arkhunter!

    Extra Life 2017 Rewards – Prepare for October 13th!

    Originally published at

    Trion Gamers,

    Save the date! Our 7th annual Extra Life event begins on October 13th at 11:30am PT, where we’ll be streaming for a full 24 hours at our regular home on Twitch:!

    Help us help sick kids by joining Team Trion TODAY. By joining up, any money you raise goes towards your chosen Children’s Miracle Network hospital. Friends and family can sponsor your day of marathon gaming for an amazing cause.

    As an added bonus for your hard work and good deeds, go to our Extra Life page to see the list of rewards you can earn for fundraising, also featured below!

    Wait…There’s More!

    Of course, that’s not all! We’ve got Corgi rifts running in RIFT and a new title “The Generous” for playing for 24 hours! Devilian has a special Halo up for grabs for playing for 24 hours, too.

    Our very own Kumar “Atronos” Daryani will be streaming Trove Creations work in one of the Trove blocks, accepting donations in exchange for YOUR item being made!

    We’ve got even more waiting for you, so we hope to see you on October 13th, ready to play and make a difference!

    The Trion Extra Lifers

    Hulker Hell Oct. 18-Nov. 1

    Originally published at

    In anticipation of Halloween, get ready to hunt Hulkers and win prizes!

    From Wednesday, October 18 until Wednesday, November 1, 2017 at 10:00 AM PDT/ 1:00 PM EDT / 5:00 PM UTC destroy Hulkers at Hulker Hell arkfalls to earn Purified Gulanite. This limited-time Hulker Hell event includes the following:

    • Hulker Hell Majors and Minors will be occurring all across Paradise!
    • Make your own Hulker Hell happen with the Drag Me to Hell Arkfall Summon when you own the Arkbreaker DLC.
    • Complete the Halloween pursuit to gain the Legacy Hacker Outfit.

    In addition to the Hulker Hell event, Cronus has a Halloween-themed contest, Spirit Festival 2017. From October 13/14, 2017 until November 1, 2017, submit a screenshot of your character at either an Extra Life Arkfall or a Hulker Hell Arkfall and post it here to be entered into a raffle. Players from all platforms can join the fun and earn great prizes! Plus, there will be a special Festival Marathon on October 28, 2017 beginning at 5:00 PM PDT / 8:00 PM EDT on PC/NA. For more details and all the rules, check out the official forum post here.

    Ex Inanis Supply Crate Rotation + New Synergy: Shearing Cascade

    Originally published at

    Check it out, Arkhunters! The Ex Inanis Supply Creates rewards are rotating out and will include an all-new synergy!

    Beginning Thursday, November 2, 2017 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST / 5:00 PM UTC, it’s out with the old and in with the new – synergies, that is. The Saturnalia, Nano Volatility Force, and Parasitic Impetus synergies will be removed. Instead, you’ll have access to the Eternal Presence and Sanguine Extraction synergies, as well as a brand-new new synergy called Shearing Cascade.

    New Synergy: Shearing Cascade

    [1] +25% armor plate damage
    [2] Taking damage has a chance to repair all plates (Cooldown: 30s)
    [3] On enemy armor break, 10% chance to fully reload your weapon (5s cooldown)
    [4] On enemy armor break, +5% damage for 5 seconds (Max Stacks: 5)

    Note that this will affect all Ex Inanis vendors and the Defiance store.

    New Frontier Harvest Returning 11/22

    Originally published at

    This Thanksgiving, get your turkeys ready for the New Frontier Harvest event!

    Starting Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST / 6:00 PM UTC and going through the following Wednesday, November 29, 2017 at 9:59 AM PST / 12:59 PM EST / 5:59 PM UTC, pig out during the New Frontier Harvest event!

    “Reap the Harvest” Pursuit

    The pursuit, “Reap the Harvest” awards an epic jackpot: Depravity (Sludge Rocket Launcher) and the “Glutton” title.

    Celebrate Turkey Day the Defiance way – doing donuts in the post-apocalyptic wilderness while blasting your way through an endless supply of maniacal monstrosities! Be sure to keep an eye on the Defiance store for the biggest sales of the year, too!

    Black Friday Savings

    Originally published at

    Defiance Black Friday

    Black Friday is here and boy, do we have some great deals for YOU! From Friday, November 24th until Friday, December 1, 2017, save big on the following…

    Limited Edition Ex Inanis Black Friday Boxes

    For one week only, visit Iron Demon Ranch to find some desperate En Inanis Runners who are selling special caches for PG OR BITS! There are two types of caches, and they contain the following items:

    • A legendary mod from a specific weapon type AND specific synergy
    • A perfected weapon from a specific weapon type AND specific synergy

    Brand-New Cerberus Pack

    The all-new Cerberus Pack includes the following items:

    • Cerberus Assault Vehicle: Vehicle equipped with a rear-mounted turret and passenger rocket system
    • Echinda Weapon: Light Machine Gun (Radiation Nano) designed to mimic the Cerberus Turret
    • Typhon Weapon: Rocket Launcher (Incendiary Nano) designed to mimic the passenger rocket system
      • Both weapons have the Synergy: Hound of Hades [2] Kills reload 25% of your stowed weapon’s clip (Cooldown: 3s)

    Limited-Edition Black Friday Bargain Box

    Get a chance at rare Defiance items at super low bit costs! Plus, each 100 pack of these limited-edition Black Friday Bargain Boxes contains a free jackpot.

    Titan Bundles & Gold Edition Sale

    Both Titan Bundles and Gold Edition are on sale for up to 65% off!

    Happy holidays, Ark Hunters!

    Solstice Strike Returns 12/11 – 1/1

    Originally published at

    Beginning Monday, December 11, 2017 at 10:00 AM PST / 6:00 PM UTC and running through Monday, January 1, 2018 at 10:00 AM PST / 6:00 PM UTC, enjoy the happiest time of year in the New Frontier!

    It doesn’t matter if you’re naughty or nice, get ready to battle with the Volge and hunt down the Abominable Warmaster in special summoned Major Arkfalls in the seasonal Solstice Strike event. And, don’t forget, the Solstice Slayer Solstice Strike pursuit is back this year! It can net you an epic jackpot of an SO2 Courier, which can be upgraded to supreme!

    Don’t delay! Solstice Strike melts away on January 1, 2018. You won’t want to miss the festive action!

    Big Holiday Savings

    Originally published at

    Defiance Holiday Sale

    Starting this Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 10:00 AM PST / 6:00 PM UTC and going through Wednesday, January 3, 2018 at 10:00 AM PST / 6:00 PM UTC, get awesome deals in Defiance!

    Log In and Win!

    All players who log in between now and January 4, 2018 at 11:59 PM PST will be entered to win a MASSIVE arsenal of lethal and advanced Jackpots from Defiance’s past Bargain Boxes, including:

    • Sol Destroyer – Weapon/BMG
    • Apocalypse – Weapon/ Rocket Launcher
    • Mayhem Barrier – Shield
    • Mobile Fortress – Shield
    • Celestial Wrath – Weapon / Rocket Launcher
    • Omnipotence – Weapon / Minigun
    • Savage Canopy – Shield
    • Quantum Garrison – Shield
    • APS Vagabond – Vehicle / Armored Truck

    There will be one winner per platform (PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation® 3), meaning a total of three lucky players will be walking away with a whole squad’s worth of weapons, shields, and vehicles.

    Want to maximize your chances? Every day you log in is another entry, so keeping logging in to get more chances to win!

    Xbox 360 and PlayStation® 3 players must have a Trion Glyph account linked to their console account to be eligible to enter. You can link your account when you first log in to the game.

    To create a new Trion Glyph account, click here.

    To learn more about account linking, click here.

    To read the full rules and conditions, click here.

    All Platform Holiday Sales (Defiance In-Game Store)

    Bundles of Joy

    We’ve got bundles for you, you, and YOU!

    • Havoc T.I.T.A.N. Bundle – 65% off
    • Obliterator T.I.T.A.N. Bundle – 50% off
    • Sentinel T.I.T.A.N. Bundle – 50% off
    • T.I.T.A.N. Augment Box – 75% off

    Steam Bundle Sale

    We didn’t leave our Steam players out in the cold. You get a great sale, too! The following bundles will be available at a deep discount on Steam beginning December 21, 2017 at approximately 10:00 AM PST:

    • Sentinal Titan Bundle – 50% off
    • Oblitherator Titan Bundle – 50% off
    • Havoc Titan Bundle – 65% off

    Glory Drivers

    All Defiance vehicles are on sale for 50% off!

    Look as Jolly as You Feel

    All appearance items (outfits and headgear) are on sale for a whopping 50% off. This includes the following previous Vanity packs:

    • Frostbringer
    • Arctic Assassin
    • Wreck the Halls
    • Abominable Warmaster
    • Frontier Loyalist

    Bling Bling

    Get the Defiance Gold Edition for 60% off (in-game store only)! Get the Defiance Gold Edition for 60% off on Steam beginning on December 21, 2017 at approximately 10:00 AM PST. You can also get the Defiance Gold Edition for 60% off on PlayStation® 3 beginning December 21, 2017 (NA) and December 22, 2017 (EU). And finally, if you’re on Xbox 360, we’ve got you covered, too! Get the Defiance Gold Edition for 60% off on Xbox 360 beginning December 22, 2017.

    Stocking Stuffers

    Get Cyber Rig Crates for 50% off!

    New Ex Inanis Bargain Boxes

    The Ex Inanis have upgraded the Bargain Boxes! These new Ex Inanis Bargain Boxes contain Mod and Weapon Synergy combinations never seen before. Load up on Weapons or Mods you may be missing from the Black Friday Ex Inanis vendors. Each box contains a chance at perfected weapons or legendary mods!

    It’s the Little Things

    All convenience items are on sale for 50% off, too!


    These deals won’t last! Enjoy all the festivities of the Solstice Strike holiday and these great savings before the magic is gone on January 3, 2018.

    Holiday Login to Win Sweepstakes Update!

    Originally published at

    Defiance Holiday Sale

    Over the holidays, Defiance games hosted a Login to Win Sweepstakes. Here’s the update you’ve been waiting for!

    From December 13, 2017 until January 4, 2018, we asked our NA and EU players to login to our games for a chance to win a treasure trove of sweet loot! Each daily login counted towards an extra entry.

    Here’s what the winners will get:

    • One winner per platform (three total) will win a MASSIVE arsenal of lethal and advanced Jackpots from Defiance’s past Bargain Boxes, including:
      • Sol Destroyer – Weapon/BMG
      • Apocalypse – Weapon/ Rocket Launcher
      • Mayhem Barrier – Shield
      • Mobile Fortress – Shield
      • Celestial Wrath – Weapon / Rocket Launcher
      • Omnipotence – Weapon / Minigun
      • Savage Canopy – Shield
      • Quantum Garrison – Shield
      • APS Vagabond – Vehicle / Armored Truck

    Now…the winners have been chosen! We sent out emails to the winners earlier today (January 16, 2018). Check your mailboxes to see if you’re a winner! Once we’ve heard back from all the winners, we will update you on who won!

    Thank you for participating in our holiday sweepstakes and being an amazing part of our vibrant player community!

    Nuclear Winter and Merciless Onslaught Sale

    Originally published at

    Let’s start off 2018 with a bang, Nuclear Winter is back with a Merciless Onslaught Sale from Jan. 22 to 29!


    Nuclear Winter
    Eliminate irradiated ruffians at any arkfall to collect loot and light up the New Year with this radiation-themed event.


    Merciless Onslaught Sale:
    • Merciless Onslaught Cyber Rig Supply Crates 50% off
    • Arkforge Caches (500,300,50) 50% off


    Survive the Nuclear Winter event and earn rad rewards!


    The Defiance Team

    Join the discussion about Nuclear Winter on our forums!

    Colony Courtship: Hellbugs are here spreading love February 5 – 26!

    Originally published at

    Look out Ark Hunters, there’s a lovebug going around! Discover Colony Courtship Arkfalls, hunt Hellbugs, and collect Purified Gulanite from February 5th to 26th.

    Love is in the air for Valentine’s Day this month and Defiance is celebrating with our annual Colony Courtship event. Hellbugs are on the loose, so grab a partner and enter the heat of battle.

    Colony Courtship Event:

    • 100% XP boost
    • 100% Rep boost
    • 100% Score boost
    • 7 days of Patron (login once during the event to receive)

    Share the love with your friends!


    The Defiance Team


    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters!

    The hunt is on as Ex Inanis Supply Crate rewards are switching up and are adding an all-new synergy! Defiance is showing you some extra love this February 14th with the new Indomitable EGO Synergy. Ex Inanis Synergies have been updated to Indomitable EGO, Adaptive Augmentation, and Metagenic Gestation! Additionally, drop rates, Jackpots, and much more have been enhanced to show our appreciation to the community.


    New Synergy: Indomitable EGO

    [1] On kill or full reload, 3% ammo regen (Cooldown: 5s)

    [2] +8% EGO ability duration on kill (Cooldown: 5s)

    [3] +8% EGO ability recharge on full reload (Cooldown: 5s)

    [4] +16% Damage dealt while EGO ability is active


    Epic Enemy Drops

    All enemies now have a chance to drop an Epic+ weapon, shield, or mod! Feel the love and earn from a long list of epic backpack and mod Synergies.


    Double Legendary and Supreme drop rates from Ex Inanis Vendor and Expeditions

    Ex Inanis boxes and expedition tables have been updated to double Legendary and/or Supreme drop rates. That’s not all, the Ex Inanis Supply Crate has double the Perfected weapon drop rate as well!


    Reputation Vendor Jackpots
    A variety of Jackpots have been added to reputation vendors, plus all reputation Jackpot weapon prices have been reduced to 1,000 rep.


    Cyber Rig Supply Crate

    The Cyber Rig Supply Crate has doubled down on Legendary, Supreme, and Jackpot drop rates. Rare Chips from Cyber Rig Supply Crates have been taken out and a chance for any Jackpot Rig or Chip to drop has been added.


    New Iron Demon Ranch Vendor Boxes and Cerberus Pack Changes

    The Iron Demon Ranch Vendors now include Shearing Cascade and Parasitic Impetus boxes. Typhon, Echidna, and Cerberus Passenger rockets have gotten sweet improvements in the Cerberus Pack.


    Note that this will affect all Ex Inanis vendors and the Defiance store. Join our discussion on the forums and check out the patch notes!


    -The Defiance Team

    Defiance 2050 FAQ

    Originally published at

    Frequently asked questions and answers about the upcoming Defiance 2050 release. Sign up for Beta here!


    What is Defiance 2050?

    Defiance 2050 is a futuristic free to play online shooter set in an extraordinary post-apocalyptic world with advanced alien technology. Fight on your own or alongside friends as you explore and unlock powerful weapons with extensive skill and customization systems. Enjoy a stunning Defiance 2050 experience with modern graphics on the latest consoles and computer hardware.


    What platforms will Defiance 2050 be available on?

    Defiance 2050 will be coming to PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4! We’re as excited as you are to bring it to the next level.


    When will Defiance 2050 be released?

    Defiance 2050 is scheduled to launch in summer 2018. For the latest news and announcements, check the Defiance forums, Facebook, and Twitter.


    Will there be a beta test for Defiance 2050?

    Yes, sign up for Closed Beta here! We are looking to do a closed beta test before Defiance 2050 is released this summer. Be sure to keep an eye on your email as well as the Defiance forumsFacebook, and Twitter for invites.


    How much does the game cost?

    Defiance 2050 will launch as a tailored free to play experience with exciting new systems to explore. To expand your experience, we will also be offering a variety of optional purchasable items that are not tied to power.


    Will there be character data carried over from original Defiance?

    To thank the amazing Defiance community for their support, we’ll be offering some cool rewards in the lead up to Defiance 2050. Existing Defiance players will be able to take select rewards to Defiance 2050 with the Valor Program. Players who earned specific unique titles, such as “Old School”, will be able to transfer the title to their new character and show them off in Defiance 2050. Account based upgrades, like character and loadout slots, will be transferable as well.

    While Defiance players will be able to earn Valor for Defiance 2050, substantial changes in progression, mission structure, and the game’s economy prevent the transferring of characters and items between the original game and Defiance 2050. More details about the Valor Program will be shared soon.


    How can I check out the game?

    Tune in Fridays for the Defiance 2050 livestream from 10:30am – 11:20am PST on Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. The official Defiance 2050 trailer and Producer video are available on the Defiance YouTube channel and subscribe to see new content in the future! To play Defiance 2050 first hand, be sure to sign up for the Closed Beta coming soon.


    How is the gameplay different?

    Defiance 2050 is the fully uncompromised vision of the Defiance team, offering a wholly reimagined experience with brand new systems, gameplay mechanics, and cutting edge graphics that take advantage of what modern gaming hardware can provide. Defiance 2050 has been built as a complete free to play experience, and everything from the mission structure and weapons systems to character progression and purchasables has been updated and modernized, resulting in the definitive Defiance experience.


    Is Defiance 2050 cross-platform?

    Defiance 2050 can be played separately on PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4 and will not be cross-platform compatible.


    What languages does Defiance 2050 support?

    Defiance 2050 will be available in English, French, and German languages at launch this summer.


    Still have questions? Watch our Livestreams, forums and social media for more information! Join in and discuss on our Defiance forums to let us know your thoughts.

    Producer’s Letter: Defiance 2050 Announcement

    Originally published at

    Hey All,

    This is Matt “Destromathe” Pettit. You may know me as the Producer of Defiance, and today I’m excited to share some amazing news from the Defiance team that has been a long time coming!

    The team is gearing up to celebrate our 5th anniversary of working in the awesome Defiance universe, and this year is going to be different from other Defiance anniversaries. We’ve been working to take Defiance to a whole new level and fully reimagine what can be done with a massive online shooter game unlike any other. No single update or patch could accomplish this, so are taking Defiance into the future through a new experience.

    We call it… Defiance 2050.

    When talking about Defiance 2050, it’s important to know a bit about where the Defiance team has been, and how that leads into where we are headed in the future. After all, this new chapter in the Defiance saga was built to answer the biggest questions that the team was facing.

    How can we get the most people to enjoy this crazy massive world we have built? Simple, we put it on a new generation of hardware. Defiance 2050 will be available this summer on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. I‘ve wanted to announce that for what feels like forever!

    How will this experience be different? We cannot simply enter this new future without rewriting some of the past. New graphics and improved stability are made possible by this new generation of hardware, which will allow you to experience Paradise like never before. Nothing will be the same, as we are working to reinvent game changing systems. Take your own power and play how you want, with new levels of customization that will create entirely new ways to play Defiance.

    Since becoming a part of the Defiance team three years ago, I have discovered that so much of what Defiance is can only be described as completely unique – an experience that you cannot find anywhere else. Whether fighting in huge dynamic battles with dozens of friends or travelling across the huge terraformed world on your ATV with your clan members, the experience has been one that we all keep coming back to over the years, because it simply cannot be found anywhere else.

    So how do we stay true to what Defiance is all about? This was the easiest question to answer: we listen to all of YOU. Whether you are one of more than five million players who have played Defiance in the past or a new Ark Hunter eager to sink your teeth into the massive online world with your friends, this game would not be possible without you.

    That is why this time, Defiance 2050 will be a streamlined, AAA Free-to-Play experience, built from the ground up with players in mind and taking full advantage of recent advancements in the shooter genre. Everyone and anyone can log in and participate, and I am calling on all of you, new and old players, to come see the new experience that we are creating.

    Sign up for the Beta, which is coming SOON.

    Watch the video below for some exciting new footage, and keep your eyes out for some awesome future updates that the team and I will be putting out to show some of the amazing new systems coming your way.

    A new day for a new Defiance. Happy Ark Hunting!

    Matt “Destromathe” Pettit

    Defiance 2050 – Continue the Fight!

    Originally published at

    Defiance 2050 is coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC in summer 2018!

    We are thrilled to announce the next chapter in the Defiance universe will be coming this summer to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in a massive online sci-fi shooter we’re calling Defiance 2050. Continue the fight through the vast world of Defiance, reimagined for the current generation of gaming hardware. Check out what the Producer, Matt “Destromathe” Pettit, is excited to say in his Producer’s Letter and sign up for our upcoming Defiance 2050 Closed Beta this year!


    Defiance 2050 – Continue the Fight!

    Defiance 2050 is a futuristic online action shooter set in a post-apocalyptic sci-fi world filled with advanced alien technology. Team up with friends to engage in massive co-op battles, complete compelling story missions, and discover rare weapons and equipment. As you explore the reimagined Defiance universe, you’ll experience new gameplay systems for character progression, loadout customization, and much more! Want to know more? Take a look at the Defiance 2050 FAQ and check for news on the official forums, Twitter, and Facebook.


    Free to Play From the Start

    Defiance 2050 is being built as a free to play game, so everyone can explore the massive post-apocalyptic environment with cutting-edge graphics and new in-game systems. To expand your experience, we will also be offering a variety of optional purchasable cosmetics and items that are not tied to power, ensuring that all players are able to enjoy the Defiance 2050 experience on an even playing field.


    Transfers Between Defiance and Defiance 2050

    Defiance 2050 was built from the ground up to be the most enjoyable Defiance experience possible, with major overhauls to key systems, like progression and itemization, and various innovations being implemented. To do this, we had to ensure that the game wasn’t hindered by the past, a move that ultimately resulted in some elements from the original game, like entire character and item transfers, not being possible. However, some in-game progression, such as character slots and loadout slots from Defiance, will transfer from the original game.

    Additionally, in the weeks ahead the Defiance team will be introducing the Valor Program, which will give Defiance players a way to earn exclusive upgrades and special in-game rewards that can be applied to Defiance 2050 when it launches. Stay tuned on our Twitter and Facebook for up-to-date developments, plus visit the forums here to discuss what rewards you would like to see in the Defiance Valor Program.


    Play Original Defiance and Earn Valor for Defiance 2050!

    As a thank you for players of the original Defiance, we are presenting the Valor Program, a system that will reward players for completing Pursuits (achievements) with special purchasables through a new unique currency called Valor Commendations. Valor Commendations can be redeemed in Defiance 2050 to unlock awesome items that will be exclusive to our dedicated Defiance fans.

    Closed Beta Coming Soon – Sign Up Today!

    Ark Hunters, be sure to register for Defiance 2050 Closed Beta and get in on the action as soon as it starts. Defiance is turning five this year and we’d like to thank the amazing Defiance community, both new and longtime Ark Hunters, that will continue the fight with us in Defiance 2050!


    -The Defiance 2050 Team

    Defiance 2050 Valor Program

    Originally published at

    Play Defiance now and earn Valor rewards for Defiance 2050! Have questions? Check our FAQ.


    Defiance 2050 Valor Program

    Defiance 2050 is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC this summer, and we are introducing the Valor Program to show our appreciation to original Defiance players! With the Valor Program, players looking to continue the fight from Defiance to Defiance 2050 will have access to exclusive rewards. The Defiance 2050 Valor Program introduces a new currency called Valor Commendations that can be earned in original Defiance, adding a way to keep unique titles and specific account upgrades.

    • Valor Commendations – Valor Commendations are a new currency in Defiance 2050 that can be used to unlock special cosmetics and character boosts. Defiance players will be able to earn Valor Commendations by completing Pursuits (Defiance’s version of achievements) in game.
    • Unique Titles – Defiance players who have previously earned unique titles such as “Old School” will be able to transfer those titles over to Defiance 2050.
    • Account Upgrades – Account based upgrades such as character or loadout slots will be transferable to Defiance 2050 through the Valor Program.

    Valor Commendations

    Let’s dig a little deeper into the Valor Commendations system. Valor Commendations can be earned by completing in-game Pursuits (achievements) or by making purchases in Defiance prior to the launch of Defiance 2050. All purchases in Defiance, including those made prior to the announce of Defiance 2050, will earn Valor Commendations. The amount of Valor Commendations awarded from Pursuits will be based on the EGO rating of the Pursuit. Any Pursuits that don’t currently have an EGO rating will have EGO added to them before Defiance 2050 launches, which means all Pursuits will provide Valor Commendations.

    The Defiance team is adding new Pursuits this Friday (March 9) with a new “Road to 2050” Pursuit category. For players who have the majority of the current Pursuits completed, we’ve got you covered with new ways to gain Valor Commendations! Hunt down and kill a variety of enemies to achieve more EGO and ultimately more Valor for Defiance 2050. 

    In Defiance 2050, we plan to offer special cosmetics such as outfits, titles, character boosts, and vehicle skins for purchase with Valor Commendations. For example, the Red VBI Infiltrator outfit (see image above) is just one of many exclusive rewards you can unlock. Since these are rewards for the players of Defiance, we want to hear from you Ark Hunters! Head over to our official forums and let us know your thoughts on the kinds of rewards you would like to spend your Valor Commendations on. The Defiance team wants to ensure the current players are rewarded for their efforts and we hope to see them continue the fight in Defiance 2050.

    As we get closer to the launch of Defiance 2050, we will announce a cutoff date for Valor Commendations being earned in Defiance. Pursuits and purchases made after that cutoff point will no longer grant Valor Commendations. The character on your original Defiance account with the highest EGO from Pursuits at the designated cutoff date will have their Pursuit EGO score converted into Valor Commendations for Defiance 2050.


    Unique Title Transfer

    Let’s kick it “Old School” and discuss what will happen with some of the unique title rewards that you have earned in Defiance. There are a few rare titles that were earned by Defiance players and we want to ensure they can have them in Defiance 2050. Defiance 2050 plans to include titles like “6k in My Day”, “Daredevil”, and “Old School” along with many others, please let us know what titles are important to you and discuss on the forums.


    Account Upgrade Transfers

    With the exciting changes coming to Defiance 2050, many of the items and systems from Defiance will no longer be applicable. That said, we want to make sure Defiance players are able to keep the account upgrades that will still exist for Defiance 2050. Any account-based unlocks of character slots and loadout slots will be transferable to Defiance 2050 via the Valor Program.


    We are excited to share the Valor Program with you all and for any questions please see our Valor FAQ forum post and let us know your thoughts on the official Defiance forums, Facebook, and Twitter! Special thanks to Trion Dev Woofster for helping organize Valor Program details.

    Armistice Has Arrived!

    Originally published at

    Celebrate with your squad of Ark Hunters this Armistice with special events running from March 19 – April 9.

    Armistice will feature 4 events simultaneously this year and new Pursuits to achieve! Thanks to the community for voting, Defiance will run Neo Votanis Freebooters, Hulker Hell, New Frontier Harvest, and Outbreak events from March 19 to April 9. Earn Purified Gulanite on all Arkfall drops over this Armistice. That’s not all! Get free 7 day Patron for logging in once between April 2 to 9.


    Events – Neo Votanis Freebooters, Hulker Hell, New Frontier Harvest, Outbreak

    Hulker Hell

    • Hulker Hell Majors and Minors will be occurring all across Paradise

    Neo Votanis Freebooters

    • Arkfalls across Neo Votanis Front and Shrill

    New Frontier Harvest

    • Traverse the post-apocalyptic wilderness and fight maniacal monstrosities


    • Defeat diseased defilers and hulkers across the infected New Frontier


    New Pursuits

    Expedition Specialist (5 EGO/Achievement points)

    • Complete 15 Expeditions above Tier 25 during Armistice

    Event Expert (5 EGO/Achievement points)

    • Complete 25 Major Arkfalls, Sieges, or Incursions during Armistice

    Faction Guru (5 EGO/Achievement points)

    • Complete 20 Contracts during Armistice

    Armistice Completionist (40 EGO/Achievement points)

    • Complete all Armistice Pursuits


    Free 7 Day Patron – Log in between April 2 to 9

    Celebrate Armistice with free 7 day Patron time by logging in once between April 2 – 9. Patron provides extra boosts to enhance your Defiance experience. Get your hunt on Ark Hunter!


    Complete Pursuits in Defiance and earn rewards in Defiance 2050 through the Valor Program! Learn more in the Valor article and sign up for Defiance 2050 Beta.

    Defiance 2050 Closed Beta – April 20 to 22

    Originally published at

    Be among the first to fight in Defiance 2050’s closed beta coming this April 20 – 22. Sign up at today!

    Defiance 2050 Closed Beta – April 20 to 22

    It’s time to lock and load, and we’re bringing the fight to you! We’re thrilled to announce that the Defiance 2050 closed beta test runs April 20 to 22 on the PC platform. Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of the closed beta test are being moved to a later date, check our social media for updates. Defiance 2050 is a free to play, sci-fi action shooter set in a massive post-apocalyptic world that’s packed with advanced ark technology. Team up with players in co-op events to explore this partially terraformed world and accomplish compelling story missions or battle it out against fellow Ark Hunters in fast-paced PvP combat. Be sure to sign up for Defiance 2050 beta now to get in when the action starts!


    New Gameplay Systems to Explore and More!

    In Defiance 2050 you’ll experience a whole new class and progression system with an overhaul to the weapons and mods used to crush your enemies. During the closed beta, players will get to try out the Assault class and customize it to fit their playstyle.

    Share Your Favorite Moments

    We are super excited to have both new and longtime Ark Hunters continue the fight with us in Defiance 2050! If you’re a content creator, please share your Defiance videos, streams, artwork, and more with our community on Twitter, Facebook, and forums. Prepare to play on the platform of your choice during the closed beta, and please note that PS4 will be available for North America only for this beta event.


    -The Defiance 2050 Team

    Defiance 2050 PC Closed Beta Starts 4/20 – 4/22

    Originally published at

    Get a first look at what’s new in the Defiance 2050 PC Closed Beta this weekend from April 20 to 22. Sign up at and continue the fight with us!


    Defiance 2050 Closed Beta on PC – April 20 to 22

    Let the fight begin Ark Hunters! Closed Beta is finally here and we’re excited for players to experience the brand new class system and weapon enhancement systems in Defiance 2050. The PC Closed Beta event starts Friday (4/20) at 10:00 AM Pacific Time and extends all through Sunday to end on Monday (4/23) at 10:00 AM Pacific Time. Defiance 2050 is a free to play, futuristic shooter in a massive post-apocalyptic sci-fi world loaded with alien ark technology. Form a squad with allies, engage in epic co-op events, and complete compelling story missions together as you fight on.


    Closed Beta: Become a “Beta Blazer”

    Unlock the special “Beta Blazer” title for participating in the Defiance 2050 Closed Beta! The title will also be accessible for players in the console closed beta once it is available and will be granted in game when Defiance 2050 launches this summer. Explore the Mt. Tam and Madera story mission zones and we even opened up the Liberate the Lost co-op instance so players can team up together. For this closed beta test, in-game store purchases, achievements, trophies, and PvP will be disabled, but look forward to those features at launch. Also, we’re letting players reach up to power level 1500, character level 25, and class level 25. Become a real trailblazer and take it to the limit in the beta!


    In-Depth Look: Assault Class

    Defiance 2050 Closed Beta specifically features the Assault class and showcases the new class system with a fully customizable class tree. Call it the run and gun extraordinaire, the Assault class is incredibly versatile with a high mobility sprint, healing stim boost, concussive blast stun, and close combat enhancement abilities. The class skill tree allows players to upgrade their class with impactful active and unique passive abilities. The Assault class is just one of many classes coming this summer when Defiance 2050 launches.


    Customization: Weapons and Equipment

    Discover the new itemization systems and customize equipment to fit your playstyle. Kill enemies, collect loot, and upgrade your gear by using salvage obtained from enemies and enhancing weapon bonuses. Switch between weapon types to be super effective and upgrade the weapons stats that are important to you. Defensive capabilities have several options, including shields, armor, or health improvements. Customize your own Ark Hunter and give those hellbugs hell!


    Share Your Streams, Videos, and Art

    We are super excited to have both new and longtime Ark Hunters continue the fight with us in Defiance 2050! If you’re a content creator, please share your Defiance videos, streams, artwork, and more with our community on Twitter, Facebook, and forums. This Closed Beta test will be available on PC, and we will announce console beta as soon as it is ready.


    -The Defiance 2050 Team

    Encounter Epic Enemies in the Event Horizon 4/23 – 5/7

    Originally published at

    Gain 100% boost to XP, Rep, and Score between 4/23 to 5/7 for the Event Horizon in Defiance!


    Event Horizon from 4/23 to 5/7

    Enter the New Frontier at your own risk Ark Hunter, the Event Horizon is here in Defiance along with new Pursuits! Syphon enemies are invading through arkfalls and you can earn the incredible Purified Gulanite from enemies to spend on amazing rewards in game. Play the Event Horizon in Defiance from April 23rd to May 7th and earn 100% boost to experience, reputation, and score for the next two weeks!


    New Pursuits

    Complete these Event Horizon Pursuits to earn extra EGO points and Valor rewards for Defiance 2050!


    Expedition Specialist (5 EGO/Achievement points)

    • Complete 15 Expeditions above Tier 25 during Event Horizon

    Event Horizon : Event Expert (5 EGO/Achievement Score)

    • Complete 25 Major Arkfalls, Sieges, or Incursions during Event Horizon

    Event Horizon : Faction Guru (5 EGO/Achievement Score)

    • Complete 20 Contracts during Event Horizon

    Event Horizon Completionist (40 EGO/Achievement Score)

    • Complete all Event Horizon Pursuits


    Event Horizon Boosts

    • Gain 100% boost to XP, Rep, and Score during the event


    Complete Pursuits in Defiance and earn rewards in Defiance 2050 through the Valor Program! Learn more in the Valor article and sign up for Defiance 2050 Beta.

    Closed Beta Begins & PC Founder’s Packs Now Available on 4/27

    Originally published at

    Defiance 2050 Closed Beta – April 27 to 29

    Defiance 2050 Closed Beta is back in action this weekend (4/27 – 4/29), and this time with Xbox One, PlayStation 4 (NA only), & PC! Become an Ark Hunter in this Closed Beta event starting Friday (4/27) at 10:00 AM Pacific and ending Monday (4/30) morning at 10:00 AM Pacific. Defiance 2050 is a free to play, massive co-op action shooter in a futuristic terraformed world filled with alien ark technology. In this Closed Beta, players will get a first look at the updated graphics, class skill system and weapon enhancements in Defiance 2050. Team up this weekend and fight through epic arkfall events, an exhilarating co-op instance, and compelling story missions as you explore the world of Defiance 2050.


    Become a Founder – Demolish the New Frontier at Launch

    Get a head start at launch and check out the variety of Defiance 2050 Founder’s Packs filled items including an amazing ATV, special titles, unique classes, slick outfits, and much more! PC Players now have the opportunity to unlock the Founder’s Packs, but keep in mind these items will be available when head start begins and not during closed beta. Have a blast with the new Demolitionist class and get an explosive 3-day head start before launch.

    As we get closer to Defiance 2050’s launch this summer, the Founder’s Packs will be available for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 as well. Defiance 2050 is a free to play online multiplayer game, and players will be able to unlock classes through purchase or gameplay. Check out our Store page for more details and see what’s in our Ultimate Founder’s Pack!


    Ultimate Founder’s Pack:

    • 3-day Head Start
    • $50 worth of Bits currency
    • TMW Hannibal 800R ATV
    • Assault Class + Outfit
    • Assassin Class + Outfit
    • Guardian Class + Outfit
    • Combat Medic Class + Outfit
    • Demolitionist Class + Outfit
    • Exclusive Demolitionist Outfit Tint
    • 30 Inventory Slots
    • 30-day XP Boost
    • “Classy” Title
    • “Demolitionist” Title
    • “Opportunist” Title


    Become a “Beta Blazer” in Beta
    Unlock the special “Beta Blazer” title for participating in the Defiance 2050 Closed Beta and it will be granted in game when Defiance 2050 launches. In this closed beta, explore the Mt. Tam and Madera story mission zones and play the Liberate the Lost co-op instance to team up with your friends. During this closed beta test, in-game store purchases, achievements, trophies, and PvP will be disabled, but look forward to those features come launch time. Ark Hunters can reach up to power level 1500, character level 25, and class level 25. The end game content and post launch updates this summer will see the most new additions and changes, but those will not be accessible during this beta test.


