This is the first Main Mission of the game and you’re staring right at it when you arrive in the world following the Tutorial. If you are coming over from the Original Defiance you may want to skip this mission for now and jump down to the Notes section and return here later. Otherwise you might want to look around your EGO Menu for a bit then jump right in.
Navigate through the disarray of the New Freedom crash and locate Karl Von Bach.
Gray .45 (common),
XAR-39 Sub-Carbine (common),
Reaper LZ (common),
Back to You, Weston
You’re still on foot for this one but don’t worry you’ll have a vehicle soon enough. After accepting the mission EGO says, “We need to find out if Mister Von Bach survived.”
Objective: Investigate evac pod. EGO says, “I’m picking up signals from a couple nearby evac seats. Fingers crossed that one of them belongs to Mr. Von Bach.” As you move forward toward the marker a lone Mutant Rifleman will usually start taking pot shots at you from your left. Take him out then reach the marker. There’s bound to be one of a new enemy type nearby, a Hellbug Skitterling. These creatures don’t cause much damage but can be irritating in swarms and move about quickly so take it out. EGO says, “This evac seat is empty. I hope whoever was in there is still alive. Somewhere.”
Objective: Go to open area. EGO says, “I’m experiencing a lot of interference. Get to an open area, so I can scan the valley.” There’s bound to be a few more Skitterlings along the way to the marker so deal with them as you prefer. Ahead you will see the remains of the Stratocarrier still on fire in the distance and once you reach the marker a short cutscene will be triggered.
Cutscene: EGO appears next to you and as both of you observe the wreckage she says, “We’re really lucky to be alive. The crash is… horrifying.”
Objective: Investigate second evac pod. Another rifleman will most likely be waiting for you at the spot so take him out. When you reach the charred remains on the ground EGO says, “Oh no. This person didn’t make it out alive. I’m detecting a fading EGO signal, which means this must have been a fellow ark hunter.”
Objective: Investigate first GPS signal. Actually, four objectives appear at this point, all involve approaching a body on the ground and scanning it. You can do them in any order but we’ll do them as indicated. Each “investigation” will clear one objective from the list. EGO says, “I’m receiving several Von Bach Industry signals. One of them has to be him! Let’s hurry and check them out.” She continues, “This expedition is in serious jeopardy if we fail to find Mr. Von Bach. He’s the only one with the knowledge to unlock the secrets of the ark-core.” As you reach the first body you’ll get a “Pursuit Update — Mount Tam Exploration II — Locate the EMS New Freedom”. Each area in the world you discover will earn a small amount of XP and work toward the overall Zone Pursuit. Hold at the body to clear the objective. EGO says, “My DNA scan says this is not Mr. Von Bach, but VBI employee number 130. That’s not good. She was extremely important to this expedition.”
Objective: Investigate second GPS signal. It’s possible you will run into enemies as well as other beginning players as you run from body to body. Deal with either as you see fit. If you bring up the Quick Menu by pressing you can select an Emote or Callout to perform a gesture or say something to other players. You’re welcome to do the same to enemies though they respond better to weapons fire. Scan the body and EGO says, “This is the head of the security team. If he didn’t make it, then what hope does Mr. Von Bach have?”
Objective: Investigate third GPS signal. Scan the body and EGO says, “This is a deceased Von Bach Industries technician. I fear the worst. We may have lost everyone.”
Objective: Investigate fourth GPS signal. As you approach the final body take a look around. There are a few skirmishes in this area that respawn. It’s a good place to practice with different weapons as you’ll never be overwhelmed by foes. Scan the fourth body and EGO says, “This is not Mr. Von Bach’s body. This is a tragedy. I am estimating the death count to be at least 300. Whether Mr. Von Bach is alive or dead, he doesn’t appear to be near the crash site. I think we’re going to need some assistance in finding him. I’m receiving an S.O.S. from Captain Grant now. I’ll patch it through.” Captain Grant’s message is, “Repeat. All unarmed and injured survivors, get to cover and stay put. We will find you. All combat capable survivors, report to the emergency HQ at the New Freedom rally point. A-sap.”
Objective: Meet up with Captain Grant at E-Rep’s command center. Cass starts broadcasting to you, “Hey, ark hunter. Did you get that E-Rep message? Meet me at the rally point.” Head to the marker where you will find Cass waiting outside the tent. She says, “I want to know why E-Rep’s here. Let’s find the man in charge.” Enter the tent to trigger a cutscene.
Soldier #1: Repeat. The New Freedom has gone down. Heavy casualties suffered. Does anyone copy? (turning to Captain Grant) Captain Grant, sir. The terraforming interference is…
Captain Noah Grant: Keep trying, Corporal. You keep talking into that thing until your voice gives out. Do you understand?
