There are a number of Enemy Groups you’ll encounter in the game.
Mutants are the first enemies you are introduced to during the Tutorial and are commonm throughout Mount Tam.
Hellbugs are soon encountered after entering the open world. They are common in most Activities and feature three distinct bosses at Major Arkfalls.
Raiders feature prominently in the story after you enter Madera.
The Ninety-Niners, more commonly stylized 99ers, are the primary antagonists once you enter Marin.
Though introduced earlier in the story and likely found at Arkfalls beforehand, Dark Matter are mostly encountered in San Francisco.
Scrappers and their Arkfalls will be encountered long before they become common to the Story in San Francisco.
Volge are primarily found at Emergencies and Sieges and do not factor in to the Story.
Grid will most likely be your introduction to the Contracts system and also feature in the Story Arc you will unlock later in the game.
Though removed for the most part from the game they appear in at least one Thorn Liro Arena and have been featured at Event Arkfalls.
Though nominally your allies, there are rogue factions of E-Rep and Echelon that factor into Missions and Arenas. Glitches in programming cause certain weapon features and effects to not damage some of these enemies forcing you to use alternate tactics depending on your style of play. This “immunity” also affects certain EGO powers.