    Closed Beta Updates, Bugs, and Install Info

    Special thanks to all the Ark Hunters who played in in the first PC Closed Beta! The Defiance 2050 team resolved several issues for this beta weekend with your help. If you played the previous closed beta, you are invited to play again this week and now Xbox One & PlayStation 4 players can join in the fun. You may encounter some bugs (more than just Hellbugs) in the closed beta test and we greatly appreciate your bug reports on the forums. Check the Defiance 2050 updated fixes & known bug list here and report new bugs here.

    If you are running into an issue applying a beta code or installing the game, check out our Trion Worlds Support Center for assistance or check out the Closed Beta FAQ. Thanks for participating in our closed beta test and happy ark hunting!


    -The Defiance 2050 Team

    Closed Beta Wrap Up: Over 3 Million Hellbugs Destroyed

    Originally published at

    Closed Beta Wrap Up

    The first fights of Defiance 2050 are over for now, thank you Ark Hunters for playing in the Closed Beta and telling us your thoughts on social media, forums, and our livestreams each Friday. The Defiance team has been reviewing your survey feedback, checking out comments, fixing bugs, improving server stability, and gearing up for all the new systems coming to launch this summer. Let’s take a look at some of the cool data we gathered from closed beta!


    Closed Beta Fun Facts:

    • 3,451,479 Hellbugs Killed (those Hellbugs didn’t stand a chance)
    • 4,769,146 Mutants Killed
    • 213,519 Total Levels Gained
    • 68,305 Completions of the Chaos Reigns Mission
    • 420 Ark Hunters Reached Max Level 25 in Beta (420 top Beta Blazers, who’d have guessed)
    • 37 Hours was the Longest Session Playtime from a Player
    • 8,206,389 Minutes of Beta Played (that’s over 136,000 hours of gameplay)


    Early Founder’s Packs Available Now

    Suit up your Ark Hunter with a 3-day head start at launch and take a look at the Defiance 2050 Founder’s Packs for PC. The Ultimate Founder’s Pack includes an amazing ATV, 5 unique classes, slick outfits, special titles, inventory slots, 30-day XP boost, and $50 worth of Bits! Defiance 2050 is a free to play, co-op action shooter set in a massive sci-fi world filled with post-apocalyptic gear and alien ark technology. The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Founder’s Packs will also be available at a later date.


    Heading Into Launch

    As we get closer to Defiance 2050 launch this summer, we’re excited to share the new class abilities, updated graphics, itemization upgrades, and much more in the road ahead. The next beta event and launch date have not been announced yet, but stay connected on our official forums, Twitter and Facebook page for upcoming news. If you can’t wait to hunt some hellbugs, play the original Defiance now and complete Pursuits (and purchases) that will turn into Valor rewards for Defiance 2050.

    99 Problems Event Arrives With 50% Off Arkforge

    Originally published at

    Save 50% on Arkforge during the first week of the 99 Problems event from 5/21 to 6/4 in Defiance!


    99 Problems Event from 5/21 to 6/4

    Explore the New Frontier and face off against 99ers and Grid enemies in the 99 Problems event to earn special rewards from May 21 to June 4. For a limited time only, save big before summer starts and get 50% off Arkforge from May 21 to 28! Use Arkforge to enhance your gear in Defiance.


    New Pursuits

    Take on these 99 Problems event Pursuits to earn extra EGO points in Defiance and future Valor rewards for Defiance 2050!

    99 Problems Expedition Specialist (5 EGO/Achievement Score)

    • Complete 15 Expeditions above Tier 25 during 99 Problems

    99 Problems Event Expert (5 EGO/Achievement Score)

    • Complete 25 Major Arkfalls, Sieges, or Incursions during 99 Problems

    99 Problems Faction Guru (5 EGO/Achievement Score)

    • Complete 20 Contracts during 99 Problems

    99 Problems Completionist (40 EGO/Achievement Score)

    • Complete all 99 Problems Pursuits


    Complete Pursuits in Defiance and earn rewards in Defiance 2050 through the Valor Program! Learn more in the Valor article.

    Valor Program: New Rewards Announced

    Originally published at


    Defiance 2050 – Valor Rewards Overview

    Ark Hunters, it’s time to talk Valor! Get rewards in the free-to-play action shooter Defiance 2050 by completing Pursuits and making purchases in Defiance. Before Defiance 2050 launches this summer, we will announce a Valor cutoff date and after the cutoff your purchases and Pursuit score will be converted into Valor Commendations in Defiance 2050. With Valor Commendations, players can unlock some returning items from Defiance (Ex: Red VBI Infiltrator outfit) and new Valor rewards listed below.


    New Valor Rewards:

    • 8 New Outfits With Headgear
    • 6 Vehicles (each with 2 special tints)
    • Inventory Slots
    • Loadout Slots
    • Boosts
      • XP
      • Scrip
      • Rep
      • Weapon XP
    • Titles (including both new and returning titles from Defiance)
      • “The Returned”
      • “Valorous”
      • “By Rarnok’s Beard”
      • “Reloaded”
      • “Dauntless”
      • “Valiant”


    DLC, Titles, and Account-based Transfers

    Defiance 2050 is focused on building new core systems and being accessible to more players. Previous DLC content from Defiance will be free to all players in Defiance 2050. For Defiance players who have previously earned unique titles, such as “Old School” and “Daredevil”, they will be able to transfer those titles over to Defiance 2050 along with several others that will be announced in the future. Account based upgrades, such as character or loadout slots, will be transferable as well. Check out the Valor FAQ for additional questions you may have.

    Classes Overview: Assassin, Guardian, Combat Medic, Assault

    Originally published at

    Prepare yourselves for launch this summer and take an in-depth look at the 4 new base classes (Assassin, Guardian, Combat Medic, and Assault) in Defiance 2050. Check out our Dev Update video to find a class that fits your playstyle and customize your very own Ark Hunter. Players can freely switch between other classes they have unlocked either through gameplay or by purchasing one of the Founder’s Packs. Look for a future in-depth look at the Demolitionist class, but for now let’s see what these starter classes are all about.


    Assassin: Stealthy Slayer

    Specialize in critical strikes, surprise attacks, and all-out damage as the deadly Assassin class! Sneak up on enemies with your innate Stealth ability and strike through with your Hidden Blade to cut them down.


    Guardian: Defensive Protector

    Hold the line and keep allies safe in the New Frontier as the valiant Guardian class. Put up a protective Barrier to block incoming fire and unleash a Shockwave that stuns foes in an area in front of you. Make a stand and significantly reduce damage taken with your Steadfast ability, then follow up with Taunt to have enemies to focus fire on you.


    Combat Medic: Tactical Healer

    Heal up wounds, save lives, and buff your squad as the vital Combat Medic class. You come equipped with a Healing Bot that follows you and supports your team. Use Inspire to increase your allies damage or grant them an EGO Refresh for greatly improved cooldown reduction on abilities!


    Assault: Versatile Fighter

    Become an all-around offensive and defensive Ark Hunter as the adaptable Assault class. Use the Sprint ability to get into the action or to make a smooth retreat out of danger! Dive head on for some devastating Super Melee attacks that will truly crush your enemies.


    Get a Head Start and Become Founder

    The Ultimate Founder’s Pack includes all 5 unique classes, 3-day head start, an amazing ATV vehicle, slick outfits, special titles, inventory slots, 30-day XP boost, and $50 worth of Bits! The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Founder’s Packs will also be available at a later date. The next beta event and launch date have not been announced yet, but stay connected on our official forums, Twitter and Facebook page for upcoming news.

    Defiance 2050: Launch Date, Open Beta, and Founder’s Pack News

    Originally published at

    Lookout Ark Hunters!

    The free to play, sci-fi shooter Defiance 2050 releases on July 10th, with Head Start beginning on July 6th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Become a Founder to unlock numerous items including exclusive class outfits, unique titles, and a full 3-day Head Start before launch! Team up with friends to engage in massive co-op battles, complete compelling story missions, and discover rare weapons and equipment as you explore the reimagined Defiance universe.

    Open Beta: June 22 – 25

    The next Defiance 2050 Open Beta event will be from June 22 to 25 on PC. For this beta test, players can download the game through Glyph or Steam and experience the new base classes, weapon enhancements, and progression systems in Defiance 2050. All platforms will be available to join in for Defiance 2050 Head Start and launch in July. In the meantime, play the original Defiance before the total Valor cutoff on June 22, and be sure to link your Trion Worlds account to receive amazing Valor rewards in Defiance 2050.

    Founder’s Packs Available: Console and Steam Info

    • Today – Steam and PC
    • 6/19 – Xbox One
    • 7/6 – PlayStation 4

    Pre-order Defiance 2050 Founder’s Packs for Xbox One on 6/19, and for PlayStation 4 players on 7/6 for immediate access to our Head Start. All Ark Hunters are welcome to play Defiance 2050 for free on 7/10. Check out the Defiance 2050 FAQ for additional questions and give us your feedback on the forums, Twitter, Facebook, and Twitch livestreams every Friday at 10:30am PT.

    See you in the New Frontier!

    Discuss Defiance 2050 launch with us in this forum thread!

    Midsummer Mutiny Event Emerges In Defiance

    Originally published at

    Mayhem ensues with the Midsummer Mutiny event in the original Defiance from June 18 to July 2! In your search for glory, be on the lookout for Dark Matter arkfalls across the New Frontier. It’s time to finish up those remaining Pursuits and be sure to link your Trion Worlds account to earn incredible Valor rewards in Defiance 2050.


    Total Valor Cutoff and PC Open Beta – June 22
    With the total Valor cutoff date approaching on June 22nd, no new Pursuits have been added for Midsummer Mutiny so players can complete their remaining Pursuits. Get ready to experience the new classes, weapon enhancements, and graphical updates in Defiance 2050’s PC Open Beta from June 22 to 25.


    Defiance 2050 Head Start and Launch – July 6 and July 10
    Prepare for Defiance 2050’s Head Start on July 6, and launch on July 10. Be among the first to fight in Defiance 2050 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC (including Steam) by becoming a Founder and playing during Head Start! The free-to-play futuristic action shooter launches July 10, and players will be able to choose from 1 of 4 base classes (Assault, Assassin, Guardian, Combat Medic) to start with. Becoming a Founder can conveniently unlock classes, unique outfits, special titles, and much more, or classes can also be unlocked through gameplay. Enjoy playing Defiance or Defiance 2050 on the platform you prefer this summer, and we’ll see you in the New Frontier!

    Defiance 2050 Open Beta – June 22 to 25

    Originally published at

    Join the Open Beta on PC today and become an Ark Hunter in Defiance 2050! Customize your character and choose from the new Assassin, Guardian, Combat Medic, and Assault base classes in beta. Explore the vast post-apocalyptic world of Defiance 2050 and enhance your weapons to fit your own playstyle in this massively cooperative free-to-play action shooter.


    PC Open Beta: June 22 – 25

    Participate in the Defiance 2050 Open Beta on PC all weekend long, starting on June 22 (Friday) at 10:00am PT and ending June 25 (Monday) at 10:00am PT. For this beta event, PC players can download and play Defiance 2050 through Glyph or Steam. Explore and venture as much as you like, there will be no level, power, or area restrictions during this beta, but keep in mind progress will be removed before Head Start and launch in early July.


    Head Start Begins July 6 and Launch On July 10

    Become a Founder and be among the first to fight on July 6th in the Defiance 2050 Head Start! During Open Beta, we encourage players to give feedback on the new class abilities and item systems. The in-game store will be disabled and pre-order packs will not affect accounts during the beta test, but items will be available when Defiance 2050 is live. With a Founder’s Pack, you can get a 3-day Head Start, unlock classes, amazing outfits, unique titles, XP boosts, inventory slots, and an awesome ATV for launch.

    Announcing Twitch Drops for Defiance 2050

    Originally published at

    Good news, Ark Hunters! We’ve got special prizes for you to celebrate the invasion of Defiance 2050!

    Gemini XIII Outfit Twitch Drops

    On Friday, July 13, 2018, join us live on Twitch from 10:30 – 11:30 AM PDT and participate in the chat for a chance to win tons of great launch-day prizes. Plus, if you link your Twitch and Defiance accounts, you’ll automatically earn a Gemini XIII outfit for tuning in and watching the stream!

    Here’s how it works:

    How to Get Your Defiance 2050 Twitch Drop Gift!

    1. Create a Twitch Account

    Sign up for a Twitch account or login to your existing Twitch account.

    2. Link Your Defiance 2050 and Twitch Accounts

    Link your accounts here. If you play Defiance 2050 on PlayStation® 4 or Xbox One, you will need to first link your console and Defiance 2050 accounts by following these steps.

    3. Watch Our Launch Livestream for 15+ Minutes

    Watch our Defiance 2050 launch livestream on Twitch ( on Friday, July 13, 2018 from 10:30 – 11:30 AM PDT for at least 15 minutes. You must have previously linked your Defiance 2050 and Twitch accounts and be logged-in while watching.

    4. Enjoy Your New Outfit!

    After the stream, Twitch will notify you that you’ve won. Your free Gemini XIII outfit will be available on your account within three (3) business days. Explore the wasteland in style!

    This is a limited-time event so don’t forget to get a head-start by linking your Defiance 2050 and Twitch accounts. Then, watch us live on Twitch on 7/13 between 10:30 – 11:30 AM PDT! This outfit will keep you looking fly in Defiance 2050!

    Be a Founder and Join Head Start on July 6th

    Originally published at

    Arkfalls are invading PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on July 6th, now’s your chance to be among the first to fight in Defiance 2050 by becoming a Founder. Unlock special items bundled in a variety of Founder’s Packs available for a limited time only. Pre-order Xbox One, PC, or Steam Founder’s Packs in the store now and PS4 Packs for NA only will be available on July 6th. PS4 EU Founder’s Packs will not be available during Head Start, but all platforms and regions will be able to play at 10AM local time on July 10th for launch. See what’s included in the Ultimate Founder’s Pack here:

    Ultimate Founder’s Pack:

    • 3-day Head Start
    • $50 worth of Bits currency
    • TMW Hannibal 800R ATV
    • Assault Class + Outfit
    • Assassin Class + Outfit
    • Guardian Class + Outfit
    • Combat Medic Class + Outfit
    • Demolitionist Class + Outfit*
    • Exclusive Demolitionist Outfit Tint
    • 30 Inventory Slots
    • 30-day XP Boost
    • “Classy” Title
    • “Demolitionist” Title
    • “Opportunist” Title


    Head Start Goes Live on 7/6

    Become an Ark Hunter as early as July 6th and discover the post-apocalyptic San Francisco for yourself in the world of Defiance 2050. Head Start goes live at 10:00am Pacific on Friday (7/6) on PC and 10:00am local time for Xbox One and PS4 (NA only). Head Start will continue through the official launch on Tuesday (7/10). The free-to-play Defiance 2050 launches on July 10th, and afterward the Founder’s Packs will no longer be available. After purchasing a Founder’s Pack, log onto the appropriate platform and Glyph account to play in Head Start.


    What’s New In Defiance 2050?

    Defiance 2050 is a reimagined sci-fi shooter that takes the compelling story, universe, and gameplay of the original game, and gives it a great overhaul.

    • New classes include the versatile Assault, deadly Assassin, protective Guardian, supportive Combat Medic, and explosive Demolitionist that each add their benefits to any team.
    • New item enhancements allow for more customization and power to your arsenal. Upgrade, reroll, and unlock bonuses for weapons you find and discover new prototype weapons, like the hellbug infused Venom Spitter.
    • New graphical updates for Xbox One, PS4, and PC and quality of life improvements to heighten your in-game experience.


    With new core systems and improved visuals on a newer generation of hardware, Defiance 2050 is setting a solid foundation for launch and aims to evolve the story with new content in the future.


    See you in the New Frontier!

    *Once the tutorial is completed you’ll be able to select from your full list of unlocked classes.

    Defiance 2050 Launches July 10th – PS4, Xbox One, and PC

    Originally published at


    Jump in to all the Defiance 2050 action today Ark Hunters! Experience this reimagined, free-to-play massive coop sci-fi action shooter on PS4, Xbox One, and PC (Glyph/Steam). Continue the fight with new unique classes and weapon enhancement systems to fully customize your own Ark Hunter. Defiance 2050 goes live at 10:00AM Pacific on Tuesday (7/10) on PC and 10:00AM local time for Xbox One and PS4.

    What’s New In Defiance 2050?
    Defiance 2050 is a free cooperative sci-fi shooter that takes the compelling story, universe, and gameplay of the original game, and greatly improves the core systems. Unlock 1 of 4 base classes to start out with, and unlock more through gameplay for free.

    • New classes include the versatile Assault, deadly Assassin, protective Guardian, supportive Combat Medic, and explosive Demolitionist that each add their own benefits to any group.
    • New item enhancements allow for more customization and power to your arsenal. Upgrade, reroll, and unlock bonuses for weapons you find and discover new prototype weapons, like the hellbug infused Venom Spitter.
    • New graphical updates for Xbox One, PS4, and PC, along with quality of life improvements to heighten your in-game experience.

    With new systems and improved visuals on a newer generation of hardware, Defiance 2050 is setting a solid foundation for launch and aims to evolve the story with new content in the future! Prepare yourselves for the Engineer and Crusader class coming later this year, and see what’s inside the Ultimate Class Pack.

    Ultimate Class Pack:

    • $50 worth of Bits
    • Crusader Class + Outfit*
    • Exclusive Crusader Outfit Tint*
    • Engineer Class + Outfit*
    • Exclusive Engineer Outfit Tint*
    • Assault Class
    • Assassin Class
    • Guardian Class
    • Combat Medic Class
    • TMW Hannibal 800R ATV

    *Disclaimer – Engineer and Crusader classes, along with their outfits/tints, will be delivered as they go live in-game (anticipated in Winter 2018).


    Fight On Ark Hunters!

    Content Roadmap: Plans for Paradise

    Originally published at

    Hey All,

    Defiance 2050 Producer Matt “Destromathe” Pettit here and I am thrilled to bring you a detailed content roadmap for Defiance 2050 over the coming months.

    With launch day behind us, we’re blown away by how many Ark Hunters have jumped into Defiance 2050. We’ve been working hard to create a smoother Defiance experience for all players by resolving the issues that have come up. Stability has been our number one priority since launch, and will continue to be a priority moving forward. Your excitement to jump back into the Defiance experience has been fantastic and we’re incredibly happy to see so many players, but we do realize how the influx of players can cause a strain on the experience on the whole. With that in mind, we’ve been working as quickly as we can to create an experience that is stable and bug free.

    While we work hard to provide the best experience in the here and now, I am sure all of you are anxious to hear about what is coming in the future! We have a constant stream of content and events coming your way very soon.

    New Classes

    Over the next few months, we will be adding three new classes to Defiance 2050. While Founders already have access to the Demolitionist class, it will soon be available to unlock in-game for all players. Shortly after that, we will be releasing the hard-hitting Crusader class. The Engineer is planned to release this winter, giving players the ability to summon their own turrets!

    Trouble in Paradise

    The launch of the Crusader class comes with tough times for Paradise. Crusaders are not here to socialize; they are in town to deal with a new enemy, fighting to eradicate it before the Bay Area and the world itself are decimated. New enemies, Missions, Contracts, and story content are coming in waves, telling the story of this new menace each and every month. Each phase the story will bring exciting new content to explore, culminating in a final showdown early next year with the ultimate end-game experience that you have been waiting for.

    This new threat will become stronger as time goes on, but Ark Hunters can load up with great new technology to fight with. Get ready for an entirely new character customization system coming this fall. Players can sink their teeth into some brand new technology that pushes their powers beyond anything featured in the game previously. This new system will change the way you play, and leverage both classes and power to enhance your ability to fight this new threat. We’ve created a road map of our upcoming content that you can check out below.

    More story, new enemies, and new dangers are coming, along with new and improved weapons to help you take on the challenge every step of the way. It’s gonna be a hell of a ride in Paradise, so grab your prototypes and join us for many fantastic months of updates that we have in store. I can promise you that the wait will be worth it.

    As always, thank you for being a part of the Defiance 2050 universe and bringing it to life with us. Join your friends, and come play with us in Paradise. It has never been a better time to be an Ark Hunter!


    Twitch Drops Redux for Defiance 2050

    Originally published at

    We’re back, Ark Hunters! Join us for our August 10 livestream for a chance at an all-new Defiance 2050 Twitch Drop!

    Missed our last Twitch Drop that celebrated the launch of Defiance 2050? We’re back at it! On August 10, 2018, join us live on Twitch from 10:30 – 11:30 AM PDT and participate in the chat for a chance to win in-game prizes. Plus, if you link your Twitch and Defiance 2050 accounts and watch the livestream for at least fifteen minutes, you’ll earn a Defiant Few Recon Outfit and Headgear!*

    Here’s how it works:

    How to Get Your Defiance 2050 Twitch Drop Gift!

    1. Create a Twitch Account

    Sign up for a Twitch account or login to your existing Twitch account.

    2. Link Your Defiance 2050 and Twitch Accounts

    Link your accounts here. If you play Defiance 2050 on PlayStation® 4 or Xbox One, you will need to first link your console and Defiance accounts by following these steps. If you do not link your account before watching the stream, you cannot get the free mount.

    3. Watch Our Livestream for 15+ Minutes

    Watch our Defiance 2050 livestream on Twitch ( on Friday, August 10, 2018 from 10:30 – 11:30 AM PDT for at least 15 minutes. You must have previously linked your Defiance 2050 and Twitch accounts and be logged-in while watching. Note that watching from the Twitch mobile app will not count for the Twitch Drop. You must be watching from the Desktop client or the website.

    4. Enjoy Your New Outfit!

    After the stream, Twitch will notify you that you’ve won. Your free Defiant Few Recon Outfit and Headgear will be available on your account within 24 hours. Suit up and look great in Defiance 2050! Note that if you were watching the stream from the Twitch Desktop client, you will not get notified that you won, but the item will still be in your Defiance 2050 account the next time that you log in.
    This is a limited-time event so don’t forget to get a head-start by linking your Defiance 2050 and Twitch accounts. Then, watch us live on Twitch on 8/10 between 10:30 – 11:30 AM PDT!

    Demolitionist Arrives August 7th – New Pack Available

    Originally published at

    The Demolitionist class makes an explosive comeback on August 7th in the free-to-play action shooter Defiance 2050! Have an absolute blast dealing damage as a Demolitionist and toss grenades, spawn hatchlings, and make your explosions create even more explosions! Now’s your chance to unlock the Demolitionist by either purchasing the Demolitionist Class Pack* or through in-game earned Hunter Commendations.

    Demolitionist Class Pack:

    • Demolitionist Class
    • Demolitionist Outfit
    • “Demolitionist” Title

    *For PS4 EU only, the Demolitionist Pack in the Sony store has been delayed, but the class will still be unlockable in game on August 7th. News for when the Pack is available for PS4 EU will be announced on our social channels.


    The Demolitionist is the first of many premium classes headed to Defiance 2050. Players can unlock premium classes in-game, through the Commendations Quarter Master and by accumulating in-game currency called Hunter Commendations. Hunter Commendations are awarded for completing certain Pursuits and Contracts. Premium classes will each cost 1,000 Hunter Commendations, and prepare to see exciting new classes like the Crusader and Engineer in the future.

    As the Demolitionist, you can cause ultimate destruction and throw Satchel Charges that detonate at your command. Annihilate enemies with the Hatchling Spawner that generates a swarm of hatchlings or unleash a Flashbang that disorients enemies briefly. Upgrade unique passives, like Drop and Roll, to drop a grenade when you perform a dodge roll. Unload an entire Grenade Barrage that significantly reduces cooldowns for grenades or activate Cluster Projectiles that rain down additional explosions on explosion attacks or abilities.

    Paradise is just getting started Ark Hunter, now go have a blast!

    Crusader is Coming This Fall

    Originally published at

    This Fall, prepare to lead the fight as the hammer slamming Crusader charges into Paradise! Choose from a variety of classes in the free-to-play action shooter Defiance 2050, and brace yourselves for the valiant Crusader coming in the Fall.  Ascend your Ark Hunter with the Ultimate Class Pack that includes the upcoming Crusader class, Engineer class, and so much more!

    Ultimate Class Pack:
    $50 worth of Bits
    Crusader Class + Outfit*
    Exclusive Crusader Outfit Tint*
    Engineer Class + Outfit*
    Exclusive Engineer Outfit Tint*
    Assault Class
    Assassin Class
    Guardian Class
    Combat Medic Class
    TMW Hannibal 800R ATV

    *Disclaimer – Engineer and Crusader classes, along with their outfits/tints, will be delivered as they go live in-game (Crusader anticipated in Fall, and Engineer in Winter 2018).


    Class Overview: Crusader

    The Crusader is a formidable bruiser class that comes well-equipped with a mighty hammer they can summon to engage in epic melee battles! Level up unique skills and activate abilities to leap right into the action or pull in enemies toward you with full force. The Crusader can later unlock awe-inspiring abilities like an absorbing shield that protects and unleashes an outward attack for swift retribution! Alternatively, the Crusader can call upon a massive meteor strike from above and crash it down to explosively damage and knockback foes.

    Hosted Defiance Livestream – Uniqopian

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters!

    On Friday, September 7, 2018 we’re hosting the incredible Uniqopian for the Defiance 2050 livestream! Be sure to watch from her channel directly to take part in giveaways!

    If you play on the Xbox One or PS4 console you’re still eligible for the giveaways if your console and Trion accounts are linked. Click here to learn how!

    Defiance Livestream
    Our Twitch Channel:
    Her Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, September 7 at 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 PM UTC)
    Duration: ~45 minutes

    We’ll be back next week, September 14th with an all-new dev livestream.

    Thanks, all!

    Xbox One Deals with Gold Sale!

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters!

    Save up to 35% on select Defiance 2050 Packs on Xbox One with the Deals with Gold Sale!

    From now through September 17 pick up one of these packs to save big:

    • Ultimate Class Pack – 35% off
    • Demolitionist Class Pack – 25% off
    • Starter Class Pack – 25% off

    We’ll see you in the New Frontier!

    Defiance 2050 dev livestream – September 21, 2018

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters!

    On Friday, September 21, 2018 the dev team is back from the Austin offices with a dev livestream. We’ll be discussing our upcoming update, answering your questions, plus our famous giveaways!

    Defiance Livestream
    Our Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, September 21 at 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 PM UTC)
    Duration: ~45 minutes

    Thanks, all!

    Trouble in Paradise – Defiance 2050 Update

    Originally published at

    Updated – 10/12/2018 – We have additional info on the release date for the Trouble In Paradise patch.

    PC Release

    • Trouble in Paradise and the Crusader Class Pack will release on October 15th.

    PlayStation 4 Release

    • The Trouble in Paradise patch will release in all regions on October 15th.
    • If you purchased the Ultimate Class Pack the Crusader will be unlocked at launch for all regions.
    • The Crusader Class Pack will be available for purchase in North America on launch day.
    • The Crusader Class Pack will be available to purchase on EU servers on 17 October.

    Xbox One Release

    • The Trouble in Paradise Update and Crusader Class packs have been delayed until further notice. More information on the new release date will be made available as soon as possible.

    Greetings, Ark Hunters!

    On October 15, 2018, we’re unleashing a massive update for Defiance 2050: Trouble in Paradise! This update brings the Hulker Hell event, introduces a new enemy type, adds new story content, and brings the hammer down with the powerful new Crusader class!

    Hulker Hell
    This seasonal celebration brings both terror and toys – take full advantage with new weapons and mods from Hulker Hell Arkfalls. In addition, pick up Halloween-themed Prototypes and weapon skins!

    New Class: The Crusader
    This brand-new class is a powerful melee juggernaut that rains hell using a massive, two-handed hammer. Once you’ve summoned a meteor and sent it hurtling down onto your enemies nothing will ever be the same again!

    Weapon Skins
    Trouble in Paradise also introduces the ability to apply weapon skins to your loot. The New Frontier may be a post-apocalyptic, partially terraformed wasteland, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to look your coolest when ark tech comes crashing down around you.

    New Defiance 2050 Enemy
    The Grid are an aggressive force of EGO constructs that are able to infect cybernetics and control the individual attached. Think of the zombie virus mixed with a computer virus and a dash of hard light constructs!

    On top of all of that, we’re adding daily and weekly rewards, a new Faction/Vendor, new story elements to introduce the Grid, new missions, Co-Op map Prototypes, and the newly revamped Arkfalls with better scaling and new, score-based rewards.

    Trouble in Paradise is coming and nothing will ever be the same again!

    Share your thoughts on this update with us in this forum thread!

    Trion Double Up Days

    Originally published at

    Twice the value, double the fun… September 26 – October 3!

    Trion’s games offer DOUBLE the value on Credit Packs during the Double Up special event, from 8:00 AM PDT on Wednesday, September 26th through 8:00 AM PDT Wednesday October 3, 2018.
    Buy the mount of your dreams! Invest in new player housing goods! Completely change your look! The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

    DEFIANCE 2050
    Double your Bits Packs!

    • 500 ? 1,000 Bits – $4.99
    • 2,300 ? 4,600 Bits – $19.99
    • 6,250 ? 12,500 Bits – $49.99

    Double the value of our credit packs!

    • 750 ? 1,500 credits – $4.99
    • 3,250 ? 6,500 credits – $19.99
    • 8,500 ? 17,000 credits – $49.99
    • 18,500 ? 37,000 credits – $99.99

    FLASH – THIS JUST IN: Archonix has also doubled the LOYALTY you gain for investing in these packs!


    Double your Credit top-ups for both Patrons and non-Patrons!
    Double the amount of APEX granted when purchasing a pack of them. The bonus amounts are as follows:

    • 9.99 1 APEX Pack: yields 2 APEX instead!
    • 49.99 5 APEX Pack: yields 10 APEX instead!
    • 99.99 10 APEX Pack: yields 20 APEX instead!

    (Daily Credit Rewards Pack will be disabled during this promotion. Active Packs will still deliver the stipend installments during this period. Daily Credit Reward Packs will return after Oct. 3/18)

    All purchases of Credit Packs and Credit Pouches will give your DOUBLE the value! All Radiant Sovereigns and Loyalty from these packs are doubled too!

    • 750 ? 1,500 Credits – $4.99
    • 3,250 ? 6,500 Credits – $19.99
    • 5,000 ? 10,000 Credits – $29.99
    • 8,500 ? 17,000 Credits – $49.99
    • 18,500 ? 37,000 Credits – $99.99
    • 12 ? 24 Credit pouches – $19.99
    • 30 ? 60 Credit Pouches – $49.99
    • 60 ? 120 Credit Pouches – $99.99


    Receive DOUBLE the number of Loot Matrices when you buy any of the packs below!

    • 2 ? 4 Loot Matrices – $1.99
    • 6 ? 12 Loot Matrices – $4.99
    • 13 ? 26 Loot Matrices – $9.99
    • 28 ? 56 Loot Matrices – $19.99
    • 60 ? 120 Loot Matrices – $39.99

    Defiance 2050 Dev Livestream – Sep. 28

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters!

    On Friday, September 28, 2018 the dev team is back from the Austin offices with a dev livestream. We’ll be in-game, answering your questions, plus our famous giveaways!

    Defiance Livestream
    Our Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, September 28 at 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 PM UTC)
    Duration: ~45 minutes

    Thanks, all!

    Defiance 2050 Dev Livestream – October 5th

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters!

    On Friday, October 5, 2018 the dev team is back from the Austin offices with a dev livestream. We’ll be in-game, answering your questions, plus our famous giveaways!

    Defiance Livestream
    Our Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, October 5th at 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 PM UTC)
    Duration: ~45 minutes

    Thanks, all!

    LAST CHANCE Demolitionist Pack Sale

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters,

    It’s your last chance to pick up the Demolitionist Class Pack before it vanishes on October 15! Playing Defiance 2050 on the PC? You’ll also save 25% off in this final week, so don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

    After this class pack disappears from the Defiance Store you’ll still be able to unlock the Demolitionist class via game play.

    With the release of the Trouble in Paradise update we’ll introduce the Crusader Class Pack that includes access to the brutal, brawling Crusader class!

    Trouble in Paradise Twitch Drops

    Originally published at

    Attention, Ark Hunters! Come join us for our October 19 livestream where we’ll celebrate the Trouble in Paradise update with an all-new Defiance 2050 Twitch Drop!

    On October 19, 2018, join us live on Twitch from 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 PM UTC) until 11:15 AM PDT (6:15 PM UTC) and participate in the chat for a chance to win in-game prizes. Plus, if you link your Twitch and Defiance 2050 accounts and watch the livestream for at least fifteen minutes, you’ll earn a Bionic Commander Outfit!*


    1. Create a Twitch Account or login to your existing Twitch account.
    2. Link Your Defiance 2050 and Twitch Accounts. If you play Defiance 2050 on PlayStation® 4 or Xbox One, you will need to first link your console and Defiance accounts by following these steps. If you do not link your account before watching the stream, you cannot get the Bionic Commander Outfit.
    3. Watch our Defiance 2050 livestream on Twitch ( Friday, October 19, 2018 from 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 PM UTC) until 11:15 AM PDT (6:15 PM UTC) for at least 15 minutes. You must have previously linked your Defiance 2050 and Twitch accounts and be logged-in while watching. Note that watching from the Twitch mobile app will not count for the Twitch Drop. You must be watching from the Desktop client or the website.
    4. Enjoy Your New Outfit!

    After the stream, Twitch will notify you that you’ve won. Your free Bionic Commander Outfit will be available on your account within 24 hours. Suit up and look great in Defiance 2050! Note that if you were watching the stream from the Twitch Desktop client, you will not get notified that you won, but the item will still be in your Defiance 2050 account the next time that you log in.

    This is a limited-time event so don’t forget to get a head-start by linking your Defiance 2050 and Twitch accounts. Then, watch us live on Twitch on October 19 between 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 PM UTC) and 11:15 AM PDT (6:15 PM UTC)!

    Hosted Defiance Livestream – InsipidComments

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters!

    On Friday, October 12, 2018 we’re hosting the incredible InsipidComments for the Defiance 2050 livestream! Be sure to watch from his channel directly to take part in giveaways!

    If you play on the Xbox One or PS4 console you’re still eligible for the giveaways if your console and Trion accounts are linked. Click here to learn how!

    Defiance Livestream
    Our Twitch Channel:
    Her Twitch Channel:
    Start Time: Friday, October 12 at 10:30 AM PDT (5:30 PM UTC)
    Duration: ~45 minutes

    We’ll be back next week, October 19th with an all-new dev livestream.

    Thanks, all!

    Crusader Pack is Live!

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,

    The Trouble in Paradise update for Defiance 2050 is live now for PC and PS4! Jump in game and bring the hammer down with the brand-new Crusader class, take on hordes of hellish Hulkers, collect new Prototype weapons, and much more!

    Crusader Class Pack

    This brutal brawler thrives on the frontlines of combat. Wield a massive two-handed hammer and an array of epic abilities. Some of these abilities are:

    • Hammer Time – Summons your hammer to take down enemies with pure brute force.
    • Blitz – Charge into the fight and leap through the air, stunning enemies caught at your point of impact for 2 seconds (in PvP this ability reduces movement speed by 50% rather than adding the stun).
    • Grit – Reduces damage taken when you fall below 25% vitality.
    • Vortex – Create a vortex that pulls enemies to your location making them easy prey for a hammer to the face.
    • Meteor Smash – Summons a meteor from overhead, crashes it down onto your enemies, exploding on impact, and knocks back mobs caught in the explosion.

    Pick up the Crusader class when you purchase the Crusader Class Pack or the Ultimate Class Pack!

    You can also unlock it by spending Arkhunter Commendations earned in game at the Commendations Quartermaster found at the Crater. Learn more about Commendations by checking out this post from our friends at Defiance Data.

    Special Thank You Gifts

    To show our thanks to all of you for being part of the Defiance 2050 community we’re also giving players 1,000 Valor and a Duni Shetarru Racer Orange/Black vehicle! We hope you enjoy this update and we’re excited for all of you to see what’s coming down the line.

    Hulker Hell
    Hulker Hell will hit the New Frontier starting on October 15. This hellish celebration of tricks and treats brings a special delivery of frights to Paradise and has been extended a week to run until November 12! Dive into the fray and take down Hulker Hell Major and Minor arkfalls in a fight for gory glory!