Soldier #1: Sir.
Captain Noah Grant (turning to you and Cass): I recognize you. You’re one of Von Bach’s ark hunters, but who are you and what are you doing in my base of operations?
Cass Ducar: Name’s Cass. I’m… Wait, did you just say Von Bach, as in Von Bach Industries? The dude they call “Death’s Merchant”? What exactly’s going on here?
Captain Noah Grant: That’s none of your concern, miss.
Soldier #2: Sir. We have at least two hundred confirmed dead, and nearly twice that injured. With no chance of evac, we don’t have nearly enough medical personnel or supplies, sir.
Captain Noah Grant: Recon spotted a run down medical center nearby. Send one of your men to shake it down for supplies.
Soldier #2: Yes, sir.
Soldier #3 (running into tent): Sir! Hostiles on the ridge are sniping the rescue team! Unless they can get into the strato in the next 35 minutes… Sir. Survivors on decks four through seven will likely burn alive.
Captain Noah Grant: That will not happen, Sergeant. Pull everyone back, but you tell those men trapped on the strato that we will get them out.
Cass Ducar: Hey Eisenhower. Those snipers used to be EMC. Just a bunch of bloodthirsty mutants now.
Captain Noah Grant: You’re telling me that those… things are Earth Military Coalition soldiers?
Cass Ducar: Yup. Apparently they didn’t get the memo when that gig fell apart all those years ago. They think you’re invading.
Captain Noah Grant: How do you know all this?
Cass Ducar: There’s a lot of old EMC junk around here. The least of which is Project-
Captain Noah Grant: Yeah, Project Tranquility. I know all about it.
Cass Ducar: Humans and Votans living in perfect harmony? What a bunch of shtako.
Captain Noah Grant: Tranquility wasn’t a combat operation. The mutants wouldn’t have had access to firepower capable of taking down a stratocarrier.
Cass Ducar: Nope. You’re on your own with that mystery.
Captain Noah Grant (facing you): You. Listen. No matter how much it pisses me off, protecting your arrogant boss is critical to this mission. If you help me bring some sanity to this mess, we can work together to find him. Alright then. I need to get my rescue team into New Freedom immediately, so take care of those snipers.
(You and Cass begin to walk away)
Captain Noah Grant (to Cass): Where do you think you’re going, miss? You’re going to tell me everything you know about this restricted area that you’ve been wandering around. Illegally.
Cass Ducar: Skruggin’ E-Rep.
Following the cutscene you’ll get a notification, “Intel Received — Back To You, Weston — Press to listen to Intel”. If you decide not to play it now it will be available in the Intel portion of the EGO Menu. These audio recordings add color to the world and the story but aren’t necessary for progression. There are a number of these Weston Marks recordings over the course of the game. He is a radio host and the bits are usually amusing. A follow-up notification will inform you that there’s a new mission.
If you played the Original Defiance and had vehicles in your Claims you may want to go ahead and visit all of the Fast Travel locations before starting this mission. The No-Look Guide to Fast Travel section will help you quickly unlock all the points and you’ll earn XP for each location as well as coming across events you’re familiar with from the earlier game. This Guide will point new players to that task following the next mission when they receive their first vehicle.
The weapons you receive as rewards for this mission should replace your earlier gear. Pull up your inventory with and slot your preferred loadout then walk over to the nearby Vendor and sell your lower rated and unwanted items. This will earn you a little Scrip but more importantly put you in the habit of always upgrading and working towards Pursuits, in this case selling a number of items to Vendors.
Whenever supplemental material is given after a mission it will be included at the end as it is here. All audio logs, given as both Intel and Data Recorders, is also groupled together in the Audio portion of the Guide.
Encrypted Transmission of Cass Ducar
Weston Marx? Helllooo, are you out there?
This is the voice of the new frontier. With whom am I speaking? This is an encrypted frequency.
Shtako, I could’ve cracked that encryption when I was six… and ten beers deep. Listen, I have some info… you want it or not?
I’m listening.
It’s gonna cost you some scrip.
Integrity doesn’t allow me to pay for stories. my dear.
That’s too bad.
This is Cass Ducar signing off from Paradise, site of the strata crash, with jekkin’ E-Reps splattered all over the place. Back to you, Weston.
One moment! My integrity just stepped out for a smoke. Maybe we can discuss an arrangement.
I hope you have deep pockets, dude. This shtako’s big. I also have the scoop on a visitor to the area, a certain Karl Von Bach.
Von Bach? Stratocarrier crash? I like the tune you’re humming.
Can you secure this frequency so we can schedule a meeting? Really secure it?
Does a Castithan need a sun tan?