The Store is divided into Departments plus the additional Bits and Checkout sections.
Hand-picked items the Store wants you to consider appear on the first page as well as the sidebar unless you highlight a particular item.
Bundles usually includes real currency items also available on your platform’s store such as Class Packs.
Specials can include regular Store items offered at a discount as well as limited time items such as Event Caches and Packs.
Items related to the Synergy Matrix. Some are universal items awarded to all current Character Slots as well as future ones.
Both in-game Currency and Character-specific upgrades.
Classes available to Characters.
Single and groupled Weapon Mods of varying Rarity.
Random Weapon Skins.
Account-based Boosts that can affect various progression systems.
Appearance Item Outfits. These are universal items awarded to all current Character Slots as well as future ones.
Appearance Item Headgear. These are universal items awarded to all current Character Slots as well as future ones.
Vehicles with varying color selections. These are universal items awarded to all current Character Slots as well as future ones.
Character and Clan customization changes.
Items available to players of Defiance as reward for accomplishments and money spent.
When not using Quick Buy you can purchase multiple items with a single transaction using Checkout.
Use real currency to acquire more in-game currency Bits.