    These are rare and powerful new weapons for taking down enemies in the New Frontier.

    Weapon Skins
    Use all-new weapon skins to customize your favorite weapons with a whole new look!

    10/19 Stream: Trouble in Paradise, Extra Life, Twitch Drops!

    Originally published at

    Hey everyone,

    Due to extenuating circumstances, the 24 hour Extra Life livestream event are being postponed – we will announce a new date ASAP. Deepest apologies, we were REALLY looking forward to this!

    Destromathe, Zephkial, and Rarnok will be streaming from the Austin offices where we’ll talk about the Trouble in Paradise update, our Extra Life promo and Twitch Drops for all! The question thread is already in progress!

    We believe in Extra-Life. We believe in helping sick kids get better care. Join us this year for our annual 24-hour marathon – we’ve got great prizes and giveaways, including Twitch Drops (where EVERYBODY wins).

    We hope you’ll be able to help the kids by contributing a little – even $5.00 can made a huge difference in a seriously ill child’s future. 100% of the proceeds go directly to Extra Life and that it’s all tax-deductible!

    You can also JOIN Team Trion and earn terrific items for raising money for Extra Life – the fundraising year goes to December 31st, so there’s plenty of time, too! It’s easy to raise funds with such a good cause and great prizes:



    So what’s Trion pitching in for your kind support? Lots! Please note that a few of these items are still pending approval, so we may have to switch things around at the last minute with items of equal value! Sign up for Team Trion TODAY!


    Anyone on Team Trion who raises $50 or more earns the following:

    • ArcheAge: Socke’s Sweet Dream Pack
    • Atlas Reactor: All Freelancer Pack
    • Defiance 2050: Demolitionist Pack
    • RIFT: Burning Apocalypse Snail Mount
    • Trove: Dome Dancer Magrider


    We will have Twitch Drops on EVERY official Trion Stream during our Extra Life Marathon – all you have to do is log into Glyph, go to the Account tab, select linking, and link to your Twitch account, and watch the streams!

    • ArcheAge: Dark Shaman’s Raiment (ONLY during 1:30 PM PDT stream)
    • Atlas Reactor: 1 Loot Matrix (ONLY during 2:30 PM PDT stream)
    • Defiance 2050: Extra Life Halo (ONLY during 10:30 AM PDT stream) – will be granted in an upcoming hotfix
    • RIFT: Lucky Staff & Lucky Dice Portrait Badge (ONLY during 11:30 AM PDT stream)
    • Trove: Feathered Float Magrider (ONLY during 12:30 PM PDT stream)


    During our Extra-Life Marathon, our stream and our Hosted Streamers will give away:

    • ArcheAge: Archeum Packs + Crystal Wings (Limited!)
    • Atlas Reactor: Citadel Pup
    • Defiance 2050: Ultimate Class Pack
    • RIFT: Blue Surfboard
    • Trove: Dome Dancer Magrider
    • Trove: Mizaia, Breath of the Evergreen Mount


    The schedule so far (all times in PDT, which is UTC -7):

    • 10:30 AM: Defiance 2050 DevStream & Twitch Drops
    • 11:30 AM: RIFT Harvest DevStream & Twitch Drops
    • 12:30 PM: Trove DevStream & Twitch Drops
    • 1:30 PM: ArcheAge 5.0 DevStream & Twitch Drops
    • 2:30 PM: Atlas Reactor DevStream & Twitch Drops
    • 4:00 PM: Brasse Beerdstream RIFT EU
    • 5:00 PM: Brasse Beerdstream RIFT NA
    • 6:00 PM: Kumar’s Trove ArtStream
    • 8:00 PM: Jole_LP Atlas Reactor 4 Lancer Challenges
    • 9:00 PM: KelariCuddles Lancer Grab Bag
    • 10:00 PM: RoughRaptors’ Dinopocalypse
    • 0:00 AM: KelariCuddes RIFT Dimension Tours
    • 2:00 AM: Morgana, Defiance Rerolled Beginnings
    • 3:00 AM: Morgana, Trove Rerolled Beginnings
    • 5:30 AM: KelariCuddles Defiance Hellbug Hunting
    • 6:30 AM: Morgana, Trove Rerolled Beginnings
    • 8:00 AM: Sparx Is Grounded ArcheAge PvP Fun
    • 9:00 AM: Fasti’s Trove Bomber Royale
    • 10:00 AM: THE END! Help us reach $40,000 for the kids!!!


    We’ll see you there!
    Team Trion

    Defiance Team Letter

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters,

    We’d like to start off by apologizing for the wait in getting an official statement out to each of you. It’s something we’ve wanted to take care of since the transition into the gamigo group first started, but we needed to allow time for things to stabilize before making any promises.

    Let’s dive in, shall we?

    The Defiance team is still here and working hard to continue development for Defiance 2050. Critical team members like Zephkial, Rarnok, and Destromathe are working their butts off to bring new content to you.

    There’s still more work to be done to fully integrate all the former Trion staff into the new organization, but that process is well underway. We’re very excited for the opportunities for growth that we’ll have as a part of the gamigo group.

    We’re continuing to work on upcoming events and content with the next big update focusing on the Synergy Matrix. If you want to hear more on this new system, be sure to check out our livestream on Friday at 10:30 AM PST (6:30 PM UTC) on our new Twitch channel,

    You can also look forward to the return of the Solstice Strike event in December as well as upcoming Black Friday and big holiday sales!

    Finally, we’re also very happy to have a new Community team coming onboard to help improve communication between the dev team and the players with both French and German support coming soon.

    Thanks to all of you for sticking with us. There really is a lot to be excited for and we can’t wait to be able to share even more info with all of you as we get our plans locked in for the future of the New Frontier!

    Share your feedback with us on our forums!

    Defiance 2050 Black Friday Event

    Originally published at

    Even cybernetically enhanced Ark Hunters surviving on a post-apocalyptic, partially terraformed world love a good bargain! Pick up these massive savings during our Black Friday events. *

    • 50% off the Defiance 2050: Starter Class Pack
    • 50% off the Defiance 2050: Ultimate Class Pack

    This year we’re happy to introduce the Black Friday Bargain Box to Defiance 2050! These incredible, limited time boxes have a chance to drop virtually any type of item available in game: weapons, mods, grenades, weapon skins, Ark Salvage, and Scrip.

    Each box also has a rare chance at dropping any of the 13 dropped prototype weapons (including 2 brand-new weapons: The Tempest and Goliath). Plus, they have a rare chance of granting the exclusive APS Vagabond vehicle.

    In addition to everything else, we’re also turning on boosts of up to 100% on XP, Reputation, Skill, and Score.

    Don’t miss out on this celebration of holiday cheer in the New Frontier!

    * Exact times and dates vary by platform and region. Console dates are approximately Nov. 15 – 26. PC dates are Nov. 21 – 27. Check in game for specific details in your region.

    Solstice Strike – December 17

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters,

    Solstice Strike arrives in Defiance 2050 on December 17, 2018! Whether you’re naughty or nice, get ready to do battle with the Volge and hunt down the Abominable Warmaster in specially summoned Major Arkfalls!

    This year-ending event brings new Arkfall rewards, Contracts, Pursuits, Prototypes and more! Take part in this epic event until January 7, 2019.

    Solstice Strike Event
    During the event we’re adding Festive Random Gear Chests to Solstice Strike arkfalls and upon arkbreak completion.

    You can collect two new Prototype weapons from Solstice Strike Arkfalls and Arkbreaks:

    • Whiteout is an assault rifle that fires in 3 round bursts. Land all three rounds in a burst to launch an explosive snowball.
    • Hoarfrost is a high caliber pistol focused on precision shooting.  Precision kills trigger Icy Blast damaging nearby enemies.

    We’ve also added a brand-new Pursuit, Snowblast Grenades, holiday-themed Contracts, daily rewards from Ara Shondu for helping take down the Vulge, and more!

    Plus, you can celebrate the season of good cheer with limited time in-game store items:

    Frost Bringer Pack

    • Abominable Warmaster” outfit with headgear
    • RM Renegade “Frostbringer” vehicle
    • “Frostbringer” title

    Frosty Ammo Mod Collection

    • Embrace the winter chill with the complete collection of epic Frosty ammo mods. Each mod applies a snow blast effect when you fire!

    Tinsel Ammo Mod Collection

    • Unleash holiday havoc with these seasonally appropriate mods to add a splash of good cheer visual effects to your attacks.

    Solstice Strike will also be available in Defiance 2013 with a new Synergy, Cyber Rig Jackpot, and a huge batch of wares available from Py Numbra (found after clearing out select roadside emergencies).

    Ring in the New Year with us in Defiance and Defiance 2050!

    Customer Support Delay Notice

    Originally published at

    Dear players,

    Due to the recent transition to the gamigo structure and the approach of the holiday season, the customer support is currently operating at a slower pace. For the time being, please submit your tickets for new issues on the Trion Worlds support page as the gamigo support page does not have the ticket queues for your game.

    While all tickets will be handled in time, we ask for your continued patience as we work through the backlog. Here are some options to explore while you wait for a response to your ticket:

    • Please visit our forums first, as you might find the answer for the issue you are experiencing without needing to send a ticket.
    • Do not send multiple tickets for the same issue, since it creates an unnecessary number of tickets and will further delay the response to your tickets and the other players in the queue.
    • Please be careful with the game and language you select. Sending a ticket to the wrong game/language queue will increase response time as our team will need to send your ticket to the proper queue.
      If you speak multiple languages, please do not send tickets regarding the same issue to different language queues, as it will also increase response time. One ticket, using the language you are the most comfortable with, is enough.
    • Do not reply to your ticket/bump the ticket if you did not receive an answer from us as it will only send your ticket back to the end of the queue, thus delaying our response.

    Please follow these guidelines and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding,

    Your gamigo customer support team

    Join the discussion!

    Glyph Update Issue Fix

    Originally published at

    Greetings folks,

    As you may have noticed, recently we’ve been experiencing some certificate issues with our websites. These same issues also caused some players to have trouble accessing games.

    We’ve released fixes for the majority of these issues, but we have an update coming for Glyph that should be the final step to resolving this completely. Unfortunately, players using older versions of Glyph won’t be able to update to this newest version.

    If you have trouble updating Glyph you’ll want to delete it from your computer and download the latest version.

    We’re very sorry for any inconvenience this causes.

    Thanks very much

    Colony Courtship Arrives on February 11, 2019

    Originally published at

    Beware the brutal bite of these love bugs as Colony Courtship arrives in Defiance and Defiance 2050 on February 11! This is the first time the event will hit Defiance 2050, so be sure to login and spread the love.

    We’re also bringing a new Synergy rotation to original Defiance. More details on this year’s festivities will be coming soon, so stay tuned!

    Join the discussion on our forums.

    Colony Courtship & New Synergies Live Now!

    Originally published at

    Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Colony Courtship returns to Defiance and makes its Defiance 2050 debut! In addition to this special event, we’re also thrilled to introduce a system we think you’ll love, the Synergy Matrix!

    Colony Courtship

    Hellbug mating seasons means there are vast swarms of this vicious beasts invading the New Frontier. Take the fight to them by taking down Colony Courtship arkfalls across Paradise.

    Complete the “Colony Courtship” pursuit and earn the “Qupid’s Quiver” prototype shotgun!

    Passionate Pack

    The Passionate Pack is only available during Colony Courtship, so don’t miss your chance to show your love. This pack contains:

    • “Unchained Spirit” Outfit (with headgear)
    • “Night Porter” outfit
    • RM Nomad V6 “Burning Desire”
    • “Hopeless Romantic” Title
    • “Unchained” Title

    Synergy Matrix

    Synergies are powerful sets of relics that empower Arkhunters. The Synergy Matrix allows players to focus these benefits directly through EGO implants to increase power and survivability.

    • Matrix Battery – This component dictates how much raw power flows through the system. Maximize your Matrix Battery Power (MP) by completing contracts, or convert Synergy Crystals (discussed below) directly into MP.
    • Core Output – Your Core Output controls how much of your MP is channeled into your equipped Synergy Crystals. Upgrading your Synergy Matrix components improves power efficiency, making Arkhunters more lethal than ever before.
    • Synergy Crystals – These powerful gems are quipped in the Synergy Matrix to grant specific sets of bonuses. With a maximum of six equipped Synergy Crystals you can go for the full 6 piece set bonus, or mix and match benefits to suit your playstyle.

    Celebrate Colony Courtship by spreading love and carnage all throughout the New Frontier from February 11, 2019 until February 26, 2019!

    Join the discussion on our forums!

    Defiance Celebrates Armistice 2019!

    Originally published at

    Armistice Returns!

    Armistice, the celebration that followed the end of the Pale Wars in the year 2031, returns to D13! The celebration runs between March 18 and April 8. Be sure to check in each week to take part in an assortment of returning events.

    March 18, 2019

    • Solstice Strike
    • Nuclear Winter
    • Midsummer Mutiny

    March 25, 2019

    • Hulker Hell
    • Neo Votanis Freebooters
    • New Frontier Harvest

    April 1, 2019 (no foolin’)

    • Rolling Blackout
    • Colony Courtship
    • 99 problems

    During Armistice 2019 you’ll also be able to pick up the new Cyber Rig: Caustic Fury, plus Caustic Fury Supply Crates!

    These limited time supply crates contain:

    • 1 Epic (or better) Overclocked Cyber Rig.
    • An Epic+ Cyber Chip.
    • 2 Rare+ Cyber Chips.
    • Guaranteed Premium Currency reward (Arkforge, Hunter Requisitions, Chip Pullers, or Ark Keys).
    • A chance at the new jackpot keystone Cyber Chip: Reserve Supplier, or the new jackpot Cyber Rig: Caustic Fury.

    The Armistice Bargain Box is back with a vengeance this year! Get tons of loot for a super low price, but they are ONLY available on weekends during the event. These returning boxes may contain Jackpots, 2 weapons, and 2 shields.

    Armistice Bargain Box

    The super rare weapons from the Armistice Bargain Box will blow your mind!

    • Sol Destroyer is a highly modified BMG that fires an extremely powerful particle beam to deal MASSIVE DAMAGE!
    • Apocalypse isn’t just a clever name. This is a Nuclear Rocket Launcher. We’ll let that sink in for a moment. You’ll need to charge this weapon up to unleash the full fury of the mushroom cloud of destruction.

    The Armistice Bargain Box is only available during the weekends so there are just 8 days during the month that you can pick these up.

    Want to learn even more? Check out our patch notes for the full breakdown of this year’s Armistice celebration!

    Thanks for spending another year helping defend the New Frontier, Ark Hunters!

    Event Horizon is on the horizon!

    Originally published at

    Event Horizon

    Event Horizon has come to Defiance 2050. This all new Defiance 2050 event pits Ark hunters against a deadly roster of Quantum damage-focused enemies that bypass Shields and leech health. New Event Horizon minor and major arkfalls will appear all over paradise, providing rewards to Arkhunters brave enough to try and search them.

    Event Horizon will run from 4/29/2019 to 5/20/2019, and brings with it several new items, pursuits, and contracts!


    New Class: The Engineer

    The Engineer Class is here! Our designers have put a lot of love and effort into creating one of the most exciting Classes Defiance 2050 has seen yet. This exciting and powerful new class gives you the ability to summon Drones that help and support you during combat, throw a bed of land mines on the fly, or even pilot your own Mech.

    Pick up the Engineer Class when you purchase the Engineer Class Pack or the Ultimate Class Pack.


    Get the Event Horizon Cache for a cosmic experience

    The Event Horizon Cache contains a rare or better Cosmic Weapon, Mod, Paradox Shield, Plasma Grenade, or Singularity Synergy Crystal and offers the chance to contain a Prime Cosmic weapon (Condition: Perfect / Fixed Weapon Bonuses).

    All weapons and mods have Mod Fusion: Cosmic Resonance attached.

    Cosmic Resonance:

    [1] +15% Falloff

    [2] Damaging an enemy applies Resonance (Cooldown: 1s). Resonance increases damage taken by 2% (Max Stacks: 5)

    [3] Applying Resonance reverberates with your weapon improving accuracy, recoil and blast radius by 3% (Max Stacks: 5)

    [4] Killing a resonate enemy converts released energy directly into 10% munitions in clip (Cooldown: 3s).


    Get the 50x Event Horizon Cache bundle for an extra free Legendary item, or the 100x bundle and get a guaranteed Legendary item AND a Prime Cosmic Weapon!


    There has never been a better time to buy Bits

    Introducing the Monthly Purified Gulanite Pass. Get 3 times the Purified Gulanite Value! Receive 120 Purified Gulanite up front, at time of purchase, and 12 Purified Gulanite each day for 30 days (all PG will go to claims).

    Defiance Celebrates Memorial Day

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters! In a post-apocalyptic world, where everything is in ruin, a sale will always make it better! Beginning on 5/22 and ending on 6/3!

    Introducing Memorial Day Bargain Box for Defiance!

    • Buy 100, get a GUARANTEED jackpot item + 10 more FREE boxes! The ultimate lock box!
    • Limited time box contains 1 epic or better item: weapon, shield, mod, rig, chip, arkforge or loyalty.
    • All weapons, mods and shields will drop with one of the 33 monthly mod synergies or one of the 9 previous backpack synergies!
    • Get a chance at your favorite jackpot weapons, shields, rigs or chips, same drop rates at a super low price!
    • Included are 5 very rare supreme weapons with the Assault or Guard Armament synergy: Immovable, Unstoppable, Sol Destroyer, Omnipotence, and Celestrial Wrath, and 4 ultra-rare supreme shields each with dual nano resist, and a bonus plate: Mayhem Barrier, Mobile Fortress, Quantum Garrison, and Savage Canopy.
    • Also contains a rare chance at the APS Vagabond, T4 Titan, 2000 Arkforge, or 500 Loyalty!
    • Chance of obtaining rare items has been increased!!

    2 new exciting weapons!

    • Immovable – Equipped with Mobius Clip: Damaging an enemy restores ammo to both the clip and pool. Extremely high rate of fire but a strong recoil profile requires skill to control
    • Unstoppable – Equipped with Mobius Clip: Damaging an enemy restores ammo to both the clip and pool. VBI HP-6 Wolfhound modified for automatic fire. Fast firing automatic pistol with heavy emphasis on precision targeting.


    Add the new Voidrunner Pack to your collection for D2050!

    Pack is available in the store for only the week of 5/27-6/3 and it includes:

    • Voidrunner Heavy Trooper Outfit/Headgear
    • Voidrunner Hoverbike Vehicle
    • 2x Voidrunner weapon skins
    • 4x Starfall Epic Mod Fusion Mods
    • Unique one of a kind Prototype – Voidrunner – Assault rifle that shoots explosive rounds!!


    Event Horizon Boxes (single, 50x and 100x boxes) for Defiance 2050 will be 25% off from 5/22 10 AM PT to 5/28 10 AM PT.


    Want to learn even more? Check out our patch notes for the full breakdown of this year’s Memorial Day Sale!

    Hot Summer Sales

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark-hunters!

    It’s hot! Too hot! We need the space in our vaults to install more AC units. Please take all these credits off our hands, they’re just getting in the way.

    Our Hot Summer Sales for Defiance and Defiance 2050 are here! From Friday, June 28th, 2019 until Friday, July 9th, 2019, you’ll get 20% ADDITIONAL credits with each credit pack you buy!

    What does this look like exactly? Simple! Here are a few examples:

    Defiance 2050:

    $5.99 purchase – 500 credits + 100 BONUS credits
    $49.99 purchase – 5000 credit + 2500 BONUS credits


    $5.00 purchase – 400 credits + 80 BONUS credits
    $50 purchase – 4000 credits + 2240 BONUS credits

    All these are one-time offers! This means that once you’ve purchased a credit package with bonus credits, this package will disappear from the shop. Also, all offers are PC-only!

    Now go and grab yourselves some hot credits before they melt away!

    99 Problems

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark-hunters!

    We’ve got some major and exciting news for you! If you follow us on social media, you’ve probably seen us teasing this for a couple of weeks, and now the time has come to reveal the big surprise: A new event is about to hit the world of Defiance and Defiance 2050!

    What can you expect?

    Defiance 2050:

    New Event: 99 Problems

    The Motherlode has been released from his mine. For the first time, fight the mighty Motherlode IN THE OPEN WORLD during this Major Arkfall! But beware: He will be assisted by hordes of his 99ers! After you’ve dealt with the Motherlode, be sure to check in with the Ex Inanis vendors that will appear for some exclusive rewards!

    But wait, there’s more!

    New Synergy: Predator

    Do you like Headshots? Then have we got the synergy for you. This synergy is tailored for players who love that feeling of a critical hit! This synergy can be obtained from the Defiance store in the 99 Problems Supply Cache or from Ex Inanis Vendors.

    Synergy: Predator (Tier 6)

    1. +40% Falloff Distance
    2. Deal 15% more damage to enemies 25 yards away
    3. Critical kills cause enemies to explode, dealing damage in a 7 yard radius. Damage increases per tier
    4. Taking damage increases Aim Accuracy and Recoil by 30% for 6 seconds.
    5. Deal 50% increased damage to enemies above 70% Vitality.
    6. Critical Hits increase Critical Multiplier by 10% for 5 seconds. (Max stacks: 20) Adding a stack resets the time and missing a shot will remove all stacks.

    New Mod Fusion: Precision Torment

    New Mod Fusion weapons have made their way to Paradise with Precision Torment. This Mod Fusion increases your reload speed on critical kills, and buffs your damage every time you reload! Precision Torment weapons and mods will drop from Ex Inanis Vendors, and 99 Problems Supply Caches in the Defiance store. Check it out:

    1. +15% Critical Multiplier
    2. Non-Critical hits apply Tempered Nerves for 5 seconds. Tempered Nerves increases Accuracy, Recoil and Recoil Recovery by 5%. (Max Stacks: 3)
    3. Critical kills increase Reload Speed by 25% for 2 seconds.
    4. Reloading grants 15% Damage for 5 seconds.

    Collect all 7 Prime Precision Torment weapons from caches obtained in the Defiance store or from Ex Inanis vendors!

    New Prototype: “The Professional”

    Fashioned after the personal rifle of legendary Pale War sniper, [REDACTED]. This baby automatically refills its magazine if you can score three crits in quick succession. Available from the Paradise vendor, so complete those daily and weekly contracts to get yours during the event!

    New Grenade: 99er Explosive

    Caution, this one comes pre-”armed”… *cough cough*. Explodes on impact and deals increased damage in a smaller area. Features a VERY unique model. Available in the 99 Problems Supply Cache or in-game through Ex Inanis Vendors.

    New Shields: Sharpshooter, Marksman, and Deadeye

    These new Shields reward critical hits with a stacking Regen/Recharge delay. Available in the 99 Problems Supply Cache or in-game through Ex Inanis Vendors.

    New pursuit: Motherlode 2019

    Participate in the event to get inventory slots and a unique title.

    New Store Supply Cache: 99 Problems Supply Cache

    A box full of equipment that will help you rid yourself of those pesky 99ers and increase your chances of living through the Motherlode fight.


    • Predator Synergy Crystals
    • Precision Torment Mods and Weapons
    • Chance at PRIME Precision Torment Weapons
    • New 99 Problems Shields and Grenades

    You thought we were done? No way! – Avoid gender specific pronouns


    New Synergy: Precision Bore

    Ever wanted to drill into a 99er’s head and see if they even have a brain? Now you can! With decreased Reload on kill (even more on crit!), increased Accuracy and less Recoil. Available through crates that drop from 99 Problems Arkfalls. Can also be purchased in the Defiance Store.

    Synergy: New Jackpots

    • Fool’s Gold
    • Prospector’s Justice
    • Cave-In
    • Bedrock Buster
    • Barren Contract
    • Rich Alluvium
    • Ore Genesis


    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters!

    Well, the heatwave might have not driven you crazy – but it certainly raised the temperature around here! It boiled down to the decision of extending our Summer Credit Sales! That’s right, if you haven’t yet, you still have the chance to take advantage of our tropical deal! Just don’t take too long: such sultry landscapes may soon become nothing but deserts!

    You already know the drill, right? Oh, you don’t? Let’s refresh your memory, shall we?

    Defiance 2050:

    $5.99 purchase – 500 credits + 100 BONUS credits
    $49.99 purchase – 5000 credit + 2500 BONUS credits


    $5.00 purchase – 400 credits + 80 BONUS credits
    $50 purchase – 4000 credits + 2240 BONUS credits

    In addition, we have added a permanent 9.99$ package to our webshop! (This one is heatproof!)

    Now extended, this offer evaporates on July 31st, 2019 at 11.59 PM CEST! This is a one-time offer only per account; it is not available to those who have already purchased credits and acquired their bonus.

    Make sure to drink water and have fun!

    Your Gamigo Team

    Hulker Hell 2019

    Originally published at

    Greetings, Ark Hunters!

    The Hulker Hell was just unleashed on Paradise!

    The diseased plaguers and hulkers comes full of tricks and treats that brings a special delivery of frights to Paradise! Teamwork makes the dream work! So, get your team and dive into the fray and take down these powerful enemies to unlock powerful rewards from these hellish hordes.

    Hulker Hell will run from 10/14/2019 to 11/11/2019, this festive event brings new Arkfall rewards, contracts, pursuits, prototype and more!

    Get ready for the seasonal celebration that brings both terror and hulker madness. With the newly added pursuit and contracts participate in the event to get inventory slots and a unique title.

    Upon completing your daily and weekly contracts you can get your hands to a new prototype available from the Paradise Vendor. The “Ghouls Touch” is a fully automatic SMG scavenged from the depths of a Afflicted Den. Scoring five hits in quick succession overloads your target with Decay, releasing a wave of damage over time in a wide radius.

    In anticipation of this momentous event make sure to channel up the all new Monster Mash Synergy Crystals. This set of 6 Synergy Crystals will unlock the full potential of the singularity arriving with the Hulker Hell.

    There’s also a new Mod Fusion set that made its way through hell with Cleansing?Flames. This Mod Fusion increases your incendiary damage, grants you a stack of Catharsis, causes your weapons to explode on hit and wipe out any hulkers and afflicted out there!

    Plus, you can celebrate the spooky season with limited time in-game store items.

    Dress your best! The Bucket Knight Costume Pack will be available during the Hulker Hell event on the Defiance store. Purchasing this pack will get you the Bucket Knight Outfit/Headgear, “Torque or Treat” Renegade Van, the “Bucket Knight” Title and One Cleansing Flames Prime Fusion Weapon.

    If treat is what you’re looking for, then look no further. The the new Hulker Hell Cache that may bring you a Prime Precision weapon! Grab this cache from The Ex Inanis in Hulker Hell Major Arkfalls, or from the Defiance store for a chance at mod fusion weapons/mods and new synergy crystals.

    Last but not least, we want to thank you for your patience during the recent hardware Migration. For the first two weeks of Hulker Hell, we will be turning on XP, Score, and Reputation boosts. This will run from Monday, October 14th to Monday, October 28th. We will also be sending out some compensation packages to all players who have played in the past few months while this has been going on. Expect to see this compensation in the coming weeks.


    Will you survive or will you fall and burn? Check out patch notes for more details and share your thoughts on this update with us in this forum thread!

    Halloween Sale

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters,

    Hulkers, afflicted, dusty raiders and malicious hellbugs rule the Halloween nights and days, “tricking and treating” innocent souls that cross their paths during these eventful times!

    Keep your eyes peeled and reflexes sharp, as this period sees hundreds of curses coming from the depths of Paradise. This Halloween prepare to lead the fight against new enemies! And to win this battle every player must play as a team!

    Pick up these massive savings on select Defiance 2050 Packs on Steam and in the ingame store, so don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

    Ammo Mod (Blood Splatter) Pack 
    Starting today from 11 AM PT through 10/28/2019 11AM PT get this pack with 25% discount! This pack provides one of each weapon type Ammo Mods that will contain the new blood splatter effect for your weapons!

    Halloween Blood Prime Weapon Skin Boxes 
    Enjoying the Halloween atmosphere? Then there’s also boxes that may give you a chance for rare weapon skins. And for a limited time from 10/28/2019 11AM PT through 11/04/2019 11AM PT you can get them with 30% discount!

    Class Pack Sale on Steam
    Last but not least from 10/28/2019 10AM PT through 11/01/2019 10AM PT the following class packs shall be also on sale:

    • Starter Class Pack 30%
    • Crusader Class Pack 30%
    • Engineer Class Pack 30%

    We wish you an unforgettable time during Defiance 2050 Halloween event weeks!
    And to get you in the mood, how about diving into some Hulker Hell Arkfalls and get your hands to a new prototype available from the Paradise Vendor and other rewards?

    Happy Halloween!

    11/12 Special deals in Defiance 2050

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters,

    Now that Halloween is over, it’s full steam ahead into the holiday season, so we have decided to bring you some amazing offers to save up on favorite items!

    Epic Essential Pack 30% OFF
    From November 12, 2019 12:00 PM UTC take the fight to the enemy with this epic pack filled with value! Includes: 90 Purified Gulanite, 2x Enhancement Catalysts, +10 Inventory Slots, 3x Synergy Matrix Caches.

    Synergy Crystal Cache 20% OFF
    Available from November 15, 2019 06:00 PM UTC. Power up to defend Paradise with this outstanding cache! Contains 2 Synergy Crystals and a pile of Chromatic Dust. With one crystal guaranteed to be Polished or better. Both crystals have a chance to be Flawless. Collect them all!

    Both deals will end on November 18, 2019 06:00 PM UTC – get them in the in-game store while you can!

    11/22 SGT Skin Cache in Defiance 2050

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters,

    We’re coming into the final weeks of autumn in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. But that doesn’t mean you don’t want to obtain some new skins to customize your favorite weapons with a whole new look!

    50% OFF the SGT Weapon Skin Cache
    This outstanding cache contains all Grid-themed weapon skins.  Hurry up, this cache will be available only until November 25, 10 AM PT.

    Get your favorite skins before they’re gone!

    Black Sales 2019

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters!

    The Black Sales have arrived. Starting today we’re kicking off with massive week-long sale! Now let’s take a look at the offer we have prepared for you!

    CLASS PACKS (From Nov 25)
    To start with, you can save 50% on following Class Packs in the Microsoft, PC and Steam store:*

    • Defiance 2050: Engineer Class Pack
    • Defiance 2050: Crusader Class Pack
    • Defiance 2050: Starter Class Pack
    • Defiance 2050: Ultimate Class Pack

    BARGAIN BOXES (From Nov 28)
    Once you’re fully enchanted check for the Bargain Boxes. These incredible, limited time boxes have a chance to drop virtually any type of epic or better item available in the game: weapons, mods, purified gulanite, prime, prototypes, and synergy. Each box also has a rare chance at dropping any of the two new Prototypes – Outburst and Tirade!

    This ultimate lock box, will also be available in Defiance with its unique content! Get a chance at your favorite items at a super low price!

    SAVE UP TO 40% (From Nov 25)
    Last but not least, the following items will be available at an up to 40% discount for a limited time!

    • Name Change in Defiance 2050
    • Boost options in Defiance and Defiance 2050
    • Voidrunner Pack in Defiance 2050
    • Customization Redo in Defiance 2050
    • Electrified Pack in Defiance

    All in-game deals will end on December 2nd – Don’t miss out on this celebration of holiday cheer!

    * Class Pack promotion is available only in the Microsoft, PC and Steam Store. Microsoft sale runs on November 25th – December 2nd. PC and Steam dates are November 26th – December 3rd. Class Packs vary by platform. Defiance and Defiance 2050 sales dates may also be different on specific items. Check in-game or on forums for specific details in your region.

    Solstice Strike 2019

    Originally published at

    Solstice Strike has come to Defiance 2050! 

    From 12/16/2019 to 01/13/2020 the Abominable Warmaster and the Volge Grinches are coming to claim Arkfalls unleashing chaos across the land. Finish them off for daily Pursuits and Contracts. 

    Grab the new Prototype Cheer Canon and pierce through enemies’ defenses with Festive Trees and end their killjoy of a time with holiday explosions. The Solstice Strike Cache is waiting for you at Ex Inanis vendors or the Defiance store with new synergies, mod fusions and more! And don’t forget the Frostbringer Pack: leave a swirl of snow in your wake with the RM Renegade “Frostbringer” Van! 

    Lock and load and defeat all the grumpy Grinches to grab some fantastic Christmas gifts!  

    Happy Holidays!! 

    Christmas Sale

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters! It’s Christmas time again! And even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, we wish you a couple of happy days with your family, friends, clan…or Volges!

    And while the weather of Solstice Strike is frightful, the everyone’s favorite goodies coming to the Store are so delightful!

    From December 23, 2019 10:00 am PT until January 6, 2020 10:00 am PT save 25% on these hot deals!

    Defiance 2050:

    • Caerulum Core (x25, x10 and x5 bundles)
    • Legendary Essential Pack


    • Arkforge Caches (500, 300 and 50)
    • Caustic Fury Cyber Rig Supply Cache

    Enjoy the Christmas season and stock up while you can!

    01/13 Special deals in Defiance & D2050

    Originally published at

    Cool temperatures but even cooler deals! The store update has most needed to ensure your hunt throughout the cold winter months.

    From January 13, 2020 10:00 am PT until February 10, 2020 10:00 am PT save on these hot deals!

    Defiance 2050:
    Event Horizon Cache 25% OFF
    This Cache contains a rare or better Cosmic Weapon, Mod, Paradox Shield, Plasma Grenade, or Singularity Synergy Crystal and offers the chance to contain a Prime Cosmic weapon.

    Quasar Wave Supply Crate 25% OFF
    Chance at one of the 9 Quasar Wave jackpot weapons! Contains 1 epic or better Quasar weapon and 3 mods from rare to legendary, all with the limited Quasar Wave mod synergy!

    Arctic Assassin Pack
    Includes following items:

    • ‘SB-32 Freezer Burn’ detonator
    • ‘Arctic Assassin’ Outfit + Headgear
    • Vehicle: Duni Shetarru Racer ‘Avalanche’
    • Titles: ‘Arctic Assassin’ and ‘Special Snowflake’
    • 30-day Patron Pass

    Don’t wait though; these deals will melt away with the snow. Get yours today!

    Premium Ex Inanis Caches and Pristine Salvage Crates

    Originally published at

    For a limited time, save 25% off the Premium Ex Inanis Caches and Pristine Salvage Crates from now until 10:00 AM PST, January 26. The caches contain one weapon or mod with one of the three original Defiance synergies: Phoenix Fist, Hot Streak or Cleansing Napalm. Meanwhile Salvage Crates will grant you pieces of salvage used to enhance weapons in D2050.

    Defiance 2050
    Pristine Salvage Crate (Small, Medium and Large)

    Premium Ex Inanis Cache (Supply, Weapon and Mod)

    Stock up this week only!

    PS4 SIEA Bits and Class Pack Sale

    Originally published at

    Noticed the new pricing on the Defiance 2050 Bits Store? No, it’s not Von Bach’s divergent EGO at work.

    For a limited time, we’ve dropped the prices of selected Bits and Class Packs. Now’s your chance to experience your journey in a new role and pick up a pile of Bits!

    The following packs will be available from now until February 5:

    • 500 Bit Pack 10% OFF
    • 2300 Bit Pack 15% OFF
    • Starter Class Pack 40% OFF
    • Ultimate Class Pack 40% OFF

    Now go and grab yourselves some hot packs before they melt away!

    Note: This sale is active only to a PSN accounts registered to one of the SIEA region countries (Americas).

    Steam Starter Class Pack and Defiance Gold Edition

    Originally published at

    Great news for Steam players. Starting now get 40% OFF the Starter Class Pack! This downloadable content will unlock the complete experience in Defiance 2050 and will let you find a class that fits your playstyle and customize your very own Ark Hunter.

    But that’s not all. There’s one more downloadable content to rule the Bay Area Frontier: The Defiance Gold Edition! The Gold Edition is now available with a 25% OFF discount and rolls all 5 of Defiance’s DLCs (plus other incredible bonuses) into a single, convenient package. It’s never been easier to start or upgrade your life as an Ark Hunter!

    Act today, these deals will be gone on Monday, January 27th 2020.

