The Raiders are a large interspecies horde of lawless scavengers and cannibals that terrorize the outlands of the post-arkfall world. They prey upon frontier towns, pillaging them of their resources and killing or enslaving the helpless residents. Usually nomadic, a large number have invaded the Bay Area, seizing land in Madera and Sausalito.
From afar, the Raiders appear to be an assemblage of a variety of races, but once you get closer… they will slit your throat.
The Raiders are a large inter-species horde of lawless scavengers and cannibals that terrorizes the outlands of the post-arkfall world. They prey upon frontier towns, pillaging them of their resources and enslaving or killing or enslaving the helpless residents.
Raiders feature prominently in the story after you enter Madera.
Enemy with Rocket Launcher that announces attacks and need to reload. Vulnerable to headshots.
Basic Raider enemy that uses cover and ranged weapon attacks but will melee in close quarters. Likes to announce presence vocally and by shooting weapon in the air. Vulnerable to headshots.
Boss of the co-op map “Explosions 101” and arena “Dy’Dekuso’s Chamber” this floating Gulanee can encase itself in an invulnerable bubble, shoot blasts and launch an electrical ground attack. No weakspots.
Gigantic and lumbering though extremely quick when charging after taking significant damage. After three runs will crouch revealing weakspot where helmet usually resides. Focuses on melee but also throws bombs.
Short and stocky carrying a sawed-off shotgun and protective shield. Shield can be damaged enough for it to be lowered or ark hunters can melee them for a stun effect. Vulnerable to headshots.
Tall, large and covered in armor that is resistant to basic weapons fire which is only effective on the tank on its back. Shoots three round volley of devastating rockets. Explosive weaponry can cause damage anywhere. Once damaged enough will crouch and wheeze revealing another weakspot in the face which is more vulnerable than the tank.