    Inventory and Loadout Slot Sale

    Originally published at

    Making too many trips to a vendor to sell off your loot? Is your inventory overflowing? Or you’d like to load a specific set of weapons, gear and EGO perks at a moment’s notice? We surely have a solution…

    This week pick up Inventory Slots and Loadout Slots for 30% off their normal price!

    Defiance 2050:

    • +10 Inventory Slots
    • +1 Loadout Slot


    • +15 Inventory Slots
    • +1 Loadout Slot

    This offer will be available from now until February 2, 10:00 AM PST.

    Don’t wait though; get yours today!

    Skin Cache & Isotropic Decay Supply Crate Sale

    Originally published at

    Polished, stylish… fatal. The all-time favorite Skin Caches in Defiance 2050 to customize your weapons with a whole new look, available now with a 20% OFF discount!

    Upon checking Defiance there’s one more deal available this week! Starting now save 20% on the limited Isotropic Decay Supply Crates. The U-238 manufactured weapons from these caches have 10% Armor Penetration and 10% increased nano proc chance!

    These deals will only be available until 10:00 AM PST, February 9, so take advantage of them while you can!

    Passionate Pack and Supply Caches

    Originally published at

    Whether you’re looking to say “I love you” to someone or spread the passion, the Valentines season has something special for you. For a limited time, this hot bundle will be available in Defiance and Defiance 2050!

    Passionate Pack (Available February 10 through February 16)

    The Passionate Pack is only available during the Valentine’s Day, so don’t miss your chance to show your love. This pack contains:

    • “Unchained Spirit” Outfit and Headgear
    • “Night Porter” Outfit
    • RM Nomad V6 “Burning Desire”
    • “Unchained” and “Hopeless Romantic” Titles
    • 30-Day Patron Pass (Only in Defiance, not available in Defiance 2050)

    The following supply crates will be also available in Store during the Valentine’s Day Update and will be gone after March 9th.

    Mayhem and Mutiny Cache (Defiance 2050)

    Contains a rare or better Devouring Weapon, Mod or Replication Crystal. All weapons and mods have Mod Fusion: Devouring Essence.

    As always buy 50 to get a Legendary item as a bonus and buy 100 to get a Legendary item and a Prime Devouring Weapon!

    Essence Drain Supply Crate (Defiance)

    Chance at one of the 7 Essence Drain jackpot weapons! This limited-time box contains 1 epic or better Essence weapon and 3 Mods from rare to legendary (at least 1 epic or better), all with the limited Essence Drain mod synergy!   

    Don’t miss this chance to spread the passion and pick these deals up before they’re gone!

    D13 Colony Courtship

    Originally published at

    It’s that time of year in Defiance where Ark Hunters once again celebrate Valentine’s Day. Sadly, the world has been invaded with freaky Hellbug pheromones tugging at your heartstrings! The time has come for you to spread love and defend yourself from the purest instinctive love bite of Matron Hellbug in the annual Colony Courtship from now until March 9! 

    New Synergy: Essence Drain  

    A new event synergy brings something good to the table. Unlock its effects by using Synergy Mods to increase your power and survivability.  

    • [1] On enemy plate break, gain 1 plate of ablative armor for 10 seconds (Cooldown: 5s)   
    • [2] +15% EGO ability recharge on kill or full reload (Cooldown: 10s)  
    • [3] +20% Lifesteal   
    • [4] +10% Damage, gain an additional 10% Damage for 15 seconds after using an EGO ability. (Cooldown: 10s) 

    Essence weapons: 

    The following event weapons will have Essence Drain Synergy. All Essence weapons provide +10% armor plate Damage.  

    • INF-27 Immunizer  
    • LM-43 Thunder  
    • Surge Blaster  
    • Chango Fragger  
    • Surge Bolter  
    • Pulser  
    • AR-216 Gladiator 

    New Jackpots:  

    As Colony Courtship Arkfalls crashes to earth, keep a sharp eye out for Majors! They offer a chance at the new Jackpot weapons listed below: 

    • Malicious Undertaking – Infector
    • Phantom Pride – Light Machine Gun
    • Fractured Psyche – Pistol
    • Dire Mind – Combat Shotgun
    • Beyond the Veil – Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle
    • Extenuating Circumstances – Sub Machine Gun
    • Ashen Catastrophe – Assault Rifle

    Essence Drain Supply Crate

    With a new Crate, you will have a chance at one of the 7 Essence Drain jackpot weapons! This limited-time box contains 1 epic or better Essence weapon and 3 Mods from rare to legendary (at least 1 epic or better), all with the limited Essence Drain mod synergy!

    We hope that you will enjoy this special event. Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Your Defiance Team

    D2050 Mayhem and Mutiny

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters, Dark Matter mayhem is coming with the Mayhem and Mutiny Event on Defiance 2050! Fight against Zor and his powerful Mutineers in the new Major Arkfalls. Zor uses advanced Dark Matter tech that projects his life force onto his holograms. As long as his holograms are standing, Zor is all but invincible. Can you figure out how to defeat this new threatening enemy? 

    The Mayhem and Mutiny event will run for four weeks from 2/10/2020 until 3/9/2020 and brings with it a new Event Prototype, Synergy, Pursuit, Contracts, Mod Fusion and more! 

    New Pursuit, Daily and Weekly Contracts 

    A new pursuit has been added to the Holiday Goals list. Complete the event pursuit and get 20 inventory slots along with the “Anarchist” title. 
    New contracts are also available with Mayhem and Mutiny. Complete the daily contract to receive 12 Purified Gulanite and 10 Reputation as well as the weekly contract to get your hands on a guaranteed Legendary weapon with Devouring Essence Fusion Set and 50 Reputation. 

    New Mod Fusion: Devouring Essence  
    New Mod Fusion weapons have made their way to Paradise just in time for the fight against Zor. Devouring Essence weapons and mods will drop from the Mayhem and Mutiny Caches available from Ex Inanis vendors as well as from the Defiance 2050 store. Check it out: 

    • [1] +15% Reload   
    • [2] Dealing damage to an enemy decreases their damage by 5% and increases your damage by 10% for 8s. (Cooldown: 5s)   
    • [3] Using an ability increases Rate of Fire by 7% for 7s. (Stacks, Duration does not refresh)   
    • [4] Kills reduce active ability cooldowns by 20% (Cooldown: 20s) 

    New Synergy: Replication 
    New event synergy brings something good to the table. Collect all Crystals for the full potential of your Synergy to confuse your opponents with holograms and finish them off with explosive damage! 
    Synergy: Replication (Tier 6 – Energy: 1400) 

    • [1] +15% Dodge Chance 
    • [2] Dealing damage reduces active cooldown time by 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 10s)   
    • [3] +15% Increased damage while any ability is on cooldown.   
    • [4] Using an ability summons a hologram with a damaging aura that seeks out and taunts nearby enemies. Holograms explode on death, dealing heavy damage.   
    • [5] Heal 25% Health and take 12% less damage for 10 seconds after one of your Holograms explode. Max Stacks: 5 (Duration does not refresh)   
    • [6] +100% increased Hologram aura damage, aura radius, and explosion damage. 

    New Prototype: Eshkizhiwa  

    The Mayhem and Mutiny event also brings a new themed Prototype “Eshkizhiwa”. This one of a kind pistol can lock on to a target from far away and fire a burst of homing projectiles!  

    Complete daily and weekly event contracts to get this prototype at the Paradise Territory Vendor, available only during the event! Get it now before it’s too late! 

    Mayhem and Mutiny Cache 

    This Cache will be available in the game store as well as Ex Inanis vendors! It will contain one of the following items!  

    • Weapon or Mod  
      • Weapons and Mods have the NEW Mod Fusion: Devouring Essence  
    • Chance to contain a Prime Precision weapon (Condition: Perfect / Fixed Weapon Bonuses).   
    • 1 of 7 new “Prime Devouring” Weapons  
      • Prime Devouring Slickshot (Full-Auto Pistol Low Tech) 
      • Prime Devouring ESP-500 Armada (Guided Rocket High Tech) 
      • Prime Devouring Thumper (Auto Detonator Alien) 
      • Prime Devouring NRS-500 Commando (Burst Sub Machine Gun High Tech) 
      • Prime Devouring LM-43 Thunder (Light Machine Gun High Tech) 
      • Prime Devouring Mazu Blast Rifle (Full-Auto Assault Alien) 
      • Prime Devouring Street Sweeper (Combat Shotgun Low Tech) 
    • Replication Crystal  

    As always buy 50 to get a Legendary item as a bonus and buy 100 to get a Legendary item and a Prime Devouring Weapon! This cache will be gone after March 9th. 

    We hope that you will enjoy this unique event. Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Your Defiance Team

    D2050 PC: 20% Additional Bits

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,

    We hope you are enjoying the Valentine’s Day and to celebrate with you, look what just flew in on the wings of love!  An ADDITIONAL 20% credits with each credit pack you buy, so make sure not to miss out!

    The following packs are eligible for the promotion*:

    • 500 Bit Pack -> 600 Bits
    • 1100 Bit Pack -> 1320 Bits
    • 2300 Bit Pack -> 2760 Bits
    • 6250 Bit Pack -> 7500 Bits

    * All offers are PC-only! The bonus is not displayed in the game store. After purchasing one of the packs 20% bonus credits will get granted automatically.
    **This offer cannot be combined with a First Time Buyer offer.

    Valid from Friday the 14th of February, 10:01 AM PST/19:01 CET until Sunday the 16th of February, 9:59 AM PST/ 18:59 CET.

    Don’t delay and benefit from this unique offer by topping up your account now!

    D13 and D2050: TMW Hannibal 650R VBI 25% OFF

    Originally published at

    This week’s store update is all about fueled runners that allow to boost across the game’s Paradise and San Francisco.

    TMW Hannibal 650R VBI are now on sale for 25% off through February 23, 2020 10 AM PST.
    Check them out below and head to the store and customize your ark hunter.

    • Black/Red
    • Blue/Black
    • Yellow/Green
    • Cyan/Blue

    Become a Community Ambassador

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters!

    As the battle for Paradise rages on, the forces of the Dark Matter show no sign of weakening. Our HQ has requested that we urgently recruit brave new Ark Hunters with expert knowledge and a sense of justice.

    But not everyone will be chosen for the reinforcement. An elite level of physical strength, stamina, and endurance are the standards for our unit.

    Are you up for the challenge of restoring peace to Paradise?

    We are currently searching for Community Ambassadors to engage
    with the players of Defiance and Defiance 2050 on Discord, Steam,
    and in our Forums. If you meet the following requirements,
    you should quickly click on the “Apply Now” link.


    • Minimum age of 18 years (must be proven with ID).
    • Willingness to invest time for Defiance.
    • Have a record of contribution to Forums, Discord and in-game.
    • Possesses the right interpersonal skills and game knowledge.
    • Fluent in English (speaking, writing, and comprehension).
    • A headset or speakers and a microphone to be able to communicate over voice chats.
    • Enthusiasm for the game, the community, and the tasks that await you.


    • Previous experience working in a similar field
    • Fluency in German or French


    The tasks of a Community Ambassador include:

    • Resolving player disputes
    • Helping in the planning and organizing of events
    • Moderation of Forum, Discord, and Steam
    • Collecting reports about issues, bugs, and exploits

    Please submit your application below.


    Candidates who stand out will be contacted for further discussion via e-mail. All discussions and interviews will be done via voice chat, so please have a working headset or speakers & a microphone.

    We are looking forward to receiving all your applications!

    Best wishes and good luck,

    Your Defiance Team!

    D13 and D2050: Carnival sale

    Originally published at

    The biggest carnivals are happening this February around the world, and what better way to prepare for the celebration than to embrace the festive spirit. Now it’s time to put your party face on!

    The following items are now on sale for 50% OFF:

    • Mask of Baphomet
    • Smiling Menace
    • Mirror Headgear
    • Lab Coat

    These deals will only be available until February 27, 10:00 AM PST. Take advantage of them now and party!

    Armistice Event Poll

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,
    it is this time of the year in Defiance, where you as the community can decide what kind of Arkfalls you would like to experience during the Armistice Event. There is a big variety of Arkfalls for Defiance and Defiance 2050. Pick your favorite event and with a bit of luck, it will be featured soon.


    D13 and D2050: Capacity Expansions

    Originally published at

    Already reached your full capacity? Or you’d like to save up to buy more crates later? We surely have a solution to allow you carry more Purified Gulanite and Ark Keycodes.

    The following deals are now on sale for 30% off through March 1, 10 AM PST.

    • +25 Purified Gulanite Capacity (Defiance 2050)
    • +25 Ark Keycode Capacity (Defiance)

    Don’t miss this chance to get the maximum capacity before the deal is gone!

    D13 and D2050: Butcher Skins and Epidemic Crates

    Originally published at

    Returning items coming for the first week of spring are now available in the game Store! It’s time to descend on your enemies, fend off the mutants and rule the Paradise!

    20% OFF the Butcher Weapon Skin Cache (Defiance 2050)
    This outstanding cache contains all Butcher-themed weapon skins.
    Below some skins obtainable from the cache:  

    Epidemic Supply Crate (Defiance)
    Each weapon and mod within this Supply Crate is manufactured with care with the limited-time Epidemic Synergy.

    Both deals are available March 2 through March 9, 10 AM PST. Stock up while supplies last!

    Inventory and Loadout Slots 30% off

    Originally published at

    We’re bringing you some amazing offers to save up on favorite items. This week say no more to an overflowing inventory and switch your loadouts at a moment’s notice!

    The following items are now on sale for 30% off their normal price!

    Defiance 2050:

    • +10 Inventory Slots
    • +1 Loadout Slot


    • +15 Inventory Slots
    • +1 Loadout Slot

    This offer will be available from now until March 15, 11:00 AM PDT.

    Don’t wait though; get yours today!

    St. Patrick’s Day Sale 50% OFF

    Originally published at

    St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner! Many Ark Hunters will be drinking green beer at the Crater questioning their mission loot drops, searching the four-leaf clovers and enjoying loads of green great days and nights!

    The following deals are now on sale for 50% off through March 22, 11 AM PDT:

    • Raptor Bright Green/Black
    • Outfit Inmate

    Don’t miss the chance to get lucky with these deals before they’re gone! Save green, wear green!

    D2050 Voidrunner Pack 25% OFF

    Originally published at

    This week the Defiance 2050 Store offers one of a kind Voidrunner Pack available for a limited time for the most driven among you! You’ll also save 25% off this pack, so don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

    Pack is available in the store for only the week of March 23, 9 AM PDT – March 30, 9 AM PDT and it includes:

    • Voidrunner Heavy Trooper Outfit and Headgear
    • Voidrunner Falcon Hoverbike
    • 2x Voidrunner weapon skins
    • 4x Starfall Epic Mod Fusion Mods
    • Unique Prototype – Voidrunner – Assault rifle that shoots explosive rounds!!

    Don’t miss the chance to own some of the amazing features. Get yours while you can!

    Armistice soon, Bargain Box returns with boosts!

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters,

    To start with, we want you to gather your squad and get ready for the first round of Arkfalls that will land in Paradise on March 30th!
    You guessed it right! Armistice celebration will start soon and brings four weeks of holiday events!

    Defiance 2050 Server Boosts (March 25, 11 AM PDT – March 30, 9 AM PDT)

    But that’s not all. While this self-quarantine is happening around the world. We want you to stay home, and stay healthy! So, don’t plan to go outside because from today until the start of Armistice celebration we have turned on server boosts that will grant you +100% XP and Reputation. If you have any other boost active then they will sum up of course. That’s it! Make sure to drink a lot of water have some rest and boost your Ark Hunter!

    Defiance 2050 Bargain Box (March 25, 11 AM PDT – March 30, 9 AM PDT)

    But there’s one more card up our sleeve. If you remember our very popular Bargain Box from last year, it’s back in action.  Yes, you read it right! There are just 5 days to pick them up. 

    These incredible, limited time boxes have a chance to drop virtually any type of epic or better item available in the game: weapons, mods, Purified Gulanite, primes, prototypes, and synergy. Each box also has a rare chance at dropping any of the two rare Prototypes – Outburst and Tirade! 

    The Bargain Box may contain one of the following Items:

    • Special prototypes: Outburst & Tirade 
    • Other prototypes: Gore Auger, Venom Spitter, Atomizer, Continuum, Bonesaw, Archimedes’ Vision, Beacon, Senbonzakura, Vulcan, Pumpkin Patch, Squash Swarmer, Sugar Injector, Poultromancer, Whiteout, Hoarfrost, Philanthropist, Cupid’s Quiver, Nexus. The Professional & Ghoul’s Touch. 
    • Fusion Sets: Mod Fusion: Cosmic Resonance, Mod Fusion: Precision Torment & Mod Fusion: Cleansing Flames. 
    • Synergies: Agony, Backlash, Eruption, Merciless, Chaperone, Rampage, Voltaic, Volcanic, Caustic, Barbaric, Entropic, Singularity, Predator & Monster Mash. 

    Defiance Bargain Box (March 25, 11 AM PDT – March 30, 9 AM PDT)

    The Bargain Box is back with a vengeance in Defiance as well! The super rare weapons from the Bargain Box will blow your mind! Get tons of loot for a super low price, but they are only available for 5 days until the start of Armistice celebration.

    These returning boxes have a chance to drop virtually any type of item available in the game including Jackpots, special weapons – Immovable, Unstoppable, Sol Destroyer, Omnipotence, Celestial Wrath and shields.

    Don’t miss this chance to get the maximum profit with these boosts and Bargain Boxes! Stay home and stay healthy!

    Defiance 2050 and Defiance Celebrate Armistice 2020!

    Originally published at

    Get ready, Ark Hunters! Join us as we celebrate Armistice, the end of the Pale Wars! After nine long years of suffering, fighting and chaos, when warfare had taken its toll on the planet, let’s exult at the demise of the tyrannical supremacy of the Earth Military Coalition.

    Today, Armistice is celebrated with a series of various holiday events taken from years past and happening in-game all for your participation and pleasure! Let’s set the mood, shall we?

    This year, the celebration of Armistice will feature 4 events taking place simultaneously in both Defiance 2050 and Defiance. Running from March 30 to April 27, each event will include holiday Caches and Supply Crates that may contain several rare weapons, synergies and a whole lot more.

    Thanks to your vote, Defiance 2050 will run Event Horizon with Solstice Strike for the first two weeks (March 30 – April 13) and 99 Problems with Hulker Hell for the third and fourth weeks (April 13 – April 27). Defiance will feature Hot Crazy Summer with Nuclear Winter for the first two weeks (March 30 – April 13) and Death and Taxes with the Outbreak from the third and fourth weeks (April 13 – April 27).

    Check out our Defiance 2050 and Defiance event notes for detailed information and join the Armistice celebration discussion on our forums!

    Happy Armistice, Ark Hunters!

    Gamigo and Eden Reforestation Project united in a common cause

    Originally published at

    Greetings, Ark Hunters!

    Our Paradise takes place in a post-apocalyptic future where giant mushrooms and alien flora dot the landscape along with remained forests and lands of Paradise. But today we ask you to check the world outside your window, the world that needs your support to make a permanent change. We are here, to take a step in the right direction.

    As a part of gamigotrees event we have joined with Eden Reforestation Projects in their fight to combat climate change.

    Eden Reforestation Projects is an organization that restores forest systems tree by tree alleviating the devastating effects of deforestation. Every tree planted serves to protect, provide, nurture and sustain all of life.

    The work of Eden Reforestation Projects also rebuilds communities. Fair wages and a commitment to skill-building and employment for women and single parents help keep farmers from selling themselves or their families into slavery just to survive. 

    Over the next few weeks, we will be partnering with them.


    For PC players we will have 3 packages of goodies available which can help this cause. Inside of them, you will find anything from caches and skins to consumables and monthly passes depending on the package you choose.

    Most importantly, for every $1.99, $9.99 and $19.99 package, Eden Reforestation Project promises to plant 2, 10 or 20 trees respectively.


    Below you can take a closer look for the available packages.

    Garden Pack – available for Defiance 2050 PC:
    Contains 2x Weapon Skin Cache. This pack can be bought multiple times.

    Grove Pack – available for Defiance 2050 PC:
    Contains 3x Weapon Skin Cache, 2x Purified Gulanite (30) and 1x Synergy Crystal Cache. This pack can be bought multiple times.

    Forest Pack – available for Defiance 2050 PC:
    Contains 1x Monthly Purified Gulanite Pass, 4x Weapon Skin Cache, 3x Purified Gulanite (30) and 1x Synergy Crystal Cache. This pack can be bought only one time.


    Seed Package – available for Defiance PC:
    Contains 2x Premium Ex Inanis Weapon Cache. This pack can be bought multiple times.

    Flower Package – available for Defiance PC:
    Contains 3x Premium Ex Inanis Weapon Cache, 2x Arkforge Cache (50) and 1x Caustic Fury Cyber Rig Supply. This pack can be bought multiple times.

    Root Package – available for Defiance PC:
    Contains 1x Patron Pass 30 Days, 4x Premium Ex Inanis Weapon Cache, 3x Arkforge Cache (50) and 2x Caustic Fury Cyber Rig Supply. This pack can be bought only one time.


    For more details visit the project website!

    Join us and make the world a better place!


    * The packages can only be bought for the PC platform.
    ** Prices between different regions can vary with seemingly little consistency between the US Dollar, British Pound Sterling and Euro.

    Mutant Free Paradise Community Event

    Originally published at

    Trees planted in the Bay Area Frontier serves to protect, provide and nurture the transformed landscape of the planet. During the Pale Wars our planet has been considerably changed, with new topography, the extinction of known plant and animal species and the emergence of new species named mutants.  

    Nowadays we’ve been getting many reports that these species are involved in the mass destruction of trees. Details are still coming in, but we know that Earth can be saved only if we eliminate them… together!   

    Hurry and help us to make a Mutant free Paradise! 

    What is Mutant Free Paradise Community Event? 

    Players will be asked to target listed species in the game during the given time frame. You simply login into the game and execute against the challenge provided. Just contribute whenever you can!

    Each week, there will be a new challenge announced that you will have to achieve together by playing. Spend some time as a community by killing listed species to make a mutant free Paradise. 

    Week 1 (April 5th, 10 AM PDT – April 8, 10 AM PDT): Cleaver extermination 

    This week’s community target is to kill a total of 50000 Cleavers with the following name plates: 

    • Cleaver 
    • Mutant Cleaver 
    • Formidable Cleaver 
    • Experienced Cleaver 

    If the target is reached before April 8, 10 AM PDT every qualified player will get rewarded with the following: 

    Defiance 2050: 6x Solstice Strike Cache  
    Defiance: 1 x Hot Streak Supply Crate + 2 x Premium Ex Inanis Supply Cache 

    If target is not reached a smaller reward will be applied: 

    Defiance 2050: 2x Solstice Strike Cache 
    Defiance: 2 x Premium Ex Inanis Supply Cache 

    Additionally, top 3 most contributing players may obtain special forum title and discord role “Mutant Fighter” until July 1, 2020 – This reward is optional. 

    Event Rules

    • Event applies to both games, all platforms and servers.
    • Reward will be applied only once per account, if you have multiple ingame characters then items will be credited to the character with a higher counter. 
    • You can get one reward in Defiance 2050 and one reward in Defiance. 
    • Reward will be sent to every player who has a progression with at least 20 eliminated Cleavers. If target is reached but your counter is less than 20 you’re not getting a reward.
    • There will be no in-game tracking provided, you should make your own tracking if you want.  
    • Task completion will be announced after April 8th
    • Rewards will be send approximately within a week after challenge completion.
    • Event rules and description are not related with the official Defiance timeline or history.
    • Your in-game nickname may be listed in the leaderboard.
    • The average counter that every daily active player should reach to complete this challenge is 30-40. Please note that this number is only for informative purpose.

    Ark Hunters, our community is under attack. We must work as a team or Earth will have no future! 

    Save Big on Bargain Boxes Now Until April 14!

    Originally published at

    Greetings, Ark Hunters!

    We have some Easter treats that are better than chocolate. In between staying at home and spending time with your online friends and clan, you might want to take advantage and get some rare items! The shelves of the Defiance Store have been restocked with Bargain Boxes to help you on your journey throughout the Bay Area. These caches are available only for a limited time from April 10, 3 AM PDT until April 14, 9 AM PDT.

    Defiance 2050 Bargain Box

    These incredible, limited time boxes have a chance to drop virtually any type of epic or better item available in the game: weapons, mods, Purified Gulanite, primes, prototypes, and synergy. Each box also has a rare chance at dropping any of the two rare Prototypes – Outburst and Tirade! 

    The Bargain Box may contain one of the following Items:

    Special prototypes: Outburst & Tirade 
    Other prototypes: Gore Auger, Venom Spitter, Atomizer, Continuum, Bonesaw, Archimedes’ Vision, Beacon, Senbonzakura, Vulcan, Pumpkin Patch, Squash Swarmer, Sugar Injector, Poultromancer, Whiteout, Hoarfrost, Philanthropist, Cupid’s Quiver, Nexus. The Professional & Ghoul’s Touch. 
    Fusion Sets: Mod Fusion: Cosmic Resonance, Mod Fusion: Precision Torment & Mod Fusion: Cleansing Flames. 
    Synergies: Agony, Backlash, Eruption, Merciless, Chaperone, Rampage, Voltaic, Volcanic, Caustic, Barbaric, Entropic, Singularity, Predator & Monster Mash. 

    Defiance Bargain Box

    These returning boxes have a chance to drop virtually any type of item available in the game including Jackpots, special weapons – Immovable, Unstoppable, Sol Destroyer, Omnipotence, Celestial Wrath and shields.

    Don’t miss this chance to get the maximum profit with these Bargain Boxes!

    Stay home and stay healthy!

    Mutant Free Paradise Community Event – Week 2

    Originally published at

    Mutant Free Paradise Community Event – Week 2

    It’s time to announce new task, Ark Hunters!

    If you’re checking this event for the first time please refer to the main rules here.

    Week 2 (April 14th, 10 AM PDT – April 18, 10 AM PDT): Rifleman extermination
    This week’s community target is to kill a total of 100000 Rifleman with the following name plates:

    • Rifleman
    • Mutant Rifleman
    • Veteran Rifleman
    • Hardened Rifleman

    If the target is reached before April 18, 10 AM PDT every qualified player will get rewarded with the following:

    Defiance 2050:
    6x Event Horizon Cache
    If target is not reached a smaller reward will be applied:
    2x Event Horizon Cache

    1 x Isotropic Decay Supply Crate+2 x Premium Ex Inanis Supply Cache
    If target is not reached a smaller reward will be applied:
    2x Premium Ex Inanis Supply Cache

    Additionally, top 3 most contributing players may obtain special forum title and discord role “Mutant Fighter” until July 1, 2020 – This reward is optional.

    Event Rules

    • Event applies to both games, all platforms and servers.
    • Reward will be applied only once per account, if you have multiple ingame characters then items will be credited to the character with a higher counter.
    • You can get one reward in Defiance 2050 and one reward in Defiance.
    • Reward will be sent to every player who has a progression with at least 20 eliminated Riflemen. If target is reached but your counter is less than 20 you’re not getting a reward.
    • There will be no in-game tracking provided, you should make your own tracking if you want.
    • Task completion will be announced after April 18th.
    • Rewards will be send approximately within a week after challenge completion.
    • Event rules and description are not related with the official Defiance timeline or history.
    • Your in-game nickname may be listed in the leaderboard.
    • The average counter that every daily active player should reach to complete this challenge is 30-40. Please note that this number is only for informative purpose.

    Ark Hunters, our community is under attack. We must work as a team or Earth will have no future!

    Mutant Free Paradise Community Event – Week 3

    Originally published at

    Trees planted in the Bay Area Frontier serves to protect, provide and nurture the transformed landscape of the planet. During the Pale Wars our planet has been considerably changed, with new topography, the extinction of known plant and animal species and the emergence of new species named mutants.

    Nowadays we’ve been getting many reports that these species are involved in the mass destruction of trees. Details are still coming in, but we know that Earth can be saved only if we eliminate them… together!

    Hurry and help us to make a Mutant free Paradise!

    What is Mutant Free Paradise Community Event?

    Players will be asked to target listed species in the game during the given time frame. You simply login into the game and execute against the challenge provided. Just contribute whenever you can!
    Each week, there will be a new challenge announced that you will have to achieve together by playing. Spend some time as a community by killing listed species to make a mutant free Paradise.

    Week 3 (April 19th, 10 AM PDT – April 23, 10 AM PDT): Shotgunner extermination

    This week’s community target is to kill a total of 50000 Shotgunners with the following name plates:

    • Shotgunner
    • Hardened Shotgunner
    • Formidable Shotgunner

    If the target is reached before April 23, 10 AM PDT every qualified player will get rewarded with the following:

    Defiance 2050:

    6x Event Horizon Cache

    If target is not reached a smaller reward will be applied:

    2x Hulker Hell Cache


    1 x Quasar Wave Supply Crate+2 x Premium Ex Inanis Supply Cache

    If target is not reached a smaller reward will be applied:

    2 x Premium Ex Inanis Supply Cache

    Additionally, top 3 most contributing players may obtain special forum title and discord role “Mutant Fighter” until July 1, 2020 – This reward is optional (Will be applied after the event).

    Event Rules

    • Event applies to both games, all platforms and servers.
    • Reward will be applied only once per account, if you have multiple ingame characters then items will be credited to the character with a higher counter.
    • You can get one reward in Defiance 2050 and one reward in Defiance.
    • Reward will be sent to every player who has a progression with at least 20 eliminated Shotgunners. If target is reached but your counter is less than 20 you’re not getting a reward.
    • There will be no in-game tracking provided, you should make your own tracking if you want.
    • Task completion will be announced after April 23rd.
    • Rewards will be send approximately within a week after challenge completion.
    • Event rules and description are not related with the official Defiance timeline or history.
    • Your in-game nickname may be listed in the top 3 leaderboard.
    • The average counter that every daily active player should reach to complete this challenge is 30-40. Please note that this number is only for informative purpose.

    Ark Hunters, our community is under attack. We must work as a team or Earth will have no future!

    Earth Day 2020!

    Originally published at

    Greetings, Ark Hunters!

    It’s Earth Day! Let’s celebrate it by supporting the #gamigotrees event in partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects to make the world a better place!

    You have pledged over 62,000 trees!

    You are awesome, Thank You! Keep up the great work!

    Do you want to support us? Then follow this link:

    D2050/D13: Purified Gulanite and Biohazard Lock Box

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters,

    For the end of April, we have some great deals to stock up! If you’re looking for Purified Gulanite or Biohazard Lock Boxes you’ve come to the right place.

    Defiance 2050: Purified Gulanite 20% OFF
    In exchange for this new currency, Ex Inanis vendors offer loot boxes that contain your favorite weapons, synergies and mods!

    Defiance: Biohazard Lock Box
    Contains 4 rare or better radiation and biohazard themed weapons. As well as a rare chance to receive a unique outfit or headgear.

    Both deals will end on May 3, 2020 11 AM PDT – get them in the in-game store while you can!

    Defiance XBOX 360 Closure

    Originally published at

    Dear Ark Hunters,

    Today we’re announcing that after many years of epic battles, we’re closing Xbox 360 as a platform for Defiance 2013. This was not an easy decision for our Team, but due to old technical systems, it became impossible to properly sustain the game. Undoubtedly this will cause disappointment amongst many of you – which we understand – but we’re also making it easy to continue your adventure on Defiance 2050 seamlessly.

    Worry not as we’ll gladly make Item Transfers for those of you who decide to continue your adventures and join us on Defiance 2050. It is important to note that to get your items transferred, you must link both your Defiance 2013 and Defiance 2050 accounts, otherwise the item transfer will not happen.

    Now you may be wondering: “Which items exactly will be transferred”?
    The items below are available for transfer:

    • 7th Legion Ashigaru Title
    • Adapted Ark Hunter Title 
    • Altruist Title
    • Arktech Revolutionary Title 
    • Armchair Ark Hunter Title 
    • A-Tex Growler Camo Dark Green Vehicle
    • A-Tex Growler Camo Purple Vehicle 
    • Badlands Drifter Title
    • Chimera Ark Hunter Outfit
    • CODA Commando Outfit 
    • CODA Knight Outfit 
    • Collective Predator Outfit 
    • Corporate Operative Outfit
    • Daredevil Title
    • Defiant Few Recon Gear Outfit 
    • Dodge Challenger RT High Performance Red Vehicle
    • Dodge Durango R/T Soleptor Enterprises Limited Edition Vehicle
    • Drifter Headgear 
    • Drifter Outfit
    • Ekaru Predator Headgear 
    • E-Rep Spy Outfit 
    • Gunslinger Title
    • Halo Headgear 
    • Hellbug Combat Cap Headgear
    • Iron Demon Title
    • Mountain Tracker Headgear 
    • Old School Title
    • Omega Recon Outfit 
    • Outlander Helmet
    • Outlander Outfit
    • Pale Wars Ronin Title
    • Raptor Black/Red Vehicle
    • Renegade Title
    • Renegade Outfit
    • RM Nomad V6 Camo Black/Grey Vehicle
    • RM Nomad V6 Camo Blue/Grey Vehicle
    • Shotgun Murderface Headgear 
    • SPD Heavy Trooper Outfit 
    • Steam Powered Title
    • Terrestrial Motorworks Hannibal 800R Vehicle
    • The Benefactor Title
    • The Charitable Title
    • TMW Hannibal 650R VBI Black/Red Vehicle
    • VBI Infiltrator Headgear
    • VBI Infiltrator Outfit
    • VBI Operative Title
    • VBI Recruit Title
    • Volge Engineer Headgear
    • Volge Engineer Outfit
    • Zwazhe Warrior Outfit

    To make this transition even more enticing, we’ve also included Valor Commendations. Valor Commendations will be awarded to you based on your Pursuit Progress and the purchases made on your account. The amount will be defined based on the highest EGO rating of the Pursuit. Everyone who still hasn’t received Valor Commendations since the launch of Defiance 2050 will get them. Those of you who have already received Valor Commendations on Defiance 2050 with the Game Launch, will also receive additional earned progress since then as Valor Commendations.

    To warmly welcome our new Ark Hunters, there will be 100% XP and Reputation Boost beginning Monday, May 25 until Monday, June 1, 2020!

    Finally, the ultimate sad bit of news. The Servers will forever shut down on Monday, May 25, 2020, and will no longer be available.

    For more information, please check our FAQs, where you will find insights about the Valor Commendations and the closure of the server.

    We’re sure you’ll find plenty of new teammates to join your new adventures on Defiance 2050!

    Your Defiance Team

    Mutant Free Paradise Community Event – Week 4

    Originally published at

    Trees planted in the Bay Area Frontier serves to protect, provide and nurture the transformed landscape of the planet. During the Pale Wars our planet has been considerably changed, with new topography, the extinction of known plant and animal species and the emergence of new species named mutants.

    Nowadays we’ve been getting many reports that these species are involved in the mass destruction of trees. Details are still coming in, but we know that Earth can be saved only if we eliminate them… together!

    Hurry and help us to make a Mutant free Paradise!

    What is Mutant Free Paradise Community Event?

    Players will be asked to target listed species in the game during the given time frame. You simply login into the game and execute against the challenge provided. Just contribute whenever you can!
    Each week, there will be a new challenge announced that you will have to achieve together by playing. Spend some time as a community by killing listed species to make a mutant free Paradise.

    Week 4 (May 1, 10 AM PDT – May 5, 10 AM PDT): Minigunner extermination

    This week’s community target is to kill a total of 15000 selected Minigunners with the following name plates:

    • Experienced Minigunner
    • Formidable Minigunner
    • Hardened Minigunner
    • Veteran Minigunner
    • Minigunner

    If the target is reached before May 5, 10 AM PDT every qualified player will get rewarded with the following:

    Defiance 2050:

    6x 99 Problems Cache

    If target is not reached a smaller reward will be applied:

    2x 99 Problems Cache


    1 x Cleansing Napalm Supply Crate+2 x Premium Ex Inanis Supply Cache

    If target is not reached a smaller reward will be applied:

    2 x Premium Ex Inanis Supply Cache

    Additionally, top 3 most contributing players may obtain special forum title and discord role “Mutant Fighter” until July 1, 2020 – This reward is optional (Will be applied after the event).

    Event Rules

    • Event applies to both games, all platforms and servers.
    • Reward will be applied only once per account, if you have multiple ingame characters then items will be credited to the character with a higher counter.
    • You can get one reward in Defiance 2050 and one reward in Defiance.
    • Reward will be sent to every player who has a progression with at least 10 eliminated Minigunners with specified name plates. If target is reached but your counter is less than 10 you’re not getting a reward.
    • There will be no in-game tracking provided, you should make your own tracking if you want.
    • Task completion will be announced after Mat 5th.
    • Rewards will be send approximately within a two weeks after challenge completion.
    • Event rules and description are not related with the official Defiance timeline or history.
    • Your in-game nickname may be listed in the top 3 leaderboard.
    • The average counter that every daily active player should reach to complete this challenge is 7-13. Please note that this number is only for informative purpose.

    Ark Hunters, our community is under attack. We must work as a team or Earth will have no future!

    D2050/D13 Inventory and Loadout Slots 30% off

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,

    We’ve got two most favorite deals this week so say no more to an overflowing inventory and switch your loadouts at a moment’s notice!

    The following items are now on sale for 30% off their normal price!

    Defiance 2050:

    • +10 Inventory Slots
    • +1 Loadout Slot


    • +15 Inventory Slots
    • +1 Loadout Slot

    This offer will be available from now until May 10, 11:00 AM PDT.

    Don’t wait though; get yours today!

    The #gamigotrees event has been extended until May 10!

    Originally published at

    The #gamigotrees charity event has been a massive success, so we’re extending it until May 10!

    Ark Hunters, you’ve already made a great impact on the environment, but can you level-up and accomplish our new goal of 100.000 trees? Pick a package by May 10 and help Eden Reforestation Projects plant more trees!

    Click the link to get your package NOW!

    ?? ??

    D2050/D13 Black Market Operative & Falconer Packs

    Originally published at

    Dominate the black market, Ark Hunter! From now until May 11, 12:01 AM PDT you can get these fashionable packs.

    Set down your guns and find out what’s in the packs below!

    Black Market Operative Pack (Defiance 2050)

    • StreetSamurai Outfit
    • Revolutionary Specs
    • “Black Market Operative” Title
    • Black Market Operative RM Nomad V6

    Falconer Pack (Defiance)

    • Hot Blast Hatcher
    • Corporate Valentine Outfit
    • Hoverbike – TMW Falcon Red/Black
    • “Falconer” title

    These packs are only here for a short time so score yourself some style and fight in fashion!

    D2050 PC: 20% Additional Bits

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,

    It’s time to get more bang for your buck with Defiance 2050’s bonus credits!

    These weekends you’ll be awarded an extra 20% Bits when topping up your account on a PC platform, so make sure not to miss out!

    The following packs are eligible for the promotion*:

    • 500 Bit Pack -> 600 Bits
    • 1100 Bit Pack -> 1320 Bits
    • 2300 Bit Pack -> 2760 Bits
    • 6250 Bit Pack -> 7500 Bits

    * All offers are D2050 PC-only! The bonus is not displayed in the game store. After purchasing one of the packs 20% bonus credits will get granted automatically.
    **This offer cannot be combined with a First Time Buyer offer.
    *** This Offer is not valid for purchase in Steam Store.

    Valid from Saturday the 9th of May, 3:01 PM PDT until Monday the 11th of May, 12:01 PM PDT.

    Don’t delay and benefit from this unique offer by topping up your account now!

    D2050/D13 Purified Gulanite Capacity & Powertech Lock Box

    Originally published at

    Defiance 2050 Purified Gulanite Capacity

    Already reached your full capacity in Defiance 2050, ark hunter? Or you’d like to save up to buy more goodies from the Ex Inanis? We surely have a solution to allow you carry more Purified Gulanite.

    The following capacity expansion is now on sale for 25% off.

    • +25 Purified Gulanite Capacity

    Don’t miss this chance to get the maximum capacity before the deal is gone!

    Defiance Powertech Lock Box

    Incoming, ark hunters! Until the end of week, you can get this limited Powertech Lock Box at the Defiance Store.

    This lock box contains 4 rare or better Powertech themed weapons. As well as a rare chance to receive an exclusive outfit or headgear.

    Now is your chance to claim this rare lock box before it’s gone!

    Both deals will end on May 17, 2020 11 AM PDT – get them in the in-game stores while you can!

    99 Problems returns to Defiance and Defiance 2050

    Originally published at

    Halt the 99ers, Ark Hunter! The Motherlode aided by menacing hordes of his 99ers have been released from his mine. 

    From 5/18/2020 to 6/15/2020 the 99 Problems event returns to the open-world Arkfalls of Defiance and Defiance 2050 and is available for PC/PS3/PS4/Xbox One, across all regions.   

    This returning event pits Ark Hunters from all over the world against the 99er invasion into paradise. Participate in the event by completing daily and weekly contracts, culminating in the availability of a high-powered prototype weapon available from the Paradise vendor. Get your favorite synergy to power up your headshots and drill into a 99er’s head and see if they even have a brain. Stock up with mod fusions, pre-armed explosives, shields, supply caches and much more. 

    Check out our Defiance 2050 and Defiance event notes for detailed information and get started solving some problems to send your enemies off the grid and grab some fantastic rewards! 

    D2050/D13 Bargain Box Returns

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters, this week we’re celebrating Father’s Day in Germany, Ascension Day, Memorial Day in USA and other special holidays around the world.

    To celebrate this special week Defiance and Defiance 2050 Store has been restocked with Bargain Boxes until May 27, 10 AM PDT.

    For a limited time you can snag jackpots, synergies, prototypes, primes and other exclusives. It’s time to gear up and show this world who’s the boss!

    Defiance 2050 Bargain Box

    These incredible, limited time boxes have a chance to drop virtually any type of epic or better item available in the game: weapons, mods, Purified Gulanite, primes, prototypes, and synergy. Each box also has a rare chance at dropping any of the two rare Prototypes – Outburst and Tirade! 

    The Bargain Box may contain one of the following Items:

    Special prototypes: Outburst & Tirade 
    Other prototypes: Gore Auger, Venom Spitter, Atomizer, Continuum, Bonesaw, Archimedes’ Vision, Beacon, Senbonzakura, Vulcan, Pumpkin Patch, Squash Swarmer, Sugar Injector, Poultromancer, Whiteout, Hoarfrost, Philanthropist, Cupid’s Quiver, Nexus. The Professional & Ghoul’s Touch. 
    Fusion Sets: Mod Fusion: Cosmic Resonance, Mod Fusion: Precision Torment & Mod Fusion: Cleansing Flames. 
    Synergies: Agony, Backlash, Eruption, Merciless, Chaperone, Rampage, Voltaic, Volcanic, Caustic, Barbaric, Entropic, Singularity, Predator & Monster Mash. 

    Defiance Bargain Box

    These returning boxes have a chance to drop virtually any type of item available in the game including Jackpots, special weapons – Immovable, Unstoppable, Sol Destroyer, Omnipotence, Celestial Wrath and shields.

    Don’t miss this chance, get the Bargain Box today and see what’s inside!

    Maintenance May 25

    Originally published at


    We will perform next Monday May 25, 02:00 am PDT (11:00 am CEST) a maintenance for Defiance and Defiance 2050. In this maintenance we will close the Defiance Xbox 360 Version aswell as performing a maintenance of all Servers on both Games.

    This maintenance is expected a downtime of 1 hour. If we need more time, or come back online earlier, we’ll update this post.


    D2050/D13 Defiant Few Community Event

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,

    Year 2025 marks the commemoration of a tragic global conflicts in Defiance during The Pale Wars. The war took all the resources – both natural and human. Food and energy become scarce, people become desperate, leading to a number of side conflicts and conscripting young men and women across the world to fight for the cause.

    There was no side to choose. The crossfire has spread along humans and Votans, human versus human and even alien versus alien.

    In that fateful war, our brave human and Votan soldiers were taken before their time.

    Today we ask you to honor the life of fallen humans and Votans by taking part in our new Community Event.


    From May 25 until June 7, 10 AM PDT, we’re hosting an event honoring the brave soldiers of Defiance.


    Take down the listed enemies with the following name plates to get your reward:

    Defiance 2050 Group 1:

    Evolved Warrior – 20
    Superior Archer – 20
    Hardened Shotgunner – 20
    Hardened Monitor – 10

    Defiance 2050 Group 2:

    Hardened Enforcer – 10
    Evolved Mongrel – 7
    Augmented Trooper – 7
    Inquisitor – 2

    Defiance Group 1:

    Bomber – 10
    Experienced Enforcer – 20
    Hellbug Monarch – 7
    Stalker – 20

    Defiance Group 2:

    Sniper – 20
    Acolyte – 20
    Grid Crusader – 10
    Omnivolt – 3


    Upon taking down the specified number of Defiance 2050 Group 1 targets you will get 5x Event Horizon Caches.

    Upon taking down the specified number of Defiance 2050 Group 2 targets you will get 5x Mayhem and Mutiny Caches.

    Upon taking down the specified number of Defiance Group 1 targets you will get 1x Essence Drain Supply Crate + 2x Premium Ex Inanis Supply Cache

    Upon taking down the specified number of Defiance Group 2 targets you will get 1x Quasar Wave Supply Crate + 2x Premium Ex Inanis Supply Cache


    • Event applies to both games, all platforms and servers and provides different target list for each game.
    • Reward will be applied only once per account, if you have multiple ingame characters then items will be credited to the character with a higher counter.
    • You can get one reward for completing each group in Defiance 2050 and one reward in Defiance.
    • Reward will be sent to every player who has a completed progression with all four listed targets with specified name plates. If one of the counters is not reached, you’re not getting a reward.
    • You can take part only for Group 1 reward, Group 2 reward or both. Just make sure that skipping even one target makes no reward for a whole group.
    • There will be no in-game tracking provided, you should make your own tracking if you want.
    • Task completion will be announced after June 10th.
    • Rewards will be sent approximately within two weeks after event completion.
    • Event rules and description are not related with the official Defiance timeline or history.

    Ark Hunters, our paradise is under attack. Eliminate the enemy to honor the fallen and save our paradise.

    Your Defiance Team

    D2050/D13 Shrill Hunter Pack

    Originally published at

    The Shrill Hunter Packs are now available in the Defiance and Defiance 2050 stores with an outfit, vehicle and weapon to help you blast your way through the 99 Problems.

    Defiance 2050 Shrill Hunter Pack includes:

    • TMW Hannibal 800R “Shrill Seeker” Vehicle
    • “Shrill Hunter” Outfit and Headgear
    • “Shrill Hunter” Title

    Defiance Shrill Hunter Pack includes:

    • 30-Day Paradise Patron Pass
    • “Shrill Hunter” Outfit and Headgear
    • TMW Hannibal 800R “Shrill Seeker” Vehicle
    • Shrilltech Blast Rifle
    • “Shrill Hunter” Title

    These deals will only be available from May 27, 10 AM PDT until June 3, 10 AM PDT so suit up and protect the frontier!

    D2050/D13 Purified Gulanite Pass and Patron Pass 25%OFF

    Originally published at

    Summer is officially here! To kick off with a splash, these special passes are now available with a 25%OFF discount in the Defiance and Defiance 2050 store. Take a look below for all the details!

    Defiance 2050: Monthly Purified Gulanite Pass

    Get 3 times the Purified Gulanite Value! Receive 120 Purified Gulanite up front, at time of purchase, and 12 Purified Gulanite each day for 30 days (all PG will go to claims). A total of 480 Purified Gulanite!

    Defiance: 30 Day Paradise Patron Pass

    Get more from your Ark Hunting! Gain +100% XP, Arkforge, Skill. +25% Scrip, Reputation, Salvage, Score. +50% consumable charges and ammo pool. 10% off most store items. Each Jackpots with additional Karma loot rolls! Get Arkforge, Keycodes and much more from exclusive Patron Contracts, Login bonuses.

    These deals won’t be around forever so don’t miss out while they’re available until June 9 AM PDT/ 18:00 CEST.

    99 Problems Meme Contest

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,

    We heard you like memes….It’s time to show off your talents, by participating in our 99 Problems Meme Contest!

    How to participate:

    Simply create a meme and submit it in the Defiance 2050 or Defiance contest thread. You can use a meme generator such as and use any picture that you like, but the theme needs to be 99 Problems event related.

    Your Entry should follow this format:

    Your in-game name
    Your platform
    Your region

    Example entry

    In-game name: Medjed
    Platform: D2050 PC
    Region: EU

    Event dates:

    The Event will last until June 15th, 2:59 PM PDT / 23:59 CEST.


    Defiance 2050:
    We will reward our 3 favorite submissions with 6 x 99 Problems Caches.

    We will reward our 3 favorite submissions with 1 x Precision Bore Supply Crate + 2 Premium Ex Inanis Supply Cache.


    • Only 1 submission by participant.
    • You can send submissions for Defiance 2050 and Defiance contest but only one reward will be sent in case if you win both events.
    • Only serious and creative memes related to the ongoing 99 Problems event are allowed.
    • Upload your submission on an image hosting website (e.g.: ,
    • You must post your entry in Defiance 2050 or Defiance contest thread.
    • Please make sure your entry follows the format as given and shown on the example above.
    • Do not plagiarize or copy another person’s entry.
    • We reserve the right to disqualify any entry that may breach the rules of the contest or our ToS!
    • No exceptions for participation outside of the set time frame will be given. Sorry!
    • Nothing inappropriate!
    • Every submission to this contest can be used by gamigo for promotional purposes.
    • The winner will be selected by the Defiance Team.

    Need help?

    You can use and modify one of these assets to create your meme. It up to you to use your own or from this album. Click on the thumbnail to view it in a full size. [Archivist Note: These images must have become lost on the hosting site fairly quickly as even's scraping of the page soon after it’s initial posting is missing them. This standard error image from the site is included to preserve spacing in this post.]

    Client-2020-05-13-15-14-27-802 Client-2020-05-13-15-14-29-499 Client-2020-05-13-15-22-01-891 Client-2020-05-14-19-33-52-531 Client-2020-06-03-09-41-03-774 Client-2020-06-03-09-41-09-552 Client-2020-06-03-09-41-10-807 Client-2020-06-03-09-41-12-741 Client-2020-06-03-09-41-41-514 Client-2020-06-03-09-42-53-667 Client-2020-06-03-09-43-00-285 Client-2020-06-03-09-44-19-082 Client-2020-06-03-09-44-52-181 Client-2020-06-03-09-45-16-277 Client-2020-05-13-15-08-07-770

    Your Defiance Team

    D2050/D13 Name Change & Clan Rename

    Originally published at

    If you’re tired of your Ark Hunter’s Name in the game or just have a great idea for a name that you haven’t acted on yet, you can rename yourself and your clan now for half-off the usual price.

    Starting today on June 8, 9:00 AM until June 14, 9:00 AM PDT you can find the following services at 50% off in the Defiance and Defiance 2050 store:

    Name Change
    Enables the permanent change of an Ark Hunter’s name.

    Clan Rename
    Enables the permanent change of a Clan’s Name. Can only be purchased by Clan Leaders.

    Now you can proudly display the name you always wanted!

    D2050/D13 Synergy Crystal Cache & Caustic Fury Cyber Rig Supply Crate

    Originally published at

    Flawless, legendary… fatal. The summer is getting hotter and so can your savings be!  Now until June 21, 9:00 AM PDT, save 30% on Synergy Crystal Cache in Defiance 2050 and get 30% off the Caustic Fury Cyber Rig Supply Crate in Defiance!

    Synergy Crystal Cache 30% OFF

    This supply cache contains:
    2 Synergy Crystals and a pile of Chromatic Dust.
    1 crystal guaranteed to be Polished or better. Both crystals have a chance to be Flawless. Crystals you have already collected will be converted into MP.

    Caustic Fury Cyber Rig Supply Crate 30% OFF

    This supply crate contains:

    1 Epic (or better) Overclocked Cyber Rig.
    An Epic+ Cyber Chip.
    2 Rare+ Cyber Chips.
    Guaranteed Premium Currency reward (Arkforge, Hunter Requisitions, Chip Pullers, or Ark Keys).
    A chance at the jackpot keystone Cyber Chip: Reserve Supplier, or the jackpot Cyber Rig: Caustic Fury.

    Don’t wait though; Collect them all today!

    D2050/D13 Daily Login Event

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters,

    Your stock is running low and you don’t know how to get new material to survive in Defiance? Then prepare to claim your daily extra supply and be ready to engage any upcoming fights over resources.

    From June 16 till July 6, login every day to earn tons of freebies!

    How does it work?

    Login in-game on every day to receive your daily login rewards!

    A reward will be sent directly to your inventory, no items will be sent to the claims. A small pop-up notification will display a received item’s name once you login with your in-game character.

    Rewards include, but are not limited to: caches, crates, purified gulanite, ark forge, boosts.

    What if I missed a day?

    It is not necessary to log in on consecutive days. If you missed a day you won’t receive a reward for this day anymore, just continue to log in on a next days to get your next rewards for this day.

    Anything else I need to know?

    Login Period: June 16 ~ July 6.

    The login eligibility period for each day is 24 hours starting 0:00 AM PDT / 7:00 AM UTC / 9:00 AM CEST.

    Please use this time converter to check daily reset time in your local time.

    • Rewards can only be collected once per day.
    • Caches, crates and other items will be opened automatically once you connect to the server.
    • Currencies will be added on top to the existing amount.
    • Daily rewards can only be received on one in-game character per account (the first character you connect with).
    • To see the name of the applied reward you can check your previous codes applied to the account of your Trion Account (PlayStation and Xbox only for linked Accounts). If you have logged in during the day then the voucher name and date will be displayed in a list.

    Start now your Defiance and Defiance 2050 for the great rewards in the Daily Login event!

    Enjoy your rewards!

    Welcome our new Community Ambassador!

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,

    the Defiance family is growing and we want to announce our new additions to the team.
    The Community Ambassadors will help users with their questions, strengthen the communication chain, and moderate the forum and the Discord server. Overall friendly members of the community who want to help you out.

    A warm welcome to our new recruits!


    Hey guys!

    I’m Gingersnapx, Which for most of you is a name you’re not familiar with. But rest assured, I am not new to the game, and have played Defiance, and 2050 (Mostly Defiance) avidly for the past few years (Thousands of hours!)

    I want what you want, I want to help this game get back to where it was and this is definitely a step in that direction (: With eyes and ears within the game that understand what we as the players want.
    But a little about me.. I’m pretty boring really, I am a dedicated gamer, I’ve been playing games as long as i can remember (Heck; i still own some of my oldest consoles). The ability to lose yourself in a fictional world and escape reality, it’s amazing.

    But just to finish off by saying; I’M here for you. WE’RE here for you. We’re going to listen, we’re going to help, so don’t be afraid to message me :relaxed: Looking forward to talking with you all!



    Hi! Aliralania here!

    I’ve been with Defiance since the beginning and I love playing Defiance. While 13 is more customizable and tradeable etc etc, I am really LOVING 2050! Looking forward to more good things for Defiance! Im an old fogey and have been gaming since D&D days. A bit slower than most of you young whippersnappers but I still kick butt and have a blast while I play! I’m no negative nelly. I love supporting and promoting Defiance so I hope you join me on this journey!


    King Krayola

    Mic check *taps mic
    *loud screech

    Hello Ark Hunters!
    Time to cut the shtako and get right to the chase. I’ve been playing Defiance for several years and it has become one of my favorite games of all time. I am passionate about the community here and want this game to thrive for as long as possible. I hope to bring some value to your gaming experience!

    You want the dirty deets eh?

    I live in the bipolar weather region that is the American Midwest. I love international foods of all varieties and traveling the world learning about new cultures. Ever need to throw down on a food eating challenge? I’m your guy!

    Need help? Feel free and ask. It’s what us Ambassadors are here for. Hope to see you on the battlefield!

    King Krayola

    Legendary Guns

    Hello all. I would like to introduce myself as one of the new Community Ambassadors!

    I have been around since day one on the original Defiance XBOX 360. When 2050 first came out I quickly moved over on the first day it was released on the XBOX ONE. I’m known for helping people out no matter who you are or what clan you roll with. You can find me answering questions in zone chat, getting pvp up and running, and letting everyone know about the active community events!

    If there is any assistance I can be, please feel free to ask! I am more than happy to answer any questions to the best of my abilities! The new team of community Ambassadors is a great bunch of very knowledgeable players, and I look forward to working closely with them and the community management team!

    Legendary Guns

    Thank you all!

    D2050/D13 Boost sale

    Originally published at

    Summer is here, and even fully enhanced Ark hunters surviving on a post-apocalyptic terraformed world would love a good boost!

    Starting now until June 28, 9:00 AM PDT get 20% off all Boosts in Defiance and Defiance 2050 in-game store!

    Take this advantage to increase your EGO level at a faster speed, max the reputation and get that item you want!

    Discord quiz – “Guess It!” – June 25

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,

    It’s time to know if you really know where you’re going to land for your next missions and here is the test!

    Quiz theme: “Guess this gun!”


    On Thursday, June 25, starting at 12:00 PM PDT (9:00 PM CEST), a quiz will run.


    Simply go to our Discord server in the channel #event-quiz and answer the questions!


    Top 2 first answering correctly will receive one of these caches:

    • Solstice Strike Cache
    • Hulker Hell Cache
    • 99 Problems Cache

    Reward cache will be indicated at same time of the question been posted. Each participant may win up to 5 caches.


    • You must be member of our Discord.
    • We reserve the right to disqualify any entry that may breach the rules of our Discord server or of our ToS!
    • The top 2 of each question will be decided on their reaction time and order of posting when answered correctly the question.
    • The top 2 of each question will be contacted for their in-game name, platform and server.
    • The quiz is only for Defiance 2050.

    Good luck!

    Your Defiance Team

    D2050/D13 Unlock Class and T.I.T.A.N. Sale

    Originally published at

    Ever wanted to have an absolute blast dealing damage, make your explosions create even more explosions or lead the fight with a slamming hammer?

    Now’s your chance to unlock any class you always wanted to play at a 25% off discount!

    The following class unlocks are available in Defiance 2050 in-game store: Crusader, Demolitionist, Guardian, Assault, Medic and Assasin.

    Don’t forget to check the Defiance in-game store for T.I.T.A.N. Bundles. Each of these bundles brings the best out of any Ark hunter and are available at 25% discount:

    • Havoc T.I.T.A.N. Bundle
    • Obliterator T.I.T.A.N. Bundle
    • Sentinel T.I.T.A.N. Bundle
    • T.I.T.A.N. Augment Bundle

    These deals will only be available until July 5, 9:00 AM PDT so take advantage of them while you can!

    D13/D2050 Paradise Patriot Pack

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunter, do you live for fireworks and freedom? Celebrate the spirit of independence by getting a Paradise Patriot Pack for special outfit, vehicle, title and more – available now through July 5, 11:59 PM PDT!

    Defiance Paradise Patriot Pack contains:

    • Liberty Infiltrator Outfit and Headgear
    • TMW Hannibal 800R Liberty Vehicle
    • 30-Day Patron Pass
    • Red-White-Blue Midsummer Firework Launcher (plus all 8 single colors)
    • 10 Large Firework Spikes
    • “Paradise Patriot” Title for all of your characters

    Defiance 2050 Paradise Patriot Pack contains:

    • Liberty Infiltrator Outfit and Headgear
    • TMW Hannibal 800R Liberty Vehicle
    • “Paradise Patriot” Title for all of your characters

    These powerful packs are only available for a limited time, so don’t miss out patriots of Paradise!

    D13/D2050 Voyager Pack

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,

    The Voyager Packs are now available in the Defiance and Defiance 2050 stores to help you blast your way through the massive battles and drive to the Event Horizon arkfalls.

    Defiance Voyager Pack includes:

    • RM Nomad V6 “Nebula” vehicle
    • Legendary Accelerated Bombardier with a unique skin
    • “Voyager” Title

    Defiance 2050 Voyager Pack includes:

    • RM Nomad V6 “Nebula” vehicle
    • “Voyager” Title

    These deals will only be available during the Event Horizon. Get yours now before they’re gone!

    Event Horizon returns to Defiance and Defiance 2050!

    Originally published at

    Get ready, Ark Hunter!

    Event Horizon is taking place in both Defiance 2050 and Defiance! In your search for glory, Event Horizon minor and major arkfalls will appear all over paradise. Finish them off in an epic fight for survival.

    Event Horizon will run from 7/6/2020 to 8/3/2020 and brings its top activities from the past year!

    Grab your Nexus prototype pistol from the Iron Demon Ranch and pierce through Sovereign Forges defenses by dealing Quantum damage and unleash a devastating plasma charge.

    The Event Horizon Cache is waiting for you at Ex Inanis vendors and in the Defiance 2050 store with Cosmic Weapons, Singularity synergy, Cosmic Resonance mod fusion, shield, grenade and Primes! As always get the 50x Event Horizon Cache bundle for an extra free Legendary item, or the 100x bundle and get a guaranteed Legendary item AND a Prime Cosmic Weapon!

    The following weapons types have a chance to be Prime with a perfect condition and fixed weapon bonuses: Mazu Blast Rifle, Black Hawk HP9, SS-2 Ranger, LM-43 Thunder, Gray.45, NRS-500 Commando and Fragger.

    Hunt alone or with others to collect your bounty at the Fork in San Francisco by completing daily and weekly contracts to receive Purified Gulanite, Reputation and a guaranteed Legendary weapon with Cosmic Resonance Fusion Set!

    The original Defiance brings Quasar Wave Supply Crates with the Event Horizon. Each Crate gives a chance at snagging one of the 9 Quasar Wave jackpot weapons! All jackpots will have a gorgeous skin that’s out of this world! The following Jackpot weapons can be dropped from the Quasar Wave Supply Crates:

    • Gravitational Collapse – Mass Blaster
    • Neutron Flare – Tachmag Pulser
    • Supercluster – Bombardier
    • Binary Star – Slugger
    • Controlled Burn – Auto Sniper
    • Comet’s Tail – Blast Rifle
    • Irregular Orbit – Thunder
    • Planet Cracker – Slagger
    • Critical Density – Wolfhound

    Each crate contains 1 epic or better Quasar weapon and 3 mods from rare to legendary (at least 1 epic or better), all with the limited Quasar Wave mod synergy! All Quasar weapons provide 10% shield damage and 10% armor plate damage!

    Included weapon types: Bombardier SMG, Blast Rifle, Mass Blaster, Tachmag Pulser, Slagger, HP-A Wolfhound, LM-43 Thunder and Auto Sniper Rifle.

    Come right up to the edge and gaze into the Event Horizon, Ark Hunter!

    * During the Event Horizon, Jackpots can only drop from the Lockboxes.

    D2050/D13 Caeruleum Core and Arkforge Packs Sale

    Originally published at

    Ark hunters,

    Savings are sweet, and Caeruleum Core with an Arkforge are sweeter. We’re very happy to share that now until July 19, 9 AM Caeruleum Core and Arkforge Packs are 35% off!

    Defiance 2050:

    Caeruleum Core (x25, x10 and x5 packs)


    Arkforge Caches (500, 300 and 50 packs)

    Load up and roll out, Ark hunters!

    D2050/D13 Duni Shetarru Racer Sale

    Originally published at

    The Duni Shetarru Racers are not only colorful but also fast-paced! Outrun your enemy while creating some serious damage! Now until July 26, 9 AM Duni Shetarru Racers are 40% off!

    The following colors are available in the Defiance 2050 and Defiance store:

    • Racer Black/Red
    • Racer Green/Black
    • Racer Purple/Pink
    • Racer Blue/White (only in the Defiance store)
    • Racer Red/Orange
    • Racer Gray/Black
    • Racer Red/White
    • Racer Yellow/Blue
    • Racer Cyan/Black

    Grab it! Got it? Good!

    D2050/D13 Weapon Skins and Blade Mod Sale

    Originally published at

    It’s time to descend on your enemies and rule the paradise! The all-time favorite Skin Caches to customize your weapons with a whole new look are now available in Defiance 2050 store with a 30% OFF discount!

    Butcher Weapon Skin Cache

    This outstanding cache contains all Butcher-themed weapon skins. Below some skins obtainable from the cache:  

    SGT Weapon Skin Cache

    This outstanding cache contains all Grid-themed weapon skins.  Below some skins obtainable from the cache:  

    Weapon Skin Cache

    This cache contains various weapon skins. Below some skins obtainable from the cache:  

    The original Defiance brings some Blade Mods to color your Charge Blade into your desired color with a 30% off discount.

    *Upon applying the Mod it will remove the nano icon from the weapon’s card. The nano effect will still be there.

    All deals will be available until August 2, 9 AM PDT.Get your favorite skins and mods before they’re gone!

    D2050/D13 Forges Revenge Community Event

    Originally published at

    Welcome to paradise, Ark Hunters!

    Event Horizon minor and major arkfalls are spawning all over paradise. There has never been a better time to show this deadly roster of Quantum damage-focused enemies who’s the boss!

    In addition to the Event Horizon excitement we’ve some extra tasks to complete during the event and claim a great bounty!


    From July 29, 9:00 AM PDT ( 4 PM UTC) until August 3, 3:59 PM UTC, we’re hosting a challenge for players of all experience levels. Check out the separate time frame for each target.


    Take down the listed enemies with the following name plates to get your reward:

    Defiance 2050 Group 1 : July 29, 9:00 AM PDT – July 30, 8:59 AM PDT

    • Adapted Mongrel – over 50
    • Adapted Omnivolt – over 25
    • Adapted Helibot – over 50

    Defiance 2050 Group 2 : July 30, 9:00 AM PDT – August 1, 8:59 AM PDT

    • Veteran Monitor – over 25
    • Veteran Enforcer – over 50
    • Veteran Bulwark – over 5

    Defiance 2050 Group 3 : August 1, 9:00 AM PDT – August 3, 8:59 AM PDT

    • Evolved Mongrel – over 50
    • Evolved Helibot – over 50
    • Evolved Omnivolt – over 25

    Defiance Group 1 : July 29, 9:00 AM PDT – July 30, 8:59 AM PDT

    • Apex Feeder – over 25
    • Apex Mongrel – over 25
    • Apex Omnivolt – over 15

    Defiance Group 2 : July 30, 9:00 AM PDT – August 1, 8:59 AM PDT

    • Evolved Feeder – over 3
    • Evolved Mongrel – over 10
    • Evolved Omnivolt – over 3

    Defiance Group 3 : August 1, 9:00 AM PDT – August 3, 8:59 AM PDT

    • Superior Feeder – over 8
    • Superior Mongrel – over 30
    • Superior Omnivolt – over 8


    Upon taking down the specified number of Defiance 2050 Group 1, Group 2 or Group 3 targets you will get 4x Event Horizon Caches for each group.

    Upon taking down the specified number of Defiance Group 1, Group 2 or Group 3 targets you will get 2x Quasar Wave Supply Crates for each group.


    Event applies to both games, all platforms and servers and provides different target list and time frames for each game.

    Reward will be applied only once per account, if you have multiple in-game characters then items will be credited to the character with a higher counter.

    You can get one reward for completing each group in Defiance 2050 and one reward in Defiance.

    Reward will be sent to every player who has a completed progression with all three listed targets with specified name plates. If one of the counters is not reached, you’re not getting a reward.

    You can take part for every group. Just make sure that skipping even one target makes no reward for a whole group.

    There will be no in-game tracking provided, you should make your own tracking if you want.

    Task completion will be announced after August 5th.

    Rewards will be sent approximately within two weeks after event completion.

    Event rules and description are not related with the official Defiance timeline or history.

    Ark Hunters, our paradise is under attack. Eliminate the enemy to honor the fallen and save our paradise.

    Your Defiance Team

    D2050/D13 Inventory and Loadout Slots 30% OFF

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,

    We’ve got two most favorite deals this week so say no more to an overflowing inventory and switch your loadouts at a moment’s notice!

    The following items are now on sale for 30% off their normal price!

    Defiance 2050:

    • +10 Inventory Slots
    • +1 Loadout Slot


    • +15 Inventory Slots
    • +1 Loadout Slot

    This offer will be available from now until August 9, 9:00 AM PDT.

    Don’t wait though; get yours today!

    D2050/D13 99 Problems Cache & Precision Bore Supply Crate Sale

    Originally published at

    For a limited time, save 20% off the 99 Problems Cache and Precision Bore Supply Crate from now until August 16th, 9:00 a.m. PDT. These boxes are full of equipment that will help you take down the pesky enemies at any Arkfall!

    Defiance 2050
    99 Problems Cache

    Precision Bore Supply Crate

    Stock up this week only!

    Defiance Golden Skitterling Weekend August 14 – August 17

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark hunters!

    Defiance is heating up with the Golden Skitterling Weekend!

    Prepare for a lucrative weekend as Golden Skitterling have hatched a double brood, spawning twice as many biters (and twice the loot!) from August 14 through August 17.

    So, get your friends online and hunt these rare, loot-hoarding hellbugs in Expeditions!

    Golden Skitterling Weekend
    Start Time: August 14, 2020 at 9:00 AM PDT
    End Time: August 17, 2020 at 9:00 AM PDT

    Best of luck in your hellbug hunt!

    The Defiance Team

    Defiance 2050 Bonus XP, Skill & Reputation August 14 – August 17

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark hunters,

    Prepare for a very lucrative weekend with 100% extra XP and Reputation and 25% extra Skill from August 14 through August 17!

    During the weekend get that sweet faction Reputation to start moving up the ranks , unlock your favorite class skills and perks, and double down on XP!

    Bonus XP, Skill & Reputation Weekend
    Start Time: August 14, 2020 at 9:00 AM PDT
    End Time: August 17, 2020 at 9:00 AM PDT

    Gear up and happy hunting!

    The Defiance Team

    D2050 BOGO: Pristine Salvage Crate

    Originally published at

    There is no limit on how much you can carry when you need to enhance your weapons.

    For a limited time, buy one Pristine Salvage Crate and get another one on top for free!

    With BOGO “Buy One, Get One” sale you get double the amount!

    Purchasing a BOGO:

    There will be no BOGO notification in the store. Add the Pristine Salvage Crate to your cart or press quickbuy option. The doubled amount will get credited automatically once the “buy one” item is purchased.

    The BOGO sale is active for the following items:

    • Pristine Salvage Crate (Small, Medium & Large)

    This deal will be available until August 23, 9 AM PDT.

    Stock up this week only!

    D2050/D13 Mod Kit & Mod Cache Sale

    Originally published at

    Attention, Ark hunters: it’s time to load up some upgrades for your weapons! Get 30% off any Mod Kit and Mod Cache now until August 30!

    Following kits are available in Defiance 2050:

    • Mid-Caliber Mod Kit
    • High- Caliber Mod Kit
    • Shell Mod Kit
    • Explosive Mod Kit

    Following caches are available in Defiance:

    • Premium Assault Mod Cache
    • Premium Shotgun Mod Cache
    • Premium Sniper Rifle Mod Cache
    • Premium Pistol Mod Cache
    • Premium Detonator Mod Cache
    • Premium Rocket Launcher Mod Cache
    • Premium Infector Mod Cache

    All deals will end on August 30, 9:00 AM PDT – get them in the in-game store while you can!

    Mayhem and Mutiny sparks a new challenge!

    Originally published at

    Mayhem and Mutiny is back, and Dark Matter has invaded the New Frontier again!  

    Now that the paradise is the scene of unspeakable sets of Minor and Major Arkfalls. Any sense of the innocence that once marked these lands is gone. In its place the Mutineers have risen to try to fulfill their nefarious duty. 

    From August 31st to September 28th, this event will be running for four weeks, bringing its top activities from the past! 

    Mayhem and Mutiny event in Defiance 2050 is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC and brings its themed prototype titled “Eshkizhiwa” that can be obtained from the Paradise Territory Vendor by completing both daily and weekly event contracts. Upon completing event contracts, you will also get rewarded with Purified Gulanite, Reputation and a guaranteed Legendary weapon with Devouring Essence Fusion Set! 

    During the event take on the Dark Matter remnants by collecting all the Crystals for the potential of the most acknowledged Replication Synergy to confuse your opponents with projected holograms and finish them off with a massive explosion upon death of the holograms.  

    Strap into your favorite vehicle to hunt out Dark Matter at Major Arkfalls and get the full set of Devouring Essence weapons and mods that will both drop from the Mayhem and Mutiny Caches available from the Ex Inanis vendors and the Defiance 2050 store. 

    As always get the 50x Mayhem and Mutiny Cache bundle for an extra free Legendary item, or the 100x bundle and get a guaranteed Legendary item AND a Prime Devouring Weapon! 

    The following weapons types have a chance to be Prime with a perfect condition and fixed weapon bonuses:  

    • Prime Devouring Slickshot (Full-Auto Pistol Low Tech)  
    • Prime Devouring ESP-1588 Armada (Guided Rocket High Tech)  
    • Prime Devouring Thumper (Auto Detonator Alien)  
    • Prime Devouring NRS-500 Commando (Burst Sub Machine Gun High Tech)  
    • Prime Devouring LM-43 Thunder (Light Machine Gun High Tech)  
    • Prime Devouring Mazu Blast Rifle (Full-Auto Assault Alien)  
    • Prime Devouring Street Sweeper (Combat Shotgun Low Tech) 

    Defiance game available on PlayStation 3 and PC brings Malicious Mirage Supply Crate with the Midsummer Mutiny. It contains 1 epic or better weapon and 3 mods from rare to legendary (at least 1 epic or better), all with the limited time Malicious Mirage mod synergy! 

    Each Crate gives a chance at snagging one of the 8 Malicious Mirage jackpot weapons! The following Jackpot weapons can be dropped from these Crates*: 

    • Freedom (Assault Rifle) 
    • Independence (Sniper Rifle) 
    • Courage (Pulser) 
    • Glory (Auto-Shotgun) 
    • Honor (Guided Launcher) 
    • Valor (Northstar Blaze) 
    • Pride (Auto Lobber) 
    • Virtue (Special electric charge blade) 

    Finally, to kick off Mutineers with style Defiance and Defiance 2050 stores are offering a time limited Frontier Loyalist Pack!  

    Defiance pack includes: 

    • Legendary “Malicious Daisy Cutter” Guided Rocket Launcher 
    • Firework Spike x 10 
    • 30-day Patron Pass 
    • “Frontier Loyalist” Title 
    • MR-KA “Loyalist” T.I.T.A.N. outfit with headgear 
    • Duni Shetarru Racer “Loyalist” vehicle 

    Defiance 2050 pack includes**: 

    • MR-KA “Loyalist” T.I.T.A.N. outfit with headgear 
    • Duni Shetarru Racer “Loyalist” vehicle 
    • “Frontier Loyalist” Title 

    Now it’s time to get your fellow Ark hunters and gaze into the new challenge to be defeated! 

    * During the Midsummer Mutiny event, Jackpots can only drop from the Lockboxes. 
    ** Frontier Loyalist Pack has wrong description in German and French Defiance 2050 In-game Store.

    +20% Bit Bonus & Defiance 2050 Voidrunner Pack + Defiance Disassembler Pack

    Originally published at

    It’s time to get more bang for your buck with 20% bonus credits and the Disassembler Pack and Voidrunner Pack 20% off!

    The next 2 days you’ll be awarded an extra 20% Bits when topping up your account on a PC platform, so make sure not to miss out!

    The following packs are eligible for the promotion*:

    Defiance 2050

    • 500 Bit Pack -> 600 Bits
    • 1100 Bit Pack -> 1320 Bits
    • 2300 Bit Pack -> 2760 Bits
    • 6250 Bit Pack -> 7500 Bits


    The next 2 days you’ll be awarded an extra 20% Bits when topping up your account on a PC platform, so make sure not to miss out!*

    * All offers are PC-only! The bonus is not displayed in the game store. After purchasing one of the packs 20% bonus credits will get granted automatically.
    **This offer cannot be combined with a First Time Buyer offer.
    *** This Offer is not valid for purchase in Steam Store

    Defiance 2050 Voidrunner Pack contains:

    • Voidrunner Heavy Trooper Outfit and Headgear
    • Voidrunner Falcon Hoverbike
    • 2x Voidrunner weapon skins
    • 4x Starfall Epic Mod Fusion Mods
    • Unique Prototype – Voidrunner – Assault rifle that shoots explosive rounds!!

    Defiance Disassembler Pack contains:

    • CDC Eradicator Outfit and Headgear
    • TMW Hannibal 800R Droid Vehicle
    • Disassembler Title for all of your characters
    • Legendary Charge Blade Cutting Edge

    All Offers are valid until Tuesday the 8th of September, 08:59 AM PDT.

    Don’t miss the chance to own some of the amazing features. Get yours while you can!

    Defiance 2050 +25 Purified Gulanite Capacity & Defiance +25 Ark Keycode Capacity Sale

    Originally published at

    Looking to get additional capacity to carry more Purified Gulanite or Ark Keycodes? We surely have a solution.

    The following deals are now 30% OFF through September 13, 8:59 AM PDT.

    Defiance 2050

    • +25 Purified Gulanite Capacity


    • +25 Ark Keycode Capacity

    Don’t miss this chance to get the maximum capacity before these deals are gone!

    Defiance 2050 Synergy Crystal Cache & Defiance Caustic Fury Cyber Rig Supply Crate Sale

    Originally published at

    Need to power up your stats to defend the New Frontier, Ark Hunter? Only this week until September 20, 8:59 AM PDT, save 30% on Synergy Crystal Cache in Defiance 2050 and Caustic Fury Cyber Rig Supply Crate in Defiance!

    Synergy Crystal Cache contains:

    • 2 Synergy Crystals and a pile of Chromatic Dust.
    • 1 crystal guaranteed to be Polished or better. Both crystals have a chance to be Flawless.
    • Crystals you have already collected will be converted into MP.

    Caustic Fury Cyber Rig Supply Crate contains:

    • 1 Epic (or better) Overclocked Cyber Rig.
    • An Epic+ Cyber Chip.
    • 2 Rare+ Cyber Chips.
    • Guaranteed Premium Currency reward (Arkforge, Hunter Requisitions, Chip Pullers, or Ark Keys).
    • A chance at the jackpot keystone Cyber Chip: Reserve Supplier, or the jackpot Cyber Rig: Caustic Fury.

    Don’t wait though; Collect them all today!

    Score The Mutiny Community Event

    Originally published at

    Are you prepared to delve into the depths of the darkest Mayhem?

    Beginning this Thursday, and lasting until September 23, be on the lookout for Mayhem and Mutiny and Midsummer Mutiny Minor and Major arkfalls appearing across the New Frontier to get some very helpful bounties!


    Event Duration: September 17, 9:00 AM PDT – September 23, 8:59 AM PDT.


    Play in the listed Arkfalls to get your reward:

    • Mayhem and Mutiny (Minor Arkfall in Defiance 2050)
    • Mayhem and Mutiny (Major Arkfall in Defiance 2050)
    • Midsummer Mutiny (Minor Arkfall in Defiance)
    • Midsummer Mutiny (Major Arkfall in Defiance)

    Your total Score is displayed after each completed Arkfall.


    • Reach total score of 600,000 in Defiance 2050 to get 4x Mayhem & Mutiny Cache.
    • Reach total score of 400,000 in Defiance 2050 to get 4x Mayhem & Mutiny Cache.
    • Reach total score of 200,000 in Defiance 2050 to get 30 Purified Gulanite.
    • Reach total score of 700,000 in Defiance to get 2x Malicious Mirage Supply Crate.
    • Reach total score of 500,000 in Defiance to get 2x Malicious Mirage Supply Crate.
    • Reach total score of 250,000 in Defiance to get 5 Hunter Requisitions.


    Event applies to both games, all platforms and servers.

    Reward will be applied only once per account, if you have multiple in-game characters then reward will be credited to the character with a higher counter.

    You can get one reward for reaching each goal in Defiance 2050 and in Defiance.

    Reward will be sent to every player who has a completed progression with at least one goal.

    There will be no in-game tracking provided, you should make your own tracking if you want.

    Task completion will be announced after September 28th, 2020.

    Rewards will be sent approximately within two weeks after event completion.

    New Frontier is looking forward to your help conquering Mutineers and establishing paradise! Good Luck!

    Your Defiance Team

    Defiance 2050 Purified Gulanite & Defiance Arkforge Cache Sale

    Originally published at

    It’s back to school season. And we’ve got some Purified Gulanite and Ark Forge to help you on your journey throughout the Bay Area! Both currencies are now available with up to 35% off discount!

    Availability: September 21, 9:00 AM PDT —September 27, 8:59 AM PDT.

    Defiance 2050: Purified Gulanite x30 20% OFF

    Defiance: Arkforge Caches (500, 300 and 50 packs) 35% OFF

    Stock up this week only!

    Defiance Paradise Patron Pass & Defiance 2050 Monthly Purified Gulanite Pass

    Originally published at

    There has never been a better time to hunt some hellbugs. To kick off enemies with a more gain, these special passes are now available with a 25% OFF discount in the Defiance and Defiance 2050 store.

    Defiance: 30 Day Paradise Patron Pass

    Defiance 2050: Monthly Purified Gulanite Pass

    Both deals will be only available until October 4, 8:59 AM PDT. Lock and load to give those hellbugs hell!

    Defiance and Defiance 2050 Event Week 1 – 10/1/2020

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters!

    This October marks Gamigo’s 20th anniversary. To celebrate this major milestone, we decided to make this month’s events extra special. There’s a lot going in the game, Discord, Forums and of course our Social Media so be sure to read below and get in on a slice of the action. 

    This week starting from October 1st until October 7th take part in the following events: 

    Dark Matter Elimination – Anniversary Points event 

    Dark Matter are taking all the resources – both natural and human. Food and energy become scarce, people become desperate, leading to several side conflicts and spreading the chaos. 

    From October 1, 9:00 AM PDT until October 7, 8:59 AM PDT eliminate the following number of targets to get your reward: 

    Defiance 2050: Hardened Monitor – 100, Experienced Enforcer – 100 
    Defiance: Experienced Enforcer – 100,  Hardened Enforcer – 50 

    Take down the listed enemies with the following name plates in Defiance 2050 or Defiance to get 5 x Solstice Strike Cache or 2x Isotropic Decay Supply Crate. 

    At the end of week, a total of 10,000 Anniversary Points will be awarded to the top Defiance and Defiance 2050 players with the highest score from this in-game challenge.    

    1st place – 5,000 Points 
    2nd place – 2,500 Points 
    3rd place – 1,000 Points 
    4th place – 500 Points 
    5th place – 250 Points 
    6th to 10th place – 150 Points 

    Additionally, top players from both games will enter the scoring to claim ingame rewards in Defiance and Defiance 2050 at the end of celebration. Check your ranking score here.

    Animals in Defiance – Anniversary Points event 

    We provide a very cheerful care for an endangered species living is our paradise. To mark #AnimalDay during the  gamigo 20 Anniversary we are hosting a screenshot/photo challenge on our Social Media. Take part to win valuable consumables in the game and have a chance to be one of the ten winners to receive 1,000 Anniversary Points. 

    You can also join this challenge on forums and Discord and win more Anniversary Points. The more Points you collect, the higher your chance to win cool merchandise from gamigo. 

    Challenge starts on October 3rd for Defiance 2050 and October 4th for Defiance. 

    Facebook | Twitter | Discord | Forum

    Share your moment 

    gamigo is celebrating 20 years of unforgettable fun and you’re invited to the party. Entry is easy, and the rewards are rare! 

    Here’s how you can participate:   

    Share with us your most memorable moment from any gamigo game over the past 20 years.  


    Wish us a happy birthday.   

    Be as creative with your entries as you wish. Congratulate us in-game or in real life. Share your memorable moment through art, pictures, videos, or even screenshots or selfies. Your imagination is free to run wild.  

    Simply submit your entry via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using the hashtag #gamigo20 for your chance to win a limited edition gamigo 20th anniversary hooded sweatshirt.  

    Winners will be determined by a raffle and selected entries will be featured in an exclusive anniversary trailer. 

     Submission format:

    Post your entry on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using the hashtag #gamigo20  

    Submission deadline: 29th October

    More details:  #gamigo20

    Secret Messenger 

    A secret message will be randomly sent on October 5th and 6th on all servers and platforms. Keep an eye for those messages and if you see one write it on our #gamigo20-submissions channel on Defiance and Defiance 2050 Discord. 

    Top players from both games will get Caeruleum Cores / Hunter Requisitions and enter the ranking score race to claim ingame rewards in Defiance and Defiance 2050 at the end of celebration. Check your ranking score here.

    Art event: Hellbugs’ Party 

    We’re celebrating gamigo 20th Anniversary, so impress us with your drawing of a game’s mascot – hellbug! Take out your pens and papers or draw with paint or a graphics tablet. 

    From October 1st until October 7th draw us a gang of hellbugs firing up a party! 

    1st place: 10x Event Horizon Cache or 4x Quasar Wave Supply Crate 
    2nd place: 7x Event Horizon Cache or 3x Quasar Wave Supply Crate 
    3rd place: 5x Event Horizon Cache or 2x Quasar Wave Supply Crate 

    All serious participants from both games will get Purified Gulanite / Arkforge and top 3 winners will enter the ranking score race to claim ingame rewards in Defiance and Defiance 2050 at the end of celebration. Check your ranking score here.

    To the forum.

    Voucher Giveaway – Anniversary Points event 

    Lookout for the redeem codes! We’ll be giving these codes to the active players of our community. These codes may contain valuable items and consumables and grant Anniversary Points to take part in the gamigo raffle

    So what are you waiting for? Dive into the celebration while it’s hot! 

    gamigo 20th Anniversary

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters from all around the Bay Area! We’d like to thank you for being a part of our big family and now let the festivities begin because we’re going into gamigo 20th anniversary celebration!  

    Together, we will celebrate gamigo’s 20th anniversary with events, contests, giveaways and more! Keep an eye on our newsfeed and come enjoy the celebration! 

    Click here to check Defiance and Defiance 2050 Event Week 1 – 10/1/2020
    Click here to check Defiance and Defiance 2050 Event Week 2 – 10/8/2020
    Click here to check Defiance and Defiance 2050 Event Week 3 – 10/15/2020
    Click here to check Defiance and Defiance 2050 Event Week 4 – 10/22/2020

    As you participate in this anniversary celebration, you will also be chasing single event rewards, you also will earn Anniversary points. Collect points and you will get a chance for some cool merchandise. The more points you collect, the higher chance of winning.   

    All point events are marked with a special note in the event list, so you will not miss the chance.  

    The points will be raffled between all game servers and platforms separately for Defiance and Defiance 2050. 

    A total of 10,000 Anniversary points to be awarded to the top players with the highest score from weekly in-game challenges.    

    1st place – 5,000 points 
    2nd place – 2,500 points 
    3rd place – 1,000 points 
    4th place – 500 points 
    5th place -250 points 
    6th to 10th place -150 points 

     10x 1,000 Points for each Anniversary Event 

    There will be no more than ten 10 winners in these events, and each will receive 1,000 points. 

    10,000 Points for each Anniversary Event 

    The number of points you can win will vary depending on how many players participate. For example, if there are only two (2) participants, they will each receive 5,000 points. However, if there are twenty (20) or more participants, each will receive 500 points. 

    500 Points for each voucher. Stay tuned for codes in the game, forums and Social Media! 

    Share your gamigo best moment ever! We’re celebrating 20 years of unforgettable fun and inviting you to the party. From October 1st to October 29th, share your most memorable gamigo moment on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram by using the #gamigo20 hashtag, or wish us happy birthday for a chance to win coveted prizes! Winner announcement will happen on November 5th. 

    Besides the merchandise, you can also get some in-game items from our events. Take part in them, earn rewards and get the ranking score to claim ingame rewards in Defiance and Defiance 2050! 

    Curious about ingame rewards? Here’s a glimpse of some rewards waiting for you: 

    • Prime Devouring weapons 
    • Legendary Devouring weapons 
    • Malicious Mirage Jackpot weapons (T5) 
    • Eshkizhiwa or Ghoul’s Touch Prototype 
    • Inventory Slots  
    • Consumables 
    • Event Caches and Crates 

    For this big party, we also have special Birthday Fun, Celebration and Party Boxes for PC players. Inside of them, you will find anything from most wanted Bargain Boxes to consumables and other caches and crates on the package you choose. During the celebration other sales and promotions will be also available in the in-game store.  

    Apart from the raffles for each game, we will have a global one among all the games! 

    ? The Ranking Points will be regularly updated but they are not real-time synchronized with the actions. 
    ? The Top 5 players in the ranking from every game will participate in the raffle once the anniversary is over. 
    *In this raffle, we will give away gaming devices from GIGABYTE and other digital rewards. 
    ? All Events in October will be linked under each week in this news. 


    Names in the rankings will be displayed with asterisks blocking all except the first and last letter of the ranked party’s name (for example O****N instead of ORION). There will be a voucher item available to anyone who wants/agrees to have their full name displayed in the ranking on the anniversary. By using the voucher item, you will be agreeing to have your full character name available to everyone who views the page.


    Defiance 2050: SHOWYOURNAME20D2050

    The name displayed in the ranking will be the name of the first character you log in on your account after redeeming the SHOWYOURNAME20DEFI and/or SHOWYOURNAME20D2050 voucher.

    • Everyone who participates must be 18 years old.  
    • Employees of gamigo AG or their relatives, and Game Masters or their relatives are not allowed to participate.  
    • Participants will be entered to win the prizes mentioned in the event description.  
    • If gamigo has reasonable suspicion of the violation of these rules, then gamigo reserves the possibility to exclude those persons from participating. In those cases, it’s possible to revoke prizes afterwards and draw a new winner.  
    • The prize cannot be transferred to another person and cannot be paid as cash. gamigo reserves the right to replace single prizes with equivalent or superior prizes. It’s not possible to give prizes to underage persons.  
    • If there are disagreements regarding the rules, the process or results of the lottery, then the decision made by gamigo is final. It is not subject to legal recourse.  
    • The Data is confidential and will be handled by gamigo according to the legal data protection regulations. 

    How to redeem a Voucher Code:

    1. Download the Game.
    2. Login to your Account or register a new one.  
    3. Go to Apply Code and enter your Code.  
    4. Open Defiance or Defiance 2050 and Login.  
    5. Select a character and login with your character you would like to receive the items. You will receive automatically on the first logged in character the items which you can lookup in your Claim Items Menu 

    For more details on the gamigo 20th anniversary and its rewards, visit our main event website here

    During the Gamigo 20th Anniversary follow our #gamigo20 channel on Defiance & Defiance 2050 Discord server to stay tuned about ongoing events and giveaways. 

    Come join us in Defiance and Defiance 2050 for an awesome celebration! Seize the challenges, get your rewards and most importantly, have a lot of fun during the gamigo anniversary! 

    Your Defiance Team

    Defiance 2050 Caeruleum Core & Defiance Arkforge Packs Sale

    Originally published at

    Ark hunters,

    Save 35% off Caeruleum Core which are used to purchase high-end gear and Arkforge Packs to upgrade your weapon’s ego rating, rarity or changing it’s mastery bonus.

    Defiance 2050:

    Caeruleum Core (x25, x10 and x5 packs)


    Arkforge Caches (500, 300 and 50 packs)

    Don’t miss out on this! Available from the 5th of October until the 11th of October, 9:00am PDT.

    Defiance and Defiance 2050 Event Week 2 – 10/8/2020

    Originally published at

    Dauntless Ark Hunters, it’s time to kick off the second week of #gamigo20 events! This week, your task is to chase Dark Matter Arkfalls across the whole Bay Area, explore the paradise and be first to seize locations! 

    Starting from October 8th until October 14th take part in the following events: 

    Score the Arkfall – Anniversary Points event 

    If you’d rather just fight things to celebrate the 20th marker of gamigo, you’re in luck as we’re offering special in-game event during the anniversary celebration. 

    From October 9th, 9:00 AM PDT until October 14th, 8:59 AM PDT play in the listed Arkfalls to get your reward: 

    Dark Matter Extractors Minor or Major Arkfall 
    Dark Matter Mayhem Minor or Major Arkfall 

    Your total Score is displayed after each completed Arkfall. 

    Reach a total score of 250,000 in Defiance 2050 or Defiance to get 5x Solstice Strike Cache or 2x Isotropic Decay Supply Crate. 
    At the end of week, a total of 10,000 Anniversary Points will be awarded to the top Defiance and Defiance 2050 players with the highest score from this in-game challenge.    

    1st place – 5,000 Points 
    2nd place – 2,500 Points 
    3rd place – 1,000 Points 
    4th place – 500 Points 
    5th place -250 Points 
    6th to 10th place -150 Points 

    Additionally, top players from both games will enter the ranking score race to claim in-game rewards in Defiance and Defiance 2050 at the end of celebration. Check your ranking score here.

    Reporting for Duty – Anniversary Points event 

    It’s time to find out what lies behind these coordinates shown on the asset. Go to the location marked with these coordinates and take a screenshot or photo of that place for a chance to win in-game consumables and be one of the ten winners to receive 1,000 Anniversary Points. Don’t forget to share your platform, server, and IGN!  

    You can also join this challenge on forums and Discord and win more Anniversary Points. The more Points you collect, the higher your chance to win cool merchandise from gamigo. 

    Challenge starts on October 9th for both Defiance 2050 and Defiance. 

    Facebook | Twitter | Discord | Defiance 2050 Forum | Defiance Forum

    Share your moment 

    Share your most memorable moment in any of gamigo games in the past 20 years or/and send us birthday wishes congratulating us in-game or in real life via text, video, image, selfie, etc. for a chance to win limited edition gamigo20th hoodies! The hoodies will be raffled between all gamigo game languages and platforms. 

    Submission format: Post your entry on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using the hashtag #gamigo20  
    This is an ongoing event from October 1st.  
    Submission deadline: 29th October  

    More details: Share your moment

    Paradise Lookout 

    It’s time to find out what lies behind these coordinates! Get the coordinates from discord and check what enemy is spawning there. If you find it out write its name on our #gamigo20-submissions channel on Defiance and Defiance 2050 Discord. 

    Top players from both games will get Caeruleum Cores / Hunter Requisitions and enter the ranking score race to claim ingame rewards in Defiance and Defiance 2050 at the end of celebration. Check your ranking score here.

    Madera Scan 

    Can you guess the place from just looking on the picture?  This week if you know the name of the shown location then fill the form. Make sure to check the thread daily for the newly added locations. 

    Top players with highest score from both games will get: 
    1st place: 6x Solstice Strike Cache or 3x Isotropic Decay Supply Crate  
    2nd place: 4x Solstice Strike Cache or 2x Isotropic Decay Supply Crate  
    3rd place: 2x Solstice Strike Cache or 1x Isotropic Decay Supply Crate 

    Defiance 2050 Forum | Defiance Forum

    Voucher Giveaway – Anniversary Points event 

    Lookout for the redeem codes! We’ll be giving these codes to the active players of our community. These codes may contain valuable items and consumables and grant Anniversary Points to take part in the gamigo raffle. 

    To apply the code, go to the: 
    You must have a linked account to receive reward on PS3, PS4 and XboxOne. 

    We wish all you all a lot of fun during the gamigo 20th-anniversary events!  

    Lock and Load Ark Hunters! 

    41st Century Agent in Defiance and Defiance 2050!

    Originally published at

    Ark hunters,

    Treat yourself to an 41st Century Agent Costume Pack to celebrate upcoming Hulker Hell in style! This Costume Pack will only be available in the Defiance and Defiance 2050 Store until October 18, 8:59 AM PDT so don’t wait to satisfy your sweet tooth.

    Defiance 41st Century Agent Costume Pack contains:

    • 41st Century Agent Outfit and Headgear
    • TR-04 Courier Legendary Weapon
    • Wicked TMW Hannibal 800R
    • Pumpkin Damage Spike
    • “41st Century Warrior” Title
    • 7 Days of Patron Pass

    Defiance 2050 41st Century Agent Costume Pack contains:

    • 41st Century Agent Outfit and Headgear
    • Wicked TMW Hannibal 800R
    • “41st Century Warrior” Title

    Don’t wait though; go ahead and treat yourself today!

    Defiance and Defiance 2050 Event Week 3 – 10/15/2020

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters, we’re entering the 3rd week of gamigo 20th anniversary celebration with the best of events and richest of rewards.

    Starting from October 15th until October 21st take part in the following events:

    Hell of a Bug – Anniversary Points event

    Look out Ark Hunters, there’s a hellbug going around! We are happy to announce our next in-game challenge!

    From October 16, 9:00 AM PDT until October 20, 8:59 AM PDT eliminate the following number of targets to get your reward:

    Hellbug Monarch – 30

    Take down the listed enemy in Defiance 2050 or Defiance to get 5 x 99 Problems Cache or 2x Precision Bore Supply Crate.

    At the end of week, a total of 10,000 Anniversary Points will be awarded to the top Defiance and Defiance 2050 players with the highest score from this in-game challenge.

    • 1st place – 5,000 Points
    • 2nd place – 2,500 Points
    • 3rd place – 1,000 Points
    • 4th place – 500 Points
    • 5th place – 250 Points
    • 6th to 10th place – 150 Points

    Additionally, top players from both games will enter the scoring to claim in-game rewards in Defiance and Defiance 2050 at the end of celebration. Check your ranking score here.

    Monarch Invasion – Anniversary Points event

    Your favorite challenge is back! Dare to take a screenshot or photo in front of Electric Monarch in Defiance or Defiance 2050 and post the result for a chance to win in-game consumables and be one of the ten winners to receive 1,000 Anniversary Points. Don’t forget to share your platform, server, and in-game character’s name!

    You can join this challenge on forums and Discord and win more Anniversary Points. The more Points you collect, the higher your chance to win cool merchandise from gamigo.

    Challenge starts on October 16th for both Defiance 2050 and Defiance.

    Facebook | Twitter | Discord | Defiance 2050 Forum | Defiance Forum

    Share your moment

    Share with us your most memorable moment from any gamigo game over the past 20 years or wish us a happy birthday.

    Be as creative with your entries as you wish. Congratulate us in-game or in real life. Share your memorable moment through art, pictures, videos, or even screenshots or selfies. Your imagination is free to run wild.

    Simply submit your entry via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using the hashtag #gamigo20 for your chance to win a limited edition gamigo 20th anniversary hooded sweatshirt.

    Winners will be determined by a raffle and selected entries will be featured in an exclusive anniversary trailer.

    Submission format: Post your entry on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using the hashtag #gamigo20
    This is an ongoing event from October 1st.
    Submission deadline: 29th October

    More details: Share your moment

    Exploring Paradise

    We’re looking for the rarest creatures! A message with lookout challenge will be randomly sent on October 20th on all servers and platforms. Keep an eye for those messages and if you see one find the enemy listed in that message and send its screenshot or photo to the #gamigo20-submissions channel on Defiance and Defiance 2050 Discord.

    Top players from both games will get Caeruleum Cores / Hunter Requisitions and enter the ranking score race to claim ingame rewards in Defiance and Defiance 2050 at the end of celebration. Check your ranking score here.

    Caption your team

    Take a great screenshot/photo with the clan, team, enemies or even alone and add a funny text fitting the occasion – gamigo birthday!

    Top players from both games will get:

    1st place: 6x 99 Problems Cache or 3x Precision Bore Supply Crate
    2nd place: 4x 99 Problems Cache or 2x Precision Bore Supply Crate
    3rd place: 2x 99 Problems Cache or 1x Precision Bore Supply Crate

    Defiance 2050 Forum | Defiance Forum

    Voucher Giveaway – Anniversary Points event

    Lookout for the redeem codes! We’ll be giving these codes to the active players of our community. These codes may contain valuable items and consumables and grant Anniversary Points to take part in the gamigo raffle.

    To apply the code, go to the:
    You must have a linked account to receive reward on PS3, PS4 and XboxOne.

    We hope you have a great time with #gamigo20.

    Lock and Load Ark Hunters!

    Defiance 2050 Grim Samhain Pack

    Originally published at

    Greetings Ark Hunters,

    With Hulker Hell just around the corner, we’ve got limited Grim Samhain Pack available in Defiance 2050 in-game store!

    This pack contains the Samhain Cavalier outfit and headgear, TMW Raven Hoverbike and two exclusive Halloween themed glowing weapon skins.

    Availability: October 16, 9:00 AM PDT —October 19, 8:59 AM PDT

    Get it now before it’s gone!

    Get In The Hulker Hell Spirit!

    Originally published at

    Hulker Hell returns in Defiance and Defiance 2050, bringing a taste of Halloween! 

    The familiar event is back – the paradise is about to get a bit spookier as the wind turns cold and unspeakable sets of plaguers spooking up a storm of Minor and Major Arkfalls. So cool and calm as they patrol the night, but as Halloween comes, you’re in for a fright! The Hulkers shall walk and the afflicted need tended, for we’ll need your help to keep our paradise defended.

    From October 19th to November 16th, this event will be running for four weeks, bringing its best rated activities from the past!

    Hulker Hell event in Defiance 2050 is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC and brings its themed prototype titled “Ghoul’s Touch” that can be obtained from the Paradise Territory Vendor by completing both daily and weekly event contracts. Upon completing event contracts, you will also get rewarded with Purified Gulanite, Reputation and a guaranteed Legendary weapon with Cleansing Flames Fusion Set!

    During the event take on the ghoulish remnants to channel your inner monster with the Monster Mash Synergy Crystals. Feel lightning coursing through your veins with Frankenstein’s Suffering. Feel immortality with the Vampire’s Kiss. And if all else fails, deal insane amounts of damage with Devil’s Luck.

    Strap into your favorite vehicle to hunt out Hulkers and afflicted at Major Arkfalls and get the full set of Cleansing Flames weapons and mods that will both drop from the Hulker Hell Caches available from the Ex Inanis vendors and can be purchased at the Defiance 2050 store.

    As always get the 50x Hulker Hell Cache bundle for an extra free Legendary item, or the 100x bundle and get a guaranteed Legendary item AND a Prime Cleansing Weapon!

    The following weapons types have a chance to be Prime with a perfect condition and fixed weapon bonuses:

    • Prime Cleansing Barn Buster (Explosive Rocket Launcher)
    • Prime Cleansing Big Boomer (Explosive Detonator)
    • Prime Cleansing Shockwave (Shell Sawed-off Shotgun)
    • Prime Cleansing Tachmag Pulser (Mid-Caliber Sub Machine Gun)
    • Prime Cleansing AR-216 Gladiator (Mid-Caliber Assault Rifle)
    • Prime Cleansing Deadbolt (High-Caliber Bolt Action Sniper Rifle)
    • Prime Cleansing Duruuma Disruptor (Mid-Caliber Light Machine Gun)
    • Prime Cleansing Magnum (High-Caliber Pistol)

    Defiance game available on PlayStation 3 and PC brings Sanguine Extraction Supply Crate with the Hulker Hell.

    Each Sanguine Extraction Supply Crates will let you to live those vampire dreams with life and shield stealing tech! Contains 1 epic or better weapon and 3 mods ranging from rare to legendary. All RIP manufactured weapons have 20% increased magazine size!

    Each Crate gives a chance at snagging one of the 9 seasonal jackpot weapons! The following Sanguine Extraction Jackpot weapons can be dropped from these Crates:

    • Azathoth (Assault Rifle)
    • Eligos (Infector)
    • Belphegor (Light Machine Gun)
    • Xaphan (Sub Machine Gun)
    • Demogorgon (Combat Shotgun)
    • Zepar (Melee Weapon)
    • Nergal (Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle)
    • Lilith (Pistol)
    • Ifrit (Assault Rifle)

    Finally, to kick off plaguers with style Defiance and Defiance 2050 stores are offering a time limited Torque or Treat Pack and contains this frighteningly good stuff to grab life by the horns!

    Defiance pack includes:

    • RM Renegade “Torque or Treat” Van
    • Mass-O-Lantern – Pumpkin Firing Mass Cannon
    • The Great Pumpkin “Launcher”
    • “The Witch” and “The Warlock” titles

    Defiance 2050 pack includes:

    • RM Renegade “Torque or Treat” Van
    • “The Witch” and “The Warlock” titles

    Now it’s time to get your fellow Ark Hunters and wipe this plague off the face of the planet. Happy hunting!

    Note: During the Hulker Hell event, Jackpots can only drop from the Lockboxes.
    Hulker Hell Cache has wrong Prime Weapon name in Defiance 2050 In-game Store.  Correct name of the dropped weapon is Prime Cleansing.

    Defiance and Defiance 2050 Event Week 4 – 10/22/2020

    Originally published at

    Celebrating 20 years of gamigo! This will be the last week to earn Anniversary Points and compete for great rewards in the in-game events. Grab your squad and head to the Paradise! 

    Starting from October 22nd until October 29th take part in the following events:

    Hellbug Uprising – Anniversary Points event  

    If you’d rather just fight things to celebrate the 20th marker of gamigo, you’re in luck as we’re offering a special in-game event during the anniversary celebration.

    From October 23rd, 9:00 AM PDT until October 28th, 8:59 AM PDT play in the listed Arkfalls to get your reward:

    • Hellbug Uprising
    • Hellbug Extraction
    • Revolting Hellbugs

    Your total score is displayed after each completed Arkfall.

    Reach a total score of 250,000 in Defiance 2050 or Defiance to get 5 x Solstice Strike Cache or 2x Isotropic Decay Supply Crate.

    At the end of the week, a total of 10,000 Anniversary Points will be awarded to the top Defiance and Defiance 2050 players with the highest score from this in-game challenge.

    • 1st place – 5,000 Points
    • 2nd place – 2,500 Points
    • 3rd place – 1,000 Points
    • 4th place – 500 Points
    • 5th place – 250 Points
    • 6th to 10th place -150 Points

    Additionally, top players from both games will enter the ranking score race to claim in-game rewards in Defiance and Defiance 2050 at the end of the celebration. Check your ranking score here.

    Harrowing Hulker Hell – Anniversary Points event

    Last #gamigo20 anniversary weekly challenge! You know the drill! Post your screenshot or photo of fighting the plaguers and hulkers for the chance to earn in-game consumables and Anniversary Points. Don’t forget to share your in-game name, platform, and server!

    You can join this challenge on forums and Discord and win more Anniversary Points. The more points you collect, the higher your chance to win cool merchandise from gamigo.

    Challenge starts on October 23rd for both Defiance 2050 and Defiance.

    Facebook | Twitter | Discord | Defiance 2050 Forum | Defiance Forum

    Share your moment

    Share your most memorable moment in any of gamigo games in the past 20 years or/and send us birthday wishes congratulating us in-game or in real life via text, video, image, selfie, etc. for a chance to win limited edition gamigo20th hoodies! The hoodies will be raffled between all gamigo game languages and platforms.

    Submission format: Post your entry on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using the hashtag #gamigo20
    This is an ongoing event from October 1st.
    Submission deadline: 29th October

    More details: Share your moment

    One of Many

    On the new frontier, it’s survival of the fittest – or at least the best-armed. A message with a weapon riddle will be randomly sent on October 26th on all servers and platforms. Keep an eye for those messages and if you see one solve it and send your answer with the weapon’s name to the #gamigo20-submissions channel on Defiance and Defiance 2050 Discord.

    E.g., “I’m super automatic and can shoot with mini dumb rockets” – Answer: “Supercluster”

    Top players from both games will get Purified Gulanite / Arkforge and enter the ranking score race to claim ingame rewards in Defiance and Defiance 2050 at the end of the celebration. Check your ranking score here.

    gamigo skin

    Hey fellow Ark Hunters! We somehow got the hang of wishing skin concepts. The rules are simple! Be as creative as you wish and color/modify this asset into #gamigo20 anniversary skin.

    If you think that orange color fits the occasion, then make it orange! Want to stick a hellbug? Do it! Add text? Why not? It’s all about gamigo anniversary and you are the heart of it!

    Top players from both games will get:

    1st place: 6x Hulker Hell Cache or 3x Isotropic Decay Supply Crate
    2nd place: 4x Hulker Hell Cache or 2x Isotropic Decay Supply Crate
    3rd place: 2x Hulker Hell Cache or 1x Isotropic Decay Supply Crate

    Defiance 2050 Forum | Defiance Forum

    *Skin event is only for fun purpose, none of the skins will be used in the game.

    Voucher Giveaway – Anniversary Points event

    Look out for the redeem codes! We’ll be giving these codes to the active players of our community. These codes may contain valuable items and consumables and grant Anniversary Points to take part in the gamigo raffle.

    To apply the code, go to the:
    You must have a linked account to receive a reward on PS3, PS4 and XboxOne.

    Load up and roll out, Ark Hunters!

    Defiance and Defiance 2050: Earth Defender Costume Pack

    Originally published at

    Ark hunters,

    Treat yourself to an Earth Defender Costume Pack to celebrate Hulker Hell in style! This Costume Pack will only be available in the Defiance and Defiance 2050 Store until November 26, so don’t wait to satisfy your sweet tooth.

    Defiance pack includes: 

    • Earth Defender Outfit and Headgear
    • TR-0R Flare Pistol
    • RM Nomad V6 – Grim Reaper Truck
    • Protection Pumpkin Spike
    • “Earth Defender” Title for all your characters
    • 7 Days of Paradise Patron Pass

    Defiance 2050 pack includes: 

    • Earth Defender Outfit and Headgear
    • RM Nomad V6 – Grim Reaper Truck
    • “Earth Defender” Title for all your characters

    Don’t wait though; get yours now before they’re gone!

    Earth Defender Costume Pack has wrong description in German and French Defiance 2050 In-game Store.  

    Defiance 2050 Weapon Skins and Defiance Blade Mod Sale

    Originally published at

    It’s time to descend on your enemies and rule the paradise! The all-time favorite Skin Caches to customize your weapons with a whole new look are now available in Defiance 2050 store with a 30% OFF discount!

    Butcher Weapon Skin Cache

    This outstanding cache contains all Butcher-themed weapon skins. Below some skins obtainable from the cache:  

    SGT Weapon Skin Cache

    This outstanding cache contains all Grid-themed weapon skins.  Below some skins obtainable from the cache:  

    Weapon Skin Cache

    This cache contains various weapon skins. Below some skins obtainable from the cache:  

    The original Defiance brings some Blade Mods to color your Charge Blade into your desired color with a 30% off discount.

    *Upon applying the Mod it will remove the nano icon from the weapon’s card. The nano effect will still be there.

    All deals will be available until November 1, 9:00 AM PDT. Get your favorite skins and mods before they’re gone!

    Xbox One Bits and Class Pack Sale

    Originally published at

    Noticed the new pricing on the Defiance 2050 Bits Store? No, it’s not Von Bach’s divergent EGO at work.

    For a limited time, we’ve dropped the prices of selected Bits and Class Packs. Now’s your chance to experience your journey in a new role and pick up a pile of Bits!

    The following packs will be available from now until November 1, 9:00 AM PDT:

    • Ultimate Class Pack 30% OFF
    • Bit Sale 20% OFF
    • Engineer + Crusader Class Pack 25% OFF
    • Starter Class Pack 50% OFF

    Now go and grab yourselves some hot packs before they melt away!

    Steam Class Pack Sale

    Originally published at

    Great news for Steam players. Starting now get 30% OFF the Class Packs! This downloadable content will unlock the complete experience in Defiance 2050 and will let you find a class that fits your play style and customize your very own Ark Hunter.

    Act today, this deal will be gone on Monday, November 2, 2020 at 9 AM PDT.

    Lost Warrior Costume Pack

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,

    Hulker Hell seasonal celebration brings both terror and toys!

    To celebrate this event, we prepared Lost Warrior Costume Pack to fall into arkfalls in style! This Costume Pack will only be available in the Defiance and Defiance 2050 Store until November 2, 2020 so don’t wait to satisfy your sweet tooth.

    Defiance pack includes: 

    • Lost Warrior Outfit
    • TR-0R Ground Pounder
    • Grave Digger Buggy
    • Damage Pumpkin Spike
    • “The Lost Warrior” Title
    • 7 Days of Paradise Patron Pass

    Defiance 2050 pack includes: 

    • Lost Warrior Outfit
    • Grave Digger Buggy
    • “The Lost Warrior” Title

    Good hunting – and happy Halloween!

    Lost Warrior Costume Pack has wrong description in German and French Defiance 2050 In-game Store. 

    Defiance 2050 Sanguine Ammo Mod Collection and Mod Kit Sale

    Originally published at

    Not keen on all that murder and savagery? Fond of the little things in life and looking to fancy your gun with a fine squash?

    We’re excited to share an extra 25% off the the Sanguine Ammo Mod Collection that arrived just in time to celebrate the Hulker Hell event and strike fear into your enemies!

    Each of these mods applies a sanguine spatter effect to the weapon’s bullets when you fire!

    Looking for something that will send your enemies straight to the pit? Only this week get 30% off any Mod Kit!

    Following kits are available:

    • Mid-Caliber Mod Kit
    • High- Caliber Mod Kit
    • Shell Mod Kit
    • Explosive Mod Kit

    These special offers start on Monday, November 2, 2020 at 8:00am PT and end on Monday, November 8, 2020 at 8:00am PT!

    Get them now before they’re gone!

    Defiance Devil’s Carnival Crate and Premium Mod Cache Sale

    Originally published at

    Have a taste for hell-raising attire? Looking to give the devil his due?

    We’re excited to share an extra 25% off the Devil’s Carnival Crates!

    Each crate contains 3 rare or better rocket launchers, detonators, or infectors with the Assassin mod synergy. At least 1 item will be epic or legendary. Also contains 1 rare or better grenade.

    May contain the signature legendary detonator, Abbadon’s Touch that fires sticky, manually detonated grenades that have a large blast area, or an outfit or headgear from exclusive costume pieces (Lucifer’s Knave, Hell’s Jester, Satan’s Harlequin, and the incredibly creepy “The Smile”) or a variety of devilish tools to spread the spirit of the Hulker Hell celebration.

    Looking for something that will send your enemies straight to the pit? Only this week get 30% off any Mod Cache!

    Following cache are available:

    • Premium Assault Mod Cache
    • Premium Shotgun Mod Cache
    • Premium Sniper Rifle Mod Cache
    • Premium Pistol Mod Cache
    • Premium Detonator Mod Cache
    • Premium Rocket Launcher Mod Cache
    • Premium Infector Mod Cache

    These special offers start on Monday, November 2, 2020 at 8:00am PT and end on Monday, November 8, 2020 at 8:00am PT!

    Get them now before they’re gone!

    Black Death Pack, Name Change and Clan Rename Sale

    Originally published at

    The Black Death inspires fear in all your opponents! Travel the New Frontier in your Hannibal 800R Quad and rain fire with the Legendary Mass Lobber that automatically fires grenades and detonate on impact. The Black Death was the most feared disease of the Dark Ages, now you can become the most feared Ark Hunter in THIS age!


    Defiance Black Death Pack contains:

    • Legendary Detonator NVF Mass Lobber
    • Plaguesmith Outfit and PlagueDoctor Mask Headgear
    • TMW Hannibal 800R “Black Death” vehicle
    • “Black Death” Title

    Defiance 2050 Black Death Pack contains:

    • Plaguesmith Outfit and Plague Doctor Mask Headgear
    • TMW Hannibal 800R “Black Death” vehicle
    • “Black Death” Title

    Are you tired of your Ark Hunter’s Name in the game or just have a great idea for a name that you haven’t acted on yet? Now you can find the following services for half-off the usual price.

    • Name Change
    • Clan Rename

    These special offers start on Monday, November 9, 2020 at 8:00 am PT and end on Monday, November 16, 2020 at 8:00 am PT!

    Get them now before they’re gone!

    Black Death Pack has wrong description in German and French Defiance 2050 in-game Store.  

    Defiance and Defiance 2050 Challenge Hour – November 18

    Originally published at

    An hour is nothing until it becomes everything!

    Ark Hunters, we received intel with your next mission! You have 1 hour to execute the challenge and try to beat all participants. Rewards are yours if you make it to the top 3!

    What is Challenge Hour?

    Challenge Hour is an event that kicks off at the outlined time. You simply sign-up here:

    And execute against the challenge provided for one hour and try to beat everyone else who is participating. The more targets you eliminate the higher chance to win.

    Challenge target:

    Eliminate Hellbug Skitterling

    Time frame:

    The event will be held on November 18, 2020 on all servers at 5:00 pm PT/ 2:00 CET and 10:00 am PT/19:00 CET.

    Check our time table to see countdown for the event.

    Round 1: November 18, 2020 at 10:00 am PT / 19:00 CET
    Round 2: November 18, 2020 at 5:00 pm PT / 2:00 CET


    1st place: 6x Hulker Hell Cache or 3x Isotropic Decay Supply Crate
    2nd place: 4x Hulker Hell Cache or 2x Isotropic Decay Supply Crate
    3rd place: 2x Hulker Hell Cache or 1x Isotropic Decay Supply Crate

    The winners will be announced and rewards will be given out within a week when all events on all servers have been finished.


    • Event applies to both games, all platforms and servers.
    • Reward will be applied only once per account, if you have multiple in-game characters and participated in different challenges then reward will be credited to the account with a higher counter.
    • Reward will be sent to the top 3 players from each challenge.
    • You need to sign-up here for the challenge to get your score counted. Entries without a sign up are excluded from challenge.
    • There will be no in-game tracking provided, you should make your own tracking if you want.

    Prepare yourself well and shred the enemies into pieces before the time runs out!

    Defiance 2050 Unlock Class and Defiance T.I.T.A.N. Sale

    Originally published at

    Ever wanted to have an absolute blast dealing damage, make your explosions create even more explosions or lead the fight with a slamming hammer?

    Now’s your chance to unlock any class you always wanted to play for half-off the usual price!

    The following class unlocks are available in Defiance 2050 in-game store:

    • Crusader – 50% off
    • Demolitionist – 50% off
    • Guardian – 50% off
    • Assault – 50% off
    • Medic – 50% off
    • Assassin – 50% off

    Defiance in-game store brings four T.I.T.A.N. Bundles crafted with care and the best out of any Ark Hunter! Get your favorite packs at reduced prices for a short period of time!

    Below you can find all discounted packs:

    • Havoc T.I.T.A.N. Bundle 50% off
    • Obliterator T.I.T.A.N. Bundle 50% off
    • Sentinel T.I.T.A.N. Bundle 50% off
    • T.I.T.A.N. Augment Bundle 50% off

    These special offers start on Monday, November 16, 2020 at 8:00 am PT and end on Sunday, November 22, 2020 at 8:00 am PT!

    What are you waiting for? Take the opportunity before these offers expire!

    Thanksgiving in Defiance and Defiance 2050!

    Originally published at

    This Thanksgiving season, we wanted to think about what we’re thankful for in Defiance. We know it’s been an uneasy year and some things seemed to go out of balance especially how many requests we received to bring back the Tryptophan Ritual!

    This year we let all turkeys out of their chests so they don’t have to sit there for a whole year waiting for Ark Hunters to free them.

    But fear not! There is still a way to commemorate your favorite holiday and put your enemies to sleep… Permanently.

    And here’s a guide to build the “Poultromancer” prototype weapon!

    From November 23, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. PT / 18:00 CET until December 7, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. PT / 18:00 CET travel through the open world and participate in the listed minor and major Arkfalls to qualify for the Poultromancer Sawed-Off Shotgun!

    • Claimjumpers – Minor Arkfall – 10 times
    • Mechanized Hunter Unit in Major Arkfall – 5 times
    • Scrapper Progenitor in Major Arkfall – 5 times
    • Prosperity in 99 – Minor Arkfall – 5 times

    In order to qualify for the reward, you will need to successfully finish all minor and major Arkfalls. If you see ranking in the end of Arkfall then it’s successful and counts towards the event. You will not get any notifications about the event progression.
    Rewards will be sent out after November 30, 2020 and December 9, 2020. You can get only one Poultromancer Prototype during the event.
    If one of the counters is not reached, you’re not getting a reward.

    If you play classic Defiance then you got the New Frontier Harvest event for yourself as well!

    The Reap the Harvest Pursuit is making a visit once more! The pursuit, “Reap the Harvest” awards a mighty fine jackpot: Depravity (which is a Sludge Rocket Launcher) and the title: “Glutton”!

    Celebrate with us on Defiance the only way we know how – fighting through the waves of enemies with a pal by your side!

    Be sure to keep an eye on the Defiance store for quite possibly the biggest sale you’ve ever seen!

    So what are you waiting for?! Hop in game and celebrate Thanksgiving with us!

    November Black Week Sale

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters, there’s no more need to hunt for a good deal, they’re right here! Let’s hop into it then!

    For Defiance 2050 expect the following deals:

    From November 23rd at 8:00 a.m. PT / 17:00 CET until December 7th 8:00 a.m. PT / 17:00 CET you will find the Black Friday Bargain Box! In the box you can find some of the following:

    Special prototypes: Outburst & Tirade 
    Other prototypes: Gore Auger, Venom Spitter, Atomizer, Continuum, Bonesaw, Archimedes’ Vision, Beacon, Senbonzakura, Vulcan, Pumpkin Patch, Squash Swarmer, Sugar Injector, Poultromancer, Whiteout, Hoarfrost, Philanthropist, Cupid’s Quiver, Nexus. The Professional & Ghoul’s Touch. 
    Fusion Sets: Mod Fusion: Cosmic Resonance, Mod Fusion: Precision Torment & Mod Fusion: Cleansing Flames. 
    Synergies: Agony, Backlash, Eruption, Merciless, Chaperone, Rampage, Voltaic, Volcanic, Caustic, Barbaric, Entropic, Singularity, Predator & Monster Mash. 

    From November 25th at 2:00 a.m. PT / 11:00 CET to December 1st at 2:00 a.m. PT / 11:00 CET you’ll find quite a lot of deals to assist these following below apply:

    The Starter Class Pack will be 70% off alongside to assist the Crusader and Engineer Class Packs are 50% off! Find all these deals on Steam and the Demolition class to be found on PC!

    Ever wanna burst enemies with a new fully automatic Assault Rifle? Then get the Voidrunner Pack with 30% discount! Pack includes:

    • Voidrunner Heavy Trooper Outfit and Headgear
    • Voidrunner Falcon Hoverbike
    • 2x Voidrunner weapon skins
    • 4x Starfall Epic Mod Fusion Mods
    • Unique Prototype – Voidrunner (Mid-Caliber Assault Rifle)

    Next find a solid deal with bits whatever pack you invest in on a PC platform expect 20% more!

    • 500 Bit Pack -> 600 Bits
    • 1100 Bit Pack -> 1320 Bits
    • 2300 Bit Pack -> 2760 Bits
    • 6250 Bit Pack -> 7500 Bits

    The offer is PC-only! The bonus is not displayed in the game store. After purchasing one of the packs 20% bonus credits will get granted automatically. This offer cannot be combined with a First Time Buyer offer and is not valid for purchase in Steam Store.

    Expect lockboxes to see a 25% discount! Hulker Hell Cache, 99 Problems Cache, Event Horizon Cache, Mayhem and Mutiny Cache, and Solstice Strike Cache are all included!

    Lastly but never least for Defiance 2050 Boosts are 20% off!

    Defiance should expect some of these greats deals too! Starting November 23rd at 8:00 a.m. PT / 17:00 CET until December 7th at 8:00 a.m. PT / 17:00 CET expect to see the Black Friday Bargain Box!

    These boxes have a chance to drop virtually any type of item available in the game including Jackpots, special weapons – Immovable, Unstoppable, Sol Destroyer, Omnipotence, Celestial Wrath and shields.

    November 25th at 2:00 a.m. PT / 11:00 CET until December 1st at 2:00 a.m. PT / 11:00 CET will see quite the list of deals themselves! Here they are:

    Firstly Defiance – Gold Edition is to be on sale on Steam and PC only!

    The Cerberus Pack will be on sale 30% off and includes the following items!

    • Cerberus Assault Vehicle: Vehicle equipped with a rear-mounted turret and passenger rocket system.
    • Echidna Weapon: Light Machine Gun (Radiation Nano) designed to mimic the Cerberus Turret.
    • Typhon Weapon: Rocket Launcher (Incendiary Nano) designed to mimic the passenger rocket system.
      • Both weapons have the Synergy: Hound of Hades Kills reload 25% of your stowed weapon’s clip (Cooldown: 3s)
    • “Hound of Hades” title
    • 18 Loyalty

    Expect another deal for bits! That’s right, a 20% boost is available for PC only!

    Next Lockboxes all 25% off! This includes the Malicious Mirage Supply Crate, Cleansing Napalm Supply Crate, Hot Streak Supply Crate, Ion Coil Supply Crate, Quasar Wave Supply Crate, Nano Volatility Force Supply Crate, Mutagenic Gestation Supply Crate, Precision Bore Supply Crate, Essence Drain Supply Crate, and lastly the Relentless Decimation Supply Crate!

    Lastly for Defiance look forward to an outlandish deal on boosts! Boosts will see a beautiful 20% off!

    Don’t be lazy about it! Everything will be gone between December 1st and December 7th!

    Lock & Load Ark Hunters, there’s deals to be scavenged!

    Defiance and Defiance 2050 Advent Calendar

    Originally published at

    As the first snowflakes gently fall upon the land of New Frontier, denizens’ hearts are slowly invaded with warmth and their spirits seized by traditions of feasts, fun, and warm fires. The ornaments are ready to be arranged, the lights in the decorations blink and briefly light up to anticipate a peaceful solstice celebration.

    This year’s winter holiday countdown has very nearly begun! To make the wait for winter holidays a little more bearable, we’ve prepared something for you.

    Starting on December 1, 2020 you’ll find the Advent Calendar on the website’s Game tab.

    Open our Advent Calendar by clicking on the door with the number of the corresponding day on it to read information about the daily activities and fantastic prizes to scavenge. The gifts for certain days will remain available up for a few days, so don’t worry if you miss a day here and there. However, some activities may be time-limited – once they’re gone, they’re gone. The winners for certain events will be notified the next day.

    The door can be opened each day at 0:00 a.m. PT / 9:00 CET.

    Make sure to visit Defiance and Defiance 2050 Advent Calendar daily and unwrap the surprises we have prepared for you.

    Defiance 2050 Advent Calendar | Defiance Advent Calendar

    But there’s more to kick off the festive season into high gear and getting you in a holiday mood as the Advent Calendar Pass arrived just in time.

    For the first time we’re launching an Advent Calendar Pass in Defiance and Defiance 2050 on a PC platform, so get ready to unlock great gifts and enrich your collection by getting valuable lock boxes, top consumables and much more!

    Defiance 2050 PC Advent Calendar 2020 | Defiance PC Advent Calendar 2020

    How does it work exactly? Simple! Upon purchasing the Advent Calendar Pass login in-game on every day from December 1 until December 24, 2020 to receive surprise item of the day. Can’t make it on a specific day or purchased it after December 1, 2020? No worries. You will get the missed days directly to your claims!

    This pass is a one-time offer for each game. This means that once you purchase an Advent Calendar Pass, this offer will disappear from the shop and both passes are PC-only!

    Each day reward is credited at 9:00 a.m. PT / 18:00 CET.

    Also be sure to check out the store updates to celebrate winter holidays in style! There are some fantastic deals for grabs, with something different to offer each week. Find these deals and more on a website news and in-game!

    We wish you all wonderful holidays and lots of fun with us. It’s going to be 24 days of Advent surprises!

    Your Defiance Team

    Defiance 2050 Purified Gulanite & Defiance Arkforge Cache Sale

    Originally published at

    It’s the most magical time of the year! And we’ve got some Purified Gulanite and Ark Forge to help you on your journey throughout the New Frontier! Both currencies are now available with 20% off discount!

    Availability: November 30, 2020 at 8:00 a.m PT / 17:00 CET – December 6, 2020 at 8:00 a.m PT / 17:00 CET

    • Defiance 2050: 30 Purified Gulanite 20% OFF
    • Defiance: Arkforge Caches (500, 300 and 50 packs) 20% OFF

    Stock up this week only!

    Synergy Crystal Cache & Caustic Fury Cyber Rig Supply Crate Sale

    Originally published at

    Load up on Synergy Crystal Caches in Defiance 2050 and Caustic Fury Cyber Rig Supply Crates starting today! The 30% OFF discount will run for one week from Monday, December 7, 2020 from 8 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. UTC until Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 8 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. UTC!

    Synergy Crystal Caches can grant two Synergy Crystals and a pile of Chromatic Dust. One crystal guaranteed to be Polished or better. Both crystals have a chance to be Flawless. Crystals you have already collected will be converted into MP.

    Caustic Fury Cyber Rig Supply Crates can grant one Epic or better Overclocked Cyber Rig, one Epic and two Rare or better Cyber Rigs and a guaranteed Premium Currency reward. Each crate has a chance at the jackpot keystone Reserve Supplier Cyber Chip or the jackpot Caustic Fury Cyber Rig.

    Don’t miss out on your chance to stock up before the sale comes to a close.

    Solstice Celebration in the Paradise

    Originally published at

    Ho, ho, ho, Ark Hunters! 

    The days are getting shorter and the temperature is dropping day by day. Before winter begins, the longest and darkest night is celebrated and it means only one thing: the longer the night, the more freezing snowy Volges along with a cold-blooded Abominable Warmaster making things a bit chilly in the Paradise. 

    Starting this Monday, December 14, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. PT / 4:00 p.m. UTC and running through Monday, January 11, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. PT / 4:00 p.m. UTC, Defiance and Defiance 2050 bring you the winter holiday cheer! 

    It doesn’t matter if you’re naughty or nice, we’re going to take the celebration to the Volge with special summoned Arkfalls, winter colors and festive areas warmed up with the holiday pursuits, daily and weekly contracts.  

    Solstice Strike event in Defiance 2050 is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC and brings its themed Prototype titled Cheer Canon to pierce through enemies’ defenses with Festive Trees and end their killjoy of a time with holiday explosions. 

    This prototype can be obtained from the Paradise Territory Vendor by completing both daily and weekly event contracts. Upon completing event contracts, you will also get rewarded with Purified Gulanite, Reputation and a guaranteed Legendary weapon with Frigid Impact Fusion Set! 

    There’s also a chance to get one of the Self-Repairing Shields and Armor Regenerators! During combat these shields and armors will constantly regenerate its capacity or durability.  Try them out in a combination with the Aegis Synergy to unlock the full potential of your shields defense and deal massive damage to your enemies. 

    • Self-Repairing Rhino 
    • Self-Repairing Respark 
    • Self-Repairing Ironclad 
    • Self-Repairing Tachyon 

    During the event you can get the full set of Frigid Impact weapons and mods that will both drop from the Solstice Strike Caches available from the Ex Inanis vendors and can be purchased at the Defiance 2050 store. Get the 50x Solstice Strike Cache bundle for an extra free Legendary item, or the 100x bundle and get a guaranteed Legendary item AND a Prime Frigid Weapon!  

    The following weapons types have a chance to be Prime with a perfect condition and fixed weapon bonuses:  

    • Prime Frigid Impact Sulos Flare 
    • Prime Frigid Impact GL-1 Ground Pounder 
    • Prime Frigid Impact Fragger 
    • Prime Frigid Impact Nomad 
    • Prime Frigid Impact Detu Ara 
    • Prime Frigid Impact M279 SAW 
    • Prime Frigid Impact PSR-7 Cyclone 
    • Prime Frigid Impact Retaliator 

    Plus, you can celebrate the season of good cheer with limited time in-game store Abominable Warmaster Pack that is only available during the Solstice Strike event. Get it now before it’s gone!  


    • Abominable Warmaster outfit with headgear 
    • TMW Hannibal 800R “Ice Hunter” vehicle 
    • Frosty Abomination Title 

    Solstice Strike will also be available in Defiance on PlayStation 3 and PC. So, look for the Volge in both Major and Minor Arkfalls and keep a sharp eye out for the Abominable Warmaster, only found in a special summoned Major Arkbreak! During the Solstice Strike you’ll find heaps of seasonal loot and battle your way through frosty enemies to collect your rewards through the daily and weekly contracts! 

    Appropriately launching in the New Year, stay on target with the Fatal Phantasm Supply Crates! Each box contains 1 epic or better Phantasm weapon and 3 mods from rare to legendary (at least 1 epic or better), all with the limited Fatal Phantasm mod synergy! All Phantasm weapons provide +10% Movement speed! Additionally, each Crate has a chance got get one of the seven Fatal Phantasm Jackpot weapons. There’s no time to waste!  

    • Illusion 
    • Ethereal 
    • Apparition 
    • Hallucination 
    • Spectre 
    • Incorporeal 
    • Shade 

    During the Solstice Strike pick up the Abominable Warmaster Pack to leave a swirl of snow in your wake with the “Ice Hunter” roller and rocking the field by candy cane and snowballs! Get it now before it’s gone!  


    • SB-32 Volge Icestorm Pistol, legendary rarity, fires snowballs 
    • Coolmint Sugar Shank charge blade 
    • Abominable Warmaster outfit with headgear 
    • TMW Hannibal 800R “Ice Hunter” vehicle 
    • 30-day Patron Pass 
    • Frosty Abomination Title 

    Don’t wait and celebrate this New Year with us in Defiance and Defiance 2050! 

    Happy holidays! 

    Server Compensation

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,

    In the last few months we needed to make a lot of server moves. Due to these downtimes and other technical issues started to happen, especially on the PS3 environment.

    Because of the complexity of the issues and the game being developed in an old environment we couldn’t make any further improvements.

    We are doing our best to keep the servers running in the most stable way. We want to thank you for all of your support and therefor you will get some gift from us.

    Everyone who logs in till the end of the year will get following gift:

    Defiance 2050:

    • 1x Monthly Purified Gulanite Pass
    • 10x Black Friday Bargain Box
    • 30 Purified Gulanite


    • 1x Mtx Patron Pass 30
    • 10x Black Friday Bargain Box
    • 300 Arkforge Cache

    In case you experience problems to log into the game and therefore cannot use your Patron Pass or you do not get your Bits delivered please reach out to our Customer Support. We will be glad to help you when you provide us evidence of your problems to provide you solutions on your individual cases.

    Your Defiance Team

    The winners of gamigo’s Anniversary

    Originally published at

    Dear Ark Hunters,

    The results of the gamigo 20th Anniversary are finally in!

    Due to privacy and security issues, we can only display the nick names of the top 10.

    • T0X1C
    • Miz Fortucia
    • Sothaka
    • Sixlinn
    • baashdi hobstocking
    • Blasen ggg
    • PsychoTazz
    • Lilith wolfbane
    • Nater Hater26
    • KillStreaker

    Each participated in the anniversary raffle: Miz Fortucia won one of the top prizes and Sixlinn won one of the virtual currency packages ! CONGRATULATIONS! You’ll be contacted in private by Discord.

    Sadly, no players from Defiance Top 10 won, but better luck next time.

    Winners will have two weeks to claim your prize. If a claim is not made within this period, winners will no longer be eligible for receiving the prizes.

    Thank you all for participating and stay tuned for more amazing events.

    Your Defiance Team

    Charity Event #gamigotrees

    Originally published at

    This past spring, gamigo partnered with Eden Reforestation Projects to make a positive impact through planting trees. With yur help, we successfully have helped Eden Reforestation Projects plant over 113,127 trees and create over 1,000 days of fair wage employment to local villagers who live adjacent to the project sites.  

    But there’s more to do. And together, we plan on making an even bigger impact. 

    This holiday season, gamigo is once again partnering with Eden Reforestation Projects to bring good cheer and give a gift to Mother Earth.  

    Eden Reforestation Projects are actively combating the climate crisis as they restore forest systems one tree at a time, alleviating the devastating effects of deforestation. And every tree planted serves to protect, provide, nurture, and sustain all of life. But the work done by Eden Reforestation Projects also rebuilds communities. Fair wages and a commitment to skill-building and employment for women and single parents help keep farmers from selling themselves or their families into slavery just to survive.

    We’ve made a difference once before, let’s do it again, together!

    Starting today, December 16, 2020 we invite you to join us in this #gamigotrees charity drive of what we can accomplish together through games and by helping people and the earth reach a sustainable, armonious future for generations to come. 

    We will have 3 packages of goodies available which can help this cause. 

    With the purchase of each pack, Eden Reforestation Projects will plant 5, 10, or even 20 trees in a region in need! Check them out! 

    For Defiance 2050 PC you can get the following, only available on our website

    A Stormy Bundle will earn you the Weapon Mods for each type of weapon and the Black Friday Bargain Box for a chance of great loot. 

    An Energetic Bundle will earn you the Purified Gulanite and every Event Cache to get stronger with Mods, Weapons or Synergy Crystals.  

    An Electrified Pack will earn you some great outfit and vehicle. This Pack is one-time purchase only! 

    For PlayStation 4 and Xbox One you will be able to get Synergy Crystal Cache, Name Change and Electrified Pack from the In-game Store to help plant real trees and enjoy in-game rewards. Console packages will be available for purchase in-game only! 

    Please note that in-game items will have no information about charity event. You simply buy them, and Eden Reforestation Projects will plant 5, 10, or even 20 trees. 

    By joining our charity event, you will support the planting of trees around the world and climb the global leaderboard for a chance to win exclusive prizes from GIGABYTE, Monster and ROCCAT by participating in our raffle. We’re celebrating the spirit of solidarity, so for every tree planted you will receive an entry to participate in our raffle and have the chance to become a winner.  

    Another option is to take part in our survey and receive a single entry.  

    The more bundles you buy, the more chances you have of winning. For more details, click here.

    For consoles, in the website ranking, your donation will show up anonymized. To display your player name in the ranking, redeem voucher ShowMyNameD2050Xmas on Glyph Website and your IGN will be shown. If you are to play on PC, when a pack is purchased, you will be redirected to a page to display your player name! Of course, if you play on PC there is no harm no foul on the claim! 

    We’ll be also kicking off additional in-game events during #gamigotrees event so stay tuned and join us in celebration of what we can accomplish together through games and make a difference! 

    For more details visit the project website:

    No time For-rest. #gamigotrees treeloaded! Stay safe play Defiance 2050 and make a difference with our #gamigotrees event.   

    Your Defiance Team 

    Server compensation notice for Defiance players

    Originally published at
    ding="lazy" width="1024" height="512" src="img/a06389b4-defiance_maintenance-1024x512.jpg" alt="" class="wp-image-9518">

    Greetings Ark Hunters,

    This is a notice to inform you that Server compensation for Defiance has been stopped due to abuse. Please consider that we are all sitting on a tiny rock, floating in space. We’re all in this together and there is no place to obtain a competitive advantage over other players through prohibited actions and being inconsistent with the “spirit” of the Defiance.

    Please also consider that any type of abuse and not just this case may lead to account suspension and/or termination as the result of violation of our Terms of Use.

    We apologize for any inconveniences and wishing you a very joyful holiday season despite these difficult times.

    Your Defiance team

    Wreck the Halls in Paradise!

    Originally published at

    It’s getting colder in the outside! Bundle up this Holiday season with the Cyberclaus festive outfit to keep warm, and hunt down the Abominable Warmaster during the Solstice Strike celebration!

    Wreck the Halls limited time pack brings you now an extra 10% off and contains following items in Defiance 2050:

    • Cyberclaus Outfit and Headgear
    • Grim Wreather Title
    • RM Nomad V6 Camo “Mistle Tow Truck”

    This limited time pack in Defiance will include the following:

  • Cyberclaus Outfit and Headgear
  • Grim Wreather Title
  • RM Nomad V6 Camo “Mistle Tow Truck”
  • SB-32 Freezing Swam (Legendary)
  • 30 Days Patron
  • Cinnamon Sugar Shank Charge Blade
  • Plus, +25 Purified Gulanite Capacity now is now 40% OFF in Defiance 2050 and +25 Ark Keycode Capacity is 40% OFF in Defiance! Don’t miss this chance to carry the maximum resources while braving through dangerous frontiers.

    All deals start this Monday, December 21, 2020 from 8 a.m. PT / 4 p.m. UTC until Monday, December 27, 2020 at 8 a.m. PT / 4 p.m. UTC!

    What are you waiting for? It may be a winter paradise out there, but you can still look your best with these hot deals!

    Winter Sale

    Originally published at
    Defiance Holiday Sale

    Winter weather is blanketing the Paradise with snow and while we are staying safe, warm and celebrating the Solstice Strike, we are ending this month with a big bang by bringing in HUGE savings for Defiance fans!

    PlayStation 4 Class Packs up to 70% OFF

    From Tuesday, December 22, 2020 until Tuesday, January 19, 2021, PlayStation 4 players can scoop up a Class Pack with up to 70% off and unlock the Engineer, Crusader, Combat Medic – or any other classes you have yet to collect.

    • Engineer Class Pack – 50% OFF
    • Crusader Class Pack – 50% OFF
    • Ultimate Class Pack – 60% OFF (only for SIEE region)
    • Starter Class Pack – 70% OFF

    This deal is available through the Defiance 2050 PlayStation 4 store ONLY.

    Save 20% on Bits by using PlayStation Store

    Don’t get left out in the cold, it’s time to stock up on Bits! Beginning now and lasting until Tuesday, January 19, 2021, get 20% off for the Bits purchase.

    This offer is valid for 500, 2300 and 6250 Bits for SIEE region.

    The 20% OFF sale is valid only for in game currency worth 6250 Bits for SIEA region.

    This deal is available through the Defiance 2050 PlayStation 4 store ONLY.

    Hold on to your festive hats, this sale is bringing in HUGE savings for Steam fans as well!

    Steam Class Packs up to 60% OFF

    From Tuesday, December 22, 2020 until Tuesday, January 5, 2021, we are offering three amazing class packs to unlock all the classes you always wanted to try out and get more bonuses!

    • Starter Class Pack 60%
    • Crusader Class Pack 40%
    • Engineer Class Pack 40%

    This deal is available through the Defiance 2050 Steam store ONLY.

    Defiance Gold Edition on Steam

    The Defiance Gold Edition has the Midas touch! And to celebrate winter holiday season we’re offering special discount on one of the most popular gleaming bundle of epicness! 

    From Tuesday, December 22, 2020 until Tuesday, January 5, 2021, Defiance Gold Edition is 80% OFF. There’s only one edition to rule them all!

    This deal is available through the Defiance Steam store ONLY.

    20% additional Credits for Bits Purchases on PC!

    Defiance 2050 and Defiance PC players are also getting more bang for the buck with 20% bonus credits.

    From Tuesday, December 22, 2020 until Tuesday, January 5, 2021, get awarded an extra 20% Bits when topping up your account on a PC platform, so make sure not to miss out!

    • 500 Bits Pack -> 600 Bits
    • 1100 Bits Pack -> 1320 Bits
    • 2300 Bits Pack -> 2760 Bits
    • 6250 Bits Pack -> 7500 Bits

    Please note that the Credits packages in-game will not reflect the 20% Credits bonus in its images, purchasing a package in-game will give you the 20% bonus credits.

    This offer cannot be combined with a First Time Buyer offer and is not valid for purchase in Steam Store.

    This deal is available through the Defiance 2050 and Defiance Glyph and in-game store ONLY.

    Don’t delay until the last minute, you KNOW you’ll forget! Get these deals while they’re HOT!

    Enjoy your winter holidays!

    Get Bargain Box and save on Pass until January 3, 2021!

    Originally published at

    Happy holidays to you and your loved ones. Stay safe while celebrating Solstice Strike in Defiance and Defiance 2050 and visit our in-game store to sweeten the most beautiful time of the year with a treat you don’t wanna miss!

    Only for 1-week in-game stores have been restocked with Bargain Boxes, which will be available on December 28, 2020 at 8:00 am PT / 4:00 pm UTC and end on January 3, 2021 at 8:00 am PT / 4:00 pm!

    In Defiance 2050 these incredible, limited time boxes have a chance to drop virtually any type of epic or better item available in the game: weapons, mods, Purified Gulanite, primes, prototypes, and synergy. Each box also has a rare chance at dropping any of the two rare Prototypes – Outburst and Tirade!

    On top of that Monthly Purified Gulanite Pass is now available during this week with a 25% off discount for a happy start of new year!

    In Defiance the Bargain Boxes have a chance to drop virtually any type of item available in the game including Jackpots, special weapons – Immovable, Unstoppable, Sol Destroyer, Omnipotence, Celestial Wrath and shields.

    On top of until January 3, 2021 at 8:00 am PT / 4:00 pm the 30-Day Paradise Patron Pass is also running with 25% off to take a break from the winter snow and start 2021 with bunch of bonuses.

    Take the opportunity by mixing these deals with the Winter Sale and get the most out of the store!

    We wish you happy holidays in Defiance and Defiance 2050!

    Best regards,
    The Defiance team!

    Get Caeruleum Cores and Powertech Lock Box This New Year!

    Originally published at

    As we begin the 2021, we have special items up for sale!

    In Defiance 2050 save 35% off Caeruleum Core which can be used to buy previously unlocked prototypes and for specific weapon upgrades and bonuses.

    In Defiance you can get a limited Powertech Lock Box with 35% off until the end of week.

    This lock box contains 4 rare or better Powertech themed weapons. As well as a rare chance to receive an exclusive outfit or headgear.

    Both deals will start on January 4, 2021 at 8:00 am PT / 4:00 pm UTC and end on January 10, 2021 at 8:00 am PT / 4:00 pm UTC.

    Start this year in style and Happy new year, Ark Hunters!

    Challenge hour event – January 12 and January 13, 2021

    Originally published at

    An hour is nothing until it becomes everything! Do you love travelling the world of New Frontier in search of new challenges? Then we might have the right challenge prepared for you!

    You have 1 hour to execute the challenge and try to beat all participants. Rewards are yours if you make it to the top 3!

    What is Challenge Hour?

    Challenge Hour is an event that kicks off at the outlined time. You simply sign-up here:

    And execute against the challenge provided for one hour and try to beat everyone else who is participating. The more targets you eliminate the higher chance to win.

    Challenge target:

    Eliminate “Adapted Archer” in Defiance 2050 or “Hellbug Archer” in Defiance.

    Time frame:

    The event will be held on all servers on January 12, 2021 at 11:00 am PT (8:00 pm CET) and on January 13, 2021 at 8:00 pm PT (January 14, 2021 at 5:00 am CET).

    Check our time table to see countdown for the event.

    Challenge 1 | Challenge 2


    • 1st place: 10x Event Horizon Cache or 5x Cleansing Napalm Supply Crate
    • 2nd place: 6x Event Horizon Cache or 3x Cleansing Napalm Supply Crate
    • 3rd place: 3x Event Horizon Cache or 1x Cleansing Napalm Supply Crate

    The winners will be announced and rewards will be given out within a week when all events on all servers have been finished.


    • Event applies to both games, all platforms and servers.
    • Reward will be applied only once per account, if you have multiple in-game characters and participated in different challenges then reward will be credited to the account with a higher counter.
    • Reward will be sent to the top 3 players from each challenge.
    • You need to sign-up here for the challenge to get your score counted.
    • Entries without a sign up are excluded from challenge.
    • One sign up applies to both rounds.
    • There will be no in-game tracking provided, you should make your own tracking if you want.

    Prepare yourself well and shred the enemies into pieces before the time runs out!

    Good luck to all of you!

    Best wishes,
    your Defiance team!

    Are you ready to ensure your hunts throughout the cold winter?

    Originally published at

    The Arctic Assassin Pack is 15% off during this week to ensure your hunts throughout the cold winter months and chill your enemies’ hearts.

    Includes following items in Defiance 2050:

    • ‘ Snowblind Infiltrator ’ Outfit + Headgear
    • Duni Shetarru Racer ‘Avalanche’ Vehicle
    • ‘Arctic Assassin’ and ‘Special Snowflake’ Titles

    Arctic Assassin Pack Includes following items in Defiance:

    • ‘SB-32 Freezer Burn’ detonator
    • ‘ Snowblind Infiltrator ’ Outfit + Headgear
    • Duni Shetarru Racer ‘Avalanche’ Vehicle
    • ‘Arctic Assassin’ and ‘Special Snowflake’ Titles
    • 30-day Patron Pass

    Additionally, take advantage of our special promotion in Defiance 2050 to stock up on Pristine Salvage Crates to enhance your weapons to the max!

    The following Crates are available with a 20% off discount:

    • Large Pristine Salvage Crate
    • Medium Pristine Salvage Crate
    • Small Pristine Salvage Crate

    Last but not least for a limited time, save 20% off the Premium Ex Inanis Caches in Defiance. The following Caches are available:

    • Premium Ex Inanis Supply Cache
    • Premium Ex Inanis Mod Cache
    • Premium Ex Inanis Weapon Cache

    All deal starts this Monday, January 11, 2021 at 8:00 am PT and ends on Monday, January 17, 2021 at 8:00 am PT.

    What are you waiting for? Hurry up; these deals will melt away with the snow.

    Let’s give the world 100,000 reasons to smile with Eden Reforestation Projects and #gamigotrees

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters, you’ve heeded the call to make a big impact and together, we took the first step towards a greener planet by supporting Eden Reforestation Projects with #gamigotrees charity event!

    Let’s try our best to support Eden Reforestation Projects together and surpass the wonderful goal of 100,000 trees!

    That’s right! Only with your help will we be able to reach our goal of making an even bigger impact on the planet we love so much. Why should this have you smiling? Because more trees means more rewards!

    To finish our drive in true celebratory fashion, we’re rewarding YOU with a gift for packages purchased until we reach our goal. There’s a unique, one-time gift for each size of package and purchasing all three packages at the same time unlocks an additional fourth gift! We’ll also reward you with raffle entries for every tree, so your chances of winning fabulous prizes will also increase as you climb the leaderboard. Be sure get your packages and free raffle entries while you can – if you don’t win the prizes, somebody else will!

    Starting from January 15 to 31, 2021 for every package purchased, you will get the following:

    1x Weapon Skin Cache for the purchase of a Stormy Bundle (PC only) or Synergy Crystal Cache (PS4 or XB1).
    2x Weapon Skin Caches for the purchase of a Energetic Bundle (PC only) or Name Change (PS4 or XB1).
    5x Weapon Skin Caches for the purchase of a Electrified Pack (PC, PS4 or XB1).
    8x SGT Weapon Skin Caches in addition to the other gifts for the purchase of all 3 packs.

    >>> You can find the packages HERE <<<


    • The purchase of packages must have taken place from January 15, 2021 onwards. Packs purchased before this date are not taken into account.
    • All gifts can be received only one-time per player and will be awarded if the 100,000 tree planted mark is reached until January 31, 2021.
    • When the goal is reached, all new package purchases will no longer qualify for the gifts.

    Let’s leaf 2021 in a better place and give the world another 100,000 reasons to smile!

    More trees. More rewards.

    Best regards,
    Your Defiance Team

    Expand your stash! 30% off Inventory and Loadout slots!

    Originally published at

    Space and builds truly are the most wanted in New Frontier. It’s all that stands between you and a life with minimal stuff. Don’t fall into that old cliché, get more inventory and loadout slots and save 30%!

    The following items are now on sale until Sunday, January 24, 2021 at 8:00 am PT / 5:00 pm CET.

    Defiance 2050:

    •     +10 Inventory Slots
    •     +1 Loadout Slot


    •     +15 Inventory Slots
    •     +1 Loadout Slot

    Don’t miss out on these awesome deals; get yours today!

    Up to 50% off Class Packs on Defiance 2050 Xbox

    Originally published at

    Picking the class that best suits your playstyle is a piece of cake now!

    Customize your own Ark Hunter by saving up to 50% on Defiance 2050 Class Packs and become the best player in 2021!

    • Ultimate Class Pack 50% OFF
    • Engineer Class Pack 40% OFF
    • Crusader Class Pack 40% OFF

    The Class Pack sale will be available from Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 2:00 am PST/ 11:00 am CET until Tuesday, January 25, 2021 at 2:00 am PST/ 11:00 am CET.

    Get yours now in the Microsoft Store.

    Lock and load, Ark Hunters!

    Best regards,
    The Defiance Team!

    Join the Volunteer Team!

    Originally published at

    Greetings, Ark Hunters!

    We’re glad to announce that we are starting recruitment for Community Ambassadors for Defiance and Defiance 2050!

    Are you a team player? Are you reliable? Do you love interacting with players all around the world? If this sounds interesting to you, read on!

    You are to be a game guardian, supporter and advisor! You will interact with the players to deliver entertaining and memorable experiences and help our community thrive.

    Please bear in mind that with great power comes great responsibility! The new team members will undergo 3-4 weeks of training with no talking permissions but only reporting, watching, and learning!

    What are the tasks?

    The tasks of a Community Ambassador include (but are not limited to):

    • Enforcing the game and forum rules.
    • Helping players with questions, game issues and technical problems (in-game, discord and forums).
    • Resolving player disputes. Planning, organizing and hosting events in-game, on a discord and in the forums.
    • Listening to player concerns.
    • Creation of FAQs and guides.

    What are the requirements to be a Community Ambassador?

    • Minimum age of 18 years (must be proven).
    • Willingness to invest at least 1-2 hours a day.
    • Good knowledge of English, both spoken and written.
    • Knowledge of any languages other than English are a plus.
    • Ability to take and give constructive criticism.
    • Extensive knowledge of the game and its rules.
    • A headset or speakers and a microphone to communicate over voice chats.
    • Enthusiasm for the game, the community and the tasks that await you.

    I’m motivated! How can I apply?

    Send your application with the subject “CA Application for Defiance/Defiance 2050” with the following info:

    • Your full name.
    • Your age and date of birth.
    • In-game name and platform.
    • Forum name.
    • Discord tag.
    • Length of time you’ve been playing Defiance or Defiance 2050.
    • Small presentation of yourself.
    • Your motivation to become a Community Ambassador.

    To apply, visit our Support Website here, choose Defiance or Defiance 2050, select “Submit a Request”, provide your answers to the questions above, and use the subject “CA Application for Defiance/Defiance 2050”. Please do not forget to select “Volunteer Applications” from the Defiance or Defiance 2050 Support category.

    Only candidates who meet our requirements will be contacted.

    All discussions and interviews will be conducted on Discord via voice chat. You will need to have a headset and a microphone.

    We are looking forward to your applications!

    Good luck,
    your Defiance team

    SAVE 25% ON Mayhem and Mutiny Caches and Malicious Mirage Supply Crates

    Originally published at

    Winter officially rolls in with snow and freezing temperatures this week so we want to share some warmth with all of our Ark Hunters. Here are the powerful Mayhem and Mutiny Caches and Malicious Mirage Supply Crates only available for a limited time in the winter spirit!

    Mayhem and Mutiny Caches are available in Defiance 2050 in 1x, 50x and 100x bundle. As always get the 50x Mayhem and Mutiny Cache bundle for an extra free Legendary item, or the 100x bundle and get a guaranteed Legendary item AND a Prime Devouring Weapon! 

    Each Malicious Mirage Supply Crate in Defiance contains 1 epic or better weapon and 3 mods from rare to legendary (at least 1 epic or better), all with the limited time Malicious Mirage mod synergy! 

    The offer will end on Sunday, January 31, 2021 at 8:00 am PST / 5:00 pm CET.

    Don’t let these caches and crates slip through your grasp. Stock up while supplies last!

    Daily Challenge Week

    Originally published at

    Hey Ark Hunters! Today kicks off our Daily Challenge Week, a community event that will spice up your hunt for useful resources in Defiance and Defiance 2050!

    We all know that nothing’s better than a good match of an Arkfall and Siege, but now it will be even more exciting with our challenge week that anyone can take a shot at.

    More information on the Daily Challenge Week and how to participate can be found below. Task will be updated shortly before the challenge starts.

    Check out today’s challenge!

    February 1, 2021 at 5:00 pm CET / 8:00 am PST – February 3, 2021 at 5:00 pm CET / 8:00 am PST

    Defiance 2050 Diablo Hellbug Swarm

    Can you defeat these swarms of stinging, biting, and sucking hellbugs for the chance to be one of our worthy winners? Complete at least 3 Diablo Hellbug Swarm Sieges to get one of our rewards!

    Reward: 3x Event Horizon Cache

    Note: If you cannot complete Diablo Hellbug Swarm Siege on PC US/EU then you can do Hellbug Swarm at Kinship Sieges instead!

    Defiance Claimjumpers

    We all know that nothing’s better than clearing out an Arkfall, but now it will be even more exciting with our daily challenge that anyone can take a shot at. Complete at least 3 Claimjumpers Minor Arkfalls to get one of our rewards!

    Reward: 1x Precision Bore Supply Crate

     How To Participate

    • You’re free to attempt this challenge in any listed event match during the provided time frame. You can join listed events in the middle of waves however you have to finish the event in order to get the score counted towards the progression!
    • Each Challenge runs for 48 hours. Only events that have been played during the given time frame and have completed requirements are eligible for rewards.
    • Event applies to both games, all platforms and servers and provides different task.
    • Reward will be applied only once per account, if you have multiple in-game characters then reward will be credited to the character with a higher score.
    • You can get one reward for completing each challenge in Defiance and/or Defiance 2050.
    • Reward will be sent to every player who has a completed challenge.
    • Rewards will be sent approximately within one week after event completion.

    That’s it! We wish you good luck and we’re excited to hear your thoughts on our Daily Challenge Week!

    Best wishes,
    your Defiance team

    +25 Purified Gulanite Capacity & +25 Ark Keycode Capacity Sale

    Originally published at

    Kick off the month of February with more Purified Gulanite and Ark Keycodes!

    The following deals are now 30% OFF through Sunday, February 7, 2021, 8:00 am PST / 5:00 pm CET.

    Defiance 2050

    • +25 Purified Gulanite Capacity


    • +25 Ark Keycode Capacity

    Don’t miss this chance to get the maximum capacity before these deals are gone!

    99 Problems but Colony Courtship isn’t one!

    Originally published at

    Hello Ark Hunters! Listen up and take cover, we got some intel that there are Hellbugs AND 99ers on the loose out there in those Arkfalls. Of course they don’t share them, that would be insane and hellish! However maybe we should get into the details of them both…

    99 Problems event in Defiance 2050 and Colony Courtship event in Defiance is starting this Monday, on February 8, 2021 from 8 a.m. PST / 5 p.m. CET and running through Sunday, February 28, 2021, 8 a.m. PST / 5 p.m. CET.

    So about those 99 Problems, Motherlode and 99ers are roaming about in their Arkfalls as expected of course, however that is too close for comfort for us. This being said complete daily and weekly contracts to get your hands on a guaranteed Legendary weapon with Precision Torment Fusion Set and on valuable resources. We’ll gladly share all the information we have on our forums with you. The 99 Problems Caches and Passionate Pack are up for grabs. For those who already know, take to the lands and turn those 99ers to corpses!

    And now, the other problem, Hellbug pheromones are back in the air and we need your help fighting them off with love and a little bit of gunpowder! Nothing quite says love like that huh?! This also however does not go without seasonal Mutagenic Gestation Supply Crates and hot Passionate Pack! Likewise with our 99 Problems rewards and details will be found on our forums!

    So that seems to be about it Ark Hunters, be sure to check out our forums for Defiance and Defiance 2050 for more information regarding rewards and the events themselves.

    Stay safe out there!

    Your Defiance Team

    XBOX: Get 60% off Starter Class Pack during the Lunar New Year sale

    Originally published at

    It’s the Year of the Ox, which is said to denote the hard work, positivity and honesty. As luck would have it, get 60% off when you buy the Starter Class Pack from the Microsoft Store!

    The Starter Class Pack includes:

    • Assault Class + Outfit
    • Assassin Class + Outfit
    • Guardian Class + Outfit
    • Combat Medic Class + Outfit
    • 30 Inventory Slots
    • TMW Hannibal 800R ATV
    • 30-day XP Boost
    • “Classy” Title

    Please note that the following offer only applies to the Defiance 2050 XBOX version from Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 3 p.m. PST / 12:00 a.m. CET until Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 1:00 a.m. PST / 10 a.m. CET!

    Come celebrate the Lunar New Year with us on Xbox while enjoying the ongoing 99 Problems event!

    May you have a prosperous New Year!
    Your Defiance Team

    #gamigotrees: Results are here!

    Originally published at

    Dear Ark Hunters,

    We are thrilled at the amount of support #gamigotrees event have gotten from you all. With your help, Eden Reforestation Projects will plant 105,910 trees making our charity event a massive success, thanks to YOU!

    It is awesome to see so many wanting to make a difference in the world we all live in together by helping to plant saplings and even full-grown trees to fill the landscape with life, our lungs with fresh air, and a greener future, knowing that we did it TOGETHER.

    Thanks to your participation and support we had a blast together with Livestreams, rewards, tons of great in-game events, packages to support a good deed and a raffle to win amazing prizes from our partners GIGABYTE, MONSTER Notebook and ROCCAT.

    By random selection, the winners of the hardware raffle have been chosen. Due to privacy regulations, we cannot make their names public. Our Customer Support Team will contact each winner no later than this week, so you must keep a close eye on your e-mail inbox and spam folder just in case! All winners will have two (2) weeks to claim their prize, after which they will forfeit their claim.

    With every package, you’ve made an impact on the future and helped real communities in need.

    We can’t be more grateful for your help. Mother Nature is grateful for your support!

    Stay safe and thanks a lot!
    Your Defiance team

    Glyph Platform Maintenance – February 16, 2021

    Originally published at

    Hello everyone,

    On Tuesday, February 16, 2021, at 10 AM UTC (2 AM PST), the Glyph platform will be undergoing maintenance. We will also upgrade the platform to prepare for the addition of new games to Glyph.

    During this maintenance, you will be unable to connect to any of our games through Glyph, use the Glyph store, or manage your Glyph account. Also, if you are already logged into the game when the maintenance begins, you will be disconnected. This maintenance is expected to last approximately 5 hours but may be longer or shorter.

    The Steam Lunar New Year Sale and 20% bonus Bits in Glyph store

    Originally published at

    This year of the Ox starts with many obstacles. A condition believed to only happen every 60 years. In order to face these obstacles we grant you a great Lunar New Year discount of up to 60% on Class Packs and the Defiance – Gold Edition.

    The following items are discounted:

    Get your hands on it, the offer lasts from Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 10 a.m. PST / 7 p.m. CET until Monday, February 15, 2021 at 10 a.m. PST / 7 p.m. CET!

    There is no obstacle big enough to stop you now, Arkhunter!

    Missing some Bits? Then look no further, we have the perfect offer for you here:

    20% Bits bonus to every Bits pack!* So, if you buy any Bits Pack, you will receive an additional 20% bonus on the Bits when topping up your account on a PC platform between Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 10 a.m. PST / 7 p.m. CET and Monday, February 15, 2021 at 10 a.m. PST / 7 p.m. CET!

    *This offer cannot be combined with a First Time Buyer offer.
    **This offer is not valid for purchase in Steam Store.

    Take a run-up and charge into the lunar new year!

    Your Defiance Team

    Celebrate the Year of the Ox with your Defiance family and friends!

    Originally published at

    Howdy Ark Hunters,

    With the holiday season finally over, we’re happy to… celebrate once again! It’s finally Lunar New Year! The year of the Ox is one that is strong, just like you in Defiance and Defiance 2050!

    Starting this Friday, February 12, 2021 at 12 p.m. CET / 3 a.m. PST until Monday February 15, 2021 at 12 p.m. CET / 3 a.m. PST, take part in at least 4 Chinatown Hellbug Swarm or Chinatown Vaccine Synthesizer Sieges and get your great fortune reward!

    • 6x 99 Problems Cache in Defiance 2050 / 2 x Mutagenic Gestation Supply Crate in Defiance
    • 30 Purified Gulanite in Defiance 2050 / 50 Arkforge Cache in Defiance

    Jump in and celebrate the Year of the Ox with your favorite game!

    Your Defiance Team

    You can join listed sieges in the middle of waves however you have to finish the event in order to get the score counted towards the progression! Event applies to Defiance and Defiance 2050. Reward will be applied only once per account, if you have multiple in-game characters then reward will be credited to a character with a higher score.You can get one reward for completing each challenge in Defiance and/or Defiance 2050. Rewards will be sent approximately within one week after event completion.

    Become a Streamer for Defiance

    Originally published at

    Get ready for it, Arkhunter!

    The gates of the HQ have opened for experienced streamer and for those who wish to become one! We have started a program for streamers of Defiance and Defiance 2050. We’ll support you on your way to become a successful streamer and will provide a few nice rewards for you and for your followers.

    Defiance is a unique game with a great potential, and we believe that you can help us giving the game a special kick for the community. It is in your own hand what kind of content you want to provide.

    The gamigo group is committed to working alongside content creators (especially on Twitch and YouTube) and giving them the best tools to realize their ambitions. It means being there to answer questions but to also provide assets and support for creative projects.

    The Content Creator Program is a fundamental connection between players and the Community Management of Defiance. It rests upon mutual trust and respect and does not include any contractual obligation. Any party can decide to leave the agreement at any given time. Of course,we sincerely
    hope there will not be any reason to do so and that our partnerships will last for a very long time!

    To become an official content creator for Defiance or Defiance 2050, you need to fulfill basic requirements which will be listed and explained below.
    We’ll welcome new streamers too.

    The Content Creator Program supports the activity of the content creators with bonus codes and advertisements. The responsibility of the content creators is to keep up the activity and providing a good experience for the rest of the community.

    Valentine’s Day: B-Squad Pack and Flames of Passion Supply Crate

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters, your most romantic days are ahead and Defiance treats you with the Flames of Passion Supply Crate to become a passionate fighter of love with the limited Flames of Passion Synergy. If all this romance is nothing for you and you just want to be part of the B-Squad, the coolest and manliest group during the Valentine’s Days, then you should consider the B-Squad Pack instead.

    Granting you the stylish Bubblegum Killer Outfit and to manifest your membership in the B-Squad the associated B-Squad Van (RM Renegade) and “B-Squad” title.

    Defiance 2050 B-Squad Pack contains:

    • Bubblegum Killer outfit
    • B-Squad Van (RM Renegade) vehicle
    • B-Squad title

    Defiance B-Squad Pack contains:

    • EVO Nano Fragger – ( Mutagenic Gestation)
    • Bubblegum Killer outfit
    • B-Squad Van (RM Renegade) vehicle
    • B-Squad title

    There are rumors, that headliner and strongest members of the B-Squad are passionate fighters themselves…

    The offer lasts from Saturday, February 13, 2021 at 9 a.m. PST / 6 p.m. CET until Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 9 a.m. PST / 6 p.m. CET!

    Do you think you have what it takes?

    Have fun and show your love!

    Share the Love PvP Challenge

    Originally published at

    Ark Hunters,

    Do you think love can bloom on a battlefield? With Valentine’s Day coming up soon have you prepared something special for your significant one in Defiance and Defiance 2050 or there’s no time for love while fighting for resources?

    Either way, whether you’re a couple or just any dynamic duo, assemble your team for the Share the Love PvP Challenge starting this Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 12 p.m. CET / 3 a.m. PST until February 19, 2021 at 12 p.m. CET / 3 a.m. PST.

    Are you up for the challenge?

    You and your partner will have 5 days to complete in various PvP battles. The lockdown and social distancing during these troubled times can hurt sometimes so we will understand if you want to keep a distance and play apart for some time or even play against each other. There just one rule to be on your way to victory and that’s play in a PvP matches with or without your partner. Your score will get summed up for the ranking and the top-performing duos in each platform will earn great rewards along the way!

    • 1st place: Prime Precision Torment Weapon of your choice (Defiance 2050) or Mutagenic Gestation Jackpot Weapon of your choice (Defiance)
    • 2nd place:  20x 99 Problems Cache (Defiance 2050) or 7 x Mutagenic Gestation Supply Crate (Defiance)
    • 3rd place: 15 Inventory Slots

    Each price will be credited to both players of the registered team. You can also exchange prize for the lower tier price.

    In order to participate, players must have their accounts signed up for the challenge. Make sure that you sign up with your character’s in-game name, any incorrectly filled form will not count you towards event progression.

    Sign up for the challenge here.

    Show your love through the Share the Love PvP Challenge and have fun!

    Best regards,
    Your Defiance Team!


    I forgot to sign up, can I do it later?
    Yes, you can sign up while the event is running. However once event is over, we will not accept any new registrations.

    What kind of PvP counts toward the event?
    You can play in any competitive map or Shadow War available through “Matchmaking”.

    I can’t remember if I signed up for the challenge. Can I fill the form again?
    At least one from the team should sign you both. If you’re unsure about your registration better submit a new sign up.

    What’s PvP?
    PvP is Player versus Player. You will get scored for playing against other players, not against NPCs.

    My partner won’t play, can I sign up with another player?
    No, you can’t change your partner after successful sign up. You can only re-send your registration in case of wrongly filled information.

    Do I have to play with the player I signed up with?
    It’s not necessary, however playing together is more fun.

    Can I sign up as solo?
    No, for this event we accept only team sign ups.

    I signed as a team but played solo and won. Will my teammate also get a prize?
    Absolutely, your total score is summed up, even if only one of you is making all the effort.

    We’re the only team that signed up for the challenge. Does that mean we get the prize automatically?
    It won’t be a challenge if you are not competing against other teams. We will reward the top-performing teams in each platform, this means that if you play on EU server and you’re the only one who signed up for the challenge then your score will compete with teams from the NA server. If there are enough teams to compete within one server, we will determine winners within that certain server.

    I left in the middle of the match. Will my score get counted?
    No. If you couldn’t see the ranking score at the end of match then you didn’t make any contribution.

    Can I get disqualified?
    If you break the rules, then yes. The general Terms of Use rules apply to this event.

    Winter highlights: Class Unlocks and T.I.T.A.N. Bundles

    Originally published at

    Winter just kicked it up a notch. Get ready to demolish the New Frontier and set forth with the epic classes you’re about to unlock!

    The following classes are now 50% off in Defiance 2050:

    • Crusader Class Unlock
    • Demolitionist Class Unlock
    • Guardian Class Unlock
    • Assault Class Unlock
    • Combat Medic Class Unlock
    • Assassin Class Unlock

    But that’s not all! Take 50% off the T.I.T.A.N. Bundles from the Defiance Store this week only and obliterate your enemies with the power of Titan’s Fury.

    The following bundles are available:

    • Havoc T.I.T.A.N. Bundle
    • Obliterator T.I.T.A.N. Bundle
    • Sentinel T.I.T.A.N. Bundle
    • T.I.T.A.N. Augment Bundle

    These specific specials are available from Monday February 15, 2021 at 8 a.m. PST / 5 p.m. CET to Sunday February 21, 2021 at 8 a.m. PST / 5 p.m. CET.

    Have a blast and don’t let the cold winter get you down!

    Challenge Hour – February 19 and 20, 2021

    Originally published at

    An hour is nothing until it becomes everything! Do you love travelling the world of New Frontier in search of new challenges? Then we might have the right challenge prepared for you!

    You have 1 hour to execute the challenge and try to beat all participants. Rewards are yours if you make it to the top 3!

    What is Challenge Hour?

    Challenge Hour is an event that kicks off at the outlined time. You simply sign-up here:

    And execute against the challenge provided for one hour and try to beat everyone else who is participating. The more targets you eliminate the higher chance to win.

    Challenge target:

    Eliminate “Smelter” in Defiance 2050 or “Blast Pod” in Defiance.
    Any threat level: Reinforced, Augmented, Adapted, Formidable, etc.

    Time frame:

    The event will be held on all servers on February 19, 2021 at 1 p.m. PST / 10 p.m. CET and on February 20, 2021 at 1 p.m. PST / 10 p.m. CET

    Check our time table to see countdown for the event.

    Challenge 1 | Challenge 2


    • 1st place: 10x 99 Problems Cache or 5x Mutagenic Gestation Supply Crate
    • 2nd place: 6x 99 Problems Cache or 3x Mutagenic Gestation Supply Crate
    • 3rd place: 3x 99 Problems Cache or 1x Mutagenic Gestation Supply Crate

    The winners will be announced and rewards will be given out within a week when all events on all servers have been finished.


    • Event applies to both games, all platforms and servers.
    • Reward will be applied only once per account, if you have multiple in-game characters and participated in different challenges then reward will be credited to the account with a higher counter.
    • Reward will be sent to the top 3 players from each challenge.
    • You need to sign-up here for the challenge to get your score counted.
    • Entries without a sign up are excluded from challenge.
    • One sign up applies to both rounds.
    • There will be no in-game tracking provided, you should make your own tracking if you want.

    Prepare yourself well and shred the enemies into pieces before the time runs out!

    Good luck to all of you!

    Best wishes,
    your Defiance team!

    Defiance and Defiance 2050 Game Closure Announcement

    Originally published at

    To our loyal Defiance and Defiance 2050 Communities,

    Since the release of Defiance 8 years ago, followed by the release of Defiance 2050 3 years ago, we have shared countless gaming memories. Today we come to you with hearts heavy with sadness as we announce that Defiance and Defiance 2050 will officially cease all operations on April 29, 2021.

    This decision was not an easy one to make. We concluded that both games could no longer sustain themselves.

    While we are discontinuing the games service, we will never forget the incredible journey we embarked on together. It is never easy to announce the shutdown of any game, knowing how much time and effort we have all put into making Defiance and Defiance 2050 enjoyable for many years.

    As of today, all cash purchases will be disabled. Bits already purchased before February 24, 2021 will still be usable until the end of service.

    Players may continue to play in Defiance and Defiance 2050 and enjoy all game features until April 29, 2021.

    The following content will be available:

    • 95% discount on all in-game items sold for Bits in the Defiance Store.
    • Every 1-2 weeks, we will hold a server event for Defiance and Defiance 2050.
    • Server Boosts for Skill, Reputation, and Experience Points will be active.
    • Item giveaways.

    If you are wondering what to play next now that your favorite games are closing, worry not! We have a wide selection of games from all types and genres here at gamigo! Check our website at and pick your next passion!

    As a welcome offer, you can use these gift codes to start your journey in one of our gamigo games:


    Hellbugs hold special memories and you don’t want to give up on these buggy baddies?
    Worry not! Hellbugs can now be your allies and cubed. So grab your friends, hone your blades, and set off for adventure in Trove, the ultimate blocky action MMO.

    Use the code now: THXANDSEEYOUINTROVE

    The code is valid through May 31, 2021, 23:00 UTC, redeemable once per account.

    Desert Operations

    Conquer the world through battle, diplomacy and teamplay! Vehicles, helicopter gunships, jets, ships and much more are to be yours to take important economic and strategic decisions in this strategy MMO!

    Check the code now: DOGREETSYOU

    The code is valid through May 31, 2021, 22:00 UTC, redeemable once per account.


    This fantasy-sandbox MMORPG isn’t about following a predefined path, it’s about creating a world by choosing the things that matter to you.

    Grab the code now: WELCOMEARKHUNTERAA

    ArcheAge Unchained

    Become your Legendary self in ArcheAge: Unchained! Follow your path and discover the wonders of the gods. Shape the world and become a Legend.

    Take this code now: WELCOMEARKHUNTERAAU

    The code is valid through May 31, 2021, 23:00 UTC, redeemable once per account.

    Also, players of Defiance and Defiance 2050 can expect gifts to specific games from gamigo’s portfolio in a follow-up newsletter. You can subscribe to our special offers through your account’s email preferences.

    To sweeten the moment, our Loyal Spenders will receive extra rewards. For all Bits purchases, we will award 100% of Bits that you have spent in the last 60 days or 200% of Bits that you have spent within the last 30 days to your preferred game from gamigo’s portfolio.*

    You will receive your Bits in the form of the virtual currency of that game. Please send a request to our Customer Support to transfer your Bits to your new chosen game of choice.

    *Excluded from this policy are the game titles ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained.

    Please visit Game Closure FAQ for any questions regarding game services shut down.

    A heartfelt thank you to every player who took the time to play our beloved games and helped us along the way with feedback and suggestions.

    Best regards,
    Your Defiance and Defiance 2050 Team

    All you need to know about giveaways

    Originally published at

    Dear Ark Hunters,

    We are forever grateful for your passion and dedication to our games and before we say a farewell to the truly special games, we’d like to thank the Defiance and Defiance 2050 communities for all your support and hope you’ve enjoyed this journey as much as we have.

    For this bittersweet moment we have prepared a follow-up of bonuses for the loyal Ark Hunters.

    Event Lockboxes for playing in the event Arkfalls

    Each week we will giveaway a set of event caches and crates for every active player in Defiance and Defiance 2050. To qualify for the event reward, you will have to complete at least 1 event Arkfall during the first 48 hours after the start of the server event.

    For example: If you want to receive event Caches from the Event Horizon that starts on March 3, 2021, then you will have to complete at least one Event Horizon Minor or Major Arkfall within first 48 hours after the start of the event. Afterward you will receive all the other rewards within the duration of the active server event.
    If you didn’t qualify for the first reward. You can still play in the event Arkfalls and qualify for the next reward.

    Please note that each reward will be credited only once per account. If you play on multiple characters then only one of them will get rewarded.

    Make a Wish

    Do you remember times when you wanted to get a special item but fortune wasn’t by your side? Well… We can’t help it but we can help you to increase your fortune chance.

    If you ever wished for some special item please let us know here and maybe we will make your wish come true!

    Here how it works:

    1. Open the form:
    2. Write the name of your in-game character.
    3. Choose your platform.
    4. Let us know the name of the Weapon, Mod, Outfit and Headgear, Pack, Vehicle or other service that you would like to receive.

    That’s it. Each day we will pick a few random players and grant them their wish. Those who were not selected will automatically participate in the next day raffle.

    Please note that this service is only once per account and only accounts registered before November 30, 2020 with an active in-game character are eligible to make a wish. This service is meant as a special gift to our loyal players who have helped to make the games a fun place to meet and compete with friends.

    We also can’t do magic, therefore please don’t send us requests to fix certain features or grant you unlimited quantity of certain items and we also can’t send you synergy crystals.  We’re totally fine if you make a wish to get 100 Caches or Crates, prototype, jackpot weapon or getting that rare vehicle or outfit, even if it’s no longer sold in the game. If you accidentally send us multiple wishes only one of them can be fulfilled, and if we spot any cheating you might not get picked at all.

    Have fun and take the opportunity to enjoy the last journey to the Paradise!

    Your Defiance and Defiance 2050 Team

    Please note that Defiance and Defiance 2050 servers will remain active and the games will continue to be playable until April 29, 2021. Once servers are deactivated, Defiance and Defiance 2050 will no longer be playable. To read our full announcement, please visit:

    Timeline of Defiance and Defiance 2050 Events

    Originally published at

    Hello Ark Hunters!

    Now that Defiance and Defiance 2050 are now in the process of gradually sunsetting our journey we want to continue playing until the end, to see the story through.

    Starting from the middle of this week until the servers go offline the following server events will mark the last Ark Hunter experience in our beloved games.

    Defiance 2050

    Event Horizon
    March 3, 2021 – March 17, 2021

    Hulker Hell
    March 17, 2021 – March 31, 2021

    Mayhem & Mutiny
    March 31, 2021- April 14, 2021

    Solstice Strike
    April 14, 2021 – April 29, 2021


    Event Horizon
    March 3, 2021 – March 10, 2021

    Nuclear Winter
    March 10, 2021 – March 17, 2021

    Hot Crazy Summer
    March 17,2021 – March 24, 2021

    99 Problems
    March 24, 2021 – March 31, 2021

    Nano Volatility Force
    March 31, 2021 – April 07, 2021

    Midsummer Mutiny
    April 07, 2021 – April 14, 2021

    April 14, 2021 – April 21, 2021

    April 21, 2021 – April 29, 2021

    Each week we will also run additional giveaways and raffles in Defiance and Defiance 2050. For more information about active giveaways and raffles please check our “All you need to know about giveaways news“.

    Have fun!

    Your Defiance and Defiance 2050 Team

    Please note that Defiance and Defiance 2050 servers will remain active and the games will continue to be playable until April 29, 2021. Once servers are deactivated, Defiance and Defiance 2050 will no longer be playable. To read our full announcement, please